To Survive Divinity: Chapter TWENTY-NINE Now Playing!
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City of IF -> Storygames: Fantasy

#41:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:14 pm
Excellent chapter. Wonderfully done, as always, Miss Andy :3

I say Kaija heads to the baths and then heads to bed. I'm sure Diggory can pull some strings to get food brought to her at either place. Rest and relaxation seem key, especially with a life or death trial coming up. And I'd rather her not accidentally get smacked to the floor again because War wants to be an asshat and goad her into doing/saying something she'll get in trouble for (this is assuming the two gods will be present at the dinner too of course, lol).

#42:  Author: Vikas Muralidharan PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:52 pm
This was brilliant as usual, An!

Id say Kaija needs food and sleep. Just fast forward to the next day now xD

#43:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:08 pm
So I did spot one thing,

I recognize that there is plenty of fresh air in this room with the entire wall opening to a veranda, bit I need to be out of this building.

But that was literally the only problem I saw, and if it hadn't been in the first few lines, I wouldn't have even noticed it, I greedily devoured the rest of the chapter so quickly.

I gotta say I vote food too. After all the stress of the day, replenishing the energy stores makes the most sense. Besides, there's no guarantee that there will be food left over. We have no idea exactly how well these 'prospective brides' are treated.

#44:  Author: CyberwormLocation: Spatially found, temporal lockdown. PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:56 pm
Oh, now that you mention it, that sentence is a bit odd without another comma before "with". Or so I think. I am not sure, but it might be cleaner if there was one. Like;

"I recognize that there is plenty of fresh air in this room, with the entire wall opening to a veranda, but I need to be out of this building."

#45:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:46 am
Fixed it! I had already changed the "bit" in my own copy. I noticed that, but I also like the flow better with the comma. Thanks, guys!

#46:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:38 am
Caught up and voted! So sad I missed suggestion phase, but I'm really loving this now! Well done!

#47:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:57 am
Love it as usual, Andy. Especially Barnaby. I want more of him. Like now. Right now.

I wonder why I love him so....*wink wink nudge nudge*

I voted and seemed to have made a worse tie. My bad...

#48:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:14 pm
Where to, Child?
Food 37% [ 3 ]
Bath 25% [ 2 ]
Sleep 0% [ 0 ]
Secret Place 25% [ 2 ]
Do whatever...just skip to tomorrow. 0% [ 0 ]
Author's vote (Andolyn only) 12% [ 1 ]

One more chapter and then the Disciplines!!! Unless you people go crazy... Enjoy!

“Alright, dear, where to?” He asks, holding out his arm to me.

I think for a moment, but then my rumbling stomach answers for me.

“Food, it is,” Diggory chuckles. “Right this way.”

“Diggory,” I stop him, “will—umm.”

“The Masters have food taken to their private wings,” He smiles sadly at me, seeing through my anxiety. “Only the offerings and the staff will be at this dinner.”

“Okay,” I say softly.

“Come on, Child,” he says, taking my hand and placing it on his arm. “Let’s get you a warm meal and a bath.

When Diggory and I enter the hall, everyone is talking excitedly, but a hush falls over the room when we’re noticed. Without really thinking about it, I move a hand to cover my face, pretending to adjust my hair. Diggory reads the room quickly, though, and makes a barely perceptible shift in his stance so that his broad-shouldered body is hiding me.

“No need to stop your merriment on our account,” his silky voice booms through the dining hall. “Forgive our tardiness, but Miss Kaija was getting a head start on her duties. My grounds keepers should be proud of her.”

Cheers ring out from a group along the table that I’m guessing are the grounds keepers. Barnaby is among them, which further confirms my suspicions.

I can’t help but smile. It would seem that, in spite of everything going on around me, I have Diggory. He will keep me safe to the best of his ability, and if nothing else, he will help keep my spirit high. It’s up to me to beat the odds on everything else.

Two seats are empty at the table. The one reserved for Diggory is among the other leaders like Ophelia. Mine is on the very end of the Offerings, next to Amberline. To my great relief, the two groups are next to one another, and our seats are together.

No one speaks as I sit awkwardly, but Diggory is as relaxed as ever, grabbing food as though those around us aren’t staring like I’ve got three heads.

“Miss Kaija, would you like some meat?” He asks me coolly, not looking up from his carving.

“Please,” I whisper, and he slices off a piece for me.



We carry on like this until my plate is full and the staring has subsided. Along with it, the noise in the room rises back to its normal hum as people lose interest in the girl who looked up and got beaten down. A feeling of gladness washes over me that Diggory sees me as more than just that.

Dinner is pleasant, though it is shorter than I’d like, and all too soon, I am wishing Diggory goodnight and following the other girls to the baths. After that, we gather in our sleeping quarters.

“Offerings,” Ophelia calls our attention. “Tomorrow is a very big day. You will face the first of the Disciplines. Some of you will likely perish.”

Ophelia waits while the other girls gasp at this revelation. Were they really not aware of our predicament until this moment?

“Those of you who survive will begin working in various places across the palace. As Master Diggory explained earlier, Kaija will be working with the grounds keepers. You will care for the flower gardens and fountains. Amberline, your station will be outdoors as well. You will be working in the stables. Rebecca, you will be assigned to be Lord War’s personal attendant. Anything he needs, you will get it for him. Amelia, you will be Lord Death’s attendant. Jocelyn, you will work in the kitchens. Vivienne, you will be with housekeeping. Any questions?”

There is a moment of silence while we all think on what Ophelia has just told us before the one Ophelia called Jocelyn speaks up.

“What will we be required to do tomorrow?” She asks timidly.

“You are not allowed to know the details of the Disciplines until you arrive at their locations,” Ophelia states sharply. “I will tell you that tomorrow, you will demonstrate Balance.”

Quiet murmuring runs through the room.

“Get to sleep, ladies. You’re going to need your rest for tomorrow.”

With that, Ophelia is gone, and the room practically explodes.

“No one said we could die here!!” says a dark haired girl on the blue side of the room.

