The Sword of Ergos
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
The exact events of this rpg with only very min. changes
 50%  [ 1 ]
The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
 0%  [ 0 ]
The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
 50%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 2
Who Voted: Kalanna Rai, The White Blacksmith

#81:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:11 pm
Taking advantage of the momentary diversion Rath walked over to the bag that had brought the orb. Picking up the scroll she smiled at the dry wit that had adressed the scroll to 'Squirt'. With a flick of her thumb-claw she broke the seal, eyes scanning the words in ancient dragon script.

For a moment everything was hazy, then the archaic alphabet came back to her in a rush and she scanned the document several times. What was contained in it was not something to be shared in the open, at least, not before she'd privately read the contents to Rain first.

Glancing over at the tableu in the center of the feild she shook her head. How long could the hunchback go without bolting...and in truth what did he see? Did he see the true past...or did he see the past that might have been...a past that might have been?

Shaking her head she replaced the scroll and turned to the other, much neglected, members of the group. At the moment they were ignoring her, save Morzan who was keeping a watchful eye in her direction, but that couldn't last long. She wondered...

Which one of them would try to put a dagger between her wings before this was over...

#82:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:24 am
((Ahhhh!! Too much information! Shocked
And a new person, too! Hello Rath, and welcome. Sorry I couldn't come on sooner, school and homework is taking up too much time.
Ariana was relieved when it was decided that Rain should tell the story through words rather than pictures, but did not say so. Right now, she was going to stick to saying the bare minimum needed, prefering to observe and judge for the moment.

She listened to Rains story with closed eyes, leaning against the trunk of the tree. For the first time in this company she realised, she was unprotected.

She knew a lot of the tale, the main history, but she listened to Rains part of the battle with intrigue. It seemed a small part for her to have played, Ariana thought. Rain seemed to know Ergos well, better than a most of the people here - it didn't fit. For some reason Ariana had the feeling that Rain was keeping something back, hiding it from them.She must have done more than just play for high morals. Ariana was tempted to ask Rain about it, but decided that if she wanted it to be kept a secret, then she had no right to ask.

After Rain had finished, they walked back in silence. Graeme and Morzan were still ingrossed in their tasks. After about a minute of watching them, Rain got up and pointed, showing them something. It was a black dot in the sky, and at first Ariana thought it was harmful, a missile maybe. But Rain did not seemed frightened. A moment later an almost human figure landed - she had wings.

Ariana watched what happened next in confusion. The sword was taken, words exchanged, crystal fixed and tension mounted.
This is like a wierd sort of entertainment She thought. Things are moving too fast to really seem real. The dragon-lady was apparently called Rath, and seemed to know Rain well.
Too well, thought Ariana, Rain is uncomfortable with her being here.

When Graeme put on his show of horror and disgust, Ariana noticed Rain starting to cry. Again, she felt an overwhelming sense of pity. Standing up, she came to stand next to Rain. If sides were to be taken, she wanted to make it clear who she was going to join. She hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Then Rain stepped forward, and threw her flute to the ground.
"Now where the same priest, you and I. You weak from magic, and I without help. You probably want to kill me, and I wouldn't blame you." Rain smiled slighty, "Please be my guest, I have wanted to die for a very long, long time. But before you go murdering me, what did you see in stone?"
Graeme obviously was in no mood to talk to her.
"You know what I saw!!" He shouted.
Pausing, Rain replied, "No, I don't."
"You were there weren't you?" His voiced seeped sarcasm.
Then Rain grabbed his head and forced him to look at her.
"Graeme, there are more ways than one that a seeing stone to be used, now it is important. Tell me what you saw?!?"
Ariana stepped back, although she had wanted to know Rain's secret earlier, she had no such wishes now. Chancing a look at Rath, she saw that she was studying Gilaths letter - no help from that quater then.

from what Rain had said, Ariana guessed that Graeme had seen something that hadn't happened, but what could have happened. Turning her head away slightly from the two, she held her hands over her ears. Part of her protested at this, she was natrually curious and desperately wanted to know. But it was Rain's secret, and she felt like she had no right to know. Instead she turned and sat down next to Rath, and tried to figure out what the strange letters meant.

((Ok, quite a long post, not sure when I'll be able to get on next. Happy rp-ing Wink.))


Last edited by solus.serpen on Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:30 am; edited 1 time in total

#83:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:00 am
(I'm going to write this as if graem has just been placed back in the group. I don't have the time to do anything else)

The Eroki placed the Hunchback back in the group. I had much respect for Eroki but couldn't this one see she was going too far? If the Hunchback wanted to run let it run. We certainly didn't need invalids in our group.

I couldn't be bothered to listen to what the thing said. It wouldbe about the battle and because I was in the Tacticians Tent I haadn't seen any. That would make me seem stupid to the Eroki and the hunchback might think he was better than me. He wasn't, I knew. Not in any way.

I cantered into the forest in disgust. I hadn't had this much time constantly in other's company in years. I needed time to think, time to run out my loathing of the Hunchback. I knew I couldn't completely stop loathing, of course. Invalids like him should be burned at birth, as they were in the Centeur Lands in the mountains. Sundenly I remembered. That was what had struck me as so odd in the story. Rain had spoken of centeurs being persecuted, somehting I rememberd only too well, but she hadn't mentioned her part in the small battles. I did not know of the large one. Anyway, Rain had often been the one in smaller battles who played to give strenght, played to weaken the demons. That was why the Lady of the Night had only showed herself in the final battle. She thought Rain would't have the strength to do her job. How wrong she had been.

This was, of course, only from the battle-sounds I had heard, but all the same I spent another half-hour in thought before returning to camp.

And seeing the uproar.

#84:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:32 am
Rath raised an eyebrow as the elf came and sat next to her. This one certainly is brave...or too weary to care much...I like that. With a flick of her tail-tip she gently rolled the scroll back to it's original resting place.

"Some times the runes of the dragon language can cause harm to untrained minds. I would not wish that upon you elf-maid." Rath's elvish was flawless owing to the face all dragons are masters of all tounges.

The elf turned her face up, slightly annoyed at being deprived her prize. Rath, having no wish to make an enemy of anyone, extended a clawed hand. "I do not think we have been introduced. I am Rath and you are...?"

After a moment's hesitation the elf quietly replied "I am Ariana." The hand was ingored for the moment and Rath rolled her wings.

"We are well met then Ariana. Tell me, the centaur seems not overly fond of Graeme. In fact she seems not overly fond of any of us...would you know why?" The elf shrugged her shoulders and Rath absently chewed a strand of black hair. "Perhapse I should see what the matter is with her. If we are to fight the Lady of the Night then we cannot spare our strength for fighting amoung ourselves."

Slowly and silently, Rath loaped off in the direction the centaur had trotted off in...

#85:  Author: solus.serpenLocation: UK PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:45 am
Ariana watched Rath lope off to the woods.
The centaur doesn't like us because she is proud. All centaurs are the same. In their minds no-one can better, or even equal them. She does not want to be stuck with half breeds. The hunchback is revolting in his looks, and being vain, she cannot stand to look at him. Thought Ariana. Even I was repulsed by his looks at first - and I am a creature of peace. Her brow creased in thought, she turned to the now-closed scroll. For a moment she was tempted to open it, and have another try at deciphering it. But she saw the sense in Rath's words and left it well alone. If she needed to know what was written there, then she would be told in good time.
Thinking over Rath's fluent Elvish, Ariana remembered that dragons were fluent in all tongues. Another linguist, then. She liked Raths character and was glad that she would be travelling with them, she also hoped that she would be able to sort the centaur out.
Turning, she watched Rain and Graeme for a moment. She expected that he would tell her what he had seen soon, and she didn't want to hear. Getting up, she went and sat next to Morzan. He seemed a little put off about something, and Ariana thought she could guess why.
He had thought he might have been the one to take the sword, the right. When Rath had taken the sword, just like that, she guessed he had been more than a little dissapointed.
Ariana didn't try to speak to him, she just sat there, and waited for him to speak.

((I like your new av, Kalanna Wink
*Edit*I didn't think this was worth doing a whole new post on, but for the moment, I agree with Morzan. Ariana thinks the seeing stone is trouble, despite Rain's persistence that it will be usefull.*/Edit*))

Last edited by solus.serpen on Sun Sep 17, 2006 8:06 am; edited 1 time in total

#86:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:33 am
As the new party member Rath pulled the sword out of the fire Morzan sighed and tossed the paper into the fire. On the paper were letters and the scribbles the he belived to be the language of Din. He had been lining them up and trying to form words but it didn't work. I fight with two blades anyway thought Morzan with a smile. The burning paper curled and blackened.

So thats over. I wonder if Greame got that sphere fixed.

Morzan turned to see Greame glowing in an orb of energy. The sphere was clapsed in his hands and lights flickered through the cracks of the object. When the glowing stopped and the party went silent Rain made a motion to take it and when Greame didn't respond Morzan saw something flash through the hunchbacks eyes. Morzan looked at the sphere and felt a chill run down his back.

At first it seem to Morzan that Greame was just checking his work. But then he snapped at Rain and began to to run. Not run, hobble. Morzan thought, correcting himself. Rath had taken off in a flash after him. Morzan tried to follow but was no match for the dragons agility. And they were in the air, and Morzan was no bird.

There was a moment of panic then Morzan noticed Rain was crying. Ariana was standing next to her. So much to think about. The Eroki came back with a terrified Greame in tow. The sphere fell to the ground and rolled into the center of the party.

Morzan felt something prick his mind. Like someone had stabbed a pin into his head. He felt an urge to grab the sphere and run but he resisted it. Putting a hand on the pommel of his sword. Part of his mind said to pick it up and look in but the other, the prevailent, said to smash it.

Rath and the Centaur had left and began walking off into the woods. Now where are they going? I wont be suprised if hey come back with an army of demons in tow. This day has been one weird event after another..

"I realy think that 'seeing stone' is trouble."

#87:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 11:20 am
((Oh, in case your curious the word on the sword read Destiny, and Rai did figure that out first.))
Chapter 3: Trouble on the Plains
Rain still stood with Graeme face in his hands, his eyes were full of distrust and Rain sensed that whatever he had seen he wasn't going to tell her. She was also equally sure that what he saw hadn't been true or anywhere near it.

Dropping the hunchback face with a sigh, Rain let him go and slowly walked over to her flute. Brushing off the dirt off her flute, she took a good look at the seeing stone for the first time since it had been healed.

Something swirled in depths and suddenly Rain remembered the caution Juric had often repeated to each mage before they tried to heal it. "There are more than one ways to use a seeing stone, mage. Remember that if a person with a greater will sees fit to control the stone you are using, they can and will control what you see. Unless you are in control of what you are seeing there is no telling of what or who will."

Looking at the stone, and seeing the dark flicker Rain knew that though the healing of the stone was necessary it was perhaps the biggest mistake she had made. 'Ergos, Juric,' Rain thought with regret as she took a step away from the stone, 'where are you when I need you?'

