The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#41: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:01 pm
Emmmm, gobbo, or human.....I quite like the idea of a gobbo hunchback, but I think I will just let Graeme be a rather cynical and negative human.

#42:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:29 pm
Shifting neverously as the Centaur didn't reply to Ariana's curties and question to who it was.

To tell the truth, Rain was glad someone had spoken up, she was getting a little tired of all the talking she had done lately. The last five minutes had involved more talking on her part than she had done in five years.

'And lookwhat good be silent for five years did me!' Rain thought cynically, 'I've mangaged to single handly insult one of the first people I meet, mangled my silvan, gaped at a centaur, and lost my cool in front of people who though a part of the prophecy may be in the second part.'

Oh yes, there is a second part to the prohecy, said Purple, the narrator, most know of the first part that told of the people who could defeat the evil, but how many know that there is a second part to it. Not many, that's for sure.

The second part of Ergos prophecy was largely kept secret, and for good reason, for the second part told of six evils who could potentially ruin, even destroy, the chances of the chosen ones. But that is for later, and this is most decidely now.

Great Purple now you ruined the surprise, said off the topic black,

I was merely adding drama to this story, haven't you ever heard of a little thing called suspense?

Yeah I heard about suspense, I wrote this story remember! Now if you look on your script, youc can clearly see that the little Drama you just threw in wasn't supposed be added until Act 2: Scene 3.

Purple blushes making it momentarily magenta. I think I may have made a mistake, Purple who was now magenta said.


Oh shut up! Don't you realize your so off-topic?

That's may name, don't wear it out.

Now where was I?, said Off the Topic appearing very pleased with itself. A very hard thing to do since it was all black.

Looking into each of her companions eyes so far, she knew that they were part of the prophecy but of which part?

Until she knew more, she would have to stay on her edge.

Getting slighty irrated at the centaur's lack of response, Rain was about to make a sarcastic remark when a voice as sarcastic as she felt fell on her ear.

"My my my, a gypsy, a furtive looking elf, a grizled old veteran, one of those horsefolk who's name I can never pronounce and now me, a weary, dust stained hunchback. World beaters one and all," the voice laughed harshly.

Approaching them with a limp was perhaps the was perhaps the ugliest looking human Rain had ever seen. At least, she thought he was human. Smiling at the man, Rain thought, finally here is someone I can trust.

Looking beyond the figure, Rain looked straight into his eyes, as she had been trained to do.

What she found there was a cynical spirit that laughed at the world, she also so power the kind of power that was unmistakable that Rain knew at once that this man was a mage of some power, but lurking within his eyes somewhere admist his laughter was the glimmer of prophecy.

The hunchback stared at the them and caustical said, "This shall be an interesting journey indeed...."

Rain smiled lighting her eyes briefly with something akin to magenta, and said, "A very interesting journey indeed," Rain snorted as her eyes returned to normal, "Since you have cared to join us, Centaur, hunchback, will you not be so kind as to tell us your names. I don't care to go on a 'journey' calling everyone hey you with the face. Nor would I care to be called that myself. Oh and by the way, FIVE."

With that Rain smiled, and promptly sat herself down on the ground. 'If this is going to be a while,' she thought, 'I might as well be comfortable.'

((**He, He** This Off-the-Topic's Evil/Good twin, it's all a matter of prespective really, Parenthical. Hope y'all enjoy my little sense of humor. What can I say, I'm bored! For my left foot's sake, hurry these introductions up will you. I would like to get to the interesting part before I like...uh...turn sixty or something. Until the next post, this note has been signed...))

#43:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:31 am
Ariana shifted her weight (not much) to her right foot and sighed. She was getting increasingly uncomfortable with the silence. She knew that centaurs weren't usually the most talkative of species - but neither was she, and she had managed. Frowning, she started to observe the others again. Rain looked fairly nervous of the centaurs silence, and yet strangely relieved. Before she could study her more closely however, Rain looked her in the eyes again and Ariana broke the contact quickly - she wished Rain would stop doing that. It reminded her of the elders of the Elven settlement she was bought up in.
She swung around as she heard someone speak. His voice dripped sarcasm and she had a notion that he was a rather cynical guy. Involintarily, Ariana shivered slightly at his looks - centaurs weren't the only vain race. Goodness! thought Ariana, a little taken aback, Which God did he anger?!
She stepped back and to the side to let him through as he advanced. Looking at him more closely, past his looks, she felt immediately that he was not an enemy. She also felt a wave of power wash over her and she paled slightly. It had been a long time since she had felt that ammount of magic in one person. Well, not since the war anyway. She turned so that she could just about see everyone, which was becoming increasingly more difficult.
I wonder if my weariness is really that easy to see. She thought, making a note to hide her emotions better next time.
Just as she was thinking that she would leave the next bit of talking to someone else, Rain spoke. Guess who! thought Ariana with mild sarcasm, but it was not meant in a bad way.
Again, Rain said the 'tell me your names if you may' speech and promptly sat down afterwards. Not a bad idea thought Ariana, watching Rain sitting cross-legged on the floor, But too unprotected. Instead she shifted to her left foot and resigned herself to some more waiting...

((Come on Whitey!))

Last edited by solus.serpen on Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total

#44:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:14 am
(((OH you think I'm unprotected, my dear elf-friend?

--OH by the way, it is yet again, Off the topic only this time I wearing a tie. But hey do type colors wear ties?--

Rain has more ways to protect herself than with a sword, dagger, or bow. Besides she owns none of these, nor would she be able to use them if she possed them. Trust me, Rain is just as protected sitting down as if she was standing up.

Oh by the way Ariania/solus, mind choosing a name to call Rain? Although I know what you meant, it's hard to follow when you first call her Rain, then switch to Celebrin, and then back again to Rain.

Ditto Whitey, hurry up or I'm replacing you! An empty threat you realize, finishes off the topic, but a threat none the less.))

#45:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:58 am
((Yep, I know she is protected. Music no doubt. But what I meant was it was too unprotected for me to sit down. Sorry, not very clear on that front. Confused
Plus, I'm sorry about the name thing. I was going to use Rain, but I thought it would be a little repetitive as:
Before she could study her more closely however, Rain looked her in the eyes again and Ariana broke the contact quickly - she wished Rain would stop doing that.
However If you think it would sound better that way, I'll change it.
If we come to any Elven places during the trip though I may well switch to calling you Celebrin until we are passed.))
((*Edited*Changed the name to 'Rain'. ))

#46:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:13 am
((Akk! Sorry, I was in Spain. I see this has progressed a bit while I was swimming, tanning, swimming, holding Octopi and doing somemore swimming))

As I came over the hill I watched their reactions with some amusement. Obviously they had expected a man on a horse, or some such slave-rider.

I watched them, taking in their stares. They seemed impatient. I was about to speak when someone else came, an old man.

"My my my, a gypsy, a furtive looking elf, a grizled old veteran, one of those horsefolk who's name I can never pronounce and now me, a weary, dust stained hunchback. World beaters one and all," He laughed harshly.

Horsefolk! I did not like this beggar. Imagine, comparing on of the Lord's finest to a meer slave! Obviously uneducated. Still, manners must survive, so I introduced myself.

"I am Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam. Graduate of the univesity of Grevlap, tactician to the Centaur Lord, Head Libravian of the Cavernous Library of J'kethway and one-time Ambassador to the Court of Albion. Favoured of the Faun Queen and member of the Human King's inner circle. Second cousin once removed to the Centaur Lord himself. This is not my full list of titles, but as there is at least one amony you whom I know to be uneducated, I shall leave it at that."

Now all I had to do was wait for one of them to make a move. I knew they would understand me for I had spoken in Human, Common Elven and, to be safe, Centaur.

#47:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:49 am
((Gah!!! I just wrote my whole reply...and then my computer went funny when I pressed capslockand I'm having to write my whole thing again!! Welcome back Whitey. I'm glad you enjoyed Spain - I've never been abroad in my life!!))

Contrary to her earlier impatience with the centaur, now Ariana had to stiffle a laugh. Not only was he/she* vain, but also incredibly concieted!
Ariana had understood the Centaurs speech in all the three languages, although with notably less details in the human and centaur speech.
Well, well, she thought We shouldn't have any problem with languages in this group. When I find my feet again, we shall have three linguists - and thats assuming that the others only know one language!
Touching her lips and bowing (again), Ariana replied in human speak so that all could understand;
"Welcome. ...You have a shorter name ... Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam?" Then adding in centaurian, almost as an afterthought, "For the...Lesser intelects...of us." A smile tugged at her lips. Switching to common Elvish (a language (amoung many others) nearly all elves had to learn for trade purposes), she told Crenlamin,
"I am sorry for my hesitant nature in the other tongues, I am not used to them. Here," *points to Rain* "is another linguist. I do not know about the others."
This was a long speech for Ariana, even in her mind. Elves were usually either extremely talkative, or harldy saying a word. Ariana, it had to be said, veered towards the later, especially with other races.
Every group has its grudges, true, but if you spend enough time with people, and especially if you go through hard times together, friendship is almost inedvitable.
Now that Crenlamin was active...
Maybe we are finally getting somewhere. Thought Aiana.

*What is your gender in the rp, whitey?

((Ok, its a little shorter than the origional, but I was annoyed with the computer and couldn't be bothered to write the rest. It wasn't a very big/important part anyway.
Now...Ariana meant it. Now that everyone seems to be here...if there isn't going to be another member, should we start the main thing? After wednesday 6th (school start), I'll only be on on weekends till next hol. So the sooner the start, the better Wink.))


#48:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:31 pm
(Heh heh Albion, ever play Fable Whitey? I'm not complaining about the name I'm just asking if you ever heard of it?)

Centaurs, Elves and Humans this is certainly turning out to be one strange gathering, thought Morzan. He felt a little uncomfortable with this many languages flying about around him. The Centaur had said his name was Crenlamin something or other. Such a long name for any creature. But for those who speak of that many of their titles certainly has nothing to hide.

An old decrepid man suddenly entered the area and the number became five.

The air filled with a strange static as the old man came into the area in which they now stood. Magic, and lots of it Morzan thought with a chill. Images from past battles flashed through his mind. Entire squads being torn apart by fire and lightning. He shuddered and cleared his mind. I have no need for those memories.

But that static he felt still made him feel quezy. He didn't let it show and he shut the discomfort away in the back of his mind.

During introductions Morzan quietly stood by himself. Afterwards he stood by quietly. I wish I had used my spare time to study other languages. And not relied on translators.

There seemed to be a few languists here so he didn't have to worry. Morzan only knew the cultures and habits of creatures great and small. Not their languages. He shifted his footing and pointed himself.

"Morzan", he said.

Morzan surveyed the party then sat on a nearby rock. He just wanted to get moving again. All these introductions were making him bored. We better get moving soon. Were burning daylight.

(Yes my post is very short. I'm just realy tired for some reason.)

#49:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:36 am
((My. aren't we impatient. However I agree well overdo for a wind of change....*laughs manically*))

The sound of wings filled the air high above the earth as a dragon dashed through the sky. It had flown many miles with the wind of the east pushing ever forward as it flew first east, then north. Now dragon can fly fast and long but the journey was long, and even this dragon had to take many rest.

It had been a week now since it had started it's flight. It had been sleeping, something that it had been doing a lot ever since it's compainon, what we would call a dragon-rider, had died. It's companion's death had hurt, in more ways than one. The parting of a dragon and it's companion was perhaps the most heart wrenching thing the earth would ever see; and this dragon's companion's death was no less so.

Normally, the companion or the dragon would die moments after it's partner would die of grief, as the one would be unable to live without the other. To tell the truth, it never knew why it hadn't died when it's companion, a human named Juric 'de-Nirad, had died. It had thought it would for the longest time, that's why it had slept so long. It had hoped that in sleeping, it would never awake.

But it had awoken, a year to the date after Juric died. The pain of the waking would have been unbearable if it had not been for one girl, one small frail girl, who like itself was all alone in the world.

The girl's patience, caring, and understanding of what it lost had healed the wound in it's heart so it was bearable to live with; but the wound was still there a throbbing pain in the back of it's minds.

The girl in return for her service asked the dragon a favor. She had asked him to live. It was a hard thing to ask. But the dragon had done it. Not for the girl's sake, but for his dead companion's sake. Why for his companion? To explain, we must go back in history. But history will have to wait because the dragon had finally spoted his goal.