“You idiot,” the one named Rebecca speaks up. She has brownish blonde hair and brown eyes. “Did you really think that all of us would live here happily ever after? You realize they give six of us ever year, right? I’d say both of the gods have sizable harems, but they’re not going to keep all of us around. Only the best will be allowed to stay by the sides of Lord War and Lord Death. If we die, we simply weren’t worthy, and in that case, it will be an honor to die.”

Oh, boy. We’ve got an enthusiast.

She annoys me more than the ones who were ignorant until this moment. She knows what’s going to happen to us, and she’s still happy to be here. Luckily, Amberline’s bed is between Rebecca’s and mine.

Amberline is very quiet at the moment. While the other girls argue out their horrors, she is staring at her hands where they rest in her lap. After a moment, she looks up, reaches over, and draws the canopy closed on the far side and the end of her bed. She leaves the side closest to me open, and meets my gaze.

“You knew, didn’t you?” She asks. “You knew they were going to kill us.”

“I guessed,” I respond. “I don’t expect to make it through all of this alive. I didn’t realize that the Disciplines would be what killed us, though. To be honest, I didn’t expect to be sitting here tonight.”

Amberline presses her lips into a thin line and looks at me again.

“Does it hurt?” She motions to my face.

“A little,” I nod. “Diggory fixed it up for me a little.”

“You’re so lucky to have him,” Amberline looks saddened for a moment. “I was so happy to be chosen, but now that I’ve seen what it’s really like, I’m not so sure it was a good thing anymore.”

“You’ll be working for Diggory as well,” I remind her. “He’ll take care of you too.”

“I hope so,” Amberline shivers. “He sort of reminds me of my father.”

“Me too,” I nod with a soft smile.

“You were very brave today,” Amberline says after a moment. “I wouldn’t have been brave enough to look back up.”

“Brave is hardly what I’d call that,” Rebecca comments as she walks by. I’m not even sure why she’s walking by. “I’d say you were idiotic and disrespectful. You deserved to die. It’s a pity Lord Death didn’t see it that way. That’s why I’m glad I’ve been offered to Lord War. He’s most definitely the stronger of the two.”

“Well, then, it’s a good thing no one asked your opinion,” I can’t help but retort.

Rebecca looks shocked, as though she isn’t used to anyone challenging her. She’s in for a rude awakening, with me around.

“Move along, then, sunshine,” I wave my hands at her.

Rebecca opens and closes her mouth a few times. I know she’d love to have a snappy comeback, but no words will come, so she just flips her hair over her shoulder and marches away.

With a sigh, I lay back on the pillows. It is then that I notice all of the other girls are staring at me. Most are smiling.

“That was fantastic,” Amberline giggles.

“We’re going to be okay,” I nod to all of the girls. “We’re in a scary situation, but I vow, right here and now, to watch out for all of you. I hope at least some of you will do the same for me. We can beat this if we stick together.”

I watch as my words sink in, and one by one, the others smile widely and nod to one another.

“Alright,” I say, beginning to pull the curtains around my bed. “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be exciting.”

After a few moments of rustling, silence falls on the room, and I begin hearing my cohorts’ breathing change into that deep, steady rhythm of slumber. The sound of the waterfall that runs beneath our room is very relaxing as well. Despite these tension-releasing sounds, though, I find that sleep eludes me.

I sigh. It’s going to be a long night.


Uh oh...Kaija can't sleep. What does she do? Keep trying to sleep? Read the Holy Book? Something else? You decide!!

#49:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:24 pm
Lovely as always, my dear Andolyn. I say that Kaija should try to sneak out and go for a midnight stroll. Maybe she can figure out whats to come. At the very least, some exercise may help her.

#50:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:19 pm
Honestly, with how much pressure placed on what's to happen tomorrow, she should smother her face in her pillow and try and force herself to sleep.

Loving the story, and I can't wait to see more. I like how the names are a nice balance between overly fancy sounding, and fairly simple. It sounds more realistic that way.

#51:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:43 pm
hmmmm well....

Right now, I don't have much of a solid opinion of what we should do, except that trying to sleep seems best I think. But I also think that if she's having trouble just doing that, she should try a different approach to trying...such as reading or closing her eyes and focussing on the sound of the waterfall.

#52:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:23 am
Time to count sheep!

#53:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:44 am
While it would probably help soothe Kaija's frayed nerves to read her Holy Book and remember home and ease her to sleep, in this place, it is not wise.

I think it's time to sneak out of bed and have a walk in the grounds. It will be her work area after all, and perhaps that will help calm her down after such a long day.

As always, greedily waiting for more. I wish we had a thing that would send a little 'blip'! when there's an update on stories were following... *cough* hint *cough*

#54:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:19 pm
I love Kaija ALMOST as much as I love Diggory. Very Happy

Heh, the "move along, sunshine" line was awesome.

She should keep trying to sleep. Getting up and walking around would only make it harder to be sleepy.

#55:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 6:34 am
Reading late at night always seems to put me in a restful I'm going to say Kaija reads the Holy Book. Make those eyes tired and all else will follow, as I see it. :3

#56:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:19 pm
Alright, folks! Thanks for the replies! We are now polling!! =D

#57:  Author: CyberwormLocation: Spatially found, temporal lockdown. PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:40 am
I'm a spoilsport.

You realize they give six of us ever year, right?

I shall leave you to discern the typo. Razz

I suggest she goes to sleep. SLEEEEEP is the answer. Force it if you need to, you haven't had much rest lately, is what I'd say.

#58:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:47 am
HAHAHA! Thanks, Cy. This is what happens when I type too fast at 2am. Haha!

#59:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:48 pm
It's a long one. Enjoy!


I open my eyes and fight with confusion for a moment. As the fog clears, I realize why it is that I’m staring up at a burgundy ceiling instead of the swirling blues, greens, and yellows of my painted portion above my bed. I am not at home anymore. In fact, I couldn’t be further from home if I’d have started walking yesterday and never stopped.

I am in the palace of the gods of War and Death, and I will be here until I die.

The excited chatter outside of the thick curtains surrounding my bed reminds me that today may very well be the day that I die. The ache in the side of my face reminds me that I should be grateful that day didn’t come yesterday.

Or should I?