"What you saw was probably a lie priest," she said turning back to Graeme, "but there is no way I can prove that. It is probably to late to fix the mistake but this stone has been tainted, the dark within tell that tale. Although there is no way I can correct this, perhaps I can heal the hurts it wronged."

Rain looked at the stone again, "As much as it hurts me to this, now that the stone is tainted it will never tell the truth of anything ever again, so I will have to destroy it. But before I do, perhaps I can gain a little of what I was looking for," Rain said eagerly extending her hand for the stone.

Stapping her hand back, Rain knew there was something wrong with this whole thing. Crenlamin Skadwenka Huinqul hating the hunchback more than usual for even a centaur, Ariana trying to read something she knew she shouldn't, and the fact that Morzan hadn't said anything. It was all wrong.

'There is something wrong here,' Rain thought.

Taking five steps away from the stone, Rain firmly declared, "Not this time," and then raised her flute to her lips.

A melody soft and alluring in it's firls and twist on the musical scale, but commanding in it's tune came from the flute as Rain's brow creased in concertration.

Ever so slowly, the seeing stone the priest had healed raised above the ground and began to glow an errie yellow. At first it was a sickly glow, but as Rain's music continued the glow grew and dimmed by turns. It was obvious that a battle of wills was taking place, and Rain was fighting it.

Although she was focusing all her attention on the orb and the enemy she sensed within it, Rain couldn't help but wonder how the others were looking at her.

The melody began to go faster and faster, but taking on a more merry tune like a country dancing tune of old. Rain concertrated as she played and it began to grow increasingly obvious that what she was doing was tiring her and very quickly.

Then with one brief flash, the darkness within the orb disappeared and everyone heard a ethreal scream of rage that seemed to rush away into the west.

Rain however, didn't stop playing but kept on, but changed her tune this time to old love song that spoke of recalling dear memories to one's heart. The orb in turn began to glow a gentler glow, a bright gold to contrast with the earlier sickly yellow.

Then to everyone surprise but Rain's the orb broke, but unlike the fragements of it's earlier breaking it shattered into particles so small that it looked like snow was falling. Rain sank to her knees but continued to play this time in a litling melody that sounded like the wind. As if summoned by her song, a wind from the east blew the particles of the sphere away to a place no man could find them.

Looking up, Rain saw that the untainted sphere of energy still hanging in the air. Smiling a little, Rain played a tune that Ergos had taught her all those years ago. The sphere of light glimered, then twisted, and then broke into five pieces. Rain countinued to play even though now she was sitting on the ground totally exhausted until each of those five pieces flew into a different person surronding her.

One the color of crismon, flew into Morzan's heart and he felt the stronger for it, suddenly feeling twenty years younger and possesing the courage to match.

Another, the color of a golden silver, flew to Ariana. If she were to lift her hand, the elf would know notice that etched into her right palm was the elven rune for light. Arian also felt like she could understand and speak the common tongue with the skill of a native of it's tongue.

The third, a brownish color, flew to Graeme, and he suddenly felt all his magical strength return to him as well as his clarity of thought.

Two more flew away meeting Rath and Crenlamin where they stood some distance away. Crenlamin's was blue and she didn't know what it did but somehow she felt more understanding and knowledge in her soul. Rath's was silver and it entered into the sword, and only the sword would know what it did.

Seeing this done, Rain finally let her flute fall from her lips. Looking at Ariana, Rain said in perfect elvish, "Bring back Rath and Crenlamin, Rath will know what to do now." With that, Rain fainted, letting her precious flute fall from her hands as she was utterly exhausted in both mind and body.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total

#88:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:35 pm
Morzan watched and listened as Rain played her flute. He began to tap his foot to the melody then stopped when the saw what was heppening to the orb. It had risen ooff the ground and began to crack and splinter. Then, as if it were shedding, its outter casing seemed to burst and only a transparent sphere remained.

It was like starting at the moon but with flawless clarity. It was an amazing sight. Taking a step towards it but quickly moving back he saw that it changed color and burst. Shards flew in different directions. One to each party member.

A red one flew at Morzan, and before he could move it struck his chest and entered his heart. Adrenalin entered his veins and pulsed with his heart. Falling to his knees he began to breath differently, as with less effort.

Plucking a hair from his head he stared in awe at what had taken place. His hair was no longer grey. But a healthy black, and his mind felt clearer. He grinned and stood. His old bones were like new and sturdy. He flexed and felt every muscle in his body tingle. He drew both his swords and began to slash at the air. Moving across the field, swinging in complex patterns.

"Im back." Morzan said finaly.

But I never left. Or was realy close he thought to himself. Laughing and jumping about Morzan felt all his youth coming back to him, even if it was a mere twenty years. But twenty years was a long time if you think about it. Then a thoguht suddenly came to Morzan, a dark thought. If Im alive and twenty years has been taken off my life. Does that mean that I jsut cheated death or will he come at the time he normaly would have. And take my life in five, ten years? Isnt there someoner else who could use this time?

Slowing down Morzan came to a halt and stared at the ground. Then what the hell is life then? Some thing you can just buy with magic? His mind began to move to spin with the question but he held his tounge and started off towards where Rath and the Centaur had headed. Rain obviously didn't want the group to split up.

#89:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:51 pm
Rath stopped dead when the first notes of the song echoed in her keen ears, her head flying up as if she had scented a demon. The sword pulsed in her taloned grip, a moment later the shard flying into the blade. Energy jerked up her arm, smeared images flashed across her vision as her eyelids dropped closed.

She felt the steadying arm of the centaur and flashed a brief smile of thanks. Instantly the centaur stepped back, her whole body raidiating that this was a one time thing. "My friend I know nothing about you beyond your race...yet I feel I know much more. We shall talk later but for now..."

She turned and ran, springing across the turf, bypassing those who had come to fetch her. Ergos you and this blasted sword...I'll keep my end of the bargain will you keep yours my friend? With a last bound she landed near Morzan and clapped him on the back. "I see your good fortune my friend. I see all your good fortunes. No doubt you wish to know what has happened..."

She smiled a mischevious smile. "All in good time. When you need to know, you shall know. No good will come of rushing yet..." She whirled to face Morzan her wings driving her into the air a foot or so. She pointed the sword at him."Morzan with your strength defend the weaker. Be the sheild for this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

She swept over to Ariana and, with a warm smile pointed the blade at the elf. "Ariana be the light that guides us in the darkest of places. Be the torch for this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

The centaur skidded up just as the weapon was leveled at her. "Fear not my friend, no harm shall come to you from this blade." Slowly the centaur settled. "Crenlamin be our advisor and show us how we must fight. Be the tacticion for this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

Turning to Graeme who eyed her mistrustfully she again pointed the blade. "Graeme your powers must guard us from the foulest of magics. Be the priest of this sword. This I charge you in Ergos name."

Lastly she turned the blade on Rain. "Rain let not your music fail us when your heart falters. For all our sakes play the song of this sword. This Ergos himself charged you and again I charge you thus in Ergos name."

Feeling dizzy and a bit drained, as if something had been taken from her, Rath turned the blade toward herself. "And I shall bare this blade as I have been charged. Yet I travel in a dangerous land so until need of it arises I shall hide this blade." Before any could stop her Rath put the palm of her right hand against the tip of the sword and pushed.

With a pop and a small flash the Sword of Ergos vanished and Rath landed on the grass with a thump wings akimbo. If anyone noticed the small silver patch on her right arm, no one said a word.

#90: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:47 am
[color=olive]Graeme listeneed to the song, and when the orb he had worked so hard on repairing was shattered, he felt cheated. All that work, all that effort, and she BROKE it. He looked at Rain accusingly. She had said everything he had seen about her was a lie and wrong. It wasn't. He was so sure. And the prophecy...
An image of a mighty mage tower appears in your mind. One you have seen before, but you can’t remember when. Lighting stricks seem to radiate from the tower as an awful darkness begins to surround it. The tower stands between you and your path. You know that a powerful mage lies within that tower, one you probably cannot beat, yet your blood thrills for the challenge. A little to the left of the tower a small patch of yellow glows shedding light on a poor hovel surrounded by flowers. Humility lies within life, pride of power will be your death.

A cursed object lies in your hands burning your palms and your mind. In front of you kneels a young man who has just given you this cursed and foul thing, he has been haunted by it for many years, yea even controlled by it. You long to throw this object out of your hands, to kick and spit at the servant who carried it so long. Yet something catchs the corner of your eyes, the symbol of pity and holiness in your order. Withhold not your blessing, even from the unworthy.

Two Graeme stand before you, each different from the other, each offering a choice in life and being. The one on the left is noticeably different from how you know you look. The left Graeme stands tall and straight, no longer a hunchback no longer weak. This Graeme wears the frocks of the highest order of sorrecers, and lighting flashes both from his eyes and hands. Everyone fears and respects this Graeme.

The Graeme on the right looks the same as you, hunchbacked and crippled, but kindness lies in his eyes. People do not fear this Graeme but love him. They come each day to receive a blessing. This Graeme is as equally as powerful as the other one, but in his own quite way unrecognized, unconsidered.

And then the Eroki charged him with being the protector against foul magic, unlikely. He didn't plan on sticking around.
A shard burst from the destroyed orb. It was a disgusting brownish colour. Typical he thought, I get the weird coloured one. It flew into his chest. He felt regenerated. Renewed. He then noticed that all the others were gone, he was alone...with a vulnerable Rain. THIS was his chance. He took a step. Stopped. Turned and ran, to fulfill his DESTINY, and defeat the mage in the tower. He disappeared. Maybe he would return. Maybe....

Sorry everybody, got so much to do elsewhere, I'l keep up, and make a dramatic return, if you will let me. Great story everyone, see you soon, Smudger

Last edited by Smudger on Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:29 am; edited 1 time in total

#91:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:30 am
Rath was far too tired to stop the fleeing Graeme, who seemed wholly consumed by inner passions. The image given her by the sword still stuck in her mind.

You are in a underground pathway in a cave. Three doors lie before you. Each look exactly alike. The map says to take the left door, your companions say the middle, your heart says the right. Always trust your instincts. You take the right hand door.

You stand in the middle of a circular room. Words are engraved all along the walls, floors, and ceiling of the place. The only place the light enters is through the ceiling hole above you. There is no way out and you don’t know the words before you, and even if you did there is no way you can decipher them all. Closing your eyes, you hold out the sword before you until it touches a word on the wall. Suddenly the word becomes clear, and you know what to do. The blind must lead where the seeing cannot.

Your greatest enemy lies before you, and taking Ergos’ sword in hand you slay it. Blood flows everywhere and the Sword is stained with blood. Suddenly you are filled with a blood lust that cannot be contained and you slay everyone you meet until one day the Sword takes you still muttering…not enough, not enough. Some swords are not meant for blood.

