Chapter 7 - Rescued?
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City of IF -> InterFable Stories - A Vampire's Quest - COMPLETE

#1: Chapter 7 - Rescued? Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 4:12 pm
What has gone on before...
You, Thadius LaFontania, took the test of the Humans and recived your prize, the indestructible sword and shield. However, the human that was in your viens was spirited away to a prison far out at sea. Not willing to just leave the human part of you, and most of your soul, out there, you become convinced that you must take the tests of all the other races in order to free yourself. A last glance through the eyes of the prison shows you a ship is arrving. You settle down and wait for it to arrive...

Some strange people are steering the boat to your little haven. They appear to be normal, at first, but traces of natural magic cling to them like dust to an uncleaned, 100 year old wall. You have little time to ponder this, for the capitan is calling to you. He says, "Ahoy there! Have you no way to escape?"
"No sir!" You shout back, "My ship and friends were lost at sea! Can you help me off of this desolate rock?"
"Ay! And something you should know: We found your friends as well! Now, get into the boat!"
A rowboat descends and heads your way. While it travles, you ponder. The motive of these people is obviously friendly, but what do they do to travelers? You can ponder little more, though, for the rowboat travels swiftly. Soon you are face to face with the capitan. "My gratitude, capitan. May I inquire your name?"
"Matthew. And we," he guestures with a large sweep of his arm, "are called the Rathiel. Few people outside of visitors know of where or who we are. Come, I shall take you back to our home island."
You are given a comfortable cabin and some delicious food, along with a change of clothes, and the most important thing: Time. After tasting the food and mending your own clothes, you cast a spell of demon sumoning. This particular spell will put the demon under your control until it does your bidding and you release it. The demon, a medium-size, ugly one, looks at you intently. You tell it, "If you anwser my questions truthfully, you may return. Understood and agreed?"
It nods.
"Good. Now, do they have my friends?"
"At their home?"
"As prisoners?"
It shakes it's head.
"They willingly stay there?"
"Are they really the Rathiel?"
"And is what I've read true?"
This is the clincher. The Rathiel are known as ruthless pirates that steal anything that stands still long enough. The demon shakes it's head.
"Are they pirates?"
The demon is uncertian.
"Scavengers, then?"
"Is my life in peril should I stay?"
A hesitant nod.
"If I make the wrong chocies?"
"But for now, until I reach their home, I am safe?"
"Good, you can return."
The demon puffs into smoke.
After this, you rest a bit, and then go to see the capitan. Matthew seems excited to see you. "I was wondering when you'd show up. See that little blot over there?" He points at an obscure spot on the horizon. "That is our homeland, Rath. We'll be there by nightfall."
"Ah. Well, thank you very much capitan. I was wondering, do you object to a bit of magic?"
He grunts. "Depends on what kind."
"How about a spell of speed?"
"That's not a bad bit of magic. Ask the magican over there." He points to a man with long, flowing robes, golden symbols written all over them.
"His name?"
"He doesn't tell us."
You walk over to the magician. He slowly turns his head to you. You open your mouth, but he says, "I heard. You may."
You lay the spell on the ship, and you arrive in just under a half hour. As you step onto the creaking, old wooden dock, you spy Mack and Mary running towards you. The next hour is a blur as you catch up with each other. They were rescued shortly after you drifted onto the island. Afterwards, they told the Rathiel of your situation, but all their ships were out on that day. You edit out the test from your story. You don't think they'd like the fact that you are minus one race in your viens.
During your story, Matthew comes up and says, "The elder would like to see you."
Slightly shocked, you tell your friends that this shouldn't take too long, and then you follow Matthew. You arrive at a hut made of strange material, and inside, you see a bubbling pot and shelfs full of ingredients. Strangely, you see no elder. You point this out to Matthew, and he replies, "He is here in spirit and mind only. The pot sustains him. Await him to talk to you."
You do so, and soon enough, you feel another presence within the room. You can only describe it as a voice. It speaks to you. "Who are you?"
Matthew pipes up. "I'll leave."
"Do that," the voice says. After he is gone, the voice says, "Again, who are you?"
You reply, "Thadius LaFontania, descendent of the four major races."
"Hm. I know of your part to play in destiny. Now, what does the world see of us, the Rathiel?"
"They see you as ruthless pirates."
"And you?"
"I see you as people trying to live, survive, at any way possible."
"Good anwser. I shall tell you our secret."
You gasp. "Really?"
"Yes. You'll need it. We, the Rathiel, come in two varieties. The seers, who can use magic, and live on after death. And then there are the shapeshifters. They are somewhat inteligent, and they have the natural ablity to change into whatever they want to be. Within this stone," and a ruby appears before you, "are enclosed the secret of these ablities, and how other people may use them. Take it. With it you may contact us, and us you."
Stunned, you numbly reach out and grasp the stone. Matthew re-enters as you clasp it. He says, "Elder, I thought you said that you would give this secret to no one from outside Rath!"
"Times change. Look into his eyes and tell me he is not Thadius LaFonatania. He needs it more than you."
He looks for five seconds. Then he sighs. "You are the destined one. Tell him the rest, elder."
"I shall. Thadius," and you look back at the pot, "you are destined to do things no other mortal has done before. I know what you did not tell your friends, and this is fine that you didn't inform them. Your destiny is a great, grand, glorious one, but no one who knows it can tell you what it is until you achive it. What you have done is a small stepping stone to your fate. Until you are ready to leave Rath, you will be welcomed with hospitlity by all. Before you leave, return to see me. Beware, once you leave, you cannot return."
"I thank you, elder."