It might have been easier on me to die a quick death yesterday than to face the certain horror and doom I’ll be up against today. But no, I can’t think like that. If I resign myself so easily, how can I possibly keep that promise I made to the other girls to look out for them?

Steeling myself, I slide my feet to the cold, marble floor and stand before the wardrobe. Inside, there are several different outfits. The dress I wore yesterday is hanging there, having been cleaned and pressed during the night, and several other dresses hang along with it. There is even a fancy evening gown in the back, probably made to my exact measurements. The outfit I select, however, is not a dress at all. It is a pair of soft, supple leather breeches, an off-white, long sleeved shirt, and a brown tunic. Over the ensemble, I fasten a belt, and I pull a pair of leather knee boots over the legs of the pants. Last of all, I don a pair of fingerless leather gloves.

“You’re wearing that to the first Discipline?” I hear a voice behind me. I turn to see Rebecca in one of the many dresses. “Do you not have any interest in looking nice for the lords?”

I’m not really in the mood for her mouth this morning. I don’t do mornings.

“Listen, dearie. If your focus is to look pretty this morning, that’s your deal, but none of us know what they’re going to be throwing at us. My focus is to stay alive. That means I’m dressing in such a way that I can move quickly without having to worry about a frilly skirt getting in my way. You go do your thing, and I’ll worry about myself.”

Again, Rebecca isn’t sure what to say, so she just walks away. I notice that two of the other girls put dresses back on hangers to opt for their counterparts to my outfit. They really are lacking in the area of critical thinking. I guess it’s up to me to be their brains.

After dressing, I brush my lengthy hair and braid it again, wrapping it into the bun on the back of my head. We go through a simple morning routine before going to the dining hall and having a hurried breakfast.

“Quickly now, Offerings!” Ophelia’s grating voice urges us on. “The Lords mustn’t be kept waiting! Today is a very big day!”

We all follow Ophelia through doors at the back of the palace. Walking at the edge of the cliffs, we get an up-close look at that view out our window. A narrow footbridge takes us over a rushing river that empties from deep inside the palace, over the cliff side, and into the valley below. Our balcony is now above our heads, and for the first time, I see the small staircase that leads from the veranda to where we are now.

For at least an hour, we trudge on around the massive bowl until the expansive gardens of the grounds fade into the empty, dry, barren landscape of the rest of the world I know. Far below us, the lush, green beauty can be seen, and far behind us to the east, tiny now on the bleak horizon, is the palace.

All at once, I notice something strange about our surroundings. We veer ever so slightly to the left, and to our right, a rift opens, leading outward to the bowl. We are now walking on a peninsula of sorts, and up ahead, I see flags of blue and burgundy before the landscape drops into nothing. It is insanely windy here, and the flags flap wildly in the onslaught.

When we draw near, amidst the flags, a tightrope is set up between two platforms roughly five feet off the ground. Ophelia told us the Discipline was Balance, but it cannot possibly be walking that rope. Ophelia also told us that some would die today. A fall from that high wouldn’t feel good, but it wouldn’t kill a person.

“That’s it?” one of the girls exclaims, her voice dripping in relief. “We used to walk ropes like that all the time just for fun! This one won’t be any big deal at all!”

It was true. A common pastime for us in the city was to walk along the strange wires that protruded from the ground attached to cross-shaped poles. No one knew their purpose, but they made great distractions for children. This wire was only a few feet higher than those.

“No,” I mutter after further examining the area around us. “Look there.”

Just as I thought, crossing that rope would be far too easy. It is likely a practice area for our real challenge. Off to the right, across the ravine, there is another area with flags flying. This one is covered with a tent, and beneath it, two thrones are waiting. The gods are already seated, watching us, and bridging the fifty yards between them and us is a tightrope.

“That is our challenge,” I spit darkly.

“What??” The girls begin to panic. “In this wind??”

“That’s right, Offerings! You have only to walk across to the other side, and you will have passed the first Discipline,” Ophelia’s flippancy irks me. She was an Offering once, no doubt. She knows the fear we all feel, and yet she makes light of it as though facing our deaths should be easy. “You have this smaller rope on which to practice, and you have until sunset to attempt the Discipline. Once you begin, you are alone. None of you may interfere if an Offering steps out onto the wire. Good luck!”

With that, Ophelia goes to a chair on the left side of the peninsula by the drop off into the green bowl. Fat lot of help she is. It would seem that we really are on our own.

The girls stand chattering anxiously.

“I don’t know if I can make it that far,” Amberline speaks the fears of us all.

“How hard can it be? I was great on those wires back home,” Rebecca snorts, climbing the platform of the practice wire.

We all watch as she begins. Rebecca makes it about halfway across before a strong gust of wind catches her billowy skirt and sends her flying to the ground. Now the girls in dresses begin losing their minds.

“What are we going to do?” Jocelyn shrieks. “It’s too windy! We’ll never make it!”

I stand in thoughtful silence for a moment, trying to think of a way to get them out of this. They can’t exactly strip now, and there’s no going back to the palace to change.

Aurgh! I can’t think with all their chattering. Their panic is too distracting.

“Will you all shut up??” I finally yell, commanding all of their attention. “Panicking now won’t get us anywhere. The clock is ticking.”

They begin chattering again, but at least they’re being quiet about it.

“Why didn’t I listen about the dress?” I hear Vivienne whimper. “I suppose the housekeepers will be short a hand after this.”

“Housekeeping…that’s it!” I jump up, struck with a sudden idea. “Vivienne, come here! I’ve just remembered a trick my mother used to use when she was cleaning in a dress.”

Vivienne comes to me, and I hoist up her skirt in the front.

“Hold this,” I hand her the skirt I’ve just yanked up.

“Kaija!” she shrieks. “You mustn’t raise that too high! The gods will see, and I’ll be put to death for indecency!”

“Would you rather be a little bit indecent, or would you prefer to just go ahead and jump off that cliff now?” I retort, not stopping to look up.

With her holding the front, I gather the back of the skirt into two sides and bring them around the front. I, then, loop them through Vivienne’s legs, before bringing them back around front and tying them. It looks as though she’s wearing an oversized diaper, but if it saves her life, looks don’t mean much.

