The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#201:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:40 pm
Shaking her head softly at the Rath's departing tail, Rain shrugged and whispered, "This is what I get for dealing with dragons, eroki, and prophecies I guess. Still you should have taken your price will you could, dragoness, I might not live much longer."

Walking back down the stairs, this time with leaps and bounds as she jumped from stone to stone. On the landing below Creama was handing out packs, and taking the one she was handed Rain went into Rath's cave and then began to search her many pouches for something. Smiling when she finally found it, Rain pulled out a small silver dagger of plain make, the only thing her father had given her of her mothers. Rath might not want her payment now, but as much as Rain hated to admit it, she still owed Rath and if Cree's magic was left to itself it would pull her into aiding Rath just when it was must inconvient for her and with what Rain guessed was ahead the last thing she needed was for that to happen.

So she had at least pay Rath cermonially at least, to patch things up temporaly so fate, destiny, magic and who knew what started pull around trying to make her repay her debt in full. Besides, what she intended on leaving would probably drive Rath insane at the sight of it, and just the thought of that right now made Rain smile as she was in a very, very sacrastic mood.

Laying the small dagger aside, Rain looked around in the various piles around in Rath's den until she found something suitable for her uses a small silver bowl, a glass vial, and some paper and pen.

Taking the dagger up again, Rain cut a lock of her growing raven hair and laid it the bowl. Pressing the dagger on her palm, she winced as she drew blood but then carefully dripped the blood into the glass vial. Laying the vial in the bowl Rain procced to take Thorn completly from her belt, sheath and all she laid it blow the bowl. Then taking up her hair again, Rain carefully wrapped it around the dagger and set back aside as she filled the bowl with water from a nearby trickle that ran against one of the walls of Rath's liar.

Picking up the paper and pen, Rain wrote, "We are still bonded Dragoness," and then wrapped the dagger which was wrapped her hair within the paper. Placing the whole bundle on Thorn's sheath and after checking the stopper on the vial, Rain made sure it was floating upright in the bowl of water.

Smiling, Rain turned and met her companions with some that if you were nice you would call a smile and said, "Shall we? It's a long way down."

#202:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 1:55 pm
((Yep, although I'm going to sneak in a post now Very Happy.))

Ariana continued to sit on the rock watching the sun rise long after Rain had left.
How had she known about the ghost like apparition that had appeared to her when Gilath had died?
And how did she know what it meant?
Out here she could see no shadow, and shehad no wish to go back indoors.
She wasn't sure if she believed Rain completely on the 'light is nothing without darkness'. Well, that was true - but why did she have to have darkness?
Why couldn't she be the light that faced the darkness?
Looking up at the stars again she sighed longingly. She wished she could be like them. Ever since she had first cleared the darkness from her, she had had that wish. To be with the stars.
She knew that that would not happen until the quest was over. could not happen until the quest was over. She had to make sure of that.
What use would she be as a star?
Feeling a tingling sensation behind her, she whirled around to see the same ghost like figure she had seen before sitting on a rock a few metres above her.
Alhtough it did not speak, or even move, a wave of fear rushed over her and she backed away.
It smiled, seemingly amused by her antics.
"What do you want?" She asked, tryng hard to keep the fear out of her voice.
Rain had said two days - so nothing bad was going to happen now.
Standing, the smile gone from its face, it pointed to her, and then back to itself. Then it pointed away from her, turned towards where it was pointing and beckoned to her to follow.
Nothing bad. Rain said two days. Nothing bad. Rain said two days. Ariana kept on repeating to herself, adiment not to let it get to her.
She followed.
It seemed to take days, but was actually only two hours. Still, Ariana thought. This is a long time. The others may well worry about me. I shouldn't have followed. I should go back.
The sahdow stopped about two metres in front of her, at the edge of an overhang in one of the mountains. Beckoning her to the edge, she advanced cautiously, carefull to make shields around her as she was coming so close to this horror. It was then that she realised it had changed. She hadn't realised it at first. It used to look like her, now it looked like a man. And elfin man, but not her. He was wearing a cloak that whipped in the breeze, and had long hair that flew behind him. colours were indistinct as he was a shadow, but she thought that his eyes were a deep black that was reminiscent of dark elves. She shuddered. They had always been taught not to trust them.
She only stayed because he was a shadow. Not whole - he couldn't do any damage - could he?
Even so, she strengthened her shields.
He was smiling at her indesicion, but as she came to the edge of the cliff, he pointed down. He needn't have, for she could see for herself.
Down below was a flat plateu of rock, about a hundred-hundred and fifty metres below. On the rock, outlined with their own blood, were bodies. She didn't know how many - but there were lots. Each one was weraing light clothes, and had pretty faces. Or used to, for some of them had been mutilated terribly.
That wasn't all. What scarred her maybe the most was that they were all elves. Light elves. Silvan elves. She gasped and held a hand to her mouth, sinking to her knees. Even though the scene was terrible, she couldn't take her eyes away from it.
She didn't even notice as the apparition moved and came to stand beside her. A moment later - he spoke.
She wasn't sure how she heard him. It wasn't with her ears or her mind. Neither was it with her eyes or even heart. All she knew was that she had heard it before. It was the voice that had spoken to her in her vision, and it struck deep inside her like a sword or sharp knife - while at the same time it comforted her and somehow made her whole.
You see down there, Ariana? That is what could happen. He waved his arm over the whole scene and the grisly bodies vanished. This is what it is now. The rock looked no different than the rest of the surrounding rock, except that it was still a flat area that was uncommon in the mountain ranges.
Ariana had a quesy feeling that the apparition at her side was growing more lifelike by the second. It no longer represented a shadow so much as a fully alive elf. It smiled as it saw her looking.
You are not listening to me. It said. Ariana sidled away because he was near enough to touch, and althought she wouldn't admit it openly, she was extremely scarred. She didn't know why.
'You were in my vision.' She said falteringly. 'Who are said......' she stopped. The voice of the vision, his voice had told her that he was part of her. What did he mean?
He had not moved, and he was smiling again. She wondered whether he could read her thoughs.
Yes. was his reply. But as much as I regret it, they will worry about you. I do not want to get you into trouble.
With that, he turned and began to make his way back. She noticed that he seemed to fade the further he went.
Why? she wondered. It was a question that applied to much at the minute. And there was so much that she wanted to ask.
As she came to the last few minutes walk till Rath's cave, he stopped and turned to her.
I'm going He told her and faded into nothing, blinking she looked around to make sure he really had gone.
Why had he chosen to warn her this time and not the others?
Why had he talked to her this time and not the others?
Why had he acted as her friends, and yet had implanted such fear into her?
Why would he not answer her questions - why he would not even give her chance to ask him.
Who was he?
Was he part of her? But then, how could they be so different?
If he was part of her, then surely she would know what he was going to do - what he was thinking, what/who he was, and vise-versa?
She shook her head to clear it as she entered Rath's lair. Then she wondered where the others were, for they were not there...

#203:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 2:18 pm
Rath landed on the ledge outside her Lair lightly and wandered in with booming footsteps, her mood relatively good for her. Then she saw the elf standing in the middle of the main chamber with an air of confusion. "I thought I told you all to leave." Ariana jumped, whirling to face the dragoness. A tic jumped in Rath's jaw and her spines were rising in irritation.

"We were, I mean I was..."

"They left without you...why?" Rath could sense there was something Ariana didn't want to tell her, the conflict chased across the elf's face like a play of light and shadow. Rath held up a claw to stop her. "It matters not. Give me a moment and I will send you to them." Rath chuckled a little at the expression on Ariana's face as the elf reacted to that statement. "Peace. I'm not going to drop you from the ledge outside." Not that she didn't want to.

Walking toward her perch Rath stopped, spying something. A closer inspection sent the fires of hatred burning through Rath's veins causing her to rear on her hind legs and bellow loudly enough to crack the rock celing. Ariana hit the floor, covering her head to protect it from rock chips. Glaring pure malic at the tiny note Rath ground it into the floor.

A spark reached out of her jewel to sooth her but she was having none of it. Pulling Paith's soul free of it's resting place she settled it on a high ledge. "I'll have none of that from you. I'm in a temper and for once you will not snap me out of it." Walking back over she reached down and took the back of Ariana's cloak in her teeth pulling the elf upright.

Then, with an air of disgust, she shifted back to Eroki form. Gone was the black outfit she'd worn that day when they first met. Instead the web of steel had become armor, sharp and wicked looking, the DragonSword belted around her waist. Taking Ariana by the arm she led the elf to the ledge and then, locking her arms around her waist, took them both into the air.

"Don't squirm so or I'll drop you and see if you've learned how to float like a light ray yet." The elf went limp in her arms and Rath concentrated on keeping her breathing regular and her wingbeats strong and steady. Eroki were not meant to carry passengers no matter how slight the weight of the elf.

In a few moments she caught up to the party, not far from the base of her stairs. Giving Rain a dirty look she flipped Thorn's scabbard back to her. "Fine, if you insist on paying me I'll insist on finishing my job." Not that she hadn't been in the first place but she'd wanted to finish it the easy way, waiting for the rest of them to die and then cleaning up what was left behind them.

Now it seemed she would have to put forth effort again. Graeme looked at her mistrustfully before rolling his eyes. "Couldn't resist a chance to play the hero eh?" Morzan sent a clear message, pulling his swords clear of their scabbards an inch before ramming them back down.

Crenla's fingers flicked as she muttered to herself, figuring Rath back into her plans, and Ariana still looked faintly airsick. Rain alone smiled, reaching out to put a hand on Rath's shoulder. She quickly retracted that hand when Rath glared at her, one fang clearly exposed in her half snarl. "Make no mistake gypsy. I would not be here but for my own professional pride and a certain knowledge that where this group goes bloodshead shall insue. And it is blood that I crave right now." She looked meaningfully at the bandaged wound on Rain's hand.

Turning sharply she took the maps from Crenla's hand. "Those are no good, I havn't much use for maps. If you want to reach your gole in two days you'd better follow me." Walking with a purpose she turned her back on them, more fools they if they didn't follow.

#204:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:23 am
Rain looked at Rath and smiled, looked at Ariania and chuckled. She was in a mood, a very bad mood, but still it was a mood.

This wasn't she had been expecting when she had left the items of Rath's floor, but then again what she had been expecting had been something alot worse. Rain almost admitted that of things she had once seen, once knew with a sure instict, and know couldn't see but kept in her pouch in the form of a small crystal, she had almost been looking forward, for once the darkest possibilty of all.

((Oh, you want to know what she was expecting, don't you? Well then, I'll tell you, but only because I'm feeling nice.))

Her visions had once told her than her future she could only die one of four possible deaths. The first death that could have happened, happened long ago, and gave her nightmares still, and it was one her many secrets. The second death another had died instead. The third was a death alone, having failed some task another, forced to wander from home since all hunted her, in a nation she knew not posined by a root she knew not. The fourth appernetly wasn't going to happen either, since that possibilty had just left.

All her visions of her death had one thing in common, she wasn't wearing Thorn and she had lost or had given to another her mother's dagger.

When she had wrapped her hair around it's silver length, stained the metal and her hair with her blood, instict told her to put it back, but logic, and a pretty mean attitude told her to leave it.

Visions said it was possible that if she left the dagger with another, as she had left it with Rath, that they would pierce her through with Thorn and take the dagger for themselves.

To tell the truth, when Rath landed, eyes filled with fire and death, she had almost expected Rath to peirce her through with Thorn or shallow her whole, and Rain had looked forward to that. As she told Rath, magic was in her blood, and maybe just maybe with Rath just angry enough to make a dragon of her, her blood would meld with Rath's and her magic, the songs Ergos had told her along with them, would mingle too, and as far as Rain could tell be the only way she could fulfill the task Ergos himself had asked her to fulfill on the night before his death.

The other possibilties had also had some charm, Rath dropping off Arinia, relizing the bowl could be used for visions,Rath relazing that the blood on Rain's mother's dagger was a clue of the greater prize Ergos had planned had giving the assasin even though it was beyond what they had agreed. Rath rampaging the demon hordes, making it a little easier to pass the borders, Rath showing up the last minute to complete her task.

All of those possibilties now gone. Death no longer possible, as far as Rain could tell for her, except for the third death visions told her of, and that was a death she wasn't looking forward too. Only having that death left ment more than likely the quest would fail and that the Lady would be able to sit back and laugh as Rain's own friends hunted her down as a witch.

Muttering half in silvan, half in the language of her tribe, Rain followed Rath, caring not if the others followed or not. Right now she couldn't care less. "Gilath, old friend, your were right. Death doesnt' seem all that bad right now, after all. It is too bad that I seem to have the odd talent of never suceeding to make someone mad enough to put me out of my misery."

Back in Rath's cave present dispite the wards, two shadows slipped from the crevices. Taking a look at the bowl, the vial, the note, the dagger, and the soul on a shelf, Lerenil and Love gave each other a look that spoke of understanding between them.

Love picked up the frozen soul. Lerenil took the note, and then stepping aside they let the cool presence of Death entreached in her cloak pick up the dagger.

They had what they needed, and without a word they left, their task complete...for now.

#205:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:31 pm
"They left without you...why?"

Ariana wished that Rath hadn't asked. It made her feel insecure. Didn't they need her anymore?
Din't they want her anymore?
She found herself wishing that she was back with the shadow-elf in the mountians, but this time he would talk to her properly and tell her what she needed to know. Or was it just what she wanted to hear?
She was taken out of her reverie rather abruptly as the ceiling started to collapse. Crying out, she fell to the floor and held her hands above her, her mind busy casting wards.
Luckily, she wasn't hurt.
While she was flying, she felt strange. She had levitated once, when she had still been with the elves. Although she did not have much magic, she had a bit in her blood, and had been taught some by an elf mage. She also remembered that she had been lifted into the air not by her own will befre too. It was when she was being made an example of in one of her classes when she was still the age to have them. Most the time, you weren't taught unless you wanted to be, but she had lived in another elfen home for two years when she was five, and had been taught there. The example wasn't a good one.
This was different. She had never flown with someone else before, always she had been lifted off the floor on her own. But when Rath threatened to drop her, she stopped strugling immediately, quashing the rising fear within.
She as aware of how weak she was, and hated herself for it.
When they landed, Rath said something that she didn't understand to Rain, and she replied like wise.
Then Rath told Cremla her maps were useless and stalked off, telling them to follow.
Ariana stared after her in surprise.
We are to trust her after this? She will break up the group! She doesn't even want to do this! But she knew that there wasn't much hope of stopping Rath from coming so she followed, albeit slowly.
She regretted spending so much time away from the group. As a result she hardly knew them. She didn't think there was much depth to cremla. Granted, she may be clever, but there was no depth to her soul.
Graeme gave the impression of a secret past, and a sardonic humour. She doubted she would get much out of him though.
Morzan was still an unknown character to her. The real him was hidden behind his swords.
Hanging back, Ariana fell into step with Morzan and glanced around to see how she could start a conversation. Her gaze rested on his swords and shrugging, she forced herself to say something.
"They look powerful. Where did you get them?"
She thought that it sounded pitiful, but it was the best she could do. She needed to talk to someone, if just to rid the shadow-elf from her mind.

