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City of IF -> Virtual - COMPLETE

#41:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:11 pm
yes master, yes master!

#42:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:54 pm
I added an extra paragraph and the poll is up.
Enjoy ethereal, kingcappie.

#43:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:16 pm
I think he is a saboteur.

#44:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:27 am
Hey, I'm still reading too. I've gone for revenge. Smile

#45:  Author: sparta12 not logged in PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:49 am
Thank god.
I thought I only had two readers.

#46:  Author: ReisoLocation: Western North America PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:33 pm
I don't always post on everything I read Sparta, but I keep an eye on this one.

I too have voted for revenge, but I am afriad that gives you a tie. I hope someone comes along to break it. Ties suck. Especially for the writer.

#47:  Author: kingcappie PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:46 pm
I don't post on everything I read either. I also think this Zoraxian intends sabatoge. Keep up the good writing.

#48:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:52 pm
alrighty then.
I'll be getting to work on the next chapter.

#49:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:46 am
maaaaaan thats packed full of action nice one mate

#50:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:51 am

#51:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:48 am
The next chapter will be up tomorrow as it will be my aim to get it up very early tomorrow.
It is going to be an action packed chapter so buckle up.

#52:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:55 pm
Chapter 4: Collateral Damage
*Warning: This Chapter contains coarse language and violent*
The Zoraxian bodyguard stared intently at the humans as the unarmed ship moved slowly towards the Freedom Cruiser. Humans… They fight so feebly. The mercenary thought to himself as he stared into the half-conscious eyes of Vincent and looked at the computer implanted in his right arm to see how close the ship was getting to the human cruiser.
“Hey… Hey Gumby Green!” Vincent shouted over to the Zoraxian Bodyguard
“What is it human?” the Zoraxian responded to the disorientated pilot
“I hope they tear your organshh out and crushhh it into pile of crapsh when we get on board,” Vincent threatened, incorrectly pronouncing some words in his speech
“You know human I could do that with my one hand?” The Zoraxian replied with an evil grin on his face while Vincent just grinned back at the mercenary.

“The ship’s current status is set to Yellow. All non-armed personnel are to get to their battle stations. All armed personnel are to report to Airlock Five immediately, repeat: all armed personnel are to report to Airlock Five immediately! Alpha squad of “The Flying Phoenix” squadron are to fall in at airlock two immediately. All other pilots are to report to Airlock Five.” A voice echoed through the speakers and throughout the whole ship. Tiredly the crewmembers of the Freedom cruiser sprinted around the narrow halls of the cruiser.
“Zoraxians? When did they get here?” Anne asked as she walked across the hangar deck towards her fighter
“Apparently they came in with us. We only found out they were here a few minutes ago,” Jack informed her, walking with one of the best pilots in his squadron
“Why does that not surprise me?” Anne muttered back to her commanding officer.
“Yeah, tell me about it. Also Anne when we get back we have to fight in the virtual room!” The Lieutenant Commander shouted out as Anne climbed up the ladders and into the cockpit of her fighter.

“Keep the safety on people! Don’t fire unless fired upon!” The Captain yelled out to his Platoon of Marines that had taken cover in Airlock Five. The marines had their Sub-Machine-Guns at the ready with pilots next to them with side arms.
“Airlock opening in Ten seconds!” a voice yelled over the speakerphone behind the company of marines and pilots.
The Marines immediately placed their oxygen masks on their mouths and waited patiently as the grey airlock doors began to open in front of them. As it opened they could see a large ship, looked like a large 3D square with wings but with no weapons and by the looks of it, it was an X-Ray class ship. As it slowly backed up into the airlock and then landed in the centre so it could open its hatch for them to see that they were surrounded by Armed-Humans. The Admiral walked up to the hatch unarmed but with two marines covering him as bodyguards. The large hatch fell open and the three captured pilots were pushed out and slid across the airlock deck with masks on their faces luckily enough. The two marines drew out their sub-machine-guns and aimed for the darkness of the large hatch while a few more marines with a medic sprinted forwards to grab the pilots. Six Zoraxians came out but Admiral could easily identify who was who. There were two pilots, two bodyguards and the two ambassadors he would talk to privately later on.

