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#81:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:26 pm
Poll's up! Now vote... or else! Shocked Cool Wink

#82:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:00 am

The Lightbearer will complete the circle
And the Dark will fall back.
The Grand Design will forever be changed
And the Light will finally prevail.
The world will become a world of peace.
Conflict, war, and hate will be forgotten in the hearts of humans,
And yet there will still be the chance for the Dark to return.
Unless the Circle of Gaia is completed,
Held in balance for eternity,
Air, Water, Earth, and Fire
The Lightbearer will bind them all
and they will become as one.
To stop the Dark,
The Light will die.
One must be let go
To save the millions
That would otherwise suffer.

This clearly shows it should be darkdeamon that should ban-together with your group... But soren is probably the one you'll have to let go... The dark to be reborn.. mmm... sounds like something a twist... a deamon of the black waters the curse bringer...

Edit: Lil the poor light protected by her mother such a long time ago... time will tell us as some years do, on the first day she will fall to someone dear.... but rize a phoenix of just... sorry that was a peom but it fits....

#83:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:35 am
*looks like she's about to cry* The poll has been up for a long time... AND IT'S A TIE! PLEASE SOMEONE BREAK IT? Shocked Sad

#84:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:04 pm
Whoops. Blush

#85:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:41 pm
You know Lily. If it comes down to it...You can break the tie.

Either choose one of the top winning options to run with....or simply combine the tied votes together.

Either way, you break your tie...and you might just come up with something interesting if you go for the whole combine ideas thing.

#86:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:59 pm
Now look at that! This is a three-way tie now, which is worse than before! THAT'S IT! Now you have a "speed"** poll! Y'all have 24 hrs to declare a true winner out of the 3 top options ... or my fingers will twist the story in cruel and unnatural ways.... and you guys should know by now that it isn't pretty when that happens.... Laughing Mad

**"Speed" is a borrowed idea from Chinaren... Thanks, China!

#87:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:44 am
Lilith your going to either praise or shoot me on this idea since the prophecy has not been fully revealed one of the demons on the inside could have heard the whole prophecy and knowing that things could get very ugly could turn and join your party farfetched idea but you never know

#88:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:19 pm
you break your tie...and you might just come up with something interesting if you go for the whole combine ideas thing.

F5 din. That is what I did and it came out quite well, the problem is that you can go of your road, but you have support to support your story... etc. and I'm sure it won't fall...

#89:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:34 pm
Kang, this is the full prophecy.. and if you have read into it enough to decipher it's meaning... KEEP YOUR BLOODY MOUTH SHUT! I know you well enough to know that you probably aren't gonna like what the prophecy says but, oh well,.. chances must be taken.. muahahahahahahahahaha! Laughing Laughing Laughing

I wrote:
Ever the Dark exists,
For that is the fate of the balance;
One cannot be without the other.
Dark and Light;
Evil and Good;
Prey and Hunter.
All coexist with each other in duality
And the Grand Design is maintained.
On the night when Dark and Light are equal
And the Light from then on increases,
The Lightbearer will complete the circle
And the Dark will fall back.
The Grand Design will forever be changed
And the Light will finally prevail.
The world will become a world of peace.
Conflict, war, and hate will be forgotten in the hearts of humans,
And yet there will still be the chance for the Dark to return.
Unless the Circle of Gaia is completed,
Held in balance for eternity,
Air, Water, Earth, and Fire
The Lightbearer will bind them all
and they will become as one.
To stop the Dark,
The Light will die.
One must be let go
To save the millions
That would otherwise suffer.

#90:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:57 pm
well it makes sense now since i'ce had a day to recoop and have gotten some MUCH needed sleep. ok with the prophecy out there i still say some of the Demons may have gotten wise and try to switch sides to prevent to the prophecy playing out as it is described. for an idea,

#91:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:32 am
*rubs hands together maliciously and cackles* Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! You asked for it! And oh, won't this be good fun? Muahahahahahahahaha! Laughing Laughing Laughing

#92:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:35 am
Soooo... When's the next chappy?

#93:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:11 am
and if you have read into it enough to decipher it's meaning... KEEP YOUR BLOODY MOUTH SHUT!

Well... sorry.

Didn't mean anything by saying what I tought that part and the falling of the light meant... Atleast treid to desciver. my poems are much hader to make out., because it doesn't make sence and it rarely rymes.

#94: Bloodline: Chapter 8 - Jaden Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:39 pm
Here it is, hot off the keyboard!

Chapter 8: Jaden

The figure appeared to be human at first, until I spotted his eyes. They were completely black, a sign of a demon from Valara’s bloodline. He was rather tall and well-developed muscles marked him for a fighter while light brown hair blew haphazardly across his face. I got up finally and drew my sword, still trying to catch my breath. “What do you want? You are not welcome in this party.” I stated, as Tobias and Shoren withdrew their weapons as well and stood beside me. I was grateful for them to lean on for I would be collapsing without them on either side of me.

He spoke, almost in a rasping voice. “You... you are the winged one who killed Derek, my little brother. And you’re also the one who’s got Mother so wound up.” He chuckled, a harsh sound making me grind my teeth.

“Yeah and if you come a step closer, you’re next on my list!” I threatened, although losing my fierceness as I wobbled and fell.

The demon cleared his throat and spoke again, this time sounding close to human. “Little one, I have no quarrel with you. The enemy of mine enemy is my friend. I quarrel with my mother. She threw me aside when Derek was born and I have made it my life’s work to stop her spread of corruption.”

Shoren and Tobias shot him a distrusting look as they pulled me to my feet again. “Oh, no!” I said softly as the Prophecy Gem escaped from my fingers and shattered on the ground. A huge whoosh was heard as a brilliant red light blinded us all.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Tobias commented, resting his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?” He asked, concern creeping it’s way into his voice.

I shrugged him off. “I’m fine. Now you, demon. Your name?” I queried, turning my attention to the newcomer.

He smiled. “It’s Connor. Now, would you mind letting me help you? You are horribly weakened from that thing.”

I was shocked. “A demon wants to help me? What for? Is Valara finally out of ideas and thinks I’ll be stupid enough to fall for this?” I snapped back, nearly falling again but not because Connor caught my arm and pulled me to my feet steadily. Tobias and Shoren were on him in an instant.

“Unhand her, fiend!” Tobias shouted, his weapon right up against the demon’s throat while Shoren had shifted into his wolf form and complied with menacing growls.

I finally had regained enough strength to stand on my own and shook Connor off. “Boys! Play nice for once!” I warily watched the demon and signaled to Tobias and Shoren to back off. “Well, Connor. We’ll give you a trial run. We need to get to Jaden and quickly.” Tobias and Shoren looked at me shocked.

Shoren, we need help and if he truly is against his mom then he’ll be a welcome asset to us. If not, then we will use him until we no longer need him.

Shoren nodded quickly and a second later, so did Tobias, although both still watched Connor warily. I put on my best smile and took Connor’s proffered arm. “Ah, my lady. I have just the thing to get us to Jaden quickly.” He made a small hand gesture and a piece of the earth broke free from the ground and floated at just the right level for someone step on. Connor carefully guided me on and Shoren and Tobias hurried after me. Connor grinned breifly at all of our scared looks when the piece of earth began to move quickly to the east.

Within an hour, we had arrived at the borders of Jaden. Tobias, Shoren, and I got off the floating piece of earth quickly as we could and looked around at our surroundings. Jaden was completely opposite of our homeland. Where we had fighters in fortresses planning their most recent campaign, they had decadent lords who built luxurious palaces and held happy little garden parties for their ladies. We were all in awe of the majestic spires of towers that seemed to touch the sky.

“Put those wings away, people will mark you for more than a mere foreigner if they see those,” Tobias whispered in my ear quickly as we spotted a group of riders making their way towards us. I nodded and complied quickly, an odd tingling sensation shooting up my spine as my wings folded into my back and left not a trace of themselves.

“You too, Connor. Do something about your eyes.” Shoren snapped as the riders came ever closer. Connor nodded and his eyes shrunk into pupils and the irises were the color of the ocean.

I recognized the foremost rider when he dismounted rather ungracefully. “Eclipse!” I called to him, a grin spreading across my face. The gangly young knight grinned breifly and then moved aside as a much older knight dismounted, grace and balance perfectly intertwined, his golden and well-kept armor glittering in the sun. A last knight in silver armor and between the other two age-wise barely made a movement and suddenly he was on the ground.

“Son, do you know this bold woman and her companions?” the golden-armored knight asked.

“Father, this is Lilith and her friends who made me come back home with such haste and all the information I gave you earlier this very day.” Eclipse explained, shuffling from foot to foot under his father’s gaze.

“Ah! Well then, allow me to introduce myself. I am King Arcon, ruler of Jaden. You have already met my youngest son, Eclipse and this strapping lad behind me is my oldest son, Veltan.” the gold-armored one extended his hand which I gripped and shook firmly and then gestured towards the silver-armored knight.

Veltan approached slowly. “It is an honor to meet those who sent young Eclipse here back home to us safe and sound. He snuck away awhile back after Father forbade him from leaving.” He bowed low and raised his head enough to look me in the eye. “We are in your debt, my lady.” He then took my hand gently and pressed his lips to my fingers.

He was very pleasing to the eye. Ice-blue eyes, golden-colored hair and a smile to charm the birds out of the trees. He was like some ancient Greek hero of myth and legend, blazing as brilliantly as any god.

I nodded in what I hoped was a demure manner, surreptitiously checking for drool. “Well, we were only passing by and he happened to catch us at the right time. We really had nothing to do with it.” I explained slowly but Arcon cut me off.

“Ah! Save your tales to regale us with at dinner tonight! We are throwing a grand feast for the successful return of Veltan and his troops. He and his legion have routed the barbarians on the south border of our lands and made sure those vicious dogs will never return!” Arcon and Veltan steered us toward the exquisite palace in the nearby city.

Shoren and Tobias kept their faces clear and devoid of all emotion but I could tell that they were both highly irritated. First by the joining of a demon to our little group and then we were being detained by a party with a bunch of smooth talking pansies. Connor seemed to be pleased for some reason as numerous ladies looked him up and down.

We came to a stop in the entrance hall where several ladies in glittering gowns awaited. They immediately started greeting Arcon, Veltan, and Eclipse with hugs.

“My daughters, meet our guests. Lilith, Tobias, Shoren, and Connor.” Arcon gestured to each of us in turn. “Our guests have been traveling for awhile. Girls, take Lilith and let her get cleaned up for the banquet, would you? Veltan, Eclipse, and I will take Tobias, Shoren, and Connor to get cleaned up as well.”

I was steered away from my male companions, surrounded by simpering women, most of them viewing my travel-stained garments and unkempt appearance in pity.

Soon, all I heard was “You poor dear, having to be around all those men for so long. No female companionship whatsoever.” I was shoved into a large bathroom that was prepared with a steaming hot bath in a marble bathtub with claw-feet. I sank down into the hot water, enjoying the peaceful silence in comparison to the senseless chatter of the king’s daughters. But my relaxation time was to be short lived, for the girls burst in as I was getting out of the tub and wrapping a towel around myself.

They put a corset around me first and one of them put her foot in my back to tighten it so I could barely breathe. “Um, I.. can’t breathe!” I gasped.

“Oh don’t worry, hon. You’ll get used to it.” one said offhandedly. Then they put me into an emerald green gown, low-cut in the front and straps crisscrossing over my shoulders and upper back. The bottom part wasn’t poofy like some gowns were; on the contrary, the skirt of the dress was rather slinky with a slit up the side that went to my thigh.

As the finale of this cruel and unusual torture, they sat me down and pulled and twisted at my hair until it was in some complicated knot and a few ringlets framed my face. The daughters of the king, finally satisfied with their work, lead me to the entrance hall once more where we were greeted by King Arcon and his two sons and Tobias, Shoren, and Connor.

“My, my, ... you do clean up well, don’t you? Did your father allow you to run rampant for your whole childhood, my dear?” I stiffened at the king’s words.

“My father was a good man. He raised me to the very best of his ability. He trained me well and the result stands before you, King Arcon,” I said very pointedly, narrowing my eyes and watching the old king’s eyes explore the gown. Veltan came by and smoothly lead the way into the magnificent dining hall by grasping my arm gently but firmly. A huge rectangular table filled the room from end to end and lords and ladies dressed in their finest stood and chatter died down.

“Presenting, King Arcon, his sons, and their guests from the Alt Lands!” A loud mouthed chamberlain called to the diners. Arcon took his seat at the very head of the grand table, Veltan to his right and Eclipse to his left. Veltan waited unitl I was seated and then sat down between his father and I. Tobias and Shoren were seated across from me and Connor to my left.

“Forgive my father’s rudeness. He is getting on in his years and sometimes says things that should not be said, my lady,” Veltan whispered in my ear.

I gave him a half-smile. “What is there to forgive when someone says something he doesn’t mean. And you really shouldn’t call me that. I belong to no one here and I am not a lady of your land.” I replied diplomatically.

Veltan gave me a small smile. “You may be one day, you never know”

My next response was drowned out when Arcon stood and shouted, “Hear one, hear all! My eldest son, Veltan, has been victorious in his campaign against the barbarians of the south border! My youngest son, Eclipse, whom we all mourned as dead, has returned to us this day as well! And our neighbors to the west Alt Lands have joined us for these two happy occasions being celebrated tonight!” A roar of applause and approval flooded the hall as the king took his chair once more and the feast began.

Lilith, we need to find out where the Circle of Gaia is, now. Get the information from Veltan. Eclipse says that he doesn’t know, but he’s heard Veltan speak of it before. As soon as we get the info, Connor will create a distraction and we’ll get out of here.

I caught Shoren’s eye and gave him, Tobias, and Connor all a quick nod.

Just as I turned my head to speak with Veltan, he spoke. “Lilith, you aren’t eating much. Is the air too stifling in here for you?” Concern marred the handsome features of his face. “Would like to step out for some air with me?”

I murmured my assent and he lead me out a set of stained glass doors to a garden right outside the hall. “Veltan, do you know of the Circle of Gaia?” I blurted out as soon as he shut the doors.

Veltan frowned. “Yes, I do. Why do you ask such a question?”

“Because I have to get there, before midnight on Midwinter’s eve! Please, tell me where it is! It is very important!” I pleaded.

Veltan’s face smoothed. “But of course. Whatever you like my dear. On one condition. When you return, you will marry me and rule at my side here.”

I turned pale. “What?”

He smiled. “You aren’t like the girls here. You have passion and sensibility. The other girls here give simpering smiles but have no brains nor wit.”

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! I thought, as I thought of a way to get around his question but still get the information I needed from him.

Damn it! Why me? Alright then, how do I get the location of the Circle of Gaia from him?

#95:  Author: LianaLocation: Insanity. PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:49 pm
what are you waiting for? seduce him! Sweet talk him into it, Saati. Have her use her charm, or body if it comes to that. Lol. Or you could threaten/kick his assinence. There are really a great number of things you could have her do. I personally think that she should seduce him though. It makes for a better least a more interesting one. *pulls up an arm chair and popcorn* Now go for it!

#96:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:53 pm
Go into a private room and beat him up with your wings. Tell him that either you will get the information or the wormlings will get dinner.


#97:  Author: ChinarenLocation: PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:42 pm
Agree why not already? If you change your mind you just don't go back that way. Shocked

#98:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:03 am
Oh its got to be seduction. And seduce the reader as well. And, maybe Lilith could get seduced too, without realising it!

#99:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:30 am
*laughs happily as the readers (especially Liana and Crunchyfrog) play right into her hands* Okay a little while longer for more to have a chance to throw options in. Wink

#100:  Author: MastermindLocation: Right here. PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:36 am
Hmmm... Agreeing, and then change your mind could work, but it might become a problem if Veltan decides to come with you. Seducing him could get the same problem. You could just leave him behind, or kill him if necessary, but I don't think angering one apparently quite powerful nation would be wise, as you already have the demon army after you - this would count for Masterweaver's idea as well.

How about you tell him the truth? Parts of it, anyway. If he still insists, you can go all offensive at him, accusing him for putting his own desires before the survival of mankind and stuff.

#101:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:06 am
Dang you never make it easy for people do you.. hmm lets see the seduction would probably be the best route but mix in masterminds idea of divulging some fo the truth then just as Lilith get the information and her prey is at his point to try relish her just quickly bail the hell out of there and get on the road!!

#102:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:11 am
A.) Tell him some of the truth.
B.) Seduce him.
C.) Beat the shit out of him.
D.) Combo A.) & B.)
E.) Just do it all!

Any others?

#103:  Author: LianaLocation: Insanity. PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:32 am
mwhahahahaha i can't wait til the next chappy. I want to see some seducing....... sorry I'm a bit hyper today. No matter which one is chosen it'll be an interesting story. Now hurry up and put a poll up! lol just kidding saati.

#104:  Author: dinranwen PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:51 pm
Awww...too late for the poll! Oh well, I was going to tell you to slap his face, but that wouldn't have been wise now would it?

Rather I would've suggested that Lily tell him "No, at least not now, not so sudden, and if you like my brains, you'll respect that."

Of course slapping him sounds so much better...

Oh well.

Se cera Se Cera.

#105:  Author: MasterweaverLocation: Look around PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:25 pm
Hey now, vote for beatiing him up, right? You're a good guy, and you must fight for what's right. Besides, practically every other option involves seducing him. Wacko

#106:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:38 am
That is a females best assest besides kicking arse and that is SEDUCTION!!!!

#107:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 10:08 pm

#108: Repoll on Chapter 8-9 Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 5:07 pm
Everyone, I apologize. I need a repoll done in order to write the next chapter. Until Din and Zephyr posted, I didn't realize how one-sided the poll was. Now it is no longer one-sided. Please cast your vote now. Again, sorry. Sad

#109:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:56 am
The word "seduce" was enough to make my decision for me. Everyone likes a good seduction in their fantasy stories.

#110:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:54 am

#111:  Author: AmichanLocation: RL:Roseboro, NC./ IF: Retuning from a long journey in the land of OFF PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:58 am
If it does backfire that just adds more of a plot twist to everything

#112:  Author: DELETED PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:30 pm

#113:  Author: LianaLocation: Insanity. PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:49 pm
Seduction of course dear saati.

#114:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:20 pm
What is wrong with you people?! Always something perverted, isn't it? Shocked

#115:  Author: LianaLocation: Insanity. PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 1:45 pm
of course. the more perversion the better! Come on know you want towrite a sex scene. Just kidding sis. either way it'll make an interesting story.

#116:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:14 pm
Liana wrote:
Come on know you want towrite a sex scene.

*glares at Liana* You are such a flippin' pervert, sis.

#117:  Author: LianaLocation: Insanity. PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:49 pm
but you know you love me anyway saati Very Happy

#118:  Author: DukeRegLocation: Australia PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:35 am
What's perverted about seduction? It doesn't have to get kinky or explicit. Besides, she digs him anyway. What's to say she isn't subconsciously choosing seduction because she is attracted to him?

#119:  Author: LianaLocation: Insanity. PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:24 am
mwahahahahahahaha seduction seems to be winning!!!

#120:  Author: LilithLocation: Happily curled up in a Daemon's lap PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:46 pm
Damn you all! *shakes fist angrily while being pulled to wrangle with the next chapter* This is your fault, remember, you asked for it! Shocked

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