The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#121:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:31 pm
((Just include Ariana in your post, Whitey, like we've all done. Will make sure to keep her in touch. If things get drastic, we may get another player, but I perfer to wait, at least in kindness for Solus.))

Rain leaned forward on her horse snuggling her face in Nightwind's glorious black mane. Houses, farms, and trees flew by as she urged the horse to the top of it's pace. When they were finally on a deserted road and the last house was just a glimmer on the horizon, Rain pulled Nightwind up as she raised herself in the saddle. Closing her eyes to get a better surrondings, Rain found that for now, she was safe. Lowering herself again in the saddle, Rain patted Nightwind who although breathing hard was showing no signs of faitgue. Slowly the mare down to a stop, Rain did the second foolish thing she did that night.

She prepared herself to cast a spell without her flute for the first time in many years. It was a risking thing for her to do, she knew, but hopefully it would work.

Her relationship with Celebrin had it pluses and minuses. The flute while increasing her abilities also made her tired quicker. So by using it, Rain could use more power, but do less. By singing her spellls however, Rain risked outcasting herself quickly by a single spell. Yet since singing didn't take as much power from her as her flute, she could be able to do more. Until this night, Rain had never really seen what she could do without her flute. She guessed that she was about to find out.

Lowering herself again in the saddle, Rain held the mare's reigns tight and sang the spell. Purple light began to glow around Rain slowly descending and surronding Nightwind also. Then singing the final words, Rain uttered their distantion half in song, half in words. Then urging Nightwind, they were gone in a flash.

~ ~ ~

Rain's head spinned as she tighten her grip on the reigns to keep from falling. Closing her eyes briefly, Rain looked up to see a small cavarn of gyspies camped around a large communal fire. At her apperance, several got up and surronded her their knives at the ready. Dismounting Nightwind, Rain held onto the mare's mane weakly trying to keep from falling.

A tall skinny man with a scar on his left cheek, looking parciluraly like a scarecrow spoke first, "Who are you? And why do you come here in such a way, on such a night?"

"Who are you to ask?" Rain said not remembering this man from her many years away from the gyspy community. Scanning the faces she looked vainly for one she remembered, and failed. Had it been that long?

Suddenly something from the leader was standing, something clicked and she recongized him. "If isn't old Short-Stub all grown tall and skinny too. How did you managed to get so tall? Eat grelin beans."

Muffled laughter sounded from the group telling Rain she was indeed right about the man who she was knew as Short-stub. Frowning angerly the man known as Short-Stub among his childhood friends, pressed his knife dangerously close to her neck. "How do you know my name!?!" He demanded as his companions were forced to hold down Nightwind who was trying vainly to get to her threaten mistress. "Are you a witch?"

Rain's eyes flashed a deep purple and several of the men back up. "Pharion de-Nol Creken. I suggest you take that back before someone gets hurt. I have told you before and will tell it again, I am no witch." Rain's eyes were dancing now the purple in her eyes flashing a royal purple and lavender intermingled with marron (sp?). Several of the men suffled their feet looking suprisingly uneasy from not only the color of her eyes but the anger they held. "It is not my fault you don't recongize a friend."

Pharion, short-witted fool that he always was, never could recongize a threat when he saw one and he pressed his luck. Smiling cruely, he pressed his blade closer so a drop of blood ran from Rain's kneck. "Witch's knowledge will end in witch's death. I wonder what a woman's end will be if they be both witch's and harlots." Rain's eyes flashed. She always did hate this man.

Her lips widened into a smile, she was going to enjoy this. Raising her fingers to the blade. Rain slowly eased the pressure off her kneck as she leaned closer to the man. "I don't know, but how about we find out how they kiss?" The man licked his lips, and lowered his blade allowing Rain exactly the oppurinty she needed.

Quickly she took the wrist that held the blade and pulled, twisting the man's wrist as she stumbled forward off balance because her pull. Hitting the mans back, Rain kept his hand withing her grasp as the man fell hearing the sastifity pop that came with dislocating a man arm. Cursing in pain, Pharion wreathed on the ground letting the blade fall loose out of his now numb hand. Picking up the blade, Rain stoored in her sash. Chanting in silvan, Rain spoke to horse in the language it was trained. Nightwind kicked the men holding her leaving them senless on the ground. Trotting upwards to her mistress, Nightwind snorted at the men as the scrambled out her path. Rubbing affectional against her mistress, Nightwind tossed her head at the remaining men as if daring them to come close.

"Any one else think I'm a witch?" Looking around, Rain paused calming herself by breathing deep. "No, good, now take me to the Elder of the Terikeran or so help me I'll break everyone of your bones."

~ ~ ~

Riding away from the caravan, Rain smiled. The meeting had been long but productive. Feeling inside her Rain found that she still had enough within her for one more trip before she returned to the DragonInn. Singing again, Rain urged the horse forward this time reappering on a beach in a naturally habor she knew well.

The people here were expecting her and things went much smother than the prevois meeting.

Coins and words were exchanged, and several handshakes shared. In the end, it cost Rain only a quarter what she expected for the price the pirates bargained. Apperantly the name of Cold-Well Matt was still feared on the seas. A couple of nods sealed the deal, the pirates would wait for them at the habour town they both had previously agreed upon and would be there if their group had need of the sea. Signs and countersigns were exchange. The pirates left and a few minutes later, Rain also left.

~ ~ ~

Singing for the last time, Rain rode the horse forward again this time to the place outside of town where she had disappered before. In the east, the sun was beginning to show the early signs of rising.

Riding a very tired horse into town, Rain rode straight for the DragonInn. Handing off the horse to the stable-boy on duty, Rain went towards the barn. Hopefully this meeting would go far more easier than the first. Knocking on the door, Rain waited for the answer as she idly turned to watch the dawn. It was going to be a beautiful day, she decided, we will need it after yesterday.

Looking at the sun on last time, Rain whispered "May the sunlight banish the darkness of the day, and nightmares no linger in our eyes." Then turning back to the barn, Rain repeated her knock. Hearing footsteps Rain watched as the door opened to a very tired...

#122:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:20 pm
Rath listened to Rain's words for all of three seconds. Then she pulled free the object from the bag. For a moment the amulet sparkled in the barn's dim light, it's near black ruby drinking in the light light a vampyre might drink in blood. Rain, if only you had stopped me before I touched it would kill me to return it without giving it it's due.

The Amulet Ky'Kyroshin was made from a drop of her grandmother's blood the great dragon queen Kyro, the true first dragon and companion of the Incarnation of Time herself. It's properties were unique, special. And even sleeping it was aware. Besides, Rath had no intention of awakening it's full powers here and now.

Still...She gashed her right palm with the sharp barb on the amulet, watching the blood well up. Grandmother...I need the blade. She clasped the amulet tight and the silver patch on her arm, that had appeared after the Sword of Ergos vanished, glowed for a moment, then turned black.

Conversely the amulet went from holding a black ruby set in platinum, to the Dragonstone set in a blue metal that resembled the hilt and guard of Ergos's sword, which was set in a collar of silver imprinted with the runes of Din. Slowly, with shaking hands, Rath fixed the collar around her neck where it clicked, sealing so that the only way on or off was to decapitate Rath herself.

Her right hand was clenched into a fist, her entire right arm blackened and shaking. Slowly she opened her hand and watched as the dark blade from her dreams rose soundlessly from her palm. With a soft pop it landed in her hands, just as asleep as the amulet had been. Thank heavens. Thank you Grandmother. With a gentle motion Rath spun a scabbard out of wind and straw chaff. Setting it onto her belt, she slid the sword into the scabbard.

With a pat she leaped off the rafter and back onto the floor. For a moment she stood, head cocked to the side, listening for the sounds of magic ripple. All she heard, next to the sound of the creation of the scabbard, was the tinny noise of a cheap enchanted sword. Nobody would be any the wiser since the Sword of Ergos was hardly a sword any more and the blade she bore on her hip had not yet chosen to announce it's arrival in this world.

Hopefully Rain won't try to kill me when she gets back...yet those images... The beasts she had caught glimpses of when Rain thought of them...they wouldn't have been turned by any of Rath's other weapons and after the warning in her vision Rath wasn't about to raise the blade of Ergos against them. This blade, a blade called Viri'Kuul, or Demon Drinker, by her mother Rath had no qualms about raising. As long as it's fee was paid the blade would serve her faithfully...and thankfully Rath had paid in advance.

Turning her head instinctivly toward where the Lady of the Night slept Rath smiled her assassin's smile. Bring on your trouble o'Beguiled one. Not even you can taste this blade and ask for more.

Around her her companions had bedded down for the night and, by the feeling in the pit of her stomach, Rath knew it was morning already. She herself should really get some sleep, having learned her lesson over the past two days. Yet as she readied herself to spring into the soft piles of the hayloft a knock came at the door.

Turning she opened it to find Rain, well as could be considering the amount of power she'd recently used, tottering on the threshold. Catching her friend she led her over to a spare pile of hay and eased her down.

"I expect everything went well since you've returned in one piece with everything you left with. After you've rested I'll give you back your flute." Rath frowned and then, before Rain could protest, made her quick spellcasting gesture. The silver bracelet she'd given Rain appeared in her hand. She glared at the gypsy, wishing she could turn a dragonstare on her.

"Never again take this off! You speak highly to me about using my weapons yet leave yourself wide open. Rain 'da-la'Neri I have never been so disappointed in you! I gave you this guard, Kavecule's Guard, because it will make you vanish from the ken of all dark creatures. You could be standing an inch from the end of the Lady of the Night's nose and she would not know you were there!

Rain's mouth worked soundlessly for a moment then her eyes fixed on Rath's collar. "What...?" Her eyes suddenly focused on the dark blade by Rath's side. "You disregarded me! After all I showed you!"

"Because of what you showed me. If this were five years ago we would have not needed fear these things. Drakes only pretend to be Dragons until the real Dragons show up. As for the others...I have seen worse in my time." Rath shuddered recalling horrors of her homeland which lay far beyond the world of Cree/Mian.

"This blade is indeed a tool of distruction but it is no more powerful than Ergos's sword was and far more useful to me. As I am I cannot weild but a fraction of it's power, but that fraction is enough to keep us safe. Notice I have not awakened the blade and I will forstall that occurance as long as I can. I am no fool Rain, or Arian, or Celebrin, which ever name you choose."

Rain looked at her and Rath sensed a distance between them that had not been there before. So this is how it must be. Rath's gaze softened. "Rain, don't be cross with me. I havn't told the others yet, in truth have not had the time. Please, rest, and when we wake I shall explain all."

Rain looked at the blade one last time. "Can you really control it?" Rath shook her head.

"The sword is the blade of my family, brought across worlds unwillingly. If it comes down to the final moments, the blade will turn my hand as best benfits my survival as it has done for many ages past." Rain looked at her, a moment of perfect understanding passing between them before she pushed Rath away, standing.

"So that is how it will be then dragon? An assassin's cold heart will you give us? Perhaps you should have kept your bargain with the demons, that they might leave you your life since that is all you care about." She walked away, her words wounding Rath in a way she had forgotten since her heart had hardened.

"You've got it wrong Rain...I'm..." But Rain held up a hand before laying down and closing her eyes. Leaping into the hayloft Rath curled up, a single tear sliding down her cheek. She's wrong. I don't only care about myself. I've given so much for so many...No she's right. Ergos should have left me to die that day... Turning to face the barn doors, watching the play of dust motes in sunlight, Rath had never felt more alone.

Oh Paith...why have you forsaken me?

#123:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:00 am
((Ah...friend you wound me so. I guess I represent my character wrong for you to picture me responding in such away. Rain isn't controlled by anger, or any other emotion aside from sadness. She gave those up long ago. The only thing that drives her is fear, fear of herself, fear of others, and mostly fear of fear itself. But let me now heal the wounds I have given while I was gone from this world.))

Feeling a little guilty Rain quietly snoke up the ladder that led to the loft, Rain peered over the ledge as she shoke from head to toe from supressed emotions and tiredness.

"Rath," she said gently, "I am sorry. I didn't mean what I was saying. I don't know half of what I say anymore." Looking away Rain steadied herself by bracing ladder where it met the loft. Sighing, Rain continued. "I am afraid, Rathiania. Afraid more than ever before. Afraid and alone."

"You who faced demons," Rath said whipping the tears from her eyes but her anger clearly showing in their depths, "You who wandered around last night with perhaps the three most fearsome beings known to your kind, You are afraid? You alone?"

Turning her face from Rain, Rath let the sacrasm and bitterness in voice show through. "You don't know the meaning of fear. You have never seen anything even close to Fear. Do not speak of fear until you have lived as long as I, and seen all I have. Then you may fear. You call yourself alone. Look around you. Your kind live here, and will for many years. Mine I have watched died one by one. Watched while I was one of the few left. Watched while my mate died and I was forced to lived. I who gave up my form, my only chance of returning to save you and the rest of your pitful race. You nothing of being alone. Nothing!"

"I know," Rain said whispering, "I know. But that doesn't change the fact that I am afraid. More afraid then I have ever been. Do you think that is the Fearsome Three that's going to keep me awake for the next months. You don't know half of what I fear or for whom I fear. Do you think I fear for myself? Do you think I fear the fate that I will surely suffer if ever I meet the Lady again? Do you think I value my life? No."

Turning her face away from Rain, she paused gathering her strength. "I do not fear for myself. I fear for You, I fear for my world, I fear for all our worlds. All our lives rest on a thread that we must travel. A narrow path that if we vary from just an inch, we will fall. I'm sorry I yelled Rath, but you must understand. The Lady might be content for a while if she killed me, but once she discovers I do not bear the sword, she will never rest until she finds it. Rath, one of the last your race, Sword-Maiden, Riddle-Solver, Dragoness, if you are found, harmed, or killed it will not be my life that will only be a stake. The stake, the fate of every world lies in your hand."

Pausing Rain wondered if she should tell her exactly and everything she knew. She needs to know what's she holding, she needs to know what she risks everytime she uses magic or calls the sword. "Do you know what you hold?"

"Ergos' Sword." Rath said pressing her hand against her neck, "It is what I was given. Me, not you."

