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What should be the title of Part Two?
Hunt for the Shadow King
 14%  [ 1 ]
Darkest Quest
 0%  [ 0 ]
Visions of Shadow
 71%  [ 5 ]
Shadow Quest
 14%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 7
Who Voted: Chinaren, Lebrenth, LordoftheNight, Mother Goose, NeverNeverGirl, Smee

#201:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:52 pm
Aww, poor kitty-cat.

For some reason I feel like I lost something too - where's that plushie?

#202:  Author: DarkeFlyte PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 7:01 pm
Wow, that was an awesome fight! I like you have the settings planned out and timed perfectly.

Hmmmm, the hunt has begun. Sweet, hopefully lots and lots of steel and
blood. Mad

#203:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:12 pm
lordofthenight wrote:
Aww, poor kitty-cat.

For some reason I feel like I lost something too - where's that plushie?

LOL, Lordy.

Welcome to the City DarkFlyte!

P.S. I hope that was a deliberate mispelling of Flight... Very Happy

#204:  Author: Ingrothechundyer PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:57 pm
Nice Job Very Happy

I vote that we get more of those powerful crystals before starting the hunt anew. We need to be more powerful if were going to win next time.

We should also take advantage of the opertunity to extract info from the captives the wizards convientently left behind for us to question.

#205:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 4:12 pm
First thing we need to do is get a counterspell that will prevent their instant death if they reveal any information. Last time we interrogated someone, he died gruesomely, so I wouldn't be surprised to see something like that again. Get the magic-users to collaborate on this and hurry. These jerks with their portals will move fast.

As far as what to ask, big question: WHERE? If we know where the shadow mage behind all of this is, we're a lot closer to defeating him. We should also ask about what his strengths are, especially this shadow magic we're so unacquainted with. It's a major weakness we have. And if we can learn their weaknesses it would be good to.

Basically, we won the fight, in spite of the loss of my favorite character. But we have what we came for and they don't. Assuming we have the upperhand, we should prepare a trap. We know they'll come again, it would be nice to not have our pants down next time.

Less hunting, more trapping, and we need to keep our energies high!

#206:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 7:56 pm
I agree with what Lebby says. We may have won this battle at a great cost, but it's best we find out more about our enemies.

I don't think Gaia would want the group to worry about her too much.

#207:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:05 am
Despite the length, cathing up on this story was worth every second (hour Shocked )! A wonderfully constructed tale, with incredibly detailed and life-like characters, stunning descriptions and a stupendously told plot, full of perfectly executed twists. Marvelous Stuff Dragon, staggering! :biggrin:

I caught up at a sad time though. I too loved Guia, and am sad to see her captured by such an insiduous enemy. We must locate her and hopefully in doing so we can find the evil-doers behind everything.

Oculdo said something about the threat coming from the east. Maybe some hasty research should be done to discern what possible threats could originate from there, and then they can try and track it to its source.

If that doesn't give us any leads, we should think about looking for Verrad again, as he seemed to have a link to Minaar that isn't good. We should ask her if she knows anything about him, and then try and locate him. His relief at hearing that she had not been harmed sounds like he works for the enemy; they would not want to see her harmed as they need her for this scheme of thiers. He could be the link we use to get at them.

Really looking forward to reading the next part DF! Can't wait!

*holds awe-struck breath* Shocked

Last edited by Solomon Birch on Fri May 12, 2006 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total

#208:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:35 pm
Don't you mean you can't wait until we have a poll up, Soily?

Good observations by the way. I think I missed them, since I was still grieving for the loss of Gaia.

#209:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2006 6:30 am
So many options for a poll, I'm trying to think of how to approach this...I may have to nix a few of the suggestions, sorry!

Ok, these will be the poll options:

*Interrogate the prisoners, after examining them for a similar death-curse as they had seen before and removing it.

*Go to the Academy's library and learn as much as possible about shadow magic.

*Attempt to discern any possible threats from the East.

*Track down Verrad, use him to find the enemies.

*Ask Minaar about her gems and use them to gain information if possible.

Ok, that'll be enough to get us going. I'll probably use more than one of these options in the chapter, so you should vote for whichever you think has the highest priority.

Enough talking. Vote away!

