Blood Price - Chapter 26: Taking care of what was left
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#81:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:43 pm
About the age they are young. Or at least on human age.

Vampires names means... please don't use common names on them... Very Happy

Remember you have until tomorrow, I hope you can do it in time.

#82:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:58 pm
i'm doing it now in fact

#83:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:15 pm
sent it to you, hope it's good enough

#84:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 4:53 pm
It's very good for the story.

I PMed you, but please post it here and thanks for your participation.

#85:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 6:01 pm
Name: Atama Gaokashii
Description: Short black hair, pale skin. Wears a lot of black clothing, such as long leather coats and dark glasses. Constantly smokes a cigarette - simply because he can't get cancer. Has a scar horizontally across his throat where it was slit by an angry mob before his was sired, and another running down his left eye.
Personality: Is distrustful of everyone and anything, believing the whole world is out to get him. Often flys into a rage over insignificant things, such as sleeping arrangements.

Name: Vladamir von Streliche
Description: Shoulder length fair hair, blue eyes. A perfect example of the Aryran race. Wears rich clothing, and golden rings on his fingers. Appears to be a noble fop, but was trained as a warrior even as a mortal, before his sire turned him.
Personality: Acts welcoming and friendly to all he meets, but in reality is accessing their every action and comment to discover a weakness. Instinively presses forwards his advanage to discover as much information about a person as he can, but without giving away any information about himself. Will only attack if he feels threatened, otherwise will attempt to blackmail or bride his way to what he wants

#86: Chapter 5: The first hunt. Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:56 pm
Moswen were there, looking at the humans and smelling them. “That scent…” though Moswen while looking at the open flesh of some of the humans. Three scared humans, one girl and two men. They were laid on the ground with blood on their bodies and some open wounds. All of this waked up the demon that was inside him.

The fear on their eyes, the scent of fear to death, the scent of the prey… The blood; his color, his scent, the humans… Suddenly he got the desire for food, for blood. He tried to contain that demon, that hungry. But his new nature forced him even against his wills.

He jumped from his hide and walked to the humans like if there weren’t any vampires. He just stared at the prey like trying to hunt something that was already dead, dead of fear. The demon inside him was winning the control of his body and then he attacked the humans. He attacked one of the males; he tried to grab him by his neck. But he couldn’t reach him before someone pushed him away.

“And you are?” Said one of the vampires very kindly.

He had shoulder length fair hair and blue eyes. He was wearing rich clothing and golden rings on his fingers. He appeared to be a richest one but looked like a little stupid to Moswen.

“I’m…” Moswen didn’t know if was good idea to told them about him
“That doesn’t matter. You were trying to steal our food,” said the other vampire.

He had short black hair and pale skin. Wearing a black long leather coat and dark glasses with a cigarette on his mouth. He has a scar horizontally across his throat and another running down his left eye.

“I was just trying to get some food,” said Moswen after he could control the demon inside him
“Then you must hunt for your own food,” said the kindly one.
“I thought that vampires were like family” said Moswen worried.

“You have to be kidding…” said the one who have the cigarette
“Take it easy, Gaokashii,” said the other one looking at Moswen with curiosity.
“We have our clans and we act like family but just with our clan,” continued the kindly one like explaining it to Moswen.
“But still, you have three there and you are only two” said Moswen like trying to be friendly with them.

“We have what we need,” said the one with the cigarette very annoyed.

Moswen stared at the one with the cigarette. They looked at each other with anger. They were like that for a long moment, like two animals that wanted to prove which one was the “superior male”. Suddenly the vampire threw the cigarette while jumping toward Moswen and transforming his face into the vampire one. Moswen could saw him but it was late, he hit Moswen with a hard blow with his fist.

Moswen couldn’t avoid the blow but at least he didn’t fell on the ground. He stabilized himself while changing his face too. Then he stared at the two vampires.

“Should we have to fight him?” asked the kindly one while he was transforming too.
“C’mon people let’s talk,” he continued like trying to convince his own partner of it.

“I’m Moswen and like I said I was just hunting,” said Moswen trying to convince them about the not fight thing.
“You see, Gaokashii. That’s better…. I’m a vampire and we were trying to eat,” said the kindly one.
“I’m Atama Gaokashii. I was prepared to eat when some useless vampire interrupted me. I don’t know what you have against me but it doesn’t matter because it won’t survive this battle,” said Gaokashii

They three stared for a little moment before Gaokashii attacked again Moswen.

“This is strange… Here I’m fighting for some human and all because I was hunting them. Me, the one who hated the hunt thing” thought Moswen while moving backward to avoid the disadvantage battle.



“C’mon you two…” said Darak while running.
“What’s the hurry?” said Taelya.
“Did you smell that? It’s blood; it’s food…” said Darak like explaining it.
“We know what is that. Don’t be stupid” said Leban.
“Then you must hurry, let’s hunt them” said Darak like giving an order.
“They are just human. Did you think that they could hide from us?” concluded the conversation Leban.


Moswen were stared at them. He felt angry because this was a disadvantage battle, a dishonored one; at least for him. That made him felt heat on his body, felt fury and desire to fight them. He started to concentrate on his two enemies; he wanted to be a warrior, a real vampire as Zandus said.