With a quivering hand she reached into the black leather pouch on her hip. Withdrawing a handful of what looked like dust she muttered some words in draconic over it, making a strange gesture with two fingers. With a flick of her fingers she hurled the dust after Graeme. It surrounded him, swirling, befor it vanished with a pop, leaving him unchanged. "May it guide you my friend."

Slowly she managed to stand, every muscle in her legs quivering. If we're attacked now I'm in no condition to fight. She turned to the rest of the party. Who were still a little shocked that so much had happen so fast. Shaking her head she stooped a bit, shifting her weight so that she might lift Rain and cradle her in her arms, treating her friend like spun glass.

Her tail slipped into her pouch, withdrawing an exquisit silver bracelet that she slipped around Rain's wrist. With tired eyes she faced the others. "We must go now. The demons will be here soon after sundown. To the southeast is Liliford where Gilath mentioned in his letter we will find supplies. If we become separated head for the DragonInn and remember this, the codeword is Celebrin."

Ariana pointed toward Graeme's fleeing form and Rath shook her head. "Let him go...He's unwilling to accept things as they are and, no doubt his own vision has shaken him. He must think on things, as we all must, and the protection I've given him will hide him from the demons for the time being." Muttering something else and flicking that same strange gesture, Rath felt her strength dip to perilously low levels, yet she managed to complete the spell.

At first nothing happened, then the feet of the small group began to glow with a strange bluish light. "This will allow us to travel with exceeding haste. Follow me."

"Why?" Morzan stepped forward. "You charged me to defend the weak so now why leave Graeme. I'm sorry but I'm not inclined to trust your protections." Rath smiled, someone was taking their duties seriously at least.

"There are several reasons why Graeme will be safe, not just because of my protection, that's only the first reason. The second is Graeme's own power. He has enough that the demons will be loath to attack him. And lastly these demons are after Ergos's sword and, more precisely, it's barer. If the Lady of the Night can slay me then all is lost for none of you shall be able to take up the blade."

Mustering her strength Rath took a bounding stride then another, calling over her shoulder to the others. "Follow me! We need rest, we need reason, we need answers. We need not battle." Without waiting for a response, trusting the remaning three to do the right thing, Rath turned toward the southeast, toward Liliford. She needed to get Rain to shelter so that her rest could be unhindered. She knew from experiance what a drain spellcasting of that nature could be.

#92: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:02 pm
He watched from the trees as his "companions" fled, he shook his head. Gods, they were going to get into lots of tough situations. He smiled his lop-sided grin, so am I. I have a destiny to follow. He turned to the path to see it blocked by horrible, terrifying demons. One stepped forward, sniffed the air, two yards from his face. It turned to the others and gestured past him. They went AROUND him.

"You need not worry my friend, I am with you," Rath's voice sounded in his head.

He shook his head, as dark shadows passed through the trees surrounding him. He pulled up the hemp rope holding his robes together, sighed. What a day.

"Good luck...we shall meet again."

Not if I can help it he thought with a smile playing on his lips.

#93:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:20 pm
She felt Graeme's protections tested and swore. Dammit they were here already. She turned around and bolted back to the clearing. She spoke to a panicked Graeme in her mind. "You need not worry my friend, I am with you," She felt his danger pass but they were moving closer to those still in the feild. "Good luck...we shall meet again."

Not if I can help it. Rath shook her head. Didn't he know she could still hear him? She shrugged and then had to stop since Rain nearly slipped from her grip. Taking a moment on the edge of the feild she tucked Rain into relative safety. Throwing her head up in the wind she inhaled deeply.

One...two...three...four...Damn four of em. Reaching into her pouch she fiddled around a moment before procuring what she wanted. If I could just get word to the others... Yet it was all she could do to take to the sky and she had no time at all to give the others the gifts she had intended for them.

Soaring high into the sky she spoke a final spell, the same flicking gesture marking it as completed. Slowly she vanished from sight, sound, and the ken of all creatures. There was no time for a warning, unless Graeme wished to give it. She could only hope Morzan was ready for a surprise.

#94: reply Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:12 pm
The last demon came up alongside him. He turned to regard the other three. Unlucky, four on three, looks like Rath and Rain high-tailed it. Well, it looks like the old man has a fight on his hands. Correction, what used to be an old man, now he's just middle aged. Still a bit unfair...Graeme spun and hobbled after the racing demon.

"Hey!! Ugly!!! I'm over here!!" called the little priest.

It turned slowly, as if knowing he just insulted it. This wasn't very bright, me and my stupid chivalry. He began to cast in a panicked tone as the demon rushed at his hunched form. He finished casting and an impenetrable clerical shield appeared around him. However it seems it wasn't that impenetrable, as the demon started shredding it with its claws,layer by layer. This gave Graeme little time to cast his next spell so he turned running and screaming as fast as his disjointed legs could carry him. He ran through the trees. It followed, gaining all the time.

Graeme done the only thing he thought would help. He clambered up a tree, which was quite an achievement for him. The demon stood perplexed for a second, then it started shredding the tree he had climbed.

"Da-m-n," he stuttered out as the tree shook.

He started swaying his arms and muttering under his breath. With a crunch the tree toppled into another one close by. Graeme clung on. The spell had failed. He stood up, luckily it had toppled into a position where he could run up onto the next tree. However, so could the demon.

"I'm so dead," Graeme said to no one in particular.

The demon was in front of him. If this thing could smile, it was doing so right now. It lifted its claw. Graeme, being desparate, thrust his head into the demons face. He felt something crunch. It was his nose, and the blood gushed freely. He looked up, through a bloody haze, expecting to see an angry demon, but it was down below, dazed on the canopy floor. He waved his hands sluggishly and sent a beam of pure clerical magic into its chest. It squeeled, and fell limp.

"God my nose hurts..."

#95:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:22 pm
Rath watched the battle from above, slapping her hand against her forehead several times and wondering if she should offer the priest help. If she wasn't so damn tired and so damn pissed she might have found it funny but as it was there was nothing to laugh about...other than the hunchback climbing the tree.

The other three demons, however, were now rather alert to the fact they'd encountered resistance. They turned and were starting back. Now that's not fair. Time to convince them to go another way. With a flick of her wrist she snapped one of the tiny black shuriken she was holding at the demon in front.

It gave a small strangled scream and clawed it's face for an instant before collapsing. Rath grinned as the remaining two cast about vainly for whatever had just killed their comrade. Unable to find it they turned, fleeing in the opposite direction, not quite ready to deal with invisible killers.

These definetly arn't the best of the bunch. She swooped off in the direction of the feild, relieved to find that Morzan was on alert, have been tipped off by the noises of battle. She knew he was against anyone invading his mind but at this point it couldn't be helped.

Morzan, two demons on your way. I'm above you...way above you. She saw him look up and dropped a shuriken just to let him know her general vacinity. He glared at her, not too pleased with having weapons rain upon him from the sky. Rath shook her head. Trust, was a little trust too much to ask for? She knew what she was doing with the little darts.

Turning her head toward the woods she saw the two demons stumbling out of it. They stopped, noticing the party, and conferred. Then, with a bone-rattling cry, they charged...

#96:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:23 pm
Her eyes closed, her skin pale, and her hands limp, it was pretty clear Rain wasn't present in the world of the awake at the current moment.

Rain was consquence that she wasn't awake, that for all she knew she was dreaming, but it didn't help the feeling that she was all there. She felt like she was a sponge that had been first soaked then squeazed (sp) dry. 'Rain, you outspelled yourself again.' she thought, 'You knew you didn't have the strength to face the demon that was controlling the sphere but you did it anyway.'

Noises were around her and the feeling of spells being cast, but for all the world she couldn't concertrate on any of them. Then something cool was slipped onto her arm. The feeling of the cold refreshed her alittle, and she sighed deeply.

Feeling that she was being picked up, Rain let her head gently fall on her carrier. Breathly deeply the welcome and familar smell of a dragon entered her nostrils. The smell was a strange mix of leather, smoke, and old blood. Unconsquencisly smiling, Rain let herself fall into a deep sleep. She knew she was safe within her friend's arm, for there was only one person who could smell like that and still carry her without using their claws.

Breathing deeply, Rain let herself fold within herself and slipt off to the land of dreams to allow her mind, body, and spirit to heal from the task she just performed.

~ ~ ~

The feeling of being put down started Rain awake, opening her eyes weakily, Rain watched Rath slip off to who knew where. Reaching her hand to her brow, Rain began to slip off once again into somewhere between awaking and sleeping.

Ever so slowly, Rain felt herself regain her strength, at least physically. Curling up into a ball, she tried to fall asleep again but to no avail. 'Blast it! I'm tired, but I cannot sleep.'

Lifting herself alittle, Rain let herself look around her surrondings. Rath was gone, and the rest of her companions were nowhere to be seen. Letting herself feel with the inborn sense all gypsies have, Rain sensed that there was danger. 'Demons,' Rain thought, 'nothing else would take Rath away. She knows how much dangerous draining is, and she wouldn't leave me her unprotected unless something dangerous has happened.'

Perking up from behind the rock where she sat, Rain scanned the field. There in the distance, Morzan stood with his sword drawn facing two demons. Shuddering at the sight, Rain quickly let herself drop back into hiding.

'I'm going to be off no use here.' Rain thought as she rummaged through her pack, 'But perhaps I have something that will be.'

Finally Rain found what she was looking for, an old beaten helmet. Sealing the gift with a kiss because of the memories of it's orginal bearer, not because of where it was destined, Rain let the helmet fly in away that no one, not even a demon would know from where it came. Easing herself to the top of the rock so she could see what was happening, Rain watched as the helmet landed with a thob at Morzan's feet. Whispering softly, Rain said, "May this helmet serve you as well as it did it's master, Juric."

The helmet, as Rain knew, was enfused with a mage spell put there by Gilath, Juric's dragoncompanion, and it was a powerful one. It would proctect it's wearer from all demon attacks to their minds, and to a certain extent proctect them from physical attacks.

Knowing this was the only thing she could do at the moment, Rain let herself slip back into her hiding spot. Closing her eyes and folding her hands, Rain smiled.

"Only four," she muttered, "she underestimates us again. It is a good thing."

#97:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:33 pm
Rath, high overhead, saw the helmet fly and whipped her head around, recognizing the magic it held. Rain was awake! For a moment she was torn between offering Morzan backup and gaurding Rain. Estimating the distance between Rain and Morzan Rath guess she could easily still hit the mark were she throwing blades into combat.

Besides, Morzan could take two, she could see by the light in his eyes. Even if the other two were still stunned out of their wits...or lost inside themselves more likely.

Landing gently next to Rain, Rath let her spell slip enough for her friend to see her. "Easy you do too much." She crouched next to her, one feathered wing streched like a canopy over Rain. "Rest, I'll let no harm come to them."

Last edited by Kalanna Rai on Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

#98:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:50 pm
Opening her eyes at the sound of Rath landing, Rain pulled herself up. No one was there!