“Damn it!” Gunnery Sergeant Paul Thoria yelled out over the radio in annoyance
“What is it?” Jack asked his comrade as he turned his head left to see if there was anything wrong with the pilot’s ship
“Fuel… Those bastards forgot to give my baby juice!” he chuckled over the radio as he informed his comrade
“Ha, ha, ha. Okay return to the cruiser and get whoever’s next on the roster to get out here.” Jack ordered
“Rogeo-dadeo,” the cocky pilot responded, broke off from the squad’s formation and flew back through the nebula.

Bah! Humans! They’re weak… It is certainly an honour to have to destroy them! The Zoraxian bodyguard thought in his mind with utter disgust of the human species. The humans had created a human corridor by surrounding the Zoraxians and staring at them endlessly. Swiftly the Zoraxian slipped through the crowd surrounding them in the hangar deck and began approaching one of the fighters
This should prove to me if he isn’t lying about these demolition charges Barich thought as he planted a round hand-sized demolitions charge. Immediately the Zoraxian bodyguard snuck back through the crowds and gave the ambassadors a reasonable answer for his absence.
“ I must admit you gave us quite a scare when we opened the hatch,” One of the ambassadors informed the admiral
“I’m sorry for that but we just want to be safe. Our ship is badly damaged and we just wanted to make sure you weren’t going to board us,” Admiral Magnus informed them as they walked through the security checkpoint and the lasers in the doorframe scanned them for any sharp or dangerous objects.

“Jesus the ship looks really fucked up from here,” Gunnery Sergeant Steven Halloway said as he drove his fighter into formation and caught a glimpse of the damaged cruiser
“Yeah. It’s always strange how it doesn’t seem so damage from the inside but on the outside it looks like it’s gone through hell,” Anne answered the pilot while decreasing her throttle. The cruiser had been severely damaged and through the nebula they could see flashing lights that indicated the areas that were damaged. “There’s something I don’t like about those Zoraxians… Why did they choose to help us instead of hunting us down like the others to collect on their bounty? It’s peculiar,” Steven said speaking his mind once more
“Steven I don’t know. Maybe someone’s looking out for us, maybe they’re helping us because they find Anne attractive or maybe their captain is a saint? Who gives a shit? As long as they’re helping us I ain’t complaining!” Jack answered the pilot who was starting to get on this nerves with how much he spoke his mind. Jack looked back to his radar screen and saw two inbound fighters approaching his squad
“We got bogey’s! Get into attack formation now!” Jack yelled out to his squad over the radio and immediately increased his speed.
“Looks like a couple of Boragnian scouts!” Anne said giving an obvious analysis of the situation.
“David report this back to the cruiser. Let’s get them before they jump back out!” Jack ordered one of his squad members and quickly approached the enemy fighters with his team members beside his fighter. Jack lifted his head up from the radar to see the two fighters coming out of the clouds of the nebula and into his field of vision. Jack immediately pulled the trigger on his joystick, releasing a small burst of laser rounds from his fighter and sped towards the enemy fighter he was aiming for. The Lieutenant Commander watched intently and smiled as the laser rounds smashed into the fighter but didn’t cause it to implode.
Instead a large piece of its body had been shot off and the Boragnian inside would have very little oxygen to go on in his suit. In reaction the fighter broke off from its partner, initiated it’s forward thrusters, did a flip and headed back in his foe’s direction firing it’s laser rounds wildly.
Jack battled with his joystick, attempting to get a shot in while avoiding the cluster of laser rounds soaring at him but the alien bastard got a lucky shot in and shot the nose of his fighter. Before going into a vortex of a stall Jack pulled the trigger once more releasing an ongoing wave of laser rounds heading towards his opponent. The Boragnian made an attempt to avoid the lasers but made a too late reaction as the lasers impacted all over the fighter and thus causing it to implode in on the alien occupant.
“Yeah! Eat shit you alien bastard!” Jack yelled out in triumph as he caught a glimpse of the wreckage.
“Jack look to your three o’ clock now!” Anne’s voice crackled over his radio, immediately Jack did so but only to see the second coming at him and lining up to get him while Anne’s fighter was frantically firing laser rounds at him from behind. “Shit!” Jack said in reaction and flicked the lever to full throttle so he could get out of the way before Anne could blow the Boragnian to bits. Finally Anne got the right aim and the laser rounds entered the Boragnian engines, causing a fire inside the fighter but one of the rounds from that burst smashed into Jack’s wing, leaving a tiny hole.
“Hey friendly fire!” Jack laughed as he looked at the tiny whole in his right wing
“Okay people let’s get back to Freedom!” Jack ordered shortly after chuckling to himself and quickly the squad formed up on him.
“Did you see that shot I got in on that guy! Right on the wing!” Steven bragged as they slowly headed back to the cruiser for debriefing on their patrol.
“Yeah I did that was a nice shot. You forced him to do a barrel roll!” Anne complimented to the gunny.

