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City of IF -> The Vault

#121: Chapter 7: Grace Under Decompression Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:46 pm
Chapter 7: Grace Under Decompression

Unknown fathoms below the surface of the ocean, the captured spy code-named Dragon, had nothing more than a mop handle between him and the fury of deadly robots. Though he had most of the pieces he needed for a small army of robots in the landing bay, he barely had enough time to catch his breath much less assemble anything more than a crude breathing mask. In this case, crude means a little O^2 canister from a welder and a stretched out doll’s head.

Using a sharp edged piece of metal, Dragon cut out the eyes and nostrils, and very carefully made a small hole at the mouth to feed the tube of the canister. Dragon had a little scuba training, just enough to know that this plan was psychopathic. He just finished fitting the ‘mask’ on when the mop handle that jammed the door abruptly snapped. Black, the robot double of Dragon, led the pack. With no time to experiment, Dragon dove into the water, knowing full well that he would soon be swimming with a shark.

Though, like many people, Dragon heard that sharks do not typically attack humans, it’s harder to believe when you bet your life on it. Of course, most sharks, unlike this one, weren’t deliberately fed human flesh by evil geniuses. With burning eyes, Dragon kept scanning the dark waters, but could not spot the shark. He swam straight up, hoping that any number of terrible things weren’t about to happen. Unfortunately, several terrible things were going to happen simultaneously.

The hungry shark spotted its prey and sleekly swam toward Dragon. Black, who dove in immediately, was having a hard time swimming until he remembered the water jets built into his legs. Dragon may have noticed either of these dangers if he wasn’t currently fighting with a kink in the oxygen hose. Luckily the loudness of the jets eventually drew his attention but there wasn’t much he could do about it. The shark and the robot would strike at the same time and he couldn’t even breathe.

The blade of Black’s arm shot out to its extent. Black stabbed the shark ferociously, mincing it up into a mottled red cloud. Black brought out the amphibious mask and gave it to Dragon. Dragon realized that Black couldn’t just chop him up, or else Black himself would die. It was all he needed to have a fighting chance.

The amphibious mask was magnificent. Securing it in place, Dragon could breathe comfortably, and additionally the display told him the depth… which was 55 meters, much deeper than he had ever been. If he dropped just 20 meters more, he would soon be convulsing from oxygen toxicity. The robot didn’t seem to mind the idea as he latched onto Dragon and started dragging him back down to the facility.

This was it, Dragon thought to himself. There wouldn’t be another chance to escape. 5 meters down, Dragon took the oxygen canister, opened the valve all the way, and shoved it in Black’s mouth. Black couldn’t pull the canister out without letting go of Dragon and he couldn’t exhale because Dragon clamped his nose. The robot’s skin began to inflate like a balloon, which began to rise. By the time Black decided he better let go and try to stop the inflation, the skin was separating from his mechanical skeleton. So, sensibly, he tore it off and shed his skin like a snake, except there wasn’t pretty new skin underneath. The robot was literally a killing machine exposing all of his hidden weapons. The blade and the flamethrower were just the beginning, there were even a few rockets stored compactly in the place of muscles and organs.

Black recaptured Dragon quickly, but with all of the wires exposed it was easy to just grab handfuls and yank them out. Each wire pulled paralyzed another part of the robot, until Dragon finally found the power cord connecting the ‘brain’. The robot looked at Dragon and waited for the final blow. One last pull, and a spark of electricity, and the robot was dead.

Dragon did not swim directly to the surface now that he had a reliable breathing apparatus. As the robot settled in the muddy ocean floor, Dragon swam away amongst the rocks as the waters became shallower. The grade of the ground hinted at the direction he should go. Other robots would be hunting him, and so would the yellow submersible with its weaponized arms. They were desperate, but they were disappointed. Dragon swam to the island was serenely as a sea tortoise. Finally he climbed onto the shore and with great relief breathed real air. The evening had thickened into night, and the moon was his guiding light.

At a lonely fueling station a mile away, Dragon made a collect call. When the recording asked his name, he said

“Dong, I’m back.”

Soon after, a patrolling submarine, the USS Escolar, set its course for the facility and within 4 hours there would be a fight. Dragon wouldn’t be involved; fighting isn’t a spy’s job. He just waited to be picked up, and then enjoyed a few days of luxury at the Shangri-la's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, compliments of Uncle Sam. The rest of the work was done by others, and exactly what happened wasn’t advertised, even to the one most closely involved up to that point.

With a cold drink in his hand and the hot lights of city all around, he looked from the balcony of his suite and smiled. None of the politics mattered, there would always be spies. More excitement would be just around the corner. If they needed him again, they would tell him what he needed to know. It was certain that this particular plot was foiled and some hostages were returned to their homes. This he gathered from news, seeing Steven Child, for instance, looking very grateful to be alive and making a statement about strengthening Taiwan and U.S. relations. How many others were rescued? Were there still robots on the loose? Did they manage to capture the mysterious mastermind who was responsible? Perhaps Dragon would never know or maybe he would only find out after putting his life in jeopardy again. Such was the leap-before-you-look life of a spy.


#122:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:05 pm
A nice, if not a bit hurried finish. Sorry I couldn't have been more involved during the running of this tale which I always meant to get back to. It was one of the more innovative concepts inspired on this site.

#123:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:15 pm
Thanks, Thunderbird. I know it is a bit hurried, but so was the whole story, so I suppose it fits. What's funny is that this short, 7 chapter story took so many months to complete! You really can't expect to write a story that doesn't take at least a year, even if it is supposed to be short.

I'm planning for a new SG right now. Actually I've already written the first chapter of 3 different SG's trying to decide on one I wanted to go with, and I'm still searching. If I'm going to be spending the next few months with it, I want it to be the best SG it can be. I'm also planning on 2 chapters a month, like the old days. It should be a lot of fun.

#124:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:30 am
Awwww, it's finished! Yes, the ending was a little bit abrupt, I agree, but overall it was entertaining, fast paced and a lot of fun.

A 200 Fable reward is winging its way from the City of IF Treasury for completing your Storygame.

Well done Lebs! Clapping And I'm looking forward to the next one.

City of IF -> The Vault

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