The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#241:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:30 pm
(Ok, sorry I havn't written in a while. I have been following - just couldn't think of anything to write. I'm going to have to keep this pretty short actually, as dad won't be too happy that I'm up this late. And I have an exam tomoz Confused.
-- Can't do tonight. I'll try and get something out tomorrow - or some other time. Anyway, I am still here, and still very much interested Wink.)


#242:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:34 pm
((Please feel free to post. Seriously, things are begining to look dead in here.))

#243:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:42 pm
Rath looked at the flock of sheep that stood milling and bleating in terror by her left foreleg. She curled her tail around behind them to make a pen of sorts and prevent them from escaping. "What kind of idiot would be driving sheep through the Vale of Memories in the middle of a forest fire...My kind of idiot." Spearing a sheep on the spur of a wing she roasted it over the blazing trees before popping it into her mouth.

The battle between Rain and the mage was short and sweet. Rath hadn't crunched more than three or four sheep before it was over. In a gluttonus moment Rath wolfed down the rest of the flock before shaking and standing. Suddenly a sword sized just right for her dragon form appeared laying next to her. "Oh no you don't. Not this time."

So saying Rath tore open a long strip of turf and dug down until she was up to her knees in rock. With a huffing noise she dumped the sword in the trench and recovered it with dirt, rocks, and grass. "Rot thou blade of ages. I can finish this without your help more than easily." Still there were the others. Peering at them she wondered if they'd show initiative and start off out of the Vale or if she should just head toward the mountain herself and finish it...

#244:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:12 pm
(Sorry havent posted for awile, busy with real life. Hope my post doesnt alter the story much. If it does Ill repost it.)

The second the mages head was severed the building began to shake and rumble from within. The party turned and started to run. A piece of cieling fell and struck Morzan on the head. Throwing his hands up he tried to block the pieces but was failing miseribly. Trying to urge his legs to move faster he jumped over a pile of debris.

Behind him he heard a loud popping sound over the rumbling of the building. Shuddering at the sound he dug his heels into the ground and came to a dead stop. On the ground he saw Rain, her face pale and she was saying something. The next second she was out cold.

"Rain!" Morzan shouted.

Sprinting forward he reached for Rain but something stopped him. A large piece of rubble fell between them and struck him hand. Just before the rock fell, through the dust he swore he saw a glimpse of something red.

Trying to break through the rock he struck it with his face but was forced to run when another fell next to him. Screaming in frustration he ran started to run towards the exit. Taking one last look over his shoulder he leapt through the door frame and landed in a sprawled heap on the ground.

Rolling on to his back he stared at the sky. His vision was blurred. Putting his hand to his face he brought it up too look at it. Blood covered it. Feeling tears sting his eyes and crawled away and lay on the ground at the foot of a demonic statue. Morzan slipped into unconciousness.

#245:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:02 am
Ariana had sensed something wrong with the mage - a taint in him, but she had not wanted to abandon the others - and did not know what to do.
Everyone and everything had a taint she could feel nowdays - it just depended on how bad it was as to how dangerous and evil they really were.
Every taint though, could be exploited - and it would change. Ariana was confused - she was always confused now. So she was glad that Cremla ran, glad that Rain came, despite not bringing Rath - and glad that the mage was dead.
What? Glad of death? Yes.
Then the roof bagan to fall. Instinctively, Ariana ran - and if she hadn't stopped, she would have been the first one out (elf reflexes).
But she did stop. There was something behind her - and a shout. Not everyone was as fast as she - or as agile. As a slab from the roof narrowly missed her head and made a gash along her arm, she began to move in again - ducking and weaving to avoid the stone - a tactic that didn't always work.
There - Morzan, and was there someone behind him? Several metres away - she might just reach him before...
No. The roof was very nearly gone now, why didn't she just run? She could still make it out of there.
Morzan turned and ran.
Well, some people have sense. Part of her mind muttered sadisticly, but she dismissed it. Insted, she continued onto Rain - for she was sure that was who it was, even though the slab now seperated her from view.
It was then that the building really began to collapse, the roof coming down in chunks big enough to squash a person, and the floor shaking so violently that you could hardly stand.
It was miracle that Ariana didn't just fall and lie there - to become victim to a piece of crafted rock.
Instead, she continued to run - although it was impossible to dodge, and she was forced to stumbling for her energy was being used up in healing herself. If only she could get to Rain - then she could try to heal her...

And why would you want to do that? It would waste you powers - maybe even kill yourself. Rain is too far gone for you to do anything for her. If she has another party trick up her sleeve - then let her play it. She seems to revel in cheating death.
Ariana whirled around and saw through the clouds of dust a familier shape. She couldn't make out whether he was shadow now or not - but he was definitely visable. The dark-elf.
She backed away - just in time as should she have stood there any longer, she would have been made to pulp.
Why are you here? She thought, knowing that he could hear her like that - even though no-one had told her.
Just trust me - I'm here to get you out because you are so stupidly worried about others - that you disregard yourself.
He had come closer now, and Ariana could see that although the rocks still passed through him, like he was a ghost - he looked more solid than she had ever seen him - even more so than when he had shown her the dead elves.
"Leave me. Help Rain." She replied, aloud this time.
You see what I mean? Silly girl. Look - that rock you are next to. It's at an angle. Get under it and you will be safe. Well, as safe as you can be in this predicament - hopefully, it will serve as shelter.
Another slab narrowly missed her and she wavered.
Why do you hesitate? The voice was clearly annoyed, and before she could do anything else, she felt and icy touch on her arm, and she found herself being pushed down, and into the space which would serve as her shelter. She cried out in pain. It wasn't hitting the floor, or her cuts that made her cry though, it was something else.
Her head was hurting so much, and she felt like she was going to be sick. But she was so empty - it was as if there was nothing left, no comfort, no light, no nothing.
And then it was gone. She tried to push herself into a sitting position, to see where he was. But she found that she was too weak. She didn't need to do that though, for she already knew.
He was gone.
For now.
Despite all the havoc going on around her, Ariana rested her head on the floor and closed her eyes.
For some reason, she knew she was going to survive, even though the odds didn't look good. Did she trust the elf then?
She didn't know. All she knew was that she just wished that Rain had another party trick up her sleeve.
She drifted into sleep.

(Ok, post out (finally). I'll try and post more on this, sorry I've just been on a blank. But I'll have to go for now - school. Byes.)


#246:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:21 pm

Aw yes, things did look grim for the chosen few, but that gyspy did have a trick up her sleeve, she alway did, after all she was a gypsy.

What you again?

Yes, me again, I got hired back on after things started getting boring around here. Apparently you can't do without me, Purple said feeling smug.

Quit bragging and get back to your job while you have one!

Okay, Okay! *clears throat* Needless to say, the DragonSword was none to happy with being stuck in the ground again and was planning a way to kick a certain dragon in the rear without getting herself melted in the process when she felt a certain something. Distress. A plan go awry.

She also felt war not yet started. A War brewing but not yet coming.

She also felt the companions quest slipping through the cracks due to the carelessness of the dragon Ergos had stuck her with before he up and disapeered for the last five years.

He would return. There was no doubt in the Swords mind about that. After all, they never did find his dragonstone, and as long as an eroki had his dragonstone, he lived, so it was only a matter of time.

What she couldn't figure out was why in the world had he stuck her with this pain in the helm and not taken her himself.

Aw well...the Sword thought.

Meanwhile, Rain was awakening in more ways then one...

Rain wasn't dead, she wasn't even close. She hadn't even fainted. She was just drained. Bearing the sword had given a sense of power she hadn't felt since she had lost her own, and the quick loss of such power had knucked her out temporarily.

Rain felt herself awake with the heat of a fire. It was enough that the mage had to set his house to crumple at his death but he had set it to burn too....

Pulling herself up, Rain was surprised to find there was no fire. But her skin seemed to burn and her body once again sung as her ears was filled with the music of magic...but it wasn't her own magic.

Looking up, Rain was in for the shock of her life for standing next to her was the one person, or should she say dragon she never expected to see again.

"Gilath!" Rain shouted above the roar of the house, "Aren't you dead?"

Smiling, Gilath spread his wings as a shield to protect his small friend. "Why yes I am. But all ghost come to this valley sooner or later if they leave something unfinished. Apparently I left you unfinished, so I'm here to see out of this place safely so I can get out of this sticking place. That mage wasn't exactly pleasant company you know. Now, let's go."

With that, Gilath began to run picking up Ariania, Morzan, Graeme, and finally one kicking Craema as he went.

Running still, Gilath never stopped until he reached a small crack in the wall of mountains. Next to it a tree grew and a stream flowed. Rain recongized it from her dream.

"Go, and don't worry, Rath will follow. Us ghost managed to find something living that can deal with her attitude. She will meet you in the carven of many doors."

Waving goodbye, Gilath disappered.

Pushing her companions into the crack, Rain looked back just in time to see the whole valley of memories go up in flames. The group slowly pushed forward until the came to a large part of the carven path then they turned to face each other, at once at a lose of words about what just happened.

#247: re Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:31 pm
Dragons, always with the flames and burning. Can't they make a quiet exit. I'm gonna have to say no to that one. Isn't their style, especially this dragon. Best way to approach Rath is to be...Invisible. Let her boil over, and when she's calm again, talk. Ha! Like I'll make much difference. Everything has went...Smoothly for me. They have had hell. I've been non-existent. A tag along. It suits me.

Rain stumbled along away from the fire. Oh, her. Forgot about the gypsy. She's probably done the same with me. I hated her one time. What was it again...Oh yes, the orb...

Rain stood beside Ergos. Around him the battle raged. Blood. Demons. Screams. Graeme stood amidst all this. A ghost of the future. Seeing the past. A spectator. He strode to the summit. It was happening. He saw his grandfather lead the clerics into a desperate charge at the demons. Brave, was his grandfather. He crept closer to the hill top. The action would begin soon...

"She comes," said the eroki king.

"Shall I prepare my spell?" enquired the young Rain.

