Blood Price - Chapter 26: Taking care of what was left
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#121:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:35 am
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and be prepared because Moswen isn’t anymore the conscious vampire he was… Very Happy

You have until next Monday to give ideas, suggestions and more options.

Also sorry about the image, I got some problems with the scanner. I hope I can scan it again but with a better scanner.

#122:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:21 am
Very good chapter. Moswen now has his own command and a place for himself in the vampire community. As he says, he's making the best of what he's become.

I think his new team need to show these strangers that they're vampires too, and that they're capable of defending themselves against an attack. Don't start a fight, but try to exude that easy confidence that suggests that you'd win any fight that DID start.

Let's hope it works... Smile

#123:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:58 am
Finally, Moswen the reluctant vampire is accepting who and what he is. Mad

These vampires teasing and taunting them should be faced. No need to give up their hunt to marauders. If the vampires attacking them won't come out and talk, then prepare to defend yourselves and your hunt.

#124:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:30 pm
Let them know what you are, and that you're prepared to fight, but try not to start anything.

#125:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:41 am
I changed the image for one well scanned...

So far everyone has agreed to not start the fight but defend if necessary. I'm not sure if everyone agrees to show that they are vampires.

Should Moswen show them that they are vampires? Should Moswen start a conversation? (A peaceful one or an aggressive one) Or should he wait to see if they wanted to talk?

Something is for sure if they attack him he will defend himself and his hunt.

Well keep it coming....

#126:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:42 am
Reveal that you're vampires. That might entice them to talk, or it might make matters worse. Either way, stop hiding your true nature.

#127:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:52 pm
Ok. The poll will be up Monday.

So far Moswen will not fight, instead he will reveal that they are vampires.

#128:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:35 am
The poll is up, it will end on thursday.

Moswen will not fight them unless he need to defend himself, as all of you said. Vote.

#129:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:39 am
See what move they make first. If you're talking, then you will be concentrating on that instead of focusing on defense. If you're not taking the offensive, then you need to be ready in case they intend to do more than just talk.

#130:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:27 pm
Voted, and winning.

#131:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:24 pm
Ok people. Poll it's ended (or it should be)

Moswen will not fight instead he will reveal that he is vampire but then what?

Talk to them 0% [ 0 ]
Wait for them to do the first move 100% [ 3 ]

Everyone goes for wait to see what will they do.

Next Chapter should be up on Monday. Thanks for your participation.

#132: Chapter 8: Training on demand Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:33 am
Moswen, Leban and Darak were looking at the three strange vampires. There was a deep silence for a moment.

“Don’t move. Let’s just wait to see what they want from us,” murmured Moswen. “But don’t allow our prey to go neither…” concluded Moswen while pointing at the humans.

Darak looked at their food and then looked at Leban moving his head like saying that he will take care of that but without saying a word. Then they prepared to fight.

“Don’t say a word…” said Moswen while transforming on vampire.
“You have to be confusing me with someone else,” yelled Moswen to the three shadows.

“So you are a vampire too. Who else?” said one of the vampires.
“Transform yourself,” ordered Moswen and immediately Leban and Darak transformed their faces.
“Then here is something wrong,” said one of the vampires while they jumped in front of Moswen.

“What you are talking about?” asked Moswen.
“Who is your master?” said other of the vampires very curiously.
“You tell me yours and I will tell you mine,” answered Moswen.

The three vampires looked at each other and then looked at Moswen. Leban and Darak were just looking at them very prepared to whatever happens.

“You don’t understand. This is our master’s territory,” said the one who asked.
“Then something have to be wrong,” said Moswen. “And your master is?” asked Moswen.
“Why should I answer that? You are the one who trespassed our territory,” said one of the vampires.
“Maybe we are from the same clan,” said Moswen.
“You have to be kidding me…” interrupted the vampire who haven’t talk before.
“Why?” asked Moswen.