In the distance lay a vale and in the vale, the dragon could barely make out with his sharp eyes the figures of five people. One of which he now sent a swift thought, I come.

Although the thought was sent to the one girl alone, any with the power to hear it would be able to. Besides this, although the dragon would not land here, the other's would surely be able to see it.

'The flying form of dragon', it thought rather ironically, 'how fit a sybmol to mark the beginning of the quest of Ergos' Prophecy and Erogos' Sword.'

((I didn't have time to write anything very long, but I thought I at least post a little something to peak your interest. I'll be back on later with more.))

#50:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:33 pm
((Oooh Smile. Sounds interesting. Btw have you read 'Eragon' , din? I'll wait for you to post the rest before I post my part.
...I'm guessing you're the girl who the dragons speaking to? I might well be able to hear it, as elves are usually trained in that kind of thing. Anyway, I'll shut up and wait for you to post the rest now Wink.))


#51:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:51 pm
((Thanks for waiting, everyone. I wasn't feeling well early but I thought I at least post a tibit to keep your appetite good and wet. Yes Solus, I've read Eragon, I think it's simply amazing that the guy was like 15 when he wrote it. Although I haven't read the Eldest yet, I'm sure it's just as good. As for the dragon-speak thing, I actually purposely left it hanging. I don't want Rain to be to prominment, but unfourantly because of the orginal plot/story I'm basing this on, I kind of have to.

Okay, before I go into my post, let me set a few things straight. I'm going to be going to into a bit of history, from Rain's point of view of course. This history will largely envolve what happened in the War of Kindreds from Rain's point of view. I'm doing this simply because it easier for me this way to include the basic history that will help you all where this story is coming from. However, please feel free as I go through the history to post your own character's memories of the war. This will not only help everyone get involved with the story a little bit more, but the others through reading each other's post can gain a little more knowledge of everyone's characters.

However, as I realize things may get a little confusing for a while, feel free to ask any questions. Also if you wish, a little later on, I will include a brief history in plain english in the plain facts, if this will make it easier to understand where I coming from.

But I progress, now to finish where I left off... the sign of the dragon was a sign of the end of the beginning, the five chosen one's have met but what of the sixth or is there a sixth at all? Now it is time for memories, but first there will come a change that will allow everyone to know that they are on the same side and remind them that there is a need for speed, secrecry, and safety.)

P.S. For this post only, the few words the dragon will give via messegers will posted in darkblue. Please remember this a temporary messure used only for this post, or until such time we meet our dragon again.))

Rain remained seated on the ground where she had set herself on the ground. No one seemed to notice this gesture, and no one seemed to mind that she had ceased to talk, at least temporarily. To tell the truth, Rain was relieved, it had been years since she had openly spoken to anyone and even then those words hadn't even been spoken to a human.

The Centaur seemed to be enjoying temporarily the shock it invoked in the group, but at the same it seemed displeased at the words of the old hunchback.

"I am Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam. Graduate of the univesity of Grevlap, tactician to the Centaur Lord, Head Libravian of the Cavernous Library of J'kethway and one-time Ambassador to the Court of Albion. Favoured of the Faun Queen and member of the Human King's inner circle. Second cousin once removed to the Centaur Lord himself. This is not my full list of titles, but as there is at least one amony you whom I know to be uneducated, I shall leave it at that."

Pride, that's what Rain heared in the Centaur's voice as idly began to braid pieces of grass together. A tiny voice in the back of her head remind her of her own introduction, 'Yes,' she argued silently with herself, 'but I was asked my name, I simply gave it.' The voice in the back of her head agreeed thinking that habit, no matter how long rejected, is not easy to give up.

As Rain speculated with herself on the nature of each of her companions introductions, Ariana spoke first in Common, than in an language Rain didn't understand than finally in the language of Rain's childhood, Silvan. Ariana was obviously making a speech of some sort, one which include her name as an linguist, or a tongue speaker. 'Some linguist,' Rain thought as her hands continued to braid the grass in her hands 'I insult in common, I mangle the one language I should know to perfection from my youth with the elves, and I probably couldn't remember Iriac, the gyspy trading tongue between tribes, if i tried.'

However Rain was disracted from following Ariana's conversation or this line of thought for very long, for as her hands kept busy, a small firefly flew in front of her eyes. Looking up in shock, Rain stood almost mechanically.

Fireflies, dozen's of them, began to flood the field where the five where standing, blinking and dancing seemingly disregarding the fact that sun although it was descending had not yet set.

Standing with her hands akimbo, Rain let her temporary asument in the form of a grass braid drop uselessly from her hands.

In the distance, Rain could barely spot what looked to be a bird. But Rain knew better, any one who knew anything of what the fireflies meant in ancient lore would know better.

Fireflies were the first sign of a dragon's approach, at least for the large fire breathing ones.

Then she heard it, the voice that she hadn't heard since a tragic death, the voice of a dragon. I come. The voice said in the booming voice that sounded throughout her head, echoing as the bell knell sealing what Rain thought she knew permentatly in her head.

With the voice came a picture, and with the picture memories that barely mangaged to contain just enough so the emotions of those memories wouldn't smush her already fragil frame of mind.

The picture was of the dragon that even now grew larger in the sky in the south-east as it head towards them soaring in the sky.

The dragon's name was Gilath. The gentle curve of his kneck, the surprising softness of his blue scales, the intelligence of the dragon's ever-changing swirling eyes, echoed in Rain's memory. Gilath was a dragon in every sense of the word, but his features were unique in the fact that his place of birth hailed from the orient regions unlike the more common mountain breed that were usually seen in this region. Unlike his more common cousins, Gilath's frame was slender, his body leaning more towards a lizard rather than a brute beast. His wings rather than leather with large claws at the ends that served as hands for the more common breed of dragon, were long and supply seemly made out of silk without the claws of a dragon at the end of their amazing length. Instead Gilath had four 'paws' if you will, and looked, if you took away his wings, changed him to a sort of green, and shrunk him to twenty times less his size, like a lizard.

The last she had seen Gilath had been sortly after Juric's death,who had been the dragon's riding companion. Unlike the most dragon and rider pairs, their realtionship had been one of friendship and brotherhood, rather than the relationship between master and slave.

Juric had also been her friend. Indeed he had been the only other one to carry and share her secrets, everyone one of them. Juric, in fact, was one part of one of her many secrets. Juric had bee the only other one who had known had about both parts of the propreshy. The only one to recieve Ergos' gift, the only other who had born into the day of the death the half of a seeing glass that had shattered shortly after Ergos' death.

Juric had been the Commander of The Wigned Forces, or the commander of the Dragonriders if you will, and he had been Ergos close friend even though until those fateful days of war Juric had not known him.

He had been her equal in everyway, yet her opposite. Like herself, she had known Ergos only briefly. Like him, she would have gladly died for Ergos, and like Juric she had watched Ergos die, the dragonpeople's king, or as they were more commonly called Eroki, while still young, watch him die in the height of his power and youth not only for his people, the world, but for her.

The memory was still enough to bring tears to Rain's eyes, and even now they streamed down her face washing away the ice, raising the mask, and parting the veil that Rain had hid behind leaving behind only one very small girl who was very much afraid.

As quick as it came, the memories vanished, leaving Rain with tears still streaming down her face as she ignored them and looked to the sky. There, right above them, with the setting sun in his silken blue wings, Gilath flew. Circling once, the dragon gave a piercing scream that seemed to say, 'Follow me.' The cry was a command, not a suggest.

Mutely following the dragon with her eyes, Rain vainly grasped at the ribbon tying her hair as it burst gibly from where it was placed letting her hair loose in all it's midnight darkness.

As she watched, the dragon began to descend a touch lower in the sky so it's form was clearly visible, but it did not land. Rather Gilath continued it's journey until he reached the place where Ergos' Sword stuck untouched in the ground.

There the dragon stopped it's progress, but it kept flying as it cried and circled around the sword. Rain was about to run down the hill towards her old friend when something suddenly stopped her from gathering her skirts.

It was the wind that stopped Rain, or rather the lack of it. No longer did the wind rush unceasless east. It had stopped mid-gust, and now everything waited, the calm before the storm.

Then it came, a sudden blast of hot wind from the west as the earth momentarily jerked with a brief shock. Then once again the wind ceased, and everything was once again still. But this time it was the stillness of fear that filled the air, not that of a storm.

Raising her eyes, Rain look trembling towards the west. Nothing, not a thing, lay in the direction as far as her eyes could see. Nevertheless, Rain knew better. Rain knew what slept in the west, something that apparently awoken.

Looking at her companions, Rain threw caution to the wind. "I do not know you, other than your names, I do not know if you are on our side or hers . But whether for good or evil, IT IS TIME. If we wait but two minutes longer we may be late, we may even be late now. But late or not, good or not, we MUST start now or forever regret the consequences. Come let us go to a safe place before she sees us. She is newly awoken, and she will be vilgant in her search. There is only one place on earth where I think her eyes will not reach us I hope."

Without looking back, Rain gather her skirts and began to run downhill, without caring wiether they followed or not Rain shoted behind her, "Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny." With this Rain's tears once again began to flow and her face began to grow grim even as laughter escaped sarcastically from her lips. Then setting her face into that of grim determintation, she whispered to herself "For Ergos. For Juric. For myself, I will go, even if I most go alone. For Ergos. For Juric. For Gilath. For the thousands that died, I will go. For Ergos, for you old friend. For Juric."

((I trust that is sufficently interesting enough for everyone. Follow or stay. The choice is yours))

#52:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:13 am
((Hehe, I doubt anyone is going to stay, din. Although, now I say that...
...I am more used to being one of the bad guys. hmmm...
I think I'll go...for now Wink.))

"Morzan." The soldier bowed ever so lightly then went and sat on a rock. His face portrayed his boredom, and Ariana was once again reminded that he was a very active person, despite his age.
After a while of nothing happening, Ariana caugth a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye. A firefly! She had always loved them, although seeing them was rare. Thats maybe why she was so surprised when she saw another, and then another, and more. They seemed to fill the air so that it was near imposible to see each other. Elves eyes were sharp though, and as she looked around in wonder, she noticed that Rain was crying. Instinctively she felt the urge to comfort her, but as she moved towards her, Ariana felt something intruding on her mind.
I COME Ariana stopped midtrack. The last time she had heard a dragon...well, it was a long time ago. I should have guessed from the fireflys she thought.
The dragon screamed, saying 'Follow.' Despite the fact that it sounded like it should not be disobeyed, Ariana hesitated. Just then, the wind stopped, like the lull before the storm. Just as quickly as it had stopped, a burst of warm air hit her from the west. Then it lulled again - fear. Rain began to run towards the dragon, shouting back as she did so,
"Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny*."
Ariana hesitated for a moment more, then gave caution to the wind (quite literally!) and followed Rain down the hill. Being a fast runner, she caught up with Rain fairly quickly, and glanced at her concerned, to see that she had stopped crying now. That in itself was hard to see as Rain now had her hair down, and it seemed to whip around her head like it had a mind of its own. Ariana's streamed behind her. Ariana had slowed down when she reached Rain, to see if she was ok. A few seconds later, the centaur overtook her, looking extremely pleased.
As she neared the dragon, Ariana slowed down, and approached it almost reverently. She felt instinctively that he was a male.I wonder what his name is.
Practically walking the last few yards, she rested her hand on the sword hilt, and watched the others come. She was surprised to see that the centaur was not here first. Celebrin was about as fast as herself. The fireflys were still clouding her vision, so she couldn't see how many, but she didn't expect any to stay behind. Only fools would stay behind. Back there lies danger. She turned her eyes to the dragon, and wondered as to whether he would let her ride him. She had seen him before, but not this close. It had been many years ago, and he had come to see the elders of her Elven community. She didn't know what they spoke about, but she knew that dragons had much wisdom. It was only now that she was so near one, that she realised how much she would like to ride one. As Rain caught up, Ariana urged the dragon to come down. Does it expect us to run the whole way? This wouldn't have proved that much of a problem for Ariana, but she knew that at least one member of the group would be troubled at this prepostion. Yet dragons cannot carry too many people. Two at most I would have thought. Maybe three, four for a fully grown...not five. As she realised this, Ariana resigned herself to having to run a lot. At least until they were out of danger. She shot Rain a questioning glance, will he land? She wasn't sure why she thought Rain should know this, perhaps because she didn't seem at all awed by the dragon, and had run first. Maybe becasue the crying had told Ariana that she had memories regarding something of this nature, but most probably because Rain was currently the only other of the five to have reached the sword.