"No, you are too inexperienced my young friend. This is between her and me. She made her choices, now she must pay,"he replied.

"I want to help, defeating evil is my quest in life King," she pleaded a bit.

She is coming. Bugger, I hate this bit. Suddenly a howling wind swept in, along with screams and a a terrible drum beat. Low flying demons came in their hundreds. Anytime now. Wait, the fireworks first. Magic flew over from both sides. Flames, lightening, shields, everything. The hill shook. Forgot that part. Rain stumbled. Ergos stood, almost disinterested with the battle. Scary, like a normal Rath. Dragons always scared me. Especially this one. Hurry up and arrive. I hate waiting. Oh, here she is, coming up behind Ergos. And here is Rain, gonna be taken out, supposedly. The beautiful form of the Tricked walked gracefully up. A vicious back hand to Rain spun her off her feet. Unlucky. Soon a momentous battle raged. Gods, they are good. The best. Soon it would end.

Ergos broke through the Lady's defences and grasped her throat in his hands. Graeme could here the sizzling of his flesh. That's got to hurt. Ergos grunted. Inhuman. Right, here it was. The Lady screamed and unleashed her power. Ergos stumbled and the Lady fled. Smart move. Ergos wearily leaned on his sword. Why didn't he use that to kill her? Gods, the idiot wanted to stangle her.

"Rain, get me some aid. I...Feel, weak. I...Need healing. Rain?" he pleaded.

Rain got to her feet, glanced at him and laughed a cold laugh," You shall die King, and your sword shall be mine."

She stepped forward, lowered his head. He feebly tried to push her away. She slipped out one of her precious daggers and slipped it into his heart. His eyes glazed over.

He returned to the present. It had to be false, or he was in trouble...

#248:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:37 pm
Morzan felt the sensation of flying as Gilath picked him up. He hadnt known it though, his thoughts still a dark blur. As he was set down he stirred and awoke. Pain shot through his head like an arrow. Sitting up he clutch hsi head and drove his thumbs into his temples. When the pain subsided he stood up and stumbled to the entrance of the hole.

Looking out he saw tha rest of the party staring at something. Walking to them he followed their gaze and saw what they saw. A gigantic gold dragon flying into the distance.

"Well I be damned..." he whispered.

A flicker below caught his eye and he saw that the Mist they had entered was now a blazing inferno. Feeling his jaw drop he joined the party in their awe. To think I could have died down there is'nt hard to believe. Ripping a strip from his cloak he bound it around his head to stop the blood that flowed from his wound.

Morzan also noticed that his shoulder guards were dented and scratched deeply. Sighing he striped them off and tossed them into the hole. Clapping his hands loadly he shouted,

"How bout some food and a nap since we werent able to depend on that old wizard, hm?!"

#249:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:47 pm
Rain smiled at Morzan. "Sleep and food sound like a good idea to me. However, we should probably heal that cut of yours."

Pulling out her small handbag of herbs she made quick work of Morzan's wound.

Then she sat down to take care of her own taking a quick glance over her companions. They were close now and many of them would be tested beyond themselves soon, and to think she was absouletly useless!

Oh the irony.

"Juric," she whispered, "why me?"

She trusted these people to a point, and each represented something special to her, even if she didn't show it sometimes.

She needed each of one of them and they thought they needed her.

They didn't.

She was only their guide now, she was not the Music of the Soul as spoken by the prophecy, and as everyone knows guides could be replaced...

#250:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:08 pm
Rath watched as Gilath swooped down and scooped up the weary party members. As her small clearing became embers Rath took to the skies above him catching his eye for a moment. "For now...but remember you belong to me..." She watched the shade of the dragon place the battered companions into the crevass in the mountain side.

Her vision swam back to her along with the sense of guilt. She'd taken her payment and yet...the job still wasn't done. With a booming crack of her wings she plummetted from the sky, shape changing while she did so, until she was a tiny creature not bigger than a cat. Landing on the mountainside she took a moment for her scales to take on the exact color of the rocks around her before climbing in.

As she hung upside down from the ceiling Rath watched the others go to sleep. A grin split her muzzle and she continued on, racing across the ceiling without anyone being the wiser. With any luck she'd be in the Lady's throne room before the others even woke.

#251:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:28 pm
((I'm sorry Rai, couldn't let that happen. So invented something just for you, took it from Morzan's post though. Make of her what you will.))

A gold dragoness of massive size flew across the Valley of Memories snorting in contempt at the damage done by that youth of a dragon.

Swooping down she easily picked up the DragonSword and gave it a curesties hello before stashing it somewhere safe admist her metalic scales.

Following Rath, she was surprised the other dragon didn't hear her coming.

Going into a twirl dive, the gold spread her wings wide and spinning a spell a gold net captured the dragoness before she knew what hit her.

Pulling back on the rope, she brought the dragoness to a dead stop and then let the bag drop to the ground in a not so gentel manner.

"Where do you think you're going missie?" she said causally as she began examine her nails carefully.

"Let me go." Rath growled lowly as she stuggled against the net.

"No, I've been sent to give you an attitude adjustment and personally I intend on doing it." The gold said bring her muzzle close she growled at the younger dragoness, "I am much older than you so I suggest you don't argue, it will go much quicker that way. Oh by the way, you forgot something." She said pulling the DragonSword out.

Rath growled. "Keep it. I don't want it."

"But's it's yours." The gold said, "And unless you give it to the heir of Ergos or Ergos himself, you're stuck with it so I suggest you deal with it. Besides without it those people you left in the cave are going to get very, very left" Unleasing the spell, the gold let Rath but kept a tether nearby just in case, "Now where was I oh yes, An attitude readjustment."

Last edited by dinranwen on Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

#252:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:46 pm
Fire, smoke...blood?
Ariana awoke almost feverishly and clamped a hand to her brow. She though she must have been sweating much through the heat of the flames - but when she pulled her hand away, she saw that it was red.
"Oh Gods." She whispered softly in Elvish, and wondered where she was.
She had been moved from her slab of rock, and there was silence all around her. And mist. So she hadn't left the valley yet - great shame.
Ariana placed her hand back onto her forehead and tried to reach the light within herself so she could heal. Tried being the operative word. For when she reached out, she met resistence. A barrier around the light which she found inpentrable.
Maybe it's because I am weary. She thought, but with little hope.
What hope there was though was crushed a moment later.
Or maybe you just can't reach it. Always the optimist, aren't you? The voice cut into her mind, and she had the strange notion that he was mocking her. Well, maybe not so strange a notion.
Which makes sense, considering you are always the pessimist. She replied, then puzzeled on her words. Why had she said it maked sense. Surely it was not linked at all.
Who are you fooling? He replied to her musings and she gave it up.
No-one. Ariana though helplessly. Not even myself.
It was true. Uninveiteably they were linked, although she wasn't quite sure how. His was the voice she had heard in her visions. His was the voice she recognised from so far back that she thought it must be the beginning. But why?
She saw no reason for it, why no other elves had this. But then...maybe they did. Maybe all elves had a ghost protector, but they never told anyone - fearing that they had gone mad. After all, elves are a rather secretive race...
It was a nice idea. Ariana sighed, and tried to lift herself up again. But just like before, she found she was too weak.
Why can't I get up? Why am I so weak? Ariana asked, sure that there would be an answer.
Sure enough, moments later and one came. Because you hesitated.
What kind of an answer was that? Ariana threw her mind back to the mages house, reliving the memory so easily with the aid of the mist.

Just trust me - I'm here to get you out because you are so stupidly worried about others - that you disregard yourself.
He had come closer now, and Ariana could see that although the rocks still passed through him, like he was a ghost - he looked more solid than she had ever seen him - even more so than when he had shown her the dead elves.
"Leave me. Help Rain." She replied, aloud this time.
You see what I mean? Silly girl. Look - that rock you are next to. It's at an angle. Get under it and you will be safe.
Another slab narrowly missed her and she wavered.
Why do you hesitate?

Why do you hesitate?...

