SHAPE LORDS!!~ A Crystal Ending
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#121:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:40 pm
It has been a month scince last post. If you are reading this, this thread is in a near-death condition. POST!

#122:  Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:27 pm
Masterweaver wrote:
It has been a month scince last post. If you are reading this, this thread is in a near-death condition. POST!

Unfortunately, Dr Weaver the Thread Resusitator is losing interest in himself. Thus losing his powers.

#123:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:06 am
I have not!

#124:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:57 am
Don't worry, next chapter is in progress.

#125:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:19 pm
IU'm still waiting...

#126:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:27 pm
Chapter 24! ~ Oh bugger. (I even have a name for it! Very Happy )

Mike elevated up into the air. He became very alert. His senses picked up everything there was around him. He could see clearly all the dead, severely injured and terrified innocent people. Cars left in heaps on the pavements or slammed into walls. He could clearly smell the stench of blood mixed with the warm, welcoming smell of hot, greasy burgers.

He concentrated all of his knowledge and powers and pushes them around his body. Slowly he started to transform. The monster was now upon him and he was becoming to lose his density.

The monster forced a heavy foot forwards one last time. It took one big, bloody breath to prepare itself for an attack and consequently inhaled Mike! Mike had shifted himself into a poisonous gas that contained a chemical which attacks blood cells, destroying the completely.

The monster screamed, howled and fell to the floor. The blood turned different, magnificent colours before it squirmed and disappeared completely with a large bang. And with it, it took the second from last remaining Chosen One of the Shape Lords.

Silence took over for a few minutes as people tried to establish the events that they had just witnessed. Then it was broken by mothers screaming their babies’ names and children screaming their parents’ and grandparent’s names. The rest wept for their lost friends and loved ones, or tried to help the injured survivors.

The map was left in the middle of the road. After some time, the traffic picked up again and the area was beginning to return back to normal. The map – unable to move from shock and physically unable to anyway – remained in the middle of the road. His life was flashing before his paper eyes for the fifth time, when a car zoomed past and hit him.

The map now lay in the middle of the road barely alive and spoke his last words:

“Oh bugger.”

#127:  Author: PhangLocation: Phang's House of Mints PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:35 pm
The map went and frigging died. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

#128:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:30 pm
Last words may simply mean it went mute.

#129:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:10 pm
well if it went mute, Phang would jump into the story and kill it untill it died! lol

#130:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:25 pm
So then, the decision point is......

We have Alex left. Where is he? And what is he doing? Dependin gon that I will decide what happens to him. But if you have a preferance just tell me. Smile

#131:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:07 am
Alex is still waiting. Come on people this will be the last chapter. Then we can a HUGE party! lol.

I think he should be in Shape Lords City and something happens to him there. But I don't know what.

#132:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 4:26 pm
Perhapse Alex is in the City trying to find out where Map is for some odd reason...and is then attacked by ninja's bent on total control. Best I could think of.

#133:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:48 am
The Final Poll is up!

#134:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:14 pm
Break the tie anyone?

#135:  Author: tramp in a stormLocation: You never know...I could be in YOUR dust bin. PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:12 pm
Chapter 25 ~ A Crystal Ending!

“Send me home damnit! Send me HOME!” Alex screamed and banged on the King’s bedroom door. The great, mint chocolate door opened and Alex fell to the floor in a fit of tears. “I don’t want to die.” He sobbed. “I can’t protect anyone so there’s no point in being one of you. I’m not a Shape Lord, I can’t fight demons, hell I can’t even protect my friends!”

“Child, you are The Chosen One. This is a common fate of people like you.” The King replied.

“I don’t care. I want to go home! I want my mum, my dad, a hot chocolate, my warm bed. I want to go back to being the Loner Loser I was before. The big LL! The double bloody L that I was before I met them! Before I met-” he tried to the word Ann but the name of his lost girlfriend choked in his throat. “Before I met Mike! He dragged me into this! It’s his fault!”

The Shape Lord King invited Alex to come and sit down inside. He was seated on a large sponge cake sofa and the King sat in the one opposite him.

“Your parents do not remember you. Nobody remembers you. They don’t even know that you exist anymore.”

“I’ll remind them.” Said Alex and shot a steady glare at the King.

The King smiled. “You see? You have got it in you.”

“And in me it will stay.” Said Alex steady but sternly. “Let me make this clear to you King. I – am – going – home.”

His royal highness sighed and looked at the floor. Then he clicked his fingers and two men entered the room and bowed first to the King and then to Alex who glared at them.