Suddenly Rath let her spell slip enough for her friend to see her. "Easy you do too much." Rath crouched next to her, one feathered wing streched like a canopy over Rain. "Rest, I'll let no harm come to them."

Rain smiled wrily at Rath, barely resiting the tempation to stick her tongue out at her friend. "I do nothing!" Rain said soft enough as not to be heard but clear enough for her friend to hear the exclamition of anger and sacarasm in her voice, "As I have always done nothing. I simply gave a gift that's all." Shrugging her shoulders, Rain let herself slip back onto the ground but propped her head on to her chin as she rested with one of her elbows on the ground.

This motion made the world spin a little, and made Rain quickly open and close her eyes. Slipping herself the rest the way onto the ground, Rain let the world spin until it resolved itself into stillness above her. Her friend was right about one thing, she needed to rest, the spells she had cast unto the orb had been too much for her limited ability.

Turning to look at Rath, Rain saw her arched eyebrows. Clearly, Rath knew what she was experiencing, and her look was all, "I told you so."

"Fine," Rain said finally sulking a little, "I'll rest, but it doesn't mean I'll like it. But you have to do the same, your getting pretty close to outcasting yourself. Rest awhile, save your energy, we'll need it later. Wake me up when Morzan kills the brutes," there seemed to be no doubt in Rain's voice as she said this, "I don't want you carring me around and exhausting yourself."

Unconciesly her eyes were already beginning to close and her voice becoming softly. Her hands began to feeling around as searching for something, muttering softly to Rath, "Where is my flute?" And that was the last thing she remembered before the dreams took over.

#99:  Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:00 pm
Graeme wiped his bleeding nose on his sleeve, but still it did not stem the flow. Why was I so stupid as to fight a demon? Was I trying to get myself killed? He stomped over to look onto the field. Two demons left. Guess those are for the veteran. He glanced near the edge of the field, seeing Rath flutter briefly into view. He also noticed a figure lying down, Rain he imagined. Guess I need help, before I bleed to death, he thought. He made his way through the trees to get to the other two.

"You having as bad a day as I am?" he asked Rath, as he slumped down beside Rain, and spat out some blood that was in his mouth.

"Thought you had left?" Rain asked.

"Ha...see what thought did? Anyway, I had a nasty confrontation with a demon, and I have to say, if more come, I'm staying well away, no more broken bones for this hunchback," He rambled on, giving Rain a smile.

Maybe she was right, she didn't seem like the person who would do ehat he had saw...

#100:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:09 pm
"Where's my flute?" Dammit! She'd forgotten the damn flute! Well she was tired and it wasn't getting any better. She was about to reply when Graeme suddenly reappeared. Rath twitched an eyebrow at him but said nothing, merely reached into her bag and handed him a magicked cloth for his nose...she'd repare it when she got a chance.

Looking back toward the feild she spotted the flute where Rain had dropped it in the waving grass. Reaching deep, she had next to nothing left, she whispered something, nearly choking on the words, and flicked her fingers in the now familiar gesture that accompanied all her spells. The flute, winking in the sun, suddenly vanished from the feild an appeared in her hand.

Dropping it into her bag for safe keeping Rath returned to watching the feild. Her hands now shook badly but it was going to take more than exhaustion to bring her down, not with so much riding on her shoulders. Ergos I swear, when I get to the spirit world I am going to personally kick your royal ass from one end to the other... But since she had no plans on entering the spirit world anytime in the next several centuries, Rath quietly fumed, holding her darts at the ready.

#101:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:44 pm
Ariana and the Centaur still seemed to be taken in by the effects of whatever the sphere had done for him. They stood silently in their little la-la land as events unfolded around them.

Morzan watched as Rain began to rock on her feet and then Rath began to teeter a little too. They were both expending their magic and seemed on the edge of fainting. Drawing his blades Morzan turned to where the demons had appeared.

Greame had managed to knock one over and the nightmare seemed to still be dazed. The rest of the creatures were following him towards Rain and Rath. But Morzan wasn't gonig to allow that.

With a flick of his weapons he dashed forward and lunged forward at one of the creatures. The first of the demons screamed and lunged forward to meet Morzan's own charge. The demon swiped at him but he managed to duck in time and slashed at the monsters feet.

I guess I am protecting the weak thoguht Morzan as the demon fell with a shriek. The feet of the creature were now sliced off and were still 'standing'. But the demon was not. The second creature had realized what was going on and came forward.

"Come on ugly, lets dance."

The monster screamed and moved forward with blinding speed. It was a primitive attack, very blunt. Sidestepping Morzan brought his blades down onto the creature's back. Black blood poured out of the demons wound. And Morzan took a few steps back. The demon moved forward and managed to catch a corner of Morzan's cape.

"Damn it" Morzan whispered harshly.

The creatures was off balance. Why are they so weak?. The last time Morzan fought a demon was a few months before the battle of Ergos. They were weak then but these are just pathetic. I could beat these demons without the sphere shard. Throwing a blade up in the air Morzan darted forward. The demon watched the blade rise up into the air. But their just as dumb.

With a mighty thrust Morzan drove his blade through the demons chest. It was a few moments before the monster finaly fell to the ground. At the same time the blade lodged itself in the ground. Morzan stabbed the dead creatures through the chests one last time before departing to join Rath, Rain and Greame.

"I think those were scouts. Demons are normaly much more difficult than those ones were. I think we should get out of here fast."

A cold wind blew from the direction of where the demons had come. How did they sneak up on us like that?

#102:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:58 pm
Rath watched Morzan's preformance with a keen eye, nodding sharply in a few places as the warrior executed several moves she herself would have been proud of. Strength indeed, I only wish I could be of more help. A voice sprang up in the back of her mind. She roughely shoved it away. Not your kind of help.

Morzan seemed puzzled about something, no doubt why these pitiful excuses for cursed flesh had come after them, but Rath could offer him no answers her mind as clouded as it was. Maybe the centaur could shed some light...but neither she nor the elf seemed to be thinking clearly.

Rath looked at their feet critically. The spell was still there, if a little reduced looking, but Graeme needed it cast upon him. With a resigned sigh Rath choked out the words, ignoring Rain's slight protest. Gathering her friend up again, ignoring yet more protests, she managed to stand wearily.

"No more arguments, no more stalling. Morzan bring the others if you please, and even if you don't, and Graeme if you want that nose of yours fixed you better follow me too." With that, brooking no more delays Rath led them to the steps of the DragonInn.

"Now would one of you kindly go tell the Innkeeper 'Celebrin'. I would but I think I'm going to..." With that Rath tumbled bonelessly to the ground, Rain sliding from her limp grasp. Before her mind hit the black wall her last thought was I hope none of them is fool enough to mess with my gear...

#103:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:03 pm
Chapter 4: At the Inn

A long winding road spread before her, and she knew where it lead, and din't like it. In the distance a mountian stood, there was only one way up that mountain and that was by flying. You could never climb it, not in a million years, it's sheer face made sure of that. Yet was down this road, and up that mountain she had to go compelled there by the dead and by an oath she swore long ago.

Yet something held her back, as she waited, a wind stirred in the east and smelled like....Juric! Snapping her eyes open from where they had been shut in the dream world, Rain looked in shock at the dragonrider who looked just as he did ten years ago before care and war had aged him beyond compare.

Juric smiled at her, the gray in his raven hair glinting in the sunlight, as he wrapped his well muscled arms around her in a welcoming hug.

"Juric, I thought you were..."

"Dead." The ghost supplied, "I am but I'm here in your dream and it is good to see you. Come I have something to show and I have not much time."

Letting her go from his bone crunching hug, Juric hooked one arm into hers and began to lead away from the path set before along a different road. They past through towns whose name he made her repeat, through vales, and streams until they reached a destination but not their final one.

Before them stood the tall mountains of the Western Ridge lay, awesome and majestic in their height and beauty. Ontop of one of them, Rain knew, lay their enemy but she was sleeping and even so it was well she couldn't enter into one's dreams.

There was a pass before them. Rain knew it, she had often traveled through it as a child, it was the Ulim pass. The only safe pass that lead to the safe road that was destined to land in the last land of the Indri.

Juric took a little north of there and showed her a certain tree by a certain stream. There where the stream amerged from the mountain lay an opening barely more than a crack. It was wide enough that if there was room enough on the other side you could squeeze through but not without loosing skin.

"This will be your path. Pay attention, all I can give you is what Ergos was able to give me and it wasn't much."

Squeezing her hand, Juric took a step forward and their surrondings changed. They were on a road, in front of them lay a clearing. In this clearing stood a tower, the tower stood in their way and represented a danger Rain did not know.

Juric took another step. Beyond the tower stood three doors each with strange writings on them. Rain didn't know which way to go.

Juric took another step, a desoulate village lay before them, filled with needy villagers. Rain felt the need to help them.

Juric took another step. They were on the road again and a demon guard stood in their way. They were close to the mountain.

Juric took a step backwards. The landscape flew and suddenly they were back where they began. "That is all I can show you, but not all I can give you."

Taking Rain's head in his hand, Juric kissed her forhead. Suddenly Rain felt images, words, and a certain sense of power wash over her being. She knew when she would awake, her power would be returned fully to be used only as she knew, but she did not yet know what the rest of it did.

Letting her head go, Juric slowly raised her right hand to his lips and then slipped on a ring that Rain remembered all to well. It was a simple gold ring with a sapphire stone but the band was engraved with the runes of the Eroki. "What Ergos gave me, give I you. This ring gives nothing but a symbol of what I once won in life."

"Juric, I can't take this," Rain said trying to slip the ring off " I know what it means to you."

Hushing her by placing one hand on hers and another on her lips, Juric spoke. "It is mine to give, and I give it freely. Besides, I used it many times when preparing for this journey. When you are took weak to speak, or when someone doubts you, simply show them this ring and if they can be trusted, they will ask no more questions."

"I must go, and you will see more no more until your death. Which if I know anything will be not be for a long, long time." Kissing Rain softly and tenderly on the cheek, Juric slowly disappered dispite her protest.

A breeze blew and Rain knew that this was the last goodbye. "Goodbye, brother."

~ ~ ~

Rain awoke up to find herself laying on the ground. Somewhere at her feet, Rath lay in a lump. Above her the ugly face of the hunchback loomed, grunting "So your back," Rain turned away from him. She didn't want to talk to him right now.

Getting up, Rain slowly moved every muscle in her body and then turned her attention to Rath. Picking up her friends head, she muttered, "Rath, when will you learn to listen."

Reaching into her bag that had somehow managed to stay on her back, Rain removed a small pouch. Her flute was missing at the moment, and to tell the truth, Rain was abit relieved. Celebrin was easily recongized as an item of value and magic. More than once it had gotten in her in trouble, and after what she did in the field, Rain didn't need the extra attention it brought.