#206:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:54 pm
Rain's mind was brooding. Things weren't looking well.

Her memories of visions were fading, but what she could remember, the paths they had taken would led to no good, no evil either, but certainly no good.

Looking back Ariania, Rain felt a twinge of gilt. She hardly knew her, yet she had given Ariania the right of naming her, a thing vastly important from she was told admist the elven culture.

When Ariania had disapered, Rain had taken one look at the vague images she could detect in the stone and knew that without a doubt, she couldn't interfere with Arinia or what had taken her away. Rain had also known that there wasn't anything she could do about it, and that the elf would return, and that if they didn't leave Rath's cave, it was equally certain Ariania would never return and neither would Rath.

So she had went on, letting things take their course, for once keeping her own nose in her own buisness. She wished she could be the person she once was, for all her companions sakes, but much had changed since Rain had been anything like the girl of her childhood.

Memories haunted her, her own people hunted her, and more than anything, Rain found herself yearning for the deaths that others had taken in her own stead. Sacrfice, that was a word Rain was well acquianted with, she just wished that instead of others sacrificing themselves for her it could have been otherwise.

Memories flood our minds in times of darkness. Regrets also. We cannot change the past, but we can remember how the past was and instead of wishing it way, remember why it was so.

A small sacrastic smile began to hint itself in the corner of her lips. The second saying of Ergos. The second prophesy of her life, the contast companions that always stood in her shadow. Regret. Memories. Pain. Like everything Ergos had ever said or had done, Rain could never figure out why Ergos had said that to her, but then again...

We cannot change the past. We control not the future. The present, well, that's a diffferent story. Those words weren't from Ergos, but from her father.

I guess it's about time I started taking my father's advice...

Slowing her pace until she was abreast to Ariania, Rain touched the elf's shoulder and smiled.

Rain knew she could never be the same, but she could certainly not let herself wish herself dead either. Time for a change....

#207:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:00 am
Ariana started at the touch on her shoulder.
Morzan hadn't replied and a rather awkward silence had fallen between them, so Ariana was glad of the distraction.
Turning, she saw that Celebrin was walking beside her, smiling.
Randril she reminded herself sharply, and smiled back.
"Randril." She said quietly, a bitterness showing in her eys as the name reminded her of the past. Reminded her of how she had thought of the name, and given it. Only truly great elves should be able to name. Randril had said that she had been named by a dark elf before - or at least, she had encountered them, and been given a gift. A flute. Celebrin.
"Malen 'de-Ele Sokir nolre Terikerian Randril" Rain replied, also in aknowledgement. It looked like she was about to say something else, but Ariana cut in before her, still speaking in the silvan tongue so that they would not be overheard.
"You said that you had met the dark elves." She said, feeling guilty at reminding Randril of her painful past, but she felt that she must ask.
"I have heard much about them, but never met one. Are they all what the ledgends say of them? And...and now that you have met the silven, the light elves, what do you think of them?"
She hesitated before she asked the question that she had been leading up to. "And, and do you think it is possible to be both?"
Her voice sounded feeble as she asked it, but she hung on the answer as if her life depended on it. It was unfair to ask Randril this, and yet there was so much more she wanted to know. It was the seconed day. Tomorrow would be the day that Randril and the shadow-elf had said something would happen on.
Something. But what? Randril had told her it wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be, but Ariana had no idea's as to what it could be, so how could it be worse?
Biting her lip, Malen 'de-Ele Sokir nolre Terikerian Randril, or Malen/Sokir, waited for Randrils reply.

#208:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:08 pm
Rath was in a dark mood as she slipped over the rugged terrain, brushing branches out of her way and scraping talons across rocks heedless of the noise they made. She wasn't trying to sneak up on some fat nobel what was the point of silence. But old habits died hard and soon she found herself padding noiselessly through the world, sliding through boughs and branches like a ghost.

I don't belong here. I should never have left Lodriss and my mother behind. I should be their now ripping the throats from my foes...and your family... The last thought rang with more truth than many words she'd uttered and came unbidden to the forefront of her mind. Don't kid yourself Rathainia. You'd kill each of them and enjoy were so close to killing...STOP! Rath put her hands over her ears to silence her own voice.

Mocking laughter echoed in her hollow soul and she felt fingers along the edges of it. No those fingers were not touching her soul but..."Paith!" Her head reared up and she turned to spring for the sky...but before she could twist free of the branches the feeling of fingers, the feeling of Paith himself, was gone. Someone had stolen his soul. "Who? Who could have bypassed my wards..."

Even as she said it she remembered that she'd been in such a huff that her wards hadn't been as strong as she should have made them. And if she hadn't been so angery with him she'd never have left his soul in her Lair at all...Memories slid into the focus of her mind, sharp and clear with harsh truth.

She stood nose to nose with another dragon of emmense size. His scales shimmered alabaster and blue his points gleaming silver. He lacked the feathers on her wings but his were patterned to mimic them, like sheets of patterned silk spread between flexible ribs. His silver-blue eyes were wide with shock as Rath snapped at him, black scales glimmering and red spines flexing angrily.

"You're always in my way! Always stepping on my tail Paith! Just once I wish you'd keep your nose out of my work!

"Dearest I only seek to help you. If you keep using yourself so you'll..." He pulled back as her jaws snapped inches from his snout.

"Oh yes I listen to you every time you preach. 'Keep control of yourself Rath or you'll slip back into madness.' Well maybe this time I want to be crazy! You can't ignore the danger signs Paithaeron or do you think that damned mix breed...that Eroki Ergos is going to be the salvation to all our problems? Think again Paith!"

"Well at least he's trying the best way he knows how instead of losing himself in meaningless bloodshead. You're so wrapped up in your own image, you're own head Rathainia, that you can't see your way clear to help others! Maybe you should stop being so selfish and start trying to see the world from someone else's point of view!" He'd looked at Rath with such hurt in his eyes but she ignored how much it pained him to say those words, concentrating only on the pain they gave to her.

"If that's the way you feel Paith then I'll go. You can feel free to take up some Eroki wife and live a simple life until darkness falls upon this land as well. Don't bother with me any longer since I'm such a burden and I don't care about anyone else in the least. When the kits come you can stay clear of me because YOU'RE NOT WELCOME!" She turned and lunged into the sky, flying as far and as fast as she could, the sounds of his voice growing dimmer as she out flew his pursuit. Then she heard it.

"RATH!" She felt the wounds rend his flesh as if they were rending her own. She sped back towards him, a roar of fury and, yes fear even, bursting from her throat. But she was too late.

'Rath...I love you...' That was the last living thought he had, hurled with his dying strength before half of Rath's soul froze over. Someone had taken Paith for a trophy. Landing next to his body she nosed him several times, knowing that he wouldn't move. It was then that she noticed a terrible. sorrowful sound surrounding her. The sound of her own keening over him.

"Rath?" Rain's soft voice broke into Rath's memories, a gentle hand resting on Rath's shoulder. With a vicious swipe of her arm, Rath brushed tears from her eyes and snarled, causing Rain to back up a pace.

"Someone has just upped the ante. They're going to be very, very, sorry." Stalking off and leaving the others puzzled behind her, Rath once again succumbed to greif. 'I left him behind once and he died. I left him behind again and he's been stolen. He was right.'

#209:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:48 pm
Chapter 13: Vale of Memories

Rain allowed herself to look around them as she walked slowly step in step with Ariania as she considered the Elf's question.

Before them the mountains gave way to a small vale in between their heights. It was a vale of history, legend, and sorrows. Rain had felt it coming with a dread. Knew that no matter what they would have to pass through it if they wished at all to make it to the path Juric had shown her in her dream sleep.

It was called the Vale of Memories. In it, the land was covered with a thick fog. Many had been lost in it. Yet a few had come through.

Every hero, or heros, in Creeian Legend were forced to go there like it or not. In the Vale of Memories, the heros were required to relive their past. Sometimes the past would help them in their quest, sometimes it made them stronger, sometimes they were required to forget them, sometimes it broke them.

This passage was not without a prize however, and many throughout history had gone just to the Vale of Memories just to gain the prizes in store for them there.

Within that vale, if you could find it, was three things. The first was the Key to the Chamber of Heros. The Chamber of Heros itself was a thing of legend in it's own right, but it was also a force that many thought would be needed. Whoever could find the Key to the Chamber could release the souls of every hero of the ages, every magical creature of everything good and right. A fearsome force to say the least. No one had found the Key, yet.

The second was the Lake of Serenity. Far beyond the recall of any mortal or immortal mind, the Lake of Serenity sat in the Vale of Memories there still despite the fact no one had found it's waters or that few if any knew of the place. Home of the Legendary Mage Illrendil, if you could find the Lake of Serenity, you find a rest on your journey. The waters there were supposed to grant you peace and a great strength. However known could stay there forever least they were dead.

The Third and deadliest was the Mirror. A small pool situated who knows where in the vale, the Mirror was rumored to be able to show you things, but uncertain things. The Mirror could show you something of the future. It could show something of the past. It could show you something from the immediate. It could show you nothing. Whatever it showed, the Mirror always showed True and never false, and always something special to each vistor that mananged to make it there. In fact looking in the Mirror was the test of the Eroki kings. Finding the Lake of Serenity, the test of many dragons. And trying to find the Key of the Chamber of Heros, the death of many a quester.

Looking around them, the traces of the fog from the Vale of Memories were wafting up causing Rain herself to momentarily shake off a memory or two. And they hadn't even crossed the Door of the Vale yet. But they would, and if they entered as a group, none of their memories would be sacred. The Vale had an uncanny way of showing some memories to just the liver of them, had sometimes showing those memories to everyone in the Vale. There would be no way of knowing until they entered the Vale.

Turning back to Ariania, Rain looked at her friend sadly,

"The Silvan I have known all my life. They are all that legends say and more, but I cannot tell you everything I would about them as time wouldn't allow that. As for Dark Elves, not all of them are as the legends say, as not all of the Silvan are all that is said of them. To be born Silvan or Dark, is a fate of birth. However it is by choice that any being becomes Light or Dark, and I have known a few who have chosen to against their birth." Sighing a little Rain looked at Ariania, "As for the last, I know what you ask, and it is not what you asked in your words. I cannot answer that question for you. I have told you all I know, Arainia. I could answer your question a few weeks hence because I possesed that skill and the memory of my old skills still. I no longer have that. I have lost it. I have lost it all. There are many questions which none can answer but yourself, Ariania, and that's the best answer I can give for now."

Pushing forward to Rath, Rain touched the Eroki's shoulder.

"Someone has just upped the ante. They're going to be very, very, sorry." Rath growled, leaving Rain puzzled and confused. How she wished...

Rushing up to Rath, Rain said in a low voice. "Rath it's not that, It's what in front of us." Pointing a shaking fingure at the object partial obsurcured by the mist Rain waited until Rath saw what she saw.

Before them stood three stones placed as if they were a door. Carved on the top piece there was written in a language beyond time, "Beware the Vale of Memories. You must enter. Beware to enter. Beware not entering."

#210:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:59 pm
Ariana listened to Rains reply, but could see that there was something else on her mind. It was not particularly helpful in all, but as Rain ran forward to Rath, Ariana was able to look around her properly and she saw it.
The misty mountains - or the vale of memories. Whichever you would chose to call it. She had heard of them in the elfin glades. Tales of death, of fear and yet also of peace of harmony and fulfillment. But whichever they would find there, Ariana was not disposed to run headfirst into it without some thought.
She supposed it was simple really. Having come so far - was she really going to stop?
No. It would be uncomfortable, undoubtably unnerving and maybe even embarresing or harmful. But necessary.
Brow furrowed in thought, She apporached the gate to read what was written there. At the same time she gathered as many memories to her as possible. As many good memories as she could.
If they were at the forefront of her mind - surely they would be the ones that would be picked out first?
She knew it wouldn't necessarily work this way - but one could hope, no?

#211:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:14 pm
Rath swore, some old draconic curse that had no meaning but much power here in Cree. "Oh goody it just had to move right into our paths didn't it. Oh well, come on sacrifical victems, line up behind me and keep all hands, arms, hooves, feet, tails, anything else that might stick out close. This is not going to be pleasant."

Rath walked between the stones without fear, not because she unafraid but because she no longer cared. Behind her the others followed, or maybe that was only the hollow echo of her own soft footfalls. She stooped low, placing one long forearm out infront of her, the other curled up like that of a hunting hound. Her tail and wings quivered and she peered through the mist, stretched out like some preditor after it's prey.

Her nose caught something and she was off like a shot, ignoring the rest of the party who were still whirled in the mist. It wasn't going to be pretty when she and Illrendil met up, not with her like this. She twisted around trees that all seemed to loom, running on all fours like an animal, keeping low and quiet. If she had to be here, and it seemed she had to be here, then she was going to choose the time and place of their meeting.

She burst out of the trees and stood tall, picking bits of twig and leaf out of her hair. Before her stood the shores of a silver lake, light quietly dappling it's surface despite the fact the mist blocked the sun. On the other side of the shore a figure emerged, features breifly illuminated before his face turned away.

"Why have you come back." The words carried no louder than a whisper across the lake, soft and gentle.

"Not by choice I assure you."

"No, no the fact you walk my soil again, the fact you've lost yourself Rathainia." Rath made a sharp gesture.

"You don't need to remind me. Every moment of my life is running before my eyes thanks to this stupid vale. The mist is taking the shape of moments I've lived, some of them not even of this world. Do you realize the power in that?" A nod from the distant figure.

