Heavy Metal - Chapter 2.2: Indecent Proposal, Part 2
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City of IF -> Heavy Metal

#1: Heavy Metal - Chapter 2.2: Indecent Proposal, Part 2 Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:17 pm
Heavy Metal
Chapter 2.2
Indecent Proposal, Part 2

“Alright, Alright,” Walter growled into the phone. “I guess it can’t hurt to look into it. So what, I’ll met you in the lobby at Caesar’s Palace then?”

“Yeah, that’ll work,” Dave’s youthful voice replied. “Might give me a little time to see if I can’t work on my ex. I hope she’ll be working then.”

“Alright, whatever,” Walt grumbled. “See you there.”

Without giving Dave a moment to ramble on, Walter’s fingers stumbled around for the red button etched with the word ‘Stop’. Babbling over the receiver continued until Walt found it with a satisfying beep.

Looking up, Walt swerved to avoid a long-eared rabbit that had wandered onto the road. “Dang wildlife,” he muttered as his truck sputtered down the highway.


Walt never felt at ease on the Vegas strip. It wasn’t the lights which blinked away even throughout the middle of the day, nor was it the droves of wandering tourists in awe of the astounding architecture that sprouted from the desert soil here. His problem was simply a class conflict.

Walt’s truck backfired as he lurched it to a stop for the approaching valet. One eyebrow raised on the young man, dressed in flashy red attire, and his head cocked in wonderment that such a vehicle would be the next for him to service.

“Take good care of ‘er,” Walt muttered as he slowly slipped down from the driver’s seat, handing the young man a wad of one dollar bills. Nodding, eyes rolling, the youngster climbed into the cab and puttered the vehicle off to the parking garage with another resounding back blast.

Sighing, Walter dusted off his jeans and shuffled in through the elaborate glass doors, held open for him by condescending looking gentlemen, also dressed in flashy red suits. He nodded to them and half said, “Good day.”

Growling, he immediately crossed to a red leather seat in the lobby. The anarchic carpet pattern stung his eyes so he craned his neck upwards towards the pleasantly carved Roman ceiling. “Where is that kid?” he openly wondered.

Minutes passed as he twiddled his fingers and cracked his knuckles. People passed him, looking down at him as if seeing something more odd and exotic than the architecture surrounding them.

Eventually, a young blonde bunny hopped over to him from the casino floor, dressed in attire that left little to the imagination. He could care less of course, but he was curious as to why he had been approached. “Yeah?” he barked.

“Um, are you Walter?” she asked in a perky tone.

“Yeah,” He barked.

“I’ve been asked to have you follow me to your friend… Dave is it?”

“Yeah,” He barked. Slowly, groaning and grunting, he pushed himself against gravity to stand erect, mostly. “Where is he?”

“Right this way, sir,” she smiled courteously, apparently used to all manner of demeanors.

She patiently led him through the first casino floor, buzzers and beepers, flashing lights and ringing tones launching a full scale military style attack on Walt’s ears. “Ungh,” he groaned at the noise.

As he passed a particularly large, loud, flashy machine, a middle aged woman suddenly leapt from her seat, squealing in exuberant glee as the machine began acting like a hyperactive technogadget; screen flashing, sirens blaring, her screaming. She stumbled into Walter who growled and shoved her back into her seat.

“Put a lid on it lady,” he scowled as he shuffled to catch up to the bouncy girl ahead of him. “You’ll probably just lose it all back anyhow.” The sudden impact had made his shoulder ache. The woman gave his backside an indignant stare as he shuffled off after the perky girl.

He was eventually led to a bar off the side of the casino floor. It reminded him of the booth style bars that he’d seen in so many airports over the years. As he approached, Dave jumped up from his seat at the bar, waving at Walt in recognition.

Dave galloped over to Walt, wearing a huge grin. “Walt! I’m glad you made it.”

“Get your hair out of your face,” Walt snarled. “You look like a California beach wave.”

“Yeah, that’s kinda the idea old man,” Dave shot back as he, nevertheless, cleared his dark hair from his right eye, flinging it back behind his ear. Placing a gentle hand on Walt’s shoulder, and pausing to thank the errand girl, Dave guided Walt to where he had been seated, next to another young female.

