The Time Before : Discussion and Voting
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City of IF -> The Time Before
How does Norral answer the guard?
Humbly deny all knowledge of any Sempa?
 42%  [ 3 ]
Explain that your fire was throwing up a lot of sparks last night? Easily mistaken for fireballs at a distance.
 14%  [ 1 ]
Sempa killed your family. You're heading straight to the Capital to complain and demand recompense?
 28%  [ 2 ]
Author option (DO NOT USE)
 14%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 7
Who Voted: algu95, Chinaren, D-Lotus, DeadManWalking, Key, Reiso, Smee

#121:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:37 am
I'm going for Key's option too. It may not work, but it seems to be the only one with surprise on its side. Smile

#122:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:26 am
I went with the sandstorm. I just don't see the soldiers running away at a sudden freak sandstorm, and it's not likely to be coming from a great distance (after all the Sempa have gotten close enough to test the shield before). A brief flash to get you as a group through the barrier, and then it's killing just like always.

#123:  Author: Ingrothechundyer PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:14 am
Lets try the sandstorm to get in. (Any chance of having two mages on the other side to block off the exit)?

#124:  Author: Hyperion PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:28 am
Right, last call? Distraction. You said one hell of a distraction, and the 13 mages for the Air Wall spell could be put to good use by invoking the Holocaust spell in the general area. It would usually only take 7, so the other 6 could add the incantation to redirect the strikes coming their way back towards the enemy... Normally moving large objects and effects would be difficult, but not if you know the exact invocation used for the spell. You'd have your distraction: people in the path of general doom don't concentrate very well... Very Happy

#125:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:31 am
Sorry Hyperion - too many people have voted now to add a new option in.

There has been 4 days since I said it for the idea to be expanded on. If I can I'll try and incorporate the idea into the chapter - the general idea is to cause confusion anyway.

#126:  Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:38 am
ethereal_fauna wrote:
I went with the sandstorm. I just don't see the soldiers running away at a sudden freak sandstorm, and it's not likely to be coming from a great distance (after all the Sempa have gotten close enough to test the shield before). A brief flash to get you as a group through the barrier, and then it's killing just like always.

And what if they've built a brick wall running along the shield perimeter? If I were the captain that's what I'd do, especially if I knew that the Sempa were testing my defenses.

#127:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:42 pm
Key wrote:
And what if they've built a brick wall running along the shield perimeter? If I were the captain that's what I'd do, especially if I knew that the Sempa were testing my defenses.

So our mages scouted out the barrier, drafted a map, indicated enemy fortifications as troops, and failed to mention a brick wall? Then first we need to rid ourselves of those dumb-asses amongst us, and then enter under cover of a sandstorm, blow through the brick wall (or is it now conveniently located where we'd have to use powder instead of magic, right on the barrier?) and then kill the enemy.

If we're on or in the water, we are below the enemy, disadvantaged against them and their archers, open targets in an expanse of liquid backdrop. So much more potential for things to go amiss.

#128:  Author: ShogunLocation: In your nightmares, feeding on your fears. PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:13 pm
I voted for attack from a distance! Can't wait for the next chapter

#129:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:55 pm
I went with dristacting them by throwing boulders etc over them. Th sandstorm is a good idea, but they could just shoot arrows randomly to where the sandstorm is coming through and they would probably get us before we could get our shields up.

#130:  Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:29 pm
ethereal_fauna wrote:
So our mages scouted out the barrier, drafted a map, indicated enemy fortifications as troops, and failed to mention a brick wall?

Or they built the brick wall after our mages gave themselves away testing the defenses (which we know they did).
enter under cover of a sandstorm, blow through the brick wall (or is it now conveniently located where we'd have to use powder instead of magic, right on the barrier?) and then kill the enemy.

We know that they've activated the shield and put fortifications all along it, so at the time our scouts went out there they already had a pretty good idea of what the shield does and where it is. Since our mages were seen casting spells directly into the wall and having them fizzle, it's a pretty safe bet that now they know exactly what the shield does and where it is.

If you were a smart captain sitting in a shield impervious to magic but which mages could walk right through, where would you build a brick wall? Inside the shield, where the mages could walk up and blow it away once they were inside? Outside the shield, where they could blow it away from a distance?

If you were smart you'd build it right on the wall, close enough so that there'd be no way a mage could fit between the wall and the shield, but not outside where it would be vulnerable. That would indeed be the most convenient location for you, and the most inconvenient for your enemy.

Maybe the captain's not that smart (though everything we've heard suggests that he is). Maybe he doesn't know the exact dimensions of the shield (though he somehow figured out how to turn it on). Maybe he couldn't build the wall in time. There are lots of lucky breaks we might catch to find the defenses weak. But do you want to stake the attack on them?