#210:  Author: LebrenthLocation: Utah PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:18 am
Solomon Birch wrote:
I caught up at a sad time though. I too loved Guia, and am sad to see her captured by such an insiduous enemy.

So, Solomon arrives at another story just in time to for the disappearance of another main character, just like HNP.... Is it coincidence? Or is it something more devious Mad ....

Voted for emphasis on interrogation. The fact that the curse was placed on a minion in the first place suggests knowledge that they're desperate to hide. Talk about a confidentiality contract! I wonder if they knew what was going on when it was being cast on them....

#211:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:57 am
Yes, it's true. Soily is a bad luck charm. Keep him away from your stories people.

#212:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:48 pm
Yup, going with Lebby. We need some insider information.

#213:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:50 am
Voted for finding Verrad. He has sinister links to Minaar, so we should try and discover what these are, and if he has links to the enemies who just kidnapped Gaia.

And I'm sorry for being such a bad luck charm.... I have this effect on anything technological, eventually.... My PC's graphics card jsut died, at a terrible time, and its really p'ed me off.... Argh. Damn my techno-killing abilities... Confused

#214:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:31 am
Yeah, I also tipped my vote for Verrad, mainly for the reasons that Soily mentioned.

Plus his name starts with a V. See Soily - a 'V'. Further proof. (Sorry people, side argument/discussion)

#215:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 6:29 am
V for Vendetta is the only title I can think of that starts with a V. Sorry, totally off-topic.

#216:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 5:29 pm
Okay, looks like interogation is our plan. Dunno when the new chapter will be up, but it'll come...eventually.

#217:  Author: The Powers That BeLocation: Santa Monica, CA PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:23 am
It's a pleasure to return to the City after an extended absence and find such a remarkably good story in it. Bravo! Looking forward to reading and commenting on the next chapter.

#218:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 9:02 pm
Hope to see that next chapter, DF soon enouhg. Very Happy

#219:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:11 pm
I am so mad at myself for not having posted a new chapter in over a month! I'm so sorry, and I am working on the next chapter.
Wall Bash

#220:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:11 pm
Awww, that was a shame - A new chapter might have been all that was required to secure your SGoTM victory - so close. Confused

Oh well, we've loved it for the last 6 months in here, and I'll certainly continue to. I look forward to the next chapter.

Happy Writing Very Happy

#221:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:02 pm
Yeah, its a damn shame you didn't win this month DF; yours was the only one I think deserved it. Can't wait for the next chapter! :biggrin:

#222:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:17 pm
First things first - the prisoners must be questioned. Any information they gave would be vital to finding Guia and stopping the shadow wizard’s plots. However, that couldn’t very well be done here – especially if they had been cursed as Dolan had. “We have to get our prisoners to the Academy to be questioned. Oculdo too – and any of our spell-swords who are still alive.”

“I’ll check them,” Minaar said. “If they are hurt maybe I can help them.” Biting her lip, she said, “I do wish I had my emerald though.”

“Here,” Persivian said, untying the pouch from his belt. The wizard retrieved the green gem and, after a moment of hesitation, the kyanite and tiger’s eye as well. “I found them in your wagon,” he told her. “I had intended to keep them for a while, but they are yours.”

Minaar reached out and took the gems, her fingers brushing his palm. “They are,” she murmured. Aware of the trust he was placing in her, she said, “Thank you.” Then she hurried to the ladder and climbed out of the loft.

Jud’ami was taking care of Oculdo, laying him on the bed in the corner and wrapping him in a blanket till he could be moved to the Academy, so Persivian turned his attention to the two prisoners the earth wizard had incapacitated. He walked over to the nearest and examined him. The man was completely covered in thorny vines that smelled of earth and reeked of magic. They worked better than the finest chains in confining a victim, because every movement caused pain. Effective, but cruel. Persivian would hate to be in the enemies’ position.

Right now the prisoners were unconscious as well as tied, thanks to Oculdo’s light magic, but they’d soon wake up, and by then may be able to cast spells again. This would be dangerous to everyone, so Persivian held is hands over the enemy’s body and called upon his magic. Vines of darkness snaked from his fingers and wormed their way past the thorny plants to the bound wizard within. They spread, covering his body and sinking into the skin, tightening upon his power. Persivian sat back and stood. He had bound the man’s magic, at least for a time. Now he had only to do the same to the others.