She shook herself, and the memory floated off into the mist. She did not want to relive the next part. Not the pain.
The pain...was that why she was so weak? What had he done?
What did you do to me?
A pause. A long pause.
I saved your life.
You know that is not what I mean. You are avoiding my question.
This time, the silence was almost audible.
No, it is what you mean - but you don't know what you are asking. I saved your life. If you had not hesitated, you would not be feeling as weak. If...
"I don't care about If's!" Ariana hissed, still in elven, as she pressed with all her might onto the hard rock and finally managed to get herself into a sitting posistion. The fury had helped her, but now it was gone and once more she felt drained.
Ah. Well done. You see? You are not nearly so weak as you first thought.
He said it like praise and she wondered. Had he meant to hurt her? Maybe not. Maybe that was an accident. After all - he had saved her life...
Try that again.
His voice startled her and Ariana looked around for him. It was not hard, for he was only a few feet away. He was sitting at the edge of the rock with his legs dangling over the side. And he was watching her intently. Almost...hungrily?
Ariana shuddered, and it wasn't the cold.
Was it just her imagination, or did he really become more alive every time she saw him?
And in the house...he had touched her. He was no ghost.
"Why?" Ariana asked, still speaking softly for she had observed not only him, but also her companions. They were asleep, and not far off.
Why not? Do you not want to move? Do you want to be parylised all your life?
No, she didn't. But...
...No, fruitless. She may as well try.
Focusing all her attention on getting her muscles working, Ariana tried to stand. Nothing happened though, and soon she fell back to the ground, a small sigh escaping her lips.
You are going about it the wrong way. Think about how you did it last time.
Ariana did. She had been angry with him. It had been that anger - that supressed rage that had spurred her to move.
But now she felt none.
It can be provoked though, no? could...
What if I told you that the barrier around your light is caused by Rath?
You have a link with her dragon sword, no?
So, it is her dragon sword. She also has a link with it. That is why you could send her through it before, when you were still on the ship.
A pause.
There is the motive and the ways by which to acomplish it.
"But I do not have the sword. Surely it can't reach me when..." Ariana trailed off, fully aware of how feeble her own voice sounded.
The dark elf waited, a strange smile on his face. He waited for her to work it out. And he prided himself. Prided himself on how clever he was.
"Oh. When she didn't have the sword, I could still send her the light. And even then, I wasn't touching the sword. So I suppose I don't just have a link with the sword - but because of the sword, i have a link with Rath." Ariana held her head in her hands, barely aware that she could move again. "Oh," She muttered in silven, "This is so confusing..."
Or relatively simple. The voice hissed in her ear. Rath made the barrier. It is Rath who has made you feel weak. And until you get revenge, you can cheat the spell by feeling, ironicaly, rath. Rath, fury and hatred. It is the only way...
The voice faded, and Ariana barely realised she was nodding in agreement with it. Rath, fury and hatred. It made so much sense. Why hadn't she though of it before?
She drifted back to sleep as a small, cat sized dragon clamboured up the wall, and continued to sleep when a golden dragon caught the smaller one and gave her the sword.
She slept, and she dreamt.
She dreamt that they were travelling. They were on the ship, all of them, but Ariana had eyes only for one. Rath.
She looked so proud of herself, scales gleaming in the morning sunlight, wings poised for flight, and yet Ariana was on deck. If she had been thinking properly, Ariana would have realised this didn't happen. Almost couldn't have hapened, as she had been in a trance for most of the journey, and when she had woken, Rath had gone.
But she was not thinking straight, and to her, it seemed real.
Oh! Cruel, twisted reality!
Ariana felt insignificant. And indeed, she was, wasn't she?
She couldn't even move, and yet, Yet rath could fly around the boat in circles. Just for fun! Just like she was doing now.
Despite herself, Ariana felt anger start to boild inside her. Hatred even.
How come Rath could do these things and she couldn't? Now jealousy joined her hatred, and the knowledge that somehow, Rath had disabled her, made it impossible for her to move, made the whole dream worse.
I suppose, I should call it a nightmare, to be more precise.
Anger, jealousy, hatred, fury, rath. Rath.
Rath alights on the deck, looking smug. When she sees Ariana, she gives her a haughty look, and turns.
This is her chance, Ariana can feel it in her bones. Rising up, for she finds that she can move now, she runs. Although he legs are long, although elf runners are quick, although Rath is plodding slowly, and although the boat width is relatively short - as sometimes happenes in nightmares, and even dreams occasionally, Ariana found that she was running to no avail. Occasionally, she would find that she had got closer, but then Rath's lumbering form moved out of reach again and she had to redouble her efforts.
It didn't help that Rath was walking lazily.
SHE MOCKS ME! Ariana thought in rage, and gave one final lunge. The dream faded before she could see what happened next, but she though that she caught Rath. Thought that she saw her hand close around one of her scales. And as she thought this, she found that she could imagine what would happen next.
In a state of mind where dreams and reality are all mixed into one, Ariana found that she was stabbing Rath, again, and again, and again.
And it felt good.
She drifted back to sleep with a smile on her face. I would like to say it was contented, and to a certain degree, it was. But it was not a nice smile. And had her eyes been open, then we wold have been able to see the malice held within.
With them shut, however, the smile remained contented. Contented with something else mixed in. Something that made it not contented, but something else entirely.
But as we do not know, we shall, for now at least, say it was contented.
Contented because, to her mind anyhow, Rath was dead. She had got her revenge - and it felt good.
Contented, because she could not see the blood on her hands where she had hit them repeatedly against the stone, envisioning it to be Rath.
And contented, because she knew she could overcome this feebleness. She knew that she was back in control. And it only took three things.
Hatred, fury, and rath...

(Ok, not sure how long this is...but I've been writing for ages. Got a little carried away.
Can I just say, so no confusion emerges, that Rath did nothing to harm Ariana, or at least, she did not put up the barrier.
Just Ariana is disillusioned, poor elf, and dosn't know any better than to trust her feelings. Now that her source of comfort has been cut off...she needs to find a new one. One that can't be blocked off.
And by god, she has been trying...)

#253:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:23 pm
(That would almost have worked Din...if you actually knew Rath's age...The only dragon you've got that would be older would be Elizabeth least the only dragon on Cree older.)

Rath struggled against the golden net then slowly let her muscles go slack. "Older than I am...I very much doubt that. You'd have to be my Mother for that to happen...or one of the Sages and since I know them personally I can vouch for the fact you're not them." Rath lazily allowed her eyes to crawl over the spells of the net. Finding just what she wanted she threaded a claw through and yanked hard.

In a moment the roles were reversed and it was the gold dragoness in the golden web. "Dracos rule number one. Give yourself the time to find your escape route." She looked at the dragoness wrapped in gold and at the sword. "You are an indordinate amout of trouble but since I guess I must complete the job with you then I shall take you for the ride." Stashing the sword in her gem Rath returned to being the small rock creature and bobbed her head at the dragoness that hissed at her from within the golden net.

"Dracos rule number two. Always do your opponant one better." With a flick of her talons she encased the dragon in a second net, this one woven in black thread. "When you manage to free yourself from that tell your master that I am not a tame dragon. And I'll thank you to remember that yourself." With that Rath skittered back into the cave, back to the point where she had been before the net had so rudely pulled her back.

She tried to take another step and found her way blocked. Tapping the barrier she found it complex and highly entertaining to play with. "I could just tear this down...but I'd much rather like to see how those pitiful excuses for destined warriors try it on their own." With that, ignoring the protests of the sword in her mind, Rath found a handy rock ledge and curled up to sleep.

#254:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:59 pm
((And who said she was from Cree....? Or that she isn't as old or as old as Elizabeth? He, he, he, he, oh I'm going to like this.))

The gold snorted at the nets Rath had tossed her but let herself be trapped.

Spinning magic, she created a barrior to stop Rath from going any further and then took her time unraveling the net. After all one never knew when these things came in handy.

In the meantime, the Gold was having a long converstation with the Elizabeth, who ironically was her younger sister but was born within the same litter has she had been.

The gold, who had forgotten her name since times past, had spent the last thousands years in a nice nap in a place that neither time, nor spell, nor anything else effected curtesy of someone that if Rath asked she would have known, and the gold highly doubted anyone else on Cree knew either, but the dragons knew. Dragons always know.

Then making sure the barrior was tight and unmistakalbly hers, the gold closed her eyes and called. So Rathiania didn't want to deal with a tongue lashing, well then, she was about to get something much, much worse.

Immediatly next to her stood a small brown hair child with big brown eyes in a roman tunic, "Why?" the child asked in a small voice.

"Because I called." The gold said gently, "Is that okay?"

Looking up with big eyes the child played with it's hair as it looked towards Rath, "I guess. May I ask where I am?"

"In Cree, my dear."

"Never heard of it," the child said looking back towards the gold.

"But you will when you grow up." the gold said patiently, "Now will you do me a favor? I'll give you something in return."

"Okay," the child said shaking her small head.

"I want you to stay with that dragon, her name is Rath dear, no matter what. If you have anytrouble just close your eyes for a moment, and I'm sure you'll no exactly what to do."

"Will I have any help," the child whispered, "She is big."

"No, child," the gold said as a very evil smile spread across her face, "Trust me, you can deal with her and whole lot more too."

Spreading her wings, the gold bowed to the child who curtesied in return, "I have to go now, I have other gifts to give." and with a whispered spell the gold was gone.

Walking up to the red dragoness, the child tapped her on the shoulder.

((Take that! And I wouldn't recommend eating her. I'm sorry Rath, but I couldn't resist handing you a challenge!))

~ ~ ~

In the meantime, the gold invisible and considerablly shrunk, snuck into the cave.

Reaching Ariania she touched her head and a star appared there. A necklace too was added to her neck in the shape of a star. The Dark elf grimicaced at it but didn't leave.

Next she stepped close to Morzan. Next to him there suddenly a shield, plain in apperance but strong. A helmet also, well remember as Juric's own, appeared next to the shield. The shield said in latin, Loyalty never need lack.

At Craema she paused, but settled on giving her three of her own scales and whispered in the Centeur's ears, "When wisdom lacks."

Reaching Graeme she stooped close and whispered in his dream, "Thou seemest small for a purpose, Doubt not your friend for she fears to call attention to thee lest she endanger the end." She had no gifts for him except a small bag filled with something important to Graeme only, a white cloth full of blessing, and on second thought slipped him a small vial with a label that said not to drink it till he reached the Santuary.

Reaching Rain, she simply smiled as she saw the glittering red stone. The other, the one Rain had destroyed, had been an illusion. The Gold simply touched Rain's head and Rain began to dream a song, and then Rain slipped off in the only true sleep she had had since the begining of the trip.

Her task done, the Gold left.

~ ~ ~

((I'm not posting in character because I just want to bring us along a little quicker.))

In the morning the group traveled far marching grimly through the narrow length of the cavern until the reached a opening. Stepping into it they found all their tourches extinishgused and they where in utter dark.

They had reached the room of Night. It was the begining of the Lady's kingdom and stood as a warning to all who entered this way.

Although forgotten the spell once laid here still worked and until one of them broke it, they would stay in the darkness forever.

Beyond this was the final passage of the Cavern Way marked by the Chamber of Many Doors, but to get there they first had to defeat the Room of the Night.

This is Ariania's trial do not interfere.

((p.s. Anytime I mention a specific name for a specific task, I ask that no one interfere with that person. You can offer advice, consolution, and even fend off other threats for them, but you cannot help them in the main trial that they face.

There will be a trial like this for each of you. I appreciate everyone's help and consideration. Thank you.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

#255:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:24 pm
Din are you even reading my posts? Rath took the sword and has it with for the challenge. Not hardly but I won't go into that just now...

#256:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:22 pm
((Sorry, I was feeling like myself yesterday so I did the best I could. Will fix my post though. However, I wouldn't underestimate her if I was you.))

#257:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:33 pm
(( Due to lack of involment, this thread is slowly dying. Personally, I will be the first to admit that I have serveral crucial mistakes that may have led to this threads untimely death:

1.) I have been to controling over several events and my character has been too promient in this RPG.

