Welcome to the Darkness!
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City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

#1: Welcome to the Darkness! Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:36 pm
Welcome to the UnderDark Synopsis! If you want to jump right in, read this. If you want to be immersed in the lives of the characters then please read the chapters.

Caution: Contains 'Spoilers'

Prologue: Plans
In this beginning you meet King Belart of Maldon, a hostile and cold man who can feel only the emotion of Anger thanks to a millenia old curse plauging his household. Upon returning home in a fashion more becoming a theif than a King, Belart decides that his people need to be shown how much worse it could get. So he sends for his bastard son Fallon. Fallon is the strongest mage in a thousand years and suffers from the same Curse as Belart only it seems Fallon is the definition of hearless...and he's also the heir to Maldon's two enemy nations.

Chapter One: Things to Come
Fallon wakes after an odd dream in which a young woman pleads with him to come save the world of UnderDark. Upon waking he manages to turn away the attempts of a would be mage assassin without any other members of the castle being any the wiser. Darith is Fallon's younger half brother and all his life he has lived knowing he is to be the heir to the Maldon throne. After a practice session with the weaponsmaster, Darith begins to act strangely and have brooding thoughts far unlike himself. He demands to know Fallon's location and makes it plain he's going to go see him. His knight protector expresses the wish to go and Darith has the sudden urge not to let him.

Chapter Two: Shadows Gather
Darith finds Fallon in the castle Library pouring over old books that Darith recognizes...despit having no reason to. What ensues between them is more than an argument and much more like a battle of wills...which is futile for Darith since, by family Curse, he has been rendered will-less. It is then that we meet the last sibling, Asalia, who has been rendered mindless by the Curse although only her memory is affected. She walks into the Libarary just in time to see the battle between Fallon and Darith and, when it ends, convinces Fallon to heal Darith just a bit. When Belart shows up he demands answers of Fallon and Fallon knows that nobody is going to believe a word he says...

Chapter Three: Civil War
Fallon, for some reason, tells Belart what happened and why he 'attacked' Darith. He implies it is the mages of Xaltha, a pet mage nation conquered three centuries prior by Maldon, who invaded Darith's mind, controlling him like a puppet until Fallon freed him. He then takes his books and returns to his rooms. Asalia nurses Darith until he wakes, even though her only memories of him are from a book. When Darith wakes he confirms Fallon's tale...which uncovers a plot by the Xalthian mages to break free from Maldon's control in a bloody coup.

Chapter Three pt 2: UnderDark
This was a two part chapter-

Part One: Fallon again has a dream, this time of a brilliant sunny place very unlike UnderDark. And yet the mysterious girl is there and in need of his asistance. After saving her and waking Fallon returns to his studies about the mysterious realm of UnderDark. Asalia, upon waking, decides it's a wonderful day for a ride and decides to take her brothers, both of them with her. After some confusion in the courtyard, and meeting Fallon's kession companion called Callix, Asalia, Darith and Fallon are just about ready to go when something horrible happens.

Part Two: Darith suddenly finds that they have been transported to a bitterly cold world where there is absolutely no light or magic. The screams that had marked their passage are gone and, once Fallon gives him something to restore his sight, he sees the carnage about him. Fallon is beyond the breaking point and something horrible is on the way. Without supplies or knowledge of survivors Darith has the option to stay and die or flee...

Chapter Four: Sword, Book, and Circle
A three part chapter-

Part One: With Fallon unconcious it falls to Darith to get them all out as fast as possible. Running away from the castle at full speed they stop for nothing...until Callix summons a 'survival kit' he helped his master prepare in advance. As they watch the very sky itself descends upon the castle that has housed the royal family for generations. When it leaves the castle crumbles in the wind and a startling discovery is made...the darkness eats magic. Which means it's now chasing down Callix after his spell to summon the supplies.

Part Two: As they flee from the darkness Asalia figures something out. Tossing back one of Callix's feathers she manages to get the Dark off their tail long enough for them to get to shelter. There, as they examin the contents of Fallon's bags, she and Callix strike up a friendship. Two items come to light in the bags. One is a Journal much like Asalia's lost Memory book which will help her fight her Curse. The other is a magical sword Fallon's mother gave him that Callix swiftly stops anyone from touching...apparently it's so dangerous not even Fallon would use it.

