Team Zeta: Chapter Four: Conflict NEW
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#1: Team Zeta: Chapter Four: Conflict NEW Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:39 pm
Since the loss of my computer has meant the loss of the notes for my other stories, here's something to keep us tided over in the meantime. Enjoy.

Team Zeta

Prologue: Power Players

Her wings churned the air around her, coal black against the bright blue vault of the heavens. She rolled, pistols barking a retort, the runes on the side glowing as she spat arcane bullets downward toward her pursuers. The sun glimmered off her black leather costume, off the studs and buckles that held it together and the chain mesh that reinforced it. Her costume wasn't built to look fancy, it was built to provide protection. The ends of her red hair snapped around her leather covered face in the wind her take-off had generated.

Below her the man known as Righteous twisted to avoid the hail of gunfire, raising a defensive energy shield and glancing away from the flares where the bullets impacted. She took that opportunity to give a massive down thrust of her wings, rocketing away with a boom that shattered the windows for three city blocks and threw people flat. One powerful wing beat had taken her to mach speeds and for a few seconds she kept it up. Then she slowed and spoke the command word.

One minute she was in the skies over a field of midwestern corn, the next she was coming to a soft landing on the plush carpet of her Sanctum library. A swirl of red energy, sparkling like ruby dust, marked her passage in both worlds, quickly fading. She stood for a moment, taking deep and calming breaths, before powering down.

The costume vanished, leaving her in an over-sized sweater that slipped off one shoulder and a pair of cotton capris. Her long braid of red hair was slightly mussed, strands having come free here and there. Her wings were a shade of pristine white as they folded comfortably against her back, rustling a little with the usual twitches. Her eyes had returned to their normal green color, the ruby power that had lit them gone without a trace.

With a sigh she flopped into a nearby armchair, propping her bare feet up on the matching footstool. A tired gesture sent a wisp of red energy swirling out into the air, activating the viewing mirror on the wall and then fetching her a warm cup of tea. Lazily stirring in a spoonful of honey and a splash of cream, she watched the evening news. As usual the media were tearing into her, interviewing Righteous and several of the 'eye-witnesses' about the 'horror'.

"Humph, horror my ass." She wrinkled her freckled nose, taking a sip of tea and adding another spoonful of honey. "They want to see horror, just wait a couple months."

She glanced over to where they rested, nestled into velvet lined holders. The Gate Stones were currently dormant, awaiting her command, but they were still giving off enough energy to make her skin crawl. She'd sacrificed a lot to get them, years of her life and the lives of hundreds of others. But what did the lives of hundreds matter when the world, and several connected worlds, were at stake? Nobody seemed to realize that though. At least nobody other than her.

She took another sip of her tea, changing the channel to some soothing natural documentary and finally starting to unwind. A moment later, every alarm she owned was sounding, the tea was soaking into the rug, and she'd repowered as she did everything she could to defend herself. She'd planned on this happening...just not yet.

Her Sanctum was a separate dimension tacked on to the outer edge of the Prime Material. A good place for a headquarters honestly. Accessible only to herself, she'd fortified it since the last attack that had destroyed her flux generator and stranded her between the two dimensions, able to watch but not interact with either, for seventy years. But this thing was cracking her defenses like an egg, in a much shorter span of time than she'd thought it would.

Grabbing the Gate Stones, she spoke the command words and braced herself for the bright bursts of pain that followed. As her Sanctum folded down around her, recalled into her, she propelled herself forward. In one instant, she was suspended in space, staring down at a horror that Lovecraft probably had a hand in imagining. The next she was catapulting through the atmosphere, tumbling over and over. She opened her wings, trying to get some kind of purchase on the air.

Instead her wings were nearly wrenched from their sockets, the sheer G-force of her gyrations flinging her every which way. Unable to pull out of it, her power drained from recalling her Sanctum and embedding the Stones, she couldn't even bring up a shield as she smashed into the ground at full force, the world going black around her.

"Did you see that!" Ryan gripped his steering wheel tightly and stared in the direction the thing had fallen. There was heavy silence in the car, causing him to glance around and make sure everyone else was alright.

"I sure as hell saw something." Graham's hands were shaking as he removed his glasses and cleaned them before pushing them back up the bridge of his nose.

In the back seat, Amy licked glossed lips twice before finally speaking."Us too, didn't we Jenelle?"

Jenelle nodded, her hands gripping the back of Ryan's seat, her eyes wide. "I think we should go find out what it was. Maybe it's a satellite."

None of them actually thought it was a satellite, or a falling star although it had certainly blazed like one. No, whatever the thing was that had left the nova explosion in the sky and trailed a tail of scarlet to the wasn't anything natural like that. Slowly Ryan put the car in gear, the engine giving a muted grumble as it pulled them forward.

A little nibble for the moment. I should have a chapter to vote upon up in a few more days. For now, I hope you liked.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:01 am; edited 10 times in total

#2:  Author: EmperorLocation: San Diego, CA PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:32 pm
I really, really hope to see more of this one. The possibilities are ripe, the writing is sharp and the intrigue is compelling. In the weeks to come I will do my best to give a more thorough look over if you want. Great stuff! Excited about this one.

#3:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:44 pm
Wow, this is fantastic! It is only the prologue and I'm hooked. I hope, even after you recover your other stories, that you keep this one going as well! Very, very excited Very Happy

#4:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:22 pm
Your usual flair is all over this new entry, which I'm very happy about. It is a very intriguing start and I can't wait for more!