As he completed the spell for a second time on the other enemy wizard, the man suddenly shifted, rising from unconsciousness. When he moved, the thorns bit into him and he cried out in pain. Hearing his voice, Persivian started and fixed his gaze upon him. He recognized the man’s aura as the sole survivor of the first attack, the shielder. It was also this man who had seemed familiar to Persivian, and hearing his voice for the first time, the blind wizard understood why.

This was Verrad.

Which, of course, made sense. His unusual knowledge of what had happened to Persivian, Guia, and Minaar on the road, his inability (or unwillingness) to explain how he came by that knowledge, the cat’s instinctive dislike of him, all pointed to him being in league with their enemies. How much of what I told him helped lead them to us tonight? Persivian wondered bitterly. But this was not the time to dwell on the thought.

“Mph hnimph gerf!” the man cried, which Persivian translated to mean, “Let me go!” Briefly he considered knocking Verrad out again till they reached the academy, if only to shut him up, but anger turned him away from that course. Let him suffer, Persivian thought. After what had happened, the wizard was in no mood for mercy. Instead after strengthening his magic bindings on the enemies, he crossed over to Jud’ami.

“How is he?” he asked.

The sailor was leaning over Oculdo’s prone form with his hand on his forehead, but looked up as Persivian approached. “He’ll live,” he said. “If we get him to the Academy soon enough he’ll even recover full use of his magic.” This was a relief, because it was not unheard of for wizards who exhausted their power to not get it back in full.

Above them Minaar reentered the loft. “Two of the spell-swords are dead,” she announced. “I’ve done what I can for the third, but he needs the help of a healer.”

“All right then, let’s go.”

“How will we carry all of them?” asked Minaar. “I can’t aid you magically, and I don’t know if you both want to float them all to the Academy.”

“Let’s get them outside and then we’ll worry about that.”

As they spoke, the other prisoner groaned and shifted. Hearing his companion, Verrad started trying to speak as well, but he at least knew better than to wiggle around too much. His friend learned this quickly as well.

The three companions turned to look at their captives. “Should we knock them out again?” Jud’ami asked.

“No.” The savageness of Persivian’s voice startled his friend, and Minaar as well.

“You’ll not show them mercy?” Minaar asked. “Not that I mind, of course…” her voice trailed off darkly as she glanced at her brother. Jud’ami stayed silent, but continued to watch the blind man curiously.

“You can show him mercy if you wish,” he said, gesturing towards the newly stirring prisoner. “But that one can suffer.” Looking at his dark-skinned friend, Persivian said, “It is Verrad.”

“Verrad?” Jud’ami shot a swift glance at the enemy wizard, and turned back to Persivian. “I detected nothing in his aura, when he visited us,” he said with some consternation. “He must be powerful to have evaded our detection.”

Nodding, Persivian replied, “He is powerful. He was their shielder in the first attack, and he could rebuff our attacks.”

“Not very well.”

“Well enough.” Glancing at the man, Persivian said thoughtfully, “I think his magic is illusion. He must be a master of the class, to have fooled us. An adept spy.”

“Aye,” agreed Jud’ami. The two wizards pondered this for a moment, until Minaar cleared her throat impatiently.

“Right. Let’s go.” Persivian and Jud’ami levitated the prisoners and Oculdo up out of the loft, and climbed out themselves. Minaar pushed open the window in the other room and they sent their burdens down to the ground below, preferring to leave them a while unprotected than waste the energy floating them throughout the entire house. The question still remained as to how they were going to transport two wounded, two prisoners, and two of their comrades’ bodies to the Academy, but they would think about that later.

As it turned out, the question was answered for them. When they emerged from the house it was to find a five spell-swords and wizards from the Academy waiting for them. “We were told you would need our help,” the leader said to Persivian. Looking at the inert bodies arranged beneath the window, she remarked, “Seems we were right.”

The blind wizard nodded gratefully. “Those two need medical help – that one has spent his power. Those two are prisoners, and must be guarded well at all times. I’ve bound their magic, and obviously they aren’t going anywhere,” he gestured to the vines, “but it’s best not to take chances.”