Part Three: Fallon is in trouble. After a bit of an out of body experiance he's forced to listen as Callix and Asalia discuss him as if he couldn't hear them...which unfortunately he can. He doesn't want the kession to reveal details about his private life, but is unable to stop Callix from doing so. Worse yet is when his glamours fade, revealing his true face to the world. He was handsome before but now his beauty is at an almost weaponized level. Before going to bed Asalia checks on him one last time and, worried, calls Callix over. It's then that Fallon's heart gives out and the rest are left with the choice to try and save him.

Chapter Five: Two Sides of the Coin
Three part chapter-

Part One: Darith awakens to the flurry of activity as Callix and Asalia try to save Fallon's life. In all the hast and confusion the one bottle they were looking for shatters and all hope of saving Fallon is lost. Darith tries to console both Asalia and Callix while packing up the sacttered things. After burying Fallon with proper respect he gets them all moving agian.

Part Two: Asalia is in a black humor of grief having just lost the man she finally admits to herself she loves. After an internal emotional and exhausting mental struggle she falls asleep vowing that she won't fail to avenge Fallons death and that she won't forget her vow

Part Three: Fallon isn't quite dead. Instead something very strange has happened and we meet Ceddon a spirit that seems to be connected to Fallon in some strange way. While Ceddon mocks Fallon and takes over his body, Fallon sets out to speak with Callix. On the way there he runs into a thin spirit space which could pose great problems for him.

Chapter Six: Black Wings, Bloody Hands
A four part chapter-

Part One: Fallon decides to enter the space, consequences or no. Once there he encounters the girl from his dreams again and this time she isn't happy to see him. Indeed she greets him with a mixture of horror and anger and swears to thwart him even after he saves her from a horrid beast and offers the help of his companions. He and Ceddon end up having a discussion about Fallon's companions, Darith, Asalia, and Callix, and Fallon tells Ceddon he's got everything taken care of.

Part Two: You first meet Layla Vallinthis the priestess of Elonia who's been in contact with Fallon through his dreams. Now, seeking the source of a great disturbence, she's traveling toward Darith and Asalia. When she finally spies them she decides to go down and check them out for herself...can they really be all that bad?

Part Three: Darith meets up with Layla for the first time and, after traveling a short while, she tells him about a problem. They've got a herd of armored beasts called Cabodise coming straight for them. Their only other option is to duck into a forest full of carnivorus Strangler Trees. After brief descriptions of both threats Darith seems about to make a decision.

Part Four: Asalia has been dreaming, mourning Fallon's death. Her dream world is a white wasteland until Fallon is suddenly there. His words are cryptic but the results are not as he shatters Asalia's Curse. Asalia, fearing she'll never get another chance, gives Fallon a kiss before he becomes nothing but feathers in her arms. Upon waking she knows which way to head.

Chapter Seven: Warriors Prime
Four part chapter:

Part One: Asalia tells them to head for the beasts and everyone starts arming themselves. Callix reveals his true form of Carrius when he and Layla have a disagreement. Tempers are frayed and close to the breaking point so when Darith steps up to command Asalia doesn't hesitate to let him take over.

Part Two: The battle begins in earnest as Darith assigns everyone a task to do in battle before he charges into the fray himself. There's lots of blood and gore and body parts flying before Darith manages to be unlucky enough to be sunk up to his waist in dirt.

Part Three: Ceddon knows something is up between Fallon and Asalia, even if he doesn't know what. When Fallon gives him the go ahead to enter combat with the Cabodise he doesn't hesitate before plunging into the fray. Fallon, meanwhile, pulls Darith clear of his earthy prison and has a little visitor from a dark diety. The visitor overstays his welcome though and ends up on Fallon's savage side which cuts the visit short.

Part Four: As the battle winds down Layla manages to get the party to safety. She's more than curious about each of them, Ceddon especially. But other concerns keep her occupied for the duration of the trip back Below. Now safely Below Layla wonders, should she take these strangers home or should she fulfill other obligations she has first?

Chapter Eight: Wisdom in Dreams
Four part chapter.

Part One: Layla takes them all back to her home in a beautiful subterrainian village. She offers all the hospitality she can to her guests and even manages to dissuade Ceddon from leaving right away. However, that might have been a mistake as the quarrel almost instantly over a peculiar painting...

Part Two: Darith manages to clean himself up before collapsing into bed...and instantly finds himself back on his earlier mental battlefield. This time Fallon is not there to fight but to break Darith's Curse and leave him a cryptic message. The loss of his Curse brings Darith out of a sound sleep and sets him wondering many things. When his blades reveal not only a basic intelligence but the fact Fallon made them choose him, Darith is more puzzled than ever.