“Get the troops ready. Ready them for another search for the Chosen One.” The men bowed again but this time only to the King, and left.

“Rise.” The king ordered. “Follow.” He was very rude but Alex did as he was told, a feeling of hope rising within him.

The King led him through a castle to a door. He opened it and they entered. Alex looked around and found that the room was not made out of chocolate but instead of stone. In the centre stood a piano, and on top of that rested a blue crystal. The walls were covered in what looked to be ancient writing and here and there were small pictures of demons.

“Take the crystal in one hand and play the piano in the other.”

“What? I can’t play the piano.” Alex looked at it confused. “and why, anyway?”

“You really aren’t adventurous are you? I’ll spoil it for you. When you hold the crystal you can play the piano.”

Alex was beginning to get annoyed by this sudden change in attitude but once again, he did as he was told. He held the crystal in his left hand and played with his right. He was shocked to find that he was playing really well. He didn’t recognise the tune though.

However he soon did. The tune changed into a voice. It spoke to him in loud and clear English as his hand kept playing.

The voice sighed. “That old fool never does tell the whole truth. You can do anything, actually, with the crystal.” Alex’s eyes widened and were filled with a sparkle of powerful hope. “Apart from bring back the dead.” Added the voice, destroying the boy’s last hopes. “Actually….nobody has ever tried. They’ve all been to dumb to stea-“

“Excuse me.” Alex said. “I want to go home and the King wanted me to play the piano. I’m guessing you can tell me something he wants to know and I can go home.”

The voice growled. “The next chosen one is a three year old girl called Lian Jones. You’ll have to wait until she is at least 10 years old.”

“Can I go home before then?”

“Yes. Of course you can. You’re the X-Chosen one. You can do what ya want now, duck. The next one has been chosen. You’re free as a fly!”

“Excuse me?”

“What? Oh. Not again. Look, put me down and stop playing the piano. The more I’m held the dumber I get. My brain needs to rest.”

“You have a brain?”

“PLEASE! No more questions! Oh. And your fingers are burning.” The voice laughed and Alex threw the crystal to the floor and took his hand from the instrument.

The music stopped and the crystal almost smashed.

“You idiot! You dented it!” a man yelled. Alex guessed he was a Shape Lord who had come in while he was distracted.

“A three year old girl called Lian Jones but you have to wait 7 years. I can still leave because the crystal said.” Alex explained quickly.

The man followed the King and led Alex out of the room. The small man from the entrance to the City appeared and gave Alex his suitcase. The man then led him onto a skateboard outside.

“You can go home now. Here are your documents to prove who you are. We made sure that everyone remembers you as you were but there are still a lot of gaps in your mum’s memorie.”

“Like what?” Alex asked.
“Like how you’ve changed and the day you were born.”

The skate board hovered in the air and Alex took a second to gain his balance. The King approached him.

“No more magic. No more anything that you gained here.”

Alex nodded.

“Good bye, you one.”
“Good bye, your Heighness.” Replied Alex and the skated board hovered away.

“And THANKS!” yelled Alex as a rush of air hit his face.

“For what?” One of the Shape Shifters asked the king.


Not long later, Alex landed in a field he recognised. “School.” He whispered to himself. “almost forgot about you.” He made his way running over the fields, passed the gates and onto the road. He followed it, took a short cut through the alley and before he knew it he was standing by the small gate of his front garden.

“Alex! Get in here now! You’re late!” he heard his mother’s voice and ran inside the house and hugged her. She pushed him away.

“Don’t try those tricks again! You were supposed to be home an hour ago! Have you been hanging around with that Jack and Jade again? I’m telling you those twins have destroyed you…..” she rambled on as she moved around the house picking up people’s belongings and made her way into the kitchen to fiddle with the heat on the cooker.

Alex smiled and went up the stairs to his room. It was not how he remembered it.
“It seems as though those ‘Lords’ didn’t just give me my life back, but they changed it a bit too. What I am supposed to be? Some kind of Badass Druggy?” He asked himself as he examined every object in his room.

He sat on his bed and even though disappointed in his ‘new’ life, he smiled. He grinned to himself and produced a small cracked, blue crystal from his pocket.

“Lets see what this baby can really do.”

There ya go! THE END!
Last comments are welcome and later, I'll ask for this to be locked up safely. Thanks for reading everyone! I know it's not a brilliant SG but it is the first one I ever did. Even one of the first stories I've ever written. And almost 2 years later in ends!

Thanks for reading and posting and voting and everything Very Happy

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