“What the hell!” The gunny suddenly shouted out randomly
“I’m losing control of my fighter! Thrusters are shutting down… Losing navigational computer! Something’s wrong!” Steven shouted out over the radio. Anne looked over to check on the Gunnery Sergeant and immediately saw that his cockpit had lost all power along with his engine. The gunny was drifting into the nebula
“Gunny listen to me! I need you to get out of your cockpit! We’ll tow your fighter back. Just do as I say!” Anne ordered the gunny as she broke formation and hovered over his fighter. Slowly Jack and Anne watched the pilot manually open up the canopy and drifted out into space in his suit.

The gunny looked pulled out the oxygen monitor
“Oh shit! I left this thing on! I’ve only got five minutes of oxygen left!” the gunny screamed over the radio
“Just hang on Gunny we’ll get you out of there!”
“Gunny listen to me. I’m swinging by you right now. When I come around I want you to grab onto my rudder and grab it tight!” Jack yelled out to the gunny over the radio. The gunnery sergeant turned his head to the right and could see Jack’s damaged ship moving at 5 knots towards him. Steven put his arms out nervously, ready to grab the rudder of the damaged ship while Anne started moving into a position to tow the fighter.
“Son of a bitch!” Anne’s voice cried out over the radio. Steven suddenly felt as though he was being sucked into a vacuum and in confusion Steven looked down to see that his fighter was imploding in on itself unexpectedly with Anne’s fighter also being sucked in.
“Help me!” Steven cried out in terror
“Gunny grab on!” Jack’s voice yelled over the radio, immediately Steven turned around and grabbed onto the hunk of metal in front of him.
“Anne go full throttle now!” Jack yelled out to Anne as he soared out into the nebula with his comrade David beside him.

“Freedom cruiser this is Lieutenant Commander Jack Art I need to use the emergency landing bay now!” Jack yelled over the radio as he lowered the gear and flew his ship towards the cruiser in front of him that grew larger as he got closer to the cruiser.
“Roger that Lieutenant Commander. What is the reason?” a calm voice answered over the radio. Suddenly Jack’s cockpit started flashing and in reaction he looked down at his radar and it was showing the schematics of his fighter. There was a fire in the nose of his fighter. However he could only control the flames with the fire extinguishers inside the fighter for a certain amount of time so he needed to be grease lightning and get the hell out of the nebula.
“I have a fire in the nose of my fighter and it is severely damaged!” he answered, turning on the fire extinguishers and toggling the landing gear. He turned back to his crosshairs to see that the emergency landing bay door was opening but the only problem now was that Jack was coming into fast and would crash when he got in. I must be nuts! He thought to himself as he lowered the ship onto the ground, slid across the long bay with his front thrusters going off and brakes on.
“Gunny hold on whatever you do hold on! We’re coming in fast!” Jack yelled over the radio, pulling up to help decrease his speed. Jack pressed his foot on the right pedal hard and immediately the ship turned right and impacted into the wall of the Freedom cruiser’s emergency landing bay with minor damage. He opened up the cockpit immediately and looked at his rudder to see Gunnery Sergeant Steven Morris had disappeared. Jack looked all around the bay and saw the gunny’s body on the ground against the wall but he was still moving. Slowly Steven raised his right arm and gave the Lieutenant Commander a thumbs up before falling unconscious.