“Did everyone see how I did that?” I ask the others, but they are already working to tie the skirts. “Those of you with pants, get in a few practice walks. I’ll see that those of you with skirts are ready.”

After they are all tied up, the girls head to practice with the ones who followed my lead with pants. It is still not going to be an easy task with the wind, but this does seem to have helped.

“Alright,” Amelia nods with confidence after her fifth or sixth practice, “we’re eventually going to have to get this going. If the sun sets before we try, I’m not sure any of us will be spared. I suppose I’ll go first.”

“Are you sure?” I ask her. She nods. “Okay. Be sure you check the knot on your dress before you go.”

“I already did,” Amelia answers me brightly.

She begins, and we all hold our breath. She is doing extremely well, keeping her eyes forward and walking with steady steps. All at once, though, things take a dramatic turn for the worse.

The knot that I asked her if she’d secured comes loose, and a gust of wind takes her skirt and with it, her balance. Amelia falls, but by sheer luck she is able to catch the wire with one hand, but she is not safe. The wind keeps catching her skirt, preventing her from pulling herself up or moving in any way.

“Amelia!!” Vivienne screams, beginning to run forward.

“Ah, ah!” Ophelia calls from behind us. “No helping, remember? If she falls, she fails. There is nothing you can do about it now.”

Anger fills me. That girl is not just an Offering to be thrown away. She is a person. She is a life. The lack of value on our lives infuriates me, and what’s more, I made a promise to protect the other women with me. I swore to all of them to do everything in my power to keep them safe. I’m not about to go giving up on that already.

After a second’s hesitation, I lunge forward up the platform and out onto the rope. I was not only good at walking the wires as a child; I was a master. Running them had been my favorite thing to do, and I practiced for hours every day. I could do it backward, forward, and even in the dark.

I take two long, leaping strides on the wire before launching myself forward, catching the rope with my hands and using my momentum to slide several yards. I haven’t made it all the way to Amelia, so I swing hand over hand to close the distance. Behind me, the other Offerings are cheering me on loudly.

When I reach Amelia, I use all of my core strength to hoist my legs up and over the wire. Hanging by my knees, I gather her skirt and tie it back as quickly as I can.

“Amelia, use me as a ladder to get back up on the wire,” I instruct her.

“What? No! You’ll fall!” she shouts fearfully.

“Trust me! Just do it!” I make a platform from my hands to create the first step and push her upward.

Shakily, she is able to get back on the wire and begin walking. With no steps, I am left to hang below the wire. I say a silent prayer of gratitude for the leather gloves I’m wearing.

“Keep going!” I yell to her. “I’ll be right behind you!”

Slowly, the two of us cross, our fellow Offerings shouting encouragement the entire way. It would seem that the two of us have passed this challenge. I am exhausted, but happy, when we reach the other side. Now, I only have to worry about Amberline, Jocelyn, Vivienne, and Rebecca.

With this thought on my mind, I reach up for Amelia’s outstretched hand to get up onto the platform. She is smiling at me, and I think for a moment that perhaps we will make it through all of this after all.

Just then, though, a warm liquid suddenly splashes my face, startling me.

“What was—?” and then I taste it—that unmistakable, metallic tang.

Horrified, I look up to see Amelia’s face, frozen in shock, her blue eyes wide with fear and pain. From her chest protrudes the tip of a sword. She and I stare at one another, wordlessly, for a moment before the sword slides back.

“Kaija,” comes the gurgling whisper, “help—”

Before she can finish her thought, Amelia’s eyes flutter shut, and she falls over my shoulder. I try to keep a hold on her hand, but the blood on them causes her to slip from my grasp. I clutch desperately at the wire. Looking over my shoulder, I watch as Amelia’s body falls for what seems like ages until it is forever lost beneath the mist. For a split second, I wonder how many other women are at home in that grave.

With terror still gripping my mind and blood still blurring my vision, I take a moment, hugging the wire with my legs dangling, to process what has just happened. I suddenly feel myself being hoisted upward by the back of my collar.

Though the pain is uncomfortable, the feeling of the ground is welcome beneath me when I slam into it. I lay still for a time, stunned, before jumping to my feet. War is standing before me. His sword is drawn, and Amelia’s blood is dripping from its tip, mixing with the dirt on the ground to make a color that does, in fact, match that of War’s eyes.

“Why did you kill her??” I demand with a mixture of disgust, fury, and horror.

“She did not complete the Discipline. Isn’t that right, Death?” he answers, his face twisting into a sick smile. My eyes are averted, but I can see that Death is also present. He is standing just outside of the tent with his back to us. “Oh, that’s right. He doesn’t really have the stomach for this sort of thing. You would think after centuries he’d at least try to enjoy himself. You’re all trying so hard for us after all,” War pauses before getting back on track with his thought.

“Anyway, had you not interfered, she would have perished in a fall. It would have been far less painful than her ultimate end. How unfortunate.”

Like a flame being ignited, my fear is overtaken by rage, and I would love nothing more than to grab that sword and run War through just like he did Amelia.

“You should be grateful I didn’t kill you as well,” he continues. I clench my fists. “Technically, since you didn’t do it alone, you also failed the Discipline. I’m feeling merciful, however. I’m going to give you a chance to go around and do it again.”

Go around? No. That won’t be necessary. As I said, tightrope is one thing I have mastered. I will complete this Discipline on my terms.

Without a word, I push past War and step onto the platform. With the wind whipping my hair, I step over the pool of Amelia’s blood and out onto the wire. I walk all the way across, turn around, and look War dead in the eye from across the wide expanse.

After a moment of staring him down, I begin to run. I run as quickly as my sure-footed steps will allow, and I never break contact with War’s gaze. On this trip, it feels as though the wire goes on forever, and I am running in slow motion. War’s expression is a strange one, and I cannot interpret it. All I know is that it isn’t anger, but that wicked smile of his is gone without a trace.

When I finally reach the end of the wire, I summersault off the platform, landing squarely in front of War.

“Hopefully that attempt was more to your liking, my lord,” I spit with a feigned curtsy before turning and walking out of the awning.