“You are so weak,” said one of the vampires while other of them started to laugh.
“Only in your dreams,” said Leban very seriously.
“Did you say something, little vampy…” said one of the vampires.

Moswen step aside and leave Leban do as he wishes but without taking out his eyes of the other vampires. Immediately Leban walked toward the vampire who was talking to him.

“It’s not my fault that you don’t understand, but I can teach you,” said Leban.
“This is going to be very interesting,” said other of the vampires.

Moswen moved to the side of Darak while waiting to see what Leban was going to do. The other vampires were very impress of what Leban was doing, especially because on the first attack they couldn’t protect of them.

Then started to fight but very slow. The other vampire was attacking Leban like if he hasn’t any real intention of fight. But from time to time he was accelerating his movements.

“Don’t play with him, just kill him…” yelled one of the vampires.

Moswen gave signals to Darak and then murmured, “don’t intervene on the fight; just take our food and get out when you can”. Darak looked surprised of that order. Immediately Moswen moved in front of Darak to block him from the watch of the others vampires.

The other vampire was too fast for Leban but he didn’t stop. He continued trying to avoid his enemy’s hits, until he fell to the ground.

“C’mon Leban. Let’s go now,” said Moswen very firmly.

Everyone stared at him. Then he smiled to all of them. “Leban stop playing with these suckers…” said Moswen.

Immediately Leban started to laugh and got up. He looked very firmly to the other vampire but then he received another hit from him. But this time he used that hit to take some advantage. Instead of trying to keep up he fell to the ground but not at all. He moved very fast to the side with his back upside so the other vampire couldn’t see what he was doing.

He took something from the ground and used it to hold the vampire. He passed it through the vampire foot holding it to the ground. Immediately he hit the vampire on the stomach with all his strength making fall the vampire.

The others two vampires were very surprised to see his friend falling. They got into the fight very fast. One of them tried to protect the falling vampire while the other tried to attack Leban.

“Move…” yelled Moswen to Darak while jumping.

Moswen tried to hit the vampire that was trying to protect the falling one. But neither of them could make what they wanted. The vampire moved to avoid Moswen but then he also missed his task. The falling vampire fall to the ground while Leban was trying to fight the other one, but they were too fast for them.

Moswen tried to avoid the one who was fighting him but the one who was on the ground grab him by his leg. That surprised Moswen who couldn’t move and have to kneel to avoid fall. While he was on the ground he took something from the ground to try to use it to protect him.

Moswen tried to get up hiding what he has to surprise the vampire but he couldn’t. Someone pushed him from the side and he lost what he has on his hands. That didn’t stop him from getting up. While he was getting up he felt something falling to him from the front.

When he could see to the front he just saw a back from someone falling toward him. He immediately threw one of his hands as a knife to cut the flesh of the one who was in front of him. He did it while trying jump to take more speed. He felt when he cut and passed all the body but his hand didn’t stop there. He could felt how his hand entered to other body too.

Moswen took out his hand of the two bodies just to see to whom he cut by the back. While the body was falling he saw that it was Darak. Darak was falling death, but not from what Moswen did to him. Darak’s head was moving to one side while the body was falling.

Moswen rapidly moved to see what the other vampire has on his hand. He only saw the other vampire on the ground, on his knees, with a bath of blood on him. Moswen hit him on the shoulder and that force the other vampire to loosen what he has. Moswen saw something like a small sword but he couldn’t take it because the other vampire was holding him.

Moswen bite the hand of the other vampire and when he felt loose he ran to take the small sword while spitting the fingers that he have on his mouth. As soon as he got the sword he cut the head of the vampire that was hurt on his shoulder and immediately did the same with the vampire that was holding him.

When he looked at Leban saw that he was very injured but alive. He ran toward him to help him with the last vampire whom saw Moswen coming. He looked to see where were his others friends just to see their bodies on the ground. He looked very surprised and the just ran.