#2:  Author: whythewindblows PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:30 am
Hey, I'm finally back. (LOOONG VACATION Crying or Very sad ) But yeah, good stuff goin on. I like it much. But does Thadius really trust these people because of what one minor demon told him? and the fact that they happen to have his friends at their home island seems a little dubious, what with the Rathiel being shapeshifters and such. Could it possibly be that they are trying to manipulate him in some way? Any way, what's his human part doing in that prison all alone? does he get to play solitaire all day or what? And why should he hide the fact that he's down to three selves right now from his friends anyways? I'm done for now.

#3:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 2:52 pm
The demon was forced to tell the truth, and lucklily for it, it did. The spell that bound the demon lets Thadius know if it's lying or not. More about the Rathiel later. His human self is basically hibernating until the moment for freedom. And he wouldn't tell his friends because Humans are really the only beings with souls! Would you want to know your best friend is basically soulless?

#4:  Author: whythewindblows PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 1:30 pm
Well all they knew about Thadius before all this started was that he was a vampire right? And they were still his best friends anyways, so really they only recently found out he had a soul and so it shouldn't be a HUGE deal to them that he's temporarily lost it. Unless I missed something way back at the beginning and we'd known well before his troubles started that he represented all four races. Anyways, you're saying the Rathiel are going to be in another chapter or two before you finish their part of this? Sounds fun.

#5:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:51 pm
Thadius still has to figure out how the stone works...and without his sould, he has no sense of right or wrong. So no conscience. Wouldn't that be kinda disturbing for you? And since the Rathiel can take any form of any living thing...they could be everywhere.

#6: soul? Author: aljernon805 PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:43 am
as it applys to the story, what is a soul? how would it affect the charactor?
one post said that it provided a sense of right or wrong. is that correct? if it is how does that influence the interactiooons of the various communities? or whatever?

#7:  Author: whythewindblows PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 7:44 am
So yeah, you're saying that since Thadius no longer has a soul his decisions will not be affected by a sense of right or wrong. Which would mean that he could potentially turn out to be a greedy bastard and decide to screw the world? And so if the Rathiel can be anywhere without anyone knowing, does that mean that they could have been anywhere in the story right from the beginning? If so there's a lot more consideration to.. uh... consider.

#8:  Author: Kingdom_Hearts_Fan PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:33 am
I like ur story.

#9:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:21 pm
Okay. Haven't been on lately. Yes, he has the potential now to just take control the harsh, bloody, violent way and not care. But, as he was not aware of the soul the most part of his life, he'll revert to that sort of function. The humans may be the race with the most soul, but druids can have one too. Rare, but it happens. I keep saying that the Rathiel will be continued on with. And another thing...I won't be able to get on for a little bit. Don't you HATE little family vactions that end up taking more time than you have left to live?

#10: Re: Chapter 7 - Rescued? Author: Guest PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:00 pm
Idea master wrote:
What has gone on before...
You, Thadius LaFontania, took the test of the Humans and recived your prize, the indestructible sword and shield. However, the human that was in your viens was spirited away to a prison far out at sea. Not willing to just leave the human part of you, and most of your soul, out there, you become convinced that you must take the tests of all the other races in order to free yourself. A last glance through the eyes of the prison shows you a ship is arrving. You settle down and wait for it to arrive...