"Of course. I lived all those years with her did I not. Lived all those wonderful years until you came and you killed. Now I live alone within this Vale just to be near her." Slowly the mist near him took shape, the shape of a dragon never born on Cree, but on Lodriss. It was the shape of the young dragon mage Mythree, the one who had died and allowed Rath to regain herself.

"Oh that's nice. Showing me the past is not going to help your future."

"It's not my future I'm worried about's Cree's. The whole world rests on the edge of that sword you wear by your side and you play with it like you play with the hearts of those who love you. One day Rath, you'll find that it will be your undoing." Slowly the misty dragon-form faded and when the mist cleared the mage was gone.

Rath turned from the lake, no rest lay there for her, and pressed ahead. It was some time later that she bounded over a ridge and came to a complete stop. Before her lay a simple round pool a few inches deep, lined with smooth black stone. Blinking Rath peered into it, thirst making her check the fresh water.

Before she could drink one drop the surface shimmered and she cursed her stupidity. She hadn't wanted to see anything, should have known that this lonely pool was indeed that very pool. But she couldn't stop now, not as the water resolved itself into an image that made her reel back in shock.

Splinters of light danced through the bows of massive trees. Threads of power hung everywhere, running through everything and illustrating the tapastry of life. Rath, as she had never before been, stood near a pool at the center of it, a great shadow falling over her. Reflected in her eyes was something indescribeable.

Then the vision was gone and Rath was left stunned, thirst forgotten. She wandered over the ridge, and the next one, parting the mists in no certain order before finally collapsing in a small clearing somewhere in the Vale. "Oh what a fool I have been. Grandmother...tell her I didn't mean it."

#212:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:32 pm
((I wasn't going to post, but maybe I will, just a short little one though, the rest I'll save for later.))

Rain wasn't so fool hardy as Rath however, who stepped in the Vale of Memories without a fear or care in the world. Looking back to her companions, Rain tossed the rather lengthy rope that was her pack thanks to Craema. "Everyone tie themselves togther and quickly. Rath was right when she said this isn't going to be pleasant. I may have to share my more unpleasant memories with you, but blast it if I let I single of you get lost in this Vale!"

Waiting until everyone was tied, Rain tied the beginning of the rope tight around her waist. No one knew what lay in the Vale, but it looked like they were going to find out.

And Rain had an odd suspicion that just about every memory she didn't want anyone else to know about was going to be dragged out in the open.

Stepping forward, Rain reached her hands out hoping to find Rath in front of her....

#213:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:49 pm
Rath's form shifted while she lay there, becoming a man-size version of her dragon self. She lifted her head, tounge lolling, before getting to her shaky legs. Tail dragging the ground behind her, churning up three long furrows, she started wearily back toward the rest of the party, guided unerringly by the power of the sword.

In a few moments she was alongside them, hidden in the mist which was now quiet, having dredged everything it could have from Rath's long life. Pacing wearily beside them she was kept at bay by a bank of mist. Obviously it didn't want her to rejoin them just yet so Rath merely plodded along, watching the terrors that sprang from the minds of the others.

#214:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:40 pm
((I told myself I would wait...I told everyone else I would patiently for their post. Guess I lied...oh well. Boredom and impatience may get me critized, and scolded, but I'm sure you'll forgive me, eventually.))

The fog of the Vale of Memories surrond their small party completly except for a tiny clearance which allowed them to see before them and little to each side. Swirls of mist went to and fro each person making them experience pieces and moments of their lives all over again.

For the most part, the memories each of them experienced were in their own mind. Sometimes however, a faint image of what one of them was seeing appeared in the mist. Scences of battle from Morzan, Elves from Ariania, an old man from Graeme, a libary full of books from Craema would from time to time dot the scene.

Rain, however was a different story. The mist had left her alone, so far, and Rain could only guess as to why. Where as none of the others had made their past a secret, Rain had. Granted the memories she was experiencing from her childhood brought tears, but they were nothing to some of things she had kept hidden even from her own brother.

They were only on the edges of the vale however, the memories would get more painful, more sharp, more pleasant, more clear, and generally stronger as they made their way through the vale.

Then it happened, standing in front of her, clear as the day it had happened was a memory Rain remembered all to well, out in the open for all to see:

A much younger Rain is the picture, her clothes tattered, her hair a mangled mess, a heavy pack swinging on and off her back. 'I was only 10, my word, I was only 10.' Around the youthful version of herself, the scenery was becoming atonishly clearlier. She was in a wood, the Kaldr wood that dominated most of Andoria's western land which the Terikerian often traveled, and she was running, clearly out of breath, clearly afraid. She looked hunted.

She was hunted. But by what?

It had been hours before it had happened but in this vision, the event happened in minutes.

It happened just on the border of the wood, where the tall trees and heavy underbrush had finally given way to a clearing. The child version of Rain appeared, peering in to the clearing, unsure if she should cross it, unsure if she could allow herself a rest to take a drink of water that she so surely needed.

She took a step forward, out of the darkness into the light. There was a blurl, and the elder Rain could almost feel the pain of the fall as the vision of her childhood self was knocked over onto the roots, tackled by the very enemy that hunted her.

Her childhoodself was on the ground know looking up into the unforgiving sun that stood behind the equally unforgiving face of her enemey. Rain now saw what she once saw, what she saw as the first death that she could have died, and know that everyone saw also.

Above her a female face once beautiful was now scarred by the unmistaclble evidences of fate. A cruel smile was on her enemy lips as Rain felt herself try to weakly struggle against the pure weight of the woman who kneeled on her chest gloating. Hate was her eyes. The woman who held Rain down was enjoying this. Words were exchanged but none could here them.

During this time, the child version of Rain did the first smart thing she could have done, her hand had finally managed to release a small silver dagger that she fumbled with in her hands. Raising it to slash the Woman's chest so fast it even surprised herself, Rain watched as a gash opened from the woman's shoulder to the almost the top of the woman's chest. The Woman shocked by this sudden and unexpected effort on the girls part lossened her grip and raised a hand to strick the child back.

Another blurl, and something, Rain couldn't see what tackled the Woman to the ground saving the girl from a very bad beating.

Rain, not to surprised not to follow the first instict she had, stumbled up to her feet and ran into the nearest bush. Then she hid.

Screams, yells, and curses filled the woods until suddenly the stopped. An errie silence followed until Rain peering from the bushes saw the Lady stumble past heavily wouded.

Carefully with the silence that came from being a gyspy raised admist the elven kind more often then not, Rain followed wanting to see where this Woman went, hoping that the Woman would seek selter for her wounds and thus be unable to hunt her for a long time.

Rain watched as the Woman stumbled into a convent somewhere southwest of the glade, watched as she was welcomed freely, watched as the Woman collapsed weakly into the priest arms. As the door shut, Rain watched and then waited until the natural sounds of the forest resumed.

Then with the same caution she used earlier stumbled back to the glade. Walking into the glade what she saw was a bloody scene. Taking one look at the person's face who had saved her life, Rain took three steps away and threw up her lunch with a weak wrench.

Taking a cloth from her bag, Rain cleaned the body and then with branches and leafs made a grave the only way her small ten year old body could.

As she tied a last oranment of a white flower called the everlest on to the pile with some ribbon, Rain spotted a bloody dagger on the ground, the blood making an eerie contrast to the green of the glade. Picking it up, Rain cleaned it up and stumbled out of the clearing, her feet and mind in a daze. As she left the glade, the vision began to dim only allowing a glimspe of Rain's face before it completly disappered.

Rain's childhood face, only ten and yet acquainted with grief, was filled with a sadness beyond words.

The person who had saved her life was a silvan, a light wood elf, one of the many who had raised her, protected her, and had taught her. A elven man who in his life had been called, Aerilian Celebrithil.

The Woman had been the one who was now known as the Lady of The Night before she ever was the Lady of the Night, but a Terikerian Gyspy woman of legendary beauty.

Closing her eyes and holding out her hands as her mind reeled from the vision, Rain breathed and in a voice that sounded grieved whispered in a voice that seemed to echo in the thick mist, "And that was only the first. OH my, that was only the first."

#215:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:44 pm
Ariana had tied the rope around her wrist so that it could be easily taken off, yet strong enough to keep her to them should she trip and fall. The memories were not unplesant. In fact, you could say she was quite enjoying the experience. Being an elf - she had a good memory anyway, but from the depths of her mind were coming visions from her early childhood. So young that she could scarce remember them without this added help. It was also a surprise to see herself in some of the memories. Normally she would see through her eyes, and watch the scene as she had then, but some of them showed her as if she was an invisable force watching instead of actually there.
She had expected more of them really. They were still not so real, as if she were watching a play, or seeing a reflection in a pool. Occasionally, she would see glimpses of the others and wondered if they could see hers. So far she didn't mind so much and began to wonder whther her 'think good thoughts' technique was really working. Soon she was even smiling, humming slightly as she observed the mist around her for more glimpses of the past. Whether hers or others.
Then it came. The face of a small child. She had had glimpses of Graeme's Morzan's and Cremla's but not Rain's. Rath, as far as she knew had gone ahead so she did not expect to see hers - but she had been wondering why Rain's memories were not coming out.
Something about the face told Ariana there was something wrong. The eyes were wide and held fear, too much for a child of only...ten?
She was running, stubling through the trees. Soon she came to a clearing and stopped, hesitating, wondering whther she could afford a rest. As she did so, Ariana had a prickling sensation on the back of her neck and felt like shouting out 'No! Go on, don't stop!'
She knew, however, that it would make no difference. Hardly a second later a beast had flown from the trees and wrestled her to the ground. At a second glance, Ariana saw that it was a beautiful woman, a gypsy by the look of her.
They stayed like that, exchanging silent words for a minute or two. Then the child Rain drew a dagger and slit the womans chest. Ariana winced. She knew that she should not feel sorry for the lady - that she was evil. But somehow she did.
More than Randril? A voice whispered in her ear. Do you like her better than your friend? She dismissed the thought with an angry clenching of the jaw as she resumed watching the memory. Something told her that she shouldn't that she should turn away and refuse to see because it was personal to Randril and was undoubtedly being shown unwillingly. Another part told her that Rain had seen her memories, and would see much more.
She had been watching the vision on auto pilot while thinking this. Now though, she was jumped back into the present and her hand flew to her mouth in an involuntary gasp as she saw the deformed and bloody face of Rain's silvan saviour. A minute or two later and it faded into nothing, leaving behind it an image of the 10 year old Rain's face.
Ariana continued to stare at the part of mist where it had been betrayed. She had always hated death. Always.
This didn't mean it had evaded her though - more like haunted her purposely because of its knowledge of her fear.
At the moment she was finding it hard to breathe and she knew instinctively that she could hide her dark memories no longer. They must have been walking for a long while now because when the vision came she felt it strongly, and she stopped walking. Somehow, she knew that that the others could see it too. It was too real for them not to. And it was not just one.
It started, washing over her in waves and she stood swaying slightly as if in a trance.

A light forest glade not unlike the one of Rains memory. A woman who vaguely resembles Ariana is stumbling through it. She seems in a hurry, but it is eveident that she is not being chased. It is not an immediate danger, whatever is driving her with such determination.
In her arms is a bundle of cloth. Ariana knows who it is, but the memory does a close-up to make sure. It is an elven baby and it is crying. The mother though, does not seem to hear. Either that or she ignores it, continuing on her way. She looks tired and has evidently been travelling for some days, if not weeks.
Not even Ariana knows how long it was.
This continues for several minutes. In which time, the mother elf becomes increasingly tired. She is stumbling more often now and if one looks closely, there are tears running down her face although she makes no noise.
They appear in a slight clearing. It is a different one from Rain's memory, for this one does not have a pool and is more shaded. Now the elf stops although not of her own will for she trips on one of the roots and falls to the ground. As she falls she twists so she falls on her side, carefull not to hurt the baby which is still crying loudly. Her ragged breathing comes clear and sounds above the babies howls and there is a pause and the memory halts as if it does not want to continue. A second later and it resumes.
Now though, the baby has stopped crying.
Another close-up and the mother holds the baby closer to her and brushes her lips against the babies forehead. Then her head lolls back and her eyes glaze.
For a moment, it seems as if there is another pause or standstill, but the sounds of the birds can still be heard and you realise that it is merely a significant moment as the veiw changes to be shown from the babies eyes. It is blurred as she is crying, but it is tragic. Even though she is hardly of age to understand, somehow you realise that she has.

"And I have always cried silently since." Whispered Ariana, still apprently caught up in the memory although it has now faded, leaving the image of the glazed eyes and blonde hair of the elfin mother. Tears are running down her face now, proving her point as she makes no noise except those words.
Before she can see the others reaction, or even get over her own of the last vision, another one pops unbidon to her mind.
Again, she is painfully aware that all can see it.