#5:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:44 am
And now to the meat of the story. Enjoy!

Chapter One: The 'Defenseless' Woman

His head hurt. It had been doing that a lot the past few days. Stress probably, he was almost sure of it. Popping a few aspirin in his mouth, Ryan washed it down with a long swig of orange juice before setting the glass back down and closing his eyes.

Four days since the woman had fallen from the sky. Four days since he and his friends had brought her back and hidden her away in Ryan's barn. And day after tomorrow his parents were coming home. He had no idea how he was going to explain the presence of the comatose winged woman to either of them. 'Hi mom, hi dad. Nothing really exciting happened while you were gone. Oh, except for the naked woman in the barn."

He'd nearly died when he'd spotted her, laying in the bottom of a crater, covered in blood and burns. The four of them had been so convinced she was dead, nobody could have lived through that. Then Graham had gone down into the crater and discovered she was still breathing. The ensuing rescue operation had taken all their combined powers, not just to safely and carefully transfer the injured woman, but to hide their tracks.

Apparently they'd done a decent job of it. While the 'phenomenon' was all over the news, Ryan had seen the men in expensive black suits walking into the Sheriff's Office two days ago. Rumors were wild in the community, everything from aliens landing to an experimental government craft crashing. It only made sense that the Feds were investigating. If the four of them had left a trail to follow, no doubt they would have been questioned by now.

Was it wrong to feel a little pride? That his skill at manipulating the elements had gotten to the point where he'd been able to reshape the crater and blacken rock to make it look like a meteor had fallen from the sky and crumbled into so many chunks? He'd come a long way in the past eight years, no longer the scared little kid that didn't understand why this was happening.

His phone rang, pulling him out of his reverie, and he groped about for it. He answered without opening his eyes, ringtone alone enough to tell him it was Graham calling. "Hello?"

Any change?

"She's finished healing. Not a cut, scrape, or bruise on her. Well, maybe under the sheet but I didn't look. She's still out cold though." Ryan resisted sighing. The woman had healed, miraculously, but he didn't share Graham's optimism that she'd wake up. Regeneration could do a lot but who what damage had caused the comatose state and could it even be fixed?

I'm off today so Jenelle and I figured we'd come over and keep you company. We've got to come up with a plan of where to put her soon. Your parents should be coming home soon and we can't just leave her in your barn.

Wasn't that the truth? Ryan could just imagine trying to explain that to his parents. "Can you picture the looks on their faces? Anyway I'd appreciate the company. Amy said she'd be over lately but I'm just not in the mood to play dutiful boyfriend and listen to her gripe."

I'll give her a call, see if she needs a ride. See you soon.

The line went dead and Ryan dropped the phone back on the end table. He pressed his fingers to his temples with a groan as the headache kicked up another notch. Of them all, Amy was the most comfortable with her power. Of course her power was different from theirs, her power was a strange suit of advanced armor. Usually it looked like a little gold pendant with a pink gemstone in the shape of a heart set into it but when it activated...she was a real powerhouse.

Some days Ryan wished he'd been better behaved as a kid. If he had then he'd never have talked his friends into exploring the old mine caves in the hills that bordered the edge of his parents' farm. If they'd never gone exploring the caves then they'd never have fallen down that shaft. If they hadn't fallen down the shaft, they never would have found that room. And if they hadn't gone into that room...well, they'd all still be normal.

It was all gone now. Collapsed during their subsequent escape. Whoever, or whatever, had made the armor and the odd devices that had forever changed them was a mystery they'd never solve. Any help or advice they could have found was likewise destroyed. But they were alive and, almost more importantly, nobody knew.

He just lay there on the couch and relaxed until the faint sounds of a car engine made him stir. His headache was almost gone as he pulled on his coat and walked out the front door. The battered old Ford pickup that Graham drove was rattling it's way up the drive and he gave a wave to them before turning and heading toward the barn. He knew they'd follow once Graham parked.

Within minutes the four of them were standing inside the barn's warm interior, protected from the bite of the winter air outside. Amy and Jenelle were sitting on nearby bales of hay, Graham leaning against one of the support posts. All four of them were staring at the woman resting on the pile of loose chaff in the loft.

Her skin was pale and whole again, unmarred save for the dusting of freckles on the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders. Also, embedded in the center of her chest, were what looked like five smallish marbles. All equidistant from each other in a circular shape. Her long red hair was fanned out behind her, like a burning flame or a slick of crimson blood. Her white wings were lightly folded, comfortably adjusted to allow her to lay on her back. They hadn't laid her on her front or sides for fear she'd shift and smother.

The sheet that covered her nude form rose and fell with each steady breath she drew. Reminding them that she was actually alive. It was easy to believe now but it hadn't been when they'd brought her here.

"I told you, no change. She's all healed up from what I can see, no blood marks on the sheet, nothing. But she's not awake. I really think it's a lost cause Graham."

Graham merely took his glasses off and cleaned the lenses on the tail of his shirt before pushing them back up on the bridge of his nose. He didn't need them anymore, hell the glass was fake, but he liked to keep up appearances. That way his parents wouldn't suddenly ask how his vision had become perfect. "Would you like to double our bet? I'm more convinced now than ever she's going to wake up. Then we can get some answers. In the meantime, I think we need to brainstorm on a new home for her."