On the environment you could felt the rivalry. The scent of blood was everywhere and the air was heavy by the fury. Their nature was asking for the battle. Their bodies got in preparation for the fight.

Gaokashii ran toward Moswen while the other vampire jumped toward Moswen too. Moswen just stayed where he was. He could evade the Gaokashii blow and impact him with his fist and all his strength but he wasn’t enough fast to evade the fist of the other vampire who cut Moswen on the face. Moswen stood up as fast as he could, giving some punches to the other vampire just to be sure he wasn’t too close. But even with that Moswen fell again.



“There it is” said Darak while hiding near where the humans where.
“That’s Moswen?” said Taelya while pointing to Moswen.
“Nice, he was hunting without us…” said Leban.

“Look well. I don’t think he was hunting,” said Taelya
“Even worst. He was fighting without us…” said Leban.

“Should we help him?” asked Taelya
“We must wait. Just to have more information on what’s happening,” said Darak.
“I want some fun too” said Leban while sitting on the ground.


Something started to burn form the inside of Moswen’s body. It was moving on all his body. He felt more strength and more power that was coming from his inside demon. But this time Moswen didn’t fight it; he encouraged it and gave it energy. Then the demon awaked again but this time not against his wishes by the contrary, awaked because he need it to survive.

Moswen stood up with an angry face and with the demon on him. He looked at Gaokashii but having in mind to attack the other vampire. Then he jumped toward Gaokashii but he didn’t go in range so Gaokashii couldn’t attack him. Instead he jumped again toward the other vampire who was running toward him. That made the surprise even faster.

Then he attacked the other vampire with his hands. First he attacked him with his fist hard enough to stop him. While the vampire was falling Moswen gave him a lot of punches on his stomach. Then Moswen attack him with his knee while turning around so he could see Gaokashii.

But it was too late; Gaokashii was upside his head and was falling with fury upon him. Moswen couldn’t do anything about it except wait the blow with all his strength.



Leban stood up when heard the sound of fear and surprise that Taelya was doing. They saw Moswen waiting the impact.

“Watch out…” murmured Leban while he was jumping to the back of Moswen.


Suddenly Moswen heard something on his back but he didn’t turned around, he had to protect himself of the coming enemy, or at least try it. Moswen tried to find something on the ground; a rock, a piece of wood, whatever he could use to protect himself from the incoming blow.

But instead of him received that blow he heard a crash, like if two bodies hit between them. Immediately after that he heard some yell of pain and some blood fell upon him.
He turned to see what happened and saw Leban and Gaokashii on the ground, both of them.

Moswen could find a piece of wood on the ground; he took it and made it like a stake. Quickly he inlaid it on the vampire that was underneath him. While he was doing it Gaokashii waked up so fast that he was again upside Moswen. But this time Moswen moved to the right side of the vampire that was on the ground. He did it so fast that Taelya didn’t noticed it while she was jumping on where he was to help him.

Gaokashii fell upside Taelya but Moswen was waiting that he put a feet on the ground so he could attack him again. Moswen ran toward Gaokashii who faster enough, was outside of the Moswen range.

When Moswen arrived at where Taelya were, Darak was there too. So Moswen moved toward Gaokashii very cautiously.

When Darak arrived to Taelya she was on the ground with her back upside. He took her and turned around just to discover that she was uncompleted. He looked very surprised at her body and then looked at Gaokashii. Moswen was looking to his back and to the front too, from time to time. He saw the expression on Darak’s face and when Darak looked at Gaokashii he did it too to know what happened.

Gaokashii has her head on his hands and he was maintaining it up while smiling. Suddenly he changed his face so abruptly that everyone looked to where he was looking at.

“What are you doing?” everyone heard that someone who was arriving yelled.

It was Zandus and he looked very angry.

“I was hunting when this stupid attacked us,” said Gaokashii
“I just wanted food. I didn’t attack him until he started” said Moswen
“Look at Vladamir,” said Gaokashii while leaving Taelya’s head fall to the ground.

Zandus looked very mad at Moswen who was very surprised. Moswen didn’t know that they were friends of Zandus. Then Zandus looked at Vladamir who was on the ground with the stake on his chest. Everyone looked at it and later looked at Zandus like waiting for an order from him. But everything that were there was in silence, a dense silence.

“But he killed one of us” interrupted Leban.
“That doesn’t matter, it was in self defense…” said Gaokashii.

“You will have to pay for it…” said Zandus very calmly after a long silence.

Darak and Leban approached to Moswen. They three were very surprised at this battle. They also didn’t know what to do, but at least Moswen was sure of something. Leban and Darak will support whatever Moswen said.

“We have to kill them, he killed one of us…” murmured Darak.
“What we are going to do?” asked almost murmuring Leban.

In one side were Gaokashii and in the other side Leban, Darak and Moswen but in the middle were Zandus.

“We are even,” said Leban.
“You took out one of my warriors and leave the food go away. You just lost a stupid girl. And are we even?” said Zandus very mad.
“I was just informing you,” said Leban in a neutral tone.

“What to do now? Attack them? Can we survive against Zandus? Or should we just try to talk to him? It’s time to go now? I have to think fast but more important wise…” thought Moswen while Leban and Darak were staring at him.


Note: Atama Gaokashii and Vladamir von Streliche were created by lordofthenight. The descriptions and their personalities are from him too, as he described before. Thanks lordofthenight for your participation.