Immediately the others nodded and went into action, loading the wounded and dead carefully onto a cart they’d brought and preparing to levitate the prisoners to the Academy. Before they left, Persivian stopped the leader and asked, “Tell me, who told you we’d need your aid?”

“Devanta,” the woman replied.

“Devanta?” Persivian repeated in surprise.

She nodded. “She actually came up from her quarters, wrapped up in a blanket and ordering us to come here. Gave us the address, and here we came.” Persivian heard the rustle of clothing and creak of armor, and then a small cloth bundle was being pressed into his hand. “She asked me to give you this, as well.”

He nodded his thanks as Jud’ami came up beside him. “What is that?” he asked.

“We’ll see in a moment,” Persivian replied.

“We’re heading back to the Academy,” the leader said, mounting her horse. “If you want a lift, jump in the wagon.”

Persivian, who did not fancy walking all the way back after the battle, immediately climbed up, followed by Jud’ami and Minaar, who settled on either side of him. With a slight jerk they started moving, but the companions didn’t rest yet, instead leaning over to watch as Persivian untied the bundle Devanta had sent him. His deft hands untied the knot at the top, and something fell into his hand. “A ring,” he said. Feeling it, the cool metal warming beneath his fingers, Persivian traced the thick band and the shape of the flower the metal spread into. He recognized it after a moment as a desert bloom, a night-blooming blossom found in the Akbar Deserts. The seers had adopted it long ago as a standard symbol for those of their powers. “This is Devanta’s ring,” he murmured, now recognizing it as the one piece of jewelry the young seer owned. Guia had described the silver ring to him long ago when they’d first met the girl. Why would she give it to me?

After slipping the ring on his finger so as not to lose it, Persivian turned his attention to the cloth the ring had been wrapped in. It smelled faintly metallic…he brought it close to his nose and sniffed. “She wrote on this cloth,” he announced.

“It’s so dark, I can’t even see,” Minaar said. “What’s it say?”

Jud’ami, however, recognized the troubled tone in his friend’s voice and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“She didn’t write the message with ink,” Persivian answered. “It’s written in blood.” Jud’ami and Minaar exchanged glances while Persivian traced his fingers over the cloth. The blood had dried without soaking fully into the cloth, and he was able to feel what was written. “It says:

‘I had a vision. This is it.
A secret was hidden in a man’s tongue, but his tongue was trapped and locked with chains.
The key to the locks is sblochiave.’ ”

Sblochiave?” Minaar repeated in confusion.

Persivian continued, “Then she wrote something else: ‘When you’ve found it, come to me. You will be given a name.’ ” Once more he ran his fingers over the cloth, but found no more words.

“A short message,” he remarked. “But very valuable.”

“Do you think it could really be that simple?” Jud’ami asked.

Folding the cloth up carefully, Persivian replied, “She wouldn’t have written it if she hadn’t been seen it.”

“I’m confused,” Minaar interrupted. “Who is Devanta? What does all that mean?”

“Devanta is the Matron Seer of the Academy,” Persivian replied shortly. Turning to Jud’ami, he said, “It makes sense in a way, thought I’ve never heard of sblochiave being used with death curses. We’ll have to examine the spell at the Academy to see if we can unravel the curse.”

“Hello?” the girl interrupted again. “What is sblochiave?”

Jud’ami answered, “It’s an ancient type of guarding spell, used to safeguard treasures. If whatever’s being guarded gets too close to being revealed, the spell hides it in some manner, usually by moving it away, or setting off traps around it so that the guarded object becomes unattainable.”

“I suppose sblochiave could be modified with shadow magic to protect information,” Persivian murmured. “It is a complex spell, but it is foolproof.”

Considering this, Minaar said, “But your seer said that seb – sbla – whatever – was the key to finding the secret, not what’s guarding it.”

“It depends on how you look at it,” Persivian replied. “I think what her vision meant is that knowing that sblochiave was being used to guard the secret would be the key to being able to access it. Now that we know the spell that was used, we can find a way to undo it.”

Minaar sat back and nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.”