DP, what does Kaija do now? Does she wait for all of the other girls to cross, standing awkwardly alongside War and Death? Does she continue on in her anger, running back to the palace to get started with her duties there? Does she do something else entirely? It's up to you!

Last edited by Andolyn on Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:05 am; edited 2 times in total

#60:  Author: misterbizLocation: a chair in a cold dark living room PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:10 pm
Loving this. I love Kaija's feistyness. As well as her tightrope abilities.

Poor Amelia too.

I say Kaija should go on back to the palace and start her duties. I don't think it is wise to continue being around War at such a time.

#61:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:18 am
Woah, our girl is extremely gutsy. That was discussed in the Inn but STILL! Damn~

As far as the DP goes...I'm not entirely sure about just up
and leaving? I know that we were told it would be ver once we crossed, but no one said anything about being dismissed after it.

Besides that, I kinda wanna know what the expression from War was about, especially if it's not anger. :3

#62:  Author: ModelP PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:40 am
I think she should stick around and be there for the Girls she swore she'd look after.

#63:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:48 pm
War, you freaking asshat.

As much as I would love for Kaija to walk away in triumph, I think it speaks more of her character to stay. While she won't be able to physically help them, her presence might be all the encouragement they need to get through it. (And I'm secretly hoping we get to see Rebecca die Very Happy)

#64:  Author: themightyzanLocation: TN PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:45 pm
I just want her to keep walking. Just like "f you I'm out". Lol.

War is an ass, he doesn't deserve more attention, and I don't know if Kaija would be able to stop herself from helping anyone else who is failing. ^.^

#65:  Author: Vikas Muralidharan PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:53 pm
Caught up! This story is moving beautifully, I love how you describe settings! Fan _/\_

Eitherway, I think she just storms off. I realize she made a promise to the other girls, but she's now angry and disturbed, I cant imagine her just standing there awkwardly. So I say she makes a mistake by walking away Razz

#66:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:15 pm
Loving the read! In fact, staying up past my self-set bedtime for this. Ha. Totally gonna see poor Amy in my dreams. Maybe I'll dream up a way for her to survive. No? No...

Anyway, as for the dp, much as I'd like to suggest she stay and cheer on the girls, I feel it would be far more appropriate for her to go back to the room, and do her best to set up some sort of a mini funeral with Amelia's things- if she can get them in time. Maybe burn her dress? The one she arrived in? Definitely do some sort of a memorial. I doubt there'll be on naturally. Maybe write her name in her holy book as a remembrance?

#67:  Author: Vishal MuralidharanLocation: City Of IF! PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 9:22 pm
Loving the story, but I'm frustrated that I can'd discern what this War dude is upto. Why is he sparing us now, this was much more disrespectful than looking at him, and Death didn't even try this time. Either he has some sort of soft corner for us, or he had a talk or something with Death and was asked not to harm us? Idk. Either way, it doesn't look like he's going to hurt us, so I suggest sticking around and helping the other girls. Even if, War decides that we're going to far, Death is still around to save us.

#68:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:15 pm
AAAAND we're polling!

#69:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:25 pm
"Offering, stop!" War orders, and I freeze. "You must wait until the others have completed the Discipline, and then you are free to go."

My anger tells me to keep walking, but I have almost been killed and caused the death of another already, so I slowly turn, keeping my eyes down.

"Good girl," War says with a callous laugh.

Behind him, I see Death watching the other girls, but I could swear I see him heave a sigh--almost one of relief. I am intrigued, but I don't have much time to wonder.

Vivienne, with tears streaming down her face, climbs up on the platform.

"Vivienne! Keep your eyes forward, and check the knot on your skirt. You can do this!" I yell.

"Silence!" War roars at me.

I look straight at Vivienne, ignoring War. Vivienne nods, resolve building in her expression. She tugs on the knot at her waist, and then she begins. Instead of looking forward, though, she keeps her gaze locked with mine. Willing her to cross safely, I keep staring at her without so much as blinking. It is as though this solid stare is all that is keeping her on the wire.

I breathe a sigh of relief when Vivienne crosses to the other platform with no trouble at all. She curtsies briefly to Death, to whom she has been offered. After he bows in return, Vivienne runs to my side, hugging me tightly, before sliding her hand into mine. Together, hand in hand, we watch as Jocelyn prepares to cross.

Just like Vivienne, Jocelyn looks to me for her strength. She crosses with ease, curtsies to Death, hugs me and Vivienne, and stands on my other side, taking my hand.

The three of us watch Amberline cross in like fashion without incident, and Rebecca is the last. Unlike the other three girls, though, Rebecca does not look at me while she crosses. It is just as well. I wouldn't be able to offer her much in way of encouragement.

As soon as Rebecca's foot touches the near platform, I give the hands of the girls beside me a final squeeze before letting go.

"I'll meet you in the room after we've finished work tonight. I'm sure Diggory has a lot for me to do," I say as I turn to leave.

"Thank you, Kaija," I hear Vivienne's voice behind me, and I stop. "I wouldn't have made it without you."

"Me neither," Jocelyn and Amberline say in chorus.

I nod in reply. I cannot offer them more, though, because if I turn to them or speak now, I will break down. I cannot show such weakness in front of War.

When I have marched on long enough that the flags or tents or people are no longer visible behind me, I break into a run. It is then that my grief manifests. All that I can see is the fear-filled expression on Amelia’s face before I watched the life leave her dark eyes. The feeling of her blood, still covering my face makes my stomach turn.

Amelia’s strangled plea for help resounds over and over in my ears. With her dying breath, even as her lungs filled with her own blood, it was my name that Amelia spoke, and I was powerless to save her. I promised to take care of her, but in the end, I only managed to prolong her fear and suffering, increasing her pain. I played right into War’s hand.

I stop briefly, emptying my stomach’s contents on to the dusty ground beside me, and then I continue on. I keep running even when I’ve found my way back to the palace. My legs have lost feeling by the time I stop in the middle of a field of lilies. I am well more than a mile beyond the palace in the opposite direction of where I witnessed my first murder.

I fall to my knees, grasping at my ears. I can’t stop her voice. I need to make it stop. I lay on the ground, gasping for air, only to force the breaths back out in great sobs that wrack my entire body. I have never felt anything like this. The guilt, grief, pain, and shame culminate into one agonizing hell, and I think it might kill me.