“Walt, this is Brenda, my ex-girlfriend I was telling you about,” he said with a blushing smile.

Brenda swiveled around on her barstool to face Walt. Stunningly deep blue eyes met his gaze from her sensually chiseled features. She wore a black leather jacket which smelled faintly of rose petals and cigarette smoke, over a leather brazier, cut high enough to reveal a sumptuous belly pierced with a violet ring capped with a rose blossom design. A leather skirt just covered her shapely hips, her black laced legs stretching out beneath, crossed seductively in her seated pose. Black lipstick marred her voluptuous lips and golden honeyed hair fell down across her cheek as she turned, smiling devilishly as she gazed into the old man’s tired eyes.

“Hmph,” Walt shrugged. “Get your hair out of your face girl.” He growled as he inched his way up and into a stool at the bar, allowing Dave to be seated between them.

Brenda smirked with unmasked amusement. Walt couldn’t entirely hide the faint blushing across his cheeks. Nor did his heart rate stay unaffected. She could hear it pulsing a step or two faster, forcing her to lick her lips.

“Hey barkeep,” Walt roared as if he were in an old west saloon, “Can I get a beer over here?”

As the tender professionally responded to Walt’s request with nary a word, Dave interjected, “Brenda and I were dating about a year ago. We’ve just been getting caught up is all.” As he leaned in to whisper into the man’s ear, she absently gazed around the casino floor with apathy on her lips. “Isn’t she beautiful?!?” he whispered.

“Hmph,” Walt shrugged. “She’s got black lipstick. Ruins her face,” he said simply, making no attempt to lower his voice.

“Heh,” Dave blushed as she shot an evil glance at Walter, “Some guys kinda like that.”

“Suck up,” Brenda yawned. Cynical or not, her voice was as delicious as the honey in her hair.

“Yeah, those who don’t know better I guess,” Walter defended his position as he watched her intently out of the corner of his eyes. She was a pretty dame, he had to admit… scary… but pretty.

Walter’s beer was served wordlessly and unceremoniously, as if by a trained ghost. Money was exchanged.

As he slurped the golden liquid, Walter mumbled, “So where’s this ‘Bouncer’ guy? And how do YOU know ‘im?” He motioned a gnarled finger towards Brenda.

“He’s on a bank deposit run,” Brenda purred. “He’ll be back in just a minute. And he’s an associate of mine.”

“Brenda actually works here,” Dave said, his eyes bright like a school boy. “She’s the head of… what was it again?” he asked her.

“Floor Management. I make sure the girls do as their told,” her voice sauntered, eliciting visions of whips and leather flashing through Walt’s mind, certainly foreign concepts.

“Jezus,” Walt stammered, “I thought Gretta died years ago,” apparently referring to her sultry demeanor. “Does he work for you then?”

“No. He’s the chief security officer here at the casino,” she replied. “We work for the same boss.”

“And who’s that?” Walt asked, apparently annoyed with the conversation already. Dave knew better though. He quickly realized why Walt was asking, probing to figure out where their mysterious fuel source might be originating from.

“Guy named Lucky,” Brenda replied matter-of-factly.

“What, does he own the joint?” Walter pressed on.

“Naw, he’s sortof a… shadow manager,” Brenda seemed to choose her words carefully. “He’s given the run of the place, but he’s no official manager really. He and the ownership go waaaay back,” she drawled.

“Hmph,” Walt soured as he took another swig.

“So do we have a date on Friday?” Dave interjected, apparently swaying the conversation back to his pre-Walter agenda.

“I don’t know darlin’. I’m not sure it’s in your best interest to be hangin’ around with me. Besides, I usually have too much work to do an’ all. ‘Specially on Fridays. Been easier for me that way.” Brenda’s brilliant blue eyes saddened for a moment, appearing a bit like a momentarily wilting flower in need of watering.

“Aw that’s alright,” Dave said. “I know it’s going to take you some time to get through this.”