Knowing Rath she had probably used the last of energy with a summoning spell to get it. Rath knew how it important the flute was to her, but honestly outcasting for such a small task, really!

Searching through the small pouch, Rain found what she was looking for. Gladril Erokin Teleb, or as it more commonly called, Witches' Ease. The plant was supposed to make you regain your abilities in a promoted ten seconds flat. Gyspies, especially Rain, knew better. All the herb would do would ease the pain of loosing your power a little. Essentially making it easier to go to sleep, and put you on the path of recovery quicker than usual.

"Open, Rath," Rain said in silvan so her friend would pay attention. As Rath begrudedly opened her mouth and eyes, Rain let the bitter herb fall on her friends tongue. That done, Rain let Rath's head fall into her lap and looked around at her companions milling about uselessly.

"Well, if you going to do something, be useful already. One of you, get the innkeeper. The others, get some water." Holding out some coins, Rain felt her stomach grumble, "And pay for a meal for pities sake for all of us. I'm starved and I know Rath will be as soon as she awakes."

Watching as the various people set out to fulfill her orders, Rain turned her attentions to Rath. Smiling, Rain began to hum a old gypsy lullabye which if you listened to didn't sound much like a lullabye. Instead it sounded like the words to it, "an alluring gyspy dancer dancing admist the flames, twirling hither and thither never feeling the flames, for the fire is withing her, and that is why she wanders ever in the plains for beneath her feet is fire and in her heart the flames."

Letting loose just enough of her power to settle onto her friend to replace a smidgen of the power Rath had lost, Rain continued to hum softly as she leaned against the post behind her content for the moment to let her companions do the work while she rested.

Looking down as she hummed, Rain paused a moment in her song but then continued more joyful then powerful. On her hand was Juric's ring.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:12 am; edited 2 times in total

#104:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:48 am
Snapping out of her though trail, I looked around. I was in a town, near an inn. Rath was lieing on the ground, worn out. I trotted over, picked the Eroki up and slid her onto my back. If I was going to start doing what the dream had instructed I was going to start soon. I explained my self to Rain. I still had certain misgiving about the hunchback.

"Sorry about back there. I got lost in a train of though. I do that sometimes. It's a weakness of mine."

"It's ok but..,. could you go and gain entrance to this inn for us now?"

#105:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:02 am
Rath grimaced at the bitter taste of the herb. Ug she didn't need this, she hadn't out cast herself. She had plenty of power left...just not the physical energy to use it. Her senses were fogging but her keen nose told her that Rain held her...and then the music started. It gave her enough power, just enough, to bring her out of that 'too tired to sleep' area.

Suddenly she was aloft and astride...Crenlamin? Oh thank the gods. I really must give the centaur her do. But a moment later all was forgotten as she succombed to sleep...and dreams.

It wasn't so much a dream this...but a memory visted in sleep. The entrace to her Lair, not even all the way down the tunnel to her bed itself. Blood streaked the floor where she'd stumbled in and turned, collapsing with her nose pointed toward the outside world...she blanked out for a moment...

The scent of Eroki aroused her. Opening her eyes she lifted her head with a small laugh. "Come to kill me at last Ergos?" The figure at the entrence gave a ringing battle cry and lept, his massive blade held high. Yet, as Ergos held the sword over her neck, he hesitated muscles bulging as he tried to bring the blade down...yet it was stuck in the air. "Lost your nerve?"

Slowly Ergos lowered the blade was a terse oath. "It seems you're of more use to me alive are going to live."

"Seems doubtful. I don't feel like going on any more. shade can seek vengence in the next life." Ergos sat next to her.

"Then so must I." She raised her head to look at him, knowing light in her eyes. "Then you have seen it also? My last day?"

"Yes...why did think I chose them over you? I also have seen that battle...from two different angles. In one I fought for you and vanished, in the other I fought for them and...well I shall not say but I was still alive. Can you blame me?" Ergos shook his head.

"No. You're the last skye dragon. You have plenty of reasons to survive and I'll give you one more...I want to hire you." She looked at him with an indcredulus stare.

"I don't come cheap...I'll likely die." Ergos stood, sword in hand.

"No you shall weild this blade, you shall slay the Lady of the Night. And as for payment..."

The vision ended as abruptly as it had begun, leaving Rath alone in the darkness of her mind.

#106:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 9:38 am
Rain smiled at Crenlamin. Centaurs didn't often let people ride them as it damaged their 'diginity'. Crenlamin's action spoke volumes to Rain, and she mentally adjusted her thoughts about the Centaur Female. Perhaps she wasn't so bad after all.

Standing as she strected, Rain let her smile widen. It felt good to smile, and Rain was just glad that the kind action deserved it. "Thank you, Crenlamin, I am right?" Rain said adding kind words to her smile, "I could never wrap my tongue around those centaur names. I'll have to think of my own name for you, and although I'm not sure yet what I will call you. You may be sure that beside whatever else it is, it will be friend."

Cracking her back, Rain looked around a little. The DragonInn, a two story building complete with stables and a tavern to one side, was old place to her, and she knew the grounds well.

Taking a good look at Rath who was comfotably sleeping on the centaurs back, Rain decided she could do something better with time than hover uselessly.

"If you don't mind, Crenlamin, I would like to stay out here. The host at this inn will know me, and things will go a lot smoother if I explain my many unique companions. He won't ask questions, but still it would be best." Smiling wrily, Rain shrugged a little and look at Crenlamin.

Seeing the centuars bredguding nod, Rain let her usual face of calmness resume. "Okay, tell the others where I have gone, and do me a favor, make sure no one, I repeat No One touches Rath's bag. I barely brushed against it once, and trust me, you don't want to have anything like what I experienced happen to you."

The Centaur's eyes widened but she agreed quickly to her instructions. Sighing, Rain adjusted her bag on her sholders and looked around her for a place to change. Before she went anywhere, she was going to have to make some changes.

Spotting a privy a little off from the inn, Rain headed towards it with confidence. It had been a long time since Arian, the gyspy, had wandered the earth, and it was time for her to make her apperance again.

When Rain, or Arian as she was known at the DragonInn, she was almost completly different than she was before. She stood for amount letting her face taking on the characteristics of her disguise as she mentally adjusted herself to become once agian, Arian.

Men walked passed her and turned, whistling her well deserved complements. Her hair had been cut at an attractive angle, hanging at the longest at her chin and at the shortest somewhere around her slightly pointed ears. A piece of a multi-toned purple cloth held it away from her face making her violet eyes stand out in their best fashion. Instead of the baggy blosse that hid more than it revealed, she now wore a white bloose and a low black corset. The bloose came up to the hollow of her neck, but the top of it hung a little below her sholder blades allowing a hint of what was not seen come to the surface. The parting sleeves that fell gracefully from her skin at her elbows to the gold claps at her wrist.
A billowy crismon overskirt that was tucked in the sash she wore before to show the black skirt underneath, completed her offit.

Where she was unarmed before, an ebony handle with a rose engraved plummel and a silver cross guard hinted at the thorn engraved short sword that for the moment was safe in it's sheath. A bold dagger revealed itself at her wrist glinting silver without it's sheath as it hung in it's black holder on her arm where all can see.

Two more daggers where hidden on her person in places only Rain knew. Allowing a sultry smile to cross her face, Rain, or Arian, walked gracefully to the DragonInn. From the whistles and glances she got along the way, Rain knew that Arian was back, and she had lost none of her charm.

As she passed the centaur, she wondered if her own companions would recongize her. She guessed not for when she passed the centaur, Crenlamin didn't even glance her way.

Tossing her head boldy, Rain entered the doors of the DragonInn right into the tavern that served as the common room. Men turned around at her entrance and jeered at her, but she ignored them, and went straight to the bar where a burly sailor that was innkeeper was serving drinks to the men that sat there.

Raising herself onto the bar, Rain waited for him to notice her and the silver coin she was know playing with between her fingers. Her back was turned to him, so it was possible he wouldn't recongize her immediatly and Rain hoped that when she did turn around the man would have enough sense to keep his mouth shut.

The innkeeper was a burly man who had gained a pudge in his later years from his good living as a barkeeper, but Rain didn't let the easy going exterior fool her a minute. Beneath the jolly sufrace of dimples, sharp blue eyes, and jiggling belly, the innkeeper was still the man she knew ten years ago when she was still a girl.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Rain slowly turned. "Look Missy, I don't let the boys sit on this bar and I'm not about to make an exeption for you." He said in his rough tone that hinted at his harder layer underneath his exterior.

Rain got down onto the stool beneath, and turned so she was fully facing the innkeeper, Rain watched as he did a double take. "Well shave me bald, it is little Arian all grown up. You were in her what ten years ago. My who you've grown, and grown into a beautiful woman if I may add."

Rain smiled, the man hadn't lost any of his sharpness along with his figure, he was still the old Matthew she knew. "I wish I could add the same for you, old man, but it seems luxury has gotten the better of you," Rain said poking his well-fed belly.

The innkeeper drew himself up into his imposing six foot ten and tried to pull his belly. Patting his gut, he said "Who me? I am as fit as ever." Laughter echoed in the bar at this, and having satisfied their cursioty the people in the bar went back to their business of cards and licquor, allowing the innkeeper in Rain to discuss buisness in relative privacy.

Looking keenly at her, Matthew set a glass full of water before her without taking a coin. Whipping his hands on his apron, the innkeeper leaned forward on the bar, "So what you be needing, lass."

"A favor for an old friend." Rain said, allowing the coin to dance before the man's eyes. Matthew may be a friend and retired to the safer profession of innkeeping, but Rain knew he was still a pirate at heart.

"What kind of favor?" The man said skeptly his lips flatening a little.

"Two rooms, two beds, a meal and breakfast for six, horses, provinder(sp?) for the same and provisions." Rain said cooly.

Whistling softly, Matthews eyes hardened, he was no fool, and he knew from the weight of the purse at Rain's belt, she didn't have money for anything near what she asked.

"Who for?"

"Arian Celebrin, and her friends." Rain said letting the name and coin drop softly on the counter as she added another coin beside it.

Hearing that name Matthew's eyes sparked remembering the money and the deal that came with the name Rain had given him. The coins on the counter were an added bonus.

Taking the coins, Matt went to the bar again and stored them in his safe box. "You be lucky little missy, your brother was in here before you. A strong and dangerous man, that Jack. He left six days before today. It was too bad you missed him as he had a sword that surely would have helped you in our bargains."

Casting a glance over her shoulder, Rain pretended disintrest. "Oh, I would have loved to me my brother. We have some family matters to discuss, do you know where was going next?"

"To the Old Sailor's Ballad, he said he would take Trademan's Way, and be stopping at the stations of Giriad and Fairway for fresh horses. He said that if any lady with a rose sword at her side asked after him, to tell her that the road was muddy this time of year so to travel safely. I'm trusting that be you. Your rooms will be ready by this evening miss. Will you be having your dinner here or in the rooms?"

