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City of IF -> The Vault

#281:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:36 pm
Well done everyone, Chapter 25 is now wrapped up! Clapping

I'm going to copy Liliths's post over soon, and slot it in in front of IM's. Very Happy

Well, I was thinking Lordy's POV too... Because also that is where everyone else is going to end up, and where the finale is most likely to take place.

Lordy has not written up his 'needlessly complicated plan' that everyone is about to come in and foil. This chapter would be the time to reveal it.

Maybe even an appearane by the Greater Evil should happen in this chapter..

Any more ideas? Very Happy

#282:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:42 pm
Well, small nudges in the form of PM's would help me know when to write in Lordy-mode. I know what the 'weapon' is, and I know what the speech is going to be when D finds Lordy. It's going to carefully avoid saying one word, which will be the key trigger to sending Lordy, and all the power of the Soul Well, to Hell. And if D is smart, he'll avoid saying it as well.

...Unless Lordy wants to do it, naturally.

#283:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:09 am

I have an idea for the jester hat to complete the Rai time-loop - When Rai arrives at Lordy's lair, she needs to write the note to herself on the jester hat and throw it into the past. The note tells her that she had to destroy herself when obtaining the last ingredient to the spell. That will explain the appearance of the jester hat at the Council meeting earlier on in the story, and allow for her gem containing the ingredients to appear at the right moment. It will also prevent Rai from meeting another copy of herself. Confused

I'm going to copy Liliths's post over soon, and slot it in in front of IM's.
BTW it was not necessary to switch the post order around in the end, it worked quite well as it was. Smile

We need some more ideas to build this chapter with!

What else can we include?

Very Happy

#284:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:52 am
I just realised I never got around to writing up my original, evil, and needlessly complicated plan.

So I'll do (or at least start) it now.

Well, it started with the revolution of the City. My various allies and contacts around IF (which include several prominant moderators, whose names I won't disclose now) were all told certain portions of the plan, so no-one else knew the full story. I'm just canny like that.

The overall, final, outcome was to be the complete takeover of the entire country, and the near en-slavement of the population of IF, OF, AHA ect. Of course, the population wouldn't realise their enslavement, as that would merely lead to discontent. And that's bad kiddies. You should always do what your overlord tells you.

I was planning to do this via a complicated series of manuveres, starting with IF. It just so happened, that I chose to carry out my cunning ploy at a time when China was away. This was, of course, deliberately chosen, as with China away, and Key (soon to be) incapable of action, I have the most power in IF. *does a little jig*

Binding Key was ridiculously easy. The King is seen rarely in the city at the best of times, though I knew he does keep watch over us. I simply removed his power, and left him unable to function without aid. Killing him would have effected the balance of the City, so I was forced to leave him alive.
Stage One - Become IF's Most Powerful Member - Check

My contacts in OF are well known to vetern members of the city, as is the on-going tension between the two neighbours. Throughout (insert period of time here) my agents within OF had been infiltrating to higher levels of power and authority. Famous OFian generals, such as Mal-Fait, are actually nothing more than pawns and allies of me, and my insidious plotting. For a several month period, I had one of my IFian agents systimatically eliminating key members of the opposition of OF, allowing my OFians agents to take their place.

Tensions were reaching an all-time straining point (which almost makes sense) and diplomatic measures were going downhill fast. It was only a matter of time before all-out war was declared, something I have been pressing, both in the council, and with my agents in OF, for some time.

Stage Two - War with OF - Check


While my control over IF was already impressive, I knew I would need something extra to gain acceptance. With cunningly spread rumours, I was able to incite the people of IF against their tyrannical rulers. I leaked information about the Great Banishment, and whipped the mods into a frenzy against China and (to a lesser extant) Key. Of course, with neither availible to be found due to their conventiant disappearences, the crowd would continue to grow impatient. The attack by OF was going to be my oppurtunity to quell the rioting, standing up for the position of King myself.

It was 'not going to be something I desired', but 'something I was doing for the good of IF'. Or so I would lead the crowd to believe.
Stage Three - Drag the Rulers Name through the mud - Check

When we went to war, I knew that IF would have to emerge victorious. However, even with my sheer tactical genious, and the advantage posed by my agents, I still wanted more of a guarentee of victory. Because of my powerful postion, I had already seen the master-map of IF, which revealed the location of the legendary Soul-Well. Through extensive research, I (and one of my mod allies) discovered that to utilise the power of the Soul Well, I would need three key 'ingrediants'.

The Blood of the Beginning
(Yeah, alright. I forgot the other names. But I got Rai to pick them up anyways. Bone and Flesh I think it was)

As it happened, gaining each of these ingrediants required a sacrifice. Someone had to die to disarm the wards around them. So, first Rai was going to send some plucky 'volunteer' into each room, then pick up the ingrediant.

I was going to unlock the Soul Well, and use the power within to gain complete control over the city, as opposed to using the rioting crowds. Then, with clever speechs and the like, I would inspire the other mods to follow my lead, and destroy the OFian army.
Stage Four - Become God-like and Conquer OF - In progess


After conquering OF, I would set myself up as a Merciful and generous King, one under which both cities would prosper. Any taxes, or public beatings would always be blamed on someone else, even if for the good of the Land. Dissentors would obviously be killed off, under various 'accidents' or tried for other crimes and imprisioned.

The Army would expand naturally. I would use cunning points of logic, such as - if 25% of the city was unable to make OF victorious, we shall have to make it 75%. A true war-force. While in IF - OF now have 75% of their citizens in the army, we must match them, ect ect. While ruling over both cities, it is evident neither would be entirely trustful of the other, a fact I would work on to play against the other.

Once both armies were suffiecent, I would move onto the next City-State in the coutry, under pretences such as 'My spies say they are preparing for war', and 'An army has been mobilised to bring us down.' Always inspring the people to war, rather than forcing them. (Of course, they would have no choice, but they wouldn't know that).

Obviously my armies would emerge victorious, and the process would begin again.
Stage Five - Become Ruler of the Country - in progress


There have been a few 'hiccups' in the plan so far, but I could still pull it off. *fingers crossed*

#285:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:23 pm
A very insidious plot, if truth be told Lordy... you seem to have thought this through thoroughly for it to be that in depth.... *winks* Best of luck.. although I know for a fact that it won't work and for one tiny little reason.. anyone wanna take a guess at what it is?

#286:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:53 am
That is indeed, an evil, and needlessly complicated plan! Laughing

Coupla bits I don't get...

First, I didn't realise there was already a war with OF...


I leaked information about the Great Banishment, and whipped the mods into a frenzy against China and (to a lesser extant) Key.

Was this achieved by Lordy and the Greater Evil creating the Greater Evil gas? What about the whispers of the souls in the fog? They already had bad sentiments towards Chinaren, as he had expelled them in the first place...

How does the Greater Evil fit in with the evil and needlessly complicated plan?

(see below)

Argonaut wrote:

If we're going with IM's post then it appears that Lordy is working for the Greater evil, who is supplying Lordy with minions.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Lordy isn't planning to double-cross the GE

This would mean Lordy was working for the GE in exchange for a piece of the action when the GE takes over. However he always planned to destroy the GE and take his place as ruler when the time came.

So my proposal for what happens in the end is that our heroes stop Lordy at a crucial moment, foiling his double-cross and actually allowing the GE to come to power. Then everyone will need to band together somehow, even Lordy, to destroy or banish the GE.

How does that sound?

lordofthenight wrote:

I preferred Argo's idea personally. Having the IFians accidently ruin my needlessly complicated plan would give a classic Scooby-Doo line, while still giving me a reason to stop the GE.

I can still try and take control of the city after defeating the GE afterall. Most likely, the GE is after destruction of IF, and possibly the entire country (hence using the Soul Well).

With the ingredients though, Lordy would be able to harness the power of the Soul Well, betraying the GE, and leading to gaining control. Plus, it explains why I wasn't going around getting them myself - the GE could have been keeping tabs on me, so I enlisted Rai's help.

Btw, if anyone wants to hear my original elaborate, needlessly complicated (and now slightly editted) plan in full, just say so. I'll write it up.

Just trying to fit it all in together.

Very Happy

#287:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:41 pm
Well, the war with OF itself hasn't started. But the tension is there.
If you look in character posts throughout the city, for instance, the news reports, you'll see it building.

I leaked information about the Great Banishment, and whipped the mods into a frenzy against China and (to a lesser extant) Key.

That was actually meant to say crowds, not mods. Whipped the crowds into a frenzy (the mods are obviously still normal).

#288:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:16 am
Okay, so far are we happy to write this from Lordy's POV?

And are we still going with Argo's idea?

Argonaut wrote:

If we're going with IM's post then it appears that Lordy is working for the Greater evil, who is supplying Lordy with minions.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Lordy isn't planning to double-cross the GE

This would mean Lordy was working for the GE in exchange for a piece of the action when the GE takes over. However he always planned to destroy the GE and take his place as ruler when the time came.

So my proposal for what happens in the end is that our heroes stop Lordy at a crucial moment, foiling his double-cross and actually allowing the GE to come to power. Then everyone will need to band together somehow, even Lordy, to destroy or banish the GE.

How does that sound?

Any other ideas to throw into the pot?

#289:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:03 pm
I agree Crunchy.

Let's do this people!

#290:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:16 pm
I've got an idea of what he could possibly want, which I think should follow what we've got so far. I'll give a brief run-through.

I've made a pact with the Greater Evil, for a bunch of reasons. What he wants is to be freed from the Soul Well, where he was accidently imprisioned thousands of years before. The Greater Evil was trying to unleash its power then, but an earthquake trapped his essence in the well, where he's been ever since.

Over the centuries he lost contact with his pawns remaining in the world, as they died out/stopped believing in a trapped deity. With no followers and no hope of rescue, he fell into a deep, sleep-like state. Unconciously, he influcenced many of the evil deeds that occur through-out the world, but with neither party aware of the contact.

So it was when Key relocated the City of IF on it's current spot, the Greater Evil remained unaware. In fact, it was only Chinaren's recent use of the Soul Well that stirrred its conciousness. The magical properties of the Well served the Mayor's purpose to get rid of the souls, yet instead of merely fading into the aether, the Greater Evil devoured them, and had his powers invigorated.

With power once more, the Greater Evil managed to contact Lordy, who he believed he could manipulate into releasing him. However, he soon learned that Lordy would have no problems releasing an evil deity on the world, even if it meant damning the entire country (Lordy's evil like that).

The two allied - Lordy would free the Greater Evil, and in return recieve a portion of his power, and dominion over IF. However, Lordy wanted more, and so assigned Rai to collect the three ingrediants he'd need to gain the full power of the Soul Well for himself, and banish the Greater Evil completely. Then use the Soul Well's power to do pretty much the same thing the Greater Evil was.

The plan has to back-fire, when somehow the adventurers disrupt the ritual, and actually set the Greater Evil free.

Thoughts? (And, I'd actually like to write some of this myself, seeing how otherwise Lordy always appears a bit of a bastard. As opposed to the kind, caring guy he really is).

#291:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:16 am
I think that is a great idea, Lordy. A couple of bits need to be altered, to fit in with D-Lotus's revelations at the Council meeting. Here are some suggestions, see what you think...

lordofthenight wrote:
What he wants is to be freed from the Soul Well, where he was accidently imprisioned thousands of years before. The Greater Evil was trying to unleash its power then, but an earthquake trapped his essence in the well, where he's been ever since.

Over the centuries he lost contact with his pawns remaining in the world, as they died out/stopped believing in a trapped deity. With no followers and no hope of rescue, he fell into a deep, sleep-like state. Unconciously, he influcenced many of the evil deeds that occur through-out the world, but with neither party aware of the contact.

So it was when Key relocated the City of IF on it's current spot, the Greater Evil remained unaware. In fact, it was only Chinaren's recent use of the Soul Well that stirrred its conciousness. The magical properties of the Well served the Mayor's purpose to get rid of the souls, yet instead of merely fading into the aether, the Greater Evil devoured them, and had his powers invigorated.

This works really well! It offers a good explanation as to why the Greater Evil was there in the first place. The only alteration I would suggest is that the Greater Evil has been feeding from the power of the souls rather than devouring the souls themselves, since the souls have been leaking out through the crack in the well for much of the story.

With power once more, the Greater Evil managed to contact Lordy, who he believed he could manipulate into releasing him. However, he soon learned that Lordy would have no problems releasing an evil deity on the world, even if it meant damning the entire country (Lordy's evil like that).

Okay, D-Lotus has already gone on record as discovering the Greater Evil opening up the crack in the Soul Well in Smee's basement. D-Lotus killed the Greater Evil (or at least thought he did) and lost consciousness. When he came to, he found himself a prisoner of Lordy, who announced that he was going to fully open the well, using the 3 ingredients he had sent Rai to find.

We would need to weave this in somehow - perhaps after being contacted subconsciously by the Greater Evil, Lordy drew the Greater Evil's power sufficiently to allow the Greater Evil to project a physical manifestation of itself in Smee's basement, so that it could set about cracking open the Soul Well. That was when Lotus came in and almost foiled the plan by destroying that physical manifestation. Although it has granted minions to Lordy to use, the Greater Evil is still essentially trapped, because there is not enough power still to fully, physically release it. At least until the adventurers stumble upon Lordy at the end. How does that sound?

The two allied - Lordy would free the Greater Evil, and in return recieve a portion of his power, and dominion over IF. However, Lordy wanted more, and so assigned Rai to collect the three ingrediants he'd need to gain the full power of the Soul Well for himself, and banish the Greater Evil completely. Then use the Soul Well's power to do pretty much the same thing the Greater Evil was.

The plan has to back-fire, when somehow the adventurers disrupt the ritual, and actually set the Greater Evil free.

Ah right, so does that mean the adventurers need to arrive after Rai and her gem arrives? So they actually stumble in, in the middle of the spell?

Thoughts? (And, I'd actually like to write some of this myself, seeing how otherwise Lordy always appears a bit of a bastard. As opposed to the kind, caring guy he really is).

Indeed. Better the devil you know, in this case! Wink

#292:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:59 am
Crunchyfrog wrote:
The two allied - Lordy would free the Greater Evil, and in return recieve a portion of his power, and dominion over IF. However, Lordy wanted more, and so assigned Rai to collect the three ingrediants he'd need to gain the full power of the Soul Well for himself, and banish the Greater Evil completely. Then use the Soul Well's power to do pretty much the same thing the Greater Evil was.

The plan has to back-fire, when somehow the adventurers disrupt the ritual, and actually set the Greater Evil free.

Ah right, so does that mean the adventurers need to arrive after Rai and her gem arrives? So they actually stumble in, in the middle of the spell?

That seems best to me. Otherwise, the entire plot-line with Rai gathering the items, and sacrificing herself is actually a bit pointless, as it will never bear relevance on the story.

#293:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:14 am
Okay, so mapping this out (sort of)

We start with Lordy in his lair.

The Greater Evil is not present, since this whole chapter hinges on the Greater Evil being fully released/reconstituted.

Rai arrives.

Rai writes note to herself in Lordy's jester hat, and flings it through a convenient portal back in time, so that she can read it at the Council Meeting that was held at dawn.

The gem with the 3 ingredients arrive.

Lordy prepares for the spell.

IM, D, Lebby, Jez, Solus, Polokin, Lilith and Nightshade arrive, mucking up the spell, and accidentally freeing the GE to do doom and destruction wherever it wishes.

General utter mayhem ensues.

Everyone works together to contain the GE and close the well.

Insert 'THE END' here.

Somewhere in the procedings we also need to include:

- the arrival of Dinranwen, Crunch and Smudger,
- the recital of Lordy's needlessly complicated plan
- the wraiths and shades returning the captured Sasuke to Lordy
- the undoing of the backwards spell on IM, Lilith and Nightshade

There is also Polokin's secret weapon, BStheGreat... oh yes, what fun! Wink

And we also left four other co-authors somewhere out in the city... we could have them present for the finale too!

More ideas, please, then we can all start writing!


#294:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:37 pm
I take it Sasuke is going to find himself as the final sacrifice to open the Soul Well, and 'free' the GE then?

#295:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:57 pm
Well, since Suke hasn't been around for awhile, I am guessing he doesn't really have much say in the matter... I agree with Lordy. *looks at everyone* What? I agree with him one time and you look at me like I am crazy! Wink Laughing Shocked Cool

#296:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:20 am
lordofthenight wrote:
I take it Sasuke is going to find himself as the final sacrifice to open the Soul Well, and 'free' the GE then?

That sounds like an excellent idea! Very Happy

I've just read through Rai's last 3 posts, (which I have not yet posted as the most recent chapter of the final version) her character has Smee and Key with her. If the 'Devourer' has been sent to get her, or more specifically, the gems, it may be better to write it in as her coming in with the 'Devourer'. (obviously still without gem)

Perhaps we should not directly include Key and Smee in the finale, and limit it to the author-characters only. (That would also include Weaver, Xansta, BS, China and Argo, if we need them at any point, BTW! Wink )

#297:  Author: ArgonautLocation: California PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:51 am
I always keep a handy "deus ex machina" in my pocket in case someone writes us into a corner Smile

#298:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:23 am
What I had intended:

A long, winded speech to come out of Lordy's mouth when D & co stumbled upon him, which carefully avoided the use of the word 'it.' When somebody said, "You'll never get away with it, Lordy!" then Lordy would vanish, because that would have been the trigger word for the release of the spell.

Lordy to leave behind a small present: A single mote of Refined Stupidium. He somehow got a hold of some Stupidium and put it through machines similar to the ones that refine Idearium into Ideas. However, this made the Stupidium far more deadly, as it doesn't even need to be near something to start turning it into Stupidium.

What I think:

You've got great ideas, you lot. I see I'll have to cut back on the Idearium I'm putting in the water supply...

The 'undoing' of the curse should be a spell that somebody else has to say, but only IM knows, which makes it a rather peculiar situation. He can only write backwards and hope that somebody can read his weird handwriting.

#299:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:07 am
Cool ideas, IM! Very Happy

The 'it' idea can still be woven into writing Lordy's Needlessly Complicated Plan. When somebody says 'You'll never get away with it Lordy', this could be when it mucks up his spell with the 3 ingredients, and accidentally releases the Greater Evil.

And having a verbally challenged IM being the key person to help with undoing the curse, and helping to close the Soul Well... (after all, he is the only Mage in the group!) is a must!

Perhaps entitling the final chapter 'Better the Devil You Know' might be appropriate. Very Happy

Both Lordy and the Greater Evil wanted to dominate IF and beyond, and our heroes end up working with Lordy.

Although Lordy will have to concede to closing the Soul Well and therefore not get to use its power to rule everything just now, he will live to plot his dastardly deeds another day... Laughing

Another day or so to collect any more ideas, and then we can start writing!

#300:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:06 pm
It? Do you know how hard it is to write a decent speech without using the word it? Why not have some really obsure word, which obviously no-one would ever say - unless that person happened to be speaking backwards at the time, and didn't mean it?

Of course, the word wouldn't be in English - some form of Daemenia or Sersuporic would be best.

#301:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:33 pm
I should know...I wrote it up!

#302:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:29 am
Why dont you write it down here, IM?

It is obvious some serious thought has gone into this final chapter, and we should pull the best of everything everyone has to make it work.


#303:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 2:23 am

Thoughts? (And, I'd actually like to write some of this myself, seeing how otherwise Lordy always appears a bit of a bastard. As opposed to the kind, caring guy he really is).

who ever said you where a bastard? It is only the story charrecter not your self. and It wasn't you who freaked me out only the hat and red saying evil. that was all.

And I have nothing to say in the matter of the plot I NEED to catch up. And sure the ideas are all right there.

#304:  Author: SasukeLocation: Innistrad PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:46 pm
uh I'm back so please don't kill me (pwetty pwease *sweet little cuddly thing mode*) *two seconds later* I CAN'T DO THIS

I'm sorry for not contributing Crunchy, I promise to be better

That is all

#305:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:24 pm
Right, here we go then...

'Ah, I see you all got past the Destroyer. That must have been some battle...Too bad I wasn't there to aid him, otherwise you'd not be standing here. You all must think I'm quite the madman, mad-daemon, whatever. The truth is, this was a complicated plan, and right now this plan happens to be hanging by strings that are rapidly fraying. However, telling you what has been going on won't hurt me, seeing as I hold all the power here. I did away with Key and Smee, so that I would become IF's most powerful person. Key couldn't actually be harmed, otherwise fail safes around the city would have gone up in response, so I merely transformed him. Smee wasn't harmed either, just time-transplaced. The rumors I've been spreading throughout IF against Key and China, who are both conveniently 'missing,' would incite the masses and whip them into a bloodthirsty frenzy. Once I held this position of power for long enough, my agents in OF would have instigated a war with IF, and I would have lead IF to victory, thus calming the citizens through the heat of warfare. IF would naturally never accept OFian citizens, and vice versa, thus giving me revenue as repair jobs became more common and public floggings were held daily by people other than me. Of course, I was missing one thing...power. Sheer, raw, heaping power. That was what Rai was for, to gather the ingredients I needed. I see now I should never have trusted that dragoness, for only with the power of the Soul Well behind me can I conquer OF and be a kind, benevolent, God-like ruler of both cities. And with them, I would go on to conquer AHA, OHO, IS, and even THE. I might even be able to bring an army across the Fanta Sea and conquer what lands lie over there...after dealing with you.'

Now I will be the first to admit that 'it' shows up, but only as parts of other words. The word 'it' itself does not stand alone, and trust me, it makes all the difference in spells that you be precise as possible.

#306:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:21 pm
I think I've seen more than enough Bond films to know you never go through and reveal your plans in minute detail, no matter how close you are to winning.

#307:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:26 am
Just to prove that 'it' can be done without saying the word 'it' - that was amazing, IM!

Both speeches go along the same lines, so if we go with Lordy's we only have to replace the word 'it' with the noun 'it' refers to. As the speech goes on, it becomes more and more obvious to the reader what word Lordy is trying to dance around. The more obvious it becomes, the greater impact the 'forehead slapping moment' will have when the spell is mucked up. Wink

BTW, Lordy's speech is very long, and doesn't have to be executed all in one post, either. Smile

Okay, so to recap (mixing all the ideas together)

We start with Lordy in his lair.

The Greater Evil is not present, since this whole chapter hinges on the Greater Evil being fully released/reconstituted.

Rai arrives. (Rai has somehow, between the end of her last chapter, and arriving at Lordy's lair, managed to lose Smee and Key, and fought off the Devourer. This needs to be revealed somehow, this could be done as dialogue between Rai and Lordy, or maybe some way Lordy has of watching it happen before she arrives... or some other way, perhaps.)

Rai writes note to herself in Lordy's jester hat, and flings it through a convenient portal back in time, so that she can read it at the Council Meeting that was held at dawn.

Once she has done this it completes the timeloop and the gem with the 3 ingredients arrive.

Lordy prepares for the spell to harness the power of the Soul Well.

IM, D, Lebby, Jez, Solus, Polokin, Lilith and Nightshade arrive, mucking up the spell, (using the 'it' word during the explanation of the Needlessly Complicated Plan) thereby accidentally freeing the GE to do doom and destruction wherever it wishes.

General utter mayhem ensues.

Everyone works together to contain the GE and close the well, the key ingredient to this being some chance backwards speaking by IM.

Insert 'THE END' here.

Somewhere in the procedings we also need to include:

- the arrival of Dinranwen, Crunch and Smudger,
- the recital of Lordy's needlessly complicated plan
- the wraiths and shades returning the captured Sasuke to Lordy
- the undoing of the backwards spell on IM, Lilith and Nightshade

There is also Polokin's secret weapon, BStheGreat... oh yes, what fun!

There are four other co-authors still out there in the city that can be used in this finale!

This is the basic plot but it is still nebulous enough for us to get creative, and I think we can sort out any remaining questions now as we write.

Okay, Chapter title going up in a minute...

#308:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:40 am
This ia great cruncer!!! Ok I have and ending... use a scroll to take the back words speaking away found somewhere on the ground or lordly has it in his lair... try loreng lordly with something to get him to be where you want him to be, like a swap for the two for like erm rai's body or lilith then we attack the well goes ca boelie and well then lordly laughes and does what he wants to do... or something in that direction, still voting for well going boom!!!

#309:  Author: PolokinLocation: It seems that I'm not physically capable of visiting a forum... damnit! PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:55 pm
According to your post, Crunchy, Jez has my gem now. I seemingly went insane and tried to call him in the tunnel, was overpowered, and lost the gem, so I can't call him anymore Sad

#310:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:59 pm
Good spot, Polokin! and glad you're back!

Okay, they're all together, so perhaps when the time is right Polokin can snatch it back from Jez when there is a need for complete and utter mayhem...

Very Happy

#311:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:15 pm
Did I see a need for complete and utter mayhem? Okay then, you asked for it! Your order will be ready for pick-up in.. 3..2..

EDIT: .... 1! Your total comes to .. a gazillion Fables. Thank-you and have a nice day! Just kidding!

Okay, I have brought in Kalanna, Key and Smee into Lordy's sanctum.. She took care of the Destroyer, no sweat and also sent herself the note on the jester hat in the past. Once Key and Smee are gone, Lordy and Rai can discuss the gem and how to get it back before our heroes can stop their little plan. Meanwhile, we might want some background on the fight going on between the Devourer and our heroes. And I didn't put that in myself because I can't remember who is all where!!!!!!!!!!! or how many? (8 friends + IM= 9 maybe?) Confused

#312:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:47 pm
Right now that I've caught up I'll introduce the gem and start the spell if there are no objections...

#313:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:00 am
What we think would work best (Crunchy and I talking on chat that is) would be for Lordy to transport everyone to the Soul Well himself, for the unvealling of the N.C.P. (Needlessly Complicated Plan), and then the Unbinding ceremony.

Obviously, I'm not going to do that until I think I'm secure, which involves me capturing the 'adventurers', tying them up, and then bringing them along for the show. I don't think the Devourer is really the sort of entity who really understands 'capturing' people, so you'll have to work your way round that yourself.

Capturing you will probably be the result of magic - or prehaps the threat of magic (details can be sorted out later). Then, I'll transport everyone in the room to the Soul Well (most of whom will still be bound at this point). The transportation will involve much gut-wrentching, vomit inducing agony for anyone from this plane of existance. Effectively, the molecules of your body are going to be stripped down to their atomical state, transported through time/space, (just space in this instance), and then hastily replaced.


After that, we can work on the particulars of the spell, and the breaking of it.

EDIT: One thought. Prehaps someone could get left behind by the spell? Arrives too late, and so doesn't get 'ported. They could then make their own to the Soul Well, using the Key's Map which Rai kept hold of, and then accidently dropped as the 'porting began.

Therefore, they could be the one who bursts in during the ritual, and disrupts it. The others could then be gagged at this point, which would be far more sensible.

EDIT AGAIN: I've put a post in the story. The spell to release the GE is nearly prepared, and only requires one final bit of the incantation. I tried to explain what D did in Smee's house slightly as well - it wasn't the GE, it was either Lordy in disguise, or one of his many minions opening portal to the Abyss under Smee's house. The conversation with Rai should hopefully delay them long enough for the heroes to arrive.

I also expect there's going to be some structural damage to the cavern and tunnels, which could could falling rubble to bother the adventurers. Also, the screaming could well have greatly affected the Devourer (who could then be hit by falling rubble), as otherwise I'm not sure the heroes could get past him. Magical immunity does that to a detizen of the pit.

#314:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:17 pm
For the benefit of Masterweaver - this was posted on 14th March.

Crunchyfrog wrote:
New Posting Guidelines for Hangover

The last 8 posts of the Hangover was the best sequence of multi-authoring that we have had, and as a result, I was able to copy each post directly from the Hangover thread into the Final Version thread in the Tales of IF forum, with only minor spelling and grammatical edits to do. This is EXACTLY the result I wanted to achieve. Very Happy Since each contribution was so easily transferrable, I am able to calculate the fables for each separately, and the authors of those posts will be getting credited. Very Happy

Here are some guidelines, to help everyone to multi-author. (We have a good example to follow in Chapter 24, so there should be no excuses!) These guidelines may need to be modified, depending on how well we do with it.

1. DO...
Check the Discussion thread and make yourself aware of what we all agreed in the structure of the chapter before you post. How does it begin? How does it end? Are there any comments from the author of the most recent post?

2. DO...
Follow on directly from the last post, as if you are continuing their narration. Take care to maintain continuity. If you are not sure about a detail you want to write about, ask in the Discussion thread.

3. DO...
Check back to the Discussion thread once you have posted. Add your comments if there are certain things you want to explain about what you wrote, and any suggestions on what you want the next author to pick up.

3. DO...
Watch the length of your post. Try and keep it less than 500 words if you can. There are no penalties if it is longer, but try to avoid massive lengths.

3. DO...
Check the quality of your post. Spell check and grammar check. Write as if you want the Review Board to approve it. It is, after all, going to be tranfserred into the forum in the Fantasy Forest section.

1. DONT...
Write a soliloquy. Also, writing the entire story as seen through your character's eyes is a little too 'RP', and does not flow well.

2. DONT...
Write reams and reams about your character's traits or abilities, or introduce any new abilities so late on in the story, especially if it is for the sake of convenience in the plot.

3. DONT...
Suddenly switch the POV, or write a separate, parallel plotline, that is not directly connected with the chapter in progress. If you feel a temporary POV switch is needed in a chapter, raise it in the Discussion thread first, so we all know what is happening.

Provided that EVERYONE posts multi-author style, I will be able to keep a tally of fables earned for each contribution I transfer over, and credit them to the original authors.

IF, however, these guidelines are not followed, it means I will have to do serious editing, and splice the contributions together with additional text edits to make the whole thing flow, (as I had to do with most of the rest of the Final Version thread) and I wont be able to credit any fables.

Blatant RP style posts will be deleted on sight.

Masterweaver, an RP post is where you are playing and controlling the role of one character. We are narrating a story that happens to contain characters we introduced. RP posts do not flow. We are co-authoring a story where there should be no obvious join between the posts.

For example if we run your post on directly from the previous one:

"The overall, final, outcome was to be the complete takeover of the entire country, and the near en-slavement of the population of IF, OF, AHA etc. Of course, the population wouldn't realise their enslavement, as that would merely lead to discontent. And that's bad kiddies. You should always do what your overlord tells you."

Din feigned a gasp, hoping that it would encourage Lordy to continue.

"But how did you do that...?" asked Smudger.

The last thing Masterweaver had remembered was being knocked out by the earthquake.

Technically, that wasn't true. The last thing he remembered were abunch of vauge dreams about a shrine of uber and a lightning bolt, but he discounted these.

The story does not flow, and the remainder of the post did not consider the planning efforts in the discussion thread.

For an example of good co-authoring, look at chapters 24 and 25 in the Hangover in the Tales of IF forum.

#315:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:51 pm
I just introduced the Orb of Redundancy. Does this count a a soliloquy?

EDIT: How to use the Orb. Step one: Hold Orb. Step two: Become incomprehensible while in the sway of the Orb. Step three: Write with other hand. Step Four: drop Orb. Step five: Recover.

#316:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:23 pm
Weaver, the 'Orb of Redundancy' WOULD nicely explain why the well is cracking up. If you cast the same spell multiple times, after all, it tends to affect the environment in adverse ways. The fact that the environment is the Soul Well is a bonus for Lordy.


You've used the word 'it.' Multiple times. Eliminate 'it' and we'll keep your post.

#317:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:04 am
If MW does not edit it, I'll get Lordy to do it. Besides, there is a continuity problem with Polokin speaking, he is gagged.


#318:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:13 am
Crunchyfrog wrote:
If MW does not edit it, I'll get Lordy to do it. Besides, there is a continuity problem with Polokin speaking, he is gagged.


I thought Polokin's phrase was pretty good mind you. Shocked

#319:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:31 am

#320:  Author: Idea masterLocation: Sneaking Idearium into your beverages. PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:42 am
I still see the word 'it.' MW, eliminate it or eliminate the post.

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