#87:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:57 pm
Sorry that this chapter is too long but that’s what inspiration gave me. Enjoy it.

You have until next Monday (march 6) to give opinions, options and ideas.

#88:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:24 pm
no matter - long is good, especially when about vampires

i don't think he should try to attack zandus, at least not yet. he's obviously the most powerful vampire there, and the fleglings have been proven not to be the most capable warriors

#89:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:26 pm
Nice plot developments there. Cool

I suppose we've got to attempt to talk Zandus down first. In the end, though, I have a feeling it will come down to either fighting or fleeing. Moswen won't want to flee from all he's achieved here. He has a group of people who respect him and want him around. That might be hard to find elsewhere.

The other vampires seem to be on his side. I think he'd, after talking had failed, try to fight Zandus. Whether or not he succeeds is the author's choice, of course Very Happy

#90:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:46 am
Great chapter Very Happy

Tough decision point. He has found acceptance of a sort, and can learn much of what he needs to survive from these vampires. Running away won't do much good- only make him hunted. And fighting might just get him killed, although that may be his only option. Try reasoning first. Try to explain.

#91:  Author: Blaze_ PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:31 am
Fight, These are hungry and idiotic beings, might as well rip a few heads off.

#92:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:27 pm
Nice. I'm very happy you all enjoyed it.

Right now we have only two choices...

1. Try reasoning first. If talking had failed, try to fight Zandus.
2. Fight.

And something is for sure, no one wanted to flee... Smile

What about more discussion here...

Should Moswen involve Leban and Darak on his desision?

Should Moswen ask them to know what they wanted to do? (I think they already said it, but anyway)

Should Moswen fight them all alone? or use Darak and Leban while he go out? Or fight they three to all of them?

#93:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:55 pm
Definitely involve them in the decision, if he intends to talk things out rather than simply fight.

#94:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:31 pm
definatly try to talk, if they fight they'll probably lose

#95:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:44 am
Ok People, poll is up. You have until thursday to vote.

Also I added one more option so we have three options.

#96:  Author: kingcappie PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:45 am
Try talking first, and only fight if necessary.

#97:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:44 pm
I'd say wait and except his descion, only fighting if there really is no other alternative.

#98:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 3:12 pm
Ok people, the poll ended. I hope that the next monday I will have the next chapter. Thanks for voting.

Try to talk to Zandus and if that fail then fight 75% [ 3 ]
Wait for Zandus, hoping his desision wouldn't be bad for you
25% [ 1 ]
Just fight them 0% [ 0 ]

#99: Chapter 6: Zandus Clan - Part I: The members Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:28 am
Chapter 6: Zandus Clan
Part I: The members

“We are sorry about this. We didn’t know that they were your friends,” said Moswen trying to apology to Zandus.
“They are my warriors. I don’t have a big group. They are my only warriors,” said Zandus explaining to Moswen.

“Maybe you should change your warriors. If we could kill one of them they weren’t good enough to be called warriors” said Leban with a smile on his face.

“We can take them,” murmured Darak to Moswen.
“Shut up, we will not fight them,” murmured Moswen.

“I can take all of you right now” said Gaokashii very mad.

“Let’s just say that you will have to replace Vladamir,” said Zandus while pointing to Moswen
“I don’t understand…” said Moswen
“You will be my new warrior; you will replace the one you took. Also you owe me food,” said Zandus very seriously.

“Like I said, we can take him” said Leban smiling.
“You really want to fight?” asked Gaokashii while staring at Leban.
“He is just saying…” said Moswen trying to make a joke of Leban’s comments

“Don’t listen to him, Gaokashii. He is just another stupid vampire but if he still insists on a fight I can give him one…” interrupted Zandus while looking at Moswen like waiting for an answer.

“We don’t want to fight. We lost one of ours; you have to understand…” said Moswen.

“No problem. But you owe me one warrior and food…” interrupted Zandus

Suddenly Moswen felt a shadow coming to him. He tried to look at it but it was too late. Something struck him and he fall to the ground.

“Why are you replacing me with him? I mean, I know he is strong but not that strong…” said Vladamir while taking out the stake from his chest. “He needs to be more accurate…” concluded Vladamir with a smile.

“Are we still need these little stupid vampires with us?” asked Gaokashii while changing his face to vampire one.

Moswen stood up as fast as he could. Leban was on one side and Darak in the other side of Moswen. They were just waiting for Zandus decision, at least Moswen. Leban and Darak were waiting for Moswen orders; they were ready to fight them. But Moswen didn’t want to fight he just wanted to survive all of this; even more he wanted his friends to survive it.

“I just have to say that you don’t need to replace me but maybe we could add a new warrior to us,” said Vladamir, apparently being friendly.
“They will attack us in the moment we got off guard. They just wanted to kill me from the beginning…” said Gaokashii very mad.
“You and your persecution thing…” said Vladamir laughing.

“I just don’t trust them,” said Gaokashii.
“You don’t trust anyone,” said Zandus.

“C’mon Zandus. We are waiting your decision but as I said we can have a bigger group. Also I don’t want to start this again,” said Vladamir like trying to be friendly but his face showed something different.

