Control - Chapter 6
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City of IF -> The Vault
James just whipped it out and expects me to do the same. So I guess I'll just:
Play the role of a drug runner on the job in an attempt to throw off the need to relinquish my firearm.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Put up a front of being a badass without fear, revealing my weapon in just as intimidating a manner.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Infinite stall strategy. Talk him around in circles until he forgets to keep trying to disarm me or I can find another way around this.
 0%  [ 0 ]
Hand it over and befriend enough in hopes for an opening to get the hell as far away from these guys as possible.
 100%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 1
Who Voted: Tikanni Corazon

#41:  Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:35 pm
Thanks for reading! Now polling. New chapter should be up next weekend.

#42: Control - Chapter 5 Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:20 pm

Chapter 5

“You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find a vet’s office would you?” My mind races, somehow making a strategic connection as if I’m surfing on a wave of terror, maintaining internal balance against all odds.

I’m a little surprised by how well I seem to be pulling off the act. James’s face makes a double take as it appears to suddenly cross his mind where I’m headed with this and how it might mean his assumptions could be off-base. I can hear his thoughts now – but I had been so sure!

He chuckles, obviously considering this MUST be a ruse. He’s not as unintelligent as I might’ve guessed. I’m finding that inner salesmen that can read his potential clients like a book as they go through their thought processes and by what I’m seeing flash across his eyes, he’s going to come at me calling my bluff without actually saying it.

Indeed, he follows with, “What’s wrong with your dog mister?” He gives me a wry grin, letting me know he sees through the charade, or at least he thinks he does.

“Rabies,” I say, pulling the first animal disease I can think of to mind… then I pull the rest out of my ass. “He’s not so far gone yet he can’t be saved and I have him loosely bound. He’s my best friend in the world but I reeeally have to get him to a vet as soon as I can. He was bit by a squirrel and he’s been sitting there under that blanket quivering ever since.” (RABIES?!? You can’t see ANY problems with that excuse?)

James seems to give what I’m saying honest consideration. It’s a good thing hillbillies don’t seem to know enough to know that Rabies would be completely incurable if my story were true.

He reaches down with an obvious desire to confirm my story as Penny seems to catch on to what I’m saying and offer some whimpering puppy yips from beneath the blanket. Good girl but don’t overact it… I think desperately.

“DON’T!” I shout at James hoping a startling noise won’t cause Billy behind me to twitch an itchy trigger finger on his shotgun, presuming of course that he does have it aimed at the back of my head. I momentarily consider that I might be assuming the worst of the situation and it might not be quite as bad behind me as I’m thinking.

James looks up at me, eyebrows raised in a ‘why the hell not’ expression, but his hand does stop before pulling at the blanket.

“I don’t want you to touch the blanket or get too close. If Buster’s condition has worsened like I think it might have, he could really be dangerous. If he sees all this light he could really freak out. Get bit and it’s all over you know. Seriously, he’s probably fine but I don’t want to test that theory. I also don’t want to test the string I used to throw together a makeshift muzzle if you get my drift.” As I speak, his hand slowly retracts and it appears I may have gotten through to him the gravity I hope to impress upon the situation.

“So yer outta gas with a sick dog an’ ya gotta get down tha road to yer friend’s house who’s a cop. When were ya plannin’ on findin’ a vet?” James asks. He’s nefariously more intelligent than most hillbillies it seems. But he hasn’t thrown my ruse aside entirely yet and that’s good.

“Honestly I wasn’t sure how I was going to play it. If there were a local vet I’d be happy to take Buster there but I looked at the phonebook across the street there and it was… um… no help.” Uh, oh… before I even finish the comment I realize the trap I’ve just stepped into. My hand squeezes on the pistol.

Sure enough, James jumps all over the opening I’ve left him. Damn! “Well, there’s Ol’ Max at the end of town down there past that there yonder holler. He’s a taxidermist but he’s pretty good with animals and ‘tween you an’ me, he’s got all the good drugs you could possibly need there. I’m sure he’d know lots ‘bout rabies bein’s as he’s gotta deal with crazy critters in the forest all the time.”

I bow my head. Damn, Damn, DAMN! If I try to weasel out of getting help from a local friend he’ll be sure I’m lying to him because I’ve just said I’d prefer to find local help. But what else can I do but try to find an excuse? I stammer for a moment searching for one.