Brenda nodded morosely. An acute observer of human nature, Walt wondered if she feigned her sadness. He couldn’t be sure though.

Dave turned to Walt offering a quick explanation, “Her brother just died in Iraq.”

“Mmph,” Walt swallowed his beer, “Sorry to hear that. Make him proud then. Make him proud.” Walt’s insinuation was meant to be clear. Brenda wryly smiled out of the corner of her sumptuous lips.

“Of course, Walter. I intend to,” she replied confidently. “Wait… I think… yes, he’s returned. I’ll go get him for you,” she stated as she gazed off across the casino floor. Turning to Dave she smiled a delectable grin, “It’s been a pleasure, Dave, as usual.”

“Yes,” Dave blushed, “A pleasure indeed.”

As her hips swayed off into the casino floor crowd, Dave turned to Walt as he melted across the bar, “God I want her sooooooooo bad!”

“Get over it kid,” Walt warned, “She’s a poison that one.”

“I KNOW, but… I like it!”

“Yeah, the foolishness of youth. Ya’ need ta’ start thinkin’ with your big head kid.” Walt finished off his beer and slid the glass forward, motioning for another.

“Gentlemen,” thundered an unbelievably deep voice from behind them. Walt slowly swiveled around on his stool and nearly fell off of it as he had to strain to look up. Towering above them was the largest black man Walt had ever seen! Muscles erupted from every inch of the man’s thick flesh, even visible in his cheeks and eyebrows. Never before had Walt seen such an imposing figure.

Holding forth a hand the width of Walter’s head, the dark man offered a customary greeting, grinning like a fox looking at a stunned desert rat. “They call me the Bouncer.” He rumbled. “You must be Walter Steele.”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Walt stolidly replied. “I hear you have an offer for me.” Walter returned the handshake, gripping onto the man’s first two fingers. Thankfully, the Bouncer had a comfortable grip, though somewhat menacing in how gently powerful it felt it could be.

“Mmhmm,” the black man nodded, his voice vibrating through Walter’s chest.

“Um,” Dave motioned to the Bouncer to lean in as he stretched up to whisper something in the Bouncer’s ear. With a wry, inward smile, Walt simply adjusted his hearing aid, trying desperately to block out the ringings and blippings and beepings from the casino floor.

“Just don’t tell him about the bets OK?” Dave whispered audibly.

“What bets?” Walter roared as he turned his hearing aid down to tolerable levels. “Oh, Jezus, Dave, what have you done now?”

Dave glanced back at Walter like a cat caught stealing milk from the fridge on a midnight run. He shuddered, visibly, and held forth his hands as if to motion a stop. “O…Ok, look Walt,” he stammered, “don’t be mad OK! I checked our running budget against the going price of the fuel and we were short already alright…”

“SHORT?!?” Walter shouted as he stood from his stool, his head reaching the bouncer’s pects as he edged his way in to quiver in fury at Dave.

“Yeah, yeah, now don’t forget how this all started, ok? We wouldn’t be anywhere without me and…” Dave didn’t get much further than this before Walt wrapped a meaty grasp around Dave’s throat, squeezing.

“What do you mean SHORT?” he hollered.

Suddenly a gigantic brown grip closed down over Walter’s forearm, squeezing with incredible might, but just enough to force him to release Dave’s air flow. “Sit down old man and let the boy explain himself,” Bouncer rumbled as his left hand reached up under Walt’s underarm to deftly lift and place Walt squarely on the barstool upon which he had previously sat, eliciting little more than a shoulder pop.

Minimally humbled, Walter rotated his shoulder and turned back to the bar in a huff and took a swig off his new beer. “You got some ‘splainin to do boy!”

“Alright, alright, sheesh!” Dave muttered, massaging his throat. “AS I was SAYING,” he glanced up at the Bouncer with thanks in his eyes, “I checked the running price on the fuel… it wasn’t the same as we thought. With the war and all, petroleum products, especially those used by the military, have, well… skyrocketed.”

“Hmph,” Walt grumbled, “shoulda’ figured with the price of gas these days.”