“Ok. We can accept Moswen as a warrior but the others two not. They are useless to us,” said Zandus
“For me, they all are useless,” said Gaokashii.
“We can finish this later, let’s go” concluded Zandus while pointing on what direction to go, to Moswen.

Moswen started to walk with Leban and Darak. They didn’t talk on all the way. They were like thinking, each one of them. Also Moswen was trying to hear the others; just to be sure they wouldn’t attack him from behind.


When they arrived at the hiding place they waited for the others there.

“We are one group or clan, so it doesn’t matter if you join them or not. We are going to be in the same clan,” said Darak.
“Yeah, whatever… If Moswen go with them we are not being in the same group, even when we are just one clan, as you said” said Leban while he was entering to the cave.

“Don’t worry Moswen. It doesn’t matter what is your choice we will be in the same clan and I will respect you…” said Darak while leaving Moswen alone on the entrance of the cave.

Sometime after arrived Vladamir.

“No hard feelings…” said Vladamir while approaching to Moswen. Then Vladamir stretch his arm to salute Moswen, who saluted him.

“I was just defending myself,” said Moswen.
“Don’t worry, you are strong but if you join us we can make you more strong and accurate…” said Vladamir while giving a smile to Moswen. “Take your time and think about it,” concluded Vladamir while going inside the cave.

Then arrived Gaokashii with Zandus. They were like discussing something but Zandus stopped before Moswen could hear something. Gaokashii continued to the cave alone.

“I don’t care what Zandus said, you will no live so much with us. Even if you think that you are strong you are just some other vampire; no more no less” said Gaokashii while going inside the cave alone, annoyed and mad.

Then Zandus started to approach to Moswen.

“Here are your choices. You can join Gaokashii and Vladamir and leave the stupid ones alone. Or you can continue with them but without me. I’m taking Gaokashii and Vladamir to have some fun. I will return from time to time just to see if you three continue alive. It’s your choice but whatever you choose you owe me the food…” said Zandus while going inside the cave.


“I have to go out to hunt some humans. Should I go alone? Or even better, should I send Leban and Darak to do it? They will do it. Or should I try to convince Vladamir to go with me so I can know him better? I could try to go with Gaokashii but he could kill me instead of help me. What about with Gaokashii and Vladamir? Maybe I should just try to convince Zandus that I don’t owe him nothing so I haven’t to find some humans to him” Moswen were thinking before enter the cave.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Note: Atama Gaokashii and Vladamir von Streliche were created by lordofthenight. The descriptions and their personalities are from him too, as he described before.

#100:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:28 am
This chapter has been divided in two. Even with that I ended this chapter with a decision point even more two decisions have to been made. One decision is about the hunt thing and other about the joining thing. Please give your opinion and discuss about both of them. If you have other suggestions do it as well.

But like I’m doing one chapter every two weeks this time you have less time. The discussions will be until Wednesday then I will put the poll until Friday.

I hope this didn’t bother you. Enjoy.

#101:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:58 am
We shouldn't abandon trust and loyalty for strength. Stick with your friends before switching sides.

Moswen is somewhat in a leadership position at this point. If Zandus wants food and nothing more, then suggest that Leban and Darak go with Vladamir to hunt. You can speak with Zandus then, and the suspicious Gaokashii can remain present for the conversation.

You don't have to win the trust of Gaokashii, but at the very least impress Zandus, if for no other reason than to secure your own worth.

#102:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:18 am
Good chapter Juan Very Happy

I think he needs to stick with his friends. THere's no point in being stronger and more powerful if you end up dead from a sneak attack. The strong ones are not your friends, nor will they ever truly be.

Now that Zandus has effectively left you in charge of the other two indefinitely, it might be the time to accept who you are and begin to learn the skills it takes to be a vampire.

After all, how long will they carry on respecting you and obeying your commands if you won't even hunt humans? You should bond with them. Become who you were meant to be. Find some humans to repay Zandus with, and then your debt to him will be over and you can stop looking over your shoulder.

#103:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:42 pm
I think he should go with Zandus. If he goes off on a tangent with his friends it would similar to attempting to make yourself look better by surronding yourself with those lower than you.

Refusing his offer would only make an enemy of Zandus, and as the eldest there that is not something you want. You are now equally matched in number, but as older and more powerful number the warriors have the advantage.

Darak has already said he won't hold it against you if you join the more powerful group, a move that is only sensible. If they wanted you dead it would not take too much effort for them to extinguish you regardless, and there is nothing to be lost from siding with the more powerful group.

#104:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:53 pm
Very nice.... options I haven't thought.
This is going even better what I thought. Good, keep it coming people.

Shady, when you said them, did you mean Leban and Darak only?

#105:  Author: Shady StoatLocation: England PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:31 pm
Yeah, I meant 'the stupid ones' - his friends. Not the new group. Smile

#106:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:23 pm
Ok, so far we got

Hunt with Darak and Leban
Send Darak Vladamir and Leban to hunt while you talk to Moswen

Also (for the other thing)

Stick with your friends
Go with Zandus

More suggestions...

Remember that Tomorrow will end the discussion and I will put the poll Wednesday night (the most late I could) or Thursday morning (the early I could) and the poll will end friday (if posted wednesday) or saturday (if posted thursday). It will be 3 days for vote (something like that).