James beats me to it. “Ah know. I wouldn’t feel too comfortable visiting a crazy cooter at the enda town in a strange place neither but trust me,” he chuckles, “Ol’ Max is a good ol’ boy. He’d take good care of ya.” I do NOT feel very comfortable with the way he just emphasized “good care”. And it’s my dog that needs help, according to the story I’m sticking to here, not me.

“I… I’m sure, but would he cost me anything? I mean, I’m a little short on cash at the moment. I haven’t eaten a thing in over a day just trying to make it to where I’m headed.” I spit out another excuse that I just as quickly realize is likely to get me in more trouble.

Penny whimpers again. For a girl who seems to be so mentally lost, she’s really pulling off this impromptu act nicely. Much as it tends to clog the mind, fear also has a way of forcing focus it seems.

“Aw shit,” James says. “Now why didn’t ya say somethin’ bout that earlier? Miss Brown over there runs a great diner. I’d be just downright tickled to bits if you’d accompany me for a cup of mornin’ coffee an’ some eggs n’ grits. Billy an’ me had just been talkin’ about getting a bite before gettin’ on with the search for our sister anyhow!”

“Aaaah, yeah,” I nod, leveraging the obvious discomfort anyone would feel in James’s cousin’s eye-holed presence. I flick a glance and gesture with my chin back towards the shotgun wielding kid behind me sending James that look that says, I don’t want to hurt his feelings but you’d be fucking nuts to think I’m going to sit down at a diner table with that abomination, or something to that extent.

James smiles and chuckles a bit. In his honest recognition of what I’m trying to convey, I get a little lost as to what he thinks about my ‘dog’ for a moment.

“Tell you what,” he offers, “I’ll send Billy to go find Ol’ Burt an get him off his ass so’s you can get yer truck gassed up an’ runnin’ again so’s you kin get down the road to wherever you’d like to take yer dog.” There is only a hint of doubt in his voice when he says ‘dog’. He continues, “and while he does that I’ll take ya ta get somethin’ to eat at that there diner. That’d just be good ol’ fashion Southun Hospitality there, son. Whaddaya say?”

Damn, I think. He’s got me pegged. If I reject his offer I’m just being rude and illogical as it solves every excuse I’ve offered him. If I take it… with Penny listening, hopefully she could be trusted to stay still enough to not draw further attention. I could LOCK the doors and leave her inside while Billy presumably goes elsewhere and I can keep an eye on James. He’s given me an out here but if he’s being clever enough, he’s just rigging me up to make myself vulnerable and separate me from the girl.

But what choices do I have here? I remind myself I am the master of my destiny as I consider my options.

#43:  Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:25 pm
Tome had 4 votes, IF had 1. The winning option with a total of 3 votes was to act as if Penny were a whimpering dog. This could have been a very different story with any other option I think. Interesting how drastic this Decision Point's influence has been. Thank you for reading and voting!

#44:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:02 pm
Hey Tainted!

Another good chapter! Those hillbillies do literally make my skin crawl while I'm reading. *shudders* Seems that Penny is coming to her senses a little more, which is a very good thing. James is clearly not an idiot, and the more evidence that Randal has in his favour the better. I have to say, it's a little unnerving to think that he's pretty much going to be forced amongst these people. Not just James and Billy, but now there's going to be at least one more, plus anyone that's at the diner...I can't help thinking of the movie House of Wax for some reason. It's all very creepy and unnerving.

For the dp...What else can he do, but accept. He can't speed away until he's got some gas, and he's likely got a gun trained on him. With the rabies idea, he's got a legitimate reason to lock up the truck, to prevent anyone from opening the door and getting bitten. So I say he should take James up on the offer, keeping his truck close by, and keep it thoroughly locked.

Great chappie! Very chilling. Looking forward to the next! Keep up the good work! Smile

#45:  Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:39 pm
Thank you for reading Tikanni!

Poll should be up.

#46:  Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:17 pm

Chapter 6

“Alright, just let me lock up,” I flash James my best forced warm smile. Leaning over, I grab at the handle of the window lever on the passenger side door and look up into the brown eyes of the wolfish man. I pause as if to say, “Well? Are you going to move so I can roll up the window?”

“Oh! Of course,” he chuckles as he leans back, snaps his suspenders on his overalls and gives his shirt a few casual tucks under his pits to stuff back the fabric that’s pulled free from stretching. As I crank the window shut, I catch a glimpse of a few brown flecks scattered across the shirt under his right arm.

Leaned over, I whisper, “Great act, Penny! Hold out here and stay still until I get back. I don’t know how far this Billy’s gotta go but I don’t want him to see you when he comes back, understood?”

