Revenge (UndeadCowboy & Midnight)
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City of IF -> One-On-One Role Plays

#121:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:13 am
"Yeah, a working bathroom would be nice," I said, hoping for a good, hot, shower, "Let's go then."

We travelled through the night, and I shrugged off sleep as best I could. Soon enough, we were looking upon Port Rust. Travelling through what was one of the largest towns on the east coast, it wasn't too hard to find the inn that Maddie was talking about.

After paying the owner, we headed upstairs to the suite. This suite was somewhat fancier than the Weasel had been, having a loft design, a bedroom, living room, and kitchenette combination with a conjoined bathroom separated by a sliding door.

"Well, now's as good a time as any," I turned to Maddie as I dropped my pack by the door, "How about we get those stitches out?"

#122:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:37 am
"Umm... Why not after I have had a bath," I said, edging my way toward the bathroom door. “Yeah, I’ll return in a short while. Actually why don’t you take one too... Later of course.”

I was having flashbacks of the when I had been stitched up and cringed, I knew that it wouldn’t hurt having the stitches taken out, but the memory of the pain got me all skittish.

I walked into the bathroom and the room almost blinded me as the light reflected off the white tiled walls. Iit was hard to come by places that were well maintained, but this place was surprisingly fancy.

I slipped into the water and took in the warmth.

Running my hands on my back, I could feel the stitches. It felt course and rough and I could not only feel the stitches but I could feel the scarring of the tissue. My face dropped at the thought of a scar. Besides being a traveller seeking revenge, I was still a woman so the thought of a hideous scar on my body upset me greatly.

I got out of the bath and refused to look at the wound in the mirror. I will look when it has fully healed. If I looked now I’ll be too conscious. Besides, it will be a lot more pleasant to see healed. I thought to myself, trying to make myself feel better but failing.

I got dressed with the new clothes Nate and I had bought before renting a room and went back into the bedroom. Dead was waiting on an armchair and he perked his head up when I arrived. He looked tired and I felt guilty for making him wait.

I jumped on the bed, facing the wall with my legs crossed and took off my shirt, dumping it beside me.

“Okay, I’m ready.” I said to Nate, bracing myself.

#123:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:58 am
"Okay, this shouldn't hurt as much as when they went in," I said, "But it will sting a little."

I walked over to sit down behind her, less awkward than the first time I'd checked the stitches, but still a little nervous. I used a pair of clippers to cut the stitches one by one, pulling the wire our as it was cut. She winced a little at the pulling, but otherwise stayed quiet. Once it was done, I traced the wound, mostly healed by now, only hinting at the scar it would become.

"This doesn't look so bad as I thought it'd be," I said as I looked at it, "Sure it'll scar, but it's what you'd call a character scar."

I climbed from the bed, tossing the wire in the bin. I walked to the bathroom, turning around at the door.

"Perhaps you should get that shirt back on," I said, smiling despite my awkwardness, "I'm having a shower now, I guess that means you get to choose your sleeping spot."

#124:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:04 am
I put my shirt back on after Nate left. He had said that it would be a character scar, but I couldn't believe it, not until I had saw it myself.

I got off the bed and pulled the covers down on the bed. Before hoping back in I stretched and took a deep breath in.

I laid down and snuggled the pillow, closing my eyes I let sleep take me away.

#125:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:25 am
I leaned against the wall of the shower, letting the hot water run over my shoulders and neck. I liked showers, they gave me time to relax on my own. Feeling my ribs, I decided that they would heal fine at this late stage. I was feeling comfortable, and my life was feeling so much more in order now. I was close to my closure, I could taste it. I knew it would be bad, I just needed to know how bad.

I started thinking about what would happen next. Perhaps I'd keep travelling? Maybe settle down somewhere? What about Maddie? What would she do? I didn't know the answers to these questions, but they'd have to wait. We have to survive what comes next first.

I stepped out of the shower, glad to be clean. I found a razor in the drawer, probably left by the last person using this room. Cutting off easily a month's worth of beard, I used some of the complimentary aftershave and pulled on my clothes.

I began to ask Maddie a question, but realised she was asleep, so I let her lie. I walked out of the room, leaving a note so she wouldn't panic. I sound a nearby store, where I bought some vegetables and a few pieces of raw beef. Before I returned, I took a quick look at the scenery of Port Rust. While it was rusty, the place was teeming with life. If there was anywhere in the country you could find life comparable to outside, it would be here.