Part Three: After bathing, Asalia heads out to speak with Layla and Ceddon, and is again drawn to that peculiar painting. This time she learns a little of the history behind it, a strange ancient rhyme, and touches off a debate about Gallaeni culture. She learns about the original Gallaeni god, Faelyon, who might have been slain according to legend. She also learns about the three Triads and how they help govern Gallaeni society. But the most shocking revelation comes when Layla tells her what kind of monster a Black Wings is to her people...and Asalia is left wondering what kind of monster Fallon might be.

Part Four: Ceddon meets up with Fallon in the spirit world again and relays the conversation...which sparks great anger in Fallon. Unable to understand why, Ceddon is shocked when Fallon explains that Asalia is a LifeHeart and that Ceddon might just have thrown all their carefully laid plans out the window. Leaving Ceddon to worry, Fallon visits an old friend Grand Magus Wyvril of Althur. After a conversation in which it is revealed that Ceddon, not Fallon, is the half-brother of Darith and Asalia, Fallon offers Wyvril a once in a lifetime chance. Wyvril can ask Fallon any question he wants and Fallon must truthfully answer. What question might he ask?

Chapter Nine: Stolen Futures
Four part chapter.

Part One: Wyvril asks Fallon the question 'Who are you?' and Fallon struggles to find an answer in the shattered fragments of his memories. The only answer he can give Wyvril that will have any meaning to the Grand Magus is that he is the one who will 'slay the so called Gods'. It's then that Ceddon arrives to tell Fallon that Asalia and Darith have been kidnapped. This revelation galvanizes Fallon into action and he tells Ceddon it's time they split.

Part Two: Darith goes from being sound asleep to being hog tied to a pole carried by four dark skinned men. After some traveling up narrow pathways both he and Asalia are thrown into a cave where there is almost no light and their captors are guarding them heavily. Then an important man enters the cave and roughly outlines his plans for Darith and Asalia, which include forced breeding to reintroduce magic into the bloodlines of the native population. As Darith squares himself to fight one of Fallon's feathers appears from nowhere into his hands.

Part Three: Layla is awoken by Ceddon who is behaving oddly. While she watches he takes his sword and drives it into the stone floor of her living room. Pulling his hands away she sees he's cut himself on the blade, which quickly chages shape to reveal itself to be the Legacy Blade. After a bit of soul searching Layla adds her blood to Ceddon's upon the sword and a pair of feathers fall into the blood from nowhere. The blood running off the sword is more than the two of them can account for and the power gathering in the room has even the Gods fearing what is coming.

Part Four: Asalia watches as she and Darith are revealed to be half-Gallaeni, much to the horror of their captors. When Fallon's feathers appear to them they cut their hands upon the edges and make a mad dash back to Layla's home. Once there Asalia get's sucked into the visions both of the past and present. In the present she sees half-Gallaeni every where giving their blood to Fallon's feathers. In the past she see's Fallon appear in this world at the behest of the child-god Faelyon and watches their subsequent murders at the hands of the Divine Nine. Now, with Fallon returned in flesh and power, standing before her she must answer his question. Will she aid him in finding the spheres or not?

Chapter Ten: Believe
Four Part Chapter.

Part One: Asalia and the rest of the party want answers from Fallon and he seems willing to comply. Although time is short they sit down to have a long awaited talk and Fallon asks Asalia if she has reached a decision about helping him. She agrees but tells him that she felt she had no choice, that she had no other options. It is then that Fallon explains that, as a LifeHeart, she has nothing but options. He finally explains what being a LifeHeart means. It means that Asalia can now trade her Life Essence, shorten her lifespan, to make things happen according to her will.

Part Two: As Darith sits with Layla he askes Fallon for more details about the LifeHeart condition. It is then that Darith learns that Asalia can sacrifice herself for a single Cause. She'd give up all her remaining time to make sure this one thing happened. It horrifies Darith, the older brother who feels it's his life's duty to protect his younger sister. He knows how terrified Asalia is as he sits with her and he tries to reassure her. In the end it is she that reassures him, cementing his beliefe that he must keep her safe.