“Yeah,” Dave nodded emphatically, “that’s it! So I figured if I could… y’know… win some…”

“You GAMBLED with our FUNDS?!?” Walter roared, his grip tightening on the glass mug handle.

“Well… yeah… sorry,” Dave acquiesced.

“How much is left, Dave?” Walter warned.


“HOW MUCH IS LEFT, DAVE?” Walter warned louder.

“Enough,” the Bouncer rumbled, unexpectedly into the conversation as the big man rounded to where Brenda had sat, looking directly at Walter with a wolfish glare. He leaned against the bar and Walter could feel the wood and brass railing creak beneath the huge frame of the man.

“How would YOU know?” Walter looked up, the concern that Dave had flapped his big mouth obvious on his weathered face.

“It… It’s a long story, really,” Dave stammered, “Not worth going into.”

“That’s right,” Bouncer said, his words patiently spoken, “The better question is: how are we going to get your fuel? Right?”

“Yeah, I s’pose it is. Seein’ as we have no OPTIONS left.” Walter shot an accusatory glance at Dave who shrunk beneath it.

“Simple,” Bouncer stated, “We’re going to steal it.”

Walter must have gone visibly pale as his mouth fell open like a stunned guppy. “What?” he croaked after a moment of shocked silence.

“You wanna live your dream of getting into space, old man?” the Bouncer pressed. “Then you just shut up and let us deliver your dreams for you. Way I see it, you have two options. You can either go home and wait for us to bring it to ya’, OR you can grow some balls and come with us. I already talked to Dave about this. I know he’s in.” The bouncer’s deep brown eyes followed Dave as the young man slipped away from the bar to wander the casino floor, head hung in shame. Walt thought he could see a gold tooth glinting in the Bouncer’s smile.

“This… this is so totally… out of the…” Walter stuttered as he meant to immediately object, yet to think of all these years of planning, progress, blood, sweat, and tears, wasted… He decided at first to address his now secondary concern.

“Why?” he scratched out of his aging voice. “Why do you want to help me? What’s your angle? What’s in it for you?”

“Let’s just say, old man, that my employer...”

“Lucky,” Walter interrupted.

“Yeah, heh, Lucky,” Bouncer said with a cynical smirk, “wants to see you succeed. He wants you to realize your destiny, become what you were meant to be.”

“What does he stand to gain from it?” Walter said, his mind growing numb.

“More than you or I will likely understand I guess. I don’t really know and I don’t really care. All I know is he wants me to get you into space. And I can assure you, what Lucky wants, Lucky gets. I promise you, with more conviction than most can possibly offer,” the Bouncer rested his heavy palm on Walter’s shoulder, “Nothing CAN go wrong here.”

“Hmph,” Walter muttered, “Famous last words.”

“Yeah, I guess,” the Bouncer rumbled, “For most folk. Not for me though. And not for Lucky. You could say we have a… guardian angel. Makes everything go right for us. So what do ya’ say old man? You growin’ a pair an’ comin’ with us on our collection run? Or do we have ta’ drop you off at home while the adults go run your errands?” Again, Walter caught a golden glitter as he paused, thinking carefully before answering.

Last edited by Thunderbird on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:50 pm; edited 10 times in total

#2:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:31 pm
So here it is. Hope you enjoy! I know it was long but there was a lot of ground to cover to get to the dp...

The vote here was:
How should Walt go about getting his fuel?
Head to the Air Force base and see if he can look up some old connections.
28% [ 2 ]
Investigate this strange offer from the "Bouncer".
57% [ 4 ]

The vote on Tome was:
How should Walt go about getting his fuel? Head to the Air Force base and see if he can look up some old connections. 1 (25%)
Investigate this strange offer from the "Bouncer". 2 (50%)

Seemed both sites agreed. IF certainly wins the volume contest this round!

So feel free to suggest ways to break out of the bind Walt feels he's in... or maybe you feel he should turn a blind eye to the theft, or perhaps join in... It's yours to decide Wink

#3:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:08 am
Well, there's a conundrum. Walt doesn't know that Agent Johnson and the other one are sitting at home probably sipping tea with his wife.

