Must-see Movies
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#1: Must-see Movies Author: Grimmer PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:38 am
Wondering if anyone else has seen these movies and what they think of them. If not, you should drop everything and go see them. Seriously.

The Lives of Others
Run, Fat Boy, Run
Requiem for a Dream
A Clockwork Orange
Star Trek
A Mighty Wind

#2:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:23 am
Grimmer wrote:
Run, Fat Boy, Run
- Hot Fuzz is better. Simon Pegg again. Believe me, it leaves Fat Boy standing. Very Happy

Wall-e is great, and just as good IMO as Ratatoiulle and Cars.

Still, you can't beat any of the Die Hard or Bourne films.

Biggest (recent) disappointment - The Time Traveller's Wife. Read the book, don't watch the film. They took the guts right out of a gritty, funny, heart-wrenching plot and turned it into a tame, slushy love story. Sad

#3:  Author: Zeke PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:01 pm
One of my favorite movies is still Back to the Future. I swear that every time it is on television I get into it again. It's got one of the best repeatability ratings in my book. I should have it memorized by now.

I saw Groundhog Day three times in the theatre.

Not sure what happened to Bill Murray when he got older with the retarded independent movies like "lost in translation" (Boring and depressing) or "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou". He's way better at slapstick.

Speaking of time travel movies (After all, isn't Groundhog Day a time travel movie?), a good time travel movie you may not have seen is Primer . Time travel as a morality tale of the 90's.

#4:  Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:37 pm
Crunchyfrog wrote:
Biggest (recent) disappointment - The Time Traveller's Wife. Read the book, don't watch the film. They took the guts right out of a gritty, funny, heart-wrenching plot and turned it into a tame, slushy love story. Sad

Oh man really? Well sod that then.

#5:  Author: BStheGreat PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:16 pm
Zeke wrote:
Not sure what happened to Bill Murray when he got older with the retarded independent movies like "lost in translation" (Boring and depressing) or "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou".

I liked both of those movies, especially Life Aquatic. Although I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson movies, so I guess that could be it.

Inglorious Bastards was pretty good, maybe not as good as it was hyped but I don't regret seeing it in theaters. V for Vendetta is also a great movie, I'd recommend that. If you like Wes Anderson movies (they have a lot of dry humor and very subtle jokes) I'd recommend The Royal Tenenbaums.

#6:  Author: BookwizardLocation: Gallifrey PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:34 am
If you are referring to the movie "Serenity" that was an end to the "Firefly" series then I have watched that, and I have watched Wall-E... that's about it, Oh! and Star Trek.

P.S. Zeke sorry to tell you this but I have to say that Primer was one of the oddest and worst movies I have have seen, I respect the style...but the movie just was not that well made in my opinion.

#7:  Author: Grimmer PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:51 am
Royal Tenenbaums! How could I have left that one out? Everything about that movie is great, down to the music. The sound track was perfect. The only movie I've seen that rivals it in that respect is children of men. I especially like how they both use the song 'goodbye, ruby tuesday'

#8:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:23 am
I'm surprised no-one's mentioned 'Les Choristes'. Absolutely love that film - gorgeous music and it makes me cry every time.

And how could anyone forgot 'The Lion King'. Or 'Billy Elliot'.

I don't actually go to the cinema much though. The last film I went to see was 'Star Trek', which I would have to agree is great.

#9:  Author: Zeke PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:49 am
Bookwizard wrote:

P.S. Zeke sorry to tell you this but I have to say that Primer was one of the oddest and worst movies I have have seen, I respect the style...but the movie just was not that well made in my opinion.

That's cool. The style was to me a signature 90's piece.

I interpreted some of the low production values as the kind of documentary style, but I could see where bad special effects could be a especially grating if you noticed anything like that. I didn't notice any particularly bad special effects.

Everyone has their own tastes and their own way of participating with a movie, I figure. I used to hate slapstick because I identified too strongly with the characters. Now I find it easier to laugh at them, rather than identifying with them. Not so much emotional growth as a changed perspective. Even so, Napoleon Dynamite made me cringe the first couple of times I watched it. (Another movie I really like.)

#10:  Author: BookwizardLocation: Gallifrey PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:03 am
One of my favorite movies is "The Village" and right behind that is "The Illusionist", both of them are spectacular movies. Right below those two are "The Scarlett Pimpernel" and "The Hunt for Red October", I suggest anyone who sees this at least watches one of those.

#11:  Author: Fats_MastersonLocation: The Great Canadian Desert PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:42 am
I love Wes Anderson movies, although my Favorite right now is the "Dar Jee Ling Express" (apologies for bad speeling), and for time travel/ love stories, I just watched "The Jacket" with Adrian Brody & Kera Knightly (speeling again). Check out either of them!

Out of curiousity, has anyone here seen "Moon" with Sam Rockwell? They haven't released it throughout Canada yet... Is it good?

#12:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:04 am
Bookwizard wrote:
One of my favorite movies is "The Village" and right behind that is "The Illusionist", both of them are spectacular movies. Right below those two are "The Scarlett Pimpernel" and "The Hunt for Red October", I suggest anyone who sees this at least watches one of those.

Ah yes, 'The Illusionist'. Also a brilliant one IMO is 'The Prestige'. And not just because it's got Hugh Jackman in it. Very Happy

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