"Yes, it is Ergos' Sword, but it is much more than that. It is the DragonSword and bears on it the DragonStone. I'm sure you know what the DragonStone was and is, but let me remind you what it is. Dragonstones, as you know, are the last life blood that drops from a dragon when it dies. Powerful things they are as they are infused with the power, the will, and the spells of the Dragon at the moment that dragon fell. The DragonStone, this stone, is not just any stone. It is the blood of the Eroki Mother, that Dragoness who gave birth to the Eroki and sealed the rip, and although I forget her name, it is repeated in legend all around the world. That dragoness died to seal the Rip in between worlds. If any carries the sword they can open that rip again. You want to go back to wear you come from, say the words and the door will be opened to you. All you have to do is ask. Do you know what that would mean if the Lady would gain the Sword? With this sword in hand and all the powers of the demons at her back, she not only would be able to open a door to a specfic world, but open up the Rip again and have access to all the worlds, including Rath, yours."

"Why do you think she looks for it so? Her master wishes not only to destroy the World of Cree to make it bow to his will, but to control every World, to every nation, time, people, in all the unvierse to bow to his knee. The Sword could do that if it fell into the wrong hands, and it can do a thousand things worse if a dark will bent it."

"So you see, Rath, I may be angry at you but it is only because I know what is at stake. I would rather each and every one of the others, including myself die a thousand deaths, than see you and the Sword beware fall into the hands of the enemy. I'm sorry if I hurt you, it's just...that...that knowing what I do, I can't help but be protective of you. Rathiania, one of the last your race, You are the World's only hope right now. You would do wisely to remember that next time you go pulling things from other worlds, even if they are swords."

Rath was astonished at everything Rain said, touching her throat she wondered if it was true, that all she had to do was speak to the stone to return home even as she was now. The stone, the sword, answer this thought. I can, for a price. It is your choice, You only have to ask...

Rain watched fearfully as read the thoughts going past her friend's eyes. The moment passed however without occerence and Rath looked at her once more, "How do you know all this?"

"From someone who saw it happen. From someone who once bore one of the many keys that can open the door without sacrifice. From someone who though was alive then is no longer. I am loath to tell you this, but if you wish, if you help us first, help Cree save itself from itself, I will tell you the name of the person who holds the key to your world, and you can crossover then without sacrificing yourself in the process. Or you could do it now, the swords way. It is your choice."

Stepping down a rung, Rain lifted her eyes once more to Rath's golden ones. "I am truly sorry, Rath, but perhaps now you understand why I said what I said. I'm going to get some rest while I can. Come down when your ready to talk. Once everyone is awake, I'll tell you everything, Is that a deal for now?"

Rath nodded her head, and laid down clearing considering Rain's words.

Rain sighed, She had just given everything to Rath, and what Rath decided could either end up in disaster, chaos, or maybe in good. Rain didn't know. What she knew as though she was a fool for telling Rath everything she knew, or at least most of what she knew, she had done the right thing. She wondered that in the end, that would count.

#124:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:21 pm
(I know Rain isn't an angery person, but fear makes people speak harshly. That is what Rain was doing, she wasn't angery she was scared.)

Rath was shaken, deeply shaken, to think that she had the power to open the rift again...But the Rift was one was a tear in the layer between wasn't a link to realms beyond this one. With a sigh Rath realized she'd never be able to use the blade to open a portal to Lodriss, her only hope was that someone would find her. They had the power to seek, she did not.

A good rest stood her in good stead and Rath woke while the others were still sleeping. She quickly checked each of them, realizing Graeme was still missing. She hadn't been in any condition to see where he went or what he was doing and none of the others had spoken of it.

Picking up a leftover apple she was about to take a bite when a cold chill ran down her back. Outside night had again fallen, the time of nightmares stalked the land. Quickly deciding Rath bolted from the barn, her speed eathreal, unbelievable. She ran until the town was a faint smear on the horizion before she stopped, whirling, to face the cold thing of shadows behind her.

It was indistinct against the night, a haze she would not have been able to see where she not what she was. It's voice, cold, chilling, and raspy like sandpaper, grated against the sheilds of her mind. She could hear it speak, but it could not force her, possess her, or coerce her. You are foolish to leave your companions behind. Foolish to leave a place of light and seek me in the shadows.

You are not the only thing of darkness here creature. Worse than you has trailed me before. Worse than you have never returned. It laughed, a grating sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Do you think you can stand against me? What weapon have you of such great power? Could it be that you weild the sword of Ergos? It was Rath's turn to laugh. Slowly she drew forth Demon Drinker.

You seek one have found another. See how well you like it phantom. It lunged for her, becoming intangible. Most swords, even enchanted ones, would have passed through it harmlessly. The Sword of Ergos would have destroyed it with a burst of light and sound.

Demon Drinker cut the wraith in two, stealing it's essence and leaving naught but energy behind. Quickly, before something else stole the power of this nightmare beast, Rath drew forth one of her blue stones. It glowed for a moment, taking all that remained, and leaving nothing but the cool night behind. Replacing stone in pouch and blade in sheath, Rath sprang skyward and flew leasurly back toward the village and the DragonInn.

Rain needed to know that they were in trouble...and that they needed to move fast before something bigger came...and awakened the blade's full power.

#125: r Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:12 pm
The priests argued the whole night, about right and wrong. Eventually they stopped, and Graeme left. Aaah, that's what I needed, a good debate, without any of these weirdos. He dabbed his nose again. No more blood. This made him smile. The night in the church had invigorated him to no end. He had a new purpose, to prove the church he so devotedly served that he was right in rejecting the High Priest position offered him.

After that had happened he had wandered searching for his grandfather's prophecy. Now he was in the prophecy. Unecpected but he can't complain. He wandered the town, in no hurry to go back to the strange group. Rain's left, the Eroki is keeping toomany secrets, the veteran is, well, soldierish, the centuar is vain and pompous and the elf is silent. There was no fun in the group, no humour, all seriousness, it bored Graeme. He understood why they were serious and all but god, they needed to lighten up a little. Especially the dragoness woman. He liked her ad all but she was all magic this and magic that....He was meant to be the mage!!!

He wandered back to the barn and plopped himself down in the hay, sighing in happiness....He always prefered hay to feather beds...

#126:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:12 pm
Chapter 7: Gifts

Rain awoke to find that once again, it was dark. Yelling at herself for sleeping the whole day, Rain begrudily removed the hay out of her hair.

"I wonder where Rath got to?" Rain mumbled absently. Streching her limps, Rain straighten her clothes and went of to see Matthew about some dinner. When she came back she bore an arm load of food. Behind her, four horses, including Nightwind walked obediently careful not step on Rain or each other. Opening the stalls for the horses, Rain set the tray of food down and began the task of waking everyone up.

"Did I really sleep the whole day?" Ariana said when she saw her.

"Yes, eat. We are going to have to leave while there is still enough moonlight to see by."

Waking up Morzan proved a little more difficult as she almost got killed, but in the end he lowered his sword and bregudily stood up.

Motioning for them to follow her, Rain snoke up to the back door of the inn where Matthew awaited her. "Provisions for our trip." Rain said as handed heavy bags to the people behind her.

That finished, Rain gestured for Morzan and Ariania to wait, while she went to go find Crenlamin and Graeme. Graeme found her, and after giving the rather untrusting priest the code word, she instucted him to go the barn.

Crenlamin was a little harder since she had to get past the embassies security guards. Once in it didn't take long to convince the centaur to follow her back to the barn.

Entering the barn and looking around, Rain noticed that everyone is there but Rath.

Smiling at everyone, Rain said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you that Rain had to go do something that will detain her for a while. She told me to tell you that she will meet you at your next stop whereever that might be. In the meantime, I will be your guide and as such I would like to discuss the possibilties of travel."

Searching her pack for the map she had found earlier, Rain spread it wide on the ground. "We will wait until the last of your group, the Eroki I believe, arrives. Once she is here we can discuss things move fully. Hopefully she will return soon, if you wish to make good time and remain hidden we've going to have to get started tonight, and not a moment later."

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:19 am; edited 2 times in total

#127:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:12 pm
Rath landed and wandered back into the barn to find everyone hunched over a map, not to poke fun at Graeme or anything. "Ah Rath we were expecting you." Rath held up a hand.

Before you get started I have something to tell you. Crouching down to where she could see the map she pointed to a blank spot on the map. "A few minutes ago a wraith came after us don't get alarmed, that particular wraith won't be coming back. However, I do suggest that we move with all exceeding haste."

The group stared at her with wide eyes before Rain shook her head and turned back to the map. "Ah good, there are horses waiting for us and provisions. We'll stop along the way here at Giriad and here at Fairway." Rath twitched an eyebrow.

"If I'm not mistaken we're headed for the coast? An ocean voyage?" Rain smiled.

"You'll have to wait and see, I can't tell you that yet." However, her hands flicked in the secret talk. Later when we're on the road.

Yes you must tell me incase we get separated I know where to find you.

Plan on going somewhere? Rath only looked at Rain, thoughtfully tapping the map. Rain nodded in understanding, there was something Rath had to do, and had to do alone. "But I can tell you that we'll have to ride, and run, hard...all of us." The stare was directed at Graeme who shrugged.

"He'll be fine...oh and I've been meaning to fix your nose." Rath reached into her pouch, pulling out a couple of cloths and some strange looking herbs and ointments. In a few moments, with a little tugging, a little rubbing, some pressure, and a bit of Graeme's own magic his nose was no longer broken or injured in anyway...It was a little squashed looking. " I could do with what I had on hand...I wasn't prepared for broken noses."

Graeme gave a lopsided smile. "Ah what the hell. It's not like I've any looks worth protecting." Rath snapped her fingers. The hunchback's self mockery had jarred her memory. She reached into her pouch and pulled free a long staff of dark metallic brown wood.

"Graeme this is the Staff of Lom. It has powers great and vast but the only two I know of is it's ability to amplify the bearer's magic tenfold and that it is supposed to 'perfect' its bearer...though how I'm not sure, I've never been keen on using it." The hunchback held the tall staff with a shaky hand...nobody had ever just given him something. Rath winked at him, the hunchback didn't give himself enough credit sometimes. Maybe people would pay more attention to him when he had a large whacking stick with him.

She turned to Crenlamin. "Crenla I have this for you." She reached into her pouch and pulled forth an amazing deep blue sapphire amulet set in a unknown metal carved with unreadable runes, some language other than the language of Din. "It's the Amulet of Wisdom in Battle. It draws on the knowledge of it's wearer and converts that intelligence into martial knowledge. As long as you wear it you will become adapt with any weapon you hold should danger threaten. It has many other uses as well...though I don't know how those will manifest to a centaur." She put the amulet in the centaurs hand, closing her fingers around it before moving on to Morzan.

"Let me see your blades." There was a tense moment as the warrior didn't move. Then, with a grumble, he unsheathed the blades and held them before her. Reaching into her pouch Rath drew forth what looked like a handful of visible air. Shaking it a bit it funneled out into two long tubes which she slipped over Morzan's blades. They glowed a moment before vanishing instantly.

"Azirin Enchantments. Those blades are light as feathers, sharp as razors, and will not tire you to use in battle. However, should someone seek to harm you or a friend with those blades they shall either cut the unworthy one or be too heavy to hold. Also these enchantments are known for surprises...I wouldn't be surprised if there were several other hidden powers to be discovered in those blades now."

She walked over to Ariana, the elf looked at her, puzzled, as Rath extended a magnificent bow and quiver of arrows. "This is Selindril the last Dracbow. The arrows fired have the unique ability to turn arrows into bolts of pure light. When fired upon a foe the light is black and destroys them instantly, or severly cripples them. When fired upon a friend it invigorates them and heals their battle wounds. The quiver, if in friendly hands, cannot be emptied. Use them well."

Turning again to Rain Rath looked toward the horses. Picking out a massive stallion that seemed to resemble Rath herself, a blood bay with black socks, muzzle, and a black mane and tail, Rath swung up on it's back, draping her tail over it's rump. It was the largest horse there, the only one that would have fit the Eroki. Rain nodded to her. "His name's Hearthburn." Patting the horse's neck Rath trotted it toward the door, turning around to look at her companions.

"Are you coming with me? The night is waining."

#128:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:04 pm
((Sorry about this post, my battery was getting dangerously low, so I submited what I had so far anyway so when my compter got it's power supply back I could post the rest without hassel. So this post has been edited and added too, you may want to read it again.))

Rain sighed, again loosing count just many times she had sighed in the last two days. Going up to Nightwind, she strocked the mare affectionally. The Mare suited her name well, and the woman who the mare had chosen to be her mistress. Nightwind was a black mare from head to toe, her flowing mane and tail only shimmering patches of dark against her shadowy flanks. The mare was sweet and tender, but could be fierce if the situation arose. Most importantly, in Rain's mind, was the fact that Nightwind could travel silently and swiftly as her name.

Looking at the saddle and the bridle on the mare, Rain reached up to pet the Mare's forlock and took off the heavy tack throwing it with disgust onto the ground. Gyspy as she was she hadn't seeing horses fettered so. If a horse didn't like you or where it was living, it had every right to flee. She guessed that was mainly the reason the free-spirited mare had chosen her of all people to be her mistress. "I'm sorry for last night dear heart, the need for haste prevented me from treating you as your due." Soon her work of removing the tack was done leaving only the horse blanket on the mare.

Grabbing hold of Nightwind's mane, Rain swang up on the mare in an easy and swift motion. Looking behind her, Rain made sure all the people were mounted properly and ready to travel.

Ariania, as Rain had thought, choose Lightfoot, a cream colored gelding with a light mane. Lightfoot was fast, but couldn't make distances but for the elves purposes he would suit her well.

Morzan surprised her but mounting not the other stallion in the group, but a beatiful Roan mare. Her red flanks and brown mane suited Morzan's easy stride ontop the horse. Her name was Naril, and she was Hearthburn's chosen mate. Fourantly for them, Naril was young yet, so they wouldn't be inconvienced by a pregant horse along the way. Naril was a good solider's horse, strong and sturdy the mare couldn't run swiftly but rather could walk steadly on for days without a rest.

Graeme, with some difficulty managed to mount Hor, a grey stallion who had an attitude to match. Strong bodied, and strong willed, Rain had no doubt there would be a contest of wills later. She just wondered who would win it, the horse or the perhaps more stubborn man.

Nodding to her companions, she nudged her horse forward so she rode next to Hearthburn and Rath. As they rode to the light of a nearly full moon, Rain watched as the town fell away. Once they were past the town, Rain turned to Rath.

"I think I you an explantion."

"Yeah, you do." Rath said keeping her eyes on the road before her.

"I wasn't planning on taking this path you know, neither did Juric."