2.) The plot has been overdrawn, especially the Vale of Memories, and should have been considerably shorter.

3.) I have been to controling over some characters, while ignoring other characters.

I ask y'all to forgive me for these things, and I will personally guarentee that not everything played here will be included in the SG version.

If you are all are willing, we can continue this rpg, as there is not much left to do. I would throughly enjoy it if you all did.

If however, you are feeling as I am, that this Rpg has become to drawn out and is dying, I would be content to end this without further notice and leaving the end undetermined to be found out upon the release of the SG.

If I end this, I plan to host a looser sort of RPG until the beginning of next year as I don't want to get envolved in anything as large as this has been over the holidays.

Next year however, I would (if everyone is willing) be willing to invite you once again to play another RPG that would take place (Setting Wise) before or after this one.

I am sorry that this RPG has been too drawn out and I am sorry to see it dying, but I do acknowledge it is my fault entirely.

If you wish to continue, either P.M me or Respond ASAP.))

#258:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:58 pm
WHAT! I have to finish this! I don't know about the rest of you but I've been having fun doing this...I've just felt like I've been monopolizing replies lately. If that's what it takes then I'll keep doing it rather than see this end without ending.

Plus if I don't finish the grand surprise will be left undone...I can't do that.

#259:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 6:10 pm
((If solus responds, and you get your but in the carven with the group, I think I can manage to get us to pretty exiciting spot ie the Santuary. The Santuary is the back door to the Lady's mountain, and after that it's all down hill or should I say uphill. But I could manage to end this pretty fast if I have too, I just need solus to respond, and GRAEMe to particpate and soon!))

#260:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:06 am
(*Hides* So sorry, no doubt you've seen that I am still active on the site, and seem to be tactifully avoiding this thread, but I don't really want to.
It's just that as it is, I havn't been going on for exceedingly long periods of time and well...since it is my part, I have this big cloud over my head telling me it had better be long...and good.
And really, I'm quite afraid of it. *takes a quick glance upwards to see a huge black cloud with sharp teeth glaring down menacingly - somehow reminiscent of a shark.*
I will however, try and get it out as soon as possible. In fact, I'll start it now...maybe.
I've decided it will seem more friendly if I do it in parts - but actually, I'll probably start it, get carried away, then finish it in the same sitting like I usually do. Ah well - now it's the holidays I can afford to do that... Smile.
Anyway, i'm fine with the continuation, I'm also fine with the dieing and the wait. But unless there is an overwhelming vote for killing it - I'll assume it is going to continue.
Anyway, expect it out soon-ish Confused )


#261:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:13 am
(Sorry for double post)
Ariana awoke to hear a sweet, melodic tune playing somewhere, and to see lights flitting this way and that. She wondered if she was still asleep, for her eyes were closed and the music seemed to come not from the outside world.
Gradually, she opened her eyes to see the cave. As she did so, the music stopped and all the former light vansihed.
Confused, Ariana frowned, then looked around. Several of the others were awake now, and were examining things which Ariana assumed must be new.
Hm, we do get a lot of presents on this trip! She though with a smile, then wondered if she had got anything. Glanceing down, she saw that her hand was clasped around a pendant, and when she freed it from her grasp, she saw that it was shaped as a star.
"Stars...the most beautiful of things." She whispered in light silvan, putting her head on one side to examine it.
Whether it was the rest or the light and music that she had seen and heard, Ariana felt much lighter now - much more carefree.
Getting up, she felt like skipping and dancing - singing to an old melody that she had heard at a feast when she was a child.
is this what the star has done? Ariana wondered, restraining herself from moving more lest she make a great fool of herself. because this seems more trouble then good.
I pity Ariana for being too full of dignity to trust to the gift and simplicity of its meaning.
She felt someone watching her and turned to see the dark elf still there. Immediately, some of her light-headedness vanished, and she remembered Rath. What did she feel? A mixture, I suppose, which uninvitedly led to feeling slightly sick. She felt guilt though, too. Her anger had dissapeared, and although she knew that Rath was not dead, although she knew that it had been a dream bought on by this darker side, she still felt guilty knowing that she had believed him and had been ready to hurt Rath.
Turning away so she could not see him, Ariana allowed herself a deep sigh.
Her fists were still bloody where she had hit them against the rock, but she did not heal them.
They shall be reminders Ariana thought quite bitterly. Reminders of how frail I am, how frail everyone is when they want something to be true. It will remind me not to do it again.
A tear glistened in her eye for a moment, and she looked back down at the star pendant. Clasping it in her hand again, she closed her eyes for a moment and wondered whether it would ever happen, whether her dream would ever be fulfilled.
Then, the moment passed, she swiftly wiped the tear away set about waking the people that were still asleep. It was time to move on again, and her face was set in a grim mask.


They had travelled far this day, and all were tired, but at last, things looked like they were about to get more interesting.
The cave systems that they had been travelling through were dark, and all had had to have torches to light their way. And, like in the valley of memories, a rope had been tied to each of them so they would not get lost. Not that you really could as long as you followed the person in front of you - but better safe than sorry.
It was as they ducked through a small opening into the next part of the cave that things started to go wrong. All the torches, simultaneously, went out. Total, utter darkness.
Ariana shrunk back from it, but it was everywhere.
She heard the others exclaiming in surprise and trying to re-light the torches, but somehow, she knew that it was no use. That it wasn't going to work.
"We have reached the beginning of Night's territory." She whispered, and her voice carried over the stillness of the room. "Torches aren't going to do any good here."
It was stated as a fact, and the others gave up trying to light them.
Ariana paled slightly as she realised this was her job, her task. They were all relying on her, and if she failed, then what would they do? They could not proceed...
Ariana shivered, then gently released herself from the rope. As she did so, her feet tapped against the floor, and she started at the recognition of the echoes.
You know this place. The voice muttered in her ear. No, in her head - and she remembered her vision. The same voice...and now the same place.
Biteing her lip, Ariana tried with all her might to think about how she had gotten out of it in her vision, but the darkness seemed to cloud her mind and stop her memory from working right. All she knew was that it was the same voice. The same place.
the voice helped you last time The thought rose to the surface of her drowned mind and she tried to shake it away. The voice had caused more trouble than good - she still didn't fully understand it, it just didn't make sense. How come it was good and bad?
It could help you again This thought was persistent, should she listen to it?
Sinking to the floor in a kneeling position, Ariana held her head in her hands.
I am always feeling so sorry for myself she thought angrily, another tear rolling down her cheek as she felt the darkness close in. It was cold, too. She wished it could be warm.
A warm touch on her arm, but she couldn't tell who it was. She turned, but could not see anything. Despite the warmth now spreading through her, she felt scared. Yet, she didn't want to speak. She didn't want to scare whoever it was away, and she didn't want to alert the others as to where she was.
Remember you heard the echoes, and followed them until you came to the door. When you were out of the room, you realised you had been blindfolded. The voice told her, and she remembered it clearly now. How come he gave her warmth and help now, but took away movement and embedded fear before?
So I am blindfolded? She asked silently, her hands flying to her eyes and feeling for any king of blindfold.
Yes, but not physically.
Oh Ariana let her hands drop. Then how do I get rid of it?
I can take yours away for you. Ariana felt something change in her eyes and a momnet later she found that she was kneeling in a fair sized room cut out of the rock. Although she was not blindfolded now, all but one of the torches had gone out, and a moment later, that one flickered and died too.
Before it did though, she saw the rest fiddling with rope that tied them together and trying to work out what to do.
That was fairly pointless. Ariana told the voice (who, in the faint torchlight, she had ascertained to be the dark elf), I still can't see.
I can see though, I can lead you out of here if you want.
Ariana hesitated. This was supposed to be her task. Why was he doing it all?
Because...I am part of you, and you are part of me. I have told you this before.
Had he? She vaguely remembered something of the sort. And indeed, he had been present for so long now that she couldn't really remember a time with out him. Ariana took a sharp intake of breath as the warmth reached her fists, and they called out in a fresh burst of pain, reminding her of why she had not healed them. She wanted this to be true. She wanted him to be part of her. That way, he could complete the task for her and she wouldn't feel cheated. That way, she could stop trying to fight him. It was the easy way out. The lazy way. Gritting her teeth, she pulled away from his touch, shivering as the cold hit her.
Why do you chose this? Why do you go for the hard route? You assume I am lying, yet you have no evidence of it. If I am part of you, it is pointless to persist in this fight that will get you nowhere.
Ariana didn't reply for a moment. Then, very quietly, she repeated what she had told him before.
Ariana closed her eyes, and once more found her hand straying to the star pendant. When she touched it, the faint, sweet music that she had heard that morning began to play again, and with her eyes shut, she found that the lights were dancing again.
show It was an order. An order from her to the lights, and they obeyed her, dancing now with more purpose as they flited about so fast that they became a blur. A moment later, and she could see the cave. This time though, instead of a dim light, it was filled with different colours, all light colours. Yellow, pink, red, green, blue, purple, orange...and if she looked carefully, she realised that the scene was made out of lots of tiny, flitting lights. Almost as if millions of miniture fairies were dancing.
A faint smile tugging at her lips, Ariana moved forward, and watched as the lights rearranged themselves to show what her eyes would, except the obvious colour difference.
In this way, she managed to make her way over the the group, but it was tedious as, after every step, the lights rearranged themselves.
You don't have to do it this way. She told herself, glad that it was herself giving the orders this time. And she knew it was true. Although the voice hadn't said it, and she knew that he had been purposely and rather succesfully avoiding it, she was the essence of light, just as he was, she thought, the essence of darkness. This would, however, probably not help the others too much.
Opening her eyes and letting go of the pendant with some relief, Ariana fumbled in her pack. She didn't didn't know what she was looking for, but there had been so many gifts that surely one of them would help.
Sure enough, her hand clasped around a little pouch, and bringing it out, she opened it to find that this was what the elves had given her at the inn. A little bag of stones. Thoughtfully, Ariana tiped them out onto her hand. After wasting so much time, it was easy for her to see now. She had to just open her eyes. The light seemed to come out of her eyes themselves, but she hardly noticed as she counted the stones.
There were six.
One for Rath, Rain, Cremla, Graeme, Morzan and herself.
Rath was not there though.
Holding each one seperately in her hand, Ariana let some of the light which was in her flow into them.
The she came to the others, who were looking decidedly bored, which made her feel annoyed that she had taken so long and wasted so much time. Moving along the line, she pressed a stone into their hands. Then, touching their eyelids with two fingers, she visualised blindfolds, and they appeared, as they had with her in her vision.
"Take off the blindfolds first." She told them, then walked toward the door where they had come in. It was closed, and she could not get out that way, so she bent down, and left the stone at the entrance. She could not take away what she had done last night in her dream, but she could try and help her. Somehow, it made things better.
Then she retunred to the others, whose sight had now been returned, and mroe so in that they could see, even though the torches were out, just so long as they held the stone.
The though that Rath might acidently step on her stone as she entered did occur to Ariana, but no knowing what she could do about it, she left it. Then, tieing the rope back around her middle, she looked at the door at the far side of the room. She avoided the others eyes though.
The first challenge had been overcome. But what lay ahead?