If we're on or in the water, we are below the enemy, disadvantaged against them and their archers, open targets in an expanse of liquid backdrop. So much more potential for things to go amiss.

The key to any plan is getting inside the shield and able to cast our own shield spells before we are hurt. If we do this stealthily, underwater, it won't matter whether we're below them or above them, it won't matter what kind of targets we are. They can shoot all they want and their arrows will bounce off.

Things can always go amiss. But our chances are better when we attack stealthily, from a direction unexpected and hard to defend against, than when we go in guns blazing.

#131:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:27 pm
One more day of voting.

Get your opinion in - it could change the entire story. Shocked

#132:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 9:50 pm
looks like a tie

#133:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:02 am
OK the poll is closed.

It was close, but Norral will attempt to attack with the sandstorm plan.

Look out for this chapter on Tuesday 22nd November (just before the end of SGOTM poll, save your votes Smile )

However, to keep you amused until then will be Chapter 5 and a return to see how Trengin sorted out the pickpocket.

That will be posted tomorrow.

Thanks for voting everyone Very Happy

#134:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:18 am
There's a storygame of the month vote already? Wow, I should go check it out.

#135:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:21 am
No D - but when it does come out the 22nd will be a few days away from closing.

#136:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:33 am
oh, ok.

#137:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:48 pm
Excellent! Love it. Though I wish it wasn't with you in the SGotM! Bah! Wink

Tying in nicely with the 'other side' story as well.

He obviously wouldn't know of the planned attack on the bridge, but a bit of deduction would probably lead him to believe that it would be a target quite soon. Hence I say he should take himself, and the others off there to help defend it, or just find out how the shield works.

Two little points (returning the favour from past posts)
Over the next two hours I learnt a fair amount just sat there

I think I would have said 'sitting there'. Doesn't sound quite right the way you wrote it.

Isn't gleaned 'ea'? Gleened gleaned.

Very Happy

#138:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:01 am
Thanks Chinaren,

Whilst you were spotting those I was spotting the ones in Narg. Very Happy

#139:  Author: Hyperion PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:54 am
Erm... right. I just read the post in chinaren's story that was... exactly the same. Razz I think he should not join the Circle at all costs. Go for Captain Hunt, convince him that you would be of use, then question him about the book.

#140: Re: Chapter 5: News and Options Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:28 am
*Blinks* Very clever story, Smee. I knew I'd underestimated your evil genius. I'll go away and ponder a while. But before I do... Smile

Smee wrote:

He looked at me shocked. He was a short man, a little of five feet but stocky and wearing quality clothing. I smile came to his face and he swayed slightly.

I smile? A smile?


The store owner eyes me knowingly but makes no comment as he wraps the items I'd chosen, I paid him and briskly walked off.

I think the tense problems may be coming out again. You started the paragraph in past and moved it to present, then back to past again. Or is that just me? Confused

*beams innocently*
Happy correcting...

#141:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:23 am
He was a short man, a little of five feet but stocky and wearing quality clothing. I smile came to his face and he swayed slightly

Whilst your at it, you might add another 'f' to the 'of'. I am assuming it was meant to be 'off' of course.

Happy editing! Smile

#142:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:34 am
Thanks Stoat and Chinaren, all fixed.

I think the tense problems may be coming out again. You started the paragraph in past and moved it to present, then back to past again. Or is that just me?

An on-going battle I'm seeking to win. Mad

Whenever I get into a flow of typing it happens. I have to keep breaking away and making sure I'm not doing it (which I forget to do). Eventually I'll get it right instinctively, but in the meantime thanks for spotting it. Very Happy

Happy Error spotting Smile

#143:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:33 pm
At this point the caravan sounds like the most important target. He has no idea that there are plans to attack the bridge, although he could logically surmise that they might. However, this caravan is definitely a tempting target and should be protected. Possibly he could find many of the answers he seeks there.

I also doubt that he would leave his friends in the lurch, knowing the specifics of their intents. Before he was asked to join something, with little concept of what that meant. The consequences here are much clearer. He might not agree to join the Circle, but I think he will agree to help out for this one time.

#144:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:18 pm
I think he should stick to his origanal decision and speak to Captain Hunt. If you have a plan it is best to stick to it for as long as possible.

#145:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:13 pm
Go for the caravan. As a mage, I think Trengin is interested in those books that could amplify his power and help stop the Smepa. I think he's too curious to resist the offer. Plus, he can't let his friends go alone and get killed. He doesn't have to join the circle, just join this one expedition. Very Happy

#146:  Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:26 pm
Both guarding the caravan and talking to Captain Hunt (and possibly getting caught in an attack) sound like exactly what we were trying to avoid when we decided not to join the Circle. We'd be sticking our neck out and making ourselves known to the Sempa, an enemy that vastly outnumbers us, without striking against them in any meaningful way.