#107:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:01 am
Sorry I'm late... but here is the poll.

Please red them very carefully as I put both desision points on them (all the posible combination, I hope), then vote.

I will select the option with more votes.

The poll will be up until saturday, near this time...

#108:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:59 pm
on the poll, options three and four - surely you are Moswen?

#109:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:23 pm
After catching up I agree with Fauna's and Stoat's ideas.

Get Zandus off your back by getting the food he wants and then secure your position with the other 3.

Good Story Jnmrcs, I'm enjoying it.

Happy Writing Smile

#110:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:14 pm
Sorry people, it appears that I forgot to put the end date for the poll. So it was supposed to end today. Here is the finals votes.

Should Moswen join Zandus warriors? Should Moswen hunt?

Join Zandus and Hunt with Darak and Leban 0% [ 0 ]

Don't Join Zandus and Hunt with Darak and Leban 33% [ 1 ]

Join Zandus and Send Darak, Leban and Vladamir to hunt while
you speak to Moswen 0% [ 0 ]

Don't join Zandus and Send Darak, Leban and Vladamir to hunt while you speak to Moswen 66% [ 2 ]

Join Zandus and Don't Hunt 0% [ 0 ]

Don't join Zandus and Don't Hunt 0% [ 0 ]

I hope I canput the next chapter on monday.

#111: Chapter 6: Zandus Clan - Part II: The warriors Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:54 pm
Chapter 6: Zandus Clan
Part II: The warriors

After thinking on it Moswen took a decision. “I have an idea… I just hope it works,” thought Moswen while walking inside the cave. He went directly to where was Zandus.

“I owe you some food and I will bring it to you. But instead of I hunting its better if I stay and we talk,” said Moswen very firmly.

“I’m not sure of what you are saying,” said Zandus looking at Moswen’s eyes.
“I got a better idea. Like we all are the same clan then we must act like it. Why not go Leban, Darak and Vladamir to hunt?” said Moswen.
“Are you afraid of hunt? Why don’t you go? You are the one who owe me,” said Zandus.
“Because I have to talk to you. In any way, I’m not the leader of Leban and Darak?” said Moswen.

Zandus looked at Leban and Darak and then looked at Moswen almost annoyed. “Yes you are…” murmured Zandus.
“Then they will go to hunt. You decide if Vladamir goes or not, you are his leader. But if you want to be sure that you will obtain your food then, maybe… and I said maybe, you should send one of your warriors. Of course, one with his head well…” concluded Moswen very seriously but in his interior he was laughing of what everything came out.

After some moments Zandus looked at Vladamir like thinking. Then he looked at Moswen “ok, you are right this time”.

Zandus went to where Vladamir was; when he arrived he talked to him. “You are going to hunt with the stupid ones. Be sure that they return with some food, at least for me…” said Zandus like murmuring to Vladamir, who just smiled at him and moved his head up and down accepting his task.

While Zandus was talking to Vladamir, Moswen was talking to Leban and Darak. “You two are going to hunt with Vladamir. Try to find something and keep an eye on Vladamir, just in case…” Moswen ordered more like advising.

Then they three went out to hunt.


Meanwhile, the hunting group

They three Darak, Leban and Vladamir, went out to hunt. They were walking in silence watching at each other all the time.

“So, did you know how to find humans?” asked Vladamir.
“No we don’t,” answered Leban with a smile on his face.
“C’mon Leban, take it easy. We know how to hunt, so don’t worry we will return with some humans,” said Darak.


After some silent Moswen started to talk to Zandus. “So we are all the same clan, but are more or just us?” asked Moswen.

“I have one group more. Three more vampires are on that group,” answered Moswen.
“Then why you didn’t present all the clan?” asked Moswen.
“I don’t think that it’s necessary,” answered Zandus.
“One of our vampires is dead because they didn’t knew each other” said Moswen trying to hide his angry.
“The one that died, she was just a simple vampire. That’s why I have three groups. The first one is the one of the stupid vampires or simple, as maybe you prefer to call it. The second one is the training ones and the third is the warriors one,” explained Zandus.

“I don’t know why you are giving him so much information. He could be a spy or just trying to know our clan to extinguish it” interrupted Gaokashii.
“Just because nobody likes you that doesn’t mean that everyone wants to kill you. Even when almost everyone wants you dead” said Moswen looking at Gaokashii’s eyes.
“You think you are a great warrior, but you are just a simple stupid vampire…” said Gaokashii.
“As each vampire” interrupted Moswen with a smile on his face.

“Stop you two, and that’s and order,” said Zandus. “So you think that I did the things wrong? Are you blaming on me your friend’s death?” asked Zandus very angry.
“Did I say that? I’m just saying that maybe its better if we know all the clan and work together,” said Moswen.

“I can see your point,” said Gaokashii. “You want to know us all so you can know who you need to kill. Zandus, I will just say that we don’t need him,” concluded Gaokashii.
“Yeah, maybe. But, we really need a scared vampire?” asked Moswen.
“I’m not a scared vampire..." said Gaokashii.
“Then why you are always thinking that the others want to kill you,” said Moswen.
“You are just jealous,” said Gaokashii.
“Of you… I don’t think so,” said Moswen.
“Of the real vampires. And I’m one of them” said Gaokashii.
“One of the training group… yes you are” said Moswen while giving to Gaokashii a malicious smile.