(Ok, sorry, Ariana's feelings represented mine a bit in there. I'm annoyed it took so long and that the answer was so simple, and that a lot of it seemed entirely pointless - but enver mind, hopefully I can patch this side thing off soon. Well, at the end of it anyway.)


#262:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:17 am
((You have done well Malen'de Ele.))

Rain smiled as she walked after the elf, feeling proud of Ariania for some strange reason.

She felt more had been done in the cave then a simple task. Rain was also more than pleased to hear, even if faintly, the soft sound of music and tiny multicolored lights dancing in the soul of the elf.

More had been done indeed.

In her own head, a faint tune played, and Rain was suprised to find herself humming once more. Something she hadn't done since she had lost all the music she had. It made her glad that Ariania's song had awoken her own once more.

Something bewildred her though, as they traveled Rain was becoming more and more aware of a very faint light immerging from her own skin but not a pure light like Ariania's. It was more like the light of a very low fire and Rain was aware a faint burning sensation underneath her skin. It bewildred her and bothered her.

It wasn't long until the group once again had to stop. They were in a caven and in it was three doors. One to the left, one in front, and one to the right. Rain stopped. She knew this place. She also knew that only one person could help them here.

The one person who wasn't here.

Above them, a small child stood next to Rath and she began to whisper. "Wake up, Rathiania Skye Princess. Awake and Arise. They need you.

They stand before three doors. One will lead them underground, underneath the marses into the Lady's powers. But if they take this door they will pass through Fire and Flame, they will not survive there and they will become one of the many corpses slain by the Undermarsh.

Another will lead them high upon the mountain tops, but the icy mountains suffer never to pass and they will become lost, lost until they feel their bodies covered in ice and snow.

The door they seek leads to a vale where once good did prevail. Santuary it is called, but no longer. A tower and a hovel, where Greame must make his choice to either be a mage or priest. If he choose rightly then you will find the company at the Lady's back door will Morzan must do a chore.

Then Creama must nigotiate a chessboard that doesn't appear but to any but her intelligent mind's eye to take you to the place where the Lady's own heart doth lie.

Sacrifice will not be a choice to reach the thing guarded by flame. One will appear to die where none should.

Then Rain will not sing her song, but she has known this all along.

Rathiania then who is she, be she swordbearer or the song of the soul? Her choice will effect her immortal soul.

You will see one you did not expect and who finishes the job you will be determined by Rathinia's choice.

They need you.

The Axe of Warin has been found and if it reaches it's finally bearer, war cannot be stopped. But Morzan may perhaps slay the beast before the Axe reaches it's monster's hands.

You have burned the past, Rathiania Skye, will you burn the future too?

If you ask who I be, the gold sent me with a quote. Tell your master Rathiania is not tame. The gold has no master, but I was the closest thing she could find, and I tell you we wish Rathiania not to be tame but perhaps gain her right mind.

I am innocent but before all is said, my blood will be shed so you may remember yourself instead."

The Child waited for the Dragoness to awake knowing well Rath had heard her words.

This is Rathiania's trial. Do not interfere.

#263:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:55 pm
(Humm tough choice. Normally I would have gone with everyone having their tasks but since I don't know if the others are still with us physically I'll have to pick a different route...Sorry guys.)

Rath looked at the small child. "I'm in my right mind small one. Unfortunately it's not the mind many would have wished for." Leaping off the ledge she became once again an Eroki, padding softly up behind the rest of the party. They started as she appeared, as if from nowhere. Turning her head she adressed the small child behind her. "You may go now small one. Tell the gold I'll have words with her later."

"As for you, you who are destined to save the world." Rath shook her head at this. "Tis a good thing my world is not riding on our shoulders else I might well bemoan the situation. Still Ariana, Grame, Morzan, Cremla. You all must go through the right door. For three of you your challenges wait, for the last you must light there way. Rain, you and I must take the left door."

"Wait, why must we split up?" Ariana trembled a bit. "I don't like that one bit."

"You've got everything you need to survive, your tasks will draw you forward. Graeme shall heal your hurts, Morzan defend you well, Cremla follow the tunnel markings, and you Ariana shall be their single light in the darkness."

"But should we reach the Lady before..." Rath smiled, fangs glimmering in the dark light.

"You won't. I'd stake my wings on it." Turning she took Rain by the arm. "I wouldn't be bringing you but you've chosen to call us Debt Bonded which means leaving you alone for any amount of time would inevitabley come back to me. Remember...I gave you all gifts long ago...use them well." Turning she drew the sword and tapped it against the floor three times. Slowly the doors swung open.

"You can follow me and Rain, if you must, or you can go as the Destinies would have it. I know which path I must take, I cannot say the same for you." With that Rath, still tugging Rain, stepped through the left doorway and started down the obsidian steps the descended into the darkness...

#264:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:48 pm
((Please excuse the briefness of the following post, I didn't have much time, but I wanted to make sure y'all knew I was alive out here.

FYI: The Tunnels will lead different directions, since that what Rath chose and I won't contradict it. Rain will follow Rath whereever she leads, however it will the other groups decision on where their tunnel goes.

Beware however, to go under the Marsh ends in certain death. To go straight brings danager but almost certain successe. To go upwards means possible success but slim chances of survival.

But like I said I will leave it up to each group to determine their fate, I'm keeping my hands out of this one because quite frankly, I'm enjoying myself and what has happened so far. After all, a girl has to no when to let go of control. Smile )))

Rain sighed rushing forward into the Darkness following the mere echo of Rath's footsteps. Why was she doing this to herself, she mentally asked.

Her mind didn't bother to answer. She knew why.

It didn't take long for Rain to catch up to Rath, and when she did, Rain showed some stupidity as she caught the dragoness shoulder turning Rath to face her in the dark.

"I didn't choose this, Rath."

"No?" Rath hissed through her teeth. "It was you who said that you were indebted to me, not me."

"You don't understand, do you?" Rain asked her eyes narrowing as they became accostemed to the lack of light in the cavern tunnel. "I didn't choose to call myself indepted because I wished to show myself a friend. I did it because it is a fact, I owe you my life in more ways than one."

Rath laughed, "And I nearly killed you once or twice. Indepted indeed."

"But you didn't. Kill me that is." Rain said point blank, "There is more to being my bond to you than what you think. My life is not all you have held in your hand, ready for the taking, and refused."

"Like what?" Rain could almost hear the sacastic bitterness in Rath's voice.

"Like my name. You know it. And know more besides." Rain laughed softly, "You probably know more about me than I know about myself."

"And you know mine." came Rath's response. "Fair is Fair. Equal is Equal, and we are equals in that." There was a pause. "What I ask is why bond yourself to me at all when such a thing isn't neccesary."

"You do not understand Cree, nor it's ways. You have yet to understand why Ariku bond with men to become servants to them. And you have yet to learn why a man would call himself bonded at all." Rain let go of Rath's shoulder, her hand falling to her sides. "Until you understand those things, do not mock what was only part of my choosing."

#265:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:42 am
(Ok, one of my 'going no-where' posts, but at least it is a post.)Ariana stared after Rain and Rath as they dissapeared throught the door. Why? Out of the whole party, Rain was the closest she could have to calling a friend. And now they split up? She thought back over their travels.
I thought that in a group of people, all going through the same perils, that we would have bonded more. As it were, we hardly talked. We were reluctant about our past, and when some came out in the valley, we did not talk of it. We pretended it had not happened. Why? Surely we could have benefitted more from talking about our troubles?
But you did not talk about yours. It takes one to make one.
You wanted me to talk about you? The reply was incredulous. Ariana had always had the feeling that her dark-elf follower was a secret. That should she talk of him, something bad would happen.
No. You believe that if you talk of me, that I will no longer be a secret. Although you say I am trouble, although you openly defy me when you realise what I am doing, you don't want me gone. Imagine how empty you would feel! You have got so used to me that I am a part of you. I always have been. no?
Ariana shook her head, not wanting to continue this train of thoughts. Glancing at the others, she saw that they were all standing around the door Rath had told them to go into, but none wanted to open it.
I guess, when they are so used to having Rain leading them, or Rath sweeping them off their feet, that they don't quite know what to do now they have gone. I am not much better though. I, too, do not want to open that door.
And you do not have to.
Some-one does. We can not stand here like scarecrows. We were put here for a reason. We each have a part to fulfill. Rain would not have gone with Rath if it was not her path. And this is our path. So we must tread it.
A pause.
Strong words, Ariana. Or is it 'Malen'de Ele'? Ariana flinched at the sound of the name Rain had given her. Why did he torment her? But you have such a closed mind! Think over what Rath said, 'You can follow me and Rain, if you must, or you can go as the Destinies would have it. I know which path I must take, I cannot say the same for you.'
But she has told us how the Destinies would want it. How can we disobey the word of Destiny?
She was not talking to you, elven-born. She was talking to the others. You have completed your task. What more do you have to do?
You say you must go through that door, but really, you can go through any number of different paths. Why limit yourself? You can go after Rain if you want. You can even turn back. It would be easy to go through the dark room, now you have conquered it. Do you really want to face unnecessary danger?
And for what? For people who don't even realise you exist half the time!

