Indelible: Chapter Ten
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City of IF -> Indelible

#1: Indelible: Chapter Ten Author: scissorkittyLocation: Escaping the Hair Lair PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:03 am

Hmm? What'll it be, me friends? What tea'll salve those hearts' desires?
Liam lounged in the chair, rocking slightly back and forth whilst waggling his outrageously orange eyebrows.

Leah puzzled, and gradually spun an answer from her scattered thoughts. Strange though this Irishman, indeed this whole little cafe may be, perhaps there was somewhat to learn anyway. Besides, even if it turned out to be crap, it would be a hilarious story to tell later. Okay. I want something that will.. um.. make my dreams more understandable. You know what I mean?

Oh, Aye. And ye? Liam's attention shifted to George, who in turn shifted rather uncomfortably in his seat. He looked to the ceiling, reading answers in the swirling stucco, and scratched at his bald scalp. Uh.. um. Nothing right now. I have to ... use the bathroom. George slipped from his seat, dodging Leah's nosy stare, and hightailed it around the corner to the Gents' room door. He linger, picking at the peeling green paint.

Are ye lost? Or just undecided? A slender, pale finger poked him unerringly in the ribs, and George nearly yelped, before biting his tongue in surprise.

What the fu.. oh! The redheaded waitress grinned at him, leaning over the pick-up counter to poke him once again.

Something to order? Mayhap something ye dinnae want to say in front of yon lassie?

She crooked her head in the direction from which he had come, and George felt a flush burn up the back of his neck. Who the hell were these nosy Irish bastards, anyway?


Huh? He goggled at the waitress in confusion.

We are. Pikeys. At least, that's a common term, nasty though it may be. Travellers is what we prefer, or ye may ken better if I called us Gypsies, Tinkers or Knackers? She grinned once again, and waggled her fingers in a sudden hello.

An' I'm Dina, if that makes it easier for ye. "Waitress" looks strange on me immigration papers. She snickered.

George rolled his eyes at her lame joke, and scuffed his boots a little against the wainscoting. Yeah, alright. Well, there ... look. Is this tea business a load of shit or what? I don't want to be made into even more of an idiot than I already feel. This is weird fucking shit right here, and I don't know if i'm buying it.

Dina continued to grin, and held up her hand to forestall another round of angry muttering. When ye get chineese takeout, ye always read the fortune in the cookie, eh? He nodded. So, think of this like unto that. If ye think it's shite, then just do it for a lark. If it feels like more than that after, then ye ken take it as ye will. The thing of it is, ye get outta it what ye put into it. She poked him gently in the forehead. Now, just spit it out and get back to yer table before everyone starts thinking you're dead.

George laughed. Alright, okay. I.. uh.. I want a tea that will, you know.. Um. LetmemakeLeahhappy. The worlds tumbled out in a mass of wrinkled syllables. Feeling the heat rush back up his neck, he ducked his head and headed back to the table, hands jammed into his pockets. In the background, Dina grinned and shook her head. Her brother gave up his post as Leah's entertainment as George retook his seat, and Liam loped back to the kitchen to join his sister.

Leah faux-scowled at George suspiciously, and pinched his earlobe. Why the blush, mister? Been hitting on that sassy redhead in the back, eh? Men's room my ass. What, I'm not enough woman for ya? She laughed as he blushed even deeper, and scrunched deeper into the upholstered seat. I'm starting to like this place, you know? Kind of funky.

George rolled his eyes and re-adjusted his ear piercings. Yeah, you don't know the half of it. There's definitely something strange about this place. Probably put magic mushrooms in the fucking tea. He smirked back at Leah and tweaked her hair. You look like you were enjoying yourself anyway, snuggling up to that Liam guy.

They continued to squabble back and forth, for all the world like a pair of sibblings themselves, while back in the kitchen Dina leaned against her twin.

Ah, those two. One can't see past her feet, and t'other can't stop trippin' o'er his own! Dina punched her brother softly in the shoulder, and turned back to the boiling kettle. She neatly poured the steaming water into two empty, waiting china cups, and handed them back to Liam. Take these on out then, an' lets see what they make of themselves.

okay, so they ordered the tea, they're going to drink it.. i have some plans for that.. but lets hear suggestions for what, if anything, might be the outcome of the drinking...

for example: Leah drinks the tea and goes into a trance while George suddenly develops an overwhelming urge to give her a back massage.