"In the stables, Matthew, You know how I hate a crowd." With that, the girl who was now called Arian slipped off the stool. Bidding her friend goodbye with a smaller bronze coin, she said "It was good seeing you friend, it has been a long time since I have smelled the sea."

As she exited the Inn, Rain smiled. The conversation may have not seemed like much to an outsider, she had recieved information and given information in turn, learning all she need to know until she reacehed the Old Sailor's Ballad, their next stop on a long journey.

Stepping outside, Rain went straight up to Crenlamin. Ignoring the confused glance and the protest, Rain held up her hand in silence. "My name is Arian Celebrin," the codeword Rath told Crenlamin earlier ceased the protest immediatly, "Get our companions and meet me in the Barn, we have things to discuss."

#107:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:01 am
Another dream grabbed her, removing her from that dark place she was loath to be lest some darker intent she'd long locked away sieze her.

The Sword of Ergos towered over her it's surface polished mirror bright. The blood channel down it's center split the mirror in half and the halves reflected two very seperate images.

On the left was a dragoness like none seen in this world before. She was massive, more than double Gilath in size with a wingspan double that. Her black scales made the heart of a demon seem white by comparision, her talons, spines, and the tips of her feathers red like the blood of a ruby.

Her neck was long and supple, her tail a long whip that coiled and snapped behind her, three curving blades flexing as the tail moved, extending and retracting. Her body was compact and supple, her legs long, like those of a horse, but leith and strong, with long blades off the back.

Her head was delicate, the snout slightly pointed with one red horn jutting from her nose and two pairs of razor sharp fangs visible despite her mouth being closed. The massive crest that was as distinctive of her kind as feathers, was fully erect, each razor sharp ruby spine glimmering before the crest trailed into the spines that ran from neck to tail, proving that she could never be safely ridden.

A world shaking roar was heard as the dragon threw back her head and proclaimed her defiance to all comers, copper eyes snapping power with casual ease, a ruby on a platinum chain winking where it rested aginst her chest, looped around the base of her neck

This was Rath as she had been before...before she'd given it all up to save those at that final battle.

On the right stood an Eroki of strange appearence. She was fully seven feet tall from flat of her head to tips of her toes her skin was a deep cherry red. Across her shoulders ran black scales that trailed attractively down till they again massed on her forearms, turning her supple, clever hands into those of a dragon with long ruby talons on the tips of long fingers.

Her eyes were copper, fading to soft gold, and fierce. A mane of long black hair whipped about her wildly, black and red spines, five of them, rising from the dark black locks. At the corners of her eyes, three scales glimmered, and in her mouth fangs were apparent in her smile. Yet her face was beautiful, the kind men might die for.

She wore little save a leather bodice that began by wrapping around her neck, crossing her chest, and coming down her sides til it met with the lower leggins at the small of her back just above her black scaled tail with it's three red barbs. There it laced into black greave-like leggins that ran down the upper part of her four jointed legs, stopping just above her hock.

Her feet were more like the taloned feet of a dragon than like any human foot and she wore no shoes, needing none, but instead wore a sort of spat that ran from the center of her foot up and around. There were slots where daggars might be placed.

What drew the eye though were her wings. They spanned nearly seventeen feet tip to tip and were deep black with ruby tips, as though she'd swept them through blood a time too many. The feathers were hard on the outside, sharp on the leading edge, both sword and sheild if need be.

Around her slender waist a belt with many compartments supported a pouch that could never be filled. Across those black shoulders a dark blade lay, not the sword of Ergos but something far older and much more sinester. It's chasings, guard, hilt, and pommel were all made of platinum and all was set with a massive red ruby.

This was Rath as she was now.

Rathainia The blade called.

Some swords are not ment for blood. Ergos's voice again but this time, staring at the dark blade Rath replied to him.

Some are....

#108:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:27 am
As I walked into the common room I was ill at ease. There were inns for centeurs, and this was not one of them. I beant down, and hissed at Ariana through clenched teeth.

"Why hast thou brought me to this place?" My speech is archaic when I'm agitated.

"What's wrong with it? It's a perfectly good inn. And stop theeing and thouing."

"But this art truly not a place frequented by my brethren. My size makes it so that I will but have to stay in here. The doorways are not thankful to my kind. I would but stay in the embassy, I am sure I'll be welcome there."

As we walked through the room I became increasingly aware of the stares directed at me. When we reached the car my courage snapped. Before Rain could speak I said

"Good innkeeper, dost thou have facilities for use of one of my size? I am fearful that this place does not want me, and I beg of thee that thou may have a more suitable place."

#109:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:51 pm
Rath woke to the sound of Crenlamin's adjitated voice. "Good innkeeper, dost thou have facilities for use of one of my size? I am fearful that this place does not want me, and I beg of thee that thou may have a more suitable place." Shaking herself a bit she covertly glanced around, looking for anyone else who might be there.

Ariana was, looked a bit worried, but they were on there own. Craning her head around Rath peered through the inn door, which the centaur had left open a crack. Morzan and Graeme were conversing with a daringly clad woman. Rath took a sniff but could catch nothing over the smell of the common room. Catching the womans eye though she saw the small frown of disapproval. Arian is back eh? Now we should be having some fun.

Tapping the centaur, who flinched, Rath shot her a grateful look and slipped off her back. Wincing as her feet hit the floorboards she ran a hand through her hair. People were staring at them, even the innkeeper looked at her in askence.

"Crenlamin my good friend, I need air. Could you please help me back outside?" With the centaur to lean on and Ariana at her other side should she fall Rath made it back outside. Morzan and Graeme looked at her, one cracking a lopsided grin the other shaking his head.

"Ah good Centaur I did not mean to offend you. As you can see I suggested the barn because the Inn is not well suited to such as you."

"Or such as I either. I can't stretch out my wings in rooms made for men." Rath chimed in, wanting nothing so much as a soft pile of straw to collapse in. She had a little energy back but not enough to keep going. A nights sleep would do wonders but right now she needed a place to sleep. The streets were not safe, even for an assassin.

Arian bowed, leading them away. Crenlamin leaned down next to Rath. "My friend I thought I preempted Rain's speaking for me in the Inn but now, as I gaze around, I find she's not even here." Rath smiled at the centaur.

"Fear not my friend. Rain will return but for now we are in good hands." The centaurs eye's widened just a bit.

"You know her too?" Rath smiled a knowing smile.

"Let's just say we're old friends."

#110:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:02 pm
Chapter 5: Old Friends

Rain watched with some disapproval as Rath got down from Crenlamin and stood on her own feet. The girl was going to exhaust herself if she wasn't careful. Watching as she carefully removed Ariana and Crenlamin from the Inn towards the Barn, Rain let her calm look resume. 'At least someone has common sense,' Rain thought. Rain knew she could trust Rath, who could recongize her in the disguse she now wore, to get the Centaur and the elf into the Barn were they could discuss things in relative privacy.

Shaking her head mentally, Rain thought over Crenalmin's words, she was right in one way. This inn wasn't meant for centaurs, but the barn was. However she was wrong in another, this inn long ago had servered as a refuge for all sorts of races who wished to hide from sight. Eroki, Centaurs, and Elves used to frequent the place along with pirates, theifs, sell-swords, assisins, and the like. Although the elves and the rouges had remained the Inn's faithful patrons, it had been a few years since anybody had seen either an Eroki or a Centaur.

Not that Rath was a normal Eroki, no a simple glance would tell that much, but the inn's regulars who were absent at the moment would recongize that this paticular Eroki stood with the air of professional assisin about her and wouldn't have bothered to even stare at such a deadly oppenent.

Glancing futher, Rain looked up at Morzan, and Grimme who stood somewhat beside her at the bar. Smiling a little Rain noticed how they didn't even spare her glance other than to stare at her eyes for a moment. 'Good', she thought, 'even they do not recongize me. Time to have a little fun, perhaps.' Laughing a little she turned her attention to Greame who still stood with handchief on his nose. Taking a look at his face, Rain knew that this wasn't the time to play with the hunchback and turned her attention to Morzan.

She had to get them into the barn so she could discuss things with them, but it didn't mean she couldn't have fun doing it. Besides, the longer she remained unknown to them right now, the better. The DragonInn and it's regulars who would come as soon as dusk completly fell would recongize her too well as both Rain and Arian to risk having someone ruin her cover. After dealing with demon, Rain knew she had put a big target on her back. Arian however, had no such target.

No, until she got out of town, she was going to have to be Arian and there was no better time to play the part then the present.

Turning her curious gaze from Morzan and Greame, Rain turned back to Matthew who was cleaning mugs at the moment. The noise of the swings of the doors, indicated that men were returning home after their daily drink and that the regulars were coming in with increasing numbers.

Presently Matthew went to the door of the inn and looking around to see if there was anybody in his inn that wasn't supposed to be gave a shrill whistle that Rain had often heard in her childhood abord the ship called "My Lady Love". Turning around, Rain noticed several shadows immerging from behind trees outside the door and entering in the inn. Two by two, discret figures began to enter the inn once again filling it with greetings, laughter, and drinking. Smiling, Rain continued to look over her sholder as she noticed many of Matthew's old shipmates enter in the crowd.

Hooded Elves whose pointing ears and slanted eyes marked them as seperate from the group soon formed their own table.

Looking around, Rain released that none of the men, who doubtless recongized her were going to 'notice' her as it were. Unconscinclessly Rain felt herself relax. Then the swinging door that went to the kitchen opened, and Rain started in surprise. Laughing, Rain lept down from her stool straight into the arms of a very surprised Maggie.

Maggie, who was Matthew's wife and old pirate herself, laughed too, holding Rain apart from her too study her closely.

"Well, Lord bless me if it not be Arian Celebrin Seaborn in the flesh. How did you grow up so fast, lass?" Maggie said as she handed Rain a heavy tray and grabbed another herself from the kitchen table that stood conventily near the door.

As they served, Rain recieved many nods from the old sailors and she and Maggie discussed a number of things. "By aging ten years Maggie, how else? How are the children?"

"As good as ever, my oldest, Brian, is eight now, the twins are turning six this wintertide, Julie is four this year, and I'm proud to say, one on the way."

Casting a look at Maggie's belly, Rain was surprised to see that the begginings of a her joy beggining to show. Emptying her tray at the last table of sailor's, Rain went back into the kitchen with Maggie ignoring the looks she was getting from Morzan and Graeme as she passed them. No doubt they recongized the name, and would be talking to her very soon.

Passing into the kitchen, Rain soon received a tray from Maggie again but they paused a little before entering the busy common room.

"Lass, my husband told me about your brother. I am sorry to hear it. Is everything going as planned, or has the loss changed them?" Maggie was refering to the Sword and the journey, Juric had planned.

"Everything is going as well as could be hoped when a family is arguing between themselves. I trust everything has been ordered for our dinner."