Barich came out of his guest quarters, walked along the hall of C Deck onboard the Freedom cruiser. They will regret giving me the privilege to walk around freely he thought deviously as he headed towards an empty elevator an immediately pulled up the schematics on his implanted computer. He looked back at the elevator buttons and pressed the one for D deck.
He walked through the hallway with security personnel occasionally staring at him as though he were a zombie or some kind of monster. He turned right at the second hall and stopped in front of two guards guarding the surveillance room
“I have permission to look at your surveillance system from the admiral,” he explained, holding up a piece of paper but the guards gave him a look but once they saw he was bluffing they let him in.
Impressive he thought as he looked around the large room. The humans inside were monitoring sections of the desk with computers and working on other security measures like civilians who were carrying contraband items. Barich looked around for a good 10 minutes before he decided that it was time to get to work. He walked over to one of the private rooms, opened the door, closed it and inserted a seven inch blade into the person’s spinal chord so he couldn’t make a sound or make a mess for when Barich left. Immediately he got to work and jammed all feed from Section B on C deck and Section E on F deck.

Section B (The locker room), C Deck of the Freedom cruiser:
“So what happened out there Rodriguez?” one of the security guards asked as he put on his Kevlar vest
“Well we flew out there without a hitch. Everything was fine when one of the engines started to go. So Vincent turned the ship around and tried to fly back when the second engine went out. So then they pulled us in with a tractor beam but Vincent and Matthew didn’t want to give up. So they nailed a couple of Zoraxians before they got us.” Paul informed him as he closed his locker door
“Wow. But did you see anything on board the ship?” the guard asked once more
“No we were unconscious at that time so-” suddenly the cruisers started rumbling uncontrollably for some reason. All the personnel inside fell to the ground but quickly got back up on his feet. Paul turned around to get out of the locker room and find out what was happening when he saw one of the Zoraxians that came on board standing there at the door.
“Excuse me sir you’re not suppose to be here! Please go back to your-” the security guard in front of him said but for some reason he stopped in mid-sentence, make a hiccup noise and fell to the ground with blood exiting his body.
“Oh my god!” Paul said in reaction but everyone else stared at the body when the Zoraxian screamed and inserted a knife into one of the pilot’s chest.
“Take him down!” one of the security guards screamed as he tried to get his side arm out of his holster and simultaneously the other guards did the same. However the Zoraxian was too fast, sprinted towards anyone in the room and slit their necks with his knife. It wasn’t too long before all the guards were dead and the pilots along with the other personnel were trying to get out of the room. The Zoraxian had them cornered
Oh please don’t do this! Please don’t do this, please don’t do this, please don’t do this, please don’t do this, please don’t do this

And thus Paul Rodriguez was the only one left in the room and was surrounded by the bodies of his colleagues
“It is for your species own good!” the Zoraxian said to him. Paul just stood there, eyes open, sweating and preparing. The Zoraxian jumped on him unexpectedly and stabbed Rodriguez multiple times in the chest before he delivered the finishing blow.
The Zoraxian got back up, turned around to see a marine standing there with a sub-machine-gun
“You son of a bitch!” He screamed at him before pulling the trigger, releasing all 30 rounds into the Zoraxian.

To be continued…

Last edited by sparta12 on Wed Jun 01, 2005 1:08 am; edited 4 times in total

#53:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:17 am
Obviously the Zoraxian felt justified in doing what he did, which is typical- someone can be very sincere, yet still be sincerely wrong.

Now I'm not sure whether they should suspect sabotage and search the ship for something wrong, or if they suspect that the Zoraxian only had a death wish and then his sneaky acts of sabotage surprise them....

#54:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 2:55 am
yes but only the polls have the answer! I shall put them up shortly.
Also i'd like all the readers of this story to post please.

#55:  Author: kingcappie PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:15 pm
I think some of the crew will seek justice on their own and go against there commanders and attack the Zoraxians.

#56:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:45 am
I think that some of the pilots go AWOL and attack the Zoraxian cruiser. It should be obvious to all by now that they have been sabotaged.

#57:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:47 am
Hey Sparta,

Oooh, some nice action in this one. Smile

Some little typo things and other matters of confusion I spotted...

The Marines immediately placed their gas masks on their mouths and waited patiently
This one could easily be just my understanding - but to me Gas Masks just filter the air. Surely in a open airlock situation they'd need something more than that. They'd need an oxygen mask, with a supply of oxygen?

with wings but with no weapons and by the looks of it. It was an X-Ray class ship
Is that period suppsed to be there?