The blind wizard was hardly listening though. It seemed they had a way to find whatever secret Verrad and his companion might hold, without killing them off before it could be known. It would be tricky to undo the spell, and who knew how it had been modified to work on information rather that material treasures, but it would be do-able. But there was the second part of the message to consider…

As if reading his thoughts, Jud’ami remarked, “I wonder what she means. Whose name will she give us?”

“Hopefully whoever’s behind this whole mess,” growled Minaar.

So this is how life is, Persivian thought. We go from having almost no leads, to having to choose between them.

They arrived at the Academy shortly, the grounds fragrant and lit by moonlight. The wagon pulled to a stop. “Where do you want us to take you?” the driver asked.

#223:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:20 pm
Thar she blows!

Hmph. Well, it's late in coming, and not as good as it could have been, and didn't progress very far, but I suppose it'll have to do. Wink

By the way, thank you everyone for your support over the month (s Shocked ) in SGotM. I love you all!

#224:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:46 am
Woo-yeah! A new UQ chapter! Marvelous stuff DF! And glad to see you back! Very Happy

I think that they should go with the prisoners and try and extract some information before the spell stopping their magic wears off and they have to wait for it again. They may not be able to get too much, not without prepared spells for interrogation, but I'm sure something useful could be... extracted with a little persuasion. Perhaps ask them, nonchalantly, something about the 'sblochiave', try and see if a look of fear or anger crosses the prisoners face at the mention of this.

Minaar should probably go to her brother, unless she has some trinket that could help with interrogation. They probably wouldn't ask her, but at the mention of what they are going to see the prisoners for, then she could notice and suggest one of her things. Just a thought.

Looking forward to stuff and you know. Stuff. :biggrin: Wink

*holds breath* Shocked

#225:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:47 am
Excellent chapter again DF Cool

I tend to think sblochiave has to be our priority here. If the seer felt strongly enough about it to edge us in that direction, then that's the direction we have to move in.

Go to the academy and research the spell, see if we can find a way around it.

Splitting up may be an idea, but Persivian seems the best qualified both to research the spell and to interrogate the prisoners, so I'd say our secondary objective will meet with limited success, in that case. Besides, after the last attack, we're better off staying together. Strength in numbers, and all that Smile

Let the spell swords handle the enemy Mages and hope that they can keep them under control until we have a few answers.

#226:  Author: The Powers That BeLocation: Santa Monica, CA PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:20 am
Nice chapter. I'm thinking that if our heros are fairly confident they can keep hold of the prisoners for a while, then the spell needs to be the highest priority.

#227:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:01 am
An enjoyable chapter again DF Very Happy

I agree with Stoat and Powers - get to work on the spell. If it's as foolproof as it sounds then we are relying on mistakes made by our enemies when they adapted it with Shadow magics. They've already proven to have Masters in their ranks and those mistakes are going to be small.

Great stuff, keep it coming,

Happy Writing Smile

#228:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 10:48 am
Great chapter Dragon, but I have nothing further to add at this point.

#229:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:51 am
I just found this story, and I wish I had known about it sooner. I am very impressed and I can easily see why it has been nominated for SGOTM!

I have nothing insightful to add to this decision point, unfortunately. As has been said, if the Matron Seer says that the spell is where to focus their energy, then thats where they should focus it.

I'm sure there are others who could extract information from the prisoners in the meantime though.

#230:  Author: RavenwingLocation: Virginia PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:48 pm
F5 pretty much everybody. I am curious about this complicated guard spell. And if it is as complex as Persivian believes it to be, it may be best that many heads work the solution out.

#231:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:57 pm
Sorry for the long wait between replies. We'll send our prisoners with the reinforcements, and go research the sblochiave spell. After we have more information and know how to undo it, we'll return to Verrad and his friend and question them. (and I have a feeling you're looking forward to that a little too much Wink )

#232:  Author: Starwalker PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:36 am
I've just read your tale today. I'm enjoying what you've written and am looking forward to reading more.

I glad to hear that the party is heading off to research the information that was provided to them by the Seeress

#233:  Author: ShogunLocation: In your nightmares, feeding on your fears. PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 3:10 pm
When you "question" them. Make sure to brand them with hot iron in the palms, first. You'll set their pain sensors on fire, literally.