Meanwhile, the hunting group

After some time they found sign of humans. Then they ran towards it to find them.

“Did you see? We found them,” said Darak very calmly.
“Let’s finish this fast,” said Leban while jumping toward them.

“Wait…” murmured Darak trying to stop Leban but it was too late.
“He is fast but don’t think…” said Vladamir while looking at Leban.

There were two men with a woman. The same woman they saw before but this time with two different men. She started to yell when she saw Leban on the air.

Leban fell near her. He threw her to the ground while the two men took some wood from a bonfire that they have. Then they ran toward Leban to attack him from behind but Leban was very fast and turned around in time.

Darak attacked them before they could attack Leban. Darak pushed them to the bonfire. Leban jumped to land in front of them. One of the men attacked Leban with the wood but Leban took it with his hands and hit him with his head. Immediately he threw him to a side and pushed the other one.

Darak was coming from behind the men and found one of them going to him back wards. He hit him on the head and then took him by the cloth and threw him to the bonfire again. But this time the man couldn’t avoid the fire and fall on it. His clothes caught fire and he jumped fast yelling and running.

Leban and Darak looked at each other and started to laugh. Suddenly something hit Darak head so hard that he fall to the ground. Then Leban, surprised, jumped to avoid Darak body and the one who hit Darak, who was coming toward him.

“Vladamir…” yelled Leban very angry.

“I’m here,” said Vladamir very calmly while going down from a tree.

Vladamir fall very near to the man who tried to fight Leban and with a small but hard movement hit him. The man fell to the ground unconscious, as was Darak.

“I just thought that you two could with this…” said Vladamir very seriously.


“I think that you better keep quite, Gaokashii. He is good at words and if he wanted he could be as good being a vampire as he is with words,” said Zandus while looking at Moswen.
“It was an honor, but I think that it’s better for the clan if I stay with Leban and Darak” said Moswen.
“Yes. You are right, you are a loser like them” interrupted Gaokashii.
“Like I said before it’s better if all the clan know to each other” Moswen continued like if nobody interrupted him. “Also I don’t think that vampires have so much difference. Leban and Darak can be as good as Gaokashii. I personally believe that they can be better than him, they just need some help and training,” concluded Moswen.
“More training? I hope they can hunt…” said Gaokashii.
“As always you don’t understand, but I have no problem with explain it to you. They need training but not in their bodies but in their minds. It would be better for the clan if I stay with them and train their minds. As I’m their leader I have to take care of their training…” concluded Moswen.


Meanwhile, the hunting group

“We lost one,” said Leban to Darak who was waking up.
“We have to find him,” said Darak.
“Let’s just forget him. We have three here,” said Leban
“Yes, and one of them is dead…” said Vladamir.

“That just means that we have less time. That’s all,” said Leban annoyed.
“Ok, let’s go. At least we have one intact,” said Darak. “I don’t remember you on the fight” concluded Darak pointing to Vladamir.
“That’s because I wasn’t on it. I thought that I was here to see and not to hunt, sorry if I misunderstand my task,” said Vladamir very calmly.

“Don’t worry, let’s just go” said Darak.

Then each one of them took one of the humans and started top walk fast.


“I’m not sure of what you are thinking, but if you prefer to stay with them it’s your choice. I don’t really care about them. You are the one who is losing the time not me,” concluded Zandus.

After that no one said other word until the hunting group arrived.

Darak, Leban and Vladamir put the humans on a group on the center of the cave. Then each one of them went to his leader. Darak and Leban went to where Moswen was and Vladamir went to where Zandus was.

Meanwhile where Moswen was…

“Are you ok?” asked Moswen.
“Of course” said Leban.
“We lost one,” said Darak. “Also, the woman is the one who escaped before the men not” concluded Darak.

“There could be a group of humans. We have to be more careful,” said Moswen while congratulating Darak and Leban with his hand and his face, giving them a smile.

Where Zandus was…

“What happened?” asked Zandus.
“Nothing. They hunted these three; one if dead, the other two still alive,” said Vladamir.
“Who could tell? They know how to hunt,” said Gaokashiii so loud that the Moswen group could hear it.
“They just lose one,” said Vladamir.

“This could be a problem,” thought almost at the same time Moswen and Zandus while looking at each other.

“Let’s eat,” said Zandus to the entire group. Then he took the live man.
“You two can take the others,” said Zandus pointing to Vladamir and Gaokashii.

“I will take the girl, I need some fun…” said Gaokashii while taking the woman and moving to a hide spot on the cave.
“I’m not hungry,” said Vladamir giving a smile to Moswen and moving to a corner on the cave and sitting down.

“Then you three can take the dead…” said Zandus while moving to other corner to eat the man.

“We hunt them and they decide which one to take first,” murmured Leban very angry.
“He is the clan leader,” said Darak to Leban.
“Their leader. Our leader is Moswen,” said Leban.
“Take it easy. We are two groups but the same clan,” said Darak trying to calm down Leban.
“Tell that to them not to me. They treat us as we were trash. It’s their leader, their clan and their food. That’s how this is working…” said Leban very mad.
“This is our clan and Zandus is the leader…” said Darak almost stopping Leban.
“Not for so much time. Moswen, are you with me?” asked Leban.