Ryan rolled his eyes, sitting down on the floor of the barn loft and resting his arms on his knees. "I'm open to suggestions. My only idea is that maybe I could try to like build a cave under the barn. Like make a tunnel that connected to it. But I'm not sure how I'd heat it. Fire's the hardest one for me."

"Maybe you could spend some time imbuing the earth with heat so that it would slowly release over the course of the day?" Jenelle smiled, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear as she softly gave her suggestion.

"I thought of that but it would start melting the snow above it as the heat rose. And that would be a little obvious to have a big circular melt patch on the lawn." He closed his eyes, resting his head on his forearms. "Any other ideas? Graham, can't you just teleport her somewhere?"

"Sure, I can do that, if I had somewhere safe to put her. Or do you want me to just keep porting her around from place to place depending on what's 'safe' at the time?" There was a hint of irritation in Graham's voice, as if Ryan had just suggested something as stupid as growing a second head.

Lifting his head, Ryan glared at the other, in no mood for any kind of bullshit. "I meant did you know of some place you could teleport her? Not could you just keep hopping her around."

"If I knew of some place safer than your barn don't you think I'd have suggested it by now?" Now Graham really was irritated and Ryan's stressed temper snapped.

A wall of air lashed out, smashing the other male and knocking him backwards and off the edge of the loft. There was no corresponding thud, no sound of Graham hitting the barn floor below. Instead a pair of strong arms suddenly wrapped around Ryan from behind as the other male popped into existence behind Ryan. "Holy crap Graham, I didn't mean to knock you off, let go!"

"Asshole, I could have broken something!" Graham's teleportation was swift and accurate but he was only human. If he hadn't reacted fast enough he'd have hit the barn floor with the same satisfying crunch as anyone else falling from twenty feet.

"Knock it off you two. It was an accident!" Amy's voice cut through the sounds of their wrestling and with a huff Graham relinquished his hold. "This is a problem we're all responsible for, okay? I know what we thought when we pulled her out of the hole. We all figured she'd be healed and awake by now. But the fact is she's not so now we have to find her somewhere else to stay. Anyone have any idea at all?"

"Well this is a new change. I'm not used to playing the damsel in distress." The new voice was rich and husky from disuse. A rustle of straw followed it and the four teenagers heads' turned in unison to observe the woman rising from her bed of chaff straw, sheet held to her breasts with one arm. "Mind if I get the names of my intrepid rescuers?"

Ryan's first thought was the fact that she was hotter awake than she'd ever been asleep. His second was that he owed Graham a hundred bucks. And the third was that he should probably speak up. "Why don't you tell us who you are first?" He stood, the hairs on his neck rising the longer the woman's green stare rested on him. There was something...unsettling about her. Something off. It came to him suddenly that this had to be exactly how a rabbit felt before a wolf took a bite at it.

The woman raised a scarlet eyebrow, adjusting the sheet a little as a sardonic half smile twisted her lips. "My name is Willow but I'd prefer you don't call me that."

"Well then Willow, what do you want us to call you?" He was irritated by her attitude of ingratitude that she was displaying, stressing the name as he said it. There was a brief moment of satisfaction he got from watching her eyes narrow, the next instant regretting it.

There was a swirl of red light, vivid motes of gem-bright dust twisting within it, and the next instant there was a gun in her hand pointed right at him. "You can call me Oath if you like. Or Broken Oath as the media likes."

He heard Janelle and Graham each suck in a breath before Amy's fear shrill voice filled the air. " We rescued a fucking super-villain."

The woman called Oath gave a bitter laugh. "Yes, that's right, just go ahead and believe everything you hear. Now I believe I asked you for your names..."

So how are our teenaged heroes going to handle this situation? Polite conversation or do they think that the four of them can get the drop on the villain in their midst? Or do you have another suggestion, I hope so!

And here we are, the end of the first chapter. A little more revealed, a lot more kept hidden. Who are these teens? What can they do? Tune in next week to find out!

#6:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:16 pm
This first chapter does not disappoint - very nicely done, Kalanna! Like you said, there is a little revealed, but a lot more kept hidden (that I need, no...demand, to know! XD).

Considering how freaked out they are upon discovering who this woman is, and the fact that she's pointing a magically conjured gun at them, I doubt they would be foolish enough to fight. I guess she could be considered vulnerable, as she is in a strange place and not exactly clothed, but something tells me she is not the type to really be bothered by any of this. So, I think talking would be the best course of action at the moment. Maybe convince her that they could help her somehow and that should a fight take place/anything happen to them (like maiming/death) it could possibly cause her enemies to locate her and hunt her down even faster? They can always keep their powers at the ready should they need to defend/fight back, of course.

Awesome job! Keep it up! Very Happy

#7:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:02 am
Nice one, Rai! So the teenagers also have powers. Quite a twist there. Smile

On one hand, no one knows what the woman's capable of, so it'll be foolish to try fighting her. On the other, they are teenagers who probably haven't yet figured out they're not invincible, especially considering they each have a superpower. I vote for a battle, initiated by the hot-head of the group. That way everyone can quickly establish who's the strongest, and the limits of what they can do.

#8:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:05 am
Alright boys and girls, here are the options, this is the poll. All that's needed are your votes.

Tune in next week!

#9:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:59 pm
And after a fight with the block here it is, a little more super-powered fighting action. Enjoy!