Part Three: Ceddon knows what a LifeHeart is so he isn't really paying attention to what Fallon is telling the d'Maldons. Instead he's musing over the family and friends he'll never have, thanks to being a spectator in his own life all this time. Just when he's feeling sorriest for himself, Callix comes over and strikes up a conversation that has the spark of friendship in it. Ceddon decides to persue that friendship despite the fact that Callix belongs to Fallon...right? When Ceddon gets involved in the conversation again he brings Fallon back to the task at hand, retrieving the stolen spheres. Fallon reveals that he only needs the sphere of Magic and Darkness to craft a spell that will bring him the other five, but that he needs the party's help to get it. Suddenly tension mounts as something approaches.

Part Four: Layla is irritated when Fallon steps out of the way, making it plain whatever battle is about to be fought is going to be fought without him. The party is totally uprepared for what enters Layla's living room though, save Layla herself who sense's the guest's true identity. It's none other than the High God Vathos himself, using the High Priest that kidnapped Asalia and Darith earlier as his Avatar. He and Layla exchange harsh words which quickly bring the rest of the party to her aid. It turns out that Vathos is unaware of Fallon, watching and waiting by the door, and that the party is unaware of the visions Asalia recived during Fallon's return. As Vathos tries to convince Layla that Fallon is the destroyer of Faelyon, Asalia uses her LifeHeart powers to bring the blood long vanished back to fresh life on the High God's hands. Then, as an enraged Vathos readies to strike them all from the face of creation Fallon steps in, stealing much of the High God's power and locking it in his black blade. He then tells Layla she has only three days to lead the others to the sphere and help them gain it. Layla is forced to quickly prepare to leave...should she seek her maps, equipment, or plan the assault?

Want more. Play the SG.

#2:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:49 pm
The original synopsis got too long so here's the continuation...

Continued From Above: Contains 'Spoilers'

Chapter Eleven: Heartache and Suffering
Four part chapter.

Part One: Layla makes the decision to split the work in order to get everything done within the time limit. She sets Darith to figuring the logistics of the journey; picking their route and estimating their provisions. Ceddon reveals he's already told the people in town about the Cabodise which gives Layla the much needed capital to get supplies. Ceddon also agrees to translate Layla's maps for Darith while Layla and Asalia get the shopping done.

Part Two: While planning their route, Darith and Ceddon begin to argue. Darith continously questions everything Ceddon says until Ceddon finally snaps at him. A deep discussion ensues between the two as Ceddon reveals inner bitterness about never being able to escape Fallon's shadow and Darith finds himself ashamed of the way he's been treating him. When Ceddon offers to let the past be Darith is more than willing to accept the offer and see just what it's like to have the brother he's been lacking.

Part Three: Asalia is in the middle of it all when she and Layla return with the supplies. Included in these happens to be an enchanted blade recently found in an ancient tomb which they give to Ceddon to replace the Legacy Blade that Fallon took with him. To everyone's surprise the blade turns out to be Varathax, the lost blade of Balmural Uthender and Ceddon's birthright as king of Althur and Cerdes. While the other three discuss the perils of the route, Asalia and Callix go off to pack. When Asalia voices her fears to the kession Callix reminds her she's now a LifeHeart and that she must be careful or what she believes might come true.

Part Four: The party finally sets out with Darith in front, Asalia in the middle for saftey, and Ceddon and Asalia both monted on Callix at the rear. As they ride through the dark and gloomy passages everything seems a source of worry but Ceddon has one particular thing on his mind. Every time the Ebon Spire and their journey has been mentioned, Layla seems to get a little more nervous. Finally Ceddon confronts her about it, demanding to know what Fallon ment when he said she knew a secret route. Layla then confides in him that the dark mage controlling the Sphere is her twin brother and waits for Ceddon's reaction.

Chapter Twelve: The Bridge of Sorrows
Four part chapter.

Part One: Ceddon coolly takes Layla's revelation in stride, reminding her that he was Fallon's mortal shell and that it'll take more than an evil twin to get him worked up. For a while everyone rides in silence, lost in their own thoughts, until they enter the cavern housing the Bridge. The Bridge is physically beautiful yet inspires ominous feelings in them all. When Asalia voices her concerns aloud it sparks anger in Ceddon as he's sure she's illwished them now. After his anger cools Ceddon returns to his usual ways, teasing Asalia about her affection for a certain dark, handsom, someone.