That's not true!
No? then why do they not even look at you? They do not notice that you are troubled. If they did, they would come and ask what the matter was. After the dark room, you were nearly crying, yet no-one said anything. You still think they care about you?
I...I..I don't know.
Then try it. We'll see if they really do care.
Go back into the dark room. See if they notice and try to stop you. You can wait there for a while if you want, but I bet they won't come.
A frown crossed Ariana's forehead. It seemed like a fair test. But was there any real point in it? Did it matter whether they cared about her? Surely her biggest problem now was deciding which path to take.
You can consider that while you wait for them to come. You'll have plenty of time.
What harm would it do? She may as well try it. Ariana wavered, then nodded.
Ok. Biting her lip nervously, she glanced at the others once more. They were still looking at the door, wondering who would open it. Angry that no-one had noticed her just as the dark elf had said, Ariana strode to the door that led to the dark room, and rested her hand on the knob. Forcing herself to calm down lest she make a fool of herself, she slowly opened the door and slipped through, letting it close behind her.
She had forgotten how dark it was.
What, did you expect to light up for you now you have conquered it? Although she could not see him, Ariana had a distinct impression that he was mocking her.
Gritting her teeth, she took out the stone which she had infused with light from her pocket and smiled as it began to light up the area around her. Sitting down on the floor, she got comfy. If the dark elf was right, she could be here for a long time.

(Ok, maybe this wasn't such a 'going-nowhere' post as I thought it would be at the start, but I think that if I am to be travelling with 'the others' that they should actually get involved. I am going to wait three days. If there is not a reply to Ariana in this time, then she will safely assume that they do not care about her, and they havn't noticed her dissapearence.
This is basically a decider as to which path she should take, which could have potentionally completely different results.
Wink ))


#266:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:28 am
((Very, very, interesting indeed. I'm glad in a way that I choose the way I did. Perhaps I should have given more reason behind my choice, but to tell the truth, if I had, it wouldn't have seemed very much of a choice at all.

All in all, none of this has gone the way I planned it to go, but then again perhaps the way it should be.

Can't Wait to see what develops out of all of this *grabs a bag of popcorn and begins to munch.*))

#267:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:44 am
Rath ignored the gypsy. True she knew about none of those things but she hadn't really concerned herself with Cree from the moment she'd first winged through it's skies. At first she'd been as she was now, cold, heartless, bloodthirsty. Then, when she had calmed, she'd been brooding and distrustful, disdainful of the native dragons and the half dragon Eroki they mingled with.

Things were so different here from Lodriss, and not just in scale. On Lodriss there were only dragons, of many types albiet, but nothing else of even half so much intellegence. Here there were elves, and centaurs, and men, and many other things besides. This was a world out of the old legends her Grandmother sometimes told. And like her Grandmother's tales it was teetering on the brink of destruction. The gods of this world could not have chosen a worse saviour than I.

The sword burned in her hand, an image shimmering on the metal surface. Glancing at it Rath saw darkness with only a spark of light within. So the elf has turned back? Is she faint of heart or has she come to the conclusion that this world is not worth saving? The sword burned even hotter yet Rath ignored it's painful plee. Lifting it straight before her face she snarled. "If you want the elf so badly bring her here."

She'd not ment that but there had been a flash and a pop and suddenly the elf, or elves to Rath's eyes, were sitting on the next landing on the obsidian stairway. Slamming the sword into the sheath, were it's power hummed pleased with itself, Rath bounded down the last few stairways. "Well it seems that you shall be joining us and that it is the others that must continue in the dark...I'd speak words for them but their deaths are not upon my head."

Passing by as the gypsy caught up and began to help the elf to her feet Rath let one last barb fly over her shoulders. "They're on yours."

#268:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:38 am
The sword burned in her hand, an image shimmering on the metal surface. Glancing at it Rath saw darkness with only a spark of light within. So the elf has turned back? Is she faint of heart or has she come to the conclusion that this world is not worth saving? The sword burned even hotter yet Rath ignored it's painful plee. Lifting it straight before her face she snarled. "If you want the elf so badly bring her here."

She'd not ment that but there had been a flash and a pop and suddenly the elf, or elves to Rath's eyes, were sitting on the next landing on the obsidian stairway. Slamming the sword into the sheath, were it's power hummed pleased with itself, Rath bounded down the last few stairways. "Well it seems that you shall be joining us and that it is the others that must continue in the dark...I'd speak words for them but their deaths are not upon my head."

Passing by as the gypsy caught up and began to help the elf to her feet Rath let one last barb fly over her shoulders. "They're on yours."

Rain winced as she extended a hand to Ariania. Her face contoring as she was experiencing physical pain. "I know," she heard herself say almost detached from the feelings that wracked her within, "Believe me I know."

Rain wished things could have been otherwise, just as she had a million times before. And like the million times before this, she wished it had been Juric instead of her.

Juric would know what to do. Juric would know the right words to say. Juric would have been much more friendly than she had been. If it had been Juric, the company would laugh more often, perhaps even be close friends, and the company would still be togther.

Juric wouldn't have walked off like a coward to join a dragoness he clearly hadn't trusted in Life since Gilath didn't trust Rath in Juric's death.

But then again, Juric was not forced to serve anyone, nor would have he placed his life and the life of others in anybody's but his own. Juric wasn't bonded to any but Gilath, and even then he was the Aruka not the Aroku in the relationship (the bonder not the bonded). It had been Gilath who served Juric, not the other way around.

But Juric wasn't here. She was. Juric wasn't bonded. She was. Juric was the master, Rain was the slave.

Not that she had much choice in the matter. She simply choose to accept the choice, which is choosing but it is not the same as choosing.

Juric also hadn't had a lick of magic of his own, Rain did. Juric had been human, Rain wasn't even sure what she was.

Her mother had been an Eroki, that's all she knew for sure. She knew that, and knew that without Rath, she was as good as dead but she was probably no better off with Rath.

It had happened so fast. Rain didn't even understand why it had happened until it happened. But it had happened, and she couldn't change the past.

A slight tug jerked Rain forward causing her to jump away from Ariania. An apologetic smile was all Rain could give, as a small invisible chain that was her bond to Rath, began to force her to follow Rath leading her own just as if she had been bond by chain and rope.

"I wouldn't be bringing you but you've chosen to call us Debt Bonded which means leaving you alone for any amount of time would inevitabley come back to me...." Rain remember Rath saying. It hadn't been a command, but it had been enough. With those few words Rath had become the Aruka and Rain had become the Aroku. Those words had been enough, just enough, for one command to become clear in Rain's mind.... Follow.

So Rain followed, her head hung low as her mind turned back to the events that lead her to this moment.

~ ~ ~

It had all happened the day Celebrin had revealed himself as Malabrin. It had been the day were Rain had practically surrended her powers to that foul creature. It had been the day she had almost given up.

Then with strength not from her own supply, Rain had won the fight, and with Greame's help destroyed the thing that had taken her power, but not before everything she had been lost.

It had been true that Rain had known thanks to Malabrin that there was a part of her power she hadn't yet accessed, and the crystal from the visions still puzzled her.

But it was also true that Rain had no clue what the crystal meant, why the Lady wanted it so badly, or even how to access that power she had left.

She had achieved it once briefly on the ship to protect Ariania and to control Gilath, but never again, and Rain still didn't know how she did it.

She also didn't understand what she truly was. Now she did. She was a magical being.

Dragons, unicorns, and many other things beside are magical beings. Their magic lurks in their blood. If they loose blood they loose their magic but only if they loose all their blood do they die.

Drain a dragon of magic however, and without drawing a single drop of blood you can kill them. This is because a dragon cannot exist without magic.

It turned out that neither could Rain.

Rain had just enough, just enough mind, to last of magic to keep her living for a few hours. But just barely.

Gilath had known this. Gilath also had known that Rain needed a magical creature, such as a dragon, to bond with. As long as a bond existed between her and a magical creature, Rain could exist off the magic they radited kind of like how a plant draws its power from the sun.

Gilath had only two hours that day, Rain released now. Gilath hadn't even arrived until after five hours.

What had kept her alive all those hours?

Simple. Rain looked down at the branclet Rath had given her. It was a magical object.

As long as she wore it, she was able to live, barely. It was enough just enough to keep her living, but it wasn't enough to keep the music in her head, it wasn't enough to allow her to still use magic via the branclet.

But the branclet had kept her alive. Debt one to Rath. If Rath hadn't given it to her, Rain would have died the worst death imaginable, but Rath did and Rain lived a little longer.

Then Rath had killed Gilath. Gilath owed Rain a bond, a bond that being a male dragon, Gilath couldn't provide. Rain needed a dragoness, but Gilath couldn't find one. Gilath had died owing someone.

In Cree when this is down, it is the killer that most pay the deceased debt unless the killer was a king and the deceased commited a crime, then the king was accuited of paying that fine. Rath wasn't a king, or a queen, so when she killed Gilath she had unknowingly taken Gilath's bond, Rain.

Rain could have refused it, she knew and chosen someone else. But bonded already, Rain couldn't unbond herself until her own debt was paid to the person, or dragoness, that she bonded with.

In all fairness, Rain had offered to pay. Rath had refused.

This had sealed the deal. All Rath had to do was take command of Rain, all Rath had to do to make the bond permenant was to ask something of Rain that Rain herself didn't wish to do. If Rath did that, Rath took charge of the bond. Rain hadn't wanted to leave the others behind, she didn't want to split up, she didn't want to follow Rath, but Rath asked her to, and this made Rath the bonder, Rain's master in more or less of the sense of the word.