Chapter Two: Misconceptions

Ryan swallowed hard, staring down the barrel of the gun while everyone else in the room held a collective breath. He was shaking, sweating, ready to just pass out from the sheer terror. His mind whirled, could he use wind to turn the bullet in time? Call on the power of the earth to fortify his skin with stone? Turn his body to liquid...he'd freaked out so badly when he'd liquified his hand that one time he'd never attempted it again. But it was better than dying right? And then the most miraculous thing happened, the gun lowered.

"What the hell am I doing? Threatening teenagers in a barn loft...hell it's no wonder people think I'm evil. Accept my apologies, I'm under a lot of stress right now. That doesn't forgive my behavior but...I suppose I should explain." The gun dematerialized out of her hand and the woman called Broken Oath put both hands on the sheet, hugging it to her bare curves a little tighter.

Ryan let out a sigh of relief, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck as his body suddenly unclenched and his muscles relaxed. "Hey...I uh, I guess I can understand. You were pretty beat up. I guess I could have been a little less snappy with you." He extended a hand toward her with a smile. "I'm-"


A cannon pulse of pink light shot from where Amy stood in the corner, the sleek gold and pink metal of her suit rising up around her form, arm cannon still whirring. "Bitch! Nobody threatens my boyfriend."

The cannon blast had careened through the barn loft, missing Broken Oath as the woman had leaned backwards, blowing a hole in the wall. Ryan's jaw nearly hit the floor and Broken Oath's eyes turned red with the same light that had materialized her gun. "Oh you little- c'mere and let me teach you some manners."

Her sheet was discarded to the side, red hair and white wings whirling as the naked woman crossed the distance between herself and Amy, now armored up in the suit she called Heartbreaker. Ryan braced himself for the crunch of flesh on metal...instead there was a loud sound like a gong followed by a crash as a fist shrouded in ruby light connected with Amy's chest and sent the armored heroine flying out the other side of the barn.

Eyes still crackling with ruby energy, she turned to face the rest of them, hair falling and obscuring part of her generous chest, wings wrapping forward around her waist to preserve at least some sense of modesty. "Anyone else want to fire a laser at me or can we-"

Another bolt of pink light proceeded Amy as she flew back in through the hole in the wall. Oath seemed ready for her however, spinning and reaching out to catch hold of the suited heroine. In a neat move, she tossed her out of the other barn wall, as easily as a man tossing a package, wings mantling like an angry hawk.

Ryan glanced at Graham and Janelle, both of whom looked back with raised eyebrows. The woman certainly was holding her own against Amy, growing more and more angry by the moment. If something wasn't done, the next time she was attacked it could go even worse for their friend. Knowing full well it wasn't a good idea but willing to stand by their friend anyway, they advanced on the woman.

Janelle's eyes began to glow with a brilliant blue-white light, her hair rising up around her as if the air had suddenly become water, her whole body lifting till she was levitating a couple of inches off the floor. She stretched out a hand, blue-white energy crackling between her fingers...and her face abruptly drained of color. "I-I can't read her."

Broken Oath's head snapped to the side, aware of Janelle's attempt to get inside her head, and she snapped an arm toward the floating girl. A lash of glittering ruby energy whipped out, tossing Janelle backward off the loft ledge. The girl didn't go far, dropping a few feet before collecting her concentration and floating back up, this time surrounded in a slightly translucent sphere of energy.

Graham lunged forward, hands outstretched and ready to teleport the woman away. Instead, Oath sidestepped and sent Graham toppling into Amy who'd just come rocketing back into the barn. With a pop the pair of them vanished, leaving Ryan and Jenelle staring down the very angry super-villainess. Wisely Ryan stepped closer to Janelle who expanded her energy shield to hold them both.

"I'm going to give you one last chance to get your suicidal girlfriend under control Ryan. The next time she comes for me I'm-"

Oath didn't get to finish her sentence as Graham and Amy popped back into existence a moment later and Amy streaked for her like a missile. Instead she turned a pirouette that would have made a ballerina dancer jealous, her hair swirling around her almost hypnotically, leaving trails of ruby light in the air. She caught Amy by the throat and turned her around, body slamming her into the loft floor which collapsed under them.

Dust and debris flew up everywhere, straw filling the air for a few moments. Inside Janelle's force-field all was well and the pair of them could only watch the chaos boil around them as she slowly lowered them to the ground. All around them the sound of the barn timbers creaking could be heard as the building struggled to remain standing after the damage it had taken. A moment later Graham appeared next to them, likely having teleported away and only now returned to inside the barn. Slowly Janelle expanded the field even further to encompass him. Reaching out, Ryan collected the power of the air and slowly settled the dust, revealing a scene that was almost too surreal to believe.

Oath, still nude, stood with one bare foot planted on the dented chestplate of Amy's armor. Amy, on her back, was clutching at her ankle, the whine of suit servos easily heard as she strained every mechanical muscle to attempt to remove the pinning force. Casually Oath brushed some of the dust off her skin, wings still mantled angrily.

"Never in all my years have I seen such a poor showing of power from people with such potential. Your attacks were uncoordinated, clumsy, and lackluster. And you, young lady, give up far too easily." She pointed a finger at Janelle as she gave her last admonishment. "Alright, I'll let you up if you promise not to try and attack me again and allow us all to discuss things like civilized people."

"Bitch, just kill us and be done with it." Amy tried to punch at Oath and the woman casually reached down, catching the armored fist in one of her glowing ones, squeezing until the sounds of metal distress could be heard.