Part Two: As the start across the Bridge Asalia finally tells Darith how she feels about Fallon only to find he already knew. He scolds her to be strong when she begins to cry again and leaves her to catch up with the others. Feeling slightly hurt Asalia wonders where Fallon is and recives a vision. In it she sees all nine Gods and watches as Fallon entraps them in a Ward that uses their power against them. But he warns her it will only last three days. Waking to find that she's fallen from her horse and everyone is concerned for her Asalia passes the grim news on, galvanizing everyone into action.

Part Three: They continue their crossing of the Bridge which proves tricky as the surface is slicker than believable. Layla, glancing at their reflections in the black surface, wonders if she's been given a vision of the future. In it, Asalia and Darith have died and Ceddon is a vile beast of a man. She herself is with child and on the run. While hoping the vision isn't true she accidentally mentions she wouldn't mind children and is overheard by Ceddon. This leads to a discussion in which Ceddon lists her attractive qualities and Callix alludes that the Gallanei might just have feelings for her even though Ceddon brushes him off.

Part Four: Reaching the other side at last they find they can go no further. A force of lost souls repells their every attempt and the Toll Keeper is nowhere in sight. Ceddon finally goads him into appearing then tells Darith to deal with the beast. Because of the nature of their mission the Toll Keeper gives them a choice of two tolls, all the magic they have or one of the party must remain behind until enough tears have been cried to set them free. Darith asks Ceddon for counsel and they quickly agree that someone must stay behind. Darith elects himself and quickly becomes another damned soul but not before giving Asalia a message for Darith.

Chapter Thirteen: Laid Low
Three part chapter.

Part One: Asalia is stricken to the core to lose Darith. She feels lost and alone, even more so when she realizes the futility of Darith's last message. Asalia knows that Fallon will never give her the protection that is Darith's wish. As they travel to the Surface she feels ever colder, unable to summon either the courage or the heart to fight the chill of the breath and thinking of the horror that lurks in the Low Mounds. After a while though she begins to think longingly of warmpth and is shocked when the staff she took from Fallon's bags in the beginning begins to glow with fire. This, however, has disasterous consequences as it wakes the danger beneith their feet.

Part Two: As the monsterous Sleeper looms above them Ceddon takes to the skies, narrowly rescuing Asalia from an early grave. Leaving the two ladies with the kession he speeds off to do battle with the massive creature. Yet every attack he makes is repulsed by the beast's tough hide. He's quickly tiring and the beast moves with unearthly speed. In desperation he slices at one of it's many tounges as it reaches out to swollow him whole. To his amazement the appendage is cleanly severed showing him that the beast's weaknesses lie on the inside. Summoning his power Ceddon dives straight into the creature's maw in a suicidal charge.

Part Three: For a moment it seems Ceddon's sacrifice has been in vain. Then the Sleeper explodes from within, leaving Layla, Callix, and Asalia to seek shelter behind sheilds that are barely holding. Layla is angered that Asalia is too terrified to contribute to their defense effort but they all manage to survive the death rain of stone and bone. The moment it's safe Callix goes charging across the Mounds in search of Ceddon, convinced he's alive despite not being able to sense him. For a few moments Layla mourns Ceddon's loss and anger breifly surges that she's left with only Asalia to continue the journey. Then Ceddon is found, in terrible shape and barely alive but alive. Layla, seeing the damage, doesn't think she can heal him but Asalia throws LifeHeart belief behind Layla's skills and Layla is given the power. But now they are in danger from the ever-present dark. Ceddon goes off to fight it and Layla is breifly torn between aiding him and fleeing with Asalia.

Chapter Fourteen: Family Ties
Three part chapter.

Part One: Layla decides to face her fear head on. After giving Callix and Asalia directions to a hidden Entrance she draws the Dark's attention off of Ceddon and onto herself. She then orders the Dark to take her to her brother and is transported to the Castle atop the Ebon Spire...the same castle Fallon rescued her from earlier in the tale. This time though she's there of her own free will and goes to confront her brother, Socian, the sorcerer who controls the sphere of Magic and Darkness.

Part Two: Asalia narrowly manages to keep Ceddon from following after Layla by telling him about the Entrance. With the Dark no longer after them Asalia finds herself riding behind Ceddon and wondering about the cruelty of Fate. How she's traded one brother for another. But as she speaks to Ceddon she finds courage to combat the fear in her soul once and for all, and realizes that while Darith might be gone, Ceddon is willing to protect her at any cost. When they reach the Entrance, Asalia spends a few moments of her life to find out how Ceddon may open it and guides him in the right direction.