“Mhphmm,” I hear a muffled groan as she shifts position a bit.

Looking out the window, through the mirror, I can see that James and Billy are conferring behind my truck. I breathe a momentary sigh of relief knowing that I don’t currently have a shotgun to my head. With as little additional movement as possible, I stuff the cold steel pistol down my pants. It feels like ice as it grazes across my privates but it provides me with enough confidence to calm the shudders my shoulders are currently wracked with.

I’ve never been here before, in the midst of eminent conflict. I’ve always imagined it, thought I could handle it, but I’ve never been in the middle of it. And it’s more intense than I’d thought it would be.

Reminds me of when I entered the gas chamber as a private in the Army, thinking I’d be the one guy immune to the stuff, only to find out, in shocked horror, how terribly wrong I could be. The gas had entered my lungs like any other air, but brought with it the sensation of being struck across the face with a hammer as my tubes clamped down in violent protest and my stomach became my new and far less functional lungs. It was then that I learned what it might feel like to die, to have no choice but to let go of the spark of life.

And I am now finding this immediate and real threat to be a lot more worrisome than I could’ve believed. The idea of having a sudden shootout at any time is enough to cause my guts to liquefy out of fear alone. They feel on the brink of jellifying already and as I take a moment to find some calm, I realize every muscle in my body already aches with the soreness of overwhelming tension. I paw at my crotch to make sure things are still dry and am relieved to discover no more moisture than would be indicative of a strong flow of perspiration.

“Ok,” I affirm to myself as I sit up and grab the wheel and cast another wary eye into the rearview mirror only to be reminded how chock full the back of my truck is. Penny’s door is now locked and it’s time to get moving if I’m not going to appear to be spending time in sly preparation.

“How long will you be?” Penny whispers.

“I’ll make sure not to take long. Just leave everything LOCKED,” I hiss in an attempt to deny moving my lips. “Just lay low and we’ll be on our way in no time,” I assure.

Opening the door, I get out and stretch. The morning air immediately sets to work evaporating the clamminess from my skin. James walks forward with a dark grin on his lips and I quickly take a step and throw the door shut behind me.

“You sure your dog’ll be alright in there while we go grab a bite?” he asks. “Don’t ‘e ever gotta pee?”

“He might but he wasn’t interested in the leash. I’m really getting worried. Just lays there panting and growls if I move the blanket,” I say as I turn to look in the window, more to keep my own body in the way of James as he approaches, appearing to want to get a closer look.

Now that I’m standing outside, not bound in a truck seat, I feel much more capable of dealing with him if he were to get hostile. He isn’t that much taller than I, though he is a bit wider set and looks as if he’s spent some time farming, given the thickness of his arms. I wouldn’t want to wrestle him, that’s for sure.

“Well?” he says as he comes to stand before me. His eyes glance over towards the diner and he flicks his hand to gesture we get a move on.

I nod and smile, adding as I begin to walk forward, “I actually do appreciate this. I was trying to avoid paying for any food until I reached my friend’s house. I’m going to need to find work of some kind and until then I’m on a finite budget.”

“Fi-nite huh?” James says absently as he pauses in passing the window to glance down into the truck cab.

“Yeah,” I act naturally as I notice him looking in the truck behind me. I cast a quick prayer that Penny senses that NOW, more than ever, she needs to stay the hell still! “You know… limited.”

“Ah know what ‘fi-nite’ means,” James chuckles as he turns and grins toothily, ambling towards me with his suspender straps twisted around his thumbs. “Ah just can’t see who ‘tis yer tryin’ ta’ impress is all.”

“I… I wasn’t trying to impress anyone!” I state defensively. (Bullshit!) Was I? “I was just using the best word I could think of for the message you know?”

“Mmhmm,” James nods. “We’re gonna hafta work on yer people skills, Randy. Folks ‘round these parts might find ya a bit… well… y’know.”

“Um, arrogant?” I guess as we reached the crosswalk. I pause to look for oncoming cars as James pushes past me and strides off solidly across the street.

“I was going to say ‘pompous’,” he says.

“Oh,” I say as I sheepishly dash across the road to catch up. “So I can’t use the word ‘finite’ but you can sling terms like ‘pompous’ around and that’s just fine?”

“Well,” James pauses on the other end of the road, glancing back to wave at Billy who starts up their truck with a ‘grugugugugug’ echoing throughout the town, “You may not realize this, Randy, but you kinda give off the impression that you think you’re better than everyone else.”