"No," Rath said raising her eyebrows. "No, he didn't. He planned the journey I lined out for you. Juric planned to go first to Girad, then Fairway, then stopping at the Old Sailor's Ballad then hugging the coast where the roads are little more crowed. He figured that a large mixed group we could get lost in the equally mixed and large groups of the on the Trade Routes from the sea to the main cities. He never planned on going anywhere the sea, but he was going to use the advantages of being near it for as long as we were able. Once we could go no father on the Trade Routes, he was going to cut across country and take the lower pass into the Western Ridge or traveling north along the mountains as the sword led."

"What changed? It sounds like a good plan to me." Rath said looking back to make sure the group was following them.

"The fearsome Three aren't the only ones out and about Rath. Things have gotten much worse then that. From what the Silvan can tell with their 'inner-sense' for magic the Lady as been gathering power, drawing it from the various demons that serve her. She has also recalled every major spell she ever cast."

"So?" Rath said looking questional at Rain, "We can still move across the land on the route Juric planned. It is certainly perhaps the fastest and safetest way to go across the land."

"The Lady has called every major spell she cast." Rain said emphasing the words, "That means that those who died because of magical means at the Lady's hand only will start to feel not so dead. The dead are waking and we don't know what we will do when the dead start walking the earth no more dead then they were before their deaths at the Lady's hand. The problem is that spirits of these bodies may not be around, so we are going to have a problem. Someone is either going to convince the dead to go back to sleep or someone is going to control. From the amount of power the Lady is gathering, it seems that she wishes to gain control over the dead before they can be put back to sleep. If she does, we will have an army that can't be killed controlled by the Lady's dark will."

"Are we doing anything about it?"

Rain shoke her head, "The dragonstone might be able to, but if we use it we might as well go straight up to the nearest demon and tell who we are and what have in our possesin. The Libranth Order is working on the promblem. Their controlled power should, should mind, be able to put the dead back to sleep."

"There's something else isnt' there?" Rath said looking at Rain.

"Yes, unforantly. The Lady has already found a following in Andoria and have somehow mangaged to gain control of the bodies of serveral people and making them her spies. In all likehood she has spies everywhere along our route, it would be easy enough to follow the path. A man of Juric's power can't very well travel and leave no mark on the places he's been even if he hasn't been there in three years and is now dead."

"And you want to follow path Juric planned after knowing all that?" Rath said looking at Rain in disbelief.

"No, it all depends on what we find at the last stop befor Girad, The Three Trees. It's a little south of our way, but if we get there before a wekk is up, we will find two ways of travel."

"The first and perhaps the best, but hardest is to travel northward and western along the gypsy roads. The Tereikan have agreed to lend us two wagons if we get to The Three Trees soon enough. That path is probably safer, but it won't be comfortable for either of us. It will mean that we will pass several Silvan communities who will remember both of us. It will mean that we have to travel with Terikan Tribe and after what the Lady put them threw with me, they will be wary of strangers. We will also be traveling through heavy woods all the way making our passage slow."

"And the second?"

"Go futher south to a Pirate Habour. If all goes well and we get there before two weeks is up, we will meet a ship captianed by an old friend of mine. The problem is that he can only take us to the port town of Canal just east of the western ridge. This will land us in the southern most part of the ridge with the nearest pass. If we travel north, or anywhere else for that matter along that part of the country, we will be traveling open country making it easier for us to be seen. It has it's benefits the ocean voyage though. One we avoid crowds all together. Two what will take us a month to cross could be accomplished in two weeks with a good breeze."

"Why didn't you tell the others?"

Rain gave Rath you know why look. "Because we were in a public area for one. Anyone could hear us talking. Two, because we may not get to The Three Trees soon enough. It's no use promising something that may not be there when arrive. There is a fourth way however."

"Which is?"

"Goldin's Way. It's a route just south of Traders way, and while not often traveled provides an easy access to all back roads. We would be less likely to be spotted and we could change our paths quickly to one of the other back roads that connect to Goldin's Way. The only bad thing is that what little places we come to would be sea-ports so we risk running low on supplies and running into spies that the Lady doubtless has planted in all our major cities."

Rain sighed looking at the long way ahead. "I will tell them in the morning though once we get into open country. We may be forced to choose a route on the fly if things start happening to fast."

Rain's eyes grew soft and distant with a kind of regretful remorse shinning in them, "You know it's time like this that Juric had lived and I had died. He would know exactly what to do. Plus Juric would have been a strong enough leader to be able to not only lead you but gain your trust both in himself and in the others. Fate is so cruel sometimes. Instead of a compent guide, you got me whose following bits of a puzzle laid out by someone before her not knowing what the peices form as she puts them togther because she doesn't have the full picture."

Smiling sadly, Rain nodged Nightwind away from Rath taking a comfortable position in front of the group where she could be alone with her thoughts.

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

#129:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:36 pm
Rath's stomach churned with both fear and elation. IF she's recalling every major spell she's cast then...Oh Gods Above and Below... Rath reached out a bit, reaching for something that hadn't been there for five years.

Nothing should have been their, it should have been a void, but instead there was the merest sense of something. Figures. She's holding onto that one until the last. But Rath could tell. In three days the energy of that spell would reverse and when it did...

I'll be myself again. Rain was staring at her hard but if she sensed the reason for Rath's slight smile and the light in her eyes she made no mention of it. "Well Rain, we'll take the long way round then. I'd rather fewer people saw our mixed group but if we must make some apperances I'd like them to be amoung those we trust."

Rain looked at her and Rath sighed. "Arrg to the Pirates Matey." Rain chuckled at Rath's misplaced humor but Rath felt better when dealing with people out to make a dishonest living than those who made an honest one.

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#130:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:40 pm
((Rath please clarify your post. Pretty much all the paths I suggested are a long way around.

I'll post a map as soon as I can get one accurate enough to post.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

#131:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:18 pm
"The Lady has called every major spell she cast." Rain said emphasing the words as the part stoob about, "That means that those who died because of magical means at the Lady's hand only will start to feel not so dead. The dead are waking and we don't know what we will do when the dead start walking the earth no more dead then they were before their deaths at the Lady's hand. The problem is that spirits of these bodies may not be around, so we are going to have a problem. Someone is either going to convince the dead to go back to sleep or someone is going to control. From the amount of power the Lady is gathering, it seems that she wishes to gain control over the dead before they can be put back to sleep. If she does, we will have an army that can't be killed controlled by the Lady's dark will."

Does that mean soldiers from the battle of Ergos will rise as well? Will they still be on my side or will they be...changed? Feeling a wieght fall on him Morzan slumped forward in his sadle.

"I've seen people die under more orders and have fought nightmares. But the living dead is another story. I dont think I could strike down an ex soldier, dead or not." Morzan murmured to himself.

Duty fought against emotion but neither gave in so he decided to leave the issue as unresolved. Ill decide in real situation. He was never the greatest thinker when it came to personal situations. It was never his thing.

"I think we should go to the gypses. They said they would supply us if we make haste and with this destiny business were garenteed to make it."

Feeling better that he voice his opinion Morzan sat back and waited for the others to respond

#132:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:05 pm
Rain rode before the group as she gotten in the habit lately. It wasn't so much she wanted to lead them, but as of the moment she didn't feel much like talking to anyone. Her visit with Tereikian Tribe had left her very much shaken and upset. Not only did her tribe fail to recongize her but at the same she discovered her father, her only family left, had died two months before.

She had told everyone in the group their options a few days before, and while Morzan and Rath had voiced their opinions, the rest we're still thinking about it. The group also now knew that Arin Celebrin Sea-born was Rain by another name.

They had been riding on this marginal path for days now covering ground as quick as possible.

Finally, Rain saw what she had been looking for the past four days, a crossroad. Three paths lay before them. One heading a little north with a sign above it saying Tradesman's way. The middle path would eventually lead them to The Three Trees and would eventually lead onto Goldin's way. The third and final one led the way to the sea where the pirates were waiting.

Turning to face the group Rain annoced, "We've come to a place where we must decide on where to go. We can follow the path that was laid before us by Juric. We can join the gyspies, or missing them take Goldin's Way. Or finally we can go towards the sea. We must decide quickly because it will take us about another four days to reach the Three Trees and that's pushing close. If you choose that way, we have to leave now while their is still light and a smooth path to speed our arrival."

Looking back towards the land before her, Rain spoke again. "It was never my choice to lead you and I have no hold over any of you. If you wish to leave, do so now. If you choose to stay, I leave it up to you to choose your path. You never appointmented me to lead, your never choose me, so I won't claim I have that right so if you must be lead you will be lead by your own choices."

"Speak and Speak Quickly," Rain said finally, "Which path do we choose?"

Last edited by dinranwen on Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total

#133:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:26 pm
Rath patted Hearthburn's neck, soothing the stallion's raw spirit. "I've already said that I favor the pirates but I'm not the only one who must live by my decision..." Rath stopped abruptly a sharp pain lancing through her.

Light burst behind her eyes and her heart lurched in her chest. So much for three days. Under her Hearthburn went wild, sensing something was wrong. Rath, unable to control the horse, slid numbly off his back, hitting the dirt hard.

"Well this sucks...and hurts ow." Her muscles spasemed once, making her hands clench and unclench wildly. Concentrating on one thing she manuvered her tail into her pouch and drew forth a harmless looking stick. "Next time I see you, I won't be worthless...and I promise to explain everything. For now...don't let her catch you."

With that she snapped the stick in half...and was gone.

#134:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:42 pm

Though I was as startled by Rath's sudden disapearance as any of the slaves were, I still rde quickly to Hearthburn's side. He had been the dominant male before they met me, and he was nautrally shaken badly. I sighed. I hated to use my ancient connection to slaves -all centeurs did- but it was ther, and Hearthburn had to be calmed or he might try to challenge my authority, and that would be a disaster. I launched into horsespeak, finding that the years of ignoring my skills hadn't let them fall into disarray.

'We must be strong, herd-brother. In the language of the two-leggers the Winged One said she was leaving. Be strong, herd-brother. Be strong.'

I spoke quickly. I didn't like using that language, even though I had to. For one thing it's always very hard to get back to Human, and for another the fact that Horses are nameless to themselves makes it hard to properly say things. Still, I was probably going to have to get used to speaking it. The secret of horsespeak has remained within my race for centuries, and now it was found it would probably be thought of as an enormus help to any two-legs. There was another thing too: it implanted its names for things in your head.

I spoke to Rain. There was enough going on at the moment without me taking the prolonged silence that horsespeak shouold take, to get my voice back to normal. So, when I spoke, my words were a bit garbled.

'thinkthat speed inessasary. goquick estroute. that juricroute?'

I would apologise for the bad grammar later. My mind was still thinkning more or less strait, but my mouth wasn't, and that was where the words came from.

#135:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:56 am
Chapter 8: The Smell of the Sea

Rain watched Rath disappear, the pain in Rath's eyes, the power left her only guessing what can be wrong. However with the Lady recalling her spells, it could only be one thing. Rath, if Rain guessed right was about to regain her form. If the Lady was recalling spells that powerful...

"This is bad, this is very, very bad." Rain said half in shock.

Trying to listen the garbled words of the Centaur, Rain barely made out the words..."Quickest Way"

Mumbling Rain mused over her choices, "Which Way, Which Way?"

Thinking hard, Rain released that if Rath was going to be turning back to her natural form their would be no path thick enough to hide her, no path safe enough to travel.

"The Lady, oh, my, did I say this before, this is bad." The quickest way, there was no way quick enough. The Lady was acting now, which ment she was regaining concisness, and consequently her powers too quickly. The faster they got there the better, but even now they might be too late.

"There is no path that can hide us now, no way we can travel quick enough. Although Dangerous, the Sea will be the fastest way, the only way in all likehood we can use now."

Searching her sash Rain cursed as once again, she remembered Rath had Celebrin. 'Perhaps it's for the best,' Rain thought.

"Hold onto your saddles everyone, Crenla hold onto Heartburn, we're going half to travel fast."

Whispering to Nightwind, Rain began to quickly canter down the southern most road, the road that lead to the Sea. Looking behind her, Rain made sure they were all following her and concertrated. Singing softly, Rain let loose two spells.

The first spell was immediatly apparent, off of each person, a shadow person split riding a shadow horse. The spell was difficult but Rain had mastered it long ago. Where as an concelment spell said don't look, don't look, Rain had her version, that said 'look at me', 'Look at me.' The theory was that people tended to look where you told them 'don't look', however if they had something else too look at more distracting then you, they might not notice you. Grimacing, Rain rode for awhile next to her shadow self, then with a deep regret tossed Juric's ring to her shadow replica. Immediatly the sense of power, the sense of reality, was given to the shadows. In other words, because Rain had given something about as powerful as everyone in the group, it seemed like the shadow group was real and themselves the shadows. Nodding to her, the shadow group split off riding quickly north to the Three Trees.

The Lady if she started to look for them, would start with the Terikan since she knew that Rain trusted her tribe completly despite the fact they had abounded her in her time of most desperate need.

The second spell was more difficult, and Rain had to concertrate as she sang the transport spell she used earlier. It was a small spell hardly noticable by any if only used by one person. Nevertheless, with a group this big, and with them moving it was going to take a little bit more.

Singing loudly now, Rain watched as a twin portal opened infront of the shadows placing them one day away from the Three Trees. That done, Rain twisted her song so that another opening apperead somewhere else in the world ending on Goldin's way.

The last spell was cast in front of them, opening onto a clear road with the Pirate Cove clearly seen in the distance. Looking towards it Rain relaxed a little the pirates were here waiting for her. Which made sense in a way, even though her spell seemed like it had taken only second for them to travel, it had actually taken the same amount of time it would taken a physical rider. The spell was less noticable that way, and there was the benefit of not only arriving on time but the sense that it took no time at all leaving all who used it feeling refreshed.

Riding down the road, her befuzzled companions riding close behind her, Rain wrapped her hands tight in the reigns. If she estimated correctly, she would faint soon, already she could feel her strength waning. Nevertheless, she thought she had enough to send a quick message towards Rath.

The Sea, The Sea, my bony lass lost at sea, at sea, oh why, oh why couldn't be me. The Sea The Sea, the never resting see, you'll be the mistress of me, of me. The Sea, The Sea, my grave will be. The Sea, The Sea, pray the waves cover me.

My lass, my lass, lost at sea, I'll be joining they beneath the sea, the Sea.

That said, Rain knew that Rath would know where they were headed, and the code that would grant her board, dragon or not, on a ship that ever heard of Arin Celebrin Sea-born, or Matthew the not so retired pirate.