Moswen helped Leban to stand up and then they ran behind the other vampire to follow him but with some distant so the vampire didn’t knew that they were behind him. “We need to know who are his master and what they were doing here,” said Moswen while following the vampire.

They didn’t go so far when they found a village with a lot of people outside of their houses. It was very strange because it was very late on the night. The other vampire entered to the village walking like if nothing was happened. Moswen and Leban changed their faces to the human ones and hide for some moment.


Moswen stared at the village to know what was happening there. On the village was almost everyone awake. All the adults were with some kind of weapon from send to crossbow. They got lots of bonfires and there were everyone talking. They were so active that you could think that they were vampires. “Are they vampires?” thought Moswen while looking at each one very carefully. They were like if they were at preparing to a war but against whom.

“Are we going to wait here? We already lost him on that crowd. Besides we don’t have enough time before dawn. Maybe even they are friend of him…” said Leban worried.
“Maybe they even are vampires. We need to know what’s happening here. There are houses were we can hide,” said Moswen but even he wasn’t sure of what to do now?

#133:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:36 am
The chapter 8 is up. Ideas will be until Thursday.

#134:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:44 am
You've lost one of your own, and it is doubtful that the whole village is of vampires. Likely they are seeking to kill the vampires that attacked you, but you won't know unless you listen in. Now perhaps is not the appropriate time.

Since dawn is approaching it might be smarter to find someplace safe to sleep. Try to blend in with the villagers...act as weary travellers and get a room at an inn if you have money. You can find out more the following evening.

#135:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:53 am
I think they should find out everything they can about the situation, with their own safety in mind.

On the one hand, what they don't know might well be able to kill them. On the other, they're a vamp down and incapable of defending themselves against a whole village full of enraged vampire-hunters.

Then again, if this is a village full of vampires, imagine the power that Moswen could wield if he somehow stepped up into the role of leadership? He has to find out waht's going on before he lays himself down to rest Smile

#136:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:12 am
But what are the chances of him being able to take control of an entire village of vampires?

#137:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:16 am
What are the chances of this being an entire village of vampires? So far most the vampires we've encountered have been factious. Likely this is a village intent on ridding itself of a predatory group of vampires.

#138:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:20 am
I'm just saying we should find out. Either way.

#139:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:55 am
Ok people, the poll is up. Let's vote and hope that everything will be fine Shocked

#140:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:52 am
Voted for intel, and winning.

#141:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:43 pm
Ok. The poll has ended:

Find more information about the village then go to sleep 66% [2]
Rest on the village and find more information when awake 33% [1]

I hope I can get the next chapter for monday...

#142: Chapter 9: The village of memories Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:24 am
Chapter 9: The village of memories

“We have to check who they are before going to that village” said Moswen while looking all the people on the village.
“We also need to take all of this blood out of our clothes,” said Leban while laughing.

The village looked flood of people. The buildings were in bad conditions. From where they are they just could see a village that was crossing a war. The clothes, the movement, the voices there; everything there yelled that they were at war.

They moved near the village but still hide. They were preparing to wait there when they saw that almost everyone was going out of the village. They waited to see the smallest group to follow it. Then they were following two guys trying to avoid been see. After some time the two guys stopped and wait there in silence.

“They know we are here,” said Leban.
“Then let’s talk to them,” said Moswen with a malicious smile.

They got out to be seen but acting like if nothing was happening and trying to cover the blood spots of their clothes. Then the two guys moved toward them.

The guys were wearing dirty clothes and some strange things were on their hands. They didn’t have warrior faces but they look like if they were trying to look like warriors. They have the eyes of hunters but their steps were like if they were scared of something. In that moment Leban and Moswen knew that they weren’t vampires or at least weren’t warriors vampires.

“Are you two hurts?” asked one of them.
“Not yet. But you are going…” answered Leban.
“Not we aren’t and you?” interrupted Moswen as fast as he could.
“You have blood on your clothes” said the other one.