“What to do now? If I attack Zandus, will Vladamir and Gaokashii help him? I know that traitors are always treated as something bad, but aren’t vampires enough bad? Maybe it’s better just object how the humans have been distributed and talk this to Zandus. But could be better just forget this? What should I do, or say to Leban and Darak?” Moswen were thinking meanwhile stared at the dead man.

Note: Atama Gaokashii and Vladamir von Streliche were created by lordofthenight. The descriptions and their personalities are from him too, as he described before.

#112:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:55 pm
I’m really really sorry that I’m late. But I forgot the chapter on my house so I have to wait until return to post it. Because of that you will have until Thursday for the discussion part.

This chapter has been divided in two. This one is the second part, it ended with a decision point and as the previous part you have less time. The discussions will be until Thursday then I will put the poll until Friday.

Also sorry this part is so long, but I hope it deserves it.

I hope this didn’t bother you. Enjoy.

#113:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:18 pm
I still say not to attack Zandus - he is the oldest one there, and Gaokashii and Vladimir are the best warriors. Attacking them would just be tandamont to sucide.

#114:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:59 am
Great chapter! Worth the wait. Smile

Moswen wants to unite the clan. Vampires are used to living on the fringes...perhaps initially ashamed of what they had become, like Moswen. Or perhaps from persecution. Either way, I think that he has impressed Zandus with the integrity of his mind, and his ability to lead.

Moswen could become a powerful force to shape his own future and the future of his clan. He sought the company of other vampires to learn to live as a vampire, and found that the vampires he joined with are almost as clueless as him

If he can convince Zandus to unite the clans, then the vampires could become a force to reckon with. Their existence will improve, and perhaps even ways to hunt better- this isn't necessarily a good thing for the humans, but it is a good thing for our vampire Mad

As far as the way the food was distributed...the hunt was for Zandus, Zandus is the clan leader....let him divide the prey the way he sees fit. Sometimes it's better to show respect than to demand equality, and this is one of those situations.

#115:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:17 pm
Nice and interestings thoughts...

Well so far we got:

Respect Zandus desision
Don't fight them

Almost the same but they are different. Moswen could not fight but neither respect.

Also we got in a long way... Try to unite the clan...

Ideas, comments...

I will put the poll up Thursday morning so keep it coming...

#116:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:17 am
Ok people the poll is up (I added one option)

Respect Zandus desision
Don't fight them
Fight them

Remember Respect Zandus desicion and don't fight them isn't the same.

You have until saturday to vote.

#117:  Author: ethereal_faunaLocation: USA PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:21 am
As I suggested, he should respect Zandus' decision, and my vote went that way.

#118:  Author: LordoftheNightLocation: Hell PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:27 pm
Voted, and winning.

#119:  Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:30 am
The poll ended:

Respect Zandus Desicion 100% [ 3 ]
Don't fight them 0% [ 0 ]
Fight them 0% [ 0 ]

Wao, everyone who voted wanted the same.
Next Chapter Monday, I hope.

#120: Chapter 7: One clan united Author: jnmrcsLocation: Puerto Rico, Soy Boricua pa' q tu lo sepas... PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:34 am
Chapter 7: One clan united

There was just a moment of silent. Then Moswen looked at Leban and Darak.

“We can hunt more if we wanted, why worry about this? Let’s eat and have some fun,” said Moswen giving them a smile.
“As I said before, we are one clan” concluded Darak.
“Whatever, but I’m just following Moswen order” said Leban while taking his food.

While they eat Vladamir was looking at them, like studying them but also playing with one of his rings. It was like his body were there but his mind were very far. Moswen noticed it but he didn’t give any importance to it.

Leban bit one hand while Darak did the same with the other one. They started to taste the blood of the dead one. It wasn’t so fresh but it still food for them. While they were taking what he had left of life Moswen sited down.

Then started the yelling of the live ones that were been eaten. The man was yelling with terror and pain on his voice but the woman was yelling with something more tenebrous. On her voice you could hear what she was thinking and even worse, what was happening to her.

Zandus was taking everything of her before feeding himself with the life of her. He took her honor and her hope before taking his life. He took her body and her mind by the force. Then he used it as he wished and after that he destroyed it. He killed her in life.

Moswen were like trying to concentrate to not hear it but she got nice lungs and believe it, she was using all of it. That terrible sound just made Moswen remember when he was sired. The pain, the yelling and all the death that the vampires left on his city when they were just feeding themselves. But this time Moswen wasn’t a human being he was a vampire.

“Be a vampire really makes me a monster…” thought Moswen while he was raising his glance. Then he looked at Vladamir to the eyes. Vladamir were like enjoying what he heard.

Then Moswen found it. “I’m not anymore a human. My human nature it’s dead, I’m now a vampire. This isn’t my fault but this is what I’m now. And I will be the best vampire I could…” thought Moswen while he was staring to Vladamir eyes.

After the Leban and Darak ate they three found a spot where they could past the day waiting for the night.

“Be prepared because tomorrow it will start a new era for us…” murmured Moswen to Leban and Darak. They two just looked at each other very surprised and curious.


Moswen waked up and awaked Leban and Darak. “It’s time to take this vampire thing seriously,” thought Moswen while going out with them.