Finishing her spell with a weak thirl of notes, Rain slomped in her saddle trusting Nightwind completly to bear her safely towards the cove.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:21 am; edited 1 time in total

#136:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:20 pm
"Pirates," Morzan spat.

He had killed his fare share of those theives of the sea. Maybe they weren't of the same crew but that didn't matter, a pirates a pirate. They kill and pillage for personal gain.

"Why are we going to stay with those rats of the sea?"

Tapping the sides of his steed Morzan followed close behind Rain. Pirates, prophecy and all this magic? Thats a recipe for disaster if I do say so myself. Realizing that he complained enough Morzan remained quiet for most of the trip there.

#137:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:45 pm
Rain sighed, a horse was riding beside her which ment one of two things. One Crenla was somewhere near by or another was riding beside her. 'So much for some rest," Rain thought sacarstically as she blinked to clear her vision. Exploring the depths of what she called her 'music' Rain felt like she was regaining strength faster than usual and with that recovery more power then she had ever been before. 'Make's sense,' Rain thought to herself, 'if she released Rath the dragon-assisin who will surely be on her skin in two flicks of a dragons tail, she can afford to let go what she once stole from me.'

Finally looking up, Rain noticed Morzan riding close by her obviously displeased with her choice. 'Oh, great,' she thought again. 'What is it about me that gets under this solider's skin?'

Nudging Naril closer to her he hissed between his teeth, ""Why are we going to stay with those rats of the sea?"

Rain's eyes flashed for the second time in two days filling themselves with the dark purple stormclouds that marked her anger.

Pulling Nightwind in front of Naril, she forced Morzan to stop. The rest of the group seeing what was happening between her and the solider. Grapping hold of her skirt to keep herself from strangling the man, Rain whispered harsly as their distantion was only a league away.

"Let's just get one thing straight, solider. The people we are about to meet are to be treated with the utmost respect. They are not rat's of the sea, that title belongs to the vile vermon that have the guts to call themselves, sea-farers, adventures, or sometimes pirates."

Glaring back at her Morzan nudged Naril closer, "These people they are pirates, yes? Then they are no different then the rest of their breed. They will take us aboard out to sea until we can no longer cry for aid, then they bind us, plunder us, and throw us to the sea. That what all pirates do and I expect no less from this crew."

Screaming silently, Rain let go of her skirt and got a fistfull of Morzan's shirt bringing his face close to hers. Morzan wasn't about to take that however, and began to pull back. Hissing, Rain sang again letting the words of her song wrap around the man like a rope. Forced to stay still by her spell, Morzan could only glare at her as she held him tight both magically and physically.

"Now, you are going to listen, and listen close for I'm about to teach you a lesson that if you forget, you will regret forgetting." Letting Morzan go, Rain released her spell panting heavly, she was nearly spell-out and the binding spell had taken more than she knew.

"Not all pirates are the same solider. There are many who call the sea their homes and for lack of a better word call themselves pirates. On the sea, there are four groups of people: Merchants who with their high prices and hefty fees should be called pirates but are not; The Searchern although peaceful peaople are nevertheless ship builders, traders, and they often do borrow others ships if they are found illegally sailing in their waters; The Sea-Gypsies, people who although are not Searchen who enternally live on the sea, can not live long without being on the seas; Then there are pirates, Merchants, Searchen, and Sea-Gypsies alike can claim a famous pirate from their leagues yet all suffer from them. Pirates, the pirates, you no doubt think of when you hear the word, steal from them as well living none on the sea alone."

"The group we are about to meet are on of the Sea-Gyspy tribe, sailors, merchants who have fallen in the unescapable lure of the sea. To be more specific we will be traveling with a groub called the Sea-maidens. The Sea-Maidens are made up of the widows of men who were either killed by your goverment fasley accused of piracy or killed by the true pirates themselves. They have suffered enough at your goverments hands, do not make them suffer more by insulting them. Especailly in front of them, who once found a home amongst them when no others would have me."

Morzan's eyes told Rain that he didn't believe her, didn't want to believe her. Mumblin in Silvan under her breath, Rain turned Nightwind back towards the sea saying something about the stubidity of men, especially if they were soliders.

Ingorance was what caused this insult she knew. Rain knew very well that their were many who she call a pirate that Morzan would vouch for completly, thieves in gilded houses instead of on the sea. What was it about the cousins of people that so many distrusted? Or for that matter distrusted gyspies period.

Riding in silence the rest of the way, when Rain finally got within ear-shot of the five woman that sat near a fire waiting for them, Rain hailed them unfurling the sash at her waist letting it's length tell the tale. On the crismon sash yellow roses heavily guarded by thorns entwined around the burder with unitellengtable lines of yellow writing glowing in between until the lines reached the middle rose at the bottom of the sash. There right above the largest rose was stiched the symbol of flame and write above that the symbol for a wood-wind player. Her name, her true name, her mage name was somwhere on that sash also, but unless you knew where to look, you would spend a thousand years just trying to figure out what section it lay in without once spotting the name itself.

The Sea-maids, woman who wore loose offits costing of a blouse, baggy pants, soft-dear hide boots, and sashes simlar to Rain's only theres would hold their own status and symbol.

Cries of welcome echoed throughout the cove as the news of her arrival spread to the ship.

Smiling, Rain dismounted Nightwind, rushing into the arms of the oldest woman there, a grey haired woman who wore three gold hoop earrings in her left ear.

Much passed between them until the rest of her group arrived. Taking a good look at them, the woman who was hugging Rain, steeped forward releasing Rain from her grasp. "My name is Maril Sea-Wind, I am the captian of the ship in the distance that bears the name of the Red-Wheel, one of the first sea-gypsy ships built by the gyspies themselves. I see there are four of you, Arin spoke of five, where is the last one?"

Laying a hand on Maril, Rain spoke for her group yet again, "Our last member had some private buisness to attend to. She is more then able to find her own board on a ship, and will be joining us sometime soon. In the meantime, let's load up this ship of yours."

~ ~ ~

As the last of their supplies were lifted on the ship beside the horses, Rain stood before them as they nuzzled her hand. Somwhere in the distance, the rest of her group was eating the supper Maril had so kindly provided for them from the rabbit the sea-gyspy caught earlier.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, Rain didn't need to turn around to know who it was. "They cannot come, lass." Maril said laying a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I know." Rain said softly. Walking up the horses, Rain slowly took off all the cumbersome tack of the steeds that had born them so well. "They will go free, it is their right."

Whispering softly in silvan, Rain bid each of the horses goodbye, baded them to have pleasant pastures free from masters or cares. Neighing, the group of horses bid her a loud goodbye before galloping off.

A loud shout told her that Morzan was about to make her angry again. "The horses got loose," as Rain stepped in front Morzan to keep from chasing after the horses, Rain watched the man's eyes widen, "You let them loose? How dare you! We are going to need those horses later."

"They cannot come on the ship, and last time I checked you still had your own two-feet. Maybe you should use them for something other than to stuff your mouth with sometime."

Turning away from Morzan with an angry twirl, Rain gestured the others to clean up. "We have to leave soon, the tide is changing to high and unless you have a particular liking for being wet I suggest we get going before it floods this area."

~ ~ ~

Twighlight covered the land as she was rocked back and forth by the gentle motion of the ship. Above her the creaking of rigging, and sails barely interupted her view of the stars as she lay on the poop deck (for you land-lubbers that's the back deck of a ship directly above the Captian's quaters) enjoying the night air.

Shuffling steps annoced that another was also awake at this time at night, and by the pariticular noise the person's feet admitted, Rain guessed it was Graeme.

"You should be resting you know." Rain said to Graeme as she picked herself up off the deck.

"So should you." Graeme said indicating her previous positon on the deck. "Why are you not below deck with the others?'

"Pah, after so many years of sleeping beneath the stars, I find it difficult to sleep in closed spaces. Now that we're done being nice, why are you really up her?"

"I have a bone to pick with you?"

"Oh what kind of bone? A chicken bone, a turkey bone, a goose bone perhaps?" Rain said sacrastically.

"You know what I mean." Graeme said clearly frustrated, "You told me you were not a mage."

"I'm not."

"Then how in the world can you do all these spells? I mean I've seen some wilders in my time who lacking proper training can perform small illusions, but never something like you did today. How did you do that if you are not a mage?"

"I don't know," Rain said holding up her hands in defense of herself, "I honestly do not know."

"There's another thing to, the whole time you were doing you little song and dance back there you were speaking in Silvan. Not only silvan but the old silvan, the language in which all mage spells are cast."

"Oh that, Slivan comes naturally to me, as I was practically raised in it."

"That doesn't explain how you used it?"

"I don't have to anwser of your questions, priest, not now, nor ever." Swinging past Graeme, it took Rain all fo three minutes to get to and climb the mast until she was safely enshirened in the Crow's nest.

Knowing full well he couldn't reach her there, Graeme sighed before he went below deck to sleep with the others.

#138:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:04 pm
It had all been pain, endless pain, for Rath. It was like when a limb falls asleep and then the sharp pains upon waking...only the limb had been alseep for four years and the pins were more like flaming swords through her flesh. Had she been able to scream she would have but her voice was denied to her as power washed back into empty places, as she stretched to fit her skin...only to find it had shrunk and must be streached out again.

When Rain's message had come to her she hadn't been able to grasp the words, only a whiff of salt and a sense of coolness and eternal motion. They've gone to the pirates afterall...they'll be easy to find on open water. But at the moment nothing was easy for Rath, not even writhing.

Then it came, one large snap that seemed to crack every bone and tendon at once...and it was over. She lay stunned for a few moments before standing on four wobbly legs. Weak as a kitten and not quite complete. Tapping the collar around her neck there was a swift flash as the dark sword became the Amulet again and the Sword of Ergos appeared once more. Without hesitation Rath wrapped a massive hand about it's blade as the sword resized for her new form.

Blood trickled out and vanished in a puff...suddenly instead of blood rushing out, magic was rushing back in. Thank you Ergos. Had I not bourn your blade I would have been half complete until I returned to my companions. While a skye dragon, a Nobel at that, is no small opponant without her magic Rath would have been at risk for many things.

Waiting a few moments until all traces of weakness and discomfort were gone she walked to the entrance to her Lair, ignoring the bloodstains from where she'd lain when she made her deal with Ergos. Rearing up on her hind legs, one hand a blazing orb of magic, the other holding a shimmering blade of Ergos Rath roared her defiance to the heavens of Cree.

With a snap of her mighty wings the dragoness took to the air again, fireflies dancing before her, snow bats flanking her, acid wasps, and lightning wings above and below her. She turned her head for the mountain where the Lady of the Night held court. It was time for her to finish some business.

The demons had cowered as the massive dragon had landed on their door step, wincing away from the Sword of Ergos, yet staring at it with greedy eyes. Rath had switched her tail about, severing limbs like a mother might slap hands. "This is not for the likes of you." Great black doors were opened allowing her to enter the demon's hall. There, on her throne of dragon bone, sat the Lady of the Night.

"So you have come at last my servant. And you have brought my prize. Rath glared at the creature, her tail lashing angrily at being called a 'servant'.

"I don't serve you. I've come for what is mine, the price we agreed upon Lady." The Tricked clapped her clawed hands together and a trembling demon brought forth a brillaint diamond on a black velvet pillow. The Lady reached out for the diamond but staied her hand at Rath's rumbling growl.

"I find this funny dragoness. We are so alike. Cold, scheaming, our hands bloody countless times over...but I am stronger than you. You were laid low for this." She gestured at the diamond. "The frozen soul of one long dead. The lady stood taking the pillow. Rath gently laid the blade of Ergos down backing away a step. The Lady stared at it with covetous eyes.

Our plan worked to perfection did it not dragoness? He thought that since I had 'tried' to kill you you would have reason to work for him...had he only known it was part of the plan... She laughed coldly, holding the pillow out to Rath. With gentle claws, Rath plucked the diamond from the pillow. With a pop it vanished into the jewel that adorned her right forepaw.

The Lady turned her attention toward the sword. Rath smiled, an evil cold, toothy grin."Yes" With a puzzled air the Lady turned to Rath who, with a mighty roar, swept the sword from under her nose, it too vanishing into her jewel. The Lady screeched, pointed a clawed finger at Rath, who was already darting out the massive doors. For something so massive, Rath could move, twist, and turn like a much smaller, much faster creature.

"You Tricked me!" Rath laughed, a booming noise.

"It's not that hard. After all you think demons serve that's a good Trick." Flicking her tail in a salute Rath turned her nose to the sea. Next time we meet won't see anothe sunrise! With a bellow and a flash of magic, Rath was gone.

Rain was reclining in the crows nest, her eyes scanning the sea. You could imagine her surprise when suddenly instead of empty sea and sky, a large black and red dragon appeared over the ship. With a pop Rath, in her Eroki form, landed next to her in the crows nest. "You smell like demon dragoness...where have you been?"

"Sorry I had something I had to do." Gently she drew forth the diamond which shone like a brilliant lanturn in her palm. In it's depths colors twisted and swirled. Rain reached out to touch it, placing calm fingers on it's smooth surface.

Memories flooded her mind, memories of a world she'd never know, never seen. Memories of a younger Rath, of flying, of hunting, and the casting of great spells. Memories of a journey between worlds, from a realm far from this. They were the memories of another dragon. Rath pulled the diamond away from Rain's touch, replacing it in her pouch.

"I am sorry for putting everything in danger Rain...but I couldn't let her keep Paith a prisoner." Putting a hand on Rath's arm Rain nodded to her friend.

"I understand..."

#139:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:50 pm
If some gypse can just sing and render me vunurable how am I going to face demons and armies again thought Morzan as he vomited over the side of the Red Wheel. Damn that gypse and damn these pirates.

"Why did I eve-" but he couldnt finish the sentence as he threw up again.

Even after all those battles I cant even match these pirates on the sea! Feeling into the back of his armor Morzan ran his finger down a scar on his shoulder. A memoir from the past. Being among pirates reminded him of the pain the wound had caused.

Watching the pirates manuver the ship drove Morzan insane. They could do these incredible things when he couldnt even stomach being on a ship. Taking his blades in hand Morzan staggered to the front of the ship and collapsed.

Lifting them to the sun he smiled, whenever he had a weapon in his hand he felt at peace. Deposting them into their seaths he smiled, fingering the beard that now grew on his chin. I just hope we get there soon.

