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City of IF -> The Vault

#1: Moving to IF Author: NeedlesLocation: In Fantasy Forest PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:14 am

In the lush green Fantasy Forest, animals of all types scuttle through the trees. Squirrels, Rabbits and Mice all hurry to their individual hovels, burrows and whatnot. A nearby squirrel is digging in the ground when a sudden breeze picks up. The gray squirrel looks up and blinks its beady little eyes.

"Chirrup?" said the squirrel, puzzled as to why this breeze appeared so suddenly. The squirrel looks up into the sky to see the clouds starting to thicken and grow both in size and shades. After five seconds, the clouds of water vapor had turned into a deep gray, almost matching the fur of the squirrel.

Deciding it was going to rain, the small marsupial dug the hole quickly and dropped an acorn into it. The acorn was at its feet. Just as it filled the hole, it looked up to see the clouds spinning, causing a whirlpool effect.

"Chirk!" it chirruped in shock. As quick as a flash it sped to a nearby tree and climbed up to a low hanging branch. It watched in animistic wonder as the clouds shifted from gray to a deep blue, then to a light purplish pink. Finally, the clouds went from a whirlpool effect to a spinning funnel.

The forest shook as the end of the funnel collided with the foliage covered ground. The funnel shifted to a golden color mixed in with bronze and silver. Finally, sunlight broke through the clouds and the funnel began to dissipate, leaving a figure standing in a small crater.

He was a teenager who appeared to be nearing 17. He had pale white skin with dark brown hair down to his shoulders, blue eyes that sparkled behind rectangular black glasses and possessed pointed ears. He wore a blue t-shirt under a black leather jacket, black jeans and leather pointed shoes. Around his neck was a gold chain with a silver four-point star at the end. In his hand was a lined notebook. In his other, a gold pen with a blue diamond where the clicker should be.

He smiled, showing slightly yellow teeth and looked around.

"Hmm, so this is IF huh? Or at least the forest..." he muttered, tapping the blue diamond clicker against his lip. His bright blue eyes flitted to the tree and caught the squirrel in its gaze. The squirrel froze, as if some force was holding it. He walked up and lifted it off the branch gently. The notebook floated curiously in front of the teenager, and he wrote upon it as if he was writing down a grocery list.

While he wrote the diamond on the pen glowed purple, despite the fact it was gold.

When he was finished, he clicked the clicker and the squirrel was surrounded in a golden glow. In a small amount of time the beast had grown to double its original size and was gifted with a blue swirly pattern on its back.

"Go to the Mayor and tell him: Needles has arrived, and he needs a place to stay" he

#2:  Author: TavaneshLocation: The paranormal universes that comprise my mind PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:46 am
Out of curiosity, is this a story game Needles? If so I think it better belongs in the "Tales of IF" section. If not then it might be better to place it into the introduction section.

#3:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:49 am
When he was finished, he clicked the clicker and the squirrel was surrounded in a golden glow. In a small amount of time the beast had grown to double its original size and was gifted with a blue swirly pattern on its back.

*raises an eyebrow* I hope your going to put that back as you found it. Wink

Welcome to IF, and to the Fantasy Forest Needles! A good start to be sure, though, yes, I was wondering the same as Tavanesh. Is it an introduction for yourself, or the beginning of an SG? Let me know, and if it's the latter, I'll move it into the IF Tales Forum for you. If it's the former, you can merely copy/paste your message into the introductions thread in the Open Forum ( ), and I'll delete this one. Smile

One teeny little niggle...could you space out your paragraphs a little more, as the writing is a little bunched together. Leave two spaces between the paragraphs instead of one, and it makes it that much easier to read. A small thing, and one that I and many others on the site have been guilty of at one time or another. Wink

Welcome again, and I hope you enjoy yourself at IF! Smile

#4:  Author: NeedlesLocation: In Fantasy Forest PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:57 pm
It is an introduction for myself. Sorry, I should have made that known at the start.

I'll be sure to copy and paste this. And don't worry, any animal I transmutate turn back to normal when my command has been completed.

#5:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:33 pm
hope you dont mind...i sort of started playing along on your post in Open Forum. XD i can delete my post if you'd like.

#6:  Author: NeedlesLocation: In Fantasy Forest PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:08 am
No problemo Andolyn, I'm writing a responce to that now as I type

City of IF -> The Vault

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