As long as Rath wasn't openly in charge of the bond, Rath was bond to serve her bonded to guarentee her bonded didn't die until the debt was fulfilled. The way many avoided this duty was to make their bonded their slaves, as their slaves the bonded had to do what they were told, and the master wasn't obligated to do anything for it's slave. Cruel sometimes, but it was a fact.

The magic of Cree rode on honor, tradition, and costume. To have magic, one had to be able to learn how to draw from natural sources or to already posses magic, and in order to that one had to follow the exact traditions of Cree. If they didn't, they couldn't use magic. This left the dragons, especially the Aroku, (pronouced ar-a-cUe) who being the other half of the Eroki (pronouced er-a-kI) were their exact opposite, possesed no magic, unlike their Eroki cousins, so had to depend on men who could provide or use magic for them, so they bonded to men and because of the depency of tradition, the Aroku were unable to betray their bonds.

Rain was in the same situation. Now that Rath had taken control over her, Rain did exactly what she said. If she didn't, Rain wouldn't be able to access any magic whatsoever and would die in a way that is the magical eculativant of sufficating.

Death wasn't a big deal, not to Rain at least, but at the beginning of this whole thing, when Rain had first declared herself debt-bonded Rain had known that without her to guide the group, no one would know which way to turn and the quest was certain to failure. But now that it wasn't really necessary for her to lead any longer, Rain couldn't willing die because that was betraying her bond, but the only way out of the debt was to die. A catch-22 indeed.

So Rain followed Rath. The bonded to the bonder.

#269:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:39 am
Sorry, I won't be on much and so may not post on this as often as is needed. I do, however, vote for continuation. I just have a huge list of things to do (skiing, history project, get a Wii ect.). I will, however, put up this short post.

"Ariana" I said. I knew she could hear me, and I was relying on that to save the group. "Ariana, we're wating for you."

"Why? I have done my task, I have nothing else to do." She had turned from the top of the stairs in the other corridor to talk to me. "I am useless to this group now."

"But you're not. We don't have the morality to open this door. Graeme is a pessimist. He doesn't think it'll do any good, so he won't open it. I'm a pholisopher, so I won't believe something unles I've seen it or otherwise know it to be the truth. The destinies that Rath spoke of mean nothing to me, as destiny is a religious thing. Morzan... I don't know of his beliefs, but I can tell they're not leading him to open the door. You're an optimist, so you will believe that opening the door is for the best, if the Destinies want it. You're the only one who'll open it."

Sorry that it wasn't in the 3-day deadline but will you accept it?

#270:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:24 am
So now they speak to you. And they speak too late.
At least they did speak.
And they spoke utter nonsense. You are not going to fall for that, are you?
She spoke perfect sense. If none of them can open it, then I must.
And who is to say that you can open it? Ariana, you were an optimist. But you didn't open the door either.
But I see no problem in doing so.
And neither do they, except maybe Graeme. They just do not see a reason for it. And do you?
Yes! It is what the Destinies want. What they have chosen.
But the Destinies do not have to be obeyed! What they say does not always happen. Do you want to be owned? Do you want to be controlled? If so, then by all means go and open the damn door! Ariana recoiled from the harsh tones. She didn't think she had ever heard him this angry before.
I'm sorry! Don't be angry. But what should I do? She glanced the way that Rath and Rain had gone. They had disapeared into the inky blackness and she shivered. This was not where she was meant to be.
"I must help them...I am needed there. I am not needed here."
And how are you supposed to get there? Rath bought you here by magic. You do nto know your way back.
Graeme could take me to the door.
And you think he would? If he had that much will or optimisim in him, then he would be able to open the door himself. Cremla sounds like she wants to open the door, maybe she just needs a bit of persuasion. Those stones of light you gave them to move through the dark room...
What about them?
Not wanting to displease, Ariana thought about the possibilities. On their own, they were simple and shone light and warmth in small quantities. But all in all, there were three there. Cremla's, Morzan's and Graeme's. Maybe if they put them together...?
"I need to see them to perform any light magic." Ariana muttered.
Then don't. Just tell them to put the stones together. Surely they can't be that stupid...
He was getting exasperated. Biting her lip, Ariana sent a message back to Cremla
I'm Sorry. I cannot come, but you have a small part of me with you anyhow. Tell Morzan and Graeme to put their light-stones together with yours. That will provide all the optimism you need. Good luck.

Turning her head back into the inky blackness up ahead, Ariana paled slightly.
"How am I supposed to go in there?"
She felt something touch her shoulder and for a split second, she saw the darkness differently. It was only grey, like a haze, but she could see in it. There was a bridge up ahead. Although she strained to see, she could not find Rath and Rain admist the grey haze, and before she had time to observe everything, the view returned to normal.
I will lead you.

(Sorry Whitey, but I really need to have some more co-operation from Morzan and smudger, as well as you. I don't want to be in a position where I am having to dictate everything that goes on because not enough input is coming from my fellow RP-ers Confused That should sort out that problem though...)


#271:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:23 am
Rath stopped dead upon the stairwell causing Rain to bump into her. "Listen, the elf is following us." Sure enough soon the soft footsteps of the elf caught up with them, Ariana herself stopping a few steps away. With a nod Rath began to descend again, drawn onward like a moth to a flame.

Behind her Ariana and Rain conversed for a few moments and while Rath could have listened to their conversation if she wished she had no desire to eavesdrop upon them. Soon enough the elf, emboldened by whatever Rain had said, drew abrest of her. "Why did you bring me here?"

Rath didn't appear to move and yet suddenly the elf was gazing into her own eyes as they reflected off the blade of the Dragonsword. "It asked me to." For a few more moments there was silence and then Rath spoke again. "It seems I'm not the only one with more than one self...would you care to introduce us or will you keep trying to pretend that your shadow doesn't exist..."

Ariana started. ""

"I'm not blind like the rest of them. In my insanity I see the madness of others clearly." Rath shot the elf a cold smile. "You're not crazy, if that's what you're thinking. The answer to your problems is much simpler than that. You represent light and without light there would be no shadow. It makes sense that you have two halves, one the brilliant flame, the other the shadow it casts..."

Lowering the blade the party came to a halt as the stairs ended. "From now on the perils only grow. I'll travel no further until some peace is made. If I must have companions then I'll not have their moment of weakness spoiling my blow." Staring into the haze before them Rath waited for an answer that might never come.

#272:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:34 am
Ariana stood stock still, heart beating fast. She knew. She had seen - how long had she been watching...listening?
And she wanted to be introduced?
It was a laughable idea. But why? Why did she find it so ridiculous? And Rath said she had another side - did she mean the sword, or something else?
Can she hear my thoughts? Almost unconsciously, and certainly unintentionally, Ariana turned to her shadow elf for help.
No more than you can hear hers. He replied, somewhat grimly.
What should I do? Ariana asked in quiet desperation, hands clenching and unclenching nervously. The movement made her wince, and looking down she saw the red, unhealed nuckles. The reminders. She remembered how she had got them, and why she had left them to pain her.
Glancing back at Rath again, she paled slightly as she remembered the lie that had been fed to her.
Don't blame me for that. I was helping you - teaching you a lesson. You were weak, you still are. It was as much of a plea as she would ever get out of him. And it was justified, just as everything was.
What should I do? She repeated, more urgently this time. She could feel the stares and avoided them, fixing her eyes upon the ground instead.
You must... He seemed to be thinking. Ariana wished that the darkness would swallow her up. It was the first time she wished this, and showed just how uncomfortable she was. Something touched her shoulder and once more the warmth she had felt in the dark room came to her.
I must go for a bit. Rain will help you.
Don't go. But she wasn't sure she meant it. This whole business was giving her a headache. Maybe it would be good to have him gone. That was what she had been wanting, wasn't it? Why the sudden change?
The warm touch vanished, leaving her colder than she had been before. Ariana continued to stare at the ground until a voice bought her head up timidly. It was Rain.
"Leave her, Rath. She will tell us when she is ready."
It made her feel worse. But at least the stares had stopped. Rath merely grunted, although Ariana had the feeling she would have liked to say much more. Turning, Rath left, Rain following behind. Ariana walked a few paces behind Rain in silence.
Ariana concentrated on walking, ridding any other thought from her head. She had thought about too much already. She felt like if she thought about anything else, she would just lay down and die. The headache was getting to her.
When can we stop?

#273:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:15 pm
Glancing behind her, Rain knew Ariania needed help, actually from the look on the elf's usually unexpressive face, Ariania needed a healer, a comforter.

Two things Rain used to be. She had been a silent comforter, and only a minor healer, but still, she had been one.

Right now Ariania needed more help than Rain could give, for Rain knew that with her herbs she could stop of bleeding wound but there was no cure in the world for a bleedng soul.

Even if Rain could find the heart and power to do something by some miracle, what could she do?

Ariania had everything she needed for herself. The essence of light just beneath the surface, the shadow of dark who in himself seemed made of light not of shadow, stones to aid her when her own light was not enough, not just one name but two names that gave her a meaning and a worth, and finally Ariania both now bore and wore the mark of the golden one.

Rain knew her touch comforted the elf, but in this dark narrow tunnel, holding hands wasn't exactly an option in more ways than one.

Why did Ariania appreciate a simple touch or gesture from her hands anyway?

She sees you as a fire, a flame. A form of warmth, but also of comfort. The thought came from Rath. She couldn't be more wrong. You are no flame, and you certainly have no fire. Fire is wrath and destruction, quick and burning, always hungry, filled with hatred and malice. What flame you may have is held in the branclet, a gift which you have never used.

But a flame can also be in the hearth fire. Rain thought in return only to recieve the mental scorn of Rath. But you are right, I am no flame, and I have never been despite my name.

The flames of my only fire died long before, Rain thought to herself, I have no more. I only wish I could conjure a small spark to warm you soul Ariania, to whisper in the dark a song to comfort us all....I wish I could find a song to heal your souls, wish to find a song that could heal mine.

Looking down at her hands, Rain starred in the dark where her feet should have been, then glanced at the darkness before them only weakly broken by the torches they carried.

'One spark' she whispered in thougt to no one in particular. 'One small flame once more. A fire for the soul. A song for the heart. Just a spark. Please. Just a spark, that is all I ask.'