"If I were going to kill you I wouldn't have bothered to say anything when I woke up. I'd just have made your hearts implode." After a moment of Amy saying nothing, she released her, backing off and letting the girl stand. As soon as Amy had powered down, the woman looked at the four of them again. As they watched, the ruby light climbed over the woman's body, leaving a fuzzy turtleneck, a wool lined vest, a pair of jeans, and a pair of boots behind.

Dressed, she took a seat on a bale of hay, staring at the four of them inside Janelle's bubble. "Now, to matters at hand. I can fix your barn before it falls down and then explain what I was doing in what was likely a rather large crater. Or I can fix your barn and then explain why I'm not murdering you like I'm sure you all assumed I was going to do. Your call."

So, which would you rather know. What Oath was doing in the crater or why Oath doesn't seem all that villainous a super villain?

Here you are folks. A little fight, a little exposition, and a decision for you all. Hope you liked.

#10:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:11 pm
Oh that is just awesome! Hahaha I really enjoyed that, and I'm so glad I get to see the kids fighting. Well, not quite cool-headed Ryan, but the rest.

I trust the kids are much more curious on why isn't she a super villain. Wink

#11:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:16 pm
Amazing job, Kalanna! The fights scene flowed very well.

I'm going to say they are more curious about why she isn't insanely super villainous (and either way the barn gets fixed, haha XD). I'm sure the reason why she was in the crater will come later.

#12: I Think. . . . . . Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:52 pm
*Applaudes* Bravo! You had me laughing aloud several times. This is a very brilliant piece of work. I really like Willow, and I want to really deck Amy *Grin* That moment between the Tele and the Ele were great. Just how super friends should fight in my humble opinion. Though if you look at my character intro for the Character Experiment you may understand how the whole situation kinda had a special tone for me *Grin*

There are a few parts where you either skipped or missed a word, I can't pin point them, but I do know none of them were in the third post if that helps any.

As for the DP. . . . . .I'd have to say info is really important right now seeing as we have no idea when our "villian" will be having more company. Also, I'd say the Elemental would be smart enough to ask for help about bettering themselves. He seems level headed enough.

And that's my two cents! Give us more Kalanna-chan!

#13:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:22 am
Interesting. It seems to give you two of each option. A and B scenarios? You'll just have to vote and find out.

#14:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:41 am
Yay! And voted! Very Happy

#15:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:48 am
I had a few moments and was in a super-hero frame of mind, so I figured another chapter was due for this little project. Enjoy!

Chapter Three: Perception

She was just sitting there, looking at them. Ryan could see the glittering ruby energy crawling along the structure of the barn just out of the corners of his eyes as her magic repaired the poor building before it collapsed on them. However, the bulk of his focus was rapt upon the figure of Willow, or Oath as he supposed he'd better call her even in his thoughts. Her red hair was luscious, framing a beautiful face with pale skin. Freckles dotted her nose and kissed her cheekbones and those brilliant ruby eyes glittered from their frame of thick dark scarlet lashes.

"Well at least you're staring at my eyes. Then again I suppose you've had quite a while to stare at everything else."

Her comment, and Amy's subsequent punch, made him shake his head and redden a bit as he realized he'd been staring hard. He glanced at the others who were standing in the bubble with him, searching their faces for any hints of what they might be thinking, or what they might do were they him. Janelle was clearly focused on maintaining her shield. Graham was obviously waiting for him to hang himself further, his face blank and expressionless. Amy was furious and he avoided facing her as much as possible.

He took a deep breath, turning his focus back to Oath. "So, I guess, the only question I have is what the hell?! I mean you're evil. You walk in to town and buildings crumble, people die, lives are ruined."

She didn't so much as twitch, her gaze remaining calm and cool. "Natural disasters do the same but people don't call them 'evil'. The recognize them as a force beyond their control and continue on with life. People fear them, rightly so, and take precautions to avoid them, survive them. But they're necessary. There are reasons for them. Forces at work that are part of a living planet at work. I'm much the same."

She spread her hands, ruby light rising from them, forming images as she projected them in time to her story. "This world, this reality, it's one of many. Part of a defensive web of near-clones and parallels woven by the energy created by the Prime Material to keep it safe. The Prime Material is the source of everything, the original from which all copies are made. It is their imaginations, their beliefs, their essence that bleeds outwards and fuels every other aspect of creation. We are all fragments of that incredible energy. Things wished into being by one mind, or perhaps many, strengthened with repetition into being."

The images spun and whirled, showing a brightly glowing globe of light, like some small sun, suspended above her hands. Slowly a web work, a frame, grew out around it and was joined at each vertex by a smaller glowing point. Between the bars of the frame spread glowing membranes, layer upon layer, each studded with small glowing lights. In no time what had started with one brilliant glow the size of a peach pit was the size of Janelle's bubble.

"These are the defenses the Prime Material builds to slow the impact of it's energy, strain it, and to keep it safe from it's own creations. To keep it safe from things out there that would use the Prime Material and siphon away all the energy, destroy it in an effort to make their reality the new Prime Reality. To reverse the polarity and become the creators, not the creation. Until now they've been largely unsuccessful. The defenses are constantly strengthened by the energies they absorb from within. But now there's a problem. You can see how each layer of the web has a central point, a hub world, on which everything connects. When the hub world is healthy, the defense is strong. When it's not..."