Not everyone, just you, I think immediately. I’m looking James up and down trying to envision where he might be hiding any weapons, guns, knives, anything dangerous aside from his ham fists alone. He does have some sizeable pockets and it’d be impossible to tell without patting him down if he has anything squirreled away within. “I… I don’t mean to. It’s not like I think I am better than anyone else,” I defend as we round the corner of the street to head to the entrance behind the diner.

“Oh, I’m sure you don’t THINK you think you are,” James chuckles gruffly spinning on his heels and gesturing me forward to take the lead around the back of the building. “It’s just kinda a ‘vibe’ you put out there y’know?”

“How is that?” I ask as I take a moment, not comfortable with the thick man walking behind me, to open the glass door for him to go through first. A small tin bell casts out a dull clink as the door is drawn. “By using words like ‘finite’?”

“Oh, I suppose that’s a part of ‘t all,” James nods in appreciation as he slides into the diner ahead of me, boldly ignores the ‘Please Wait to be Seated’ sign and saunters over to a booth seat situated in front of a dingy window that allows a hazy view of my truck across the road beyond. Billy has apparently left, for their truck is nowhere in sight.

He motions me to take a seat as we are approached by a thin elderly woman with a sour look on her face like that of a pinched mouse. I’m not sure if it’s an expression of how she feels in response to our presence, or if it’s just the natural set of her face.

Aside from a disdainful twitch on her lips, she seems to have a great poker face actually, betraying nothing of her thoughts, neither towards James, surely a notoriously well known local, nor I, an obviously out of town foreigner.

“Coffee?” she asks.

“Sure, Mae,” James answers kindly as he turns up the mug in front of him to allow her to pour the java without ceremony.

I’m wondering what it means that this is the full extent of their conversation right now. Does she mean to say, “I can tell you have a new guest from out of town but I’m not going to ask until later,” or, “I’ve learned long ago that anything you’re involved in is something I don’t want to know anything about.”?

I turn over my cup, happy to have anything that could enhance my reflexes at my disposal. “It’s caffeinated, right?”

She pauses and gives me an offended look and states dryly, “It’s coffee ain’t it?”

I shift uncomfortably in the vinyl seat and smile sheepishly. “Yes. I suppose it is.”

“Breakfast?” she asks us both as she stands back upright. It almost sounds like a statement in the way she says it.

“I’ll pay for us both,” James says as he nods. I notice neither of them seem to seek eye contact. Maybe they are afraid they will give away too much if they do.

She turns and walks away leaving me to wonder what ever happened to menus and choices. Rounding the counter lined by a row of faded and worn swivel chairs, she shuffles through a swinging half-door to the kitchen. I haven’t seen any sign of movement outside of Mae’s activities and I begin to think she may be running a one woman show.

“See? That’s exactly what I was talkin’ about!” James breaks me from my thoughts as he leans over the table, forcing the thin wood to creak and the salt shaker to slide across the cracked laminate into his elbow.

“I don’t see what you mean,” I say as I rub a spot on the window in an effort to give me a cleaner, less dust encrusted vantage on the truck.

“Why would you have even thought that she’d be putting some kinda pussy coffee in your cup? What’d be the point of that? Can you think of any person in the whole wide world who’d be like, ‘I’ll bet those guys’d sure would appreciate being given coffee that ain’t coffee at’all!. I mean shit man, that’d be like a horrible prank or something right? Cause that’s what people want in the morning, somethin’ that don’t do shit, right? I mean, just cause we’re country folk don’t mean we don’t drink real coffee y’know!”

“No,” I say, “Now that I think about it, I’m sure you all drink the strongest coffee available.”

“See?” James sits back and shakes his hands in an incredulous expression. “Right there!”

“Right where?” I say, completely confused but thoroughly glad to be off the Penny subject. I try not to show my frayed nerves by glancing over at my truck too regularly.

“What was that supposed to mean? Were you trying to say that you think we don’t have any sense for our health? That we don’t see any value in caffeine-free coffee because we’re stuck behind the times?”

I pause for a moment, looking into the eyes of the bearlike man across the table, scouring them for an understanding of what he might be really getting at, wondering if I’m being too suspicious to be trying to read between the lines of what he’s saying. I laugh nervously and shrug. “I guess I hadn’t thought about it. Maybe I ought to learn to think more before I speak.”

“Yeah,” he chuckles gravelly, “That way, when you say stuff that sounds like it could be an insult, it’ll be clear you meant it as such. Y’know, cuz you took the time to consider how to make your words carry the most impact an’ all.”