((Sorry I didn't put my view of the war in, but I've already given you a large history lesson of Ariana's life in an earlier post, and I thought that would surfice for now Wink.))

*couldn't help putting that in Very Happy.

Last edited by solus.serpen on Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:35 am; edited 1 time in total

#53:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:12 am
((Don't worry, history and memories are next, I just wanted to see how people would react to this little unexpected surprise of mine. So Solus is more used to being a bad guy, eh? HMmmm...that gives one food for thought.

By the way, I was orginally planning on having the swordbearer as a separate person, but have cancelled that idea, we will need someone to carry the sword. Their are few ways we can do this: 1.) Volenteers, as I rather not let Rain be the Swordbearer [I don't want Rain to become a main character any more than she already is], anyone who wants to can volenteer for this part. A couple of things to keep in mind before you volenteer, a) you must be on the side of good and plan on remaining on the side of good, b) you will need to know some of the plot as there will be a riddles envolved so this may spoil your fun a little. 2.) A challenge: Or I could prepose a riddle challenge. Whoever solves the riddle would get the sword. This gives everyone a chance for the sword. 3.) I can pick one of you myself based on the qualility of your replies for the next part of this rp. 4.) I could create another character for one of you to multi-play. Although I don't usually allow this, it would solve my problem.

The decision is up to you. Post here what you think after you catch up.))

#54:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:57 am
((A riddle sounds fun, although I think I'll stand out of this one - I'm not entirely sure what I'll do later in the book Wink.))


#55:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:35 am
Morzan continued to sit on the rock staring at the ground. In his boredom his mind turned back to his past adventures. Clashing steel and battlecries. He never liked remembering his past all that much. Only telling it to others. He had often gone to the local school house to tell stories to the younger ones in his spare time. Telling them mainly of battles between him and monsters that shook the earth when they stepped.

"Charge!" screamed Morzan from atop his horse.

Battle horns from behind him screamed in turn as his entire company clashed with the opposing force. The ground shook as both forces collided and turned into a swirling melee. The spearmen in front the axemen next then the swordsmen. The frontline of the enemy collapsed as the spearmen drove their weapons forward. Then the axemen threw their blades forward. Then out burst the swordsmen.

Morzan came in from the side of the fight. The enemy was off balance but still fighting. The enemy refused to give ground as the battle progressed. The troops on either side of Morzan's company were holding but he was still worried. So he drew his blades and waded though the fighting to its center. He gathered some of his men who had run astray then charged into the fray himself. The enemy was tough but not invincable.

"Keep fighting! For the Queen!" shouted Morzan.

His troops started to fight harder. But suddenly everything changed. The enemy began to press the attack and Morzan's party was loosing its footing on the battle. [i]If something doesnt happen soon I'll lose all my men.
though Morzan franticaly. Blood covered his blades and sweat stung his eyes. The Elves had arrived only a short moment ago and the battle wasn't changing much. He was about to order retreat but then something happened.

Somewhere out on the field a great light flooded forth. Many of the enemies were blinded but Morzan's troops were not and they took the advantage. They cut their way through the enemy and met up with the dragon people. Words seemed to echo through the air but Morzan was too focused on the battle. His mind remained fixed on finding his rank. The enemy that would be his challenge. It was a long time before he finaly found him.

The creature was stronger than him and very challenging but he emerged victorious from the fight. The battle had been difficult and Morzan barely escaped with his life. The battle was won, not by his victory over the commander but because of the Dragon Kings sacrafice, which he found out a few years before he had left to return to the site of the battle.[/i]

His thought was broken as a bug flew into his ear. Damn bugs! he thought with distaste. Then he saw what was going on, hundreds of little bug flew about the area. He had never seen so many fire bugs. Accept after the battle of Ergos. Before he could find out what was happening there was a deafening roar as a dragon soared over the clearing. I come.

Morzan glanced at the rest of the group, they were equaly as suprised besides Rain who had started to cry. He was about to ask what was wrong then remembered that dragons often had an effect on people and he shut his trap quickly. Then Rain said,

"Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny."

Whats going on here? Morzan's feet began to move forward as if they had a mind of their own. It made him feel strange, scared almost. So he trusted his instincts and move forward. He bounded down the hill after Rain and Ariana. He couldn't matcgh their speed but he still ran forward none the less. I come to pay a tribute to my fallen brethren and I see a dragon. Either I'm very lucky or just in for one heck of a ride.

#56:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:25 am
((I'm female.))
((I may not be on for a few days at a time as our internet keeps going down.))
((Yes, I've heard of Fable and I have The Lost Chapters. Brilliant graphics.))
Morzan bowed and pointed to himself. "Morzan" he said, though I already knew this. He sat on a rock, something Humans do which I cannot abide myself. Still, who was I to argue.

The Elf was speaking. She touched a finger to her lips and bowed. In Human, she spoke. "Welcome. ...You have a shorter name ... Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul of the house Jewfergam?" Then adding in centaurian, almost as an afterthought, "For the...Lesser intelects...of us." A smile was tugging at her lips. How dare she! I did not dignify her with a reply.

Suddenly the air was filled with fireflies. Instintively I looked up into the sky, for though I was not versed in the phsycic language of dragons I had seen the others looking and I also knew tht fireflies came before one. I scanned the sky momentarily, searching for the fireflie's source. There! Circling above the sword of Ergos! Rain 'de-la' Nari was speaking, and running.

"Follow me. To The Dragon. To The Sword. To Destiny."

I started galloping, and soon overtook Morzan, the Elf and Rain 'de-la' Nari. However, I was disadvantaged, for I could not fit between the trees and had to take the longer, more winding road to the center of the vally. Though I had been galloping at full speed the three I had overtaken were there before me, panting and out of breath. The Dragon was directly overhead.

#57: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:06 pm
Graeme watched the exchange of the others. He grinned in his lop-sided way. He had hit his mark. He felt he had Rain's attention and a similar personality. He had somehow shook Morzan, though the old man tried to hide it, and he nearly succeeded. The elf was agitated that he read her feelings so easily. The horse ignored him. He expected that. He was only telling the truth.

Suddenly all these fire-flies were everywhere. I come. The POWER behind that voice staggered him.

"Oh this is bad....."he whispered to himself.

"Follow me. To the Dragon. To the Sword. To Destiny," the gypsy said.

All the others apart from him ran after the bard. How corny, he thought. Then he remembered his old man's words.

"Find the group, find the sword, and find your desti....." his grandfather's last words were to a younger Graeme.

He stared sullenly at the running figures. He voiced a durge of curses. He learned to curse very well on the road. He was a priest in faith and name only.

"Well?" he said to himself.

He began limping as fast as he could towards the three women and the lone man. Gods, my ankle will be swollen by the end of this. Damn all those people who could at least walk at a normal pace!!! He waddled faster and faster.

What a sight he must be....

#58: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:13 pm
sorry for keeping everybody waiting, a riddle would be fun, or you can just pick one of us Din, you choose, your the writer/organizer.

#59:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 1:06 am
It's O.K, I can't exactly judge can I? Oh, and I think the riddle would be good, although even with the extra size that all Halflings have I wouldn't be much good with the sword.

#60:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:53 am
((A riddle it is then. OH and whitey, Centaurs are NOT halflings. Halflings are small humanoid creatures with thick feet, elflike ears, and are about half the size of a normal humans. Centaurs don't even qualify as a half-breed! Centaurs are a well-known, separate, and distinct mythlogical creature, recongized in both legund, myth, and recently some High Fantasy circles. Centaurs are known for their wisdom, sagicity, and loyalty to other races. All their is much debate between authors on the subject, it is widely known that when Centaurs take it on themselves to become warlike they are as skilled in that trade as scolarship. In fact, some say they are better than any human mounted light cavalry, since their horse-parts work well with them not against them, and since their no reigns to handle they have often been reported to carry two Swords with as much easy and skill as a master swordsmen. HUMPH!!!

Sorry about that, but I'm a mytholigical geek and a little, how do you say, overzealous on the subject.

Anyway, a riddle it is. It will be a image riddle, which I will post later, when I have the time to do so.

I have been feeling a little sick lately, so it has prevented me on getting on replying as much as I would like. Anyway, even though I'm feeling extermly natious right now, I thought I stop by with a quick note to say I will post the image riddle later along with a very lengthy post to make up for my neglect on this lively Rp.

I'm sorry for any inconvience, displeasure, and all the delays encorred because of my current state of well-being.

If no one is able to figure out the riddle, I will go ahead and pick one of you based on the quality of post you have submitted so far. If you want to be excluded because you might go over to the darkside later, please let me via post or p.m.

Until then here's a little narration to keep you thinking:))

Chapter 2: Dragon's and Riddles

There it stood glittering in the sunlight before all of them. The Sword of Ergos. Above them the dragon screamed mightly, once in murning for the long fallen king, once in remberance, and once in a exclamation that was both an end and a beginning at once.

All round the immediate area of the sword the grass had died as if it been scorched by a great flame. Outside of the circle surronding the sword the grass waved unaware of the precious circle it formed by it's graceful waves.

The Sword itself was plain, it was simply a stell forged sword, and by the way the edge glittered in the sunlight the sword had not lost it's sharpness with time. The plummel appeared in the form silver-hue swirls twisting and turning until it came to the cross guard. At the top of the hilt though stricking admist the plainess stood a shining Ruby stone that seemed to burn with an inner light it was the DragonStone.

Suddenly without warning the dragon descended with a great cry. Jumping back in surprise, the company could gaze in shock as the dragon swopped twice past them each time barely missing them with the tips of it's wings. The first pass it dropped a small bag that clattered as it the ground.

The second pass came with no warning. This time as the dragon passed, it went directly towards the sword and breathed a great red flame. As if enchanted, the dragon's flame curcled around the sword forming a firey barrier of about one foot away from the sword. At first the flames were as tall as man, but then as the flames died down they reached the height of only two feet.

As the group watched in amazement, they looked at the sword. Any ordinary sword would have melted due to the intense heat of the flameInstead of being melted with the great heat of the dragon's flame, it appeared uneffected by it. Indeed, the sword didn't appear in the least bit red or even scorched.

As they continued to watch, the Sword of Ergos began to glow with an errie light and a tendril of light silver began to curve and twirl on the blade of the sword. Slowly the tendrils formed into what appeared to be writing in a strange language.

Passing low again, the dragon cried in the common tongue as well it could with it's serpents tongue,
I am Gilath, dragonkin to the great dragons of the east, bearer of the last words of Ergos, heir to that which my master could not bear in the end. It has been my duty to procect this sword for five years. It has been my honor to awaken it again with dragonflame and dragonspell. Learn first why you are here. The daughter of Eve, the Gyspy who is called Rain, will be your guide, for that is her duty. Ask her what you wish. Remember history. Once this is done, approach the sword, Prophecied Ones, if you dare. But remember, only the one Chosen can approach the sword. All other will suffer death by dragonflame and dragonspell. May your journey speed you well.

Light to your Paths when darkness would find you! May the flame ever be bright in your hearts, and the wind always beneath your wings!

With that the dragon circled once, twice, thrice around the sword and then flew away turwards the North, leaving the group to choose what they would do with what information it had given them.

((Your job now is learn what you can of our task. The riddle is the word that is now shining on the sword. The word is written in the language of Din, a runic language based on english letters. Your job is to decipher the word acuarately. I will post a clue on how to do this later when I post the image of the word.

Until later, have fun with what I've posted so far. Reactions, etc.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:04 am; edited 1 time in total

#61:  Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:30 pm
Thought I would post this to keep up 2 date

He stared in disbelief at what was occuring on the hill. Damn this was happening fast....

He slowed his pace as he approached the hill, and began the ardous climb up the hill. He got nearer and nearer to the inflamed sword. He felt the power emanating from it. So much power was here, in this sword. He had heard the warning.

He finally arrived alongside the others.

"Heck if I'm going near that flame,"He told the dazed others.

Just then words began to form...