Jack’s wing, leaving a tiny whole.
A 'w' too many I think. Smile

It wasn’t too soon before all the guards were dead
Shouldn't this be 'long' - "it wasn't too long before all the guards were dead"?

As most of the top people in the ship are probably busy with the fake diplomatic duties, I think it will just be a select bunch of pilots that decide to do something - and that is to attack the Zoraxians.

Good story, keep it coming,

Happy Writing. Very Happy

#58:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:44 pm
okay those are fixed.
thanks for you're always spot on work Smee! Very Happy

#59:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:04 am
highly i doubt coreectly gramma sentance last that was

#60:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:38 am
That didnt make sense.

#61:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:40 am
too true there i missread your previous comment

#62:  Author: Araex PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:29 am
wow, everyone wants to go AWOL!

#63:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:11 am
Chapter 5: Anglo Saxon
Lieutenant Commander Jack Art’s F4F Hellcat fighter spawned into the simulation and found himself flying over an ocean but he could also see the island of Okinawa ahead of him. Jack also saw that he was not alone in the simulation and could see Anne’s Japanese N1K1 fighter ahead of him. He tuned his radio to Anne’s frequency
“Alright Anne bring it on!” Jack said to her as he raised his altitude to match hers
“Come on punk,” Anne answered calmly over the radio. Both fighters were flying towards each other at full speed as they headed towards each other’s planes in the blue sky. Jack looked intently through his crosshairs as Anne’s plan grew bigger and bigger as they came closer into each other’s firing range. Jack pulled the trigger on his joystick, releasing an endless burst of machine gun fire that soared at Anne but shortly after he pulled the trigger he saw Anne’s plane show muzzle flashes from her machine guns. The cockpit started shaking as the bullets smashed into his plane but relentlessly Jack kept firing but when he knew that her plane was getting too close he turned the joystick to the left, turning it into a vertical position and yanked back on the joystick.
“You shot out one of my machine guns you bastard,” Anne laughed over the radio as Jack pulled up once more but into the clouds
“Serves you right. You’ve given me a fuel leak,” Jack laughed back as he levelled his plane out.

What the hell? Where did he go? Anne wondered as she flew past the coast of the Japanese island. She looked around the canopy of her plane but she couldn’t see anything. When Anne looked up at the sky however she could see a small fighter diving down at her at 3.5 Gs and quickly increasing with guns blazing
“Sneaky motherfucker!” she screamed over the radio as the bullets slammed into the top of the body of her N1K1. She banked right to avoid the wave of bullets; she heard Jack let out a strong yell that informed her that he was trying not to pass out and that he was pulled up to engage. Anne decided to play along and flew in a straight line at 80% throttle.

“Damn it that hurts!” William said over the radio as he levelled out his plane and manoeuvred behind Anne’s
“Well that’s Earth,” Anne’s voice crackled sounding cocky over the radio. William shook his head as he regained his strength and got behind Anne’s fighter that strangely enough was going straight. Jack pulled the trigger on the old WWII fighter that hit Anne’s plane in its rudders and flaps. Then suddenly Anne’s plane slowed down and Jack was about to go past it so in reaction he lowered his speed but the plane didn’t get enough time to slow down so before he knew it he was the one eating a machine gun sandwich. William placed the plane back into full throttle, banked away as the cockpit shattered uncontrollably but then the cockpit flashed red and Jack was suddenly back in the real life.

“What the hell is going on? I just came out of the interrogation room with the ambassadors from the Zoraxian ship and then I hear an explosion!” Admiral Magnus yelled out as he entered the bridge
“Something went wrong in the engine room sir and the fuel cells exploded sir!” an ensign yelled out to him
“But that’s impossible! That is a highly secured area!” Magnus yelled back in anger at the ensign
“Sir all guards in that area are KIA!”
“Damn it! How could this happen? The only way to get through there is either with a high-security card and the code on the security panel… Unless the-”
“Unless the bastard sabotaged security, killed the guards, hacked the panel and blew up the cells with a bomb,” Colonel Mike Ballows interrupted the Admiral while reading his thoughts.
“Sir we have confirmed reports of murdered pilots and security guards in the locker room also one of the Zoraxians has been killed!” another ensign yelled out over the hectic sounds of their fellow crewmembers running in and out of the bridge.