When I reach the point where I have used all of my tears, I lay, numb, on the ground, waiting for the end.

Much to my dismay, the end does not come. Instead, more haunting images float back to my mind: the looks of fear on the faces of the other offerings, the blood dripping from the sword, War’s twisted, maniacal smile.


He is the cause for all of this. We are sport—worthless animals under his bloodstained boots. With thoughts of him, my heartache morphs into an ugly creature of fire and rage. I want to hurt him. I want to cause him a fraction of the pain he has caused me.

These are not thoughts I should have. These are thoughts born of hatred. They are everything that my faith is not, but in this moment, I do not care. My faith is faltering, shattering beneath the crushing weight of my humanity.

I am angry. I am in pain. I desire devastation.

I stand, shakily, and look around. I need destruction, but there is nothing for miles in any direction but flowers. They are stunningly beautiful, and even this does nothing but fuel my anger. Their loveliness is a lie. They shine brilliantly despite the darkness and depravity that goes on in that magnificent palace on the horizon. They smile, even now, in spite of my pain. They stand, glowing up at the heavens joyfully, when they should be wilted and ugly, mourning our woeful condition.

Before I register what I’m doing, I begin tearing up the flowers around me, ripping roots and all from the ground. I shred the blooms and trample them, screaming and releasing every dark demon that has settled in my heart. I continue on until I have ruined every blossom within twenty feet of me before I collapse, sobbing openly, on the mangled earth.

“Kaija??” I hear a voice, but I am too exhausted to move. “Miss Kaija!!”

I feel the sensation of being cradled in strong arms. I open my swollen eyes, and in the light of the evening sun, I can make out Diggory’s masculine features.

“I told you I heard commotion over here, sir,” a voice I recognize as Barnaby’s remarks. “Is she okay?”

“Does it look like she’s okay?” Diggory growls. “Miss Kaija! Please, speak to me.”


“I’m here, child,” Diggory says softly. “What happened.”

For a long while, I lay silently in his arms. Quiet tears continue to stream down my face. I hear Diggory instruct Barnaby to go and get me some food. When he returns, Diggory practically force-feeds me before trying for information again.

“Child, you must eat,” he pleads, shoving bread in my direction for about the tenth time.

I take it, still shaking, and nibble a bit.

“Now,” Diggory clears his throat. “Tell me what happened.”

Slowly, I speak. I tell him about the Discipline and about helping Amelia. Diggory closes his eyes knowingly when I suddenly begin retching again. When I am finished, Diggory hands me another bit of food, and I finish my tale.

“Come here, child,” Diggory pulls me to my feet.

We walk a few yards over to a fountain, and Diggory pulls out a handkerchief. He dips it in the water before turning to me, gently wiping my face.

“There,” he sighs, “that took care of the blood on your face. Wash your hands.”

I do as I’m told, and then Diggory turns me to look at him.

“I take it all of this destruction was aimed at Lord War?” he asks me.

“I don’t know,” I answer truthfully. “I was angry with myself. I was angry at the world…but yeah, I think this particular bit was because of War.”

It takes me a moment to come to my conclusion, but there it is.

“Well,” Diggory purses his lips, “in that case, the next time you’re angry with Lord War, aim your fury at the fields of roses and sunflowers—those are War’s. You have effectively decimated a portion of Lord Death’s lilies, and despite faults he may have, I don’t think he is a good target for your wrath.”

“Oh!” my eyes go wide, and I’m suddenly quite embarrassed.

My behavior seems rather juvenile now that I have had time to calm down. No matter who planted them, the flowers are a creation of the Father’s, and they are not to blame for my situation. Ending their already short lives does nothing to better my own. I suppose I just needed the world to be as ugly as my heart was in that moment.

Aside from that, Lord Death has done nothing but good for me since my unprecedented arrival, and he does not deserve the destruction of something that brings him joy.

“Is there any way I can repair the damage?” I wonder aloud.

“Kaija?” Diggory raises an eyebrow at me.

“I’m responsible for this,” I nod. “And you said I am to be a groundskeeper, yes? If that is so, then it is my duty to remedy my wrongdoing.”

Diggory looks at me like a proud father, a satisfied smile adorning his lips.

“You may survive this yet, child,” Diggory pats my back. “You may just survive this yet.”

The sun went down quite a long time ago, and I am planting flowers by the light of the full moon. They are intoxicatingly fragrant, and between them and the quiet around me, I find myself in a very relaxed state of mind. Diggory assured me that my chore could wait until morning. Evidently, we will not face another Discipline until a month from now, and in the mean time, we will work and live here at the palace. I would rather set things right as soon as possible, however, so I am enjoying myself in the stillness.

My heart still aches at the loss of Amelia, but my time alone, digging in the earth, has calmed me. Once in a while, a silent tear will streak down my face, but aside from that I am at peace for now.

I find myself humming. It is an old song that was forbidden centuries ago when worship of any deity besides our current gods was banned. Followers of my faith have managed to hang on to it and others like it, though, through secret meetings and passing them from parent to child for generations.

After a few bars of humming, I softly sing the chorus. I am utterly alone, and I’m over a mile away from the palace. Being heard isn’t much of a concern, and even if I were to be overheard, becoming a martyr would be an honor. I certainly do not want to die, but there is no point in pretending that it couldn’t happen at any moment. It’s best, in my mind, to embrace it and be prepared.

The song’s lyrics of the love and faithfulness of my God bolster my heart. Despite the horrors I experienced earlier today, I know that I am not really alone. I am loved and valued despite how I am treated by others on this earth, and when I do inevitably die, I will be welcomed into Paradise, never to feel pain or heartache again.

With these thoughts, I lose all traces of fear, and I sing. I lose myself in reckless abandon, and I am strong once more. I have nothing to give, but I offer my voice, my soul, and myself to my God. This body is His creation. He is free to do with it as He sees fit. If my suffering will further His kingdom, I am ready, come what may.

My song ends, and I breathe a silent prayer, continuing to hum.

“God, show me your purpose.”