*edited to fix gender-bending problem! thanks, Crunchy!

Last edited by scissorkitty on Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:20 am; edited 3 times in total

#2:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:09 pm
Something completely unexpected happens that seems to have nothing to do with what they just asked for but which in reality tests their intentions and questions their desires as expressed to the two waiters.

For example, as soon as Leah drinks the tea, she falls unconscious and she has to be rushed to the hospital. None of the doctors understand what is going on because Leah is in a trance, discovering the the mysterious nature of her tatoo. George's faithfulness and desire to keep Leah happy, on the other hand, are tested, for he must remain day and night by her side (well, he is not keeping her happy immediately, as she is unconscious, but during her period of convalescence she will appreciate his attention).

#3:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:26 am
I can't help but think it'd be amusing if somehow the teas were given out the wrong way round! George is suddenly a dream guru, whilst Leah is interested in nothing except what makes her happy.

#4:  Author: scissorkittyLocation: Escaping the Hair Lair PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:01 am
both good suggestions, although i was thinking more along a short-term set of actions, D. Great idea, though!

#5:  Author: scissorkittyLocation: Escaping the Hair Lair PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:01 am
.. also wondering if anyone will catch the.. er.. catch in that post. Read carefully, now!

#6:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:43 am
Oh, you mean that they're about to drink pure, steaming boiled water? Very Happy

Or that Dina grinning and shaking his head means that there's more to Dina than she's letting on?

If they're not the catch then I guess I missed it - although Liam definitely knows something about the weirdness of Leah's tattoo.

Anyways, I'm going for the obvious, which is that black feathers will start to peel back from Leah's skin, and George will just burn his mouth on the boiling hot water.


#7:  Author: scissorkittyLocation: Escaping the Hair Lair PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:46 pm
OO! Crunchy- you caught the water thing!!

but.. uh.. i'm glad you alerted me to the Dina problem, 'cause that's not supposed to be the surprise.. or happening at all, for that matter. Lemme just scoot on up there and fix that.

(buzzing sounds, screaming, slicing and dicing... ahh. Genital re-arrangement is an art form best left to the masters! Anywhoooo....)

Okay then. So, yes! Hot water.... hmm. Where DOES the tea part come in?

Great suggestions anyway.. I'll give it another day or two, and if no more come in I'll just poll it all up.

#8:  Author: PhantomfanLocation: Deep within the music of the night PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:22 pm
I like Smee's idea of the tea being switched.

Still, I'm all for the wings popping out. Maybe since George gets the "Making Leah Happy" tea, he sees the wings and is completely calm, with no huge reaction.
Or he finds it surprising, but extremely sexy.

It'd be kind of cool if it really WAS just hot water and all of the effects were just psychological... like messing with teh MINDZ....

#9:  Author: scissorkittyLocation: Escaping the Hair Lair PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:29 am

Sorry for the double at the start.. haven't a clue why that happened. The missing option number 1 is tacked onto the bottom.. so if you pick number 2, just please vote the once.. i guess i'll combine them at the end if there's plenty of votes up there.

#10:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:52 am
Wooo. Just an advance warning, the vote-count on this one will not match the number of names.

Thats because if anyone votes for the first option, their vote goes one on each of the duplicates. So the number of names will be correct, but the vote-count might get a bit inflated.


It won't affect the overall outcome of the poll though, so you're all right. Smile

#11:  Author: scissorkittyLocation: Escaping the Hair Lair PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:18 am
Okay guys! We have a tie, and I can't really see how the two chosen paths can coincide.. as George can't really sprout feathers. SO! I'm REPOLLING just with the two choices.. and I've reworked the switching tea question to kind of include the possible result.

if anyone has a suggestion as to better combine the two winning answers, by all means toss it out here! Otherwise, polling will be for a few days, and the next chapter will soon follow.

City of IF -> Indelible

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