The brightest light in the web of the first membrane faded and then popped, dissolving the connections and the membrane. Rapidly the others did as well until only a handful remained suspended above her hands. "They have figured out a weakness in the system and they are ruthlessly exploiting it. The inner layers can hold more energy than the outer layers so, in the case that an outer layer collects too much energy for whatever reason, the layers are linked at several points by Gates. This allows excess energy collected to travel back down into a stronger layer or for an inner layer to bleed energy faster upward if the upper layers haven't gotten enough. A way of stabilizing the whole system as near as we can tell. Or perhaps they're only there because the Prime Material wants them to be there, who can tell. Whatever the reason something figured out how to use those Gates to bleed bad energy back into the system. To bleed their own ideas back along with those the Prime Material sent out."

She shook her head, standing and brushing the hay off her pants, glancing around and making sure the barn was fully repaired. "That foreign energy is playing havoc with the worlds it's entered. This world is no exception. You read the paper, super powered people never used to be here, just in myths and legends in times gone by...times when energy from worlds where that was common did bleed back naturally and dissipated just as quickly. But now, they're everywhere, and scientists are finding new ways to make them, or new artifacts to make them, all the time. They, and people with certain 'gifts', are pulling holes in the fabric of reality to bring back whatever they find. And unfortunately if what I saw is correct, what they're running into is a spreading taint of foreign energies that is wrapping around your world and polluting it. And I can't let that happen. You see, my world is the next one down and if I let this world crumble and collapse on itself then mine is going to go next."

She looked at them, green eyes hard and flinty. "I take my responsibilities as a Gatekeeper seriously. These little rocks in my chest, they're the Waystones of your world. The little fragments of power and energy that allow your Gate to exist at all. I had to gather them from where they'd been scattered and if that meant knocking over a few dozen buildings and killing a few thousand people in collateral damage...those were acceptable if saddening losses. You see, through me the energy pours into, and out of, this world. I can keep the tainted energy out of that flow as long as I'm alive and standing. But I might still be too late. There was a lot of interference with my task, a lot of delay, and now one of the Breakers is here, working on the outer walls of your reality. Those are already full of tiny pincushion holes were your governments and other interested parties have been poking into other realities by the dozens. And for every operation I shut down, there is another. And each of those 'legitimate' operations I shut down has only gotten me further demonized in the media."

She pushed an errant strand of red hair out of her eyes before tucking her hands in her vest pockets. "So why am I not the giant asshole you all thought I was going to be, the bloodthirsty maniac. Probably because my image got trashed from the beginning and now, all these years later, it's a little too soiled to clean up. So I don't bother. I let them say whatever they want and I keep doing what needs to be done. Because when this world breaks then my home and everything I really care about is on the line. Thus...I've a vested interest in saving all your asses. Did you all manage to follow that?"

Ryan nodded slowly, realizing finally the the woman across from him wasn't the enemy. Hell, if what she said was true, then his very existence might well be causing more problems than good. Janelle must have realized the same thing because the bubble vanished with a pop, leaving them all standing in the barn. " powers. We're part of the problem?"

Oath considered for a moment before speaking. "Not exactly. How you got them was part of the problem certainly. But you're native to this world unlike some of the individuals I've encountered. Given time, your world would adjust to your presence. The constant influx of energy from the Prime Material would batter out the remnants of taint and this time period, like the ages of myth and legend in the past, would eventually just become another epoch as your world became strong again. It's if this continues to happen that you're all going to be in trouble."

"I think I understand." Graham's voice was soft in the still air of the barn. "We're like a weaker strain of the infection right? Which means the question we need to ask isn't what the hell...but how do we become the vaccine for this plague."

She smiled, nodding at them. "At this point I wouldn't mind a little help. I applaud you all for actually hearing me out. For being willing to believe. There aren't a whole lot of people in this world I think would do that. There's always the chance you're just trying to butter me up so you can put a knife in my back later...but I doubt that very much. However, you're in no shape to help me now. That display of fighting was absolutely worthless. If you're going to help me storm government compounds and take out real super-villains, and heroes, you're going to need some work. Time is short and montages are for the movies. You're going to be busting your asses for me. But if you want to help that can certainly be arranged. I'll wait in the loft while you talk." She paused for a moment, glancing off in a direction as if hearing something, much like a dog might have. "And you'll want to make that decision soon."

With a graceful flit of her wings she left them standing on the ground floor, waiting for them above as she'd promised. With a lot weighing on their minds, the four teens turned to look at each other and talk out their decision.

So what is their decision? How much of that story do they believe? Also, suggestions for super-names would probably be loved.
It's not much but I still hope that you enjoyed everyone!

#16: I Think. . . . . . Author: PopeAlessandrosXVIIILocation: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:17 am
Very interesting. I kinda had the idea that she wasn't a bad guy, but also not exactly "Good" either Razz It took some staring, but I think I get the whole worlds thingy *Grin*

I know I told you my thoughts in the Inn, so I'll just add on a little here. The explanation was great, but I felt we didn't have enough time with the kids, or anything else for that matter, in this chapter. I feel as if it could have been just a lil' bit longer and had some more depth with the characters. It felt very much like an info dump. The info was well put, and and interesting read, don't get me wrong, I liked it. However, I would have liked more character interactions too.

DP. . . . DP. . . . . . .I see a schism appearing in the group. Specifically with, I think Amy? The one who seems the most disgruntled and disbelieving on the matter. So, I see them going along with it for now. No teen would turn down becoming more badass, right? But I don't think Amy will be exactly thrilled or be very cooperative.

As for Super Names. . . . I'll think on it.

Good work with the chappy! Can't wait to see more!