“You have a beautiful voice,” a man speaks behind me, and I nearly jump out of my skin.


Uh oh! What does Kaija do? She doesn't know who this person is behind her (or does she?), and there is no doubt that he's heard her singing a forbidden song. What does she do? Turn around and see who it is? Attempt to run? Something else? You decide!!

Also, this is going to be a flash chapter! You have until tomorrow night before I post the poll! Hurry, Hurry! ;D

Last edited by Andolyn on Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

#70:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:35 pm
I'll admit it was a nice, quick read, but my throat is still clogged up anyhow. I feel bad for her, struggling with all this, but also I feel bad for the flowers.

As for the man,she should stick to her gusty resolve- singing her song can't be any worse than her current transgressions, why not just thank him for the compliment? It's entirely possible he's TRYING to get a rise out of her.

#71:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:05 pm
A quick read, but still super awesome! Very Happy

Since the first words out of this mystery man's mouth aren't "What heathen song is this?!" I'm going to say he definitely isn't War, so I think it would be safe for Kaija to turn and see just who it is that thinks so highly of her voice. :3

#72:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:32 am
Well, she should just get up and turn to see who it is in the very least before she says anything. If it's Diggory or one of the other grounds people, she can smile and thank him for the compliment. If it's anyone else.. she might have to filter her appreciation for the compliment a bit. Like 'Just keeping my mind busy while I work.'

#73:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:16 pm
I really enjoyed this chapter, and I'm really glad that the other girls had made it over safely!

As for what Kaija should do, I have to agree that it doesn't seem to be War. He doesn't seem like he's the type to dish out a compliment, especially if it has to do with singing a forbidden song. I agree that it's like her to thank the person, though she did seem worried about being caught singing it. . .

I'm opting for turning around before thanking. You never know who it is, and maybe the person needs a sarcastic thanks.

#74:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:06 pm
It seems we're pretty much all agreed on not running Razz

I look foreward to the next chapter already :3

#75:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:40 pm
Well, since everyone's in agreement, here's the next chapter!!


“You have a beautiful voice,” a man speaks behind me, and I nearly jump out of my skin.

I leap to my feet and turn, dropping the stargazer lily I’m holding. Before me, to my horror, is Death. Immediately, I gasp and lower my gaze.

“My apologies,” he chuckles softly. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“You have no need to apologize to me, my lord,” I say quietly, shaking slightly from the adrenaline pumping through me.

I know he heard my song. He had to; I only just finished singing. He doesn’t seem to be angry, though.

“All the same,” Death says, leaning on the fountain, “I am sorry. You’ve had enough traumas for one day. I should have been a little louder in my approach.”

I’m not sure how to reply. War would have killed me instantly if he’d heard that song. Why is Death just standing there? Is this yet another sick form of torture—luring me into a false sense of security before he ends me?

“It’s okay,” I mumble, bending to pick up the flower I dropped.

“That song was to a god, wasn’t it?” there isn’t even a hint of anger or bitterness in his voice. Death almost sounds curious.

“The God,” I correct him, almost without thinking about it. I freeze, waiting for him to punish my careless words.

“Oh, you’re not a believer?” he genuinely sounds intrigued. “This explains so much.”

“Forgive my forwardness, my lord,” I speak toward the beautiful flower in my hands.

“It’s quite alright,” Death answers.

Every word he says sounds so sincere. I find myself wanting, more than anything, to believe him. Death sighs before continuing.

“It is nice to meet someone who doesn’t blindly follow. I don’t remember anything that happened before the Cataclysm, so other religions are completely foreign to me,” he utters the thought peacefully. “All I know is that I awoke with my abilities after it was all over, and after years of wandering alone, I was found by the gods. I was given the name Death and placed among them. I don’t want any of this Offering business. I’d rather just live a quiet life with a good woman, grow old, and die like a normal man, cherished by a few but anonymous to the world.”

I listen quietly, and Death sighs before continuing.

“It pains me to see the women suffering every year, but War is the most powerful of the gods, and I am too much of a coward to challenge him.” Death trails off with a self-deprecating chuckle.

In spite of myself, I look up. Death is leaning on the fountain, looking up into the sky, lost in some distant memory. The moonlight catches his long, white hair and glistens like a milky waterfall as it flows from his head, to where it’s tied at the nape of his neck, and then over his shoulder and onto his black-clothed chest. His pale skin almost glows in the dim light.

“I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. I suppose we all have our secrets, don’t we?” Death suddenly looks at me, and I drop my gaze as quickly as possible. “Kaija, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, my lord,” I mutter in reply.

“You are a very brave woman, Kaija,” he says softly. “I wish I had half of your courage. I do wish you’d rein it in just a bit, though. I’d love to see you live a long and happy life.”

“My lord?” I don’t think I heard him correctly.

“I’m sorry,” Death shakes his head. “That was a strange thing for me to say, wasn’t it?”

“You do an awful lot of apologizing to someone who’s supposed to be a slave,” I say, immediately realizing I’ve probably been too bold again.

Death only laughs, though.

“You are right, I suppose,” he says thoughtfully. “Though, I can’t say that I view you as a slave. You’re just someone trapped by circumstance, and that rings painfully familiar.”

Again, I’m not sure how to respond. Death’s words are disarming. He makes me feel that I’m in a safe place. I feel that here and now, with him, I am free to be myself, but I can’t just forget Diggory’s words of warning. Diggory told me to stay away from him, and there must have been a reason for that.

“Master Diggory told me that there had been an accident in one of my gardens,” Death makes an abrupt switch in conversation. “I came to survey the damage, but it seems as though you’re getting quite a handle on things.”

“If I’m honest, the damage was no accident, my lord,” I say, feeling the need to be straightforward with Death. I bend, placing the lily I’ve been cradling in a hole. “I destroyed them, and I felt it was only right for me to replace them.”

“This afternoon must have been quite painful for you,” I hear Death’s footsteps growing closer to me.

I don’t answer, continuing to pack dirt around the small flower. It occurs to me how strange it is that instead of being upset that I destroyed his garden, Death saw through to the reason behind my behavior.