#140:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:26 pm
Rain's mind was still reeling from everything she had seen in the gem that Rath now held. There was so much there. Looking up at Rath, Rain knew that although they began this trip as two casually people who called themselves friends because they possesed mutal secrets, the friendship between her and Rath would go much deeper that what it started as.

Grabbing a hold of Rath's hand, Rain smiled, "You gave me something that hides me," this was said touching the bracelet on her arm that Rath had given her ealier, "Let me wash the scent of demon of you. We don't need that smell hanging around."

Not waiting for Rath to agree, Rain closed her eyes. It had been so long since she had done this, cast a spell without music, but the memory of the last time she used this kind of spell was still clear. Shuddering at that memory, Rain reached deep and opening her eyes softly she blew watching the blue tendrils of magic wrap around Rath. As the spell touched the dragoness' skin it sang, singing the song of it's spell, making an odd vibrating sound that seemedt to rotate soely off a Rath The song was of cleansing, of forgivness, of rest, and peace. As the spell twirled around Rath, Rain could almost see the letters of the spell, the music that powered it, and the words it sang. Finally, the speel was fully entwined around Rath and sank in her skin.

Smiling weakly from the effort, Rain wrapped her arms around wrath, "There now you don't stick so much."

Looking down from the crow's nest Rain spotted Morzan puking his guts out, Crenla looking a little green herself, and Ariana leaning against the ship's side clearly in an elven trance. Graeme wasn't in sight. Looking towards the stern of the boat, Rain spotted Meril stirring the ship happy at her post.

"Why don't we go down? We both need some rest from things, and besides there's someone I like you to meet." Letting go of Rath, Rain scrambled down the mast like a monkey, landing on the deck as graceful as a butterfly. Once there, Rain spared a glance at Morzan and Crenla both of which were looking paticularly green today. Although she was more inclined to feel sorry for Crenla than Morzan, Rain decided she aught to be nice. So with a few bold steps, Rain reached her bag for her herb pouch and shoved a yellow-candy-like pill into Morzan's hand.

Looking at her strangly Morzan, said one word before once again heaving his lunch to the side of the ship. "What...?"

Placing her hands on her hips, Rain sighed, "Just suck on it, it will make you feel better. This is a week long journey and I'm not about to listen to your wretching and whinning the whole way."

Walking away Rain gave the same thing to Crenla along with the same instuctions. That done, Rain paused on the steps towards the stern deck as she waited for Rath to descend. Unlike herslf, Rath perferred to use unconvential methods. Unfolding her wings, the eroki dragoness gracefully glided down to where Rain stood.

Smiling again, Rain bounded up the stairs towards Meril, "Meril this is Rath, she's the friend I told you about."

Squinting a hard sea-farering eye at Rath, Meril gave the Eroki a good once over. "Aye, she seems right enough lass, but it still doesn't mean I approve of you trecking all of over the country lass. Your mates might be strong, but your as weak as kitten and as inexperienced as any wee bairn. I don't like it, not one bit."

Rath spared a thought towards her, You told her?

Shaking her head mentally Rain sent a thought back Not exactly, all they know is that we're on a quest of some sort which may envolve some danger. That's it.

Stepping forward, Rath laid a protective hand on her sword, "I assure you captian, that Rain is in safe hands. Why does she like you so much anyway?

"You have to excuse Meril Rath, she practically raised me when my brother was taken aboard My Lady Love as a cabin boy. She was downright assistant about it too, if I remember right, something along the lines that a lass should be raised amoung women so she could gain 'proper lady-like' manners. If I remember rightly, I didn't learn much manners aboard the Red Wheel."

Scrowling at her, Meril swatted Rain playfully. "Quite changing the subject lass. You cannot argue with me for long. Admit it Eroki, you cannot protect her all the time, there may come a time when she needs to depend on herself, espcially being a half-trained wilder as she is."

Rath smiled, "She's right you know, what are going to do about it?"

Shrugging Rain raised her hands, "Learn I guess, have any ideas where I can find a tutor?"

#141: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:32 pm
Boats, a staff that's meant to make me perfect, sheesh, this is one hell of a journey. Rain's being smarmy to. I really don't fit in here. Rath is being weirdish, Morzan is, well Morzan. The other two are still so distanced from me.

Graeme sighed, I really don't belong here, what have I actually done? Killed a demon and got into fights with others. He looked over the boat, and the vast expanse beyond it. An insignificant speck in a vast world....

God am I getting depressing in my old age. He heaved himself up to his feet and wandered below deck. Maybe I should leave....I'm no use to anyone....

#142:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:45 pm
"Know where I can find a tutor?" Rath grinned ear to ear. If there was one thing she knew it was how to use small weapons to great effect and that a little well placed magic went a long way. In the blink of an eye she held three daggers in the gaps between her fingers on each hand, no magic used.

Meril whistled. "Well that's a trick I'm keen to learn Lady." Rath smiled flicking them up into the air and one by one grabbing each of them and returning them to the sheaths on her legs.

"I think I can teach you what you must know Rain. My methods are not gentle, nor are they...'conventional' but what you must know you will know when the time comes. However, what you will learn is up to you.

With a quiet trill Rath cast a spell. This was unlike the spells she had cast before, all of those had required that peculiar gesture while this one required music...and an odd music at that. The spell proved to be a quiet one indeed. A tiny tendril of flame wrapped around her claws, casting no light in the warm sun. "The magic I use comes in three variations. Playing is the second most powerful variation but one of the hardest to detect."

She made the flicking gesture and a new color of fire sprang up around the first one. "Twisting is the easiest but the easiest to hear as well." Finally she made a grand gesture with her free hand and dazzling color flowed behind the movement. "Turning is the third and most powerful of my magics. It is not easy to use in this world but I assure you it is the simplest to learn."

With a swift gesture she pulled free her dark blade and held both hands extended. "You must choose Rain. Do you wish me to help you become stronger in magic? Or stronger in arms? Both I could teach but one must come first...which can you not live without knowing?"

#143:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:56 pm
Chapter 9: Hard Lessons

Rain blinked, seveal times in fact. Sighing, she shook her head at Rath for the thousandth time since she had known the dragoness.

"I'm not the only one you're going to have to teach, and I will have to become a teacher as well." Pulling up the railing of the stern deck Rain held up a single finger. "Crenla won't always be able to depend on the amulet you gave her, she needs to learn how to deal with situations that require fast thinking, and she also needs to at least to defend herself. The country we're walking in it's known for it's gentlness."

"Ariana, I don't know about, but she needs to learn to be friendly, and she needs to learn how to become stronger in magic, something she can learn by herself but only if she's willing to go into the trance that calls up her ancestors that teach in dreams."

Adding a third finger Rain continued, "Graeme is powerful but he's not the quitest when it comes to casting spells. He needs to learn how to hide his magic, or at least learn how to turn down the value. I think that right now he just needs to be appreciated, something that isn't helped by my attitude earlier."

"As for Morzan, no amount of training in the world will make him strong enough unless he learns to resist spells cast on him. I cast a weak binding spell on him earlier and he was as easily held as a newborn babe all because he believed he couldn't get free. As long as he thought that way he was as bound in my spells as he was if he was in ropes. Demons use mental spells, simlar to mine. Small and noiseless they come upon you when your not expecting anything."

"We are all going to teach and to be taught, and no offense Rath but your not the quietest even when you try. Something about possesing two dragonstones gives a particular ring to your spells that even I can detect."

"I think the safest way for all us is to learn from each other, that is if they agree."

"We'll talk to them tonight and see what they think," Rath said obviously a little disappointed of the lost oppurinty to teach Rain a thing or two.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total

#144:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:41 pm
Feeling the smooth surface of the yellow pill Morzan thought, Is she trying to drug me? I was rather rude back there... Walking to the edge of the ship he held his fist over the side. On the other hand, I am rather sick and she said this would help.

"I guess its better to feel nothing than feel like this"

Placing the pill on his tongue he the taste was sweet, like candy. He tested his wieght then checked his balance before swallowing. Already feelnig the effects he moved towards the center mast of the ship. Glancing over at Din he noticed that she was speaking to the Eroki. They both seemed rather concerned with whatever they were talking about.

Taking a step to avoid being seen Morzan ducked into the underbelly of the ship. The ship was rather large compared to the crafts that he had been on. I wonder if theres anything to eat down here? Continuing on to move forward he noticed that alot of the people on board were singing and dancing. Jolly folk, but lacking discepline.

Stepping over a sleeping crewman Morzan made his way through the ship. Opening barrels and crates looking for things to read or examine. Anything to occupy his time until they reached their destination. Soon his search came to an end and he found a large crate with many scrolls and parchment. Reaching in he drew out several articles and made his way back on deck.

A cold wind made him retreat back into the ship and he curled up in the corner. Wrapping his cloak around himself and drawing out pipe he began to read quietly to himself.

#145:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:30 pm
Rath was indeed a little put out about Rain not taking up her offer right away. And it was a little insulting to have her magic called 'loud'. Perhaps I am out of practice. She cast a small spell of Seeing, just to check on the other four members of their party. Taking care to listen for her 'tone' extra hard she was aghast to find that she could indeed hear echo's of the spell she had just cast.

Shaking her head she studied the visions. Four years and I've become that rusty. But not too rusty, she added with a grin. If Rain think's I've only got two Dragonstones on me she's a little off the mark...try five. Still the news was desturbing. For the dragoness who had once snuck up on her own mother even the clumsiest dragon mage would have heard her.

The visions were not an ease on her mind either. Morzan was wrapped up, contentedly smoking a pipe and reading a scroll. That was good. Ariana was in a trance, seeming to speak to the sea...or maybe Selindril was speaking to her. Crenla was prancing nervously up and down the deck, staring restlessly at the sea.

It was Graeme that bugged her the most. The hunchback was staring morosely at the floorboards, muttering to himself. Rath patted Rain on the shoulder. "It seems you have indeed bruised something fragile with the Priest. I'll see how I might salve the wounds, you meditate on my offer...although it seems that I might start weapon work first."

Padding silently, she could still move without sound, she slipped below decks and found the still ill muttering Graeme. "Anything I can do to help?" He glared at her and she sighed. "Look, I realize I havn't been the best companion..."

"You havn't been a companion at all...none of you have. I don't see why I'm needed with Rain being sharpish, Morzan not giving a care, and the other two might as well not exist for all the attention they give me. And you." He pointed a finger at her. "You say you are my friend but then what? Leave me to fend for myself. Ha with you around to cast their spells you don't need me."

Rath shook her head. "Graeme I have badly misused you. I have overstepped my place in this scheme of things. The truth is, and these are my truths, that as powerful as I am, as Gifted as I am, I am not as powerful as you are." Graeme looked at her in askance.

"What do you mean Eroki? You have it all, looks, stealth, ability with both weapons and can fly for goodness sakes." Rath shook her head.

"Graeme watch my arm very carefully." Rath made sure the Priest was watching before extending her left arm. Slowly the arm which was red of skin with a scattering of black scales with long slender fingers tipped in black claws, twisted and began to slowly change. A partial change like this was slightly painful for Rath, as Graeme must have guessed, but she gritted her teeth and continued.

Slowly black scales inveloped the whole arm, which quickly changed from human seeming to something more like a large foreleg. Red spines ran down the back and the fingers were swollowed by nimble blood red razor sharp claws. Graeme stared at the change in awe. "You see Graeme...I am a dragon, a dragon of some age and power."

"What!" The priest backed up a step, then another. "And you've been keeping this from us!" Rath, shaking her arm back to it's former state, shook her head.

"Remember when I vanished on the road back there? That's when I regained the ability to be a dragon. I've been trapped as an Eroki since the battle with Ergos. But what I'm trying to say Graeme is that I wasn't born in Cree...I was born worlds away in another realm known as Lodriss." Graeme just looked at her, still trying to shrug off the shock.

"I was leading my people away from a war that was slowly killing us and our world. Four of my people, including my mother, stayed behind to keep the doorway open and focus the spell." Rath stopped for a moment, memories almost too painful to go on.

"We came here, to Cree, seeking peace but found only those willing to kill us since we were bigger, stronger, and more powerful than anything seen in this world before. Slowly our numbers dwindled until many wanted to go back and fight enemies we knew instead of those we did not."

"A handful of us, my mate and I included staied behind, holding open the gate so the others might flee, taking the stones of the Fallen with them. After that it was only a matter of time as we were hunted down. Slowly we lost contact with one...then another...till only my mate and I were left. Then one day..." Rath could not go on. Instead she gripped Graeme's shoulder.

"What I'm trying to say is you are stronger than I am. You were born in this world, your power is complete. I was born far away power fails me. This is why I cannot fill your shoes hunchback. Once before you wanted to run...then I asked you to trust me. Now I'm doing so again. the Priest of the Sword of Ergos. Please Graeme...will you trust me?"

#146:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:01 pm
Rain followed Rath down towards Graeme, she owed the hunchback a apology also.

She heard as Rath asked, "Please Graeme...will you trust me?"

Coming only Rath, Rain laid a gentle hand on her friends shoulder, and spoke, "Graeme can you trust me also? I'm sorry about ealier, I'm a little touchy about my magical abilities. They caused me much pain.." closing her eyes briefly to banish the memories that came from her dark and painful past, Rain opened her eyes again sadness clearly seen in her beautiful voilet eyes, "This is why I usually don't talk about them much or even tried to develop them to their full potential. I use them yes, but I was never trained and I'm therefore neither a mage, nor a witch, nor a socress, I'm just me. Perhaps one day I will be able how I learned how to control the little power I posssess, but I have feeling that I will be very, very old before that ever occurs."

Pausing, Rain let her eyes and face gentle, her mask of coldness once again gone. "We need you Graeme, not only for your power but for the very fact you are a priest. The power of a priest will be useful against demons in a way that neither mine or Rath's could ever be. Without you, this I say with assuridity, the question might be accomplished by in the process every one of you would die, I know, I've seen that possibilty, I've seen so much, much of which I would like to forget. Please Graeme, I accept my apology and ask what you will of me, if it is my grasp to grant your request I will. But for now, Can we at least be friends and can you promise you will be our priest as well as our mage? Please, we have no hope without you, we have no hope unless all of us, all of us, are bound in a group so strong that nothing could break it."

With a grim look, Rath nodded her agreeing with everything Rain had said, "So what do you say to that Priest?"