This time there is a much darker auror and Ariana is older. It is not altogether clear where she is but she still looks young, and the human equivelent of three years old. She is clad in a rough grey cloth which could have been a sack in earlier use and is sitting down staring mournfully into nothingness. This continues for about aminute and then a change comes to her face and her ears prick up as if she is listening hard for something. Eyes growing wider, her head shoots up and she looks around widely as if searching for something or someone with her eyes. Still, she is the only one who has heard anything.
"Kyler!" She calls quietly. This could be a name, or it may just be garble. The Ariana of the future winces as she hears the dependence in her voice. Even through that basic feeling though, a stronger one shines through. Fear.
"Kyler!" She calls again, this time slightly louder, but still in a hjushed tone as if afraid of alerting someone to her presence.
Nobody comes and She begins to fidget. A moment later and she is on her feet and walking unsteadily through the gloom. You get the impression that the space is not very big, and is almost reminiscent of a small rounded cupboard.
This notion is thrown aside as you see her stumble and fall. The vision has switched now to see through her eyes, and you realise that she has trippied on some steps. They twirl upwards and give the impression that wherever she is, goes up a long way. Next to the stairs is a small trapdoor - no doubt containing more stairs - this time descending. Getting up, She hurries now, making her way around the steps until she comes to a door. She hesitates. The door seems to be carved into the room itself and is hidden, so it is only when she stops and peers through a small hole no doubt used for spying on the ouside world do you realise what it actually is.
As she looks, you can see that she is in a forest. The view is shaking slightly and you realise that she must be very afraid. "Ky..." She stops. She had been whispering so law that whoever Kyler was wouldn't have heard anyway, but now everyone can hear a noise. It is an indistinct noise, but reminds you of movement. Someone or something is coming. Turning, she runs, stumbles, trips and generally makes her way back to the steps. Although she is old enough to climb them, for some reason she crawls up them now, and her vision blurrs yet again. A shift of view and yet again you are the invisable outsider watching the scene play out before your eyes. She stops about ten step up and peers out of another small hole that has been cut there.
For a split second you see the veiw from her eyes. You are still in the forest, but higher up now, a good vantage posistion to observe what is happening and yet not be seen.
Then the view shifts again so that you are seeing the other side of the hole. You can just about see the watery blue of her eye before you are whisked backwards, and you realise with a start that she is inside a tree. A large old oak. The light has also changed. Instead of the darkness which you have now got used to, there is now light. It is filtered through the branches of the trees, but at first it is blinding. Nothing happens for a few minutes and the light becomes less bright, showing the scene clearer. The lack of action is made up for almost immediately though, as everything seems to happen at once.
First the noise becomes louder and you discern that it is coming from some bushes a few metres away from the house-tree. Suddenly, something emerges from the bushes. It's form is hideous. A long thin sleek black body with equally long thin sleek black legs pretruding from it at several odd angles. Its head is melted into the rest of the body and the eyes are glassy and black with red veins. Just below them is a mouth. Or at least, a gap. There are no lips but like a vampire, the top teeth jut out and are pointed. Unlike a vampire though, instead of two teeth, there and a whole row. At least eight, and more like ten.
It is, then, a mix of many animals, and would be classed, I suppose in the 'too-large' insect catagory as it measures about five metres.
Another one appears behind it, and another after that. Luckily, that is all that come.
For a moment they just stand there, sniffing the breeze. Then they begin to jerk their way towards Ariana's tree.
Even though the future Ariana is expecting the next part, she still cannot help marvelling at the timing and wondering if it was more then mere luck. For at that precise moment, there is a whizzing sound, and a knife whirls out of the forest to embed itself in the side of one of the beasts. Immediately, they all stop, and with deadly accurecy, all turn to face the exact direction from where it came.
The vision wavers a moment and once again the sight of the following events is limited as it is seen through Ariana's eyes.
From the same direction as the knife, a man appears. Or at least, his basic shape represents a human, but on his head he wears a mask that covers his face. It is a long beak with black raven feathers stuck all around it smothing his whole head from veiw. On his hands are similar feather forming a strange kind of glove. Also, these feathers cover his feet. Apart from this, and a similar grey sack tied around his waist, he wears nothing.

"Kyler" Ariana whispers, her eyes wide. In her mind, she has already relived what comes next.
At first there is nothing. A truce exists while the other does not move. He is whispering under his breath, and a moment later he raises his arms. It is not a peace gesture and now you can hear that he is chanting. The words are not clear, but they would be unknown to most as they are not a language of a people, but of a force.
The insects realise what is happening too late, but when they do, they move forward instead of away. They are not stupid, and it is better to use your last moments for revenge than a pointless running away, no?
A blast. An explosion. Hissing. A shout. And dust...
dust that seems as if it is never going to clear.
Ariana has moved from her posistion and is now groping her ways down the stairs. There is no movement from outside. No sound either. The door opens and there is a feeling of the end. Of ultimatum. Of significance and of Freedom.
Down on the ground the dust has cleared slightly and she can see what remains. Not much. There are various black body parts lying around and as she searches for any sign of...there. By the trees is another body, the face still covered in black feathers. Hurrying, she finds herself by his side, and can see the gouges along his front.
The vision fades.

A black cavern, total darkness. Silence. A scream.
A lake. Underwater. Hair entwined with the seaweed and an arm. Stretching out. Help...
A small room sparsely furnished. Happy laughter and raised voices from another room off the side. A rat, dead in the corner next to a partly open cupboard with flies buzzing round and round and round...
Night. A ...

NO! Too much. Gasping, Ariana stared at the mist. How had that happened? She hadn't been in control at all. She had only heard tales of this place, now she wished that she hadn't even had that. She wished that she could be normal, and ordinary elf who would skip happily around the peaceful forest glades singing with her friends, attending feasts and exchanging pleasantries. Not trapesing around some misty vallys reliving a past filled with despair.
Lifting her head up, she faced the others. She wondered whether they had all seen, or whether they had been too wrapped up in their own memories.

#216:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:45 pm
((Okay, I guess I better get this done and over with. Hope you all enjoy this little tour of Rain's past and the many secrets that some know, others guess, and others have yet to learn.))

Rain stood there for a long time. How long she couldn't have said. All she knew was that her mind was realing from the memory she had first experienced. Everything, every feeling, every hurt that had come with that memory including the memories that had made that memory now were inprinted on Rain's mind clearier than ever. Why? What had she learned?

Then the mist told her. Remember courage. You had it once. You lost it. You think you are alone. You thought so then. You thought you had no defense HER but you fought. Remember Courage. Courage.

Lowering her hand from her head, Rain's eyes peirced through the mist ahead. She knew that voice. She had heard so long ago, but now that she heard again, why couldn't she place it.

More violent memories played from each person, each taking turns, as memories some to horrible to look at played on the fog. And while that happened, there was a breath of relief for Rain as the fog replayed some of her more pleasant childhood memories.

The memory of her mother's smell only stronger, and more clear than Rain could remember it ever being. It was a complex smell, made of some things Rain couldn't even put a name to. In it was: the subtle smell of sulfur hidden beneath the golorious smell of wood smoke that seemed to cut through the cold air which hung around those twin smells, there was the smell of nutmeg, the stong aroma of cloves inbeeded into a ripe orange, the smell of steel that seemed to hang on one's tongue, the smell of spicy of apple cider just coming to a boil, and finally the faint smell of raw meat and the blood of it still fresh on the hands just moments from the kill.

The memory of laughing through the woods, boundled up in a fur dress as her and her elven friends played hide and seek under her elder brother's eyes. The memory of holding the reigns of the wagon's two horses as her father sat tall and proud beside her, and her brother Juric riding beside them at an even pace. The smell and sound of the sea as it crashed against the bark of the Red Wheel or My Lady Love. The memory of old Mat laughing at her along with Juric as she stumbled for the first time on board a sea vessel. The bittersweet memory of her brother being bonded to Gilath and becoming a dragon-mage.

Then there were the painful memories. The last memory Rain had of her father as his sad eyes watched her leave from the scene as she walked away from her brother's grave. The memory of standing in front of the whole Terekerian Tribe, both times. The first memory which the Lady sat as the main judge, the second memory when Marlbrin accused her of killing her own brother by magic and trickery. The first memory was not a pleasant one and luckily it decided to stay where Rain had placed it deeply buried by the other memory of the forest Glade under which had hid it. The second memory wasn't perhaps so bitter, as it was brief, but it carried many other memories with it, Memories that Rain feared to have shared.

It had been after the Terikerian Tribe had cast her out, at the age of 18, that Rain had taken her name of Nari and also her name of Arian. Before that, Rain had believed herself safe. After that, Rain learned to her grief that not only wasn't she not safe but the Woman who had attacked her, who had accused her as unnatural, the Woman who had tried to convince her tribe that Rain was a witch, was not only alive and well but was much more than she had remember.

The memory of that first meeting, the memory when Rain had learned what that Woman of her Tribe had become was fresh, and it was that memory that began to form vaguely on the fog... A young woman between the age of eighteen and twenty walked throughout the carvan trading city she had come to dwell in occasionally for the last two months. She wore the dress simalar to the one Arian had worn at the Dragon Inn. Around her, merchants at their stalls called their wares claiming that their's was better than the others across the streets. The city in which she walked was an infamous one, one as full of merchants as it was of theives. Many an assasin could be found and bought in this city. Indeed, it was in this city that the Rain had first met Rath when she had accidently stumbled onto the assassin's camp. Why the dragoness hadn't killed her then, Rain didn't know, and though neither of them knew it they would become friends some day. This city, although free with it's reputation for crime, was also free to who it welcomed within it's walls. The City, known as Kaliven, located just past the first mountain range that made the Western Wall, opened it's arms to all kindreds, all kinds, all professions. Centaurs, mages, elves, dwaves, nymphs, niads, fauns, Eroki, dragon (if it could fit), and many more were all welcomed here without a fuss.

It was also near this city that the largest convenant of a group that called themselves the Light's Chosen was located. Although Rain didn't know it, although Kaliven didnt' know it, although history didn't know it, this would be the first casuality in a long war.

Late that night when Rain was playing her old flute, not celebrin but the wooden one before that, at a local inn for some money, a few of the Chosen crept into the city while many of the inhabitants slept quietly in their beds. The next morning posters declared that there was a new prophet amdist the Light's Chosen, and that they simple called her The Lady, and this prophet speaking the words of the Light for the Light had declared that all 'Unforantes, Unnatural's, and other Damned beings' were not only a curse on this land, but the Light had made it very clear that it was displeased by it's Chosen not taking the actions it should. It therefore urged the city to refuse shelter to these 'unnatural beings' or the group would take 'unforantate but holy measures to purge the city from it's blindness'. The notice gave them until nightfall the next day. The notice also declared that any 'concenred citzens' or 'interested parties' who wished to hear this prophet's words could see 'the High and Esteemed Lady' on the Kalvien's Treasury's steps.

Rain had went, more curious than anything else. Although she disagred strongly with the groups feelings, it never hurt one to be aware of new movements of such a strong group, especially when one was traveling through a country it had heavily enfluenced.

As she arrived near the steps of the Kalvien's Treasury, Rain was surprised to see the vast amount of men and woman, all human and normal surprisingly, that had gathered there. A large part of them were the radical memember's of Fate's Chosen set apart by their long white robes without marks and their faces covered in viels, their hair with hoods.

The steps themselves were guarded not by the group itself but by what appeared to be Mercenaries from the Western Country of Sel-Nia. Rain watched as several more memember's of Fate's Chosen walked backwards before their 'Lady' who was hidden from view by a large white veil. As the woman reached the climax of the stairs, she tossed aside her veil turning as she did so.

The Rain in the memory gasped. Before her on those steps, stood the very woman that had hated and hunted her so all those many years ago. The woman had changed though greatly. Her face had become thin and angled, and her eyes once a beautiful sapphire filled with laughter were now an emotional black filled with a inner power. Where the Lady had been stunnily beautiful before, she was even more so now, and more than one man in the audience would have given all their children alive for her to eat right then and there if she had but glanced at them kindly.

Luckily for Rain, she was well hidden in the group, and from the Lady's Causual Glance over the audience, the Lady didn't see her or to recongize her in the least.

Raising a beautiful sing-song soprano voice that won many hearts over to her designs, the prophetess of the Fate's Chosen spoke, poision in her every word. "Dear People, I know that for many long years who have lived in worry and fear. You not so any longer. And although we have no doubt that the many long years under the lying falsehoods of Politicians and Taxiatians that tax you, lie to you, and steal you very livehood have poisioned your hearts and minds, We are here today in the hopes that you may perhaps be won to Truth, in which their is the only way of Living for the days to Come.

I do not speak foolishly, for I too, was one of you. For I was once a gypsy of the land, roaming contently, never resting once, little did I know that my true wandering was in my soul. I once lived as you do know, unknowing of the truth, decieved, and I believed myself happy, I believed myself content. But I was not. Deep inside my heart I believed that the things the other's around me were true. I could not believe that I should be required to Pay to those who call themselves Kings, that I must reverence these beings whom I never saw as gods, that I should at all times respect my country who at the same time stole our livestock, ravegaged our farms, and deprived our young men of their youth for their own twisted purposes. I knew that magic is not a natural thing, after all, the only 'magic' I ever saw was mirrors and tricks. I knew that it couldn't be possible that some damnation of a half-horse half-man could be natural and that the logical making of such ambdimantions was to be blessed by the very King and Queen I was suspossed to serve, Even though I was a Gyspy, Even Though I had neither King nor Queen!

Yet I surpressed this knowledge. Until my nights became restless, until my soul began to awake to the truth. I owed this awakening to a very small young girl, who with the magic of her lips, decieved many, and won the love of others through deciet. I saw this same girl paint a picture of a sunset on a waterfall, and knew that magic was real.

Then one night, when in bed, I realized that if Magic was real, if real it could be called, it was a deception a tool of the darkness, to win souls for it's dark purpose. I knew then that Girl had to be punished, that she had to be killed, for wheither a willing victum or no that Girl was a tool of the darkness.

But the Girl had enrapped my tribe so that their eyes could no longer see the truth, and I knew that it was the end for me. So I tried to kill the girl myself. She fled and I purcude. Such a fool was I to think I could wrestle the darkness and it's tools! For one day, I met this possesed Girl, This Witch whose eyes haunt me still in all their unnatural color, and I gained this!" The Lady shouted, revealing the scar Rain had given her while yet a child. "I thought I would die that day of the dark posion that flowed through my veins from that wound. But Mercy, and Praise to the Light, The Light saw fit to lead me still. It lead me to a group called the Fate's Chosen, and they taught me the truth.

I learned, and I drank deep from the well of truth. I was to them a simple daughter to whom they had saved until one day, I was graced by a vistor, an angle of strange sight, whose face I couldn't look upon whose wings covered the sun, and he told that I was to be a Prophet and that under me all of the forces of the Light would be led.

So I stand here now, undesevering prophet of the Light, calling for a reveal. Calling for you to throw out these trickesters, these tools of the dark, these unnatural beings which darkness itself formed, and I urge you see the Light!"

There was a bright flash in the memory and the stairs were filled with visions of angels, or at least that what they appeared to be. Rain, her trained eyes looking past the illusion, saw the truth, these angels were not angels at all but demons, dark demons. Knowing the truth, knowing the danger she know had accured on herself by listening to long, Rain began to make her slow way out of the crowd and eventually out of the city. Rain had every reason in the world to warn every person she knew, but she also knew that she was a Criminal in the eyes of her own people, a wanted person in her land, and that no one would listen to her.

But perhaps they would listen Arin...oh why was such a fool, no one would listen to a stranger, either. Rain knew that the only thing she could do was warn Juric and anybody else that would believe her and then run as far as she could. Her mind kept reeling wtih the same thing...if she finds me...I'm so dead.

That night as Rain looked back from a high ridge she was attempting to climb, Rain looked back to see the city of Kavien go up in smokes, watched and remembered that what she saw that day was the first act of war. A war against all that was good and pure in the world going under the same name that was supposed to protect it. The young Rain, otherwise known as Arin at the time, shook her head a single tear gracing her gentle cheeks as she turned back to climb the tall mountain before her.

