The Silver Cross
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City of IF -> The Vault

#1: The Silver Cross Author: snow tigerLocation: u wish PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:37 pm
"Children, filthy little children" Madame Coshaze sneered. Five children stood before her, dirty and sopping wet from the snow. The littlest child, a girl with a ddirt stained face and luminous blue eyes whimpered and put her dirty thumb in her mouth.
Madame coshaze leaned forward and pulled the thumb away from the tiny mouth. "you will not conced to your disgusting little habits within my house" she said harshly. The child turned away from her fearfully and her lips parted. A dreadful howl filled the room as the girl began to cry. "Oh stop your whining" She forced the girl to look her "look at me when i speak to you"
Then she leaned back in her plush velvet chair. For a time she was quiet and the children were equally silent and the only sound to be heard was that of the great ebony grandfather clock ticking loudly away.
Picking up a porcelain cup from the tray before her, she examined it. It was made of porcelain with an outer layer of clear glass and designed with tiny little flowers made with painstaking detail.
She let it drop. It fell and shattered into a million shards, it's contents spreading on the thick rich dark carpet. The children gasped; one even made a move to collect up the broken pieces. "You thought you could just come in here and steal from me and leave, did you? what gives you the right to steal from me, I want to know. You there, you look like you have something to say, speak up" she said sharply.

One of the older ones, a boy , was the one to speak. "We heard you were sharp and stingy. We heard you were hard hearted and cold and killed your own father for his riches. You are never kind and insult people to their faces. You don't deserve to be rich, witch. Don't look so surprised, we know about what you and your--" "that's enough" Maddame coshaze said calmly but sharply. Through out his whole speech, the boys voice had been climbing higher and higher and now he stood red faced and blustery, catching his breathe.
Suddenly his hand went to his pocket and producing a cross, shoved it in Coshaze's face. "Die, witch!" he shouted. The woman sat calmly and asture and a tiny smile flickering on her face. "well?" she asked in an amused tone. the boy blushed and hastily stepped back-- but not before Madame plucked the cross from his fingers and observed it. It was silver and set with tiny diamonds and rubies. A chain of gold was attatched to it, set with sapphires and emeralds"What is this? another one of your plunders from innocent people?" the boy blushed at this and his ears turned red.

"That was mothers before she and Papa left" he snatched for it but the woman held it out of reach. "i'll hold on to this for you then" she pocketed it while the boy stood before her seething. "Now then" she clasped her hands together, "do go tell the servants to come and clean up this mess" she gestured to the broken glass and the spilled contents. "And never set foot in my house again or i will call the police"

#2:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:33 am
Good, What an evil lady, let them wish her away, play a prank on her, or scare her with something she would be frightened of. Love stories about evil ladies.

#3: The Silver Cross Chapter 1 part 2 Author: snow tigerLocation: u wish PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:56 pm
chapter 1,the silver cross cont'd

The children did not move. The womans face turned sour. "Well what are you waiting for? go on now! shoo!" the sharp edge was back in her voice. Reluctantly and grumbling, the children shuffled out. The oldest girl, 7 year old Agatha turned on her sister and pulled back the thumb in Helda's mouth gently. "Helda, how many times do i have to tell you to keep that thumb out your mouth? that thumb will be the death of you!"
The three year old whimpered again. Agatha turned on her brother Edward. "And you" Edward turned his face away sulkily. "I told you to let me hold on to the cross but no, you are too stubborn and look what happened!" Although he was older than Agatha, Edward was not immune to her scolding. Indeed, she had learned well from her mother. "we'll get it back" he mumbled "How?" she asked. He shrugged. A motherly plump woman met them in the kitchen. her name was Mada.

"Never mind the mistress and her ways. If you young'uns are in need of food, you can come see me" With that and a plate of freshly baked bread and a jug of cold milk, she sent them out.

Outside in the snow, they wandered around and found a dark niche. They sat at the edge for fear of creatures of the darker deeper in and ate the food.
"I've been thinking" said six year old eziekel, his mouth full. "Don't talk with your mouth full Eziekel" Agatha said with a sigh. Throwing an apologizing look in her direction, Eziekel swallowed and continued. "I saw a wndow as we were leaving. It seems to be the lowest one. We could reach it and gain entrance if you hoisted Agatha up, Edward"

"Why can't agatha hoist me in instead?" Edward interrupted. They all glared at him, including five year old Magaretha. Magaretha's eyes were a milky gray where the others' were blue. She was blind, but her other senses were greatly heightened.
"You were the one who lost the cross. Who knows what you'll loose this time, Edward?" Agatha said rather harshly.
Magaretha spoke. "Didnt she say something about calling the police on us if she ever caught us there?" It was more of a statement than a question. "You can stay back and guard the niche and clear it of snow" Eziekel said. "I'm not hoisting Agatha in." Edward stated solidly "I want to go and that's that. I lost it and I'm getting it back" Agatha sighed. "fine then but if u get us in trouble, i'll make sure you hate this life forever and grow old miserable" Edward jumped up and pumpped his fists in the air, grinning.

"Dont worry so Agatha. I'll get our cross back" The children slept easily that night with their bellies full and their hearts content with their plans

#4:  Author: snow tigerLocation: u wish PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:59 am
Ahhhh it's been such a long time since i was in IF! -hugs IF- hello old friend

Um anyway I see ALOT of mistakes in this I'll fix them up and try to continue with the story as soon as sense in letting a good beginning go to waste eh?

#5:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:16 am
Welcome back, Snow Tiger! Smile

#6:  Author: sungmeena PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:47 pm
hi snow tiger... its meena...

City of IF -> The Vault

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