Part Three: Ceddon leads the small party up a set of narrow winding stairs in the hollow heart of the Ebon Spire. When they reach the top they find themselves in a deserted corridor full of cobwebs and dust. After a few adjustments to mak sure they can breath easily and quietly, they continue on down the passage. Soon they hear voices and when they draw near they find a spy hole that shows them Socian's throne room. As they watch, Socian interrogates Layla about Ceddon and Layla reveals nothing. Finally Socian gives her an ultimatium as he sits on his throne. In doing so, the Sphere comes only inches from the peephole Ceddon is looking through and Ceddon is momentairly at a loss of what to do.

Chapter Fifteen: Thieves and Beggars
Four part chapter.

Part One: Ceddon is about to burst into the Throne Room when Asalia just walks past him. While the others look on with stunned eyes, she enchants Socian so that he only has eyes for her. This allows Ceddon to simply walk up behind the mage and take the Sphere. Unfortunately, the Sphere instantly turns on Ceddon and alerts Socian, who attempts to attack. His attack is thwarted and ultimately Layla puts three arrows into him, ending his life. Ceddon is wracked with pain by the Sphere and Asalia and Callix set off to explore the Castle together to make sure they're safe enough to give Ceddon time to recover.

Part Two: Layla finally works up the courage to allow herself to become intimate with Ceddon who, despite all his banter to the contrary, actually holds feelings for her. Unfortuately a consequence of their romace is a momentary drop of Ceddon's sheilds and that's all the Sphere needed to complete it's merging with him. For a moment they are worried about what to do but Layla notices that Ceddon is taking the power in stride. He doesn't seem to be acting in any evil manner at all and Layla allows herself to finally realize that she's fallen in love.

Part Three: Fallon returns as the end finally begins. Having kept track of the party through his continued feelings from Ceddon's flesh, he knows that they have finally begun to work together. That lesson learned at last, he summons them to the non-world and takes the Sphere from Ceddon. While both the unwilling Gods and the weary heros look on, Fallon summons the other Spheres to him...combining them all in a single Orb. The process exhausts him yet he instructs the heros, especially Asalia, to guard the Orb.

Part Four: Asalia watches Fallon walk toward the Gods and instructs both Ceddon and Layla to get ready to fight. Then as her tears fall, she manages to summon Darith back from his damnation of undeath. But Darith does not come alone, he brings with him Neverstar, Stormwing, and Layla's long slain kession mount Myala. He then takes control as the commander, setting up their defense while Asalia looks on with pride. When they are all in their positions at last, Asalia glances at the glowing, spinning Orb and notices a figure in it. Suddenly, she is struck by a vision.

Chapter Sixteen: Legacy of Damnation
Four part chapter.

Part One: Asalia suddenly finds herself in the spirit space of Faelyon, the Golden One. They talk for a time and Faelyon explains how Asalia and Darith really are Ceddon's half brothers...and that their father wasn't Belart du'Maldon but a Gallaeni named Cathos. After explaining a few more things he produces a feather, the payment Fallon expects of him. This feather isn't any ordinary feathe though, it once belonged to Ryzen another Entity. Through Ryzen's feather Asalia is transported back to a time and place where Fallon was much younger and had emotions. She sees an argument in which Ryzen accuses Fallon of the destruction of many lives and worlds, though Fallon denies it. Then, at the very last, Ryzen destroys himself to repair the Balance of creation. But before Asalia can see the whole vision, Faelyon stops it and returns her back to her own body...blind.

Part Two: An exhausted Fallon finally reaches the Gods and the Gods give him a chance to leave. Fallon chooses not to and the Gods attack, only to each be cut down in turn as Fallon desplays his true level of skill with his black blade. For each God he cuts down, a burning rune on the blade fades until he finally cuts down Vathos. The battle is not over there though as Vathos's body reanimates driven by the life force of something older and more powerful. That something is another Entity, like Fallon, who's name is Evan.

Part Three: While Fallon is fighting the Gods' themselves, Layla and the others are busy fighting their minions. The battle is a confusion of blood and death as Layla rains arrows from the sky, casting spells to make them more potent while her ghostly kession savages those who get close. Ceddon and Callix's warform, Carrius, are clearing their front well as Ceddon weilds spell and Varathax to good use. Darith and Neverstar are a frighful pair as the undead duo destroy anything before them with Windaggers and unfeeling bones. And behind her Layla blasts what gets through the lines until no more enemies are there to be fought. It is then that Darith and the ghost mounts take their leave and Asalia says that Fallon needs them.