Rain watched the memory play in both her mind and on the fog and wondered if the other's saw, readjusting her pack, Rain began to walk forward in the midst as memories of her life began to play in her, around her, and in front of the group in picture clear clarity.

It was night. All around it was darkness, but slowly hazily the picture reslolves showing the scene. You are in a large cave. All around the cave refugees from the war surrond you. Switching the view, you see Rain, about five years hence, standing near the entrance of the cave. Instively you that Rain has joined the group and that she had come to them hurt and bruised, it was the begginnign of the history which she told you some month ago. In her sash Celebrin was displayed proudly and from the shine of the silver, you can guess that she had just received it not to many days before she joined this group. The group in the cave is lead by a strong brunette, a daughter of the former Marshal of the west, and her pleasantly round form clothed in an attractive dress that although ragged with tears and dirt made her no less beautiful. Around her neck she wears a silver necklace with a large green pendant.

She approaches Rain who stands near a commonal fire that she shared with four other people, including the leader of the group, whose name was Naomi. Naomi smiles at Rain, and accepting a loaf of bread from her enfancied, a muscled beared man named Will. Amoung this group at this fire is a young eroki male whose blood red wings, haunted firey eyes, and nervous glances marked him as a victim of the attacks from the demon hordes in the west. There also sits a falidri mage, a mage who took after neither light nor dark but of the earth, whose sparkling grey eyes, winning smile, blond hair, and the blue tattoes you could see on his hands seemed no distrubance. The final member of their group was a pregant healer whose bulging stomache declared that she was soon to be delievered. Judging from the go-go eyes the healer and falidri mage were giving each other, they were at least mates if not husband and wife.

The scene fast forwards to when most of the group lies sound asleep, including Rain. The scene rushes forward to Rain's face who suddenly dartes up, her normally lavender eyes turning a deep trouble marron as sweat drips down her face. Nightmares still fill her eyes, as the Faldri known as Yrondi also dartes up, his face much the same as Rain's. Taking one look at each other, they rush to wake up Namoi, and they tell their of their nightmare, which sounded unerrily semaliar. Yrondi told her that Rain, who they called Nari, had a vision and he had the same one. According to what he could gather, a very powerful force of demons were coming their way and there was no way of telling how soon.

The sounds of people getting up and being rushed down a small tunnel procceded this scene, followed by scene where the eroki male in order to distract the demon hordes from the group steps forward and with a spell became what the demons themselves had made him, a wall of flame, a haunted flame which the demons could no touch nor cross.

Taking one last look behind them as a few strong men rolled in front of the passageway, Rain knew she could hide her secrets no longer.

Two months latter, the group arrived at the Capital of Andoria.

~ ~ ~

The scene blurls and switches. A small group made of Yrondi, an old man, Naomi, and Rain stand in small hall in which stands a small table with several chairs. Many ambassdors, upon hearing this groups entrance, turned their heads to see what they could.

As Naomi and the others were escorted to their seats, Rain took her's, a simple stool in a corner.

A trumpet's call annoced the Queen's arrival, and Rain turned to see the first truly beautiful woman she had seen in her life. The Queen was simply dresseed in a simple dress of brown cotton that any farmer's wife could afford. At her side held there by a simple golden cord, was a sharp straight sword, it's lightness depicting it as ment for the Queen's hand, but it's sharpness telling that this was no tool.

The Queen herself wore her shoulder length straw colored hair down, it's curles outlining her kind, sad, heartshaped face as she looked to each person present and gave a small nod as her soft brown eyes crossed each one. The Queen was short, but no shorter than typical for many Andorian woman, and her bulging belly only hinted at either to many chocolates or a hope beyond a kingdom's wildest dreams.

The conference lasted long, each of the ambassdor's giving their opinions each in turn, and at the last they listened to the Queen's tale of how the King had died and then when she was finished, the ambassdor's listened with horror of the tales of the refugees from the Western Border's of Andoria.

The whole time it had lasted, Rain had sat quietly in the corner, her flute, not celebrin but a wooden one she perfered for it's softer voice, playing a low southing melody barely detaclable to their ears, but present to their minds.

In the end, the ambassodor's were willing to declare war, but they only had one question: Why did the Demons wish to attack Andoria of all places?

This time, for the first time, the flute music stopped, and the ambassdor's turning to see the raven haired purple eyed flute player in the corner started. Then Rain spoke, "I know, If we could speak alone my Queen?"

~ ~ ~

The picture of the memory shifted on the fog becoming clearier as it should Rain as Nari and the Queen in the Queen's antechamber not far from the hall they had been in.

Dismissing the servants there with a simple"I believe she said alone," and a raise eyebrow.

Accepting the seat she was offered, Rain told the Queen everything. And I mean everything.

The group listened in the fog as the memory broadcast not only the picture but the words of Rain's memory.

Rain sat there and told the Queen how once long ago, a woman of her tribe had found her playing her flute and how this woman had discovered that Rain could with musical notes, songs, and sung runes that the elves had taught her cast minor illusion spells. Something that could perhaps be called 'magic'.

This woman had then dragged her before her tribesmen and declared her to be a Witch. When the Tribe refused to believe this woman, she had gone mad and more than one occasion Rain found herself avoid near attempt on her life from this woman. That this woman soon became mad.

Rain fearing for her life, ran away, into a nearby wood. The Woman who was soon cashed out of the tribe as an insane woman began to hunter.

Rain told the Queen what had happened in the glade. Told the Queen the Speech she had heard in the now destroyed town of Kalvien.

~ ~ ~

In the end, all the Queen told the people of the council was that 'This woman believes herself to be a prophet and will kill any who will not join her precious cult, or harbors or supports 'unnaturals'. Do you know who she calls unnaturals? Elves. Centaurs. Dwavres. Mages. Dragons. Normal people. People on which we all have in our land. People who even know sit as representives in this group. The woman, this Lady, will not rest until our countries are 'purged' and I for one don't intend on standing around waiting for to Killing all my people of my land. It will do you well to remember that if we are conquered, it will only be a matter of time before your own countries are conquered. This is the report this girl, who calls herself Nari, tells me, and I believe her for she speaks with a truthful eye and an honest soul."

Thus began the War....

Rain brushed the memories aside, trying to concertart on what was ahead, but more kept on coming....some her own....some not....

#217:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:53 pm
The fog wrapped like fingers around Morzan's ankles and soon rised to his knees. Looking asround he lost sight of everyone else. Infront of him he could just barely make out the solloetes of people. There five in all and they just stood there.

Sprinting forward Morzan tried to reach them but with each step they moved further away. Soon the figures disappeared into the fog and he was alone. Standing still he listened for sound, any sound. But all he heard was the beat of his heart and a ringing in his ear.

"Where is everyone?" he said quietly to himself.

In the distance the sound of hooves could be heard but not just one. Hundreds. Then the cry of a thousand soldiers reached him. The earth shook under his feet and the sky became red. The sound came from all directions.

Drawing out his weapons Morzan slashed at the the air. The sound grew steadly.Figures began to appear in the fog. The were moving towards him with frightening speed. Whipping around he tried to run but there stood a thousands soldiers to greet him.

Morzan could soon see the details on the soldiers that moved towards him. Seeing the sunken faces of the fog warriors Morzan felt his heart freeze and his soul vanish.

The soldiers gave another cry and finaly reached Morzan. They ran through him slashing and proding him with their weapons. Falling to his knees he screamed as pain flared up through his entire body. Old wounds returned but this time all at once.

When the pain past Morzan fell forward and lie on the cold, hard ground. Sweat beaded his forhead and made his hair stick to his skull. Is that the anguish I brought on people?

After a long while he got back up and vomited. Everything I've done. All the acts of killing I've performed where they all in vein? Thinking again about the attack of the fog soldiers he winced as the pain returned. All those people had families and I killed them all. Without a thought and all for King and Country.

Looking into the fog he grimaced. The sky returned to its pale grey color. Whiping his lips he stood up with shaking legs. Looking around he felt warmth return to his bones. But the cold weight of the dead was still on him and it refused to leave. Staring down at his hands he watched as clear liquid fall into his plams.

Putting his hand to his face he realized "Im crying..."

Tears continued to run down his face and fall off his chin. Continuing to stare down at his hands he watched, to his horror, blood began fall from his finger tips. It ran down his hands and pooled on the ground.

Watching the pool of blood he saw his reflection. It was no longer the face of a young, promsing soldier. But was now the rotting skull the undead. Blank eyes and sunken cheeks.

"What could this mean? Am I doomed to die from some fallen enemy? Is this my faith, to eventually die from a blade when Ive killed so many with my own?"

Turning to the fog he observed the memories of everyone else. Thier tomes of books, music and poetry.

Soldiers started rushing past him again. This time they were his own. They came from behind him and shouted as the moved to attack the invisible enemy. Watching as young men and women ran past him to die he started to walk forward but stopped.

"Do I realy need to kill more in order to save Cree? Do my actions realy amount to that much?"

Turning around Morzan walked against the flow of soldiers. Dropping his weapons Morzan silently vowed to himself,

"I will only fight to defend my friends and allies from harm. If someone wishes harm to me they will be ignored. I am now a shield, a defender of the peace. Only to bring harm in the most serious of times.

#218: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:50 pm
Graeme wandered the mist. He soon lost sight of his companions. What memories shall I remember? I done nothing wrong. I done nothing sinister. I'm a hunchback. Nothing more, and from my decisions, nothing else either. My memories are my own, no stupid valley shall take them. I'm a priest of power. No, I shall not be arrogant. That was my mistake long ago...

Graeme spun, seeing the nameless faces of the citizens of that long ago city. He revolved around, dread slowly creeping through his body. No. This couldn't be happening. Not again. Living through it once was painful enough. The rejection still burned him. That bitch. He waited for her to appear, wanting to see her face before he unleashed the full extent of his rage on the woman who destroyed his father. The woman, who made a great man of high standing into a broken man with little love to give.

A shadow drew slowly closer to the priest. It began to form a shape. An old, dignified woman of obvious high standing. Three servants followed.

"Who is this cripple to be in my path?!" she bellowed at him.

"I...I am your illigitimate son you pompous old windbag. And this is for my father!!!" he screamed at the woman, releasing his power, all his vast strength at this being who ruined his family.

The woman was destroyed. Graeme grinned. He then felt a presence behind him, and to the left, and right. Hundreds. All of his mother.

"You worm are not my son, I am a woman of standing. You are a crippled hunchback, a poor one. Leave me now," said the voices in unison.

"You destroyed my father!!" Graeme screamed, spinning, trying to face them all.

"Your father was a worm, a failure who deserved all he got. You are my curse in life. Your father saw you as a blessing, you were a runt who I wanted to smother at birth. He stopped this, the fool is now a cleric in a hamlet somewhere. Shows the ill fortune that happens when people assosciate with the likes of you," they chorused.

"DIE!!!! DIE!" said a crying Graeme as he blasted again and again at the women.

"No, you die, just like your petty old grandfather did. The imbecile," they replied snearing.

Graeme broke down and bawled hysterically. He was spent. He was a waste. A curse. A....Failure. He had betrayed his family, he had went seeking something he was told not to. He had caused his grandfather great pain and his father disappointment. Even now, he was doing a task he was not meant to be doing, he was meant to be leading his faith to greater heights and helping the poor and helpless. Instead he was chasing glory and fame. There was no chance he would succeed. I should abandon this stupid dream, I won't make a difference. Rain's face came into his mind. She was frowning.

"Your an idiot Graeme, of course you make a difference. Would you be here otherwise?"

Rath's voice piped up," How many times have we helped each other my stunted friend?"

Morzan's gruff voice broke through," Don't leave me, one man surrounded by all these women could drive any man insane."

"Who can I huff at now if you go cripple?" said Crenla with a grin on her face.

"Who can I laugh at as he pokes fun at Rain and Crenla?" said a shy Ariana.

My friends....He stood up, wiped the tears off his face. I've been a fool. This is my destiny. Fight the evil and help my friends. For that's what friends do, help each other.

#219:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 6:38 am
Sorry I've not been on, tons of homework.

As she walked directly into the mist Crenla shivered. Being in mountains agin reminded her of her homeland. It wasn't that she had bad memories of C'rimith~way, but some of them we're ones she would readily experience again, and being in a valley without centeurs bustling about on various tasks made her nervous. She could hear the sounds of muttering and soft crying from around her, but, as she had been trained to do, she stared at the ground to check that she didn't lose her way in the mist. That had hapened once before and, well... the memory floated to the top of her mind.

A young centeur, too young to have her Joining plate, stod alone in a valley. Not even the birds shrieked their bland message here, here in the place of devils and wraiths and half-formed things. She had been stranded from the group on a training expedition into the mountains, preparing for the Joining ceremony. The centeur had been thinking of some point of philosophy and had wandered from the path. Her feeling of fear and shame was almost leaking out of the memory, paining the air around a dull kind of gray.

A noise. The centeur whirled around, grabbing a tiny dagger from her underbelly. A pityful protection, but a protection none the less. A ghostly shape drifted out of the trees and came to stand beside her. It looked like a centeur, but it was darker, wavy at the edges. It was full grown though, and it had to bend down to whisper something into the girl-foal's ear.

The child stiffened. And expression on her face betrayed much grief and confusion for one from the normally unexpressive race. Then it hardened to one of fear and determination. She backed away, then reared and yelled at the ghost.

No one who saw the memory could hear, but Crenla knew. Knew those words she had shouted at the form of her mother oh so long ago.

Her mother. Those words brought forth a stream of memories, most happy and a few sad.

A tiny centeur foal stood with her arms wrapped around her mother in a city that the foal was too young to know the name of, too young to care. Her mother was doing business and the elven merchant was trying to get a cheaper price on the shipment of centeur bowstrings by complimenting the mother on how well her foal looked.

The same foal was playing in the streets of the same city with some other foals while their mothers looked on. The houses in this part of the city were made for centeurs, and there were only a few elves and humans walking down the street.

An angry mob burst into the centeur quarters, led by a messenger of the Light's Chosen. He had ridden into the city yesterday on a horse that died from exhaustion later. The foal's mother had covered her daughter's eyes when she saw the cruelty that the man showed to the horse. He had immedietly begaun denouncing the centeurs, who had fled and started barricading the streets leading to their quarters. They knew trouble was to come.