#147:  Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:53 pm
Graeme looked from one to the other. A double team. See. They know everything that's happening, everything. They know where we are going, help on that course, exactly who we are fighting and most importantly they trust and can rely on each other. I on the other hand, I only trust the swordsmen strangely enough. Mainly as he is a simple person. He fights for what he believes is right and with a weapon, no flutes or magic sword with amulets and dragons. Just a piece of steel. And I have my faith.

He looked at them slowly, and turned away. He walke over to his travelling sack, and opened it with painful slowness. He extracted a dusty scroll and began to read:

To Graeme, grandson of Daevid, Arch Priest

"We have heard of your aimless wanderings, and speading of our beloved god's words, you have inspired many to take up our cause and devotion. We would like to offer you a high priest position at the town of Kirkton. We would place you here as they need a strong leader who can protect them from the Demons of Darkness. We feel this is you. Strong and able to defeat the Demons. Even now the Demons get bolder and bolder in their incursions, we need you now. May our God bless you with the right choice."

Arch priest Ammanoz

Graeme looked at the two,"This is what I could do, instead of being a part timer in this adventure, a nobody called on at only the most dire moments. I could aid these people who need me. I could actively help my faith and people."

#148:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:23 pm
Rain watched Graeme, so angry at so many things, suspicous of everything, yet despite that we need him, I need him.

"It doesn't have to be that way Graeme. Do you realize what this quest could mean? The people who would protect could not be protected for long if the Lady lives and grows strong. Your power would be of no use if you are alone then, but you can cut of the threat to a nation but joing us.

We don't only need in a dire situations, but even now. Do you think we know everything about this journey? We don't, I myself only guess from time to time. All we have to guide us is a memory stone, a map, and the vague instuctions the one who would have been you leader to end this quest.

Also Have you ever heard of wilders? I'm sure you do, if you have heard of them, you know how dangerous they can be when not trained. I am one of them. This is why I'm not a mage but I can still use my magic, but only by singing the language I learned at the hand of another. Your powerful, but your loud. I'm weak but relatively quiete if you don't recongize the signature in my songs. If you teach me how to control my magic better, I can teach you how to be quiet, it's the one thing I'm actually good at. Rath can teach also to help you gain all of your magical potential. Believe or not, I'm what they called a senser. I have the inborn ability to detect the abilities of others, which is why I'm senstive to the sound and volumes the spells. From this I know that your powerful, very powerful, more powerful than I ever seen, but much of your ability is lost from the fact you have yet been taught how to access all your powers. Rath can help with that much.

What can I say Graeme, that I'm sorry that I use magic? Believe me I am. I wish I never discovered my abilities however little they are. I use it only when I see fit, and believe or not I've cast more spells in the last couple of days than I ever had in my whole life.

Can I say anything else to convinence you? I could tell you of horrors that I've seen. Horrors I suffered myslef, horrors that if let loose would score the land as quickly as a blaze. Why do you think we're all here?

Ariania, elven-born, is here because there are places that we will go that are too dark to even see.

Crenla because it's going to take all the wisdom and cunning we have to even have the hope of reaching our destintation.

Morzan because their are enemies so strong that even Rath would have no hope of defeating or even Morzan in all his strength if it wasn't his destiny.

I am here, because I sing. Plain and simple, how that is useful? I have no clue.

Rath is here because only a dragon or a part dragon can weild a dragonstone and because Ergos himself choose her for her part in the quest.

You are here, because there are times when physical strength will fail, cunning stagger, and even the sword of Ergos will grow dim. You are here because only you will be able some doors on the way. You are here because only a priest can have hope against some of the demons we may or may not face.

Still think your useless, still think you can be put to better use elsewhere, than be my guest, go to your village. We'll even take you there because our path heads that way. Yet when the quest fails, or barely succeds you are going to have the same situation on your hands again, only a thousand times worse because fate and friends will no longer be there to help you.

It is your choice. I cannot make it for you, neither can anyone else. Everyone will have that choice to turn back on this journey, including myself. Now it is your turn, the first of many people who could abonded the quest. What else can I say to this protest of yours? Nothing, so be ready to decide when reach the shores. If you decide before then, perhaps maybe you'll get out of feeling sorry for yourself and help around here. Your not the only one around here who has reason to take pity on the situations, in fact there are many aboard this ship that claim worse. Whatever you decide for the next week you will be able to find me." Turning around, Rain walked away, heading straight towards the many working crewmembers on the ship and threw efforts in. She was angry, angry more then words could tell, but work she discovered long ago cures ills of this sort at least.

#149:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:20 pm
Rath reached out and grabbed hold of Rain as she turned to leave. Pulling her back with a grip that brooked no argument, Rath stared them both down, copper eyes flashing sparks. "We shall not part in anger. Anger will only fester and eat away at our minds. This strife, this struggle, this benefits us not. The Lady would laugh to see how childishly we argue."

"Rain is right about many things Graeme, one of them being just how necessary you are. You point out that Rain can use magic, that I can and you feel superflous. Listen to me now. Rain's magic is wild, selfish as well. It will protect Rain before it protects any of us. Not because Rain asks it too but because it is the essence of gifts of this nature."

"As for my powers, yes I'm strong, I have to be. However I've already told you that there will come a time when everything I am fails. If that isn't enough for you, think on this. We're fighting the greatest evil your kind has known...and you want the bloody powers of an assassin defending you from magical harm? It sounds a little odd to me."

Graeme looked at her thoughtfully, but only thoughtfully. Rath extended her right hand and looked at the other two. "We can fight amoungst ourselves when this deed is done and we need never see each other again. For now though, we must watch each other's backs, heal each other's wounds, and teach each other new tricks for old."

Slowly Rain put her hand on top of Rath's and, after much muttering and spitting on the floor, so did Graeme. "Now I will give you the final honesty for the day...Do you want to know what Ergos is giving me for my services?"

"Nothing...he's dead." Graeme shrugged. "Well he is isn't he?" Rain shook her head, clearly wanting to hear the nature of the bargain struck between the bloody dragoness and the Eroki King.

"Graeme do you know where we're going?" Graeme shook his head.

"That's for you ladies to know...into the jaws of death to fight the demons I suppose." Rath smiled.

"True we're going there but the end of my journy lies much further away. You see...Ergos promised me a way home."

#150:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:02 pm
((Things have been to quite around here lately so I'm spicing things up a little. I'm sorry about not being active lately, I haven't been feeling my best lately. So here's a post that will hopefully make up for it all.))

Rain looked at her sometime friend Rath as she declared her anger foolish. Thinking about it, Rain knew it was. She wasn't really angry at Morzan for disliking pirates, she wasn't angry at Graeme having a pity party, she was angry at the day. Realizing that Rath was right about the Lady, Rain threw her anger away. Anger, emotions in general were tools that the Lady had her disposal and she knew how to use them well.

Rain wouldn't be surprised at all if the Lady had a hand in this little seen at all. Making a mental note to control her emotions better Rain placed her hand ontop of Rath's later to be joined by Greame, then Morzan, Crenla, and finally Ariana.

~ ~ ~

Later that night, Rain had finally changed into something a whole lot more comfortable than her flashy attire of earlier. Walking out of the cabin she shared with Rath, and Crenla since it was the only one big enough to hold the Eroki and a Centaur, she paused leaning against the wall, letting the wind blow her shortened hair.

Running a nervous hand against the split skirt she know wore, Rain looked over her companions. Morzan was patiently teaching Crenla some basic miltary tatics as the Centaur looked more and more confused. In a corner Ariana was dead to the world as she sat in a trance she had induced earlier in the evening, calling on her elven ancestors to teach her what she needed to know. Somewhere in a corner, Graeme was muttering over some obscure text Rain herself had given him earlier. The text was an ancient one dealing with the beggining of Cree, Juric had given it to her before she died and had seemed convinced that somewhere in the text there was the key to slaying the Lady of the Night as well as the other forces of darkness.

Walking forward, Rain felt the wind tug on her loose blouse and sash. Towards the stern, Rath and Meril were talking over something, and Rain had a strange feeling it wasn't about the wind. Shaking her head a little, Rain headed to the prow of the ship. In the west, the last of the sunlight was dying down, and the stars were beginning to appear one by one.

Reliving the watch, Rain sat herself on the long prow on the ship stradling it as she had often done in her younger years. Silently she watched, the stars appear and heard her companions go to bed one by one.

Meril, her old seafaring friend tapped her on the shoulder trying to tell her to get off the prow where she dangled over the wild sea and to convinence her to go to bed, but Rain just shook her head.

Tonight she had to sit watch. She had to let go of her past, and despite what everyone could or would say, this was the only why she knew how.

'How approiate,' Rain thought, 'that the day someone beloved to me died that my past should die also.'

Rain sat there all night, bothered only be the occasional change between shifts amdist the crew.

She sat there and waited, mainting at all times the erie silence she had begun this watch with, counting the stars as the twickled in the skies. For each star she counted a sorrow, for each twicle she counted a hate, and one by one she dropped them in the sea letting the ship plow over them as it drove through the ever forgiving, ever moving see.

She sat and watch as the stars disappeared, and sitting straight, she waited and listen for the last to disappear. As the last star dispeared and the sun rose, and the crew began to stir once again driving them to their destinies however grim. Still she waited, silent, watching, waiting for the one thing that would break the spell, the last forgetting, the last mouring of someone beloved.

Then when the clouds in the east began to turn red as the sun rose, Rain heard it, the thing she was waiting for. The keen of a dragon. Smiling faintly, Rain closed her eyes and waited still longer. Somewhere in the world she knew, her tribe was beating the silent dance of death, and Gilath was soaring admist the cold clouds keening mourning the anniversary of the death of his beloved friend. Gilath's song was heard, and other dragon's belonging to the riders joined in. Rain waited till the dragon keen invited her voice. Listening close she heard the inviation, and with her eyes still close she sang.

It was errie almost listening to her sing in accord with a song that most mortals could never here nor understand. The rider's dragons somewhere in the world, heard the mortal's voice and increased the feeling in the song. They knew by the voice, by an internal instict that drove them to bound with mortal men, that this human was the last of kin to the mortal who they mourned for that day.

This was the first time she sang, Gilath told the others, and as last of kin, as the closest kin to the dead, only this mortal could release them from this yearly mourning, and she did. Singing loud and clear she bid goodbye to Juric 'de-la'Nari Cele-Nar-cuk, her brother, the last of her family. Singing she released her brother, and her past with it. Finally adding a twirl she knew Gilath alone would know, she released him from his promise, his promise to live. Gilath by this song was free to live, to bond again if that was his choice, or to die, whichever he choose. Hearing her song, Gilath sang back his echos carried over the distance by a spell no evil could understand, he would live, he would see his master avenged and told her that there was only one person to whom he could bound, Her. Singing gently, Gilath told Rain he would be her companion and when she was ready, when his task was done, he would join her.

Singing Rain gave Gilath her thanks, knowing better than to argue with a dragon. Gilath heard, and he and his fellow dragons dropped once again to the ground in their endless task. Singing alone, Rain finished her song and turned back to the people on the ship.

Everyone aboard was starring at her. Whistling Meril spoke for the crew, "No wonder you were nicknamed Siren by old Mat."

~ ~ ~

The day was not done with a song however, they had much ground to cover if they hoped to make their destination in a week.

However, about mid-day something appeared in their rear view they did not expect. Close behing the Red Wheel, a ship followed, the skull and cross flying proud and high on their mast.

Shouting down, the watch cried "Pirates!"

Marching up to her, Morzan shouted above the many orders "I thought this was a pirate crew can't they tell them we're friends or something?"

Stopping amid her run, Rain turned to Morzan, "You don't understand do you? The Red Wheel is the opposite of a pirate. The women aboard this ship are pirates of pirates. They attack and justly return bouty taken from innocents from pirates. Any Jack aboard any vessel would give his hands for the head of the women of the Red Wheel."

Starring at her in shock, Morzan gapped at her as she shoved into the captian's cabin, "Now arm yourselves everyone and be prepared to fight. This is no ordinary pirate crew, there are demons aboard that ship."[

Somewhere above them Meril was shouting orders, "Men get under the deck, arm yourselves, you know the drill! Rath, Centaur Whomever, get yourselves hidden. Rath we'll be needin your skills last, but best save that for unpleasant sruprise. Rain, man your station woman, it hasn't been that long girl! And will someone please get this elf of my deck she's getting in my way."

Letting go of Morzn, Rain let him go, screaming out at Rath, "Toss Celebrin!" Rath must of heard her because a minute later Celebrin was in her hand, and Rain was at her post on the prow of the ship.

Gripping her flute nervously, Rain couldn't see what the others were doing but she only hoped that this attack wouldn't prove to be somebody's last. However, with the demon pirate ship fast approaching Rain didn't have much time to think about it.

((Here's your first battle folks, How well will it go?))

#151:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:34 am
I cast about wildly. I was used to battles fought by careful lanning in a sheltered tent. I had never seen any type of battle, because tactitians are too precious to lose and centeurs never fight among theirselves. I knew what to do in theory, of course, but the manouvers Morzan had been showing me with little gypsy blades attatched to my staff showed me that I wouldn't be a good fighter.

My staff! That was what I would go and gett. I always needed to have something to do, and fetching my staff seemed as good a thing as any.

I quickly trotted into the cabin I searched frantically through the pile of straw Meril had laid out for my bed. I had put my staff on one wall next to it earlier, but it had fallen into the bedding, obvoisly shaken by the ship's movement. I picked it up and went outside.

I decided to hide. I wouldn't be much use anyway, and if the ship was captured I would be in last reserves. Besides, much as I hated doing it if the pirates had anything even akin to a horse on their ship I could hopefully cause a stampede. With these thoughts inmind I secured myself in the hidnig hole behind the steps. It was a tight squeeze-a very tight squeeze- but I had a good view and I was more or less hidden.

I reached out with my mind, searching for horsekind.

#152:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 5:12 pm
(Sorry for rushing in but I love sea battles! Although it may not be the best post. Wink )

The centaur was having difficulty learning steps but it was Morzan to blame. He was used to teaching creatures with two feet, not four. At least he learned something though. he thought with a small smile. I guess that head has reached maximum capacity.

"Pirates coming from port! Lone ship!" screamed someone from the crows nest.

Marching up to Rain, Morzan shouted above the many orders "I thought this was a pirate crew can't they tell them we're friends or something?"

"You don't understand do you? The Red Wheel is the opposite of a pirate. The women aboard this ship are pirates of pirates. They attack and justly return bouty taken from innocents from pirates. Any Jack aboard any vessel would give his hands for the head of the women of the Red Wheel." Rain shouted over the growing comotion.