Nodding Maggie indicated another two trays near the back door towards the barn. "My husband told me everything deary. Don't worry, we know how to take care of our guest. Especially ones we know and love."

Rain nooded and picked up her tray. Noticing several odd foods on it, Rain threw a questioning glance at Maggie. "For the Elves, deary. One of them, who wears the gold leaf pin on his cloak, ordered somthing special. I told him my best waitress who was gone for ten years will be serving him. Don't worry he'll pay they well."

Shaking her head, Rain erased the fear she knew showed on her face. So the elves wanted to talk to her then. She wondered if they recongized her name Celebrin. Doubltess they would know it and take a guess at who she was, after all there weren't many people who desserved such a name. Although she was loathe to face them, Rain knew now from the discourse she just had from Maggie that one of the Elves was working with them and had a note to give her.

Setting her shoulders resuluty Rain went back into the inn and towards the elves tables. As her steps brought her closer, she wondered what fate had instore for her.

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:14 am; edited 1 time in total

#111:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:12 pm
Rath barely made it into the barn, even with the help of the elf and the centaur. She sunk to her knees into a pile of straw a few feet in the doorway off to the right side. Fishing around into her pouch she pulled out three brilliant azure jewels on black leather straps. Slipping one around her neck the other two she wrapped around her hands.

This isn't as bad as using that damned sword but I didn't think I'd have to resort to this this early in things. As soon as the jewels were secure she reached into one of the compartments in her belt, pulling free a small vial of amber liquid. Popping the top with the flick of a claw she downed the contents, shuddering at the taste.

With in seconds her eyes rolled back in her head and Rath fell into a deep restoreitve trance. In an hour or so the jewels would have replaced the energy she'd used and the potion in the vial, used in concert with the gems, would allow her to make up two days of sleep in roughly two hours. Until then though...nothing would wake her.

#112: r Author: SmudgerLocation: Writers Block R Us PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:24 am
Graeme sat outside the inn.Gods, where's a healer when you need one? He dabbed at his broken nose again. Sheesh, did I even get a thank you, not even acknowledgement. Well, I'll just tag along and stay quiet. He stayed out of te barn and the inn. He couldn't be bothered with the isolated elf or the haughty centuar. Neither could he be bothered with an inn full of staring drunkards. He stood, stretched, winced at the pain of his stiff limbs and turned to Morzan.

"I really can't be bothered with any of this at the moment. I'm gonna go and wander for a bit. Clear my head and think over this mess of a situation. Tell Rain or Rath that, hopefully they'll understand," he told the soldier.

He started walking in towards the town square. He looked about at the houses and the like, quant, but nice in a country sort of way. Probably a nice little community. He swung his gaze from side to side, looking for what he expected to be in the town centre. For another few minutes he had no such luck until he saw what he hd been searching for.

He walked to the door, and heaved it open.

"Hello? Who is this at this time?" an elderly old man mumbled.

He stopped in his tracks at the site of Graeme. Graeme smiled.

"Hello Father Tomas. You probably don't know me.."

"I do know you...your grandfather, may he rest in peace, was always sending letters to me, of your outstanding progress in our faith. He wanted you to take his role in our church. YOU rejected our call. You are not fit to wear those robes!!"

"I done what I thought was right...and I am RIGHT."

#113:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:51 am
(hey, Smudgy, could you please post on Entwined Fates? I need you to post. Also, if anyone feels like signing up to Entwined Fates, more players will be welcome.)

Inside the barn I paced up and down with nervousness. I wanted to go the the Embassy. Every town had one, and they were quite often the only place in the area the right size for centeurs, fauns, Eroki and assorted other races, and they would certainly be the only place with washing facilities. I detested being dirty, and even in my year of wandering I had stopped off in a town at least twice-weekly to get a wash. Also, a barn was all very well for most people, but I myself couldn't face a night in one. I decided I would tell Ariana of my plans to go to the Embassy. She might want to come along, and I couldn't just leave my compainions with no idea of where I'd gone.

'Arian, I'm going down to the Embassy for a while. I'll probably be gone for a while, I may even be sleeping in the quarters there. All I'll be doing is a couple of games of Threelegs, a book, and perhaps a wash. You're welcome to come if you want.'[

Arian shook her head, and murmered 'I'll just stay here, if that's all the same to you. I don't feel up to it.'

She must be still recovering from the strange experience of the shard hitting her. I had the advantage that I could go into a trance and speed my thinking up by ten times, but elves couldn't do that. She would still be thinking about it this time tommorow, I'd warrant.

As I trotted out, Morzan stepped infront of me. He was on guard, and would probably be a bit on edge after his experience. The shards seemed to have changed us all.

'HALT!' He callled. 'Where are you going, Crenlamin?'

'Call me Crenla.' I smiled, and this seemed to put him off balance a bit. I loved calculating where to hit for what effect, and it especially felt good when you got it right. This was one of those times. 'And as for where I'm going, I'm off to the Embassy. I need to relax among my own kind.'

And with that, I trotted into the center of town. There wasn't anything suspicious about me wanting to go the Embassy. Indeed, it would be strange if I didn't want to go there. Odly, when I reached the center of town I saw the hem of the hunchback's robe disappearing into a house marked with the Human God-symbol. Still, he was a priest and I though nothing more of it until I retuned, two hours later, thouroughly (sp?) refreshed.

#114:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:23 pm
Rath woke with a massive yawn and spread her wings to their fullest. Quickly she slipped off the gems, shaking her head once again that she'd been so foolish as to need them already. Stowing them in her pouch she gazed around. Crenlamin was just trotting back in, smelling strongly of centaur, other centaurs that is, and freshly scrubbed. Rath gave her a nod, trusting all went well.

Ariana was sitting up against the wall, idly braiding bits of straw together to while away the time. Morzan stood just outside the barn door, the picture of nonchalance. "Has anyone eaten? I'm starving. I'll go to the inn and grab us some food...well you some food. I doubt if I want to purchase enough to feed myself."

Gathering from the nods that this was an acceptable plan, Rath strode out of the barn. However she quietly slipped past the inn, appearing to go into it without actually going there. She didn't remember this town well, her memory of those first days following the battle were some of the foggiest. But she did remember where to find the 'shadowy' people while the sun was still up.

Walking up to a non-descript house on the edge of town, she tapped lightly on the door. "Yeah? Who's there?"

"A casual friend seeking knowledge of the world." Slowly a hidden panel in the door slid open, reavealing eyes on the other side. She stared the door guard down. There was the sliding of bolts and suddenly, she was in.

"I didn't recognize you Mastress. Forgive me." Rath favored the orc a haughty stare before moving through the room and down the stairs in the back. Traveling through a maze of tunnels, she emerged into a sub-terra meeting hall. Many rouges were absent, they would appear later when she met them at the inn. But for now she needed to let the Underground know that she was back...and wouldn't be tolerating interference.

Lounging on a plush seat, an elf cleaned his nails with a sharpened dagger, feet up on the arm. With a flick of her tail Rath knocked his feet to the floor. He hit the floor in a fighting crouch, knife held ready. "Put that away before I geld you with it." He stared at her slightly wide eyed but the knife didn't waver.

"I don't know who you are Eroki but I..."

"But you better do as she says Lyderious." An older man walked out of the shadows. "Hail Rathainia, you've been gone a long time." His fists were held to his shoulders, arms crossed over his chest in the assassin's salute. Rath touched her right fist to her left shoulder in kind.

"Oliver, it's been a while." There are matters we must discuss in private...

It wasn't an hour later that she returned to the barn, arms loaded with food she'd knicked from the rouge hall. Doling the food out to her companions she bit into an apple, chewing with a smile. It had been a rather productive meeting.

#115:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:45 pm
When Rain finally entered in the barn, she looked a bit shaken. In her hand, a folded piece of parchement with what looked like a broken leaf seal was tightly clutched but still both it and her hand were shaking like a leaf. Another scroll like the one Gilath dropped was tucked into her belt, and like the other this also was inscribed: "Squirt". Unlike the other one however no dragon had written this scroll, but a human had, to be specific, Juric. The combined experience of what the note had read, the scroll from Juric, and what Matthew, the innkeeper had told, had left her shaken. To tell the truth, she looked a little like she had seen a ghost and in a way she had.

Stares met her as she entered in the barn, and Morzan detached himself from the wall where had been eating some bread to stand before him, his sword at the ready.

"Halt. We want no strangers here maid. Go back to the inn where you belong."

Looking at the solider who showed all the evidence of pulling his sword, Rain couldn't help but smile. "Would draw your blade on a lady sir?"

"No," then drawing his blade, "You are no lady. Now be gone before I send you back with whelps from the back of my blade."

Smiling Sauciously, "Don't want to know what I want, solider." Standing with her hands on hips she looked every inch the tavern girl, she knew, but still Morzan didn't have to be so distrustful.

Sneering, "No."

"Relax, Morzan." Rath said tossing an apple at Rain, "She's a friend."

"Thanks Rathiania. Been to the rogues I see."

Rath just raised an eyebrow as she watched Rain bite into the apple.

Morzan, however, wasn't quite convinced, "How do we know she's a friend."

"Because I know the password," Rain said stepping closer to Morzan stepping past his blade in a quick easy motion to whisper in his ear. "Some call me Celebrin."

At the word Celebrin, Ariana perked up a little. "Is it you, Celebrin?" The elf said in Silvan.

Holding a finger to her lips, Rain nodded as she stepped away from Morzan futher into the barn. "Hush, Ariana Elven-born. Your Cousins send you greetings." With this, Rain tossed the elf a bag the other silvan's had given her for their cousin Ariana that they had seen outside with the others of her group.

Sitting herself on a barrel of oats, Rain finished the apple and tossed the core aside. The little food she had was helping her regain her strength, but still as she sat there looking at the moon that was visible through a crack in the barn doors Rain couldn't help but still feel shaken over the days events. First Rath, then the sword, then the sphere, the demons, and now was simply to hard to believe.

Crossing her legs, Rain made herself comfortable easing her one of her daggers just in case. She may be a incopentent with the weapons she now wore with this disguse but any fool could toss a dagger in a time of need.

"My name is Arin Celebrin Sea-born, and I am indeed a friend. I was sent by someone who called herself Rain 'de-la'Nari. She said you would need my help. So, here I am. I was told there was five of you, not counting Rain, where are the others?"

Rath spoke first, looking at her a little oddly. "Crenlamin went to the embassy, and I believe Morzan went to the church in town. Why?"

Waving to Rath in the hand language that any minor theif or in this case a gyspy and an assinsin knew, said "Explanitions later. Danger is close. We must speak soon. Disturbing news." Although Rain knew this itself was rather ruff, her mind was going black for the proper signs to explain herself more fully to Rath. She was just going to have to wait.

Cursing her luck silently, Rain dismounted the barrel. "Bad news. Very Bad News. News you must all hear. Nevertheless, it is too late to go searching for the rest of your party. Rest tonight, gain your strength. We will speak in the morning."

