Chapter 14: Family Ties
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City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

#1: Chapter 14: Family Ties Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 3:45 pm
I know it's been a long time coming but FINALLY it's here! Enjoy!

Chapter Fourteen: Family Ties pt 1

When Faelyon was slain the Divine Nine did make of him six trophies, two for each Triad. These Spheres were made from his parts; mind, body, magic, will, heart, and blood. Then they were embued with the elements; water, earth, darkness, wind, fire, and light. The Gods soon tired of these Trophies and the memories they brought and thus they were hidden high and low in places thought safe. Yet, as so often happens, not all of them stayed hidden...
-The Truth
by Valkin the Heritic

Layla closed her eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. She willed the jumble of thoughts in her mind to still before she made her decision. Taking an arrow from her quiver she knocked it and aimed at the thickest tendril of Dark lashing at Ceddon. "Callix, Asalia...listen carefully. When you come to the base of the Spire, turn to your right and continue in that direction until you see the white stone. Have Ceddon touch the stone and say 'Grace and Glory'. Remember, Ceddon must do this! Only he has the power to force the stone to open the Entrance."

"Layla what..." Asalia's words were cut off as Layla released the arrow and sent it speeding into the Dark. For a moment everything was still then all the tendrils reared up, leaving Ceddon alone, and focused on her alone. They closed in at a frightening pace while Layla calmly slung her bow over her shoulder.

As the reached her they slowed, becoming like angery dogs warned off by their master. They were waiting for a moment to strike, waiting for her to make one wrong move. Facing them with outward calm, while inside she was screaming, she held out her hand. "I want to see my brother. Take me to him."

The Dark recoiled like an angery snake, writing and twisting in on itself, swirling around her like an icey river. Finally, sensing she was resolute in her demand, it handed her arrow back to her. Slowly she placed it in her quiver and, sparing her companions a last glance, nodded to the Dark. A long tendril swung down and flattened to create a disk shaped area for her to stand upon.

As she did so she noticed a few tendrils snaking off after the others. "Leave them!" She snapped, facing the angery tendrils calmly. "They were mere escorts to get me here, I want them returned unharmed. My brother has what he wants." With a few last half-hearted lunges the tendrils added their strength to Layla's platform and she began to rise.

On the trip up she worried, worried that Callix and Asalia would forget her instructions. Worried that Ceddon would come after her...worried that he wouldn't. Then, so suddenly she was forced to sheild her eyes, she broke through the Dark and into the light that should rightly be falling on the world below. On the top of the spire sat a palace...the palace of her brother.

Slowly the Dark deposited her in the courtyard before slithering back over the wall and leaving her alone. Layla shivered. The last time she'd been here she'd been a prisoner set free only when Fallon had come for her. It seemed like a lifetime ago even though it couldn't have been more than a few days, a month at most. She rubbed her wrists feeling the ghosts of shackles there.

But this time was different, she reminded herself, this time she'd come of her own accord to speak with her brother. She'd keep him occupied until Ceddon and the others got here, maybe even get him to leave that precious damned Sphere alone for a moment or two. All they needed was enough time to grab it and run, enough time to get it to Fallon.

She frowned momentarily as she wondered just how the four of them were supposed to get the Sphere to the non-world. Then she waved the thoughts away and started forward toward one of the towering doorways. She'd find out when she needed to but until then she had things to take care of. Like her brother...

Passing through the heavy iornwood doors with their brass lion-head knockers she was ushered into a world that no longer existed below this castle. Light streamed through massive windows each with panels of colored crystal inset in dazzling mosaics. They tossed colored shadows upon the white marble floors and the beautiful white collumns, each carved with the semblance of blooming ivy.

Passing down this hallway she saw works of art both painted and carved from stones of all kinds and hues. Suits of armor decorated ornate platforms and made her shiver. No doubt these empty shells would rise in defense of castle and master should need arise. Layla had no wish to fight empty constructs that felt no pain and took no wounds.

Finally she reached her destination, a pair of gilded doors so beautifully wrought one might have thought it the work of the Gods. Maybe that was the thought that hardened her heart, she hadn't had the best luck with Gods lately. Compared to facing down an angery Vathos, facing her brother couldn't be much of challenge. Taking a deep breath she reached out and pushed the doors open, face a mask of unflappable calm.