“Guys!” Lieutenant Commander Adrian Peterson of the Sky Angels squadron shouted over the radio on the as they soared outside of the cruiser and inside the boundary of the nebula.
“I have a plan to get back at those Zoraxians,” he continued over the squadron channel radio and immediately almost everyone in the Sky Angels squadron listened closely to their leader.

“Approaching Zoraxian cruiser, eight hundred metres,” Warrant Officer Varos reported over the radio as their fighter/bombers approached
“Okay remember people. Anglo squad will go in from the rear and take out their engines with their bombs. Saxon squad will approach the bridge and drop their bombs on them. We’ll meet up six o’ clock of the Zoraxian cruiser in sector D Five and we’ll nail their fighters as they come out!” Peterson re-briefed the pilots that were following him
“Okay guys! Anglo Squad begin your attack run!” Peterson then ordered as he stopped his ship about one thousand metres in front of the mercenary cruiser but hidden within the clouds of the nebula.
“Roger that Saxon Squad, beginning attack run,” a voice crackled over the radio Let’s get these motherfuckers! He didn’t say over the squadron radio as his fighter hovered in space. As he waited his listened in as he heard the pilots confirming that they had dropped their photon bombs. Once they were all done… It was their turn.
“Okay Saxon Squad form up on me and let’s kick some ass!” he yelled cockily over the radio. He pushed the throttle switch forward enabling full throttle and within seconds the Echo class fighter/bomber was soaring at top speed toward the Zoraxian cruiser. It would be tough for Peterson’s squad to do their run because the enemy ship’s batteries would be up by now. As Adrian flew through the nebula he could see the green colours of the battery lasers firing in Anglo Squads direction, when he saw the he flicked the cover of a button open with his thumb and pressed down to engage the Photon Bomb locking system.
“Mayday I’m hit I’m-” Adrian heard a voice from Anglo squad crackle over the radio and in the distance he could see a white flash. Adrian watched as the crosshair slowly moved over the cruiser and then locked on but now Adrian had to keep flying towards the ship so his bomb would make a fairly good damage ratio. Four Digits appeared below the bombs triangle crosshair that determined the distance between Adrian and the enemy cruiser. Once he was in firing range there was a loud, ongoing beep so Adrian slammed his thumb down on the same trigger of the joystick, so in reaction the bomb detached from his fighter/bomber and soared towards its target. Adrian formed an evil grin on his face and pressed the trigger on the joystick two more times that launched the last two bombs.
“This is Saxon Leader. Package delivered and am pulling away to sector D Five over!” Adrian reported as hey pulled back on his joystick so he could get the hell out of dodge.

Once Adrian and some of his squadron members made it to Sector D-Five they turned their fighter/bombers around, watched from a distance as the ships dropped their bombs making the explosion equivalent to a five megaton nuclear warhead. Their bridge and communications would be totally destroyed and their main engine would be severely damage. The way Adrian saw it… He was merely repaying a debt to the Zoraxians. The only option for those bastards now would be to jettison their ship but to be killed by the rogue pilots.

“Admiral Magnus sir!” A Warrant Officer yelled, running up to him
“What is it?” he asked annoyed as he helped try to repair the ship from the bridge
“It’s the Zoraxian cruiser sir! They’ve been hit badly!” he informed the Admiral, stuttering nervously as he spoke
“What? By who? Boragnians?” Magnus asked, turning away from what he was doing
“ No… By our own men sir. The Sky Angels squadron dropped their bombs on them and are attacking their fighters as we speak sir! They’ve lost almost all of their communications equipment and they’re bridge has been completely destroyed!” The Lieutenant informed him.
“We got to deploy our fighters to take them down,” the Colonel suggested calmly
“True…but those Boragnian fighters that were here earlier will have reported to their superiors before dying so they’re getting ready to jump here… We have got to get those fighters in here, move towards the Zoraxian cruiser and jump. It’s the only solution!” he responded to the second in command.
“But we wont have time to do that and not to mention this whole cruiser could implode on the attempt!” Colonel Ballows debated
“We have to try,”