#234:  Author: Mother GooseLocation: Connecticut PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:09 pm
I've finally caught up with this wonderful story! I have no new ideas to add; everybody's comments get an f5 from me, so I'll just sit back and wait with the rest of your growing audience for the next chapter.

Keep writing, and have fun!

#235:  Author: OldJoeLocation: On mah steed. PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:22 pm
Ah agree with the good folks above. Ah fine yarn it is too.

#236:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:31 am
“To the academy,” Persivian told the driver. “We must go to the library.”

The driver nodded and clucked the horses along the cobbled road. The grounds were empty and silent, except for the mourning bell that rang once every five minutes. This would continue till dawn – it was the first stage of the wizards’ Academy for honoring the dead. Lehrar was on everyone’s mind tonight.

Shortly they pulled to a stop outside the white steps of the academy, the main center of learning for which this entire section of the city, controlled by the wizards, was named. Immediately the three companions exited the wagon, which then continued along the road to the hospice, where Oculdo and the other spell-sword would be treated. Persivian led the way up the steps and they entered the building.

The wizards’ academy had an entirely different feel at night. During the day, it had been quiet. Now it was entirely silent, every step echoing to the high ceiling, and the feeling of openness, without teachers and pupils hurrying along to fill the space, was just short of oppressive. Persivian, Jud’ami, and Minaar strode across the vast hall and felt like three lone bees trying to make their way in an abandoned hive. Of course, everyone else was in their rooms, trying to sleep and heeding the grieving bell’s mournful calls, so they should have anticipated the emptiness. Still, it was disconcerting, and made Persivian jumpy.

They hurriedly made their way to the doors across the hall, which led to a corridor of classrooms, at the far end of which was the library. If there was any place to find information about the sblochiave spell, that would be it. As they passed the door to the seers’ quarters, Persivian wondered what Devanta would tell them when they came. He couldn’t help feeling that it was odd, the seer contradicting herself so. Only a few hours ago she’d told him they probably would not see each other again, but now she was instructing him to come to her. It was strange, but Persivian pushed it aside. He would find out what Devanta wanted after they’d talked to Verrad, as she herself had told him.

They arrived at the doors, and Jud’ami pushed them open without hesitation, taking the lead. Minaar was staring around with obvious fascination to what little of the hall could be seen in the faint light, but could not hide the worry she felt over her brother. She kept glancing back to the doors, and her concern was palpable. It was then Persivian noticed again the subtle change he had observed earlier, watching her talk to Oculdo from the loft. Once again, he put off looking into it further, because they had arrived at the library.

The wizard stepped through to door and immediately knew the change of rooms. The smell of leather, parchment and must floated on the still air, and the sense of age and knowledge surrounded the companions. Still, the impression of openness remained, because the library of the Academy of wizards was a vast room, filled with thousands of books, scrolls, tablets, pamphlets, and every other conceivable type of written lore, and yet it was no more than perhaps 150 feet wide. The hugeness of the room was a product of its height – it extended upwards story upon story, fading into darkness at its zenith where the most dangerous and celebrated spells and histories were kept. In the center of the ground floor was a massive octagonal desk, hollow in its middle where the librarians sat, from where all the business of the room was conducted. Along the walls of the library (also in the form an octagon) were thousands, millions of shelves, filled with more knowledge and learning that any other place in the known world. Rolling ladders allowed access to higher shelves, while wrought iron spiral staircases led up to the different levels, which circled the entire circumference of the library on each level, making every single book perfectly accessible. Of course, there was not a man nor woman alive who could ever learn all the library had to offer, for to do so would mean to know hundreds of languages, thousands of dialects, the histories of generations of forgotten kingdoms, and more spells than there were stars in the sky.

“We’re supposed to find out information about one spell in all this?” Minaar whispered incredulously. Even in the semi-darkness the enormity of the library was painfully evident.

“Do not worry,” Persivian told her, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of the room. It was all so familiar, and he almost regretted the years he’d spent away. “Both Jud’ami and I have experience in this library – we know how to find what we need.”

With that the search began. Persivian spoke with the night attendant, and older man who spent most of his waking hours in the library and knew it better than almost anyone alive. Jud’ami looked in the library atlas, an enormous set of books that told the locations of materials in the library based on subject matter. Between the two of them they quickly found the location of several books that might contain the information they were looking for.