"This isn't a time to argue we need to focus on the objective at hand!" Morzan shouted after Rain. But his voice was drowned out by shouts and cries.

The ship was gaining and would be upon them in a matter of minutes. Gotta move. Sprinting to the back of the ship he leaned forward to get a better look. Squinting he saw figures run about the ship. They were larger then men but they did not have horns like demons so the was a good sign. A cursed crew most likely. Doomed to wander the sea for all eternity. Serving thier master so that their souls may never rest Im starting to sound like Rain. Morzan thought with a load laugh.

Chuckling he moved back to where all the Red Wheel's crew ran about. They were like bees, flying from place to place and all follwoing orders from the queen Meril.

There were a few crew members who were still awaiting orders They'll have to do then.

"Hey! You three, get over here!"

They looked at him but simply continued to wait for orders. Bloody pirates.

"Open your ears! Dont just stand there, take action!"

The pirates took a step forward then began to follow him under deck. After a short search he found what he was looking for. Bows and many arrows. Tossing them to the pirates he smiled and said,

'Lets make some pin cushions."

He also grabbed a few rolls of rope. Running back up on deck he told the pirates to follow him. The ship was begining to turn towards the other demon ship. We're going to wind up boarding them!

They were now close enough that Morzan could now see the expression on the demon pirates faces. Their eyes were sunken and most were adorned with black cloaks. Looking at the crew of the Red Wheel he noticed most of them were going below deck. Planning a suprise attack maybe?

"Fire when the enemy is about halfway across on their way boarding. I want to the sea bleed alright!" he screamed over the noise.

At first the gypse pirates glared at him, not much taking to the idea of the sea 'bleeding'. Whatever. It didn't matter to Morzan, his goal was to stay alive and keep his allies safe. Passing Rain on the deck he stopped and shouted,

"Please stay out of the battle miss I dont want you to be harmed! Your the only one who knows where were supposed to be going."

Taking a deep breath of the salty sea air Morzan moved forward and drew back an arrow. A wave of the demon pirates leapt from the ship only to be brought down by a hail of arrows from the pirates off to the side. Morzan had managed to snag one, archery wasn't his forte but he could hit an opponent who was only ten or so yards away.

"Is that all you got!"

There was a moments pause from the demons then they began to bring something out from inside the ship. They didn't necessarily 'bring' it out but it seemed to rise on its own from the innards of the ship. That cant be good.

#153:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:09 pm
Rain looked at Morzan in ascance. Didn't that man ever listen?

Shrugging, Rain looked around, not that it was much use. Without a weapon or training she was pretty useless. Or so some thought. Lessons from Meril, Old Mat, Juric, Elves, and even Ergos himself had taught her well.

'Best get out of the way, I guess. Although I do wish the others would follow orders. No time argue anyway.'

With that Rain cast a careful glance at the crew of the pirate ship that was now of their port (left) bow. Minor demons, those she could handle. However a sense of power aboard the vessel told Rain enough that this battle would not be easy.

Swinging up the mast into the Crow's nest, Rain took her position on the boat. Smiling, Rain put her flute to her lips and began to play the anthem of the Red Wheel. Not much, she realized, but with demons the best thing you could sometimes was to shield and motivate the minds of others. What happened next depended on the people she was striving to protect and motivate.

The Maidens of the Red Wheel had much practice at this. Lull your enemy into believing you were few and weak, let them believe the crew aboard this ship was just a bunch of poor weak women. Then once the enemy is aboard, engaged an attack on all sides with your reserves. Men below deck attacking from the middle. Men from the Captians Quaters attacking the ship which hopefully would be mostly empty by this time. Men from the Galley surronding those on the board cutting of the connection between the attackers from their own boat.

Rain's job: Simple, play, sing, whatever. Her job was an illusianary one, no one expected a musician to drop something on your head or them to use simple musical cords to commuciate the enemies next move.

It seemed to be going well, for a while. Then Rain's fear of a greater power aboard the enemy ship was realized. From the pit the most grusome thing to ever sail the one sea appeared, the Ulic, a hell-hound with three heads. Not only could a Ulic inspire fear into any human, but it could reflect any spell cast at it back towards the caster in ten times the original strength. Lowering her flute Rain had about one minute to stare in astonish ment before the hell-hound was aboard the ship, and Rain was left playing for dear life just trying to keep everyone aboard the ship sane.

"This can't be good," Rain heard Morzan say. Rain could only add a mental note to his louder one, 'Your finally right on something solider.'

((Deal with that how you may? And did I mention the hell-hound has a hide as think as an armor platted car? Have Fun!))

((Have fun, Morzan, and yes the Red Wheel is planning a surprise attack.

#154:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:27 pm
Rath had been listening the whole time to the death song of Juric, she had longed to add her voice to the choir but had remained silent out of greater respect. What a mockery she would have made had she sung and Gilath certainly wouldn't forgive her for it.

The dawn had come and with it had come attack, a whirl of motion and confusion that made Rath's blood sing with unholy mirth. The heat built in her chest, even as she was ordered to hold back, until it swelled with every beat of her heart. Her golden copper eyes slowly darkening until bloodlight shone from their blaring ruby depths.

She heard the three throated voice of the beast, three part disharmony. Everything in her wanted to charge it, to bolt from her position, change into her true form, and shake the beast bloody. But a trembling in the air around her made her whip her head around. In the distant sky her keen eyes made out a black speck. Damn you Lady and all your minions. Conceding the point to her opponant Rath lept skyward, shedding her Eroki form as she went.

"Rath!" She heard Morzan call out. He needed help fending off the Ulic. Rain's playing was already beginning to seem frenzied and Ariana was still entranced. But Rath knew in her heart of hearts they didn't need her, she'd given them the gifts to amplify their own talents, that would see them through...the Dark Drake she would take care of herself.

The Dark Drake recoiled in horror as he was suddenly sharing his previously clear sky with one very angery, very large, skye dragon. He hissed at her in a perverted version of the dragon toung, beating around him with his wings. He tried with all his might first to flatter her, then to cajol her into joining him. Rath was having none of it.

With the speed of a striking cobra she seized him around the neck. "Drakes disgust me. The Drake's black seemed to grey a little as she opened her mouth, her chest extending. Then she let loose a roar which seemed to shake the foundations of Cree before letting go of the beast.

The Dark Drake, dazed but otherwise unharmed, fell onto the deck of the pirate ship, splintering wood and sending the whole thing to the bottom. For a moment the pirates on board the Red Wheel turned, dismayed, then began fighting all the harder. They needed to win in order to size the Red Wheel and have another ship to sail.

Rath was turning her attention to the battle below her, already channeling some of her strength into Rain through the bracelet, shoaring up the gypsy's magical reserve. Suddenly the water exploaded as the Dark Drake winged upward. He didn't come near Rath, instead bowed mockingly and pointed to the water below.

Glancing down Rath gave a hiss of horror. Churning out of the deep came a great serpent, a leviathen of the deep. Nearly half again as long as Rath the beast looked with hungery eyes upon the Red Wheel. Shreiking in fury at her foe Rath swept her tail across the Dark Drake, scoring a bloody line that wouldn't heal soon, before diving down to meet the new foe, the Dark Drake winging slowly away to heal.

The serpent realized it's danger too late as Rath brought the full force of her dive against it, plunging them both benieth the water, sending up a wave that swamped the Red Wheel and the battle that was still raging there. The pirates had been delt with and the whole crew was laboring vainly against the Ulic. Getting off a last thought before the serpent had her in it's coils she could only hope that Rain got the message.

Use the guard, use your power...ferocity, form, flame...

A few bubbles drifted up next to the Red Wheel and soon blood tinged the water. A few of the saliors cried out in dismay, the blood was the same golden color as Rath's...

#155:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:01 pm
The demon pirates began to move forward and the three headed hellhound was slowly padding about on the opposite deck. Every now and then it growled and everytime it did one of the lady pirates went down in a jibbering scene.

The song Rain ahd been playing had faded away and had given in to a nightmare. We can still win we can still win thought Morzan as he slashed down a enemy. Arrows continued to fly across the sea between the two ships. Suddenly there was a horrible cry that came from the sky.

In the clear sky flew a massive grey creature. It moved towards the ship with frightening speed but by the time it had reached the Red Wheel Rath had already jumped into action. She reached forward and ripped the grey creature to shreds. Didn't have a chance.

To Morzan's suprise the Eroki had managed to throw the flying demon into the demons ship and it had started to sink, and fast. The three headed creature, in a panic, leapt across the expanse between the two ships and landed on the edge of the Red Wheel. It snarled as it clung to the side and tried to pull itself up.

"Archers, shoot the dog demon! Aim for its eyes and mouths!" he ordered.

The pirates began to fight harder as they tried to take the Red Wheel. The lady pirates were being forced back and the demons were killing the ones who were falling victim to the dog demons roar. Alright thats it. Sprinting forward Morzan slashed his way through a few of his foes and made his was to the three headed demon.

"Fall damn you!"

Jumping and tackleing the creature Morzan slammed his shoulder into one of the demons heads. But unfortunatly one of the other heads had noticed him and took hold of his arm in its jaws. The arrows continued to fly and one of them skimmed his ear and struck the monster through its eye. Howling it fell into the sea and was torn under the ship.

Morzan fell to one knee and held his right forearm. It hurt. Alot. It looked realy chewed up. Depositing one blade he moved back into the fight. There werent many pirates left for either side who were on deck. But that was about to change.

There was a shout from one of the lady pirates then all of a sudden from every direction flew pirates and even the captains. Taken by suprise the demons began going crazy, attacking anyone around them. They were panicing and being killed in the process. [i]Its too easy. There must be something out there. I have a feeling that wont be the last of those pirate demons.

#156:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:26 am
[ Chapter 10: Betrayal, Betraying, and the Betrayed

Rain was playing for their lives, she knew, but like a million times before this, her magic was beginning to take over. Rath had been right what she had Graeme, Rain's magic was selfish. It knew she was hidden, but it also knew that with every second that went by Rain herself was in danger of going insane by trying to keep everyone else sane. As if this wasn't enough for her to handle, Celebrin wasn't helping either.

Most people made the mistake of thinking her flute was simply a flute. It wasn't. Celebrin, her flute's name and her own in a strange sense, was no more a simple flute than the DragonSword was a simple sword. Rain didn't know when it had happened but Celebrin wasn't the same as when she first began to play the flute. In the beginning, when it was first given to her, it had been a help by helping her channel her wild uncontrolable magic. Celebrin, a flute but so much more, had taught her much and so had the elves that had given it to her. They had seemed eager to help, almost to eager. The Silvan of her childhood had warned of trusting other Fae besides themselves but then so many years ago despite everything she had been through, Rain had still possesed the ideal that everyone was good at heat.

Now it appeared that was going to haunt her. She had first noticed it that day on Ergos' field when she had met the others. She had tired so easily that day it wasn't even funny. Still idealitstic and foolishly logical, Rain had thought it had been simply the strength of the orb and the demon inside it that had tired her so.

Her next clue was the day she had used her magic in it's rawest form, i.e. by singing runes. Rain had been able to travel a distance that would make most soliders blanch and hadn't been tired, at least not magically. Physically, she had been exhausted, anyone would have after having their body dragged through different times, dimesions, and distances. Magically however, Rain could have done much more that day.

Now, without knowing it, she had met her worst enemy; her flute. Celebrin had come awake if you will, and Rain now knew what exactly it was, a tool that sucked magic from you and didn't use it. Basically it was sapping her strength, physically and mentally. Celebrin was not Celebrin as she had been told by the Elves that day, Marlbrin: That which is given to death, posion, a snake for the lack of a better word.

If it wasn't enough that Marlbrin as Rain knew her flute to now be, Rain was still trying to help her friends aboard the ship, trying to physically drop the flute while still trying to push through the magical force of Marlbrin to allow what little of her magic could make it past that force to help the others. In other words, at the same time she fought to make Marlbrin let her go magically she was still trying to use him.

To make matters worse, Rain's magic was kicking in full force too. Her magic knew she was in danger, in danger from going insane, in danger of being permentally magically drained, in danger of magical exhausation.

When the Ulic came aboard the ship and the Drake flew overhead, Marlbrin felt itself being supported by the power the two gave it. Rain in turn, felt Rath's support and Rath's fall.

Finally, Rain's magic gained the upper hand over both her will and Marlbrin, and Rain felt herself being pushed to the back of her brain, and felt her wild magic take over her body. With an errie sense of confusion, Rain felt herself lower the flute she was playing from her lips. Marlbrin was still in her hand however, and it wasn't going to stop simply because the human of the magic it sought had fainted, in fact Marlbrin was gleeful over this change, now that the Wild Magic had taken over the physical form of it's user, it could suck at Rain's skin drawing the magic from the surface as easy as a babe drinks milk from a bottle.

Normally, Rain would let go of herself as she had been taught by the elves who had given her the thing she once called Celebrin that when her magic was like this it was at it's strongest. Knowing that those elves of that day had lied to her, knowing that if she didn't take over her magic right now it probably would control of her life permentally, knowing that if she didn't fight Marlbrin would render her magically useless forever, knowing that her friends were fighting below without her help: Rain fought back.

She didn't go the surface of herself, oh no, she knew that to truly fight her magic and to truly fight Marlbrin she was going to have to go the center of herself where her power radiated from. Just before she was completly lost to the world, Rain felt Rath fall, felt the pain of that fall, and heard the words before the fall was complete, Use the guard, use your power...ferocity, form, flame... . "Rath would not die this day, she will not," Rain thought then taking form in her heart of hearts, Rain reached for her inner flame and changed diving into the center of herself. There she met her dreaded enemy, her one and only true fear, the Lady Herself.

'So,' the Lady sneared, 'You finally discovered that Celebrin is a tool of betrayal not a friend.'

'What are you doing here? You do not belong in this place,' Looking around, Rain noticed that behind the Lady of the Night, a ring of blue aura surrond a crystal and inside that crystal there was a flame.

'Beautiful isn't it,' The Lady hissed mysteriously. 'Strange to think that up to now you've only been drawing from the outer ring of your power. You're strong, you know, but thanks to my friends you never even thougt about how much of your strength you were using, in fact you thought you were using it all. Ironic isn't it?'

"Your not real and you don't belong here,' Rain said taking a tenative step towards the Lady, her confusion clearly written on her face. '"Be gone, you foul specter.'

'Oh you think that I'm not real, do you?' Laughing the Lady thrust a hand in the outer ring of Rain's heart into the tip of her power and twisted.