“ Alright form up on me. If Intel is right then they should be engaging the Zoraxian fighters. Remember. Don’t kill our guys. They may be rogue but orders are to bring them back alive so use your paralysis lasers people!” Jack shouted out to his squadron over their squadron radio. They didn’t want the Sky Angels know they were coming to stop them.
“Roger that Iron man,” his squadron acknowledged as they lined up next to him. Jack felt enraged that his own people were attacking friendlies when clearly there was one Zoraxian that was hired by someone else.
Slowly he could see a cluster of fighters in the distance shooting each other how ever the Zoraxians were now using non-lethal lasers to scare the humans until their back up arrived.
“Loosen formation and target all rogue fighters people!” Jack ordered as he broke out of formation and engaged full throttle with his Boost mechanism on that was draining his fuel.
“Sky Angels this is Lieutenant Commander Jack Art of the Flying Phoenix squadron. This is your last chance to cease your activity before we engage,” Jack said once more over the open channel on the radio but there was no response. So when he saw one Echo class ship fly across the nose of his ship he immediately got behind it with an itchy trigger finger.

“Shit I got one on me!” Warrant Officer Varos yelled over the radio as he fired three rounds and pulled away from his target.
“Hang on I’ll be right there!” Adrian responded and immediately he engaged the front thrusters on his ship that made him do a back flip. He soared at full throttle through the cluster of non-lethal, lethal and paralysis laser crossfire. Pulling multiple manoeuvres he managed to get behind the fighter but he was too slow
“Shit he got me! I’m losing power-” he heard the Warrant Officer’s voice crackled over the radio until he lost communications with the squadron.
“Damn it!” he yelled and let out a long burst of live ammunition

“Yeah eat shit asshole!” Jack’s voice crackled over the radio as he pulled up to avoid the live ammunition, performed a back flip and fired back at the fighter from above but the pilot in that ship performed a barrel roll over to the left and avoided his burst of paralysis fire. Hello Adrian he thought. Only a squadron leader was this good at avoiding enemy fire and thus led to the conclusion of whom Jack was fighting. Jack pulled up immediately so he could get back on his target but Adrian shifted his fighter around in time and unleashed another burst of fire.
“Iron man do you need any help over there?” Anne’s voice crackled over the radio as she flew by his field of vision
“No I’m good,” he answered, smiling as he pushed his joystick forward, turning his fighter into a dive. Jack checked his six o’ clock to see that Adrian was being his foolish self and preparing himself for his finishing move. However Jack lowered his throttle, turned his fighter around using the fighter’s rudder, pulled the trigger and got out of the fighter’s way so he wouldn’t collide with Adrian’s ship.

It had only been a matter of minutes before the entire rogue fighter squadron had been disabled and were being dragged back into the cruiser via the Freedom’s functioning tractor beam.

“All fighters are inside the cruiser sir! Everyone is standing by for hyperspace travel!” the Warrant Officer reported to the Admiral
“Good. What about the other cruiser?” Magnus asked the NCO
“They’ve blocked off all access from their bridge but luckily enough their communication system is still online. However they have shut off their main engine. Apparently they have some fuel leaks from that vicinity. But they are standing by for hyperspace travel.”
“Very Well. Helmsman!” the Admiral shouted
“Yes sir?’ the driver answered while running through the ships diagnostics
“Engage the hyperspace engine. Don’t ask, just do it,” he ordered the helmsman, giving him a nod.

“Put you’re hands in the air!” a security guard yelled out to Lieutenant Commander Adrian Peterson as he jumped out of the fighter with a side-arm
“Put the gun down, put your hands in the air! You are to be sent to the Brigg on count of performing an illegal operation, multiple counts of murder and treason!” the same security guard continued. However Adrian did not do so but instead raised his pistol
“Oh really? Or is it all of you that are committing treason? These aliens that I have gladly so-called “Murdered” helped the Boragnians in wiping out Earth! Yet the Magnus chooses to be their friend… It is you people who are committing treason!” he shouted back, slowly pulling down the hammer on his pistol. Suddenly Adrian heard a footstep behind him, he turned around and found that he was face to face with a security guard that was attempting to tackle him so he could arrest him. Adrian placed his left hand on the barrel of his pistol and threw the pistol into the guard’s head rendering him unconscious. He turned around, back to the battalion of security guards that he was stupidly taking on when he saw Lieutenant Commander Jack Art step in front of the security guards with both hands on his pistol and looking down the iron-sight of his gun.
“Last chance or I will neutralise you,” Jack’s voice echoed through out the hangar bay. Adrian knew that the was only one way out of this and it was death by firing squad or lethal injection but he wasn’t a fan of either one. So he lowered his gun and pointed it at the unconscious body behind him.
“Three…” he counted down
“One…” after that Adrian dropped his gun onto the hard floor of the hangar bay… It was all over… He placed his right hand on his wound, stared at his own blood for a moment, listened to the sound of the pistol’s casing hit the floor, looked up, gave Jack a smile as if he was saying thanks and collapsed onto the floor dead…