Sblochiave was an old spell, and thus found higher up on the walls, but Jud’ami used his wind to gently raise himself and Persivian up, while Minaar waited below. Very soon after that the three were sitting around one of the many tables in the library’s ground floor, a stack of books between them, ready to begin.

“What are we looking for exactly?” Minaar asked, pulling a dusty tome towards herself.

“Anything about the use, casting, modification, or dispelling of the sblochiave spell,” Jud’ami answered.

She nodded, and then looked curiously at Persivian, who was cracking open the cover of a large spell book. “Um…are you going to…read that?” she asked.



Persivian smiled at her mischievously and replied, “Magic.” Then he rested his fingertips upon the book and concentrated. After a moment he said, “It’s a spell that textures the print on the page. I can then feel the words, and am able to ‘read’ what it says.” He paused and said, “Lehrar developed it for me.”

Minutes passed in silence as the three searched the books, broken only by Minaar’s frustrated sighs. Eventually she exclaimed, “This is pointless! I don’t understand any of this spell-casting mumbo-jumbo – how exactly do you expect me to help you here?”

“All you have to do is find places in the books where it mentions the spell. Show them to Persivian or me, and we’ll handle the rest.”

“Fine, but I still don’t understand this. If we know what spell was used to curse the prisoners, why do you need to know how to cast it? Shouldn’t we be with them now, trying to undo the thing so we can figure out who’s behind all this?”

“There are two ways to unravel a spell, Minaar,” Persivian said, turning a page in his book. “One is to use your will to examine the magicks that form it, to try to determine the pattern that created it and decide where the weakest part of that pattern is, and then manually take apart the spell with your own magic. Or, you use the knowledge you already have about how the spell was cast, find the cornerstone of the magic, remove it, and watch as it collapses on its own. The more we know about the spell, the easier finding the cornerstone will be.”


Jud’ami said, “The cornerstone is the block that holds a building up. Remove it and the entire structure falls. With magic, there’s something of the same deal. Wizards can examine cast spells, I’m sure you knew.” Minaar nodded, and the sailor continued, “It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t a trained magic-user, but spells have certain patterns when cast, and wizards can ‘see’ the pattern, which is what I mean by examining them. And in the midst of any spell pattern there are one or more ‘cornerstones’. In simpler spells they are easy to find, but the more complex the spell the harder it is to find. In order to dispel magic, you must know, or be able to find, the cornerstone. Once you remove it, the spell collapses and the effects of it die as well.”

“So you’re studying the guard spell now, so it’s easier to unravel later? Why can’t you just undo it the other way?”

“Because ripping magic apart is flashy, uses up too much energy, and is very messy,” Persivian replied. “And it can take a very long time. Trust us, Minaar, we know what we’re doing.”

The girl pursed her lips and made a small impatient sound in her throat, but otherwise remained silent. They continued the search, finding many references to sblochiave, some vague, some very clear, but little that would help the wizards familiarize themselves with the spell. That is, until Jud’ami chanced upon what they needed.

“Persivian! I found the spell!”

“You did?” the wizard exclaimed excitedly. “Excellent!”

“The complete instructions to casting it are found here,” the sailor continued, scooting his chair over so they could examine the passage together.

Persivian cast his reading spell over the book and read the words. “Yes, this is exactly what we were looking for! Well done, my friend.”

“So that’s it?” Minaar asked. “We’re done now?”

“Well, we have to study the spell before we can be ready to go back to the prisoners.”

“And how long will that take?” the girl cried.

Glancing at her briefly with his white eyes, Persivian answered, “That depends on how many questions you intend to ask us before we can begin.” Minaar took the hint and sat back in her chair, sighing occasionally as her wizard companions bent over the old text and discussed it at length. Persivian found its complexity fascinating and would have loved to inspect it more thoroughly, but he understood the need for haste. He and Jud’ami instead concentrated on the pattern of the casting and locating where the cornerstones of the magic would be. They were difficult to find, and both wizards understood that once they were examining the actual sblochiave spell placed upon Verrad, the effects of the shadow magic would have altered the spell and the cornerstones probably wouldn’t be the same as before. Persivian only hoped that the information they gained now would make their job easier in the end.