#62:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:42 am
Although many words appear on the sword, one slowly begins to grow brighter than the others as the other words seem to fade away into the sword. Soon only that one word is left blazing in a silver light on the sword. The word appears like this in the runes of Din.

((This is the word you must decipher to gain the sword. Here's how: Look closely at the image posted below this note. It is the picture of the sword. The words on the left of the image are the title to this rpg. Figure out the equalivant of the english alabhet to the runes using this and try to figure out what the word reads. Here's a hint, the last three letters do not appear of the glowing word do not appear in the title of this rpg. Try to figure it out with what I have given you.

If you can't, I can pose another harder riddle, and if you figure that out you will gain all the letters that make up the word, but not neccesarily in order.

If no one can figure out the riddle, I will choose as I said before.

The first one to 'read' the word on the sword will be the Swordbearer.

Here's another hint, consider well the words of the dragon. In prophesy things must be done in a certain order. The words of the dragon are that order.

Learn first why you are here. The daughter of Eve, the Gyspy who is called Rain, will be your guide, for that is her duty. Ask her what you wish. Remember history. Once this is done, approach the sword, Prophecied Ones, if you dare. But remember, only the one Chosen can approach the sword. All other will suffer death by dragonflame and dragonspell. May your journey speed you well.

First learn why you are here, how? By Remembering History. Ask Rain questions. Why is it her duty to be your guide. Then once Memories are done, approach the sword if you dare. But remember only the Chosen one will be able to read the words on the sword, and only that Chosen one can approach the sword. So don't approach the sword until your sure of what it reads.

If you are uncertain that you have solved it right. P.m your solution or P.m for the harder riddle that will give all the letters that make up the word. That is all. Thank you.))

#63:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:15 am
When I said Halflings I meant any race which had parts of two other beasts joined inside their own shape, fauns, centeurs, mermaids ect. Because of all the extra conections leading to their brain and, indeed connecting two stomachs, four lungs, ect. (tis apllies most of all to centeurs because we have almost all of the horse organs except the brain) all races of this type are larger than their human counter parts. Thus a human-made sword would not fit a centeur. This has led to wars when, in the interest of equality, tools and weapons of a size which would be fine for humans (or, indeed, races with Joins) were given to someone of the other size.

#64:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:49 am
((I apolgize again Whitey. P.s. Don't stay out because of your race, the sword of Ergos, as you are about to see has the ability to change itself (size, appearance, etc) according to the size, kind (human, dragon, Eroki, etc.), and purpose of it's user.

Okay, so I bet y'all are wondering, What now? There's a big filled with some object that we so far no nothing about, a sword that no one can approach besides the 'chosen one', and the dragon just announced that Rain is not only your comanion but your guide. Plus your probably wondering, why are we all here? And once someone draws the sword, what next?

Well, some of those questions will be answered later. Right now, I'm going to take you down memory lane to kinda let you know why you're here. Also we've going to find out what's in the bag, and why there are two pewter stone-like dragoninettes came with the bag.

Dragoninettes, by the way, a chiness appearing dragons (ie no wings, manes, etc) that are at the biggest the size of a dashound. What makes them unique is the fact that not only do they look like stone, but they are in fact stones. Dragoninettes are often used as statuaries. However, it has recently discover that they are magical resource for stone magic, and in ancient times were often used to hold and protect seeing stones.

Well, anyway, Time for Memories. The following history was devolped almost a year and a half ago, by myself, and two other players in a roleplaying game. This story, therefore, is not orginal to me, but the plot is where I got the idea for this rpg, and the history that is to follow.))

Rain watched Gilath fly away with regret. Gilath would have been a great friend to help in what she was about to do.

Sighing slightly, Rain turned to see the reaction of the others. They all seemed a little dumfounded. Rain couldn't say she could blame them.

They were starring at the flames that surronded the sword in a kind of terror and amazement. The hunchback, she thought summed there communal thoughts pretty well.

"Heck if I'm going near that flame." He said in his usual tone.

Rain smiled, those were her thoughts exactly, although Rain highely suspected that her reason were a little different than the others. She knew that the sword would not be hearers to bear. She had always known ever since the day Ergos died, she heard the prophecy, and she had recieved her gift.

In fact until the day he died, Rain always thought that Juric would be the one to bear the sword and that Juric would be the one leading this little expedition. But that had not been Juric's fate, and whatever gift Ergos had given to the Commander of the Dragonriders was baried with him in his grave.

Turning back towards the sword, Rain watched as one word on the sword began glow brighter than the others. She knew that the writing was in the language of Din, but it would be a thousand years before she ever could read it. Rain unlike the others perhaps, knew the runes of Din, but she also knew that the runes of Din had a magical quality. Unless your were meant to read the words of any rune of Din at the particular time at that particular place, you would never be able to read that word even if you the runes by heart.

Lowering her eyes a little from the brightiness of the flame, Rain looked at the bag and the dragoninettes Gilath had dropped. 'Now this,' Rain thought, 'is a puzzle I can slove.' Holding her skirt tight to her body, Rain cautiously approached the dragoninettes and the bag. She would have to be careful for although the bag lay outside the circle, it was still dangerously close. 'Plus,' Rain thought, 'there are the dragoninettes to consider.'

Ever so slowly, Rain reached for the bag, and as she began to feel the heat of the flames on her cheek, Rain mangaged to grap the bag without any trouble from the dragoninettes.

In fact, the dragoninettes seemed to agree with this move performed by her since they immediatly followed her by twining about her legs and purring as she retreated to a safer spot father away from the flame.

Smiling at her accomplishment, Rain opened the bag with caution. Looking inside, Rain saw what she had expected to see. Laughing softly, Rain removed a large scroll that was labeled in the way address simply 'Squirt'. The writing was obviously done by a dragon, for instead of being written in ink the writting appeared to be the dark scorching of a flame made to write as ink would.

As for the bag, Rain lowered in it gently to the ground. The dragoninettes upon seeing this began to sit protectively next to it as that task had been their's for a hundred years.

Kneeling next to the bag, Rain set the scroll aside for a moment and opened the bag very gently.

As her hands spread the bag flat as a kind of a sheet, it's contents were revelead. Shards of glass of varying size lay inside the bag, and a single word in the runes of din was written on the left corner.

Rain looked carefully at the word and she looked, the word glowed, and Rain was able to read it. Pointing to the runes, "It says Memory." Rain looked up to see what reaction this annocement produced, before continuing on to say, "This bag was meant for me, I think, but the puzzle it contains is far to much for me to solve. What you see here is the remants of half of a seeing stone. Once, long ago, this thing was a glass sphere. This half was sent to Juric upon his dragon, Gilath."

Rain stopped and turned around to set the bag on her back unto the ground. Reaching carefully in, Rain withdrew what appeared to be a traditional gyspy swal (sp?) that had been carefully wrapped around a small object. Carefully, undoing, the swal, Rain laid it out flat on the ground next to the leather bag that dragon had dropped.

"This is the other half, sent to me as I was in those woods just behind us." Rain pointed to the trees that stood just a little to the left behind the group. "It was with this globe, that I heard the last words of Ergos that no one else heard. And when it shattered, the gift that it contained, was given to me. I can still was like a little sphere of power entered here," Rain pointed to her chest, "into my heart. I don't know what power I was given, but I do know that Juric also recieved something of that power. Juric died, and I do not know what became of that gift, or what Ergos told him in his last moments, but I do know what I heard. When the ball shattered, and the gift was given, the words Memory, Emphathy, and Journey entered my mind. I still haven't able to solve that riddle."

Looking up, Rain looked at the odd group before her, "I don't know why I was given a gift, nor Juric, neither why no one else besides us was given those gifts. But I do know what I am to do now. The battle was great, I'm sure you remember, and the noise was such that you may have not heard the last words of Ergos, the prophecy that brought each and every on of you here on this day with me. These shattered pieces of glass contained that prophecy, and the last power and will of Ergos. If we could but assemble them again, not only would hear the Prophecy again but many other things besides."

"Alas, I have no power to do this. Only a mage could perform such a task, so if the hunchback is willing." Rain paused and added a small side to the hunchback, "I'm sorry to call you that, but you still haven't given us your name. But if you are willing, for I know you have the power to do so, that much I can sense, could you reconstruct the seeing stone. It will be a hard task, that much I know, for Juric had many mages try to reconstruct the stone in hopes that maybe we would be able to find a clue to the mystery of his last words. None of them, not even the most skillful Juric could find and afford, could perform the task. I do not if you will either, but if you could try?"

Looking questionally at the hunchback, Rain paused a little, but then took a deep breath as she would finish a heavy task at once.

Visibling bracing herself, "Why we wait for the stone to be reconstructed, it has been given to me to renew your memories of the battle to remind you not only what happened but of the power of the enemy we faced. I can do that by tale, or...if you wish, I can take your there in your minds....I know it sounds strange, yet it is true. I would only be able to do so by showing you what I saw. But if I do that, you would be able to know things that I know, including what I heared in that seeing glass that now lies shattered at your feet. What Juric heard will have to wait until the stones are fixed. Although I'm loaf to do it, it would perhaps be better the latter way since you would know more from my memories than from a simple tale, and besides perhaps you would be able to solve the mystery that I have yet to uncrack."

Standing once again, but careful not disturb the dragoninettes or the glass, Rain asked with a some fear and determination, "What would ye have of me? Ask what you may. For that is also my task. Tell me plainly, Which of the two ways would have me do?"

#65: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:41 pm
Graeme stared in horror at what the gypsy had just said. She wants me to assemble the stone!!! He looked at it. The shattered shards called to him with such force. He shook his head in denial.

"I cannot assemble that, woman...It's made with old magic, can't you feel it? If I tried, gods would it backfire!! I'm a priest!! And a terrible one at that," he explained to the gypsy.

He moved towards the remnants of it. He crouched, let out a wince of pain, and gathered the pieces. Madness!! He just couldn't keep his eyes off this. If he did this, a really big IF, he, a hunchback priest of little standing would be known throughout history for solving THE mystery. Oh the irony!!!

Ambition burned in him as he probed the shards. I could do this....with some time. He glanced at the rest.

"I'll do this....on one condition...I ain't doing the memory thing, my grandad already done it with me. I done it once, never again.NEVER," he remembered it like it was yesterday...

"You must understand why you must leave, grandson," said his bed-ridden grandfather.

"And how do I understand, you already told me everything," said a 17 year-old Graeme.

"Hold my hand."

Graeme tentatively held his grandfather's hand, as gentle as possible, his grandfather looked like he would blow away with a strong wind.Suddenly he seemed to visibly lift off the ground. Then he became weightless, he could see his own body!! Then he was sucked into his grandfather's hand.

He glanced at his new surroundings in wonder. He was standing in a gigantic battle, between two armies of humungous(sp) size!!

He was snapped out of his reverie when he felt a twining of power with the shards. Ok this might be easier than he first thought.

#66:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:52 pm
Rain looked expectadly at the hunchback, some many had failed, would he be able to fix the seeing stone? She did know much that went into magic but she knew that fixing the stone would be no easy task. The stones hadn't broke on accident, they had broken propersely exactly when Ergos had wanted them to. To fix them would be a little like going against the will of the Eroki king in all his power, and in a sense being doing exactly the opposite of what Ergos wanted to happened.

Rain didn't like that idea, but she knew that it had to be done. What she knew of the prophesy made that crystal clear. If the seeing stone was not fixed, it would mean desaster for the entire journey. Granted, they would still be able to accomplish their task, but not without difficulty and not without danger threating them at every turn. There were so many pieces to the puzzke of the prophesy at any moment, Rain knew something could go wrong. There were so many ways this could go and although Rain didn't know of all the ways it could wrong, she had saw and knew about some of them, and this was one of those ways.

However Rain also knew that if anybody could fix this stone, it would be this mage. Why else would he be here? Rain knew from the aura of power that radiented from him, he certain had the power to do it. But would he? He of all people would know the danger involved.

The hunchback certainly looked horrofied at just the idea of assembling he stone.

Just then, he spoke, "I cannot assemble that, woman...It's made with old magic, can't you feel it? If I tried, gods would it backfire!! I'm a priest!! And a terrible one at that."