I laugh a bit at this as his thoughts somewhat echoed my own. I nod, smiling, wondering if I might actually be beginning to like this guy, presuming that he isn’t so nefarious as I’m assuming him to be.

“What do you do for work, Randy?” he asks, causing me to cringe at the shortening of my name once again. I’m thankful, as I glance over at the truck once more, that I don’t see any activity over there.

“I’m in sales,” I say with my best confident and friendly put-on smile.

“Heh,” he utters, “What’re ya lookin’ to sell ‘round these parts? Pigfeed? Weed?”

“Weed? No…” I’m not even going to think about what he’s just said there any further. That forbidden temptation is something I’ve done a lot of work to put far behind me. (Still finding it tempting though, aren’t we?) “I’m actually figuring I’m going to have to look for work down the road. You know, Cookeville, possibly as far as Nashville even. I didn’t imagine I’d be finding anything around here.”

“There you go again,” he mutters slyly.

“Oh, come on now,” I object, “Just because I presume a small town isn’t likely going to have many job opportunities doesn’t say anything about what I assume the going rate of intelligence is here.”

“Well, I suppose you’re probably right there,” he nods, acquiescing.

Dang, I think. I had been hoping he might be about to tell me there was some kind of indigenous industry afoot in Slaughter but seeing as he mentions nothing, I’m left to assume the locals make money in whatever mysterious ways hillbillies do. I pause, wondering what that could actually be. Hogging? Hunting crocodiles? Naw, Tennessee is too far north for that…

“Here,” Mae suddenly shoves a plate in front of me with a clank. I must have been pretty lost in thought to not notice her approach. I look up and smile and she returns not the slightest wiggle of her nose or twitch of her lips. Her eyes pass over me with stone cold uncaring as she bends to add a top off of coffee. I’m just as amazed that James doesn’t even thank her, just nods as she fills his cup.

As she shuffles off like a waddling goose, I look back down at the drab gray plate filled with a slice of ham, two eggs over easy and a pile of steaming grits topped with two gold slices of butter. Grits. Been a while since I’ve been handed a plate of grits. I only learned of the stuff’s existence during my time in the Army. The boiled hominy tastes… alright. Fairly flavorless if you ask me. One bite confirms, from one plate to another, grits are grits.

“Mmm,” James munches, “Them’re good grits. Folks come from far an’ wide for Mae’s grits.”

“I’m sure they do,” I agree, hoping my tone doesn’t betray any further derision. I actually am hungry so I focus on eating, disappointed by the Southern portioning. I should’ve remembered it never amounts to as much as I’m used to having for a breakfast.

Though we eat in silence, I begin to wonder just how disarmed I might be at the moment. Eating is such a calming and relaxing experience. I can’t allow it to strip me of my sense of alarm here. Or can I? I wonder, as I glance once more at my truck through the grimy glass pane, if James really is completely unaware of Penny huddled in my cab right now?

Am I even dining with an enemy? Or could he really be just a concerned relative? “What do you do for a living, James?” I ask.

“Oh,” he pauses, wiping off a dribble of butter that had escaped down his beard, “a little of this and a little of that. Pharmaceuticals y’know.”

Pharmaceuticals? Drugs? Ah… he must be a pot grower or something along those lines. Probably not the most uncommon profession in these hills.

“I might be able to use a good product representative,” he suggests.

“I… I… I think I should probably stick to something else,” I stammer.

“Shame,” he says as he pushes away his empty plate to clack up against the one I’ve just pushed away. “I take it you got a problem with addiction, huh?”

I nod. “Something like that.”

“We ain’t talkin’ about your common city drugs here y’know,” he explains helpfully.

“Oh, well, I… I’m a bit embarrassed to admit it actually,” I start.

“Admit what?” he asks.

“I… I find… I struggle with something as simple as pot actually. Y’know? Marijuana?” I say as his expression goes incredulous on me.

“Aw, shit, NO!” he says in awe. “Really? THAT ain’t even a drug!” he asserts.

“Well, according to… well… it is actually. And it’s one I have a hard time staying away from, so really… since its pretty much the first layer of any drug culture’s activities I just need to steer clear of all of it you know?”

“You really must think I’m an idiot, boy!” he guffaws.

“No, I mean it, I’m weak to weed, y’know?”

“Uh, huh…” he interjects through his laughter. Upon recovering, however, he suddenly stops laughing, looks up at me in the eye and states solidly, without any hint of humor in his voice, “I wasn’t talking about the drugs though, Randy.”