Part Four: Ceddon and the others reach Fallon in time to hear him and Evan exchange harsh words. Then Evan summons the souls of all those Fallon has killed over the years, and other damned souls as well. These souls pull Fallon into a lake of blood but, as Asalia predicts, they cannot hold him there. When Evan calls Fallon's blade from the depths, Fallon breaks free and retrives it. Realizing his plan is in jeopardy Evan tries to stop Faelyon from returning, only to be thwarted as Asalia chooses to make the Golden One's return her Cause. After Darith collects her and they both head for the underworld, Ceddon offers a weary Fallon his aid in the battle against the misshapen Entity Evan. Fallon tells Ceddon to guard Faelyon instead and Ceddon realizes that the explaination of things lies in the unfinished vision contained in Ryzen's feather.

Chapter Seventeen: Heart of the Heartless
Three part chapter.

Part One: Layla takes the vision because Ceddon must guard Faelyon. While she watches, Fallon and Evan discuss the nature of the Balance that has been disrupted and the nature of themselves. It becomes apparant that it is Evan who killed so many and destroyed so much, that it was Evan who convinced Ryzen that Fallon was to blame and that only Ryzen's death would heal the Balance. As Fallon explains this threw the Balance further out and that now, sacrifices are needed from both Evan and himself to repair it. As Layla watches, Fallon pulls his heart from his chest...and his heart takes on the form of the black blade he weilds...the Legacy Blade. He then cuts Evan down with it and Layla watches Evan shatter into many glittering shards. The vision ends but Layla is not out of danger. While she dreamed, Evan struck a blow that puts herself and her unborn child at risk. But another force interceeds. A female Entity in white who gives Layla a message for Fallon.

Part Two: Ceddon watches as Layla drifts into vision and Fallon and Evan show down. The Entities are well matched as Fallon is beyond the point of exhaustion. Evan quickly picks up on the fact that Fallon is protecting Ceddon and the rest from harm and manages to strike a magical blow to Layla trying to force her to miscarry. Faelyon manages to delay the spell but cannot halt or reverse it as he lacks an Entity's power. In desperation and anger, Ceddon waits for his moment then hurls Varathax at Evan. While he is momentarily distracted by the hurtling blade, Fallon manages to slay him and take his corrupting Shard. He then kneels by Layla's side in an attempt to reverse the spell. While kneeling there, Layla manages to whisper the word of power the white Entity gave her to Fallon...unlocking his long sacrificed powers as the Architect and restoring them to Fallon. Fallon then folds time, bringing Layla's child to full term and transports them to the Castle atop the Ebon Spire where Layla births a son.

Part Three: Fallon is gazing at the Dark when Ceddon finds him again and asks why Fallon couldn't have just told them who he was. Fallon replies that he wouldn't have been believed and Ceddon asks him why the Dark is still ravaging the land below. When Faelyon appears, Fallon bids both of them to follow him to the world below. He summons the Dark, which has been waiting for him, and as it comes to him the land is healed both by it's passing and Fallon's power. The Dark is revealed to be Fallon's steed, faithfully awaiting it's master these long years and Fallon says his goodbyes to Ceddon, Layla, Callix, and Faelyon. He takes Ryzen's feather from Faelyon and gives one of his own to Ceddon with instructions so that Ceddon might use it to heal Terrina when he returns. Fallon then leaves UnderDark...once and for all.

Epilogue: The Unforgiven

Fallon is sitting in a diner as a massive storm rages outside. The white Entity who restored his power through Layla arrives during the hight of the storm and Fallon calls her a fool. She tells him that the Creator has forgiven him and that he might return 'home'. He leaves the diner then and she follows in an attempt to make him return home for love of her. When she truely realizes the extent of the loss of his heart, she realizes he will not return and is doomed. Since this is her last visit to creation, punishment for restoring his powers, she tells him he is marked for death and that the Creator will no longer protect Fallon from Tempest. Fallon tells her that he has already been dying and no longer cares before leaving Serenity behind and riding off. He is soon captured by Tempest. Fallon tells her she lacks the ability to destroy him and Tempest replies 'I'll enjoy trying even if I cannot.'

The SG is over...if you're reading this, you're fast-tracking for the sequel...right?

City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

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