Some strange people are steering the boat to your little haven. They appear to be normal, at first, but traces of natural magic cling to them like dust to an uncleaned, 100 year old wall. You have little time to ponder this, for the capitan is calling to you. He says, "Ahoy there! Have you no way to escape?"
"No sir!" You shout back, "My ship and friends were lost at sea! Can you help me off of this desolate rock?"
"Ay! And something you should know: We found your friends as well! Now, get into the boat!"
A rowboat descends and heads your way. While it travles, you ponder. The motive of these people is obviously friendly, but what do they do to travelers? You can ponder little more, though, for the rowboat travels swiftly. Soon you are face to face with the capitan. "My gratitude, capitan. May I inquire your name?"
"Matthew. And we," he guestures with a large sweep of his arm, "are called the Rathiel. Few people outside of visitors know of where or who we are. Come, I shall take you back to our home island."
You are given a comfortable cabin and some delicious food, along with a change of clothes, and the most important thing: Time. After tasting the food and mending your own clothes, you cast a spell of demon sumoning. This particular spell will put the demon under your control until it does your bidding and you release it. The demon, a medium-size, ugly one, looks at you intently. You tell it, "If you anwser my questions truthfully, you may return. Understood and agreed?"
It nods.
"Good. Now, do they have my friends?"
"At their home?"
"As prisoners?"
It shakes it's head.
"They willingly stay there?"
"Are they really the Rathiel?"
"And is what I've read true?"
This is the clincher. The Rathiel are known as ruthless pirates that steal anything that stands still long enough. The demon shakes it's head.
"Are they pirates?"
The demon is uncertian.
"Scavengers, then?"
"Is my life in peril should I stay?"
A hesitant nod.
"If I make the wrong chocies?"
"But for now, until I reach their home, I am safe?"
"Good, you can return."
The demon puffs into smoke.
After this, you rest a bit, and then go to see the capitan. Matthew seems excited to see you. "I was wondering when you'd show up. See that little blot over there?" He points at an obscure spot on the horizon. "That is our homeland, Rath. We'll be there by nightfall."
"Ah. Well, thank you very much capitan. I was wondering, do you object to a bit of magic?"
He grunts. "Depends on what kind."
"How about a spell of speed?"
"That's not a bad bit of magic. Ask the magican over there." He points to a man with long, flowing robes, golden symbols written all over them.
"His name?"
"He doesn't tell us."
You walk over to the magician. He slowly turns his head to you. You open your mouth, but he says, "I heard. You may."
You lay the spell on the ship, and you arrive in just under a half hour. As you step onto the creaking, old wooden dock, you spy Mack and Mary running towards you. The next hour is a blur as you catch up with each other. They were rescued shortly after you drifted onto the island. Afterwards, they told the Rathiel of your situation, but all their ships were out on that day. You edit out the test from your story. You don't think they'd like the fact that you are minus one race in your viens.
During your story, Matthew comes up and says, "The elder would like to see you."
Slightly shocked, you tell your friends that this shouldn't take too long, and then you follow Matthew. You arrive at a hut made of strange material, and inside, you see a bubbling pot and shelfs full of ingredients. Strangely, you see no elder. You point this out to Matthew, and he replies, "He is here in spirit and mind only. The pot sustains him. Await him to talk to you."
You do so, and soon enough, you feel another presence within the room. You can only describe it as a voice. It speaks to you. "Who are you?"
Matthew pipes up. "I'll leave."
"Do that," the voice says. After he is gone, the voice says, "Again, who are you?"
You reply, "Thadius LaFontania, descendent of the four major races."
"Hm. I know of your part to play in destiny. Now, what does the world see of us, the Rathiel?"
"They see you as ruthless pirates."
"And you?"
"I see you as people trying to live, survive, at any way possible."
"Good anwser. I shall tell you our secret."
You gasp. "Really?"
"Yes. You'll need it. We, the Rathiel, come in two varieties. The seers, who can use magic, and live on after death. And then there are the shapeshifters. They are somewhat inteligent, and they have the natural ablity to change into whatever they want to be. Within this stone," and a ruby appears before you, "are enclosed the secret of these ablities, and how other people may use them. Take it. With it you may contact us, and us you."
Stunned, you numbly reach out and grasp the stone. Matthew re-enters as you clasp it. He says, "Elder, I thought you said that you would give this secret to no one from outside Rath!"
"Times change. Look into his eyes and tell me he is not Thadius LaFonatania. He needs it more than you."
He looks for five seconds. Then he sighs. "You are the destined one. Tell him the rest, elder."
"I shall. Thadius," and you look back at the pot, "you are destined to do things no other mortal has done before. I know what you did not tell your friends, and this is fine that you didn't inform them. Your destiny is a great, grand, glorious one, but no one who knows it can tell you what it is until you achive it. What you have done is a small stepping stone to your fate. Until you are ready to leave Rath, you will be welcomed with hospitlity by all. Before you leave, return to see me. Beware, once you leave, you cannot return."
"I thank you, elder."


#11:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:00 am
Now that I'm back...I can get right back to storytelling! And I'm trying to keep it in a nice flow...but that's not always easy.

City of IF -> InterFable Stories - A Vampire's Quest - COMPLETE

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