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Shadows Chapter 10
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Shady Stoat

Joined: 02 Oct 2005
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:34 am    Post subject: Shadows Chapter 10  

The vote went with ignoring the guards and concentrating on finding a place to hide from the Itharien service that night. Chapter 10 follows on from that...

Chapter Ten

Keli thought fast. Wherever the guards were headed, it was no concern of hers. She would be inviting disaster if she tried to follow. The city would be a far safer place for her if she went in the opposite direction.

For a moment, she was tempted to retrace her steps to the cat building – but those guards had already noted her face. Better that she kept moving. She could always come back tomorrow. It would still be there.

While the guards headed right, she went straight on and then left. She continued in her new line, as fewer and fewer guards marched past. She kept her eyes on the cobbles, not wanting her face to become recognisable for any reason. They strode purposefully, intent on their own affairs.

At last, there were no more. Her shoulders slumped and she began to breathe easier again. With the cessation of her anxiety came a new feeling of fatigue. For the first time, it was beginning to hit her that she hadn’t slept in over twenty four hours.

Well, there was no help for that. Maybe, after she had avoided the temple service, she could slip into another inn for the night. If she travelled from place to place – a different hostel for each consecutive evening – then they couldn’t possibly track her down.

At least she hoped not!

Keli stifled a yawn and plodded on. It was the best she could do, anyway. She would try it, unless a better plan came up.

As she wandered south, the trading part of the town was rapidly passing into tiny lanes filled with narrow shops. There were plenty of alleys and dark places to hide, but that was true all over the city. She yearned for somewhere safer than a corner to huddle in.

Further south would only take her into the residential outskirts. Then, when six o’clock came, she would be caught in the crowds of people exiting to the sound of the evening gong. She decided to head east and continue to wander through the edges of the town. Besides, that way she would have a river between herself and the Pig&Pilgrim! The more distance, the better.

By four o’clock, she had found a bridge across the waterway. The city still seemed empty of guards. Wherever they had gone, they were obviously busy there. Keli was free to stroll where she chose.

Within minutes, though, she began to notice differences on this side of the city. Dirt paths seemed to have replaced the smoothly laid cobbles. The shops were set closer together, and they were smaller and dingier. Whereas on the west side there had been an Itharien temple visible every two or three streets, on the east they were either not as common or much less visible.

It was hard to tell what any of the shops sold… or indeed if they were shops at all. Unlike the organized market centre on the other side of the river, this one seemed to contain a random smattering of shops, stalls and housing.

Despite that, it seemed, if anything, busier here. As Keli allowed her feet to take her along the river again, she was crowded on all sides. The smells of stale fish and filth and body odour were ripe in her nostrils and the noise level was a little more boisterous than she could get accustomed to.

Added to that was the occasional glimpse of odd-looking individuals. A too-pale face here, an unnatural stoop there. People with eyes that were too large, or hair that grew in the wrong places, or rough-textured scales on their skin. Keli began to wonder how many of those that wore shadowy cloaks were similarly afflicted. A swarthy female with burning green eyes knocked into her and she barely stifled a yelp. She ran off a torrent of strange-sounding words and Keli backed away from the obvious profanities.

She wandered on, feeling more than a little nervous. This was obviously a rough section of the city and she was out of place here. She clutched her money-pouch ever tighter and wished that she could sit down, if only for a little while. Her energy seemed to be draining with each passing minute. Maybe she should try for somewhere quieter – somewhere that she could hole up for the duration of the Itharien service. The temples didn’t seem as common here. Perhaps if she…

There was a sudden rumble. The ground juddered beneath her feet, as if someone had fetched it a mighty punch. She felt the vibration travel straight up her spine and into her ears. There was buzzing – angry buzzing that pressed against her head and made her temples throb with piercing pain. The air felt hot and oppressive around her, and she brought an arm halfway up to her face, as if to ward off something invisible and deadly.

Then, just as it had started, it was gone. Keli stood in a suddenly still crowd, looking about her in confusion. Two of the stalls had fallen over and, in the street behind them, a groom was trying to hold the reins of a panicked horse. There was produce of all sorts, spilled in the dirt and on peoples’ boots. Nobody seemed to be paying it much attention.

A moment later, the cacophony resumed and the hordes started to amble on again. Keli shook her head, trying to clear the echoes of the ringing from her ears. She stumbled forwards as she was shoved from behind. Shuffling forward, she looked to the side to see that the stalls were already being righted. The fish and meat were being picked up from the dirt and slapped back onto the market-wagons, with barely a wipe. The tallow candles were replaced on the racks, even when boots had trodden them into the ground. Her eyes took in the details, even as her mind raced.

She didn’t understand! What was going on? Had there been an earthquake – and if so, what could explain the buzzing in her head? There was nothing natural about that sensation, as she well knew from the Call of the Evening the night before. It had felt just the same. Exactly the same, if briefer than before. No earthquake could invade her mind like that!

And what about the people around her? Had they felt it too? How come they were taking it so calmly? They acted like it happened all the time… like it was just an inconvenient fact of life, to be forgotten in an instant!

Abruptly, she decided. She would rather face this rotten city on the other side of the river. This was no place for her.