“We have to train but this time we are going to train our minds,” said Moswen while walking.

This was hardest than train their bodies because no one could know what they were thinking. Also this was going to be more difficult with Leban but if, at least, he could teach a little more to Darak then Leban would be easier.

Then they started to learn how to think like a vampire. Moswen taught them to work on group and to work for the best of the clan. Even when they respect Moswen, he needed to teach them to respect Zandus too, or something like that.

“You have to respect and obey what I said, if you want me to be your leader,” said Moswen very firmly while looking at them.
“You are my leader,” said Leban without losing any time.
“Even if my order looks to you stupid you will have to do as I said…” said Moswen.
“You know we will do it. We respect you,” said Darak.
“Yes, but only you…” added Leban.

“C’mon Leban don’t…” tried to said Darak.
“You are right” interrupted Moswen. “You have to obey me and just me…” said Moswen.
“But remember we are part of a clan, of Zandus clan…” said Darak nervously.
“We don’t care about that now, Darak. I’m your leader and not Zandus. Even when he is my leader he isn’t yours. You will obey me even if that means disobey Zandus…” concluded Moswen.

But this wasn’t a thing of just saying and because of that Moswen have to prove them all the time. He even gave them order of staying all the night on one place and later return to the cave. He have to be sure that they were with him. He tested and taught them for days.

Some times they saw Vladamir and Gaokashii in the forest. For Leban they were spying them but Moswen didn’t give any importance to it. After some days they left the cave with Zandus.


“Now we need to know ourselves. We need to take care of our fears…” said Moswen one night. “Let’s hunt,” concluded Moswen.

Then they got prepared and went out to find humans. They were responding very well to Moswen lessons. They knew a lot of things and now they were thinking more like vampires, like a mini-clan.

The searched the forest for humans. When they found track of human they followed it and found almost twenty humans there.

“This is going to be a real dinner” said Leban.
“Wait” said Moswen almost without thinking. “They are too much for us. We just need three of them. We will wait until they get divided and then we hunt what we need” said Moswen.
“We can with them” said Darak like questioning Moswen’s order.
“We can but we wouldn’t. they are scared of us because they can’t see us also they don’t know us. If some of them get lost when we were hunting them they could told the others about us” said Moswen.
“They could even say that we left some alive. That’s a bad thing for us because then they will be requesting to us to leave some of them alive” said very convinced Leban.

Moswen and Darak just looked at him and then started to laugh.
“I’m serous…” said Leban.
Then they stopped laughing and got hide.

“They have stakes…” said Leban while looking at the humans.
“Look at it. The man, there” said Darak while pointing to a man.
“Who is he?” asked Moswen very intrigued.
“He escaped from before” said Darak.
“Then he is our food for today” said Moswen.

After some hours almost all of the humans went out of the camp. They were just a few humans there.

“This is our opportunity” said Leban with his mouth watered.
“Ok, but remember that we have to find the man from before” said Moswen.

Then they surrounded the camp trying to find him. Darak was who found him and immediately made some signals to the others to where the man was. He was entering to one of the tent. They three surrounded the tent and he heard the man talking.

“I survived to these night creatures. They weren’t so terrible as everyone said…” said the man.

Then Leban started to murmured something “you see, I told you…” immediately Moswen and Darak started to laugh again. “Let’s do it,” said Moswen.

They three attacked from different sides the tent. They were just appearing when the man started to yell like a girl. “C’mon, we are not so bad,” said Leban while knocking the man. Then Darak took a nude woman who was with him. They were so fast that no one could see them even when the man alerted them with the yell.


They were preparing to eat when something hit Darak. Darak fell to the ground but he immediately got up. Then they three started to look at each tree to see what it was. Suddenly someone attack them again. Even when they could see the shadow coming they couldn’t evade it and this time the shadow hit all of them.

Darak fall again but Moswen and Leban didn’t, they could still stand.

“It’s a vampire” said Leban very angry.
“Should we attack him?” asked Darak.
“Don’t transform. Let’s see what he want first” said Moswen.

“What are you doing beast?” yelled Leban.
“I’m preparing my dinner…” answered the shadow while coming to attack again.

They try to evade it but it was so fast that they hit them again.

“I like the blood of the bad ones…” said while giving a badly laugh.

“He thinks that we are humans” murmured Leban.
“And bad ones” said Darak.

“Let’s hunt them” someone yelled from a different direction of the shadow.
“He isn’t alone” said Moswen while trying to find from where it came.
“There” said Darak while pointing to the other shadow.

It hit them releasing the two humans that they have.

“They are three” said Leban looking at the third one.
“Should we show them that we are vampires too? Maybe they will leave us alone” said Darak very nervously.
“Maybe we need to hide that from them. They could attack us and kill us and then took our food” said Leban.
“They are vampires as us” said Darak.
“Yes, but they could be bored…” said Leban. “Also they could think that we are on their territory” concluded Leban.

“If we try to defend ourselves they could kill us but if we don’t they will kill us. Should we try to convince them to leave us alone showing to them that we are vampires? Should we defend our territory? What to do now?” thought Moswen while looking at them.

Note: Atama Gaokashii and Vladamir von Streliche were created by lordofthenight. The descriptions and their personalities are from him too, as he described before.

Last edited by jnmrcs on Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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