On the other hand, if those magical scrolls and artifacts are as important as Srune says they are, this may be too big an opportunity to pass up. If we can get our hands on them, they may give us some real weapons to use against the Sempa; and if the Sempa get them instead, any weapons we have might be useless.

So I think we should go to the caravan. But what I want to know is: what kind of a deal does Srune have with the soldiers who are guarding the things? Will they let us investigate the magic (and possibly use it), in exchange for escorting it safely? If he's got a deal like that with them then I think we should guard it. Otherwise, I think we should try to steal it ahead of the Sempa. If we don't, no amount of soldiers are going to keep it safe.

#147:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:48 am
Another thought would be trying to discourage his friends from doing something so foolish and refusing to help them, but deciding in the end to follow and of course becoming involved once the fighting starts if he needs to (which most likely he will).

I could see him as the type that might refuse, set off for the bridge and then guilt forces him back to the side of his friends. Despite not wanting to get caught up in this mess, he ultimately wants to do the right thing.

#148:  Author: D-LotusLocation: Hollywood, USA PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 7:51 pm
Lets stick strictly to the decision point. You can try to dissuade them and leave somewhere else, but its up to the author if he'll feel anyguilt. Don't assume. I know I do a lot of times...but i should stop. Wink

#149:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:31 pm
what kind of a deal does Srune have with the soldiers who are guarding the things? Will they let us investigate the magic (and possibly use it), in exchange for escorting it safely?

There's no deal at the moment. Srune knows that if even a breath of hope that a mage might help them would get back to the Sempa somehow so it's strictly secret at the moment. However, the soldiers have to know that they really have no chance against the Sempa if they attack, so I'm sure a deal could be negotiated.

Both guarding the caravan and talking to Captain Hunt (and possibly getting caught in an attack) sound like exactly what we were trying to avoid when we decided not to join the Circle.

The original decision for not joining was the risk for seemingly no gain. Talking with Hunt is something Trengin has been interested in since he heard of the bridge, and clearly he would hope to avoid a fight. He's unlikely to just stroll in if it's under attack.

Guarding the caravan holds the potential of whatever knowledge can be found. Trengin is just as professionally interested in this, and knows Srune wouldn't get excited about nothing.

A poll goes up later today. You've got a few hours for any other suggestions.

#150:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:11 am
D-Lotus wrote:
Lets stick strictly to the decision point. You can try to dissuade them and leave somewhere else, but its up to the author if he'll feel anyguilt. Don't assume. I know I do a lot of times...but i should stop. Wink

Wasn't an assumption, but rather speculation. Cool

#151:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:29 am
Okay Fauna, it's been bugging me for a while now.

2 months, 3 weeks 1 day to what???? Confused

#152:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:40 am
Unsure Hmmmm, I'm not sure if I should tell. It's that long until February 9th...

*tries to avoid straying too far off topic for too long*

#153: Come on! Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:43 am
I will pay you 2 fables to spill the beans! Very Happy

Better still, start a competition in the marketplace! 10F to enter, winner takes all (minus a small cut for yourself!)

#154:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 3:47 am
Don't need a small cut...and if we persist then Smee will end up splitting this topic off and moving it into the Open Forum (or if you insist on a money-making venture, the Marketplace). Cool

Besides, I amended the statement above and said very specifically, February 9th. What more could you possibly want to know?

#155:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:07 am
OK the Poll is up and will last until about Sun 1pm GMT.

Choose wisely.

Better still, start a competition in the marketplace!

The answer has been revealed in chat - it probably wouldn't work very well as a comp.

and if we persist then Smee will end up splitting this topic off

I'll let you off this once. But no more chit chat Cool

Happy Voting. Smile

#156: Keepin' it short Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:13 am

#157:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:56 am
Smee wrote:
I'll let you off this once. But no more chit chat Cool

You are so magnanimous Smee. *bows*

I say he tries to talk some sense into his friends, and attempt to convince them to come to the bridge with him. Seemed to fit his character best from the options presented.

#158:  Author: KeyLocation: The Royal Palace PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:58 am
I went with defending the caravan. I think it's more important than the bridge.

#159:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:02 pm
I went for defending the caravan. I don't think Trengin would pass up the chance to get his hands on all that knowledge. That's something worth getting involved for

#160:  Author: Mother GooseLocation: Connecticut PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 7:55 am
Defend the caravan! If the Sempa get their hands on those books we're cooked!

City of IF -> The Time Before

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