#17:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:57 pm
Wow, Rai, that was rather unexpected. The description of "How the World Really Is" is very fascinating. I wonder if the kids will have a chance to explore the other "realities" at some point. If energies that bleed into this world can give someone superpowers, does it mean in some of the other layers, superpowers are common? Hehe I can't help thinking about things like that when reading this chapter...I love it.

For DP. It appears that Ryan and Janelle managed to comprehend the situation pretty quickly, which I'm rather impressed by. I say that Ryan and Janelle both tentatively believe her because their instincts told them to. However, the others are much more skeptical. Thus, as a group, they'll operate on the basis that Oath was telling the truth...however, secretly, they're also doing their damndest to figure her out.

As for Pope's criticisms, I think my response to that would be: perhaps it could work if the incredibly fascinating description of this world be done slightly more passively, and over several chapters. Razz Of course, personally I don't mind reading all those as it is --- I love complicated worlds. Very Happy

#18:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:21 pm
Poll is up.

#19:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:56 am
A long time coming but at last we have a new chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Four: Conflict

It had come to taunt her, luring her out here in the astral, the great nothingness between worlds. Her silver cord stretched taut, clothed in ruby power, she stared at the thing secure in the knowledge that at any time her body could wake and she would be reeled in safely. Well, as long as this thing didn't try to hitch a ride home with her. "Well?"

You will- It's voice, or more properly voices as it was many overlaid into one hideous symphony of sound, was terrible enough that she didn't feel the least bad about cutting it off mid-sentence.

"If you called me out here to tell me I'm going to fail you could have saved yourself the energy and if you've got nothing better to say than that, this conversation is over."

Gatekeeper do not turn your back on me! This is your one and final warning. Relinquish this world and we will give you time to retreat and fortify your own.

She had been turning to go, to tug her cord and return to her body, now she paused and the gems on her chest glowed a little brighter. "I can, in no good conscience, accept that bargain. Only a fool would. I will face you here, in this world. I'll even be generous and allow you to choose the battlefield. But if you lay siege to my world it will be over my dead body."

The thing moved toward her. A gross and warped humanoid form, twisted in it's aberrant appearance. It's arms were long, muscular, shoved forward on it's chest and it walked on them, on thick splayed fingers. It's...legs...were twisted like arms, reaching forward from it's hips and held off the ground, thumbs on the outside of it's hands rather than it's inside. It's spine was visible, the vertibrae arched and pressing against the pale skin in grotesque knobs. It's neck was just slightly too long allowing it's head to turn just a fraction too far when it cocked it. It's nose was simply two slits in it's almost flat face, hovering above a mouth that was a gash and when it smiled it looked as though it's whole skull had been cleaved in two.

And that will be a sweet day. We shall rip the gate from your carcass and we shall pour down it into your world. You are not a lock. You are a key.

The gems flashed and she made a dismissive gesture with her hand, ruby light lashing out like the crack of a whip. The thing howled in agony as the energy cut across it, shattering it like glass and sending it flying into the void even as she snapped her silver cord taut and was instantly recoiled to her sleeping body.


"Do you think she should be glowing like that?"

"Honestly Ryan it's not the glowing that worries's the levitation."

Ryan glanced over at Graham, noting the way his friend's brows were knotted together, his eyes impassive and his expression unreadable as the pair of them studied Oath. She'd been sleeping in Ryan's upstairs guest room for the past couple of hours, claiming that she wasn't fully recovered from her energies and that the events of the afternoon had taxed her reserves. They'd climbed up to talk to her, Ryan's parents would be home at some point and they needed a plan about where she could stay.

What they'd found had them both uneasy. Oath was hovering five inches off the bed, encased in that glowing ruby light that marked her power. Under the t-shirt she wore, the five gems embedded in her chest would flash every once and a while. They did so impressively and then, suddenly, the ruby light vanished as if it had never been and Oath landed on the bed with a thump, eyes opening. She did not look pleased, her expression becoming coolly neutral when she realized they were observing her.

"Ryan, Graham...did you two need something."

Graham coughed, turning on his heel and leaving the room and Ryan just sighed. They'd spent the past couple of hours arguing, the four of them, over what was the right course of action to take. Janelle believed Oath. Though she couldn't read the woman's mind, she felt no malice or menace coming off of her, no inclination of harm. Then again Janelle was one of the only people Ryan knew that believed folks really were innocent until proven guilty. Ryan himself was wary...but cautiously accepting. If for no other reason than the fact Oath had the opportunity to kill them, dissolve them, and hadn't. Plus she'd offered help with his powers, something he'd been struggling with for years. He needed that help.

Amy...Amy was vehemently opposed. Her dislike of the older woman was etched in every line of her body, every move she made, and every word she spoke. She thought they were all idiots for not just up and calling the government, coming clean, and letting people come deal with this very real and present danger. More than once she'd gestured wildly, called them all idiots, and made like she was going to leave only to sit back down again and fume some more.

Graham...was Graham. Ryan knew his friend wasn't happy with the situation. Knew that Graham was wary of anything the woman said. But at least he was willing to keep silent and observe, to reserve judgement for a point in the future when he had proof that Oath was either telling the truth...or stringing them all along. Graham just didn't want to be too late to correct the course once he had that information. Ryan understood, his friend had always been the most cautious of them. But in the end Ryan had also known Graham would go along with it because Janelle was. And Graham was nothing if he was not an over-protective older brother.