After an interminable length of time pouring over and discussing the spell together, Persivian turned to Jud’ami and asked, “Are we good, do you think?”

“I think we’ve learned what we need,” his friend replied in his deep voice, and together they stood up. Minaar started out of her doze and was immediately on her feet.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

Chuckling, Jud’ami said, “Let me check this out, then we will be.”

The three left the library and crossed the empty hall, stepped into the night-scented air, and followed the paths northeastward, deeper into the Academy’s compound. Jud’ami led the way, with Persivian just behind him, following the sound of his friend’s feet crunching on the white gravel of the paths. The bell rang and its deep sound echoed in the air. Distantly Persivian could hear the cry of gulls and waves. It seemed odd to him that on a night such as this, with every breath taking in the scent of the ocean and the very air around them heavy with sleep and mourning, they were going not to any sort of peaceful repose, but to an interrogation.

In the northeast corner of the Academy, hidden from the sight of the streets by tall stone walls and separated from the rest of the complex by an arcing row of hedges, stood a high tower. It was topped with sharp, toothy battlements, had one door at its base, and was protected by strong magicks. Within the tower, from its heights to the spread of dungeons below, were kept the criminals of the wizarding world. They were the would-be assassins of the Emperor, the war-mongers and thieves, the ones who murdered and consorted with demons for the sake of their own magicks – in short, the most dangerous men and women in the empire. It was the Prison Keep, and it was here Verrad and his comrade had been taken, to be held until questioning. Persivian had told the spell-swords transporting the two prisoners that no one was to begin interrogation until he or Jud’ami were present, for fear of what the curse might do. Now that they could undo the spell ‘trapping their tongues’ as Devanta had written, they would see what the men had to hide.

Persivian and his companions came quickly to the Prison Keep, and were directed to the room where their prisoners waited. Once again Jud’ami went first, his blind companion walking with a hand on his shoulder. Sounds echoed strangely here, and the corridors were designed to confuse visitors. Both wizards had seen the inside of the Keep several times, as a result of their service to the late Emperor, but years of being away from such business had robbed Persivian of what little familiarity he’d had of the place. For the first time in a long, long time, he felt a little uncertain in his blindness. He needed Guia.

We’ll find her, he told himself. Verrad will tell us what we need to know to understand what’s happening. Persivian told himself that, but could not banish the voice in his head that told him optimism was not always merited. He wanted the prisoners to have the information they’d need to lead them to the shadow wizard and put an end to the plot, but he also knew full well how little wishes counted in world.

Finally Jud’ami stopped. “We’re here,” he said, over the sound of locks being undone and chains rattling in their slots. The companions stepped inside the holding room, and with a metallic boom the door slammed shut behind them.

Last edited by dragon_fire372 on Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:36 am; edited 1 time in total

#237:  Author: dragon_fire372Location: Montana PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:36 am
I'm sorry there's not much of a decision point here. This is really just part of the overall chapter, but I had to split it up into two because of how long it was getting. The decision point can be what you want to focus the interrogation on - what questions do we ask Verrad and his companion?

I know it's not much, but I have no idea when I'll be able to even finish the rest of the chapter. Hopefully I'll surprise myself and finish it soon, and you all will be the first to know.

Anyway, enjoy the new chapter. Happy reading Smile

#238:  Author: Solomon BirchLocation: England..... but Japan beckons..... PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:45 pm
Very good chapter. We learnt more about how magic works, and had some more insight into the characters. I too miss Guia...

And the D-point is fine; it's good to have these kind of descisions to be made every now and then. Very Happy

I think they could ask them about how they knew about the meeting, and just basic stuff like where have they taken Guia, what the whole crazy plot is. I dunno, my brain 'aint in it tonight. I'll give the previous chapters an once-over later, and then come back with something better. :biggrin:

*holds breath* Shocked

#239:  Author: Starwalker PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:08 pm
Umm, don't they want to remove the spell first, before doing the interrogation?

#240:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:54 pm
Nice part1, Dragonfire Very Happy

I'd suggest following the chain of command up as far as you can, for questioning. Also concentrate on what powers the higher-ups have at their disposal. Forewarned is forearmed.

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