Suddenly, Death kneels down beside me and begins digging a hole next to mine with the spade. I stop what I’m doing to watch him. Death picks up a white Madonna lily and places it tenderly next to my stargazer.

“I love the feeling of the earth between my fingers,” Death says softly. “It always calms me after a hard day.”

I nod in acknowledgment. We work in silence for a long while before he speaks again. I can’t tell if I am the target audience or if he’s speaking to himself.

“Flowers are incredible,” he says distantly. “It doesn’t matter how dark the world becomes, they will continue to bloom and make it just a little bit more beautiful. Their lives are short, but they don’t mind. They make the most of the time they are given. I envy them, in a way.”

Death stands, brushing the dirt off his hands. He goes to the fountain and washes them further, his long, black cloak billowing behind him in a warm breeze.

“Prolonged life only leads to pain, loneliness, and bitterness, and just when you think it’s over, the worst of all comes, and apathy sets in. Eventually, you’ve lost so much and seen so much that you become anesthetized. The joys are dull, and the terrors don’t carry any sting at all anymore.”

I almost can’t believe what I’m hearing. I stand, watching him clean his hands, and for the first time, I see it. Everything about Death, his every word and movement, his entire persona, is drenched in profound sorrow. It overwhelms me, and I feel as though I could cry all over again.

What horrors have made him this way? What loss has he experienced? I shudder at the thought.

“Kaija,” his voice startles me, and I look down quickly.

“Yes, my lord?”

“Come and wash your hands,” Death says, and though it is a command, it is gentle. “You have done enough for one night. You should rest, and finish tomorrow.”

I do as I’m told, and as I clean the dirt away, I can feel his gaze. When I finish, a cool finger slides under my chin, lifting it up and to the right. Despite having my face a mere foot from Death’s, I keep my eyes averted. My rebellious nature begs me to look up at him, but he has shown me quite a measure of respect, so I will play by the rules for now.

“Kaija?” Death’s voice is almost shy now.

“Yes, my lord?”

“Please, look at me,” he says imploringly.

The air around us smells so strongly of the stargazer lilies that I can’t tell if it’s really the flowers or if Death himself has this sweet fragrance. I hesitate for a moment before lifting my eyes. His pale, green irises shine back at me, and he smiles sadly.

“You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen,” he whispers. “Please allow me to look on them whenever possible.”

My heart makes a loud thump against my ribcage. I am stunned, utterly speechless, as I stare back at him, fumbling for an answer.

“O—of course, my lord,” I finally stammer.

After a few more seconds, Death releases my chin and steps back.

“Go and clean up, Miss Kaija,” he says, wheeling around on one booted heel. “You deserve some rest after today—oh!”

Death turns back to me again, and per his request, I look him in the eye.

“I’ll keep your secret if you’ll keep mine,” Death winks at me.

“Of course, Lord Death,” I say with a slight curtsey.

At my words, a frown mars Death’s handsome features for a second, and then he smirks at me, though the half smile doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Please, Miss Kaija,” his voice is soft and hypnotic, “my name is Elias.”

“Alright,” I say slowly. “Elias.”

“My name has never sounded more beautiful,” Elias smiles that sad smile again before turning and walking back toward the palace.

For a long while, I stare at Elias’s retreating back, trying to process everything that has happened today. Finally, I tear my eyes away and organize my tools, getting them ready for tomorrow’s work. Thanks to Elias, I don’t have much left to do.

I’m not sure what Diggory will have to say about my candid discussion with the very god he warned me to avoid, but regardless of his intentions, Elias calmed me significantly. He shared secrets with me and made me feel comfortable sharing my own. Half of me prays I don’t regret my openness later, but the other half is considering my encounter with Death a very good thing.

“Thank You for that,” I whisper a quiet prayer as I follow Elias’s long footsteps back to the palace.


For your DP, what does she do upon returning to the room? Make a memorial for Amelia, Read the Holy Book, Go to Bed?

#76:  Author: SeraphiLocation: Penna, having a hot cup of tea PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:59 pm
BONDING MOMENT! Very Happy I was smiley and giggly the entire time, haha.

Since there doesn't seem to be a trial tomorrow, and she effectively has her chores done, I don't see why Kaija can't stay up late and get some reading in. Maybe, since she's won some trust from the other girls (except Rebecca, she's horrible lol), she can even share a passage of it with them to help them cope better with Amelia's death (but just do it from memory because I don't think it would be good to have the actual physical book exposed to discovery).

#77:  Author: kkdestinyLocation: The Library of Interfable History PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:08 pm
gah -cannot help but make happy noises- nnnng, Andi, you might turn me into a Death/Elias fangirl.




Regardless, uh...I think we should just go ahead and do that memorial thing. A sense of closure, after all that happenedd today, would be nice I think.

#78:  Author: Sapphire_Rayne PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:15 pm
I knew it! I just end up loving Death more and more! And his name, my is it gorgeous! Okay, I'm done with the fangirling now. I really enjoyed reading the bonding time these two had!

I think that when she gets back to the room, she should make a memorial. Amelia's death isn't something that should just be swept under the rug, and it might help some of the other girls cope too. After that though, she should probably sleep . . it's been a long day.

#79:  Author: Novelest_NinjagirlLocation: The inn. Probably. Come check! PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:54 pm
I'll admit, I was thrown off. The way you phrased the dp, I was certain she didn't know who was behind her- and from the way you've described him, I'd certainly recognize his voice. Nonetheless, she has had a tough day, and I really liked this chapter. I found myself wondering, though, if he was doing just as she suspected- lulling her into a false sense of security.

I'm gonna go ahead and vote for the memorial, if only cause it was my idea last chapter and I'd love to see it.

#80:  Author: AndolynLocation: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales... PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:01 pm
Sorry about that, Noni. I didn't mean to make it sound that way. You know when someone just suddenly speaks when you're not expecting anyone to be there & for a second, you're too frazzled to put together who it is? Maybe that's just how I react. haha! I'm a jumpy person, though. My husband scared the snot out of me once when we were the ONLY TWO IN THE HOUSE. There's no way it could have been anyone but him, but I still freaked out for a second. lol! Maybe I'm weird, but that's sort of how I saw her mind reacting.

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