I returned to the room and began preparing a meal. I found some herbs and spices in a drawer, and some cutlery and plates in another area. I started preparing the meal, just knowing that Maddie would wake up to the smell.

#126:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:39 am
I stretch my arms as I awoke, the smell of food filling my nostrils. I made my way off the bed rubbing my eyes then looked over at Nate.

I woke up at the sight of him. He had shaved. Practically jumping off the bed I ran over to him and grabbed his face, my hands on both cheeks.

"Oh. My. God. You look... you look," I said astonished, my face inches away from his. "So young and... cute. You never said you were cute."

I ran my fingers down his cheeks and pinched them. I found myself repeating this process several times.

"You have cheeks. Jesus..." I trailed off, examining his face further.

He had a small scar on his cheek which was kind of adorable and it complemented his dark blue eyes. They were deep and looking at them was like looking at the ocean at night. I felt myself falling in them.

"You also never said you were boyishly handsome either. You’re so adorable I could eat you all up Nate!" I yelled, almost squealing.

#127:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:52 am
"H-Hey," I said, laughing at Maddie's reaction, "Careful, I'm cooking here."

I gently freed my face from her hands, while still managing to flip one of the steaks. Her hands went to her sides, but continued to stare at my face as I checked on the vegetables.

"You hungry for steak?" I asked, moving the pan off the hotplate, "I got a good price at the butchers'. Also, I was wondering if you were any good with scissors. I've been meaning to cut my hair for a while now, it's getting to be a bother."

#128:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:57 am
Excited that he would let me cut his hair I couldn't wait to get dinner out of the way. I had been hungry, but I was far to excited now to even think of food.

"Cutting, your hair. OKAY!" I yelled running to my bag to get my knives only to realise that they were strapped to my thighs. "Hurry up with dinner so we can eat, I want to get started already."

Last edited by Midnight on Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

#129:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:03 am
I was a little nervous with Maddie's gusto, but dinner was prepared and plated up a minute later. I savoured my meal, hoping we'd have a few more like this before we had to face our mission, but Maddie ate very quickly and was waiting excitedly as I ate the last bites. I was glad that I still remembered how to cook on a stovetop, as it had been such a long time since I'd used one, and the steak was very tender.

As I scooped up the last mouthful, Maddie dragged me onto one of the stools by the kitchenette. I just hoped she could stay accurate with this much excitement.

#130:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:20 am
"Don't worry Nate, I have done this a thousand times," I tried to calm him down, I could see the worry in his eyes. "My brother Rowe made me cut his hair with knives all the time!"

His hair was damp from the shower so I didn't need to fetch some water to wet it.

As I ran my hands through his hair, I thought of where I should begin. His hair was fairly long, almost sitting on his shoulders and covering his eyes.

I parted his hair to the right and carefully started to trim the edges, making sure that it was all lined up to the bottom of his ears. Once I got all the hair even, I could start working on the style. I choose the gentlemens hairstyle thinking it best to suit his face.

I was extra careful when I trimmed around his ears as I could see Nate tense everytime the knife touched him.

"If you make me nervous Nate, I may cut you." I said jokingly.

He tensed even more and I couldn't help but chuckle. I couldn't cut him even if I tried, I was practically a knife expert.

Cutting around his eyes I could see Nate eyeing the blade intently and I tried my best not to get the knife to touch his forehead. I didn't want him flinching on me.

Finishing up by trimming around his neck I brushed away all the hair that was clinging to him then got a comb. I faced him directly and started to comb his hair, making sure to part it to the right hand side. Once I was satisfied I ran my hands through it and ruffled it up a bit.

"Its a lot more attractive if its half messy," I proclaimed still running my hand through his hair. " But other than that its done.

#131:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:30 am
A breath I didn't even realise I'd been holding escaped from my lips as Maddie said she was done. I stood and thanked her, walking into the bathroom to see what I looked like.

"Very stylish!" I shouted out to Maddie, "I like it. Maybe I should get you to cut my hair more often."