To Be Continued…

P.S. I hope you enjoyed this action filled chapter of Virtual like I did and excuse me for making it long but there was a lot of things I wanted to get out of the way in this chapter. Oh don’t worry… This story isn’t coming to an end Smile
And now…Time to choose...

#64:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:33 am
I'm still reading, but I just had to pause and chuckle about the 'eating a machine gun sandwich.' Very Happy

#65:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:30 am
Shocked Wow, even though I know Adrain would have rather died than face the repercussions of his actions, it's still pretty harsh that Jack basically executed him right there in the hangar bay.

You could have went into more detail there (of course, *I* always enjoy more detail) about all of Adrain's thoughts, what he really wanted and what he hoped Jack would do for him; his sensory perceptions (it was great as you mentioned he heard the pistol's casing hit the floor); you could have enhanced the breath-holding, slow-motion, surrealism of this moment by going into a few more small details like that. Good stuff.

#66:  Author: Araex PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:08 am
hmmm, i went for emergency landing at a merch planet. by the way, what did adrian do to be shot for treason? i don't think i read it properly

#67:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:36 am
Araex wrote:
hmmm, i went for emergency landing at a merch planet. by the way, what did adrian do to be shot for treason? i don't think i read it properly

Adrain led an attack on the Zoraxians, based on past hostilities. At this point the Zoraxian ship presents as friendly, although a rogue Zoraxian saboteur caused loss of life and spurred Adrain's dredging up of the past.

He basically stole a craft and inspired a mutiny of sorts, opening fire on a friendly target.

#68:  Author: Araex PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:38 am
oh right, thanks for that, i hadn't connected the names

#69:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:10 pm
Glad to know you two enjoyed it Very Happy.
I wonder how Sax will react when he sees the next chapter is up... After he first read this he PMed me with the title of:
Awsome story
(dont worry this isnt a spelling error by me. Just by Sax) Laughing

#70:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:56 pm
actually i mread it earlier although i wasent able to comment, thoroughly enjoyed the chapter, althugh it was sad, and i enjoyed reading aboutn the anglo saxons
im sad this story is comming to an end but so must all good things

#71:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:58 pm
Uh Sax... This story isnt coming to an end... Confused

#72:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:07 am
sparta12 wrote:
Glad to know you two enjoyed it Very Happy. Although it is ending soon which is unfortunate.
I wonder how Sax will react when he sees the next chapter is up... After he first read this he PMed me with the title of:
Awsome story
(dont worry this isnt a spelling error by me. Just by Sax) Laughing
yeah you did just after you talked biut us enjoying it

#73:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:10 am
oh yeah that I was talking to someone on msn and you know how it randomly changes to another window. I guess I must've typed something from the convo onto that. Laughing

#74:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 1:40 am
hahaa dw it happens to the best of us you mother f%^)!ng @$$4ole, woops msn!!
woops msn

#75:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:00 am
I was serious though.
This story is not coming to an end. Especially seeing that it has been nominated 2 times and is in a great fight with Muaddibs story in the polls.

#76:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:14 am
after much deliberation i voted for you sparta

#77:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:28 am
so maybe this month you'd win SOTM

#78:  Author: Araex PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:09 am
so did i

#79:  Author: saxon215 PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:12 am
lets hope its enough

#80:  Author: sparta12Location: Victoria, Australia PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:19 pm
yes indeed.
And thank you for your votes Fauna, Araex.
I appreciate it. Smile

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