Leban was preparing to fight them; he was just waiting for Moswen’s orders when suddenly one of the men took hold his own clothes. “Don’t worry we didn’t have time to clean them neither” said the man while giving a simple smile.

“So you are new here?” asked one of the men.
“Yes. How did you know it?” asked Moswen trying not left Leban speak.
“Because you look very scared,” said the other and then they two started to laugh.

“Can we?” asked Leban while looking at Moswen.
Moswen moved the head like saying not.

The two guys looked at each other like surprised. Immediately they took the things they have on their hands to show it to Moswen and Leban. They had crosses made of wood with rosary on them. The crosses were as large as an arm and in the end were pointy. While they have that on one of the hand they took out some weapons on the other. One of them took out a stake and the other took out a crossbow.

Moswen and Leban tried to act as if they were surprised. They even tried to look scared so the other man didn’t attack them. They were trying to find some information, so they needed them alive to speak.

“We are not scared,” yelled one of the men.
“They are here… they are here, help us” yelled the other one very scared.
“We have to stop them before they turn this into a war” said Leban while transforming.

Immediately Moswen transform himself to attack them. Moswen and Leban jumped toward them to shut them but it was too late. While they were jumping they could heard the others arriving. Even with that they didn’t stop the attack. Each one of them took one and taking advantage of that they have to kill them, they feed from them in a short time.

“Here they are. They are Kort’s vampires,” yelled someone who was arriving from behind and interrupted the vampires’ dinner.

Those words hit Moswen very hard on his memories.


Cadel take an ultimate effort to look into Kort’s eyes. They are blue but have like blood on them. It’s like his eyes was asking for the spirit of the blood.

Kort starts laughing and have a crazy look. He is looking around and moving the head like a hungry animal. But then Cadel starts laughing too. Kort stop laughing and looks Cadel.

“Like I said, I have no fear. I will be dead but you, you are a walking dead. For me this is the end, but for you is only the beginning. And yes you are sick…” Cadel still laughing but Kort is mad. Kort keep his eyes on Cadel’s eyes. He is looking like he wants to get Cadel’s thoughts from his eyes. He takes Cadel’s neck with both of his hands and starts to asphyxiate Cadel.
With his last breath Cadel try to say something but he can’t. Suddenly Kort take his hands out and slowly take Cadel’s head. He is approaching Cadel’s head to his mouth.

“Who is laughing at the end?” Cadel lost all his energy in that phrase. But he got enough energy to give a big bad smile to Kort, who is biting him.


“Hide your face,” murmured Moswen while running as fast as he could. Immediately Leban followed him. They climbed a tree to hide there for a moment.

“It’s almost dawn. We are going to die if we don’t do something fast” murmured Leban.
“I know it, Leban. I’m thinking on that,” murmured Moswen while looking down to the ground.

But even with the dawn arriving Moswen thoughts were on what someone yelled before. “Kort’s vampires…” those words were floating in his mind.

“Take the hurt one to the village. The rest continue hunting the vampires,” said someone down making the before words disappear.
“That’s it,” said Leban with a malicious smile.
“You are right,” said Moswen.

Immediately they moved toward the village across the trees. When they arrived near the village they went down of the trees and entered the village. Not with the vampire faces, not like normal humans but like wounded humans.

“Help us, we were attacked by vampires…” yelled Moswen with complaint words.

Immediately some of the persons who were there helped them. They moved them to some defective building that was like the hospital for them. The building has some beds and big stones doing the job of beds too. There were a lot of wounded persons, blood on beds and clothes, and even some parts of persons were still on the ground. There were fleshes on all the ground and that smell that no vampire could resist. That smell of fresh blood and the environment of fear to the death.

“We have to resist that smell, Leban. At least here we will have some protection of the sun. We will rest until the night came again,” murmured Moswen to Leban while a nurse were conducing them to some beds.