I walked out to help her clean up the bits of hair that had fallen on the floor, scraping them up with a dustpan found in the cupboard. Tossing the hair in the trash, I figured it was time to get some shut-eye.

"I think I'm ready for some sleep," I said as I laid down on the two seater, "I noticed you had a nap earlier. What are you going to do?"

#132:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:35 am
"I am going to pat your pretty little head until you go to sleep," I joked, giggling slightly. "And don't be silly take the bed. As for what I will be doing, I shall be sitting on that seat your a currently on and do things... Nothing that you need concern yourself with.' I contined.

#133:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:40 am
I smiled at the comment and walked over to the bed. I slipped off my socks and pants before climbing under the covers. The bed was soft and warm, and eventually I found I was drifting off to sleep with ease.

#134:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:53 am
I sat down on the couch and waited for Nate to fall asleep. After a few hours I heard him mumbling something so I went up to check on him. He was calling out to Ilsa again and my heart dropped yet again. I thought that I had gotten rid of the feeling, but there it was, sitting in the pit of my stomach. Suffocating me silently.

I closed my eyes and walked back to the seat, taking my bag with me. I opened it and took out a journal. Nate knew nothing of this as I made sure to take it out only when he was asleep.

I opened it and looked at the contents inside, mainly focusing on a single item. It was a photo of my family. My father stood tall above all of us, his hair slicked back and his facial expression hard. My mother amiling her eyes filled with happiness, her long dark hair just stopping below her waist. My brother and I pushing each other as we argued about where to stand. And last and not least my little sister, looking up at me and Rowe.

It wasn't the greatest family photo, but my mum had picked it out from the pile of photos taken that day, believing it was the best shot taken. She never had a clue that in only four years she would be dead, along with my brother and sister.

I closed the book and put it back into my bag. I lay down on the seat and wept quietly till morning, then fell asleep once more.

#135:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:24 am
I woke up feeling strangely warm. The feeling of the blankets was a strange one, as they were soft, not at all like the thin wool ones used by most inns. I sat up and looked across the room, taking in the place. It felt so much like home it hurt. We'd only been here a day, and yet I felt so comfortable here, that I didn't want to leave.

But all good things must last, right?

The thought soured my mood, the warmth of the blankets became stifling and I had to leave the room. I pulled on my pants and shoes, and headed for the door. Before exiting, I saw the notice, still stuck on the back of the door.

I turned back to the room, seeing Maddie curled up on the couch. I walked over to her, crouching to get a better view of her face. She looked like she had been crying. I brushed a lock of hair from her face. Poor girl, I thought, Whatever her father did, it must be monstrous for her to want to kill him.

I leaned forward and gave her a small peck on the forehead, making her shift in her sleep. Then I walked out the door.

#136:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:38 am
I was in a nightmare. I knew I was dreaming but I couldn't get out.

I saw my family dead on the ground, a burning fire behind them. My father was laughing wildly, he was covered in blood.

"Your turn now girl. Come give your daddy a hug." He said, his voice demented and unatural.

I ran away from him, ran to Nate.

Nate held me and said everything was going to be fine, that he would be there always. I heard footsteps behind us and I heard him call out Ilsa. He pushed me aside and I fell to the floor and I continued falling. I saw him running towards Ilsa and I tried to call out to him but I kept falling, falling into darkness.


I awoke panicking. I saw the bed empty and stood up.

"Nate? Nate where are you?" I said, but there was no answer. "Nate! Nate!" I yelled, but again no answer.

I paced around the room then started darting in and out of the bathroom and living area. I couldn't find Nate anywhere. I looked outside from the windows but I couldn't see him anywhere.

I called out to him again but still I got no response. With my heart pounding and tears starting to form, I sat in the corner with my arms around my legs.

He's gone. Gone to Ilsa, she must have come during the night.
I thought to myself horrified. He's not coming back.

#137:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:48 am
The sun was starting to get low when I returned to the inn. As I walked into the foyer, The Innkeep stopped me.

"Excuse me sir, but there was some screaming coming from your room this morning, is everything alright?"

My face went pale. Somebody's come for Maddie while I was away.

I sprinted up the stairs, ran along the corridor and burst into the room. The first thing I noticed was Maddie curled up in the corner, close to tears. Seeing that she was there, relief flooded my mind.