The foal being pushed down a secret escape tunnel into the arms of her waiting father. A mob bursting into the house above, and the last expression on the mother's face as she turned to face the mob, holding a longsword as she would a snake.

The foal and her father, exhausted, being welcomed into a centeur glade as the only centeur survivors from the attack on
that city.

The foal struggling to learn the knowledge that had been sang to her classmates in their cradles, acompanyed by the laughter of the mouintain foals as they easily outstripped the city foal who knew nothing.

The foal crying in the dead of night, as much from shame at not knowing the ways of the mountains as from grief over her mother's brutal death.

This memory repeated itself, over and over, until Crenlamin, now fully grown, was walking along aimlessly, wishing only to escape from the jeers of the mountain foals and the awful, stark truth about her mother's death.

#220:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:29 am
Rath stumbled along next to them, a part of the memories yet seperate, until she suddenly stumbled into Rain, the wall of mist dissolving away. For a moment she looked at them tiredly as Rain looped a coil of rope around her neck. Rath was too tired to complain about being treated like a common animal, and to worried as the mist grabbed hold of something within Rath herself and pulled, painting the memory around them...

Please Lady, if this memory hurts anyone let it hurt me. There was much in Rath's life that should not, could not be seen by this party without great damage being done. What passed for cruelty amoung dragons was legendary, what passed for cruelty in Rath was myth.

Yet as the scene around them became more solid, more real, Rath recognized this particular place with the clarity of young eyes. It was the day that had changed her life...

Rath couldn't have been more than a thousand years old, barely half grown for a Royal Skye dragon. Dominating her feild of vision was the awsome form of her mother, looking every bit the regal Queen she was, descended from the blood of the First Dragon herself.

Ariania Tala'Kuul had to have been close to three thousand feet from tip of nose to tip of tail and stood about half as tall a third as tall at the shoulder, her massive neck craining far above that. Her wings were triple that in span, the largest seen on any world, save, perhaps, that of Rath's Grandmother, Kyro Sh'Alaidin.

Her scales were translucent, like a diamond, posessing no color but every color at once was thrown about her in a cirrus halo, a difusion of rainbow lights. She gazed down at her headstrong daughter with aincent eyes.
"Foolishness my daughter. Put it from your mind and speak of it not again."

"Easy for you to say mother, he dares not come against you. But every day I have the people cry out to me, begging me to do something since you seem so loath to do so."

"You're young yet. The war we fight has been going on longer than you have been alive, longer than I care to remember indeed, but the Lady has said it shall end and I wait upon her words. When the time comes she..." Rath's point of view suddenly jumped and red and black forelegs came into view as she pointed a curved talon in her mother's face, her wings lifting her to the great Dame's eye level.

"The Lady wouldn't want lives wasted mother! She wouldn't want, can't want, to see mothers weaping over the shells of their smashed brood! Not all are so fortunate as we, to give our children life directly. Their children must wait encased in a thin, vunerable shell for months before they can endure the world. Even then they cannot defend themselves! Every day more noble skye dragons die because of that Terre lunatic!

Mother even his own people suffer! How many terres have come to you of late, begging your protection from his presence! And all of it could be stopped overnight if you would but loosen your..."
With a blurr of motion and a mighty crack Rai's tail whipped around and smashed into the earth, sending tremors across the world and buckling the ground around her feet.

"Enough!" The bellow of the Skye queen knocked Rath from the air as her viewpoint went spinning before shuddering to a stop as Rath impacted the ground, her mother staring down at her with pained, angery eyes "This isn't about our people or the wants of the Lady, Rathainia, and you know it. This is about your own petty vengence. You feel guilty that Dracos has fallen and that you alone have survived. Well throwing your life away will not help this war, nor will it bring back your slain companions. You, Rathainia, have your own duties as a daughter of this House and those duties cannot be fullfilled if your head is an orniment for His Lair! IS that CLEAR?"

"Crystal majesty...crystal." The cruelty in Rath's voice rang, the condemnation of her mother as she emphasized her mother's title as if it were a grevious insult, indeed the very manner of her speech making it so. Then the mist blurred as time passed rapidly until Rath's viewpoint steadied again. This time weariness seeped through the memory, and a strange excitment.

They could all smell the blood and feel the sting of Rath's wounds as the young dragoness padded down a long tunnel, her wings flattened against her sides, her steps like the stalking crouch of a cat as she forced herself through passages designed to keep her kind out. Slowly she slinked out of the tunnel and into a massive room. Coiled, sleeping soundly in a corner, was Himself, Arro Qu'Vazirri. The terre king was massive, more than double Rath's size though he wasn't even half her mother's size.

He was dozing slightly, tounge between lips, eyes rolling benieth his lids. A killing rage overcame Rath. The war would end tonight, with this mad dragon's blood on her claws. She wouldn't survive, the certainty of that fact bled through every movment of the memory, the feeling pulsing as strong now as ever, even stronger since that had been true in a sense.

Her viewpoint was steady as she slunk silently over to where the massive terre lay in the grip of some dream that made him twitch and mutter darkly. Rath struck, blinding speed little more than a slash of black and red across her line of sight, talons biting deep into the elder dragon's hide. Arro came awake with a bellow of pain and Rath was yanked painfully upward as her claws lodged in the folds of flesh under his jaws.

He shook, bellowing louder now, trying to manuver his short legs to scrape her off but her tail slashed at them time and again as her wings beat ineffectively in the confined space, trying to leverage her enough to free her trapped talons.

"Filthy breeder! Skye bawler! I'll tear the hide from your flesh and use it to clean my tail with! Rath was fighting to maintain her training against her fear, but they could sense her frustration as things were not working as she had hoped. The massive terre flipped over, trying to wrap her in his coils, tearing a long gash down her chest.

Rath roared in pain and redoubled her efforts, her back talons caught on something that protruded from Arro's chest, something not consistant with scale or bone. With a malicious twist of her hind leg she got her talons under the edge and savagely kicked back. The terre king bellowed in the loudest pain yet, head snapping back so fast that Rath's talons jerked free, his tail swatting her against him.

Rath got a look at Arro's massive chest before she spun away from another attack. Amid the deep bronze scales of the massive king was a sliver of black crystal that had been embedded deep in his flesh. Her recent attack had nearly torn it free, leaving it hanging by a slender strip of flesh. They felt the sense of triumph that shot through her as she manuvered herself for the swipe that severed the gem completely.

It spiraled upward, hitting the celing and lodging in the soft earth. Arro wavered on his feet for a moment, looking like someone had just landed a massive blow with a warhammer between his eyes. Rath was panting but not willing to cede the fight, especially as her vision swung around and took in the terre warriors crowding the tunnel she'd come through. They stared with mocking grins clearly expecting their king to wipe the young skye across the dirt floor.

Arro suddenly lashed out and Rath leaped, avoiding the blow with the skill and ease of long practice...but she hadn't counted on the fighting tactics of the terre king who snapped with his jaws from one direction while his tail caught her by the leg and swung her up and around. All the air in her lungs was knocked clear as her chest hit the ceiling...worse than that a stabbing pain lanced the full length of her chest.

Instantly power surged into her body, flooding her veins, madness flowing freely in her mind. Arro seemed to realized his danger too late as he pulled her clear of the ceiling. "Now your greatest treasure is mine Dirt of Lodriss. You have lost.!"

The memory abruptly ended, leaving Rath a little stunned with growing anger in her heart. That was a memory she could have done without reliving. At least they had not seen what happened when she had returned to her mother, triumph turning to ashes...but that was another tale for another time. For now it was all she could to to stumble along with the rest, ocassionally tugged by the lead of the rope.

#221:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:01 pm
((Great posts everyone. Sorry I've been out of the loop for the past couple of days, but I really enjoyed your post. I do, however, have good news....

This is almost over. There are few memories that I need to include for sanities sake, and I think I may perhaps have another surprise or two for everyone up my sleeve before we get to not the end but the beginning of the end.

Here's the skinny: One more chapter in the Vale, and we're out of here. A secret Conference follows the chapter after that and Graeme finally reveals what he saw in the orb (I hope! Crosses fingers and toes.). Another Chapter is mustly just a long journey, but ends in a Mighty Confilict (more limps are crossed).

Chapter 16 (if I'm counting right) will find us all on the backside of the Lady's kingdom, and by the end of it, in her or on her Mountain (the eneterance of chambers). Chapter 17 will discover a loss, but another shall gain, and Ariania (again cross fingers) will shine the brightess). Chapter 18 will see the end, and before it is done, you will gain a few new friends, see an enemy dead, and wonder how in the world you are getting out of there.

But all that of course, will only happen if everything goes on schedule, and only if things go the way I hope (crosses remaining things that weren't crossed before).

Wish me luck! Wish us all luck! And I hope you all have fun.

Btw: Finally found a picture I liked, here it is:

Click Here.

This was done by Tessa of Elfwood. Full credit is given to her for this wonderful work and thanks to her for giving me permission to use it!

Here is a link to her personal page. Tessa of Elfwood, artist generous

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:25 am; edited 3 times in total

#222:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:49 pm
((*smiles* Hello, I promise to post soon, but only after the holidays. Until then, enjoy the preview I just realised for The War of the Kindreds, the first part of the rpg we are now playing.

I would also like to thank you, if it hadn't been for you all I would have never dreamed on doing any of this.

So Thank you.))

#223:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:17 am
Wow... I've just seen that Ergos has actually been second bottom in the Games forum for once... Spooky, especially when you think that in normal circumstances it's top.

#224:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:00 am
Hey can I join? Please-plaese-please?

#225:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:01 am
No-one can join this. If you look on the first page there were requests for five, possibly six, players, and all of those slots have now been filled. Also, if you were to join then you would have a lot of reading to do, as it is impossible to post in this without knowing the entire 'Story so far'.

#226:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:01 am
There are lots of other RPG's you can join though, so I wouldn't fret, weaver.
This one though, has no space, soz.


#227:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:54 pm
Hey Weaver why don't you join The War of's connected to this one and at the moment on hold because of lack of characters....

Or you could talk to Din and see if she could pencil you in for a villian spot...but I don't think you'd like that, especially when yours truely here comes head hunting...

#228:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:32 pm
((Masterweaver, I'm P.Med you, but incase you didn't read it, no you cannot, absoletly cannot join this RPG this late in the game, sorry but it's just impossible. As for the rest of you, shall we continue hmmmm?

OOPPsss...I edited this post leaving it more open ended so everyone can respond if they wish...))

*clears throat* Chapter 14: Seren Waters
Silent and brooding Rain had walked through the fog of the Vale of Memories steadily until Rath bumped into her. For one split second, Rain experienced a flash of memory from Rath, and in that split second it was enough for Rain to understand that she understood nothing of sorrow, pain, anger, hurt, or terror. A lesson that had begun with Ariania's memories and finished with Rath.

Taking one look at Rath, Rain knew that the dragoness was in no condition to walk by herself, so as much as she hated to do it, Rain slipped a rope around Rath's neck and crossed her fingers in the hope Rath wouldn't abosutely kill her when the dragoness returned to her normal butt kicking assasin self.

Walking on, Rain couldn't say she was sorry the quest had taken them here, to this place. Although the guilt that was always present at the back of mind was now clearer than ever, Rain was kind of relieved that the memory of her part in starting the war (or at least most of her part) was now over, relieving her of the painful duty of having to recount it again, in full truth, to the others. In fact, Rain was now more determined than ever to see the end of the war that she had begun.

A great lesson to be filled with determination, to be able to fully put away her guilt, after all why feel guilty when these few knew almost all? If they hated her like the rest of her kindred, if they decided to kill her, abandon her, Rain didn't really care, after all what they did was there accord, not hers, and for once Rain felt she could do exactly what she had to exactly the way she needed to do it without caring one speck what anyone else thought.

These memories had made her stronger...

So why did she feel like the Vale of Memories wasn't quite done with her, or anyone else here for the matter?

Rain's questions began to melt away however, as the fog of the Vale began to thin, and Rain stood forward with a quiker step as she began to hope for the best. Happy for the lesson's she learned, yes, but Rain would be all to happy to get out of this place.

As the group stepped forward the smooth rush of water going back and forth met their ears and eyes as they stopped halted by the edges of a great lake.

Stepping out of the mist, a man not quite old enough to be in his forties, strood forward the soft grey of a mage wisking around his legs, "Greetings, and Welcome travelers to the Lake of Serenity. It has been apointed to me to welcome you here, and to inform you that everyone of you except two are to take a rest here, and although I don't know why this is so, I welcome you here and offer my roof and provisions so that you may rest both weary mind and weary feet."

There was a collective sigh as the party began to untie the rope around their waist and to follow the Mage Illrendil to the two trees that made the gate to his house. As Rain went to go into the gate, a little shake of his head, and a gentle hand bode Rain to wait as one by one Morzan, Ariania, Creama, and Greame went into the Mage's small house.

Rath curiously, stayed behind, her glazed eyes momentarily clear as she shook her head and backed away from the gate.

Once the others had gone in, Illrendil turned to Rain his brown eyes filled with a gentle smile his mouth didn't share, "It seems to me I remember you, may I ask your name?"

In his question there was more than a request for her name and Rain knew no qyspy traditions would shake the man's real question. "I cannot give my name for to give it would grant you power over me, and though without power of my own, I will not give that power to any beyond those whom I have already given it to. And yes, I remember you to, I believe you were at Juric's bonding."

"Aw yes, I remember know, you bore the Sword then, and you didn't yet know this Dragoness who you haul about on a rope."

Rain turned to face the man, her eyes filled with shock as the mist around her began to hint dangerously of showing her own memory of the event the Mage spoke, lowering her voice so none could hear her, Rain leaned forward her eyes filled with suspicion and fear, "How do you know of that? I should it to no one."

The mage raised an eyebrow and his mouth tugged at one corner as he began to smile, "No you didn't but you used it, and you gave it to it's lawful heir, and there's power in that missy, a power that all mage's can see by simply glancing at you," his smile spread as his eyes saw the memory that played on the mist behind Rain showing exactly what Rain had done with the Dragonsword with Ergos' sword before it had belonged to Ergos. A chuckle escaped the mage as he returned his level gaze to Rain, "And the thing's you did with that sword...Strange isn't it? That a daughter of Eve should bear and use the sword of Dragons after the manner of interesting puzzle which I hope to persue...but later. You cannot rest here, Rain 'de-la'Nari called Arin, sometimes Nari, and Gyspy. The Vale of Memories is not done with you yet, and I pity you for it. Be back her by the dawn of tommorow though, for your group must leave my house with every member of your party, including yourself by tommorrow by noon or else."