“What do you need? Are you wounded?” asked the nurse.
“We are very tired. Some vampires attacked us but we didn’t gave them the opportunity to hurt us,” answered Moswen.
“Did some of them bite you?” asked the nurse very worried.
“No, they didn’t. Why?” said Moswen acting like if he doesn’t understood.
“Here we are studying the vampires, so we could hunt them. They attacked a town so much time ago. There they almost kill everyone. Since then some people are trying to hunt them. As they continue attacking villages and towns we are tracking them. We are collecting information about them so we can kill them all. If you were bite by some of them we need to know it. But don’t worry here you are secure. Later will come some persons to take information from you” said the nurse very sweetly.

“To us?” asked Leban.
“Yes, don’t worry it’s about your encounter with the vampires. As I said before we need that information to hunt them. Also we need to be sure that you weren’t bit,” answered the nurse while leaving them.

“What to do now? Should we wait here to those persons? Should we rest? What about Kort? Is he near? Kort…” thought Moswen while looking at Leban who was waiting for instructions.

#143:  Author: Lordy PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:38 am
I think the best plan now is to get some R&R, there will be time to worry about Kort later.

If you protest, you might just find yourself out in the sun, and that would be all the bad.

#144:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:54 am
What do you mean with R&R?
Sorry but I don'understand it.

#145:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:01 am
R&R is 'Rest and Recuperation'. Smile

I think Lordy's right for now. You need to stay here until dark tomorrow. Stay alert, give away as little as possible, be prepared to use some trickery if necessary and keep your head down. In the meantime, find out more about Kort and what the presence of his name here means. It could be very important!

#146:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:27 am
Thanks for the "definition" Laughing

#147:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:10 am
If you leave now then you may become targets...but then again if you wait and answer questions you may become targets anyways, and be captives immediately.

Tough decision, but I think you are better off staying where you are for right now.

#148:  Author: bluezaphire PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:20 am
I agree with Shady. They should recharge batteries, lay low as much as possible and find out more about what is going on with Kort.

#149:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:05 am
Ok so far everyone has agreed to wait here. The difference then should be on Kort.

Worry about Kort later.
In the meantime found out more about Kort.

Of course they should be very careful and try to not give out information about them Wink .

#150:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:54 am
I'd worry about Kort later. When they come to ask you questions, you don't want to arouse suspicion by coming back with questions so specific about Kort.

Find out what is happening first. If you mention Kort's name make sure that whoever you are talking to thinks that you first heard the name there. Act as if what you overheard was the only mention of Kort that you'd ever had.

#151:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:52 pm
Ok, people the poll is up. It will be up until thursday. Vote !

#152:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:53 am
I said rest for now, and gather informatoin later. And winning.

#153:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:15 am
Sorry people. It should said Moswen and not Kort. My mystake. Shocked

#154:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2006 9:33 am
Poll ended. Next Chapter Monday (I hope)

Find some information about Kort before rest 0% [ 0 ]
Rest and find information about Kort later 100% [ 4 ]
Rest and go as soon as you can 0% [ 0 ]

#155: Chapter 10: The war of Kort Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:41 am
Chapter 10: The war of Kort

“Let’s stay here. We will be safer inside the building,” said Moswen, a little worried.
“Whatever you say,” said Leban.
“Also, we have to be prepared to answer their questions. We need to know what to say and how. The both of us have to say the same thing,” ordered Moswen.
“You are right about that,” said Leban.
“Let’s rest now and talk about this later,” said Moswen, as he lay down on the ground.

Leban stared at him until Moswen was almost sleeping. Then Leban decided to take a bed, at least a flat rock where he could sleep better.


“It’s after noon…” The same nurse that attended them when they first came, touched Moswen to awaken him.
“Do you want something to eat?” she asked very softly and sweet.
“Yes, sure…” answered Moswen still waking up.

Immediately the nurse moved off one of the rooms. Moswen was going to raise Leban when he noticed that he was already awake.