"Maddie, what happened?" I asked, my worry evident in my voice, "The Innkeep said he heard screaming. Are you okay?"

#138:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:55 am
I lost track of time. All I knew was that I had been sitting in the corner for what seemed like a life time and that Nate was never coming back.

I thought I heard the door open and Nate asking me what was wrong, but I knew it was just my imagination. I shut my eyes tight and I could feel the tears starting to run down my cheeks.

"NO!" I yelled, my voice almost breaking. "I WILL NOT CRY!" I told myself, but it was too late. The tears were already falling faster and faster.

I could still hear a voice and I opened my eyes, I could see Nate. My mind was playing games with me. I shut my eyes again and rested my head on the wall.

Nate is gone. He's gone and he's not coming back. I thought.

#139:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:03 am
"Maddie!" I ran over to her, jumping the couch, "Maddie, I'm here, what's wrong?"

She just cried in response. I sat down beside her and held her. She thrashed about at first, trying to escape me. I kept hold and soon she was just crying, crying like I'd never seen her cry before.

"It's okay," I murmured to her, stroking her head, holding her close to me, "I'm here. No one's going to hurt you."

We stayed like that for the rest of the night.

#140:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:11 am
I opened my eyes and found Nate holding me. At first my brain tried to fight it off, telling me he was just a hallucination. But I cleared my brain and knew it was him.

"Nate!" I screamed and clung onto him tightly. "Your back. I-I was so worried you'd left with Ilsa." I contunued still holding him.

I refused to let him go even after he had told me it was all okay. I closed my eyes and I could feel that feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling I got whenever I heard Ilsa mentioned.

"What is that feeling? Why is it there?" I muttered to myself. "I want it to go away."

#141:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:20 am
Maddie was clinging me so tighly, I was afraid for her.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise," I said, holding her tighter to punctuate my point, "What do you mean? What feeling? I can't help if you don't explain."

#142:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:25 am
"This feeling. I want it gone Nate. I dont like it, I want it to go away." I tried to explain, though I found it hard to explain fully. "Ilsa. Its hard to breathe. I think about her and... I don't like it. I hate it. I don't understand."

#143:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:39 am
I was confused for a minute, and then it hit me.

"Maddie, are you jealous of Ilsa?" I asked gently, lifting her chin to see her face better, "Don't be. Ilsa was a big part of my life, that is true. But I have no illusions as to her fate. I know she's either dead, or will be standing in our way."

I held her tigher, as much for my own comfort as hers. My own eyes were threatening to spill now, and it took all of my will to contain them.

"I just want to know what happened to her," I choked out, "That's all, I promise you."

#144:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:47 am
I rubbed my eyes dazed.

"Jealous? I couldn't possibly be... I mean, it can't be what I'm feeling."I exclaimed, confusion hitting me hard."I... I... No, it can't..." I trailed off as I looked at Nate,

His eyes were gentle and I was taken into them once again.

"I..." I tried to talk. But I still could not believe it.

No, its not possible. Nate is... Nate is... well Nate. I thought, confusion giving me a slight headache.

#145:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:56 am
I felt her pain subside a little, but it was replaced by confusion. I continued to hold her, looking into her eyes again.

"Maddie, just speak," I said to her, "It doesn't even need to make sense to you. You just need to say what you feel. I've known people who avoid this kind of thing, and all of them are dead. You need to tell me exactly what you feel."

#146:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:01 am
"What I'm feeling?" I thought for a short moment.

What I'm feeling? What I'm feeling... What am I feeling. I don't even... Confusion. I... I
Itrailed off in my thoughts. Thinking wasn't giving me any answers, just more confusion.

I looked up at Nate and his gaze was steady.

"What are you feeling?" I asked innocently. Because at that point, that was all I was. A confused, innocent and broken down girl.

#147:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:12 am
"Me?" I was a little taken aback by the sudden reversal, "Well I guess right now I'm feeling a little scared. I wasn't sure what was going on here, but I think I understand a little but now."

"There's more, to it, though," I continued, feeling apprehensive about my wording, "I'm also a little confused as to what is going on here, those feelings are being dictated by another. I think... Well I think it's love. I'm not sure, but that's what it feels like. I was scared when I saw you were scared. The first thing I wanted to do was protect you, so that's that's what I did. I care for you deeply Maddie, and you are the closest person to me."

#148:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:26 am
"Oh..." I said, blushing slightly. "I... Love? Wow that's."

I pulled away slightly. Giving myself room to think. I saw Nate's face drop a little and it made my stomach turn.

"I don't want you to get upset. Its just, I've never had someone say that to me before. Its just so overwhelming. Nate," I put my hand on his face. "I... love you too."

After a short moment of silence I panicked thinking I had done something wrong becuase he didn't react.

"Is that how I'm suppose to do it? Did I say it right? Was I suppose to cup your face with both my hands? Talk to me Nate."

#149:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:36 am
I had to laugh, partially from relief, partially from her helplessness. I laughed for a while, until, wiping a tear from my eye, I said, "No, you did well."

After that I hugged her tightly, but this time it was a hug of joy, not of desperation. I didn't try to kiss her, because I knew if she was stunned by my confession, she wouldn't know how to be if I did that. After I had calmed down a little, I told her my news.

"I've learned the location of Archon Industries," I said, "Or what's left of them. They're holed up in a warehouse downtown. My contact gave me an address."

#150:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:42 am
I pushed off Nate and stood up. The news was good and I was excited to get under way.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go," I said, trying to pull him off the ground." You can't just sit around all day. Lets gooooo."

Nate simply sat there and I continued my efforts to try and pull him up to a standing position.

"This worked so much better when you were knocked out cold," I stopped pulling him up and took a deep breath before starting up again. "Get up. You know where the address is. Why are you being so difficult?"

#151:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 8:50 am
I stood up quickly, sending Maddie stumbling. I chuckled as she righted herself.

"Okay, just get whatever you'll need," I said, retrieving Closure, which I'd had repaired while buying dinner, my hunting knife and all of the bullets I had left.

Maddie collected her things and we were headed towards our destination. The building looked run down, but that didn't fool me. I could see the gangs sitting in shadowed alleys nearby and was even wary of nearby dock workers, casually milling around while others worked.

"Okay, the way I see it, we've got two options," I said, looking over at Maddie, "We can go in all guns blazing, or we can try and sneak in. Your call."

#152:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 9:09 am
"Dear Nate, you can sneak all you want but at the end of the day," I said, retrieving my knives from my thighs. "You are going to be seen."

With a wink and a smile I ran to the door, knowing Nate would follow.

Kicking the door down, I made two goons faceplant the floor, which was fine for me cause they were easier to finish off. I stabbed them in the back before they could stand up and I continued my way down the hallway. Nate hot on my trail.

As I ran down the hallway three goons came out of a side door. I pushed the door closed and managed to wedge one and trap the other. While keeping pressure on the door I slit the throat of the goon outside, making quick work of him. The two goons who where stuck managed to push the door open which made me stumble backwards.

The first goon that came out was carrying a machete and he bought it down to my head. I blocked just in time and stabbed him in the stomach then cut upward then across, letting his guts spill out onto the floor. Nate took care of the other one by shooting him through the door, his corpse falling down as the door flung open.

"Okay, now were getting started," I said, a sadistic smile spread across my lips. "I want more."

#153:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:00 am
"Maddie, stay focused," I shouted as I ran after her, "Remember, we're not here to kill everyone."

There really wasn't much for me to do except follow Maddie as she carved her way through the enemies. I would occaisionally need to dispatch an enemy that was sneaking up on her, but Maddie had brought her A-Game. Most of the time I'd have endangered her by taking a shot. We made excellent progress through the building, finally arriving at our door.

"Well, I guess this is it," I said, looking at the door, "We should-"

I was cut off as something hard smashed against the back of my head. I managed to keep my feet, turning my rifle to bear on a new target. The rifle was knocked aside as the assailant came charging in. They bore me to the ground as I pulled my knife. In the moment where we grappled I knew exactly who was on top of me. Ilsa.

"Maddie, get in there!" I shouted as I maintained my grip on the knife, "Finish what you came here for!"

I was vaguely aware of Maddie running through the door as Ilsa began to speak.

"Is that the girl?" Ilsa asked in a smooth voice, "She's a poor substitute."

"What would you know?" I spat, "You abandoned me."

"I did what needed to be done!" She shouted, "If I hadn't I'd still be living a shitty life in a shitty hovel somewhere!"

I was hurt by her trivialisation of our life together.

"It was so much more than that, don't you see?" I yelled, "We had each other. I loved you Ilsa!"

"Sometimes love isn't enough," She said quietly.

We continued to grapple for superiority, neither of us giving ground. Finally, a muscle spasm caused me to drop pressure on the knife, rolling it to one side. I staggered to my feet, her doing the same. I made sure I was between her and the door.

"You really think you can protect her from me?" Ilsa laughed, "You can barely even protect yourself."

"I will stop you until she's done in there," I said fiercely, "And you can't stop me."

She laughed again. It was that same, clear laugh that I loved, yet somehow twisted into a mockery of itself, tempered by hatred.

"Well good luck with that," She said as she indicated a side door, "It looks like my back up has arrived."

Two heavily armed thugs walked out of the door, surrounding me. I couldn't see a way out, that was certain.

I felt more than saw the man's head explode. His partner spun around to see what had caused the damage.

"You!" Ilsa fumed, "I thought you were dead!"

"Nice to see you too, Ilsa," Crux said casually as he stepped from another side door, "I'm just here to collect my things, wrap up a few loose ends, and what have you."

He turned and shot the other man with a compact pistol. Looking over, he seemed to notice me for the first time, "Undead! We meet again! or should I call you Nate."

"Undead's fine, really," I said, wiping some blood away from the back of my neck, "You sure picked a hell of a time to show up, Crux. Any later and you'd have to find someone else to pay back my favours."

"Oh I plan on collecting those favours very soon," Crux said, smiling wolfishly, "But not right now. You can chalk this up as another 'I owe you one'."

He turned to Ilsa, "Now, I think you should consider your options here. You're outnumbered, and most certainly outgunned. I think your wisest options are to either surrender, or to get out of here as fast as you can."

Ilsa stopped for a moment, considering us, "You know, I never once stopped thinking about you, Dead. We were a great couple, we could be just as great now."

"Keep trying," I growled, "You're not getting anywhere."

"Very well then," she said, a ghost of a smile on her face, "But this isn't over. You can live happily with your little bitch for now, but expect me."

As she moved to leave, she muttered, "One more thing."

She spun around quickly, faster than I'd ever seen a person move. Crux moved out of the way easily, but I was a little too slow. Two throwing knives caught me in the gut. When I tried to retaliate, I saw that Ilsa was gone. I was falling to the floor, and Crux was catching me.

"It's okay, I can fix this," Crux said as he called for back up, his usual smirk gone, "I know some people who can patch you up, good as new."

"No, Crux," I gasped, "No time. Do it yourself, and then get out of here. I'm going to hold this door."

Crux stitched me up, and I could hardly feel it. He propped me up against the wall, putting Closure in my hands. "Are you sure about this?" He asked, "I can help, trust me."

"No, I'm good," I smiled at him, "I'll be fine, just I can't stand to owe you another one."

He chuckled, his smirk returning, "Okay then, I guess I'll see you soon."

"Get out of here, you magnificent bastard," I grinned back, "Before I shoot you myself."

He waved before he walked through another side door and was gone.

Now I guess I just wait here for it all to be over.

#154:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:09 am
After leaving Nate with Ilsa I started to worry if he would truly be okay by himself. I had decided to turn around and go back to help him but stopped myself. Nate would not want me to stop for him, just like I would not want him to stop for me.

I walked into an office room cautiously. The room was very spacious with shelves filled with books and trophies. In the back of the room there was a giant window that overlooked the town. A wooden desk was placed in front of the window and there, behind the desk, was my father.

Like always he had his black hair slicked back and he wore his complimentary suit. He had grown himself a gentlemen’s moustache which made him look older. His emerald eyes looked me over and he smiled.

“Madeline. You have grown,” He said nonchalantly. “You look so much like your mother.”

“Don’t speak of her so freely, you do not have the right too.” I retorted angrily.

I gripped my knives tighter. He has no right, not after what he did.

“Madeline, I have every right. She was my wife,” He replied, a smile playing on his lips. “Why do you hate me so Madeline?”

“You know why.” I replied coldy as I clenched my jaw.

“Oh yes. Of course,” He stroked his moustache and walked around the desk. “That story of selling you all to the slavers.”

“It’s not a story!” I screamed.” I was there with mother when it happened. I watched it all!”

Memories of the night the slavers had come to our home filled my head.

“I watched them as they raped mother and then killed her. I watched as they shot down Lucia as she cradled her bear, and I watched as Rowe screamed for me to run while he fought them. I saw it all and heard it all.” I explained to him, tears slowly running down my cheeks.

My father clenched his jaw and looked at me with a hard expression.

“You’re brother spared you.” He replied through gritted teeth.

“What are yo-“

He is the one who is at fault here Madeline! Not I!” He yelled, his voice booming. “I did everything I could to break a deal with the slavers. Everything. Rowe was not perfect as you claim him to be. He is a sick boy Madeline.”

“Don’t speak lies to me father. You are the one that is sick!” I yelled.

He shook his head and took a step towards me.

“He was sick Madeline and he had an abnormal fascination towards you,” He said calmly. His eyes focused and unwavering. "I had noticed it, seen it in his eyes Madeline. He wanted you."

I stepped back in shock from his words. What he was implying was something sickening.

“Look at me Madeline. Look at your father!” He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. “Look into my eyes. Your brother spared you because he loved you, and not in a way a brother should have. I was there. The slavers wanted to take you, and he would have none of it. He sold your mother and sister to the slavers to repay debts. You were never in the agreement but the slavers would not have it.”

Liar, I thought. He’s lying. Rowe wouldn’t do that. Rowe was the world. He wouldn’t.

“LIAR!” I yelled and I pushed him to the ground.

Filled with fury I stabbed him with my knives, lodging them into his chest. He let out a scream of pain and coughed up blood.

Shaking I let go of my knives and looked at him with shock. He was gurgling blood and I could see his eyes fading away. I rubbed the tears from my eyes and I could feel myself smear a wet substance on my face. Blood, my father’s blood.

“You-You’re” My father tried to say, reaching his hand out to me.

I lowered myself, placing my head on his shoulder.

“You’re brother.” He coughed and I could feel blood run down my cheek.. “He is... alive.”

He pushed me away and looked up at me.

“Go... my... beautiful daughter.” He said between coughs.

He smiled at me and I saw the life fade from his eyes as his head fell to the side. I sat there for a moment trying to gather my thoughts, but thought better of it when I started to hear gunshots outside.

This is not the time and place. I thought. I have to return to Nate and get out of here.

Leaving my knives behind I left the room not looking back.

#155:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:33 am
"That's fifteen," I muttered as I dispatched another worker.

There were several corpses lying on the floor around me as I reloaded Closure. Another two men appeared at the far end of the hallway. I dispatched one, but the other managed to hit me in the shoulder. "Sixteen." I shot the other through the head as he was reloading his pistol. "Seventeen."

Pehaps I should have let Crux hang around, I thought as I reloaded my second last round.

I'd taken a few hits since he'd left, none hitting a vital area, but it didn't matter because I couldn't feel them. Another man stepped into the room, and I dispatched him too. "Ugh... what came next?" I said, finding it hard to focus.

I was lucky Maddie stepped out when she did, I was wondering what I'd do with myself once the last round was spent. She came over and lifted me from the ground, slinging me over her back in a way she must have figured out while I was unconscious. I directed her hazily out of the building, giving her the directions Crux had given me. We encountered no resistance, and sure enough, we were out of the building quickly.

As we got to a distance, Maddie laid me down on the footpath, and the building exploded. I noticed a blond haired man walking away from the scene.

"Chalk another favour up for Crux," I said to Maddie, smiling.

#156:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:43 am
"Crux?" I replied confused.

Nate was in a bad way, I had lost count at how many injuries he had on his body. All I could see was blood. I needed to get him some medical help and fast. I looked around, ignoring the blown up building, for some kind of clinic. There was no clinic to be seen so I turned my atttention back to Nate.

Looking at him closely I could see stitches from a gap in his shirt. He wasn't stitched up before.I though, examining them.

"Nate! Listen to me. When did you get those," I said, pointing at the wound. "Who did them? Are they nearby? You have to tell me or I can't help you."

#157:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:50 am
I grinned at Maddie, and I wasn't sure why. Perhaps I was going crazy from blood loss, I thought vaguely.