"We need to talk. In two days my parents will be coming home and-"

"And of course my presence here would be decidedly difficult to explain. I'm already taking care of that. My home has almost finished repairing itself and this time I've moved it inside the shell of the world so-"

Ryan held up a hand. "Wait a minute...repeat that last part. Your house is...repairing itself and moving inside the world?"

Oath smiled. "Surely the reports about me mentioned my 'stronghold'? It's nothing so grand. Just a small pocket of reality that I've made for myself. I originally attached it on the outside of this world's energy, on the threads of the web. But they found me there and scraped me off rather easily I'm afraid. I expected it...I just didn't expect them to devote so much force to the assault. Obviously they hoped to capture me and use me as a weapon. Or kill me and use the Gate for their own means. But...I think I've lost you. Just take it as living arrangements shouldn't impede your life at all. Thank you for worrying about me, that was rather sweet."

She stood, pushing her red hair back over her shoulders, white wings rustling as she shifted them into a more comfortable position behind her. "Now...dinner? I'm a good cook I've been told and it's a bonding exercise for a team to eat at a table. Much as a family would."

Ryan was still stunned, looking after her as she brushed past him and began heading downstairs. "Wait...what do you mean team?"

She hadn't been lying, Oath was actually a good cook. The chicken was tender, juicy, and seasoned as it lay on it's bed of steamed rice and vegetables. Ryan, who'd been surviving on anything he could microwave or buy from the mini-mart deli, was just about in heaven. Even Amy, after noticing none of her friends had dropped dead of poison, had finally begun to eat and been begrudgingly forced to admit that it was good.

"So...about this team thing..." Ryan's voice brought a halt to the tenative dinner conversation that had been going on and he instantly regretted that he'd ever spoke.

Oath glanced at each of them, smiling mildly, finishing her bite of chicken before breaking the silence. "Yes, team. I will teach you to use your abilities, to work well with each other, to the best of my capabilities. Because one hero is a force to be reckoned with surely...but they are only one. One set of strengths...and weaknesses. The four of you together are much stronger than each of you separately. Your strengths make up for your weaknesses you...cover your asses as the saying goes."

Amy dropped her fork with a clatter. "Oh so now you want us to be your 'team'?!"

Oath laughed, a rich sound. Not patronizing...just like anyone would do if they heard something funny. "Oh You're untrained, untried in combat. You do not trust me and would be most unlikely to follow my commands in the heat of battle. You're a liability to me. Even if I had the luxury of years to train you, which I do not, you will not become comfortable with me. You believe what others have told you even though you have never met these others. Yet you will refuse to believe me until one of these more credible sources gives you proof. Your very inability to take me at my word ensures that you will never be my team."

And with that Oath took another bite of chicken, leaving Amy to stew with her arms folded across her chest like a five year old. Ryan found it equal parts adorable, frustrating, and hilarious. He'd never thought his girlfriend was...dumb...but he was beginning to wonder if her blonde hair dye had removed all the intelligence he knew she'd once possessed.

"So we would be a team. A group of juvenile super beings...and you wouldn't care if we were to suddenly throw our lot in with established 'Hero' groups? To join...H.O.P.E for instance?" Graham took a sip of water, watching Oath's reaction to his words over the rim of the glass.

She shrugged. "I am not your mother. I'm not going to make your life choices for you. I'm going to train you, hopefully to survive your first encounter. To give you the skills to help people since that is quite obviously your inclination. Why would I oppose you doing what you thought was best?"

"So you wouldn't train us if we were clearly going to use our powers to harm people?"

Oath stared at Graham, green eyes cool. "No. I wouldn't. There is a difference between collateral damage and wanton destruction. A difference between a necessary loss and an avoidable one. I would not train someone who's only goal with their powers is greed...or more power...or corruption. I would not train someone who only wished to use their powers to 'impress' others. To those people I would offer a boon. One time assistance. Or perhaps teach them how to do a particularly spectacular party trick. But I would not teach them to fight. I would not teach them how to effectively use what they've been given."

Ryan coughed lightly, shaking his head, telling Graham to back off. That the subject had been pushed for one evening. "I, for one, would like better control over my powers. I've always been afraid that I was doing it wrong...that all the progress I was making was just...a bad habit I'd have to unlearn. Are you sure that you can teach us properly?"

Oath chuckled. "I do harder things in my sleep."

Alright intrepid readers, where to from here? Who will Oath begin training first? The quiet Janelle? Ryan, who seems most eager? Graham with his keen mind and quiet observation? Or will she try to win Amy over? Perhaps she begins by laying basics with all of them as a team? The choice is yours.

P.S. Still need some hero names here.

And so we close the chapter on a quiet note. I realize that all talk and no action makes a boring super hero story but fear not! Next issue brings with it a surprise...and a challenge. I hope you liked!

#20:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:54 am
Hehehe this is awesome, I'm getting the excitement butterflies in my belly. Very Happy I feel like I'm playing a video game, that's how real this SG feels, which is a testament to your excellent abilities as an author!

From the impression I have about Oath, she'll train the most altruistic and eager one first, keen to see the kids' powers put to good use. Sounds like that'll be either Janelle or Ryan, depending on which one Oath likes best. Probably it's Ryan, but I could be wrong.

#21:  Author: sagittaeri PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:55 am
Hero names? Hmm, I'll be able to come up with some when I'm more familiar with the limits and range of the kids' abilities. Very Happy Do you need them before the next chapter?

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