He'll also know he's supposed to be back for his dinner, and he might want to delay things until tomorrow.

So if I were Walt (not knowing htat these guys are at home waiting for him) I'd say yes I'd go along, but first I'd need to go home and prepare. Also I'd need to spin some yarn to the wife about being absent for a night. I wouldn't want her worrying about where I'd got to.

Good chapter, and congrats on the sticky! Smile

#4:  Author: TravellerLocation: Whitby, Ontario PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:12 pm
Great Chappy...very intriging...Lucky, Bouncer and Brenda sound like they are something more than they seem...interesting...I'm gonna f5 Crunchy on going with them but needing to collect something from home first...maybe he has a lucky WWII momento or something he will want to bring with him...besides knowing he is a dead man if he isn't home for dinner...great job...looking forward to more...T.

#5:  Author: DeadManWalking PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:09 pm
I'd say Walt would probably go along with it. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would take this lightly though, so he would of course go along with a guilt-ridden conscience. And he doesn't seem like the type to just sit at home and worry, so if he has to feel guilty about it he might as well be there doing it himself. And it has to be done.

I am, however, indifferent as to the going home first bit.

#6:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:54 am
Quite the chapter, with some truly delicious details particularly when describing people such as the Bouncer and Brenda.

“O…Ok, look Dave,”

Shouldn't that be Walt? I thought it was Dave speaking.


I'm not seeing a particular moment in Chapter 1 where it was explicitly said that he'd better be back for dinner, so if that's the case we're talking about a long-standing rule. He goes out, he's back for dinner.

But going by the argument before leaving today, this is a big day. A day perhaps Walt will see as being an exception to the rule. I think he'll not concern himself greatly over breaking the dinner rule, especially in light of facing a robbery. He'll phone his wife with an excuse, unwittingly leaving her with the task of explaining that to the agents.

What confused me the most is the Bouncer being so keen for Walt (an 80+ year old) to join them, with his various insults about growing a pair. I would have thought it more typical for them to be happy to get the job done themselves with the cocky surety of youth, and leave the old man behind. This suggests there's something more to it - perhaps simply a plan that involves Walt helping get the fuel more easily somehow, or maybe something more sinister.

I think Walt has enough cynicism to be suspicious too, but he'll will go along and help.

Happy Writing Smile

#7:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:24 pm
Thanks for the catch there Smee! You were right. I'm glad you're watchin' out for me!

#8:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:44 pm
Ok... finally have a sig line! yay!

#9:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:08 pm
Is it possible for said sig line to perhaps shrink by 20% Wink

#10:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:34 pm

#11:  Author: SmeeLocation: UK PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:52 am
Indeed - thanks for that, TB Razz

#12:  Author: KlafariusLocation: "...I took the one less traveled by..." PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:37 pm
Awesome so far Thunderbird! I'm really enjoying the SG. Waiting with anticipation for the next chapter!

#13:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:43 pm
Thanks for joining us Klaf! Do you have any suggestions for the Decision Point?

#14:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:44 am
Polls Up! Enjoy!

#15:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:47 am
Sorry, forgot one option before I ran the poll... included now. Let me know if those who've voted would like to change their votes... (I realize probably not but I figured it wouldn't hurt to offer...)

#16:  Author: Crunchyfrog PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:00 pm
I'm sticking with my choice!

Very Happy

#17:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:26 pm
Just a day or two from writing the next chapter! Get 'yer votes in if ya haven't Wink

#18:  Author: ThunderbirdLocation: Rising from the ashes PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:48 pm
Ok, so I was planning on having a chapter by the beginning of this week but my time got tied up... really tied up... for a long time to come. I will plug out a chapter as soon as possible, hopefully by the end of this weekend.

But for now, I've closed the poll so I can start thinking out the next chapter.

#19:  Author: Guest PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 9:11 am
Loved this long chapter! I could really imagine the place. especailly what everyone was wearing and what they looked like. Smile Nothing to nag about here. Everything has good flow. Wink

Golden glitter? From the man's teeth? or is it like a appiffany that suddenly just came to him. Up to the readers to think. Smile

City of IF -> Heavy Metal

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