Rain nodded slowly, she understood. She knew that not only the stone was made with old magic, but that it was worked by the same. Old magic wasn't new to her, after all she carried something made of the old magic herself. At this thought, her hand once again went to her flute. 'Celebrin,' she thought, ' they had said, you have a gift for music so valuable that is like silver. The elves gave me my flute, which they called Celebrin and named me that also. I still can't understand why think I deserve their gift, nor my name.'

Rain watched as the mage cautiously approached the shattered glass. He seemed interested as gathered the pieces towards him, ambitious almost. 'Maybe,' Rain thought.

"I'll do this....on one condition...I ain't doing the memory thing, my grandad already done it with me. I done it once, never again.NEVER," he said with some feeling.

Rain smiled, somehow she knew that if this man tried, there was a great chance, a chance mind, that he could succeed.

"It is agreed then. If I do the 'memory thing' as you called it, just simply set a barrier in front your mind. Picture a wall or something. It actually isn't all the bad really, since I do not posses any magic of my own, at least none that I know of, and only people who can cast the spell can make you 'Live their memory'."

Rain paused, "When I say that I can make see my memories in your minds, I mean just that. What I saw and heard will pass in front of your eyes like a picture. You won't go into the memory deeply, you won't feel anything I felt. It be like I'm telling a story, but instead of words, it be through pictures. Simple really and something that even someone like me who totally lacks any power can do." Rain smiled sacrastically, a small thing, not magical at all she tried to rationalize. She didn't want to think she was magical, after all wasn't magic that gotten all this started anyway?

"However, since it is such a small thing, anybody who wishes to resist it can. They will simply hear the music of a flute...oh I didn't explain that, did I." Rain said realizing she was confusing herself and probably everybody else. "The only way I can make you see and hear my memories is by planning my flute. I discovered I had the talent to make my listeners see pictures or images of the songs I was playing or singing when I was quiet small. I never could figure out how I did it. I just came sort of naturally. The sounds of people speaking in those images was easy after that."

"Anyway, I discovered that it was easier to do with children, animals, or drunks. In other words, those who felt the music or didn't think much. So I discovered that anybody who resisted or didn't wish to hear or see what I suggested in my music could do so. So, you see, Priest Mage, it will be easy for you to exclude yourself if you wish. Besides I have a feeling, you'll need all the concertration you can get."

"I hope that explains things a little better for all you. Especially you Priest Mage, and Thank you." This Rain said with feeling, she meant it, even if the mage failed, his trying would make things go easier on their journey. However, Rain suspected that this mage would not fail.

"What I do for the rest of you is up to you."

#67: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:29 pm
"Woman, I need to concentrate on this, now I suggest you move down the hill, for if I hear your music then something could go seriously wrong," he told the gypsy.

She raised an eyebrow. Graeme let out a sigh of frustration. How annoying this was!!

"I'm a hunchback if you failed to notice," he shot back at the gypsy," And your party, as far as I'm aware, have no mobility problems, it would be far easier for you and the rest of this strange menagrie to move down the hill than me."

He hated having to admit his shortcomings. He turned to the shards again. He stroked them with a wave of power. He would need a short rest before starting. He needed to think clearly. Impatience bred mistakes.

He picked up the different bits and started moving away to prepare.

"Oh, and gypsy, my name is Graeme, from an assortment of hovels, known as Kilbride, my father is the lay priest there. Let him know if anything happens."

On that note he waddled away to set up his ritual. He got out his candles, chalk and holy objects. His power lay in his faith, in himself and his god. He would reply it all, and more to pull off this one.

He drew out the outline of a simple sealing ritual. He muttered his prayers and began improving it. He, in his "younger" days had experimented with many of the known spells. Lucky for him, this was one of them.

He placed the broken seeing orb in the correct place. He raised his voice as the spell culminated. He waited expectantly...Nothing. Oh well, can't expect everything to go my way. This would require some thought.

Dinranwen, I'm distancing myself at the moment, let's theothers have a go, I'll take part again after the memory thing, just wanted to let you know.

#68:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:19 pm
((No problem at all, Smudger. In fact I expected this from the tone of your post. Okay, to move and to wait for the other's responses.))

Rain listened to the mage called Graeme with some patience, she understood, or at least she thought she did.

Nodding to him, Rain motioned to the others. "I don't think we'll need to go far, and I rather not be on the hill for...let's say personal reasons. There is however, a place where I think we will be safe as well as out earshot. We'll be those woods there if you need us Graeme."

With that Rain motioned the others to follow her as she headed off to the woods. They still hadn't said a word, and Rain didn't know if they completly understood what just took place.

Turning back to see if they would follow her, Rain added one last note of caution, "Oh, and Graeme, try not to go outside the grass circle. That area is protected, you'll be safe there from any attacks or distractions. Unless fate wills it, nothing will disturb you. Whether by tale or by music, I should not take long. As for the rest of you, if you don't want to follow me. At least step outside the grass circle. However, it may not be safe there for very long, it involves some power to do what Graeme is about to do. The last mages that tried blew up an entire magic proff tower leaving only the shards and themselves entack. So I wouldn't stay too close if I were you. But like I said, you could stay here if you like....I, however, am going to head to much safer ground."

((I will not be posting more until we get some more involment from the other players. Oh and Smudge, even though your not going to be with the group for awhile, try to post at least a post or two so I can keep track of your progress in interest of keeping things together plot wise, etc. And plus I think it will be interesting to 'see' what our Mage Priest will do.))

#69:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:20 am
((Oh dear!! !! I didn't realise how much school was going to affect my part in this roleplaying game Confused. I've only been away half a week! You move very quickly. Still, I will continue, just be patient with me please, I can only go on at weekends.
Anyway, excuse is that Ariana doesn't talk much, rather private elf Wink. I'll just do a quick analysis, I don't have much time.))

Throughout the whole dragon-fire and package part, and through Rain and Graeme's exchange, Ariana had remained silent. She preferred to run things over in her mind first, and she really didn't see that there was anything that she could say. When Rain suggested showing mind pictures, Ariana was tempted to refuse, elves - and especially Ariana - did not like people intruding on their minds. When she heard that it was merely creating pictures in front of the eyes though, she decided that she would go along, keeping her senses on alert, so she would be ready to close her mind if she felt too unesy with the contact. She was interested to find out what (or at least one of the things that) the flute did, and as Rain moved off down the hill, Ariana followed. She was heading for the woods, and this made Ariana shiver, as she remembered the horrors that had confronted her deeper in.
Don't be silly. That was a long time ago. They have probably all gone now she told herself, but she couldn't be sure and she hoped that they were not going in far anyway. Even if we were going in far, there is more than one now, it would not be a threat.

Ariana wasn't sure if she wanted to stay with the group, she really needed to know more about them to make any real desicion. From what she had seen of Graeme, despite his looks, he was amusing, and not too disimilar to her. From the whole group, Rain was probably her favorite so far, and she hadn't seen much of the rest. The centaur was arrogant, the fighter was proud.

It was for those reasons that she didn't approach the sword. The riddle interested her, and she may well try to work it out sometime, but even if she did figure it, she would not approch the sword.

Following Rain towards the woods, Ariana felt free and happy for the first time in ages, but it was fleeting. She wanted to start the journey, she had loved travelling, and still did. She suddenly had a strong urge to start out now, and impatience welled up inside of her. She quelled it and continued walking, it would not do well to lose her barrier, she did not want to let people in. Thinking this, she felt even more uneasy about letting Rain show her her view of the war. Maybe she should just listen to the music, she liked music and was sure that Rain was a good player.

I'll decide when we reach where we are going. She thought, keeping her eyes fixed on Rain straight ahead. Rain was not far ahead, and she considered catching her up, but she didn't really want to talk. Not yet anyway, so she stayed behind. Alone.

((Ok, thats it I'm afraid, and probably all I'll write untill next weekend, unless I sneak on, or the school unblocks this site Confused. Hm, not likely.
Well, if asked about the picture thing, Ariana will say yes, but I'll put whether she actually listens or not in my next post. She is eager to get going, and apart from that, will probably be rather a silent companion until I enxt get on Wink. Happy rp-ing Very Happy.))


#70:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:04 am
(I have been watching this thread, just didn't think it was the right time to speak. My excuse is that, having spent 10 of the previos 11 years as a librarian Crenlamin is quite an introvert.)

Much was happening, too much for ebven my finely tuned mind to take in. The dragon dropped something and flew away, the thing spoke and the Gypsy also spoke. She gave me the option of having her enter my thoughts or having her relate a tale to me.

I did not like the idea of her memories much. Centeurs have never been gifted in magic, and I told her as much as we went down the hill.

"I am not greatly skilled in magic. I fear that your memories may get quite bloody, madam, and I have no wish to see anything of that nature. If I did consent then I would have to be able to shut out my mind to some things, and that is not something I can do. Therefore I implore you to simply relate the tale. I enjoy tales, as they were often told in the Lord's court."

I would also not try the sword. Even with the fact that it would change for my size, it could not change my skill and my phisique. Even wielding a K'narven, a traition centaur traveller's weapon, I could only hold off things up to the size of Halflings if they were trained.

#71:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:26 pm
This is crazy. Dragons, packages falling from the sky and fire that burns with no visible fuel.

Morzan had made it to the area a little after Rain and the elf. The centaur arrived shortly after then the hunchback sometime later. The dragon had made a run or two over the party before something fell from its clutchs. Rain had gone to retrieve it. Morzan took a few steps forward to get a better look at what she was drawing out of the bag.

"What-" Morzan began to say but was cut short when Rain turned around holding shards of a stange crysal ball, from the looks of it anyway.

Morzan turned away from her then glanced at the Sword of Ergos, which now burned with a great ring of fire around it. Theres something written on the blade. The Sword of Ergos. Morzan knew this because long ago someone had once told him a story about the Dragon King's blade. It was a story from a drunk but he belived it.

"I guess its true then".

Morzan suddenly noticed something else on the blade. A word that shone brighter then the others. {i]I wonder what it says?[/i], Morzan always liked puzzles. They were the only things that let him escape farmlife in his younger, No less experinced years Morzan interupted.

His mind almost instantly started to fill with questions. After a few seconds of thinking he started to line up letters in his head. That doesnt look too difficult.

The hunchbacks name turned out to be Greame and Rain had asked him to recronstruct the orb or whatever it was. At first he seemed to reject the idea then, with great hesatation he agreed. The orb did look like it would take some time to reconstruct but Morzan guessed it was up to whatever the hunchbacks skills were.

Visibling bracing herself Rain said, "Why we wait for the stone to be reconstructed, it has been given to me to renew your memories of the battle to remind you not only what happened but of the power of the enemy we faced. I can do that by tale, or...if you wish, I can take your there in your minds....I know it sounds strange, yet it is true. I would only be able to do so by showing you what I saw. But if I do that, you would be able to know things that I know, including what I heared in that seeing glass that now lies shattered at your feet. What Juric heard will have to wait until the stones are fixed. Although I'm loaf to do it, it would perhaps be better the latter way since you would know more from my memories than from a simple tale, and besides perhaps you would be able to solve the mystery that I have yet to uncrack."

Morzan didn't like the idea of of someone poking through the his head. Even if it was just with images. If someone entered his mind and gave him a certain image whould he go insane? It was possible, if someone someone saw something so horrible they could probobly go mad. But if someone were this emotional over something then... Morzan stood for a moment thinking it over.

"No thanks, I will stay here and try to solve this riddle here."

Im not trusting someone I just met go into my mind no matter what they say. Ill just wait for someone to tell me the story. That was the safest bet.

Morzan then moved away from Greame and sat somwhere nearby. He drew out some paper, and inkwell and a quill and started to write down thea letters that had appeared on the sword.

((So far Ive been trying to get the riddle and its proven. Rather difficult, and I'm usualy good at puzzles Surprised

#72:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:34 pm
((Well, at unless I'm seriously wrong, Whitey and Solus aren't going to try and solve the riddle. So by process of elimantion, it leaves you and Smudger to figure out the riddle. When I talked to Smudger he sounded a little hesitant about trying to solve it, however he said he would try, so I don't want to count him out of the race yet. However, I'll be p.m to double check. If he doesn't want to try or doesn't want the sword, that will leave only you Morzan.

The riddle isn't much of a riddle, that much I will admit. This is a little more like me handing you the Rosetta Stone and asking you translate it. The runes of Din (the runes of my imagination) seem hard at first, but are actually very easy.

After someone either solves the puzzle or the sword is pulled, everyone that is playing will recieve a rune, which I will tell you the meaning, y'all will be welcome to use it in signatures or whatever. The runes are simply my way of thanking you for joining me.

I'm going to post a rather lengthy history here soon, and though you may not be there (rpg wise at least), you can read it and know where I'm coming from. I hope you will enjoy it and that it will help understand the world in which you are playing.

Good luck in solving the riddle everyone who wishes to try! And enjoy the history, everyone!))

#73:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:30 pm
((Here it is, what you've been waiting for...the History! Warning: This is quite long and I did not have time to spell-check it, but I will fix that later. Feel free to ask any questions in character or otherwise.))

Chapter 2: Part 2: Histories

Rain dipped her head a little first to the priest, then to the solider. They had their own purposes for remaining the sword, but Rain did not. In fact just a this moment she felt she rather be anywhere else but beside the sword as she reconted her memories to the elf and the centaur.

“You gentlemen amuse yourselves,” Rain said smiling slightly, “I agree with my friends here,” Rain said gesturing at the centaur and the elf, “I will not tempt that ring of fire nor the puzzle it holds. Therefore, we will retire to safer quarters for our storytelling. Besides, if one has already received memories from a grandfather and the other a solider, surely neither of you would wish to hear again the sad tale I’m about to recount.”

This said Rain made a little curtesy towards the gentlemen, and gestured to her companions to follow her.

As she walked slowly towards the forest, she remained silent, and her companions also. Rain was sure that they, like herself, were busy with their own thoughts.

It took only a few moments walk for the small group to reach the edge of the forest. But instead of entering it like her companions expected, Rain kept a safe distance from it’s edge as she traveled the outskirts of the little forest glade. As she reached the far edge of the forest, the part closest to the hill the group had just descended, Rain began to look up into the treetops as if she was looking for something. Then as the reached five trees that stood a little apart from the main forest, Rain spotted what she was looking for. There in the tallest tree of the bunch before them waved the purple fringed scarf she had tied there five years before.

“Good it is still there,” Rain breathed, “I was half afraid it wouldn’t be after all these years, but it seems some flags remain faithful where others would have failed.”

The tree that held the scarf was not only the tallest, but the sturdiest and the farthest from the forest itself. It was a low branched beech tree that while it stood within the safety of a close branched group of trees allowed a clear view of the area Rain and her companions had passed.

Turning to each of her companions, Rain touched the tree while she gestured with her other hand at the other trees in this small glade. “I know this spot very well, it served as a lookout place for me and a small group of archers. It is very well situated for while it has a good view of the battlefield,” with this statement Rain gestured to the clear site where the sword stood, “It is somewhat hidden from that angle, and provided not only a clear view but a means of either quick retreat,” this pointing at the hill they had descended, “but an easy way to push forward in a sortie,” this last statement while gestured towards the battlefield also included the forest that stood as it where both a little in front of them but also to the left of them, however the forest did not occupy the rear of them nor even most of their left side. It was easy to see why this made a good place for a small group of archers to see but not to been seen.

Pausing a little, Rain made her way to one of the branches of the beech tree that while it stood low to the ground was high enough that Rain had to reach a little to clamber onto it. Then reaching to her left Rain clambered onto a branch that jutted towards the battlefield, which was where the sword lay entreched in the ground. Rain made herself comfortable in a way so that while she was turned towards her companions she lost neither the sword nor the people near it from her view. It was quite clear that Rain had used this same position and way of sitting not that long ago, and that she was as home in it as she would on the back of a horse.

Indicating her seat and the ground below where her companions stood. “It was here that I received the last message conveyed in that glass sphere, and if any of the old magic could be transmoted to the place to which it was received, this place is as safe if not safer than the sword. Make yourselves comfortable, for my tale is long.”

“It is fortante for you Centaur, I care not for your long name so pardon me if I do not use it, that gyspies love the art of storytelling and I, though often silent, am not unlike my relatives in this respect.”

“You wished for a tale, so I will give you one, but unlike many you have perhaps heard from the gyspies this is so much a tale, as a history. For want of a better author, let it be called mine. To understand the battle a little better and the prophecy it produced, perhaps it would better if we began not a the beginning, but somewhere near it.”

Making sure her companions where comfortable, Rain adjusted herself a little and with a far of look in her eyes she began her tale.

“It began not very long ago, when I was traveling with a group of strangers who having been thrown out of there country by demon hordes easily accepted those who came to them for aid without questions…”

~ ~ ~

The sound of weary feet tireless marching echoed throughout the empty forest. The ancient forest, once filled with animals that surely would have startled at the noise of the carts and men’s voices, was now desoulate at the only thing that started at the noise of mule’s bray was the people themselves. They had been traveling this path for many days, passing through many villages along the way that like the forest itself was desolute. Everything those days seemed empty, and what wasn’t empty was full of fear.

Behind the group in the west, the lush valleys that once held cities and towns where destroyed and the only things that inhabited them now were things of nightmares, cowering slaves, and the dead. This group who traveled yet again in hopes that perhaps the next village would not be empty, that the next tavern would not be berefit of food for their hungry, and the next city might bring knights to save their poor villages, where the refuges who had mangaged to escape the onslut.

No one had excepted the demon hordes to attack here, even though all knew that it was beneath the western waste just beyond the Western Ridge that those cursed beings lived or rather die. Peace and tranquility had lulled them to a slumber, and a hundred years rest without a single disturbance from that quarter had inciated that seeming peace. It had been many years since the demons had a leader to lead them into attacks, and it had been years since the last leaders defeat, yet it seemed from the present situation that Demons had once again found a leader.

So it was this group that traveled towards the capital in hopes of another brave knight errant to save them as the other before had saved them the last time, picking up those it could, helping those it couldn’t, and warning any who would listen. A new arrival was seen towards the middle of the group, trodjing on with the same reluntance, going on towards the same hope, but pursued by perhaps a deeper fear than even that of these poor attacked villagers who certainly feared enough for ten nations.

This arrival was a young girl of no more then twenty summers, a slight thing who looked like she weighed no more than a thimble but was seemed strong enough. She had stumble into the group bruised and bleeding with her black hair in a unslightly tangle. Too weak or too exhausted to speak, her strange purple eyes had pleaded for a short rest and healer to aid her with hurts to grave to heal for her to heal herself. Her silent plea had been heard and answered graciously. The next morning, the girl had presented herself as Nari to the leader of the group, a young woman like herself, and asked to admitted into the group at least until the reached the nearest city. When asked what she could offer the group, the girl had simply said, “I have nothing but the clothes a wear, three coins of small value, a loaf stale bread, a small pack that I have lost, and a flute. Although I am loaf to part with it, the flute would pay for anything I owe you.”

That stament had followed with the girl presenting their leader with the most beautiful flute the group had ever seen. It was completely silver, but it did not bend or break, and all around the flute graceful lines were carved into it forming flowers, vines, and sometimes words in a language they could not read. This gift, although, valuable and elengantly given, was refuse since as they had said, “It would be of far more use in it’s mistress hands than ours.”

The group hadn’t questioned the girl since, and she hadn’t spoken.

~ ~ ~

“If you don’t know it, that girl was me, and although that part of my tale might be considered unnecessary it is important for you to know what desparate straights found the people as to our nation, Andoria, to war. Let it serve as an introduction to my character only. And if you ask more of my personal history, know that the account I have given you is as far back as I will go, so ask no farther than that date.”

That said, the storyteller continued with her history.

~ ~ ~

One night we were lucky to not only find some small deer on which to feast but a large cave into which to shelter the group.

At least, we thought we were lucky. That night, we discovered that we weren’t the only ones to occupy the cave. For inside the cave with us, a small group of orges, that foul race, also camped. After a difficult fight we mangaged to kill most of them, but three of them were allowed to escape. It wasn’t until to late we discovered that error.

Soon we found ourself in a hard battle and it was only by a little luck that we managed to escape into a underground tunnel that the group leader knew of. Her people had originally come from those caves so with the help of old maps we traveled underground for the next two weeks with what was left of the group.

Those two weeks felt like an entreaty and when we finally amerged about a days hard walk of the capital, we found the world much changed.

Everywhere we looked black hung. In every windowsill, on every barn, on every tree, black ribbons flew. Death had struck the land in the worst way. When we reached the capital we enquired the meaning of the flags, to this the people gave the sad news that the King had died over a month before.

We didn’t know what to think, surely the Queen having suffered from what grief would not wish to hear the bad news from her western borders? Our suspicision was just, however, the Queen received the groups ambassadorators and to my surprise myself, within a few days of our arrival.

Although confused why a humble gyspy should be asked to join the messengers the group had chosen to speak for the west, I went, and soon found out the reason. Gyspies in those days wandered from kingdom to kingdom, nation to nation, but as the Queen of the nation that hosted the majority of the gyspy camps the Queen considered herself the ruler over our people, at least to the extent that gypsies can be ruled. Therefore, to her I represented the sentiments of that group, and having never met a gyspy in person the Queen was desirous on seeing one and to learn how the gypsies felt about the current state of the nation.

Kyra, the female group-leader to whom I had been introduced, and Guliver, and old mountaineer, were chosen to be the messengers to bare the sad news to the Queen. On the day appointed, we went to the palace not knowing what to expect.

It turned out that is right to expect nothing at the palace, for there we met with everything that we did not expect. At the palace not only did we meet two representatives from every district, but a large party of foreinger’s. These foreinger’s were Lords and Ladies of all nations, kind, and type, who having sympathy with Andoria also held a common plight.

Everywhere around the nation, and to some extent the world, had felt affects of the oncoming demon hordes. News of invansions, plagues, possessions, and other terrors that only demons could be the cause filled the palace. However, they had agreed that Andoria, who had lost it’s King by a demon assissin had suffered the most, therefore what would be called the Union of the Kindreds agreed to meet at the Andoria palace.

Our small group although as unsignificant in this giant crowd filled with those of higher standing and birth than ours, was chosen to come to the meeting since Kyra and Guliver represented those who were closest and most familiar with the threat.

I was also requested to join and the only reason I could guess for this cause was the fact of gypsy birth rendered me a represent of all nations in a way. For whatever the reason, I was requested to attend, and was asked to play my flute for awhile to help ease their burdens during the hours that followed.

What followed was long indeed and involved much tactics, politics, war-talk, and stragems that it was hard to follow. However, I managed to pick up the fact that War was planned against the Demon invaders, and those persent in that room were the ones who were going to wage that war.

~ ~ ~

Several months and battles later, and the Kindred Union found themselves on the southern hills of this valley. Orginally they had planned to camp here, and to make way towards the main camp that the demons had set up serval days travel to the west of this vale. However, someway or another, our enemies had expected us and that night as the camp settled down to sleep they attacked with mage storm and darkfire.

Battles had taught the armies of the nations to expect these attacks and instead of finding an easy prey like they planned, the enemy found themselves in the greatest battle of that war.

That battle as you all probably remember well lasted three days, but, perhaps you are ignorant of what exactly ended that war.

~ ~ ~

The day had dawned red full of smoke and dread for the Kindred Armies, and the girl called Nari was just one speck among many. It had been two days since she had a decent night sleep, for the demons haters of the day often attacked at night.

That day however, the kindreds had a surprise at the dawn of the day. At the red dawn trumpets began to sound, and cheers echoed from the enemy camp. There on a black curtained litter carried by four gigantic mountain trolls was the enemy leader, The Lady of the Night, is what they called her in their faul language, and she deserved that name.

The Kindred Army knew her well and had their own name for her. They called the Tricked. The pale skinned woman who had fangs, horns, a tale, and a pair of blood stained leather wings, was indeed a poor soul that had been tricked, and the said thing was is that she is tricked still.

The Lady that led our enemy’s armies by some higher beings consent, was once a human woman who had become changed to what she was. She had once been a follower of strange cult called the Zosaters, and for many years her friends that her a ‘god-fearing’ woman. This feeling changed however when the woman began to receive ‘angels’. No one could convence her that she was seeing things and soon afterwards she began to declare that she was a messenger of ‘the almighty one’ and that she had two ‘angels’ to prove it. Those angels proved to be nothing less than demons.