Humming a low note, Rain held the tune low and steading hoping, wishing with all her heart. Suddenly within her hands, a spark so small Rain could barely detect it began to glow a pale red. Another and Another grew till five firefly like sparks glowed in her hands.

Blowing softly, Rain watched as one flew towards Rath hoving uncertainly around her and the sword before settling undectecable on the Eroki's shoulder blades. A second, then a third, and finally her fourth flew towards Ariania. One providing warmth, another provding comfort, another seceretly enter the elves heart whispering the same lullabye Rain had once sung to Rath.

Another hoved in front of her eyes, causing Rain's eyes to sparkle with a smile that never reached her mouth and then disappeared.

Rain had got her request, and it would be her last, she thought. Rain only hoped her small gift wasn't wasted.

'Take this comfort, Malendele, small thought it be. It is all I can give you.' Rain thought to herself as she trudged only her wherie way following the footfalls of the almost silent Rath.

#274:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 9:02 pm
(So its just Creamla, Greame and I going to the right and we get to decide whats there?)

Morzan moved forward slowly and cautiously. Feeling the path in front of him with tip of one of his blades. It just too damed dark! he thought miserably. The darkness was pierced his thought and played hell with his hearing. They seemed to be following a path but it was difficult to tell.

With one hand on the wall he continued foward. Black blotted out everything. If kill for a torch or at least a sound to follow. A coool breeze suddenly hit him. A small gasp escaped him and echoed deep into the tunnel. Behind, Greame snickered.

"Quiet, listen."

Far away, faintly, Morzan heard dripping water.

"Perfect. Lets get moving."

With that he begun to jog lightly. The dripping became loader and loader. Suddenly a light broke at the end of the tunnel. for a moment it blinded them, being in the dark so long realy messed with Morzan's eyes. Squinting he movd forward, trying to see what was before him.

(Realy, terribly sorry that it took so long. I had things to do and people to see. Anyway Im not very sure what was going on so I sort of winged it. If theres a problem I will fix it.)

#275:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:37 pm
Rath smelled the magic the gypsy cast. The fool, if only she would use that bracelet...if only she would forgive the debt. The smell of sulfur and fire bloomed before her nose, making her fangs itch and her talons quiver. Her tail slapped the ground as they rounded the corner and found a bog from which burning methane plumes and sulfur vents cracked the surface. Rounding that corner enveloped them in the heat of a smiths forge.

All well and good for Rath, whom neither frost nor flame could sway, but both Rain and Ariana looked like pale northern flowers, ready to wilt. With a snort of disgust Rath looped their arms over her shoulders and set off, delicately picking their way across the wretched cavern. Crossing to the other side they came to a massive stone archway blocked by a stone that looked as if it was naturally there, as if they had never cut the doorway through the mountain, only carved the arch.

"I havn't got the time for this." With a swift movement and a single strike of the blade the great rock was split in two. Lashing one side with her tail it caved inward with a boom that must have alerted all the creatures on this lower plain that they were there. "After you two." She kept a watch as the pair slipped inside, following a moment after.

The room was a beautiful mosaic, a set of crystal stairs curving upward to where a dim light flickered. Ariana and Rain both stood in awe of the room. Passing them with unhidden scorn she was halfway to the first landing before she turned around and said "Coming ladies?"

#276:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:49 am
"This is the marsh of Erial." Rain whispered hoarsly as her skin burned from the sulfur in the air. "We weren't supposed to come this way. There is death in this place. Not to mention two hundred legions who probably just heard the knock on their door thanks to your sword work."

"So? What do you want to turn back or something? Like you said I'm sure the legions here would love to show you the way out. But if I were ou I would shut up and pick up the pace."

Rain growled but followed.

What had Ergos said in his second prophecy, the prophecy she and Juric alone had heard. The Destinies no longer speak.

Perhaps it would mean that what the destinies had decreed no longer applied to any of this?

Could it mean, they could stride what had once been certain death and make it out alive?

Rain certainly hoped so, because right now she was not in the mood to see Cree go down in ashes because a headstrong dragoness decided she wanted to try the fires of the Marsh of Erial.

It sounded like they would soon find out wheither demons were really as dumb, blind, and stupid as legends said for already Rain could hear the many thundry steps of guards coming to see who broke down their door.

'What I woudn't give for the knowledge of the sword?' Rain thought softly caressing Thorn which had been a gift from the Queen. 'I don't particular treasure the idea of being roasted alive by a hoard of demons just before my still being heart is ripped out of it's place.'

((There is three possible ways you go Morz, actually two now that Rath, Ariania, and Rain are in the Marsh of Erial. You can either head to the Santuary, where Graeme tries his luck, or you can go up on the Peaks of Western March to try your luck in finding the Top Door of the Ladies Kingdom. Either way, we'll meet you in the antechamber of the Lady. Good luck and have fun everyone.))

#277:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:55 pm
(Ok, not quite sure what to reply...but I think it's about my turn so I'll have a go Wink )

The sparks had made Ariana feel different. More like her old self - but not even that. Lighter, and more herself than she had ever felt really - more like she had felt on the boat. When she had banished the darkness from her soul.
But not all of it. She knew that.

The answer to your problems is much simpler than that. You represent light and without light there would be no shadow. It makes sense that you have two halves, one the brilliant flame, the other the shadow it casts... Ariana remembered the words that Rath had spoken to her. She believed it was simple - but although that made some sense, it was only one possibility. And it didn't quite ring true.

The sparks had allowed her to think again - riding her of her headache and her weariness. But this, Ariana realised, should not be wasted on such trivial matters. Not for now. Rath had said that there would be ever increasing dangers along this path - and Ariana had a feeling that she hadn't been in jest. She should concentrate on the task ahead. On the dark path that they trod.

Except - it didn't seem so dark anymore. And it was so easy to 'concentrate' that it felt like she wasn't. Ariana wondered as to just what the sparks had done. The was more of a spring in her step now. More like an elf. Lately she had been wondering as to the slowness of her reflexes - but she had put it down to tiredness.

At least, she thought to herself happily, I will not go down without a fight. I do not believe I sat in the dark room. I was ready to turn back and desert! At least - I will not die dejected. Morbid as these thoughts were - about death and such-like. they seemed almost pleasent to Ariana, and a smile reached her lips. Even as she shivered and paled at the sight of such heat and as she had to cross it, one arm wrapped around Raths shoulders for support -a faint smile still lingered there.

Her inexplicable happiness faded slightly as the noise shocked her into a more waking state of mind - but still she almost laughed at her foolary. From one extreme of mind to another - can't I ever find the balance?

It had taken her into a more sensible approach though - and as Rath asked whether they were coming, Ariana's cheeriness faded to be replaced with a more grim resolve. She could feel the danger, and her common sense would have told if those other simple senses had failed her.

Reaching up and behind her, Ariana took the bow that had been given her from her back and held it in her hand, feeling the balance. It was a good bow - she could feel that. And yet it was still unused? Ariana could not remember a time that it had been used, come to think of it.
"Well, now it is your time, Selindril - last of the Dracbows."

Ariana took the name from her newly refreshed memory. She found that her mind had become clearer, although she could not explain why. There was suddenly more space and she felt more refreshed - this helped the other changes, she assumed.
If she had thought, she would have realised one obvious change - but for now she left it. Philosiphising was for later.

The memory she took this from was not far from the start of the journey. In the inn, before they set off again. Rath had given each of the companions a gift. These were to serve them well. And Ariana had no doubt that it would do just that.

The arrows fired have the unique ability to turn arrows into bolts of pure light. When fired upon a foe the light is black and destroys them instantly, or severly cripples them. When fired upon a friend it invigorates them and heals their battle wounds. The quiver, if in friendly hands, cannot be emptied. Use them well.

That was the description Ariana had been given for Selindril. The arrows were still on her back, the bow now in her hand.

Ariana stepped through the doorway just after Rain. Although she did not know what kind of enemy they were to face - she could hear them coming. And judging by Rains face - whatever it was, it was going to be bad.

(Ok guys - seriously, we have had so many gifts along the way that it might be worth searching your memory and reading through those parts again to see if you've missed anything. As the stones from the elves helped Ariana in her challenge, so can your gifts help in the challenges you will have to face Wink )

#278:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:17 pm
((Since this is so close to the end, I have some final questions in regards to the Storygame version of this RPG.

Please Vote in the Polls as their results will impact the storygame.

I am going to wait a few more days for Morz, Smudge, and Whitey to respond as Morz and Whitey still seem interest in the RPG, if they don't however, Purple our Narrator will accelarate this RPG a little to bring it to a little closer to the bound to be interesting end.))

#279:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:40 pm
(I frankly think Smudger wont post for awile. He hasn't been on much to my knowledge but I would like to continue into the Sanctuary. Just because it sounds like the better way. But if he doesnt hope it would make me feel better if you had back-up plan Din)

Despite the chill Morzan continued forward. As he rounded the last corner, the ground became softer, more desolate. Cracks zig zagged all over the place as if the very earth had shattered. Shuddering he moved forward.

Dead trees and grass occupied the most of the area. Morzan stepped on the twig, a load snap echoed through the area. Everything, dead or living seemed to be gazing at him.

"I got a bad feeling about this."

Moving further in he could hear Greame coming out of the tunnel. Turning around he waved to the old hunchback.

"I think its safe but I believe we should stick together."

Greame seemed to nod in agreement. Morzan turned on his heel and look at the sky. Even it seemed dead, no clouds moved. Only a wall of grey. A great dark spire pierced the sky. Tall and ominous. Looking down Morzan saw that he path to the spire was blocked by massive thorns. Damn it, we come all this way only to find the passage blocked!

Clenching his fist around the hilt of his blade Morzan stood. Trying to burn a hole in the blockage with his eyes.

#280:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:59 am
((Rule number Morz... always have twenty million back up plans. As for Smudge, I'm contacting him and Whitey if they don't respond, oh well....plan C, section 21, pargraph z.))

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