Rain's body both in spirit and the one that now lay on prune on the crows nest twisted, and she screamed with pain.

Laughing again, the Lady twirled Rain's outermost power in hands each twirl exicting a knew pain in Rain's body, each twist more dreadful then the last.

'No, my dear,' The Lady stepping closer as two demons appeared next to her, Rain knew that they were not real, however the Lady she knew to her pain was very real, and that was enough for the specters. 'I am very real. Our friend, Celebrin you call him. Strange you thought your flute was a girl, it was a man all along." Then to Rain's shock, her flute appeared in the Lady's hand and with a soft strock of the woman's clawed hands, the flute transformed into a man who looked shockingly familar, he looked like the man who had been Juric's doctor before he died. Realization dawned in Rain's eyes, and the Lady laughed knowing that this perhaps was the cruelest thing she could do to the girl who she hated with all her soul or what was left of her soul.

'His name is Marlbrin, Beautiful is he not?' The Lady of the Night said strocking the man's head. He was short, like Rain remembered, with silver hair and a scar across his left cheek. He wore the gray robes of a medical mage just as he had done all those years ago at Juric's bedside. Twisting Rain a little to see her Cringe, the Lady of the Night walked up to her smiling. 'You see my dear, I was in your flute all along. I know every twist of power you've used with it, and with every spell you cast my dear servant planted a little more of myself in your heart. 'Now the time has come for you to be in your heart, powerless to do anything, while I cast the spells. Strange to think that your friends will never expect anything. They will think you were sick for awhile then one night, I will sneak up to that friend of yours, What's her name again? Oh yes, Rath Bloody traitor, and I will slit her throat, take the sword and the world will be mine, and you will be blamed for it all. It will be just lovely to see you hounded after by your friends, and that's all you deserve, my little witch. Then with you dead and dishonored the Forces of Good will trumph and I will rule the world.'

Feeling as if a thousand swords were percing her heart, Rain screamed in true anger her voice full of the pain the Lady was inflicting on her soul.

'Now I suggest you relax my dear, this is going to be a long a painful process and your struggles will make only harder on yourself. Either way I will win.' This said, the Lady stepped up to the blue aura of her inner heart holding her servant Marlbrin close. However just as she tried to step past the blue aura, a flame lept up in between her and the crystal forcing the Lady away from the blue aura and the crystal.

Screaming in hatred, the Lady smacked Marlbrin across his face, her claws extended, "I thought you said, you gained the key to enter her inner sactom."

Blubbering like an idiot, Marlbrin squeaked in a voice that sounded a lot like her flute's voice, "I did try my lady, but she is very tricky. She never went past her first level of power herself. You said so too, remember?'

Roaring, the Lady aimed a well helled shoe in Marlbrin's direction, cauing him to cry in pain. Then turning back to Rain, she found Rain laughing at her.

'Not so easy after all?' Rain said smiling.

Snearing, The Lady grapped Rain's face. "One way or another, You will tell me the key to your heart.'

'In your dreams,' Rain said spitting on her long time enemy.

It was then the pain began.[

Outside in the physical world, Rain's body sweated as if she was in a heavy fever and below her the battle was still raging in more ways then one.

Our faithful heros each has a battle to win. Yet mostly this is Morzan's battle. It is that old soliders hands that this tale now lays.

The first Vision is taking place as even as we speak. Consider well these words, my friends, and perhaps the first battle of many will be won.

A picture of a mouse and a lion was first. To one side a injury bird lay. The lion pounced and the mouse darted away, but then it saw the bird. Pausing the mouse began to lead the lion away from the bird. When the bird flew away, the mouse quickly entered into a hole narrowly escaping with it’s life but without it’s tale.

With that vision the words: Cunning beats force, speed, bruetly, and kindness, rath. Beware of Sacrificing too little but neither sacrifice too much.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total

#157:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:51 am
The bellow of rage and pain was trapped in Rath's throat, her unwilling jaws clamped down to prevent the last of her air from leaking out. The serpent had looped it's crushing coils around her, pinning wings and legs against her body, leaving only her tail to lash at it. It was paying though as Rath's bladed spines bit deeper and deeper into it.

Yet it had clamped it's jaws at the base of her neck and was working away, trying to sever a major artery. Luckily, or maybe intentionally, the platinum chain from which hung her amulet was wedge in the hinge of it's jaws, not allowing it to use full strangling pressure. Rath, unable to open her jaws since that would sacrifice her air, battered at the creature's head with her own, horn and spines rakeing across it, opening gashes so that now it's black blood tinted the water along with her own.

The serpent, while the greatest of her worries, was not the only one. As the body of the Ulic rushed past her, warming her heart, she saw the first of the great fishes of the sea appearing. Sharks, drawn by the blood in the water, were circling. Even if she fought off the serpent she'd have to leave the water quickly. A gleam, a swift flash of blue silver, was all the warning she had before the second serpent, lurking benieth, surged upwards.

Clamping it's hold just under her own jaws it began jerking her supple neck backwards as it wound round her body. Her entire form trembled as the creature pulled her neck into an ackward angle, forcing her to twist and bare the rest of her throat for anything that might be waiting. It was then that she felt the first wave of distress off of Rain. Jerking helplessly, her tail lashing empty water then batting away the first daring shark.

A voice echoed in her head, ill laughter.That's it. Soon they'll have you completely subdued and then you won't be able to aid in any of the battles above. What will you do then proud dragoness? You'll die. From her dimming vision Rath saw the image, the shadow, the lady had cast into the water, wavering there. Rath had been so close to giving up before but now, with the vision of her foe right there something snapped within her.

Slowly rational thought left her mind, replace by something dark and malicious, something Rath had put away long ago...but only at great cost with great help. She reached deep and the amulet on her chest began to glow, then the jewel on her right forepaw. The Lady didn't realize the danger until it was too late. With a surge of force that vaporized the ocean around them, Rath obliterated the two great serpents.

For a moment everything hung suspended, then the ocean rushed back in, barely slipping under the keel of the Red Wheel in time. Rath, caught between the two, should have been crushed but a sphere of malicious energy surrounded her, taking the blow instead. Turning she faced the Lady of the Night with unholy eyes, causing the Lady to avert her face.

You are a very great fool. You should have left well enough alone, should have waited until we were all within you Lair before you tried to kill us. Now you have tipped the balance and who knows how it will resettle. You should have been content. The Lady extended a claw, an almost futile gesture.

But I wanted it all. I wanted all the power. You were not great enough, you were holding back. Can't you see how much stronger you are now? Don't deny you like this feeling, these powers. Look at yourself Dragoness, you don't belong on their side. You don't belong in service to the Light! A disgusted snarl curved Rath's muzzle, showing all her teeth.

When I left my home my mother's heart broke. She didn't want me to go any more than I wanted to go. But she hoped this would bring peace. I told you this once before Lady and you couldn't then figure out why I was required to leave for peace to be given a you see now? The Lady, now with her own cruel smile inclined her head.

So just how many have you killed? Enough to stain your soul black and your claws ruby? Very well, I bow to you on the matter of blood letting but the fact still remains. You do not belong in any army of good intentions. Rath leaned in very close, so close that had the lady actually been there she would have been bowled over by Rath's derisive snort.

Who says I march on their intentions? Still you are trespassing. If you wish for things to go any further I suggest that you return to the boundaries set. Your attempts have amused me but now the cease to. Press any further and other things will cease as well. Rath gazed at the Lady meaningfully who, with and imperious gesture, swept her cloak tighter about her wings.

You cannot ask me to stay my attempt on the Gypsy.

And you cannot ask me not to lend her my aid.

For a few moments more they simply stared at each other before the Lady bowed and vanished. Rath was left treading water for a moment before she swam upwards, shifting to her Eroki form. Her wounds were gone, her power crept inwards. She should have been exhausted but no. That soul numbing blackness that had returned to her mind, that stained her eyes red and curved her mouth in a cruel mockery of a smile, sustained her.

As she climbed back abord the Red Wheel, ignoring stares and hands that reached out to aid her, she walked to where Rain lay. Morzan was staring at her queerly, hands on swords. He then glanced back to Rain. Rath knew with certainty the soldier sensed the change in her. I wonder...will he move to strike me down?

#158:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:14 pm
((Thought you all would appreciate an indea of whom we are fighting. Meet the Lady of the Night, often called the Tricked.

Pictures done by: Steve Roberts. All credit is given to this artist. No change has been made to these pictures. Enjoy.))

Thus, Rathiania, Dragoness, Assasin, Traitor returned to her true nature, but no to her old heart. As for Morzan, he had passed his first trial run well and had defeated the Ulic as only he could have done.

Now however, Morzan was faced with a choice. Rathiania was no longer innocent, the dragoness wasn't anything really, but it was true at least that for a brief moment or two the Dragoness' unthinking dark side had come through. Who knew when it would do so again, and who knew what it would do when it did?

Morzan was now faced with a choice. A choice that wasn't a choice at all really but the fates had decreed the choice to be there, so it was. Morzan could chose to kill the Dragoness and the dark threat Rathiania was to the forces of both light and evil, or Morzan could choose not to.

There was a third choice, but the chance of it working was so slim that it didn't appear to be a choice at all. That choice, however slight, was the only one that would truly work, but being so small not even the voice of a narrator could tell it.

Basically Morzan's choice came to this: Would he listen to his guts as a solider? Or Would he listen to the vision he had seen? Or Would he obey the voice he had heard? Only one of the choices was the right one, but which would Morzan choose?

In the meantime things weren't going very well with our friend the gyspy. The Lady had withdrawn thanks to Rathiania, it was true, but it was also true that Marlbrin was still in Rain's hands. The Lady of the Night on hearing Rath's vague but clear enough threats had given up on killing Rain and had stepped out of Rain's heart but not permentally. The Lady's hold was still there. The Lady of the Night was tricky woman also knowing that there was no way in this world or any other that Rain would let her past a bondary that Rain herself had never crossed, The Lady would see Rain powerless instead.

While Marlbrin lay in Rain's hands, it would suck at her power draining of what little she possed, and then once that was gone would Marlbrin would drink at Rain's very heart leaving her hallow and empty, the perfect Vessel for the Lady's own uses. The battle wasn't over yet, not by a long shot. It just began.

Rathiania also had a battle to fight. A battle which envolved her very nature. Would she continue to use the dark power she once had access too and had now found again? Or would she change, casting it away like an old cloak? Or would she do something that no one could guess except perhaps fate itself?

The Battle aboard the Red Wheel had been brief. A trial run to test the strength of the Champions Ergos and Fate had chosen. In that sense, the battle had been won. The Battle of the Red Wheel had also been a cover for the greater battle aboard the ship.

The greater battles of Morzan, Rain, and Rathiania. The wisdom of Crenla, the priesthood of Graeme, the Light of Ariana would all be needed to help in these battles, but at the end of the day it was with each person that the balance rested. For a battle within oneself is always the greatest battle of all.

#159: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:32 am
Graeme lay in his bunk, frightened to move lest she sense his being there. It was her, she had been above. The Tricked. This terrrified the priest to no end. This was every religions most darkest fear that this woman would decide to finally attack the world and destroy their faith. Graeme had tasted that power from above, the dirty, foul taste of corruption and violence. Graeme was both repulsed and curious to this. Sometimes he despised his curiosity and this was one of the these times. She is so powerful, I wonder what it would be like to be in her service....

If you want to be a minion just ask me. I will accept crippled one.

Graeme was shocked at the intrusion. If only you hadn't called me crippled Lady, he thought as he sent a wave of power into his heaad to force her out. I'm rather sensitive to things like that you see.

You weakling!! I shall personally destroy you and your petty cult!! Just like I did to your grandfather!

Graeme eyes widened as he heard this. His grandfather had died while he was out helping the inpoverished. The villagers had found him hunched over with a look of terror written on his face. Graeme mind was filled with anguish and hatred towards this evil being that was tormenting him.

Yes, feed off that hatred, don't you know that is my speciality? Haha, oh those are some gruesome pictures you are thinking of hunchback.

Graeme sat up and went deep into his mind, searching for the taint that was causing these feelings and emotions. He found it, like a cancer in his brain, sending out tendrils of pure malice all around his mind. He summoned his priestly powers and began cleansing his mind, and then his soul. His grandfather had taught him this. Just before he died.

Fool!!! You think you can stop me!!! I wi...

Before she could finish Graeme mentally blocked her from his mind, using all his willpower in the act. Damn right I can stop you. Now I have a reason for staying aboard and with my crazy companions.

#160:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:41 am
(Gee Din, those pictures of the tricked bear quite the resemblence to Rath when one thinks about that Rath has black wings and red skin.)

Rath locked eyes with the soldier, her eyes burning with the need to strike him before he struck her. No... The voice was a bare whisper in her mind but the shock slipped past Rath's control on her emotions to register on her face. For a moment the numb blackness in her mind slipped.

Her hand snaked down into her pouch, fingers touching the smooth surface of the diamond within. It was warm to the touch, and pulsing, no longer chilled and hard. No Rathainia, you are better than this. You have never yet struck down your companions and you shall not start now. If you must be as you must be then turn your attentions elsewhere. Slack your thirst not on innocent blood.

"He's not innocent. His hands too are bloody." But the voice was not to be deterred.

He's not the one you seek vengance upon. Keep your eyes on the prize dearest. Slowly the voice, the sense, faded and Rath withdrew her hand. The darkness within her had not abated, the craving and thirst for blood and distruction no longer threatened the crew of the Red Wheel or Rath's companions.

For a moment Rath fought, tried to send the darkness back to that corner of her mind, but now that her blood was up the flames refused to die. Instead they turned inward, splitting her mind in two. I will wait for you then Rathainia. You shall not be able to deny us joining forever.

Silence. When the time arises you shall have full play but for now I am in control. Laughter, her own malicious laughter, echoed inside her head.

You? But I am you Rath and you know that. I would not be here now if you had heeded the warnings of your mother, grandmother, and even herself. But you did not. You chose this path dragoness and now you shall walk it casting your ever darkening shadow.

The time comes when you will vanish forever. You have gained strength now but it will fade again...and when it does I won't let you remain as I did before.

With a shake of her head, Rath cleared the conversation from her mind, opening her eyes which were once again the safe golden copper color. She turned from Morzan, to stare at the sea. I'm becoming a danger to them. Soon I shall have to make my choice. She recalled her vision, the vision of slaying her greatest foe.

I truely am damned...

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