I looked in the direction that Crux had gone. Wherever he went, he was gone now. I looked back at Maddie, trying to focus. All I wanted to do at that moment was sleep, but I knew Maddie was asking me a serious question.

"Go to the west bar. Tell them that they need to patch up a friend of Crux," I said, peering at her curiously, "Did you get a tan?"

#158:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:20 am
I rolled my eyes at Nate.

Great, he is delirious.
I thought lifting him up onto my shoulder.

I looked around scanning the area for a trustful person. I didn’t have enough time to take Nate to the hotel and go fetch this Crux guy. Nate was losing too much blood for that. I had to do two things at once, which meant that I had to rely on a total stranger to go fetch Crux.

I saw a boy just staring at me from across cross the path.

“Hey you, come here!” I yelled. He was hesitant and I saw that he was deciding to run away.

Don’t run, please don’t run. I thought frantically.

After what felt like a lifetime, the boy slowly made his way towards me.

“Y-yes?” He asked, his voice was soft and high.

“I need you to go to the west bar, you know where that is?” I asked and he nodded in response. “Tell them that a friend of Crux needs his help urgently and that Maddie will be waiting at the Inn. You got all that?”

“Friend of Crux needs help urgently, meet Maddie at the Inn.” He repeated.

“Good. Now go, run.” I said and I saw him run around the corner.

I slowly started to drag Nate through the streets, people eyeing us as I walked.
Nate was talking gibberish about sunflowers and moonlights, telling me what it would be like to kiss the midnight snow.

I simply rolled my eyes and continued to drag him off.


Arriving at our room I put Nate on the bed and took off his shirt to check the damage. I couldn’t see much from all the blood, but I gathered some rags to try and stop the bleeding.

After a few minutes a man with blonde hair came into the room with a bag.

“Maddie. You haven’t met me, but I’ve met you. We have time to converse afterwards; right now I should focus on Nate.” He said, yes tone happy.

He didn’t seem worried about the situation at all which shocked me.

He worked on Nate and after about an hour he packed his things and looked over towards me.

“He should be fine, nothing vital hit him.” He said, as he pat me on the shoulder.

#159:  Author: UndeadCowboyLocation: In the Old West, dealing out Justice and BRAINS! PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:30 am
The next few hours were a haze. I remembered Maddie dragging me into the room, the bed, very soft. I remembered a vague itchy feeling as I watched Crux stitch my skin up. I watched as he stood beside Maddie, smiling his customary smile as I felt the urge to sleep come back stronger than ever. I laid back in the bed and managed a good night before falling to sleep.

#160:  Author: MidnightLocation: Lurking under the shadows, waiting for the moment. PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:53 am
I talked to Crux as Nate lay in bed sleeping. I was greatful to the boy who was able to fetch Crux and I had asked Crux to thank him for me if he saw him again.

"So you were the one who had patched me up. Well thank you very much," I said. "Umm, how long have you known Nate exactly?"

"Oh a long time, spanning long before the times he had with Ilsa. Never seems to stop surprising me though." He replied laughing.

"I see. I'm surprised I never met you before this day."

"Ah yes, well. Everytime we met you were out cold so that kind of killed conversation," He said jokingly. He was a fairly funny guy and he never seemed to stop smiling. "If you don't mind me saying, has Nate here made a move on you yet?" He winked.

"Err." I blushed and looked away from him.

"Haha, I see. You poor innocent little girl." He replied, stroking his hair chuckling.

"I am not a little girl. I'm nineteen." I retorted. I hated being called a little girl.

"Okay, okay. Your not a little girl. But you haven't been kissed, that much I can tell." He mused and I could feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

We spent a while longer talking like that before he left. I looked over at Nate and he was fast asleep.

You've never been kissed. I heard Crux's words play in my mind and I looked away from Nate flushed.

"Ridiculas... I've been kissed before. Stupid Crux." I muttered, lying to myself.


I few weeks past and Nate had started to feel better. I had bought him his food and fed him, but refused to get too close because all I could hear was Crux.

It was Monday morning when I awoke on the seat to the sound of the birds chirping. Slowly getting up, I went for a shower and then decided to go see what we had to eat.

Last edited by Midnight on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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