Turning to Rath, the Mage's eyes kindly with something akin to both hate and pity, "As for you, I care not what you do, but as you yourself said, there is no rest for you here by the Seren Waters."

Making as to leave, the Mage paused before Rain, "You must go alone, you cannot guard her as she has guarded you. For one, your not strong enough, for Two, you are wanted elsewhere."

Raising her flashing eyes which now swirled a deep purple, Rain spoke evenly, "I am bonded to this Dragoness by the laws of honor. Surely you know what that means. How can I leave her alone in this state?"

Sparing a glance back at them before he closed the gate to his house, Illrendil spoke without emotion, "That's your problem not mine, but perhaps this will teach you to beware having a bond of honor to those who have none." Then with a slam of the gate, the mage was gone, and Rain stood in the mist alone except for Rath, at a loss of what to do, wondering what would happen next, and above all why in the Vale was not yet finished with her after all that?

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile inside Mage Illrendil house the rest of the group was....

((Feel free to post responses on anything you have seen or heard, take a chance, and make things intresting...))

#229:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:50 am
{{Seriously off topic, but this post is just to notify everyone that I edited my last post as to leave it more open for response for everyone, and to say I am sorry for my last post as I was kind of sleep deprived when I wrote it.}}

#230:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:45 pm
Rath was tired, tired of it all. The quest, the sword, the destiny...of living itself. The hollow ache within her craved power, more power than she had to give it, more power than it had to give her. Her empty mind was now so filled with memories that it made her sick and dizzy. Shock was creeping into her body and soon, too soon, she would collapse and fall prey to the Veil, caught in an eternal sleep that seemed to overcome some dragons sometimes.

Do it. Take the strength. It's open to you, they're open to you. Take it and be done with it. Rath tried to shake her head, to clear her mad voice from it but had not the energy. Take it. Take it from them or from your tormentor but do not wander like this, a half dead waif. Rath tried to fight, to muster the reserves of strength she knew she had. Yet something, maybe the Veil itself, was blocking her from her greater self. Then her madness struck the deathblow, whispering insideously What would your mother say of you now?

With a roar Rath sunk her talons deep into the soil around her, her fangs latching onto the fog in an impossible way. Rain whirled, afraid something from their nightmares had gained a physical manifestation. She watched in horror and awe as silver tendrils of mist curled up Rath's legs, flowed over her muzzle and down her back. Power, the power of the Veil itself flowing into Rath.

Slowly the creepers of mist resolved themselves into something odd, slender silver threads the exact shade of Veil mist. The covered Rath, wrapping her in a cocoon of silver light, of mist, save that sliver of a gem shard that shimmered dully on her chest. Rain peered closer at this having never seen it when Rath was sane and not caring to examin it the few times she might have had since the day on the Red Wheel.

She was only an inch away when black light spilled forth from it, ripping the cocoon of silver light. Rain jerked backwards, stumbling and tripping, landing on her butt and scooting as far from the fell light as she could. There was no mist around them now, none as far as the eye could see, everything from the shore of the lake back into the trees felt...real, solid, unmagical. Rath, however, looked as if she'd just woken from a nap.

With a disgusted snarl she ripped the rope from around her neck and reared up on her hind legs, dragon form shimmering into Eroki form as she did so. She glared at Rain, an open challenge in her eyes. "A word of this to anyone else and I shall see how well your power siphons." Rain stood, shoulders square.

"You don't frighten me Rath." Slowly Rath stalked over to her like a cat hunting a mouse. Her eyes, which normally blazed bloody fire, were now a flat dead black...madness seethed in their depths. Her wings were mantled behind her, her footsteps hushed, claws gripping the ground under them. Slowly Rath extended one talon, swiftly placing the tip in the soft middle of Rain's underjaw. Her other hand wrapped itself in the gypsy's dark hair.

"I should Rain...I should terrify you." Rath could never recall what happened next but suddenly there was blood on her hands and Rain lay at her feet, a throat wound just shy of fatal pouring blood onto her cloak. A crude dagger had been plunged into her ribs, just below the armpit. Luckily Rath was not built like a human or the wound would have ment instant death. As it was it was wedged deep into the flying muscles of her left wing.

With a snarled curse she pulled it free, hurling it back into the ground next to the gypsy, so close to Rain's head it shaved a small lock of black hair off. In moments the wound healed and Rath neatly licked the blood off her talons. "I wonder why I didn't kill you? What stopped me from going an inch deeper?" Rain just looked at her, one hand pressed tightly to the wound on her neck, violet eyes wide.

"If I could I would hate you Rath."

"And if I could I'd apologize Rain...but some things are not ment to be. Your emotions, my mind."

"Are you going to finish me?" Rath looked at her thoughtfully, remembering a day long ago when Rain had asked the same question and Rath had only laughed. She wasn't laughing now. Instead her wings quivered a bit and her talons twitched but something stopped her. Staring over Rain's head, out over the lake, Rath inclined her head to something and moved away from the gypsy.

Standing shakily Rain turned and looked in the direction Rath gazed. All she saw was a swiftly fading cloud of mist. "I think it would be wise if you did not try and help me in the future Rain. It would be wise if you treated me like a wounded wolf. I'll be greatful for your guidence but not for your presence."

The gypsy turned to look at Rath again, to say something, anything, to convince the dragoness all was not lost. But Rath nolonger stood behind her. She was just one more shadow lost under the trees.

#231:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:24 am
Is Lodriss what you mean Weaver? Lodriss is Rath's homeworld, not connected to Cree in any way save by the spell that brought Rath to it. It's a world inhabited by dragons and embroiled in a war that's lasted over twelve milennia already.

For more info on Lodriss please see the thread located in the Linear Competition district.

#232:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:05 pm
I meant how do I join the war of lodriss?

#233:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:40 pm
((MW, please don't post here, if you have a question about Lodriss, just p.m Rai, it would save me a lot of headaches.))

Rain made as if to get up to go after Rath. So much depended on Rath, so much depended on the Sword to be in the right hands at the right place at the right time. Funny isn't, Rain's mind began to suggests as her thoughts became increasingly more fuzzy, that the fate of the world of Cree and the oldest relique of this world should lie in the keeping of being not even from our own.

Pressing her hand tight against the wound of on her neck, Rain wondered what in the name of Cree she was supposed to do.

She had to go somewhere, do something, meet someone....but how could she be sure, all the mage said was 'You are wanted elsewhere.' That could mean anything for pity's sake.

Right now, however, she wasn't going anywhere until the bleeding stopped. The wound was just short of being lethal, and if the bleeding didn't stop soon, it would be.

All of the sudden the world flashed and spinned causing Rain to blink several times. In front of her a small patch of fog of what remained of the vales powers began to swirl around her...

She was a in forest. She was on the ground....she was bleeding. Her mother's daggers was gone....

The vision passed with the fog leaving Rain's mind and strength sapped, leaving her in the exact postion the vision had showed.

The third death. Her vision of the last die she could die...but it was to early. She hadn't completled her mission. She hadn't done anything Ergos had asked. She owed him...she had to complte this.

The mist whispered.... You owe to owe these souls your blood....die restlessly gyspy, die haunted knowing you never paid.

In front of her eyes far off patchs of mist showed those whom she owed, those whose purposes and memories she was bonded to serve to the end of her life: Aerilian Celebrithil, Ergos, Rath as she once was.

"No, not here, not now....I can't....not now" Rain muttered as she weakly picked herself off the ground once more, the violet of her eyes nearly hidden by her expanding pupils. "I owe to much to die."

Pulling various herbs and a scrap a cloth she carried in her pouch, Rain stauched her wound the best she could, but she had already lost too much blood.

Her mind began to swirl with the etherial winds that carried patchs of mist which played memories of her life from her unguarded mind. As she struggled to stay awake, struggled to stay alive...

Go ahead be angry. Be angry at the dragoness. Be angry at Rathiania. She betrayed you, she betrayed you. Whispered the Vale, angry at Rath for taking too much from itself...

Suddenly Rain's eyes snapped open, their depths ablaze, "No! She was just," Rain muttered to herself, "I am bonded to her, and she can take my life, it is hers to take, it is her to keep. She was just."

The mist scattered away rebuked by her thoughts and words.

Rain smiled, her mind now clear from the heavy and drugged influences of the mist, but no less weak...her life was still hanging by a thread. She could live...she could die but either way, she would die having honored her debts.

Pulling herself up to a nearby tree, Rain removed the small rock she had stored the visions and the light Ariania had given her. The vision's were gone, but the light was still there.

Perfect she thought.

Holding the stone in her hands, she began to squeeze it until it pulled blood from her hands. More blood lost, more life lost, it was all hanging by a thread, a thread that could sway either way.

The blood did not go past the stone and onto the ground but instead strangly it began to assorp it until the blood stopped leaving only a small scar on her hand. Holding it up, Rain could now see that the stone was now filled with her blood as it throb a ruby red the light in the stone illuminating the thing strangly.

Taking a risk she wouldn't normally take, Rain spoke a word, a rune. The stone flashed but it didn't change. The stone would now if she died, asporb every drop of her blood except for the last drop....the last drop was hers.

It would also asporb anything she gave it. Slowly she began to pore her memories into the stone. Every word Ergos had told about the quest, every thing they would need to know if she died here in this place.

Rain closed her eyes, she was so tired, and reached her other hand to her neck she knew the bleeding had not yet stopped. A all hang by a thread.

Sing. Ergos voice said her thread, his last instructions for her. So she sang, and sang. Sang every song she knew, until she came to the last song, the song of the DragonSword. That song she wouldn't sing until her last breath, and it too like her last drop of blood would be her own, the only thing she didn't owe to Rath, instead she owed it to Ergos, and it would only be in her last bit of life that she would be willing to sing it when it wasn't the time for it to be sung.

Sighing, Rain let the stone drop. She felt so empty. Her mind began to fuzz more and more, as her life blood trickled away despite her best attempts to stauch it.

Rain's world began to swirl as the bondries between reality and illusion began to blurl...

#234:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:06 pm
As Morzan watched Rain and Rath fade into the mist his heart sank. The others had started to follow the hermit into his home. Taking the hand of the last person in line he too followed the hermit to his home.

"My name is Illrendil if you did not hear before," said the mage, "I live not far from here."

Following Illrendil they came to a large cast iron gate. They passed through it and into a large courtyard. There Illrendil departed for a few minutes then returned. His face dark and creased.

"Come." beckoned Illredil to the party.

Reluctantly Morzan took a step forward. It felt different here and the feeling of not following Rain was different. Since the start of thier journey they had been following the guidance of Rain. But why were they following this man? Where were Rath and Rain realy off to.

Feeling his discomfort grow Morzan slowed down and started looking to the sides. There was grass beneath his feet and the air was cold. The passed statues of gargoyles and demons that sneered and gazed upon them. Moving quickly again Morzan caught up with the others and almost ran into the back of the line.

They had made it to Illredil's home. It was large and build into the side of a hill. There were no windows and the only thing outside was a chair and a small table.

"Come." Illredil said again.

As the others moved towards the door Morzan stood still. His feet rooted to the ground. A dark light was in the mages eyes.

#235:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 12:53 pm
I nuded Morzan inconspicuosly and pushed him towards the door. It wouldn't do for the mage to know that we knew of his deceit. 'Come on .' I muttered in his ear. 'Move.'

He semed to get the message, as he started to stalk slowly to the door, hand on his sword hilt. I cursed my companions, one and all. The only one who noticed was too much of a warrior to think of a way to get out other than mindless slaughter and my other two companions were too absorbed in their own thoughts to notice. I had to get outside, and soon.

'Pardon me, may I just excuse myself to attend to some, ah... personal buisiness?' I made it sound as whiney as I could. The 'personal buisines was getting Rain and Rath to help destroy the building and whatever the mage had inside, but he didn't know that. Now, I just had to wait for consent...

#236:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:59 pm
Mage Illrendil looked at the Centaur heighly annoyed, couldn't it wait or use human facilities like normal beings?!? Opening his mouth to say no, he closed his mouth and apperently changed his mind.

"I guess, but I warn you not to exit the gate, once you exit you will not be able to reenter my home and will once again be subjected to the Vale's whims." He said in the nicest tone he could manage. After all he couldn't follow through his plans until much later and wouldn't do for these people to suspect anything yet....

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile in the Vale leaning against a tree, Rain was slowly regaining full concisis as her blood ceased to flow as it clotted up.

Reaching her hand up slowly, Rain added another banadge to the ones she had already applied and then pulled herself off the ground.

Waiting for her head to stop spinning, Rain vainly looked around for some water to drink. No mortal being could drink from the waters in the Lake Serenity, Rain knew, but she was desperate.

But as she began to walk towards the lake, the mist once again surronded her but feeling somewhat different than it had before in almost friendly way. It seemed to welcome her, embrace her, instead of tormenting her and chilling her to the bone. Rain step forward and found herself elsewhere.

She was deeper in the Vale far away from the Mage's home, and the mist of the vale once again surronded her shading her surrondings to a dull grey. Picking her way carefully through this strange surrondings, Rain was surprised to find herself in a small pool.

Bending down to take a drink, Rain found herself face to face with the legendary Mirror.

The surface rippled:

In front of her eyes was a woman not unlike herself, but she had the scales, talons, wings, and face of Eroki. The picture was of a woman who had long raven black hair, purple eyes, purple wings, and a knowing smile. Blinking at this vision Rain's nose was met with that strange familar smell full force. "No, it can't be."

The mist around her formed itself into the vision of the pool, "But it can." Next to the beautiful woman was her father as he had been.

"My name is no longer important, Rain, but I am your mother."

"It's true." Her father's ghost echoed. "We cann't explain but you may be in trouble as only a great danger could drag us again to this place."

"You have to look again Rain," her mother said gently as their etheral forms began to appear. "As painful as what you are about to see, you must look again."

Turning back to the Mirror much confused, Rain looked deep into it's death and vision's began to ripple across the small pool at a fast pace.

The vision of Mage Illrendil's eyes, but darker than before. The vision of her companions as harden stone. A vision of Rath drinking from Mage Illrednil's blood as the Sword of Ergos tainted with his blood dripped on the ground. The vision of a mad dragon rampaging the world, doing far more damage than any demon had done.

The vision of the Lady's armies swarming the world following this devastion.

Of a dark mage Rain did not know laughing as thunder boomed and lightened flashed over a dark world.

Of the mage's death at Rath's hands as she made her last kill before taking her own life. Watching as the world of Cree died in bloody madness with a swirl.

"There is another way, but it will cost you your life." Her mother's voice whispered in her ear.

Still gazing at the pool, Rain whispered fearfully, "Show me."

And the pool showed her.

A picture of Rain standing beside Rath, the Sword of Ergos once again her hands, her wound healed but the scar still there, in the Mage's home.

In her other hand she held her Blood Stone.

There was a struggle, but the Mage somehow managed to gain the stone. Smiling grimly, Rain slashed the stone, and watched as the power naturally in her blood overwhelmed the mage's own and as the light blinded her eyes.

Swinging the sword once more, she watched as the Dragonsword pierced through the Mage making his cursed soul disapper in the blink of an eye.

Rain fell to her knees as the blood from her wound began to once again flow set free by the shattering of the stone.

The pool became dark and all was still.

" I dragon to bear the Dragonstone? Or I am swordmistress to bear the Dragonsword?" Rain smiled grimly. "I am neither. I cannot do this thing, yet I dare not try. This quest lies in more than just myself alone."

'You can do it,' her mother's voice whispered softly, 'you are my daughter.'

"Let it be so." Rain whispered whirly away from the Mirror her thirst forgotten.

The mist surronded her once more, and if Rain could have seen herself she would have found herself changed.

Her eyes were now silver changed by what they had seen in the pool.

"Rath!" She called striding forward. "Rathiania, get your royal dragon self back here right now!"

Rath didnt' come. Rath wouldn't come. Somehow Rain knew that.

"Rathiania of Lodriss, please!"

Still no answer.

'You are my daughter', The voice whispered for the last time. "A half-Eroki of royal blood. You bore it before. Call it and it will come. Farewell my daughter, I wish you well.'

"I swore never to do this, but you asked for it, Rath, and if this make you come running, nothing will."

Smiling softly, Rain opened her right hand showing the scars there, and called softly in dragonish tongue, "Elizabeth Eroki will you help me?"

There was a hiss and suddenly in her hands once again there was the DragonSword, and it answered back in her mind in a voice strangly familar, "Yes." It was the soul of Elizabeth the legendary grandmother of the Eroki whose soul rested in the Dragonstone.

Rain held the sword ready for anything, nowing it wouldn't be long before Rath showed up...

#237:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:03 am
Rath had been walking with purpose since she'd left Rain, led onward by knowledge she'd absorbed from the mist, led onward toward a small clearing. The mist boiled away from her, recoiling in fear and horror from the creature that lapped it's power like a cat lapped cream. Scanning the clearing with her eyes Rath found nothing unusual...scanning it with her power she found something altogether too rare to comprehend.

Buried under a few inches of dark loamy soil was a small star shaped pendant on a crystal chain. It glimmered and pulsed as Rath picked it up, singing soft songs of glory, bravery, honor, and nobility. Rath knew it for what it was instantly, the Key to the Chamber of Heros. She spat, a foul metallic taste in her mouth, as something flickered at the edges of her mind. She gazed down at the sword next to her side with narrowed eyes. "Go." It jumped like an eager puppy and vanished.

"May you choak on cold steel Rain, I wash my talons of you." The feeling of the Dragonsword faded, the contact became all but nonexistant. Unlike the time before, when Rath had left the sword behind, she felt no compelling urge to return to it or compell it to return to her. Something buzzed in her head, like carrion flies, and Rath scented the air, nostrils flairing. Her pulse sang and her blood boiled...there would soon be bloodshead.

"I want no part of it. May they rip each other to shreds and spare me the time." Her belly rumbled. It was all well and go to feed on magic and energy but what she needed now was prey, live and fighting, with rich red blood. But there was nothing in this Vale to hunt save her unsavory companions and that blasted mage. Rath wondered if Illrendil had even noticed the madness that gripped him, the changes that had taken place. Probably not. The insane did not know they were crazy until they were too mad to believe it...Rath could attest to that.

She could now look at her insanity with cold, unfeeling, contemplation but she'd lived with it most of her life. She smelled the mage now, his rush of anticipation, and then another scent caught her keen nose. "It can't be." Rath wasn't about to meet this new surprise as a mere Eroki. For the first time since entering the Vale the dragoness allowed herself to ease back into her own scales. Moments later mist boiled from everywhere, churning and whirling, thickening until the shape of a young skye dragon took soild form, even her colors painted bright and shimmering.

"Come to torment me Mythree?" The spirit of the young dragon had tears in her great eyes.

Hail my princess, it saddens me to see you laid so low. Rath snarled tersely and the spirit backed away, well aware that Rath could even now choose to resicend the one kindness she'd granted all those years ago. Why do you insist on making things so hard. Return, ride to their aid, save them.

"They are no longer my concern, nor are they yours. Let them spill their blood for this worthless land. It is nothing but a pale shadow in a land of twilight." Mythree shook her head, wings drooping in sorrow.

But my princess, you shall also be lost if this world is. Your lady mother will never recover and the Line of the First will end. The Lady has little power here, what power she has is granted through you. And you choose to channel the energy of her fallen foe, how low you have been laid. Rath lunged, talons raking mist in threat but without real intent.

"Go away Mythree. Save them yourself if you are so worried about them all use your powers to save them. I truely no longer care. I'm only waiting to spill the blood of the Tricked and once she is no more then shall I rend this world from sea to sky, tear down it's mountains and raize it's forests until I find the terrespawn that stole Paith. Then we shall go home and I shall never again look back at this bastard world spawned of no good deed."

But Princess, I have no more power. I have used it all to speak with you this last time. It is you who must save them. Rath looked the apperation in the eye once more and even this long dead ghost was chilled by the fell look in her flat, dead black eyes.

"Then they shall either save themselves or die heroically. I'm sure the minstrals will have a banner day composing ballads of them until the world crumbles around their ears. Their lives are their lives...I'll meddle no more. I do not belong here Mythree, I never have. It was folly for Mother to send me here, greater folly for me to stay. Now I will rid myself of this world, even if I must rip it to shreds in the process." For a moment the shade looked at her then began to dissolve.

I never thought this day would come, when one of the First's blood would crawl through the dirt on her belly like a worm. Now that it is here I do not think it can pass without killing something innocent. You've damned something Rath...I only hope it isn't yourself. Rath lashed out in fury but the shade was well and truely gone. Her anger boundless, her fury limitless, her thoughts madness, Rath turned her attention to the Vale itself.

Moments later an unstoppable blaze raged through the sacred place, boiling ponds and reducing the misty forest to ash. Above this conflaguration Rath hovered, a grim, ghastly smile showing her long fangs as the sparks leaped and the flames danced...all in her honor. "The past is burning and perhaps the future with it."

#238:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:30 am
Rain waited as long as she could but somehow she knew Rath wouldn't come, not this time.

It had been so long she had born the DragonSword, and then she had magic even it had been a little to help in baring the sword. Now she held it in her hand, more aware of her lack than she had been in the last few weeks. In her hand the sword sang of power, of glory, of a sacrifice to insure of the life of others.

In the vale, radiating from what had once been a dragoness named Rath but a dragon who was now lost perhaps forever and from the Mage Illrendil, a song of madness hummed and pulsed breathing of bloodshed of ill laid plans doomed to failure and more death.

From herself, Rain heard nothing. Not a song, not a tune, not a whisper. She was just one speck here, she could do nothing, but it wouldn't prevent herself from trying.

Looking down at the sword, Rain found herself slipping into the gyspy tongue as she whispered both to it and herself, "I wonder if she will miss you, miss me, or anyone else for that matter."

'Hush,' the sword said in the grandmotherly voice of Elizabeth Eroki, 'You called me to do a job and I will help you do it. Then I return to her, mad or no, wheither she likes it or not. Then she will taste for herself the edge of her own madness, and linger over the scent of her own doom. I will deal with Rathiania myself, I'm not about to have my bearer go around ignoring me any longer. Now, shall we Rain, daughter of Narin and Faenarae Eroki?'

In answer Rain turned, raising the sword to her neck by some instict as she did so. Instintly the wound she recieved from Rath was healed leaving only a pale scar.

Walking in between the two trees of Mage Illrendil's house, she found herself face to face with Craema who was running full speed towards her.

"Rain," the centaur breathed in relief, "your okay, I was afraid. Well, your fine, but somethings wrong with the Mage."

"He's mad," Rain said unbliking, "Yes, I know."

Looking towards the other end of the Vale Rain was surprised to see flames spring up in the forest slowly eating there way towards them. It was no ordinary flame. It was a magical flame and it was burning the power of the Vale as it turned the west a blood red.

Looking towards it, Rain remember the last prophecy of Ergos before his death, and the Sword she had in her hand brought it to her lips as she began to whisper.

"The Mage's power is ending.
The world hangs by a thread,
as the west turns to red.
Innocent blood will be shed.

The Destinies no longer speak.
The councels debate within halls,
while widows prepare death shall.
War is coming to overcome all.

The axe of Warin will be found.
The key of Heros cannot defend,
sacrifice can only this amend.
Into the Ladies Mountain descend.

The Mirror will tell an apperant lie.
Truth in visions of the pool,
logic can no longer rule.
Love can be so cruel.

The Dead will live again.
The past will be made clear,
all was not as it did appear.
The end is now near."

"What?!?" Craema stammered.

Turning to face Craema once again, Rain hastly spoke, "There's no time to explain. I have to go back in there to get the others before this whole place turns into a charred ash heap.

You cannot go back in having exited, so wait here until someone returns. No matter how many or how little come out of this door, you must leave this place the Vale before the sun reaches noon, so start making your way out by ten no matter what.

Oh, and Craema," Rain said handing her her pack, "Take this, you may need the medical supplies before everything is over. And if you can...oh never mind, just stay alive and get the others out of here."

Taking the sword, Rain strood into the courtyard of the now mad Mage Illrendil wandering what in the world what was going to happen now.

#239:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:59 am
Rath pondered over Mythree's words. How can she have no power left? Surely it did not take that much to manifest herself? Such should be mere child's play for her. Casting about ever so slightly Rath's forked tounge tasted the magic of the long vanished mage. It lept and danced in glimmering arcs from her dragonstone, shimmering in brilliant violet hues.

Rath had been kind, truely kind, all those years ago when Mythree had fallen victem to her bloodlust. It was that death, the death of her close friend at her talons, that had snapped Rath out of it the first time. Realizing in horror what she had done, she had fled, commanding the corpse to burn so that she might not have to see it's bleached white bones year after year. Now she realized that she had never taken up Mythree's stone and put it into safekeeping.

It all became clear to her why Mythree's spirit clung to Illrendil. Why Rath had felt workings of Mythree's power all throughout the mage and his workings. "Little bastard. Too weak to fuel your own desires so you must steal her power to do so." A grim smile spread across Rath's muzzle, making her look demonic in the hellish light. Slowly extending her hand she sang a song of summoning, putting a quantity of power behind it Illrendil couldn't have matched with double his resources. In moments Mythree's stone rested lightly in Rath's clenched grip.

Pulling her trophy web from within her jewel, Rath strung Mythree amoung the others. Peering back to the east, her keen eyes making the scene as real to her as if she were sitting in the middle of it, Rath watched the mage's frantic look. Watch her companions, save the centaur who'd shown a true intellgent moment, march right into the jaws of death. Behind them, coming down the trail with that blasted sword in hand, Rain looked grim and determined.

Rath settled back, faintly wishing there was a feild of sheep next to her. A good battle always required snacks to truley enjoy watching. The mage continued to look frantic and Rath's grin broadened. "Let's see you fight without her, you little weasel. Let's see just how strong you are on your own."

#240:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:11 pm
Somewhere in the valley a herd of sheep completle with a shepard wander into the valley near Rath. The sheperd takes one look around the place and then runs...leaving a certain dragoness with munchies....((sorry, couldn't resist)).

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile Rain felt via the sword the sudden decrease of power within the mage's house.

Rain's lips curled into a ferral smile as she enter the mage's door to find him with his hands mid spell and oh crap expression on his face.

Striding into the house casually, Rain turned to glance at her companions who were looking extermly confused at the moment.

"Lose something Illrendil?" Rain said her voice taking on the sacrasm she was well used too.

"YOU!?!" The Mage said swirling towards her, "What are you doing here!" He said as his eyes went wide seeing the Dragonsword in her hands.

"Weren't expecting me or her were you?" Rain said taking a step forward as she felt her hands being guided by the Dragonsword so she held it at the ready.

"Her?" The mage said smiling, "I don't see the dragoness with you, and as you know only she can bare the sword or another dragon. I see no dragon, Rain, how do you expect to defeat me when you have no right to bare that Sword?"

"Oh," Rain said smiling as she looked beside her to see her companions gathering beside her, "but that's were your wrong. Besides how do you expect to defeat us without your helper?" Rain said her smile becoming tauntilly crue.

"Come and dance with me gyspy, you are no match against me." The mage said rushing at her with a sword he conjured up from nowhere.

Rain met his blow with the skill of Elizabeth Eroki who channeled her knowledge through the sword, "I should warn you mage, we don't take well to people who use others powers."

A struggle followed showing considerable swordplay on both parts but when they finally parted, the mage held what appeared to be the Blood Stone Rain had created earlier.

Smiling, Rain slashed at the hand that held it knowing full well what she was doing.

The mage was caught off guard for one instant causing him to lash out with his conjured sword reopening the wound Rain had gained earlier.

Rain lifted and parried a moment to late only managing to knock the sword loose with his hands.

The spitting at the mage, Rain twirled taking off the mage's head. The once illustrarious but sadly insane Mage Illrendil disappered with a small pop.

Turning to the group who stood shocked behind her, Rain spoke casually, "May I sugest that you start Running," as the foundations of the Mage's house began to crumble.

Rain staggered as the Dragonsword disappered from her hands with a pop leaving her magically exhausted and then she fell to her knees in a dead faint only managing to mumble before she did so, "Run blast it!"

In her pouch something glittered red with the light of blood...

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