Sitting on an ebony throne on a dias at the end of the massive hall was a figure in long silk robes. His dark grey false wings extended through slits in the back of the robes, much like her own did through her armor. His long black hair was braided and coiled on his head like a crown, a small patch hanging free across his right eye. His left eye regarded her coolly, it's silver iris surrounding a milk white pupil. Yet the gorgeous sunlight that poured in through all the massive gothic windows didn't seem to bother him.

He was relaxed, reclining upon his throne with an air of eldrich calm. Close to his right hand was a tall pedistal that rose from the floor as if it had grown out of the marble tiles. It looked like a twist of stone, the top flaring out like some wind-carved sculpture, a gentle bowl-shaped twist of stone. It was there, in the center of the top, that the Sphere of Magic and Darkness floated. Sparks of ebony power would crackle off of it occasionally, smoldering on the floor where they landed for a moment before fading out.

As she stepped forward, the gilded doors swinging shut behind her, her brother stood. He reached out for a staff that had been resting on the right side of his throne, stabbing the empty tip towards the Sphere. As Layla watched, it attached itself to the empty end of the staff like some common mage's crystal. He grinned at her, his grin faltering when no emotion showed on Layla's face.

When she was just seven feet away from him Layla came to a halt. "Socian."


Silence hung heavy as the pair studied each other. Finally Socian spoke. "Why are you here sister? Perhaps you've come to tell me just how you escaped from my dungeon last time? You really did hand me a puzzle with that one. I thought I had you locked up tight and yet, when I went to check on you, poof. Nothing." His eyes bored into hers. "I see you've also changed in apperance and have decided to look like any decent half-blood. Good. I found it detestible that you looked like those low-bred curs from Below."

Layla should have been angery but instead that calm just kept spreading outward from deep inside herself. "You forget Socian. Our mother was one of those low-bred curs." For a moment she thought he might strike her. Indeed as quickly as he whipped his staff around she was sure of it. Yet the blow stopped a whisper away from her cheek...and she hadn't even flinched.

Socian's eyes narrowed. "What has happened to you?"

"I've grown up."


More to come.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:33 pm; edited 3 times in total

#2:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:20 pm

Chapter Fourteen: Family Ties pt 2

Asalia had to hang onto Ceddon's arm to prevent him from going after Layla. "No! Please Ceddon! We need you to open the Entrance." Ceddon turned to look at her, a tight expression on his face.

"What Entrance Asalia?"

"Layla told us the other way into the Spire. The one Fallon told her to show us. But she said only you would be able to open it so you can't go after her! Please Ceddon..." The last was little more pleading than the first and, for a moment, Asalia hated herself. She was so weak and useless. She clutched her staff a little tighter while she watched Ceddon glance upward at the boiling Dark, then back to where she stood.

"Alright." He walked over to where the kession stood waiting and gracefully swung into the saddle. "Come on Asalia." He held out his hand to her and Asalia felt a pang of regret at Stormwing's loss. He'd been a good mount, had taken events far better than another equine might have. And now he, like so many others, had been lost in this dark, damned land.

She took Ceddon's hand and allowed him to help her up onto the pillion pad behind him. Her staff threaded through some loops on Callix's harness that were ment for just the purpose. Wrapping her arms around Ceddon's waist she was surprised at just how warm he was. Unconciously she snuggled closer as his wings folded back around her and Callix's closed over their legs. The kession snickered. "Looks like you've got another one."

"Shut up will you? She is my sister." Ceddon thumped the kession on the shoulder.

"Didn't stop her falling for Fallon." Callix turned around and caught Asalia's eye. "He's taken, believe me. Layla got to him first." Asalia giggled a bit as Ceddon swore under his breath and threatened the kession with several unplesant things while denying the accusations the whole time.

Reaching out she patted the kession then squeezed Ceddon in a hug. "Thank you both. Without you two I couldn't have kept going. But we've still got a journey ahead of us. I'm sure we can make it..." Ceddon's wings wrapped tighter around her as Callix started walking to the right.

"It's alright. What are brothers for?" Asalia couldn't help it, she burst into tears and sobbed against his back. For a long time they rode like that, Ceddon and Callix scanning the horizon for danger, Asalia's silent tears staining the Gallaeni's white armor.

She just couldn't take it. Losing one brother and gaining another. It seemed like some cruel game of Fate, trading Darith for Ceddon, trading her oldest protector for her newest companion. She remembered what Darith had said to her when they were crossing that damned Bridge. 'Where's my strong sister?' Ceddon had never known her as anything but this mopey, whining, sniviling little girl.

And Asalia wasn't little anymore. She stole a glance at Ceddon's face, so unlike Fallon's yet beautiful in it's own way. He looked at her from the corner of his eye and smiled. "Feeling better?"

"It's just so unfair Ceddon. It's not that I mind having you as a brother but..."

"But why did you have to lose the one you already had?" Asalia nodded slowly, tears held in check this time. She felt Ceddon shift, felt his silent sigh. "I don't know Asalia, I really don't. I suppose we've all lost something on this quest...except myself. I gained my own life back but it's really just a shell. All the people I should know I don't know and they don't know me. How do you think the people back home are going to take to me? I'm not Fallon, not the prince they knew..."

"I understand Ceddon. I'm sorry for being such a..."

"Don't be sorry. I want you to stop being sorry. If you were sorry, you'd prove it by showing that courage, that fight you had back when you had no memories. That Asalia du'Maldon had courage and guts, waking up every morning to read a book that told her exactly who she was and what she was supposed to know. How did you feel on those mornings? How did you get through that? It must have been terrifying to wake up in a strange place everyday surrounded by strange faces."

Asalia thought about it for a moment. Now that she had her memories she could remember those mornings. She could remember huddling under her covers while women with soft voices coaxed her out with promises of good food and comfort. When she was younger they'd read the book to her until, by some miracle of happenstance, one Tutor stuck with her long enough to make her read. That didn't lessen the terror and fear, but once she read that book and realized what life she had, what family and friends she had, it seemed silly to run around in a panic.

And that, Asalia realized with a start, was exactly what she had been doing since this whole thing began. She'd been weeping her way from one situation to the next, sobbing and crying and cringing and carrying on. It was a wonder her companions hadn't left her sucking her thumb in a corner somewhere. "You're right Ceddon, it wasn't easy to do...but I did it. Thank you for making me remember who I am."

"Anytime." Ceddon said with a chuckle.

Callix snorted. "I hate to break up this bonding moment but methinks I spy a white stone." The entire party came to a halt, Ceddon sliding off Callix's back and reaching to help Asalia down.

She smiled at his offer but ended up gracelessly dismounting on her own. "Thanks but I'd better start doing things for myself." Ceddon shrugged and the pair of them walked over to the white stone. "You just touch the stone and say 'Grace and Glory'."

"That's it?"

"That's all she told me Ceddon. She said only you had the power to make it open." Asalia stood back as Ceddon reached out and put his hand on the small white stone protruding from it's surrounding ebon counterparts.

"Grace and Glory." For a moment nothing happened and Ceddon glanced at Asalia with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I don't know. She didn't tell us anything more." Asalia bit her lip and looked at the staff still hanging on Callix's harness. She wondered if she might be able to do anything with that to open the door, then remembered how she'd awakened the Sleeper. The last thing she wanted was for something like that to happen. "Try again Ceddon...please."

She crossed her fingers as Ceddon placed his hand on the stone a second time, wishing with all her might that it would work this time. All of the sudden it came to her and she felt a few minutes of her life slip away. "Ceddon, use Varathax. Touch Varathax to the stone and ask."

Unsheathing the enchanted blade, Ceddon touched it to the stone and said "Grace and Glory," in a commanding voice. With a grumbling and grating sound, the stone slid back into the mountain. Others followed it until a large circular passage presented itself. Ceddon stepped inside and motioned for Asalia to follow with Callix bringing up the rear. As soon as they were in the Entrance closed behind them.

One more to go...

#3:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:58 pm
And Ta-Da!

Chapter Fourteen: Family Ties pt 3

They climbed stairs for what seemed like an eternity, footsteps and hoofbeats echoing ever upwards as they made their way through the innards of the Ebon Spire. There were no landings to be found and that forced them to stop and rest in uncomfortable positions. "When I meet whoever carved this stairway I'm going to have choice words with them. Like 'why didn't you leave clearance for my wings?' or something along those lines."

Ceddon rolled his eyes, Varathax held aloft so that it's light might reassure them and guide their steps. Being able to see in total darkness was all well and good but when you were climbing a hidden staircase into the bastion of eternal night...a little light never hurt. "Will you shut up nag? You're not the only one who could have flown to the top."

Ceddon's wings were cramping from having them tucked so tight. It wasn't that there wasn't room to let them rest normally, it was the gusts of wind that would cycle up from below. They'd nearly upset his balance on the stairway more than once and now he was taking no chances.

"Don't worry. We'll make the top with time to spare. I'm sure of it." Ceddon glanced over his shoulder and nodded. It was nice to have Asalia acting confidant for a change. A confidant LifeHeart was far more likely to help you than not. A cowardly one was...well Ceddon was sure Asalia had already ill-wished them at least once if not twice. He only hoped her sudden injection of spine didn't ware off in the near future.

"Is that a light up ahead Ceddon?" Sheathing Varathax, Ceddon peered into the twilight before him in an attempt to spot what Callix's keen eyes had seen. After a few moments a dim glow was discernable. "It is a light isn't it?"

"It might be..." They redoubled their efforts and, huffing and puffing, reached the first landing they'd seen since they started. It sloped gently upwards to where light was seeping around the cracks in a door. Reaching out Ceddon grasped the handle and turned, fully expecting the door to be locked. To his surprised it opened easily without so much as a whisper.

The exhausted party found themselves in a dimly lit passage where the dust and cobwebs were thick. Each footfall stirred particles into the air and made them all sneeze at least once. "Great. Who'd have thought feathered wings made great feather dusters." Ceddon said between sneezes.

Callix sneezed again violently before replying. "I suppose anyone foolish enough to walk down a deserted corridor with them."

Asalia, however, had come up with a solution and Ceddon nodded greatfully as she tied a scrap of her cloak around his nose and mouth. "See, now we won't breath it in and we won't sneeze as much." She looked around a bit. "Which way do we go Ceddon?"

Ceddon looked at the corridor which stretched away to both the left and right. With a shrug he drew his sword set off to the right the others following close behind. He kept Varathax ahead of him, casting light in the gloom, not trusting the passageway to remain empty. It wasn't long before voices could be heard from up ahead and the party quickened their step.

A circle of light shone into the passage at just eye level and Ceddon took advantage of it to see what was on the other side. His fist clenched tighter around Varathax's hilt when he caught sight of Layla standing next to a pillar her brother circling her like a wild beast.

"I won't ask you again Layla. Who came with you! I felt that power that destroyed the Sleeper! I know it was a Gallaeni!" Layla wouldn't look him in the eyes, just kept staring ahead.

"I don't know anything brother. He was just a man with a sword traveling my way." The mage screamed in frustration and raised his hand as if to strike her. Ceddon felt a tugging on his wing and turned to look at Asalia.

"What's going on?" She whispered the words into his ear so low he almost didn't catch them.

"Layla's being interrogated by her brother. He want's to know more about me."

A sound drew Ceddon's attention back to the peephole, the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Layla's head had been turned around and an angery red handprint was visible on her cheek. She turned blazing eyes on her brother. "You shouldn't have hit me'll pay for that."

Ceddon analyzed the situation. The Sphere, or what he assumed was the sphere, was sitting a top Socian's staff. Layla was holding Socian's attention but not for much longer. Ceddon let his eyes roam around the room, seeking anything he could use to get the orb away from the mage. His eyes were drawn to the mage's robes.

They were silk, expensive and beautiful, with lots of ornate gold thread sewen in dazzling patterns all over it. They were floor length and obviously quite heavy from the way they dragged the ground. Ceddon observed Socian had a rather careful step, as if he was making sure not to step on his hem or get his feet tangled. Could that be used to his advantage?

He tried to see where they were but could get nothing more than that they were on a rised dias above the floor, something dark and tall, a throne most likely, off to their left. Suits of armor that glowed in mage-sight surrounded the room, constructs and defenders. Then there was the matter of the sphere itself.

Socian had obviously grown tired as he started back up the steps to the dias. Ceddon's assumption of a throne was proved correct when Socian merged with the black shape. Then, suddenly, the Sphere was inches from his nose. Socian had propped the staff against the side of the throne and the Sphere of Magic and Darkness was only a handspan from the peephole.

"I grow tired of this Layla. I'll ask you one last time before I send your soul to that Godess of yours. Where is the Gallaeni?"

"Go piss yourself Socian."

"Very well then. You leave me no choice."

Ceddon watched Socian's hand reach for the staff and knew he had to act but what was he going to do?


Ceddon needs to get the Sphere and keep Layla from being killed. Should he burst out of the wall and attack? Or maybe rap on the wall and distract the mage? Or maybe leap out and present himself? Only you know...

Whew, *wipes brow* it's done. Hope you liked!

#4:  Author: The Meaning Of FearLocation: In a deep, dark corner of the universe, plotting. PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:59 pm

First post too Cool .

Awesome Rai, simply awesome. Maybe a tad bit too many typos for my liking, but when you've read Sax's stories you really get used to it. Wink You could hire a proof-reader or something.

I say Ceddon should burst in like a madman and then tackle Socian to egt him away from the Orb whilst Asalia takes it.

Can't we make Asalia do something? Does it have to be Ceddon?

Man, this is soo good, very nicely done Rai. Strangely you don't seem to have a lot of readers or people who post. Sure you don't need some help with some shameless advertising? Wink

#5:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:09 pm
Once upon a time I had readers Meanie....

Then I started posting multi-part chapters. Surprising the number of people that were turned off by that.

And I don't shamelessly advert this story for the simple reason that it's so damned long...

#6:  Author: MephistophelesLocation: Not where I want to be. PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:36 am
Wow. Finally got through the whole thing! *sun seeps into window, flesh begins to sear and smoke* Really excellent story. God, i really don't want to make a suggestion, you have handled it so well so far. Okay, i agree that asalia needs to do something.Has she cried her eyes out enough today that Darith can make a re-appearance? prolly not. How about asalia gives Ceddon enough strength to control the dark and rob sochian of his powers? Then Layla can beat him like he is a girl and they can take the sphere. Once in possesion of the sphere they could rid the place of the dark and bring sunshine and happiness back to those of underdark. Great story.

#7:  Author: The Meaning Of FearLocation: In a deep, dark corner of the universe, plotting. PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:47 pm
I've been thinking (*shocked faces all round*) about the images that Layla saw on the Bridge. Could it be possible that Ceddon coming in contact with the Orb of Darkness have some strange effect on him and so warp him into an evil freak? Shocked

Please do tell. Smile

And whos Layla's future child's (as seen in the "vision") father going to be? Ceddon?

#8:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:36 pm
Sorry Meanie, no revealing secret's ahead of time. Besides, that 'vision' might not even be true...It might just be her imagination at work.

#9:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:42 am
What if Asalia walks in all nonchalant and curious. Maybe that'll confuse him and allow Ceddon to somehow get behind Socian and simply bash him over the head.

Simple and crude, but they are low on options at the moment.

#10:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:51 pm
Poll is up. Vote.

#11:  Author: The Meaning Of FearLocation: In a deep, dark corner of the universe, plotting. PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:56 pm
YAY! Broke the tie Wink .


#12:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:12 pm
Yet again...time to find my reserves of people who can vote, so I can childishly get my way.

*shouts as she runs* Never surrender!

Do not send Ceddon to his doom people! Asalia is a nice and tempting distraction, and certainly no threat if Ceddon still believes she is the forgetful cursed girl she was before her curse was broken.

Common give these guys a chance!

#13:  Author: The Meaning Of FearLocation: In a deep, dark corner of the universe, plotting. PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:33 pm
dinranwen wrote:
and certainly no threat if Ceddon still believes she is the forgetful cursed girl she was before her curse was broken.

I'm confused Confused

EVen if Ceddon beleives she is still forgetful, what would stop Socian from killing her? Ceddon's stupidity? Confused

See what i mean?

#14:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:20 pm
Right, there's still one more reader out there yet to vote. Let's hope Lily can break the tie...

City of IF -> Underdark - COMPLETE

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