Gestering to Rath one more time just before she opened the barn door, Rain silently said, "Stay here, protect the others. I have work to do."

"Now," speaking a lot this time, "if you don't mind, I must be going. The night is growing to dark for a girl like me to be seen about." Rain existed the barn and pulled out an elven cloak from her bag.

Slipping into the shadows, Rain knew that it was going to be a long night. She had work to do, and the last thing she wanted was to be seen.

Pulling up the hood, Rain headed towards the back of the inn, and then disappearing the shadows was gone.

#116:  Author: Kalanna RaiLocation: The Frozen North PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:32 pm
Rath watched Rain or, Arian, vanish into the night. Cursing silently in draconic she moved away fromt the door. Like I need more bad news. She gazed around at her companions who were contentedly munching on bread, beginning to unwind in what they thought was safety.

If Rath was edgy they attributed it to her profession...when did you ever see a relaxed assassin. I wonder from which direction this ill wind blows? No use borrowing trouble. With that Rath quit contemplating what might show up and decided to prepare for the worst. Her eyes flicked around, memorizing defenseable positions and venurabilites.

With a pound of her wings she launched herself into the rafters. Her action garnered a snort from Crenla, raised eyebrows from Morzan, and Ariana breifly ceased her contemplation of the elven gift. Soon her companions forgot about her, chalking it up to some excentricity. Rath couldn't have been more greatful.

Slowly, hesitation born of reluctance not fear, she reached into her pouch for what she hoped was the last time. Closing her eyes she dug deep until she hit spell barriers. First the flimsy ones gave way and she progressed deeper and deeper into the bags hidden depths. Had she not set these spells, had not created this bag, she would have been destroyed the moment she touched the first layer.

What she had buried here, in this pouch that had once been a beautiful bracelet, had been meant to sleep for all eternity. It hadn't been made in this world, had never been ment for this world. If there is one thing I regret it is stealing this from you Mother. Prying apart the strongest layer yet her claws brushed it.

It called to her in the language of things best left unspoken. An amulet that harbored the darkest secret in her dark past. She wrapped her talons in it's chain and took a deep breath. If I'm right then this is the only way. If I am wrong...I'm ringing the dinner bell.

#117:  Author: Morzan PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:45 pm
(People seem to really know my character Smile . Thanks for filling in. Sorry for not posting earlier its just with school and homework and all that its hard to keep up. Anyway back to the RP for me.)

Morning dew glistened on the grass like stars in the night sky. It was a beautiful morning with a light breeze and a glowing sun. But Morzan had no time to enjoy it. His father had put him to work in the fields. It didn't bother him to work, he enjoyed doing labour that was usualy reserved for bigger and more capable boys.

Morzan wasn't the largest kid and he was often put to work in the chicken house. So this was his chance to show the village and his father that he could do anything his older brothers could. Running along with two hand sythes he slashed and cut a path through the wheat his family grew.

In his mind he didn't see the wheat. He saw evil knights and dark wizards. Ripping a bloody path through the imaginary army his laughter and joy echoed throguh the fields.

People were starting to gather as Morzan danced and weaved through the rows of wheat. Soon he stood in an empty field, piles of wheat stood around him and he stood breathing hard. Looking back at his familys little house he saw he father and brothers. His father, with a smile on his face and his brothers who stood scowling.

Leanig against the barn Morzan snapped out of his little dream. Those were the days. Living on the farm, catching rabbits and hunting foxes. Taking off his cloak and opening his pack he drew out an old fox pelt. Smiling he rubbed his face against it. It just as soft as it was all those years ago.
Standing up he paced back and forth in front of the barn. From inside voices floated. Something in a different language. Morzan thought it was elfish but he wasn't really sure. A thought then hit him, I dont know any languages other than english. Moving in front of the the door he stood guard and surveyed the crowd.

There was noone who looked like they would pull out a sword and tear up the place. So Morzan let his guard down ever so slightly. He wasn't afraid, the folk around here were nice and he felt a kindredship with them. Because like most of them he wasn't from some fancy background. He was a farmboy.

#118:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:32 pm
Chapter 6: When Nightmares Walk...

Stealing along the inn, Rain felt the hard lumber that was along the wall. It had been many years since she had been here and she wasn't sure if she could find what she was looking for, or even if it was still there.

Suddenly something hit her causing her to stop what she was doing. Lifting her noise to the wind, Rain closed her eyes and let her mind tell her what was happening. A great power was close. It wasn't being used, but it was close to being used. From the feel of the power that sorrunded what Rain thought was a spell, it felt more like the power was in a sleeping object that was waiting to be used.

Pausing a little, Rain wondered if she really do what she was about to do. Thinking hard Rain realized that whether she wanted to or not, she had better find out who and where the power was coming from. What Matthew and the Silvan had told her was too disturbing not to?

Unconcilessly Rain's hands went to her sash where her flute was usually kept, but met with nothing but the handle of one her daggers. Lifting her hands, Rain flattened herself against the wall, closed her eyes, and breathed deep. She was a fool for doing this.

Opening her eyes Rain opened her lips and sang as quietly as the eastern wind in the apple trees in the spring. Her voice was haunting, her song searching, and to tell the truth beautiful from what could be told from it's softness.

Soon her song returned to her bring her what she needed to now. It brought her smells which told her two things. One that the person who was touching the spell or object of power was a mage stronger than she. Two that the mage using it wasn't making an effort to hide themselves, and that in likehood they were friendly.

The smell confirmed her thoughts as Rain breathed a nose full of dragon. The smells also taught her a little, only a little, of the object that held the power. In truth in didn't tell her any more than she already knew, the power was in an object that was sleeping, it wasn't being used at the moment, and that the object contained a vast amount of power that Rain couldn't even contemplate.

Hestitating a moment, Rain played with the ring on her finger and sang another spell this time using the ring not her own strength to fuel the spell.

The spell was first taught to her by Gilath to help her communicate to him over distances, or to speak to any dragon if she had need. She just hoped it worked with Rath, for one Rath wasn't a dragon at the moment, and two it usual required the dragon's full title in this case Rath's, which Rain didn't know. Sending a tendril of thought, Rain tested the spell.

Rathiania? I don't know if you can hear me, but I can't speak long so listen close if you can.


Breathing freely now, Rain continued her search along the bricks until her hands met with what she was looking for. Pulling the brick loose, Rain's hands pocketed the map, a small stone by the feel, and a heavy bag of coins she found in the secret aclove. Placing the stone back, Rain snuck away into relative safety before continuing her conversation with Rath.

Yes. Stop whatever your doing. I don't know what that thing is that you have but if you use it your justing going to announce the Sword-Bearers presence to every low-life, demon, and spy around here.

You told me to protect them! I am doing so. Trust me. Rath said mentally obviously frausted at the contridication.

I do trust you. But you must trust me. You don't want to attrack attention right now, not with them Rain mentally shuddered sending a picture of a small force of demons to Rath. The picture convenvied a fear deeper than demons. Demons, stupid as they were, Rain could handle. She couldn't however handle the other things that were with the demons.

A picture of wraith, tall and pall cloaked in it's grave clothes, a spectrum driven by some unknown end. A fear-bringer, a three headed monster with teeth the size of a dog, bearing a whip and possing a scream that sent nightmares into the heart of the bravest of men. Finally, perhaps the most feared, a dark drake. Drakes, those things daring to call them dragons, were little more than snakes with wings. Yet within them they had enough power to make any mage quiver like a babe. Even more feared was the Dark Drake whose black wings were made of nightmares, whose shadow was darker than the blackest of nights, whose screams woke the dead. Toghether the three formed the things of nightmares.

Rain had no doubt what they were after. Nightmares, dreams of greed and sin, fear, and distrust. Demons, those powerful enough to be high on the food chain, feed off these things. The more they got, the powerful and more dangerous they became.

Rain completed the picture with another thought banishing her own fears as well as she could. The last thing we want to do is attrack their attention or to let them know were hear.

Rath paused clearly thinking over what she had shown her. Are you sure?

I am. I haven't seen them but I have looked in the eyes of those who have. Into the eyes of one who faced death and didn't tremble, but when they beheld these fears fled.

Why here?

Our enemy has many eyes. She doubtless knew that we took the sword. Besides, this is a small town full of simple people. They have reason enough to fear.

Should I tell the others?

Rain at this but nodded mentally. Yes, but not too much. Fear will work against them now. I would have told you in the barn, but...

You were a stranger and we had no reason to trust you. Where are you going with them so close?

Exactly. I have to find other ways of travel. If the feared three are walking about old paths may be no longer trusted or worse watched. I'm going to see some old friednds and see about newer paths. We may just have to follow the orginal plan in the end though, I don't know what I will find.

Watch your back. When nightmares walk,

Heros awake also. Don't forget that part either, miss Rathiania, I don't believe in miracles. I'll be careful. I shouldn't be too long. If all goes well, I'll be back before dawn. If not, I'll be back in two days at the most. However, if I'm not back by the third day. Awake my flute, With this Rain pictured her flute, and envisioned the silvian words that was inscribe near the first key. It read "Find that which is mine." If you play that note, Celebrin will find me. If the echo returns void....then go on without me, you'll find all you need at the bottom of the hold that you will find in the barn's tack room. Find it by tapping where the sun rests when it rises in the morn. I can tell you no more. I'm sorry.

Cutting off her thoughts, Rain sang again this time turning Juric's ring inwards so the stone was hid. If she was lucky and all went well, Rath won't need any of what I told her. Checking her mental and physical shields that protected her from being seen, Rain whistled. A small man amerged from the inn holding a horse in his hands. Giving the stead a good once over, Rain smiled.

"Greetings Nightwind, you served me before. Will you do so again?"

Hearing the mare's agreeing neigh, Rain mounted with an easy motion that seemed natural for her. "Thanks Patrick," she said to the man holding her stirrups for her, "Tell Matthew that if I'm not back by day to tell the Eroki everything he will tell me. She's an old friend. The solider's blades are to be sharpened, the elf is to be given every curtesy, the priest to be healed, and the centaur greeted with respect. Tell him..." choaking back tears, "that if don't see him, Goodbye old Friend."

Kicking the mare slightly, Rain galloped away into the night, whispering to horse. "Fly swiftly and quitely, Nightwind. May your name prove true this night."

Last edited by dinranwen on Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:17 am; edited 1 time in total

#119:  Author: JezSharpLocation: The middle of anywhere... PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:22 am
Solus sends her apolagies as she's temporaily been banned from IF for the forseeable future Sad (prob until her half term) as she'd been neglecting hmwk/music practice, so her character Ariana will have to play a more quiet background role for the present time.

#120:  Author: The White Blacksmith PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:29 am
Do you reackon we should get a sub or one of us shoulddo it for her?

Oh, and another title to add to Crenlamin's list of Awesomeness. CHeck my ststus. Go on, do it.

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