Soon afterwards the Zoasters were led by this woman on a crusade to ‘purify the nation’ and like all crusades it began innocent enough. First it began with catching thieves and low-lifes, then magic users, and then finally as it reached it’s height any ‘unaturals’. The first to suffer this effect was low magicicians and any kind that wasn’t human, such as the elves and the centaurs, but soon it became clear that any who would join this woman’s horde were branded as ‘unnatural’.

At first this movement began slow, but like the first crusades it quickly changed it’s face, and soon all knew the followers as demon-possesed and that the angels were no angels at all.

That is how the Lady of Night became to be, and surprisingly enough even at the head of Demon-horde she believed herself to be leading a band of angels against all the ‘resisters of the faith’ and thus leading a ‘holy and victorous cause’.

The first to remark her arrival was a friend of mine that had made in the army, Juric the commander of the dragonriders. Juric hastened to tell all the nations leaders of this arrival. Among them was Ergos, King of the Eroki, who was also my friend in those days of that battle.

The demon hordes though forced to fight during the day this once by their leader seemed to receive new strength at her arrival and on that day they stricked us with double force.

My job was simply to play the flute to promote moral in the fading men. Demons feed off fear as you know, and you can imagine what men felt like when they saw our enemy. My job was to basically fight that fear as well as to comminacate messenges with the drum majors on the field. I was usually positioned on that hill behind us since I could command a good view and could therefore commuciate changes in our enemies movements quickly to drum majors below me. Therefore, you know that I had a pretty good view of what happened next.

~ ~ ~

It was towards the end of the day, and the situation was getting pretty desparate. Most of the army was wounded, and those who weren’t were exhausted. We all knew from the site of things, that day was pretty much lost and with it the war. Little did we reckon on what happened next.

The Eroki people are fierce and seemed to handle facing the demon hordes much better then men since they had no fear of our enemies appearance since they themselves so closely resemsembed dragons.

Imagine everyone’s surprise as the Queens army called a retreat that we saw Ergos leading a charge right through the retreat and met the enemy head on.

I saw this and despaired. Juric saw it and began to hope. Calling on what archers I could, I beat a path to this would and took my position in this tree. Placing my flute on my lips I gave what I could to support the fading morals of all the armies. It wasn’t much, I will admit, but I tried.

Juric saw it and lead his dragons in another swoop. Some even of the armies came to the assistance. Those who were too weak to help were able to finish their retreat safely thanks to this bold move by Ergos, and sadly aside from a few hundred men, all of the army were in that group that were forced to make their slow way to safety in whatever way they could.

The unit that Ergos lead soon died out one by one, and it was not long before Ergos was in the middle of the field facing down the enemy with only fifty men at his back.

Smiling strangely, he told his men to retreat and began to step forward with his sword raised. The enemy, if they lack in any other virtue respect bravery, and the enemies leader herself began to make her way forward through the throng within her black pavilion.

As the tent drew close, Ergos raised his sword high and uttered a strange spell. A wall of power, glowing purple, so tall it seemed to touch the very sky appeared behind him separting what was left of the kindred army and the enemy.

It was to my grief that I saw that Ergos was not on the safe aside but was rather on the enemies side all alone and defenseless.

Despite the attempts to prevent what happen next, and to lend support to the Eroki King, none could break through the barrier. All I could do was sit here and stare open mouthed, unable to help in a way except to watch the last act of Ergos.

As the Lady of the Night drew closer, Ergos once again raised his sword with a cry, and nailed it right into the ground as he knelt beside it. Smiling at his enemy, Ergos uttered one last spell and with that he burst into a spinning tower of fire stunning his enemy with the shear power of the spell.

The spell was an old one that all mages know, it is often called the Self-spell. All spells are empowered by something, usually magic feeds on the inner being of it’s caster causing them to be tired. This is why outcasting is so dangerous. The Self-spell however, breaks all the rules, for in order to work it takes all the casters power resulting in the immediate death of the caster. This spell is all the more power if it is done in a noble sacrifice to save others. This is what Ergos did. He cast all of his self into hurting his enemy to try and kill her.

The blow was powerful, it will be amdited, but it did not kill our enemy indeed it only hurt her. However stunned by this act of self-sacfrice, they enemy was defeated that day as with one selfless act over seventy-five percent of their army had been killed and their leader gravely wounded as if to the death.

The valley was filled with Ergos’ voice as everyone heard the prophecy, “'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right."

This is what everyone heard, Ergos however, had some more private conferences using the spheres, which is actually one sphere but had been divided by Ergos temporarily for his use.

“One was with me and the other was Juric,” finished Rain, “human memories fade very easily and I do not remember as keen as an elf what Ergos said to me in those last moments. Besides if I remember aright, it wasn’t such much the words Ergos said but the pictures that accompied them that I need to recall. Those pictures have haunted me since as if they were more important than what Ergos said to me. Nevertheless, no matter how hard we tried Juric and I could never recall those images to mind. This why that ball needs to be repaired, that and the fact that the words that Ergos spoke to us involve another riddle for us to solve that we could not figure out. I would tell you what Ergos said, to me at least, and what I remember of the riddle, but I think it would best to wait until we rejoin the rest of the group and the seeing stone is repaired. The more hands to do a thing, the quicker it is done, as grandpa used to say.”

With this Rain looked into the distance to the two figures near the sword. One was busy trying to solve the puzzle of the sword, and the other that of the sphere, but both were busy in their task.

“Speaking in rejoining the group,” Rain said looking at the descending sun, “I think it would be best if rejoined them now, I do not want to be to near this forest at night, too many memories. I think it would be best if we camped together as a group, much safer that way. Besides, in my hasted to get into this tree, I forgot my pack and the letter I kindly received from Gilath, which doubtless contains some news for us. It would be best to find out what it says now rather than later, I think.”

With this Rain lept down from her branch with the ease of a cat, and began to walk towards the sword this time shying well away from the edge of the forest.

Her companions soon joined them, and they silently made their way back to the rest of their group, each in their own memories. Rain crouched down next to Morzan, but was careful keep herself outside the grass-free circle that encircled the sword. Motioning her companions to be silent, Rain decided to make herself comfortable as she waited for something, anything to happen. She didn’t now why but she felt as she was curled up like a spring, tense and waiting for that sudden realease.

Curling her legs under her, Rain began to pick nervously at her skirt as she looked from one companion to the next. She had left so much out of her story, such many secrets, she just hoped it hadn’t been obvious during her tale. Even now, as she sat down with her eyes downcast, she just hoped that none of them would remember that her role in the war was far more than what she had suggested. That had been one reason she was so hestitant to play her flute. Her music, once heard, was hard to forget, and Rain didn’t know what to expect if she kindled distant memories of herself in the war.

‘What if they suspect that I…’ Rain thought somewhat guiltily, ‘But that is impossible, I have told no one my secret except a very few that I can trust to keep to their graves.” Looking at the sword one last time as the sun began to make a beautiful sunset in the west, “Two already have,” Rain thought sadly.

Pushing aside her thoughts, Rain pulled her knees to her chin and waited…

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:06 am; edited 1 time in total

#74:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:33 pm
Hello all I've decided to come play and fill that last spot since there are only five of you. I don't exactly know what I am but I'm here to help...sorta..

Rath had long been watching the group from high above. For days now her skin had itched, warning her that she had somewhere to be something to do...and she'd bet her wings it had something to do with that damned war and the blade of her fallen king. Thus her journey from her Lair to the battlefeild where the sword rested.

She knew that this truely was the time when she'd nearly been bowled over by a dragon in mid-flight. Once again her heart ached. She'd not always been one of these dragon-men, Eroki. Once she'd been a true dragon, a best of might. That day, to save herself and many others, she'd given up her dragon form and much of her power to aid Ergos, and Eroki to whom she'd pledged her unyeilding support.

As she had labored along in the wake of the dragon she fancied she recognized him. Running through her hazy memories she did indeed find his identity...Gilath. She hung back. If he was awing again then truely it was time...yet she did not want him to see her thus. It should always be that he remembered her as a great dragoness with mighty the half weak thing she was now.

When she saw him land she circled high above the feild, her sharp raptor vision racheting the sword into view and then the figures that surrounded it. Two she remembered clear as a bell. Rain and Morzan she'd seen on the battlefield. The others, an elf, a hunchback, and a centaur were unknown to her though they must have some part to play.

She turned her attention again to the sword. The flame and spell upon it sang in her bones, making her ache to sing with it to no avail. She could no more go back to being a dragon than a chicken could go back to being an egg...not until the Lady of the Night was vanquished at last. Then and only then would the spell be over, then and only then could she go seeking what she lost.

So enchanted by the sword was she that she forgot to hide herself from the dragon when he rose into the air again. Though those on the ground might not have sensed Rath's presence Gilath was no fool. He gazed at her knowingly yet continued on his way, for which she was eternally grateful. She turned her attention once again to those on the field.

The centaur was walking away, Morzan was scrawling something on paper, the elf and the hunchback were looking around, and Rain was just sitting staring at the sky. Rath had the funny sense that Rain was waiting for her, knew she was there. Running her hands through her hair the former dragoness sighed. She'd vowed to help years ago and she'd never broken her oath yet.

With a mighty flap she folded her wings, hurtling out of the sky like a dropped stone, the chill of the wind causing tears to leak from her eyes. Rain spotted her, and stood quickly pointed with a smile. The others quickly scrambled around to stare at the rapidly growing speck.

At the last second, Rath snapped her wings open, jerking herself upright and pounded them against the air currents hard. Though her entire back ached from the back of her skull to the tip of her barbed tail she landed soft as a snowflake in the gently waving grasses, crouching to absorb impact then standing tall again.

Rain's grin widened. "Six. Hello friend." Rath lashed her tail, debating how much to tell. She still had some vanity intact and more than a little pride but the glowing sword so near at hand convinced her to put it all away.

"Rain, Morzan. We are well met my friends." She extended clawed hands, a grin curving her mouth, showing sharp fangs.

"If you don't mind my asking...who in the world are you?" She turned her attention to the knarled hunchback.

"Forgive me. My appearance has changed much since last I stood on this field of battle. I am Rath the last assassin of Dracos. I have come heeding the call of Ergos, to finish the job I have aid you as you see fit." Rain's eyes widened, clearly remembering Rath as she once had been, a massive black and red dragon hurling lesser creatures from the sky. Yet standing here the assassin seemed to have lost none of her presence.

Head held proudly aloft Rath waited for the others to say something...anything at all...

Right-o here I am to save the day..

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:13 pm; edited 3 times in total

#75:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:09 pm
Rain looked at Rath with something akin to pain. Her friend had indeed changed, but that wasn't what hurt her the most. Rath was one of the few that new her secret, and Rain wasn't sure if she was comfortable with having someone from her past trodjing around her.

However, Rain raised her eyes just a little from where they had been gazing at the ground in sorrow to look into Rath's eyes. There in the midst of the fire that had long ago rested in a dragoness eyes was that gleam, the gleam of destiny.

"Rath if you don't mind, could you come aside with me for a moment?" without waiting for Rath's answer Rain took the dragoness aside, but not without difficulty for Rath had lost none of her dragon strength.

Finally reaching a spot distant enough from the group, Rain crossed her arms and looked at the ground embarrased by her actions as well as what she was about to say.

"It has been a long time, hasn't friend," Rath said looking at Ran keenly.

"A very long time," Rain agreed, "Rath it is important for you to know that some secrets, that we both possess are best left that way. These people don't remember me, and although I remember Morzan he has yet to recall my face, it is perhaps better that they do not."

"We can certainly use your help, but for now, we are waiting. Graeme, the hunchback you say, is trying to heal the seeing stone. You will remember how hard it was for Juric to find anyone willing to that before he died, and how none them succeded. It is important that for now he remains undisturbed since we both now the globe is utterly important to what we are about to do. As for the rest, I don't know, honestly. Juric may have appointed me to be the leader of this group at his death, but to be honest, I still don't know why."

Pausing, Rain scoffered her feet a little, and looked up at Rath. "Gilath wrote me a letter, Rath, I still haven't opened it but I have no doubt that it is dragon tongue. Gilath never could stoop himself to write in common tongue. If you could help me translate it, I would appreciate it. But until the globe is fixed, all we can do is wait. The chosen one has still to reveal themselves. Morzan has looked long and hard at the sword, but he can't read the word. Graeme although a priest, cannot read it. As for me," Rain smiled and looked at Rath, "you know why I don't try. The centaur, and the elf, they will not try either. They're not meant to. But until someone either pulls the sword or the globe is fixed, or both all we can do is wait and be silent. You do understand what I'm asking, friend, don't you?"

Rain's eyes pleaded mutely as the change from their dark purple to that of a watery-purple of the deepest ocean depth.

"I understand," Rath said finally. "Now, shall we go and join the group again before they start asking to many questions?"

Rain breathed a sigh of relief and let herself be led back to the group as Rath talked to her endlessly about how she turned from a dragon to a Eroki and how an itch had called her to the sword.

When they reached the group, stares met them, Rain was a little nervous, but Rath used to such stares shrugged them off and contined to talk to Rain until her tale was finished.

Once she was done, Rath took one look at the sword and said,"So this is what has become of the Sword of Ergos. Strange how one metal object could claim the destiny of us all."

'And that', Rain thought, 'says it all. Our destiny,' she thought looking at the sword, 'I wonder where it will lead us?'

#76:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:30 pm
((Okay: Here's a Map of the world where playing in, Cree, which is Mian [refer to Tsl] in the Fifth Age, around 2374 DAR: for your information, the green lines are borders, and the blue are rivers, just to clear things up.

Thought it would be useful. I will also be posting a more detailed one of where we've at, surronding towns, etc.

Also, I thought I would post a shortened version of the history above incase you don't want to have to trudge throught the slobby one above.

A Short History of the Last of The Fifth Age, around 2374 DAR, or 13 years before this rpg.

About 13 years ago, a woman that we know as the Lady of the Night, joined a radical cult known as the Zoasters. The Zoasters believed that anybody who was non-human [centaur, elf, faun, saytr, etc] and a magic user was unnatural however, they rarely did anything about their beliefs. Nevertheless, shortly after this woman joined the Zoasters she started recieveing 'visions', 'prophecies', and 'angels'. These 'angels' told her to become the leader of the group and to lead them in a 'purifing of the nations'. It wasn't until this 'purifing' mounted into raids against mage, elf, faun, nymph, dyraid, centaur, etc. communties that the Royal Andorian Knights [the miltary where the group was located] decided to beat the Zoasters back into quiet.

The Zoasters retreated into the Western Waste with their new prophetess. The world hadn't seen the worst yet, all they had seen is what a Lady with a group of mad cult followers, who though crazed where still human, could do. They were about to see what the Ladies 'angels' were, and they were devils.

Around this time, a foreinger arrived at the Royal Palace in Mendar. This man slowly worked his way up until he was the King's most loyal friend, and confidant. In fact, that man who was called Deliprim, soon became the King's Cupbearer, the most trusted positon aside from the Royal Companion.

Years after their famous retreat to the Western Waste, the Zoaster cult reappered with a new Leader at it's head and a demon army at it's back. The Leader was the Lady of the Night, the same woman who recieved the visions that started the Zoaster Raids and this time instead of leading humans...she lead demons.

Thus started the Demon Raids on the Western Borders of Andoria. Although brief and flirting, this raids claimed the lives of any who would not swear to serve the dreadful being that the Lady of the Night had become.

Soon the Demons took control of many cities on the Western frontier and many fleed the uncoming onslaught. Including the group, Rain, my character joined.

During this time of confusion, the King of the besieged country naturally went to his trusted advisor, Deliprim. All he recieved was a knife in the belly. To late was it discovered that Deliprim was a demon who had been sent to kill the King. All efforts were made to try and save the king, but all failed, and the King soon died leaving the Queen a Widow.

Unknown to the people of Andoria, all around the world, other countries, peoples, etc, were also under attack by the demon hordes.

The Queen however, soon recieved the news as she grieved for the King alone. Determined to put a stop to this once and for all, the Queen brushed aside her tears and declared War on the Demons.

"Tears are a thing of leisure gentlemen, let us first see our enemy killed, then when that is done and peace rules will have time for such leisures." A quote from the Queen during her council with her advisors.

The Queen sent letters to all the nations and soon afterwards, democrats from around the world where in her palace discussing war.

It was arond this time that the group from the western fronteirs arrived.

To keep things short: The Kindred Armies, sometimes called the 'Union', fought many battles the last of which was the Battle of Ergos.

This battle would have been lost if it hadn't been for the self-sacficing spell that Ergos uttered. One his last acts was to drive his sword in the ground, utter a prophecy, and send a seeing stone divided in half to Juric and Rain. And that my friends, brings us up to today where we stand in the battle field.))

Last edited by dinranwen on Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:53 pm; edited 3 times in total

#77:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:31 pm
"I wonder where it will lead us...One way to find out." Rath reached into the heart of the dragon flames, feeling the kiss on her scales in a knowing way. In one smooth motion she pulled it free.

"Damn you Ergos. You knew I couldn't refuse this." Her words were whispered too low for any but Rain's keen ears to hear. They'd both agreed to keep mutual secrets safe but now, with the cold steel of the blade in her hand, she wondered how long until these secrets came to light.

Slinging the blade across her scaled shoulders, since she lacked any scabbard, she turned to face the group. "Now I suggest we make use of our most excellent guide. I was at this battle field, don't ask where for I cannot tell you, and I know first hand the slaughter that turned the grass red. However, I do not recall some of your faces and, believe me, were you there with us that day I you would be etched into my mind."

She turned a quick circle before sitting in the grass, legs crossed, sword over knees, tail wrapped around her, palms stretched out over the blade. "This sword is special, it accepts me because it must, not because it wants to. I feel I owe it an explanation." With that she sank into a deep trance, breathing rhythmically.

#78: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:20 pm
[color=orange]Graeme glanced over at the Eroki. She just took that sword!!! He grumbled away until he got to the seeing stone. Now I need to fix you don't I? He put the stone together, and clasped it into his hands. He went inside himself, to that special place inside all magic users, where they could access their magic to its fullest potential. He went deeper, an deeper inside until he was at the innermost levels of his powers.

He visualised the healing of the stone, accessing its powers, SEEING what was inside. He continued this away from the others. Slowly he began to drain his power into the orb, getting faster and more powerful, until he had unleashed such volume of mana into the orb a sphere of pure power formed around him. He knew this as he felt it, he did not need his eyes for this. He was immoblie for longer, as he put the last ounces of magic into the orb. He concentrated harder on this, more and more. This was going to work he told himself. With the last push of his mental strength he REPAIRED IT!!!!! However with his mental barriers so weak and the stone in his possession whole he SAW what had happened all those years ago....the battle, his grandfather standing fighting the forces of evil, the heroic sacrifice of Ergos and...Rain, what she had done!!!

He was snapped out his trance by an exhaled breath, he spun to see Rain standing looking at him. He looked up in disgust.

"You think I will give this to you after what you done?! You can rot in hell!!! Take your sword, I saw what happened Rain!! And you shall have to steal this from my dead body!" he screamed at her, and on that note he spun and hobbled as fast as he could go....

#79:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:35 pm
"You think I will give this to you after what you done?! You can rot in hell!!! Take your sword, I saw what happened Rain!! And you shall have to steal this from my dead body!" he screamed at her, and on that note he spun and hobbled as fast as he could go...

Rath's eyes snapped open, guided by the sword she lunged across the intervening space, faster than any of the group could respond, her long years of training standing her in good stead. Before Graeme had hobbled more than a few feet. Graeme lashed out with what little magic he had left, desperately attempting to escape.

"Graeme you fool!" She swept down and, wrapping an arm around his torso, lifted him into the air. "Stop struggling you fool! This is harder than it looks. I've only got a few minutes to talk now hold still."

Graeme, raving wildly and kicking about, bashed at her with the orb...then thought better of it. "You FOOL! Don't you know what she's done!" Rath turned blazing copper eyes on him.

"I know exactly what she's done...If you saw that battle then you know what I was. I had a birds eye view of what happened and so now I'm telling you for your own good you miserable hunchback to calm down." Slowly Graeme settled down a bit, allowing the struggling Rath to fly a bit more easily.

"I'm going to set you back down. For all our sakes you need to act like I've smoothed everything over."


"Shut up!. Don't worry Graeme, I'll aid you. But you must trust it?" Slowly the hunckback nodded as the Eroki settled back to earth. "Remember my words priest. Calm down." She backed off, leaving Graeme in the center of the group to repair the bridges he'd just burned.

#80:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:46 pm

Rain couldn't say anything, she just stood there as she looked in shook at Rath who had just taken the sword. No one could take that sword but the person Ergos had chosen all those years ago. But to tell the truth, Rain hadn't expected it to be a dragoness, least of all Rath as she now was.

Breathly deeply, Rain clenched and unclenched her fist succesively. No one could draw that sword but the Chosen One. But chosen one or not, this was going to complicated really, really fast.

As if to prove her theory, Rain looked at Graeme. What she saw was enough to shock her out of her wits. The amount of power the mage-priest was pouring into the seeing stone was beyond belief, and he just keep pouring and pouring until Rain couldn't see anything around him for the amount power raditating from his being.

Then just as Rain thought Graeme would kill himself trying to heal the stone, it happened. There was a pop, and just as suddenly as it had broken, the globe was repaired. Rain could have cried for joy and hugged the hunchback but then something happened Rain did not expect.

Instead of letting the ball go, Graeme got a far off look in his eyes and stared into the depth of the ball. He's looking into it, he's seeing the past....Rain thought.

Suddenly Graeme head snapped up and a look of disgust and terror came into his eyes. Screaming, "You think I will give this to you after what you done?! You can rot in hell!!! Take your sword, I saw what happened Rain!! And you shall have to steal this from my dead body!" Greame tucked the seeing stone proctevitely close and began to hobble away as fast as he could.

Rain just looked at Graeme in shock, her dismay written all over her face, frozen to the spot by what the hunchback had just said and the look on his face as he said it.

Suddenly Rath's eyes snapped open, guided by the sword she lunged across the intervening space, faster than any of the group could respond, her long years of training standing her in good stead. Before Graeme had hobbled more than a few feet. Graeme lashed out with what little magic he had left, desperately attempting to escape.

"Graeme you fool!" Rath swept down and, wrapping an arm around his torso, lifted him into the air. "Stop struggling you fool! This is harder than it looks. I've only got a few minutes to talk now hold still."

Rain couldn't hear what followed, but she could pretty well guess what Graeme said judging by the look on his face as he pointed to her. Rain lowered her eyes allowing her dark hair to hide her face. Tears began to flow down her cheeks unchecked as she crossed her arms proctevly around herself. Who knew what Greame would do, now that he knew. What if he tried to hurt her?As she glanced downward she looked at her flute, but kept her hands well away from it. Her flute was her only proctection, but that wasn't something she should use, at least not when she could prevent.

A few minutes later the screaming stopped and Rain hazarded a glance upward.

Somehow someway, Rath had convinced Graeme that he was being foolish and had managed to convince him to come back to the group.

Looking around him, Graeme spottted her and turned his nose up in disgust. 'He hates me,' Rain thought, 'that much is clear, but right now there's not a thing he can do about it.'

Casting a glance a Rath, she met the Eroki's level stare. 'NO more secrets.' The glance clearly said, but Rain hesitated in following that advice.

Rain allowed herself to lower hands, and with careful percision, she threw her flute down and slowly raised her hands where everyone could see them. "Now where the same priest, you and I. You weak from magic, and I without help. You probably want to kill me, and I wouldn't blame you." Rain smiled slighty, "Please be my guest, I have wanted to die for a very long, long time. But before you go murdering me, what did you see in stone?"

Graeme glared at her pouring all his hatred in a single glance, "You know what I saw!" He said with a sneer.

Rain paused a little, and tried to look into Graeme's eyes. For some reason, the hunchback would not met her eyes. "No, I don't."

"You were there weren't you?" came the question that seemed to drip with sacarsim, but Greame still wouldn't met her eyes.

Catching his head in her hands, Rain took one step closer to the hunchback. She loomed over him in height, but somehow she felt smaller than he. Graeme struggled at her grip, but as Rain starred directly in his eyes, she spotted what she was looking for and starred back at it. "Graeme, there are more ways than one that a seeing stone to be used, now it is important. Tell me what you saw?!?" Rain demanded remaining firm despite the hunchback's weak struggles.

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