“Is she going to give us some blood?” murmured Leban, laughing.
“I don’t think so. Be aware that there are windows here, so be very careful where you are going,” warned Moswen.
“Don’t worry about me. But I have one question. Are we really going to eat their food? Why? And what will they try to feed us?” asked Leban, very intrigued.
“We are going to eat so nobody here will suspect about us. Remember that some of the people here could know a little about vampires. And we are going to eat whatever they bring to us,” said Moswen.

The nurse arrived with two plates, one for each one of them. She smiled at them while giving them the plates and then she went without saying a word. They took their plates and moved to a spot that was darker. Immediately they looked at their plates and then looked at each other.

“Are you sure that this is food?” asked Leban.
“Let’s just eat it,” answered Moswen while taking a little of the human food, just enough to try it.

The food was like a lake of strange water with some small white pieces in it*. Also there was some meat. Moswen recognized its flavor and continued to eat it in silence, while Leban looked at it suspiciously. After a few moments Leban just did the same as Moswen.

“Not bad?” asked the nurse while arriving.
“It’s good. What it was?” said Moswen while giving his plate to her.
“It’s some kind of soup. Rabbit soup with rice in it*,” answered the nurse with a smile.
“Thanks,” said Leban while she took his plate.

She took the plates and went to the same room that she had brought the food from.

“We have to be ready for when they come to ask us. Remember three vampires attacked us. We were a group that were fleeing from the vampires who attacked the village were we where” said Moswen.
“I’m not sure about it. It’s a sad story,” said Leban while imitating a sad face.
“I’m serious Leban. This could save our lives,” said Moswen.
“Don’t worry. I don’t think they know about vampires. Also they aren’t trying to find us,” said Leban.
“We only know that they aren’t trying to find us, but maybe they know about vampires,” said Moswen.
“They are trying to find Kort. Don’t worry…” said Leban.
“Kort… Kort?” said Moswen.
“Are you all right?” asked Leban very worried.
“Yeah, it’s just that I know that name,” answered Moswen.
“As does every vampire here…” said Leban very calmly.
“What?” asked Moswen surprised.
“Kort is very famous in these lands, at least between the vampires,” answered Leban.
“Famous? So you know about him?” asked Moswen.
“Of course. Nobody knows where he is because he is moving all the time. But something is for sure, he was trying to made an army to take control of all this region until… well you know,” said Leban like if he didn’t want to talk about it.
“No, I don’t know. Tell me…”interrupted Moswen.

“Well some vampires of royal blood didn’t like that. So there were some wars between vampires. But the most infamous situation was that Kort tried to kill every human so it didn’t matter who was the leader of this region because there would be no more food for vampires,” concluded Leban.
“Zandus knows about this too?” asked Moswen, curious.
“Of course, well he was one of the vampires who was more affected. You know, Zandus wasn’t on any team so both of them always attacked him. That’s why our clan is so small,” explained Leban.
“Ok. Did you remember our story?” said Moswen very worried.
“Sure. Vampires attacked us while we were out of our village…” said Leban very calmly.
“It’s better if just I talk,” said Moswen more worried than before.
“As you wish…” said Leban indifferently.
“I will rest some more and I advise you to do the same,” concluded Moswen while finding a good corner where the brightness didn’t arrive so he could sleep securely.

But Leban didn’t take the advice he just sat down while the time passed by. When he was bored enough he then moved to a table where were some men playing something. They were injured but happy and yelling as if there were some party or something. So Leban decided to have some happiness too. There he could find more information about the human situation and passed the time more entertained too.

“So we are at war against the vampires?” asked Leban while starting to play.
“Yes. But they don’t know that we are taking more and more information about them,” said one of the men.
“That’s good for us. But it’s that information trustworthy?” asked Leban trying to be sure of the information.
“Of course it is…” answered other of the men.
“How can you be so sure?” asked Leban.
“It’s our secret…”


Suddenly someone moved strongly Moswen who got up immediately. In front of Moswen were two men looking at him very seriously. They were looking at each movement that Moswen did as if they were studying him.

“Where is the other one who arrived with you?” asked one of them.

Moswen looked around the building to find Leban. He was still at the table playing and talking with other humans. So Moswen just pointed at him.

“Sit,” said one of them and immediately Moswen sat.
“Tell us your story stranger,” said the other one.

Moswen told them that they were attacked by vampires at the village where they were. He said that they were just passing through the village so they didn’t remember the name. After the attack the survivors were trying to flee to another place. Some days later they moved into the forest where they were attacked again. And that’s how they arrived here.

The interviewers looked at each other. Then they moved to talk between them without saying a word. From time to time they looked at Leban or at Moswen. That didn’t take them much time. They returned to Moswen.

“Then welcome to our fortress. We are at war against the vampires. You can stay here but if you decided to stay you have to help us in the war, you need to earn your food,” concluded the men.

Moswen looked at them, thinking. “I’m not alone here so I have to discuss it with my friend. And thanks for everything,” Moswen said finally.

One of them stretched his hands to Moswen giving a strange smile. Moswen give to him his hands. Immediately Moswen felt that something was burning his hand but he acted as nothing was happening. The man tightened his hand while looking at the eyes of Moswen who was just looking at Leban, who was coming toward them. Then Moswen looked at the man very calmly and give him a smile.

“So, what’s up?” said Leban arriving.
Immediately Moswen took advantage of it and loosened the man hand.
“You can talk with your friend,” said the man who had Moswen hands while turning around to leave them alone.

“We have to be very careful with them,” said Moswen after the men left them.
“Why?” asked Leban knowingly something too.
“Because they know enough about vampires,” said Moswen while looking at his hand.

Leban looked at it too. On the hand Moswen had a cross mark on it. It was burned on his hand and still in live flesh.

“I talked here and there. I think we should continue on our way. Maybe they didn’t know that we are vampires now but they will” said Leban.
“But Kort…” said Moswen without finishing the sentence.
“Kort what?” asked Leban curious.

“If you want to stay then we should help them as hunters. They are the only ones who are out on the night and sleeping almost the entire day. That will cover us. But I don’t recommend staying. You are the leader so it’s your choice…” concluded Leban after some moments of silence.



* It’s a plate from Puerto Rico. I’m not sure if it other countries also have it. In Spanish is “Asopao de conejo”; I’m not sure about the translation of the word “asopao”. But it’s what was explained on the story.

#156:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:45 am
Discussion it's until next Monday... enjoy !

#157:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:49 am
Oh, tricky decision point.

I think staying here under false pretences is a really dumb thing to do. They'll spot the burn, eventually, even if they don't figure things out any other way.

On the other hand, we need to find out more about Kort. It's going to weigh on Moswen's mind until he gets revenge on the one who sired him.

I think Moswen should ask to speak to the leader of these people alone - one to one. Even though Moswen is a vampire and the leader is a human, they're both working toward the same goal at the moment. The destruction of Kort might make the villagers willing to accept vampire help from you, even knowing what you are.

There will be casualties. You could swear an oath only to drink from the dead - or to drink animal blood, if that would do instead? (I don't know about the rules for vampires in this story).

Perhaps you could even offer to bring Zandus and the rest of his clan in, if both sides were agreeable. This could be a way for Moswen to reconcile his human and vampire natures. A way to find peace of some sort, at last.

If it works. Of course, the leader might have you arrested and executed. That's the risk... Shocked

#158:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:59 am
When you said offer to bring Zandus. Are you talking about Zandus clan helping the humans against Kort or just bring Zandus so the humans can do as they want with him?

#159:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:38 am
I don't think we should betray Zandus.

I just think we should offer him the opportunity to unite against Kort - and if he doesn't want to accept, then we should go our separate ways.

#160:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:19 am
Ok. Now I understand.

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