She squeezed away from the mass of sour bodies and found the nearest bridge. By now, she was painfully aware that the time to hide was coming near. There was little over an hour to find some safe haven. All thoughts of allies and safe-houses would have to be forgotten for the time being. A dark recess would have to do.

She trudged back and forth for the next quarter of an hour, finding and rejecting one hidey-hole after another. The first was a dead-end, leaving her trapped if a guard should find her. The next one was too close to a temple, the third too well-lit. She was chased away by the beggars who had already settled in the fourth.

Finally, faced with little other choice, she forced her weary legs into a jog. She didn’t want to go back – didn’t want to take the risk – but by now it was more of a risk not to at least try. After wandering the city for a night and a day, she knew that the cat building was not too far away from where she had ended up. If she could trust to just a little bit of luck, then the guards would be gone and she could slip inside. Then she would see if she faced the golden halls of her dreams… or if her visions had forced her into error.

There was no luck. After a couple of false turns (more wasted minutes), Keli turned the corner to see three guards leaning against the sandstone steps. They were animated, gesturing with arms and swords as they talked. Their eyes were almost fever-bright and they all tried to outdo each other in sheer volume.

Keli watched for only a second. She had allowed herself to hope. It had been foolish – and now she only had a few minutes before the gong sounded. Her spirits plummeted as she turned her back on the best chance she’d had.

Disappointment mingled with fatigue and she began to stumble once or twice. She did not have the luxury of stopping to catch her breath, though. A memory of the morning had surfaced and she knew of one place she could try to stay concealed.

With barely two minutes to go, she made it. Keli scrambled down the embankment to river-level again. Then she huddled in the deep shadows of the bridge, just as she had when getting changed into her boy’s clothes earlier. With a sigh of relief, she sank down against the cold stone wall.

At first, her breath was amplified and echoed by the arch above her. Then, just as her lungs began to settle into an easy rhythm again, she heard the deep clang of the gong. Her skin broke into goose-flesh at the sound. She imagined, rather than felt, a soft pressure at her temples. Above her and from all directions, she heard people massing. Footsteps crossed the bridge, voices chattered in a way that made her feel like an intruder. She hunched further into the gloom and waited until the clamour died down.

Then she was alone and it was getting dark. The air had the first taste of winter in it, although it would be some weeks yet before the cold settled in for good. Now that she had stopped running, she began to feel the chill. Even so, it was not enough to keep her eyelids from drooping. Minutes passed as she battled to stay awake. The sound of water echoing through stone was hypnotic and her breathing was beginning to slow to a sleep rhythm.

This was no time to take a nap! Abruptly, she rose. As she did, so, she heard the sound of someone calling in the distance. She held her breath, listening for the response. It came, within seconds, though she could not hear what it said.

Exhausted, but thoroughly awake now, she huddled against the arch of the bridge while the noises of the city grew around her. From the other side of the river, she could hear shouts, roars and the occasional shriek. From this side, the occasional call and response. She clutched her cloak tighter to her, hoping that nothing would come this way.

While the life on the other side of the river seemed to be keeping its distance, the same seemed not to be holding true for the west side of the city. Peering cautiously from under the bridge, Keli began to see the occasional lit torch bobbing through the streets to either side of her. Gruff voices shouted out in tones of jocular goading. They seemed not to be violent, but they were out during the temple-call. They could be allies… or they could be the City Watch.

As they drew ever closer, she discovered which it was to be.

“Anyone checked the bank yet?” called a woman’s voice, faint but audible.

A man’s voice, much closer. “Baggin’ a snakeskin doesn’t mean you can skip the corners, Luddya! Do it yoursel’!”

“Gotta check the boneyards,” yelled back the woman. “Do you a swap?”

There was a bark of laughter. “Nah. I’ll do the river. Thanks all the same.”

With horror, Keli saw one of the torches begin to descend the bank, about fifty feet from the bridge. The flame wobbled and guttered as the dusk paled around it. Keli stared at it in moth-like fascination. Then she jerked out of the trance as it began to bob closer, step by step. In a matter of half a minute, its light would reach the tunnel and she would be visible.

A whimper caught in her throat. She had to get out of here!

Moving as cautiously as she could, she began to walk backwards towards the other side of the tunnel. Her eyes never left the torchlight as she kept close to the near edge of the arch, brushing it with her shoulder. She stepped one pace further, into the open air on the far side. The bank was to her right, sloping steeply upward. As she looked, though, there was a shout from the location of the torch and Keli knew she had been spotted.

She whirled around and abandoned all attempts at stealth. Flight was the only thing that mattered now. She had to lose the pursuit and hide somewhere.

Her legs made heavy work of the uphill slope. Kicking dirt and gravel up behind her, she flung herself, panting, to the top of the bank. Looking to her left, she was horrified to see that the guard was clawing his way up the embankment on the other side of the stonework. He was halfway to the top already.

Keli surveyed her options in a fraction of a second. She glanced along the river, then back towards the shops on the west side. She could run. She was tired, but the guard was in rigid leather, weighed down by armour and a sword. She might be able to go faster, at least over a short distance. If she stayed near the stalls and the shops, there would be places to dodge and hide away – but could she avoid detection until the Itharien service was over? And would more guards appear to sweep the streