Chapter 5 - Shipwrecked!
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City of IF -> InterFable Stories - A Vampire's Quest - COMPLETE

#1: Chapter 5 - Shipwrecked! Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:48 pm
What has happened before:
You, Thadius LaFontania, reached the town of Sha-Lini. After a brief talk with the barkeeper, you ran into your old advisior. This was not to last, because as you were going to the magic guild, you ran into the head wizard. Of course, since you have that pendant the old man gave you in chapter 3, your advisor died and not you. You purchased a ship and began to sail, who knows where...

You snap out of your meditating in the captian's room. Something is not right around here. You decide to head out of the richly carpeted, red-wallpapered room. As you stand on the deck, you notice an odd, black spot on the horizon. When you look at it, it fills you with dread. You ask Mack, your friend, and right now, the man who is doing all of the actual manning of the ship, "Any idea what that thing is?"
"No," he replies, "not a clue in the world. I'm trying to steer away from it."
"How can you do that when you're heading right for the bloody thing?"
"That's the thing, Thadius. Whenever I move, it moves to stay right ahead of me."
You head towards the front of the ship and talk to Mary, also your friend, and a master chemist. "Any clue?"
She snaps out of her chemistry project and looks at you. "Everything I do turns out wrong. Whatever it is, it's filled with black magic. Never seen anything like it."
Now that's strange. Whenever Mary tries to make something, it usually turns out right. There must be someone else on this ship, causing that thing to happen. Where is the last place anyone would think to look...
Then you glance at the crow's nest, and spy a glitter in the air. There! That's where person number four is hiding! You have to climb the old, ancient, frayed and twisted ropes up to the crow's nest. When you finally get there, your hand seems to vanish into thin air. That must be caused by illusion. You poke your head through, and spy the head wizard. You sigh. Doesn't this guy ever give up?
He has his back turned to you, so doesn't see you. However, he senses something is wrong, but by the time he turns around, it is too late. You throw a magic sapping spell, and before it strikes him, he throws a spell that looks like a pair of snake's fangs. Posion.
The spells hit their targets at the same time. He falls to the ground, crippled. You switch over to your druid part and heal the wizard part of you. Then you go to your human, and pull out a hidden suprise on the head wizard. A sword. You pull the old wizard to his feet and put the sword to his neck. Then you ask, with a slight hiss, "Why do you follow me, intent on my destruction?"
He gasps and chokes out, "You are the only one yet born...who the tome! Your heritage ensures can use..all and live! I do not dead, servant!"
Slightly shocked and uncomprehending, you say, "You will be the first one your spell will consume. I am no one's servant!"
You climb down from the crow's nest, holding the wizard's throat. You call to Mack, "Throw this refuse towards that infernal speck!"
He picks up the lightweight wizard, aims his arm, and throws the wizard right towards the distant spot. He hits the target exactly, and both of them vanish with a satisfying scream. However, the wizard has his revenge. On his way to the spot, he makes a rock appear right in your path. Nothing you can or could do would save you. The ship breaks in two with a sickening crack. You friends are on one piece, you on the other. The last thing you remember is grabbing a piece of driftwood and floating somewhere while fighting for your life.

You land on an island. You have no idea where you are, what the day is, or how you got here. When you look around, you see a strange temple. Against your better instinct, you enter the temple. You see an old block of marble inscribed with the words...THE TEMPLE OF HUMANS. RESTING CHAMBER. When you look at the temple in more detail, you see that there is ample enough food and water to last you for a while, though you only need stay until you are revitalized. There is another door with the words TESTING CHAMBER next to it.

#2:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:50 am
I would go over to the testing chamber after I reasted up a bit just to see if I meat up to the humans Because thare are most defenatly Humans on this island and they could be powerful.

#3:  Author: Kunae PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:47 am
Well, after you are revitalized and have had something to eat you should probably look for your friends Mary and Mack and if you can't find them you should go to the Testing Chamber.

#4:  Author: medonthinks PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:32 pm
If the wizard has his magic sapped, how did he make a rock appear?

#5:  Author: Azeo PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:36 pm
I would go look at the testing chamber just out of curiosity.

The spell probably sapped some of his magic power but not all of it, sort of like MP drain in FF. In this case it looks like it hurts wizards to have their magic sapped.

Actually on second thought I wouldnt go look at the testing chamber out of curiosity, I would check it out to see if my friends were there. I know i survived the wreck but I would be worried if they were still alive or not and where they would be at if they were.

#6:  Author: whythewindblows PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:45 am
First thing: be cautious, but get some food and water. If nothing bad happens, search for your friends. Once again, if nothing bad happens, it might be a good idea to look for whomever built the temple and keeps it supplied. The may be able to help you or perhaps they'll throw you into the testing chamber before they reveal any of their little secrets.

#7:  Author: riddick PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:53 am
Anonymous wrote:
I would go over to the testing chamber after I reasted up a bit just to see if I meat up to the humans Because thare are most defenatly Humans on this island and they could be powerful.

#8:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 3:00 pm
If you read the %%^$#*(&% background, you'd know that wizards sap magic naturally! So, when he was in the air, he absorbed magic, converted it to a teleportation spell, and cast it at the last second! Honestly, sometimes I believe my signature to be too true.

#9:  Author: medonthinks PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:16 pm
okay, I didn't write this...story

Last edited by medonthinks on Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

#10:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:37 pm
So does it hurt wizards to have their magic sapped by another wizard?

#11:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:44 pm
Anonymous wrote:
So does it hurt wizards to have their magic sapped by another wizard?

I would assume so. This is just a supposition, but its probably like having your life energy bening sucked through a vacuum.

Hehe. Can't believe, just recently came back from vacation and so much has happened. I must commend you on writing your chapters so often. In your last chapter, some of the dialogue was confusing. Your writing style, the second person perspective is very much original, but make sure some of your sentences make sense. Oh, I couldn't help noticing that you're always having to explain something after you post your chapters. I think that shows that you need to write your chapters better so your readers can comprehend what is going on, without asking. Like the story plot though.

#12:  Author: Kaotica PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:14 pm
hey everyone...i would go to the resting chamber first and rest well as subtley try to figure out where and when i am as well as what the testing chamber is and what kinds of tests in entails before i went there. If i decided to leave or decided to enter the testing chamber i would leave word for mary and mack incase they managed to find there way there as well.

#13:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 7:19 am
Kaotica wrote:
hey everyone...i would go to the resting chamber first and rest well as subtley try to figure out where and when i am as well as what the testing chamber is and what kinds of tests in entails before i went there. If i decided to leave or decided to enter the testing chamber i would leave word for mary and mack incase they managed to find there way there as well.

I agree on the part about going to the resting chamber first, I just hope that the name really means you can rest. How can you investigate a room without going into it??? Confused Maybe there are murals on the wall that can explain what exactly the place is? From history, I know that many ancient temples and buildings had beautiful murals decorating their walls.

City of IF -> InterFable Stories - A Vampire's Quest - COMPLETE

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