“What?” I ask as I hear Billy’s truck rumbling back into the picture in the distance.

“What I meant was,” James said with the voice of a man who’s lethally serious as he explains something to a child, “You can’t honestly think I didn’t notice the gun under your shirt? What are you running here? Guys don’t just drive through town packin’ without having something to hide, no? You workin’ for someone else?”

“Uh… no!” I assure, taken aback.

“Uh huh,” he says, glancing out of the corner of his eye to make sure Mae wasn’t immediately watching as he pulls a revolver from a pocket and sets it heavily on the table before us both. “I just showed ya’ mine. Now show me yours!” He says with the toothy grin of a hunter. “Surely you’d be willing to hand it over without me havin’ ta shoot ya for it? I’d hate ta hafta bury a fella I just fed.”

I pause to consider the situation. Billy is once more pulling up behind my truck and it looks as if he’s got a passenger. They could really be looking to help me to gas up here but then again, they could’ve just gone off to get some more help in any possible conflict too.

I still don’t know what James thinks he knows about Penny’s location but I know that he’s calling my bluff and is going to disarm me here and now and I can only assume he’s going to shoot me if he doesn’t get his way. I’m not sure if he’s trying to recruit me as an agent for his drug operation or if he’s just playing head games with me. Regardless, it’s all too clear that he’s got his finger just a twitch away from the trigger so if I dared try something now it had better be with a clear plan in mind.

So do I hand over my weapon, try to distract him from it, play a mindgame in return, or act bold and stupid in a panicked attempt to get this bastard off my back? Or something else entirely?

#47:  Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:22 pm
Poll Results
Shall we dine with the enemy?
Agree until Billy has been sent away then pull the gun and confront!    
    0%     [ 0 ]
Lock up and go eat, praying Penny keeps her yap shut until we're in the clear.    
    50%     [ 1 ]
Lock up and go eat once Billy has been sent off and we can keep the gun closely concealed.    
    0%     [ 0 ]
Arrange to meet James in the diner, buying time to set up Penny's escape while the Rednecks are distracted. Take the gun with us.    
    0%     [ 0 ]
Arrange to meet James in the diner, buying time to set up Penny's escape while the Rednecks are distracted. Let Penny take the gun.    
    0%     [ 0 ]
Author Only Vote    
    50%     [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: sheik, Tainted Biohazard

Shall we dine with the enemy?

Agree until Billy has been sent away then pull the gun and confront!
    1 (33.3%)
Lock up and go eat, praying Penny keeps her yap shut until we're in the clear.
    0 (0%)
Lock up and go eat once Billy has been sent off and we can keep the gun closely concealed.
    2 (66.7%)
Arrange to meet James in the diner, buying time to set up Penny's escape while the Rednecks are distracted.  Take the gun with us.
    0 (0%)
Arrange to meet James in the diner, buying time to set up Penny's escape while the Rednecks are distracted.  Let Penny take the gun.
    0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3

#48:  Author: Tikanni CorazonLocation: Running through the plains of my mind, my wolf spirit at my side (but doing so in the UK!). PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:57 pm
Another great chapter, Tainted!

Thing I love about this tale, is it really does keep one on the edge of one's seat. I'm sitting here thinking 'Oh crap! What the hell are these lunatics going to do next?!' and 'I would so hate to be in Randy's position right now!' It really is fabulous writing. Smile

This James character seems so sooo dodgy. He knew that Randy had the gun, yet still lured him into the diner anyway, bought him a meal, and now demands the gun or he'll shoot him. Then one thinks, 'Well, if he knew he had it, he could have just shot him anyway? Is the guy really as bad as I imagine, or does he want to use Randy for some other unspeakable act?' (you wouldn't believe the ideas for the latter I have running through my head!).

And what can Randy do but surrender the gun? He's likely going to get his head blown off otherwise. Even if he manages to shoot James before James shoots him, he still has to contend with Billy and his passenger. And let's not forget the unreadable face of Mae. Who know, she might have a gun stashed somewhere in the diner too? Hand over the gun. James could have shot him anyway if he'd wanted to. At least this way he stands a chance, as uncomfortable as I know I would be in his position, without any real form of defence.

Really fab chappie, Tainted! Keep up the good work!

#49:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:30 pm
I keep forgetting this is here while polling but I've been very much enjoying the read so far. Keep it up TB!

#50:  Author: Tainted BiohazardLocation: The Absu PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:40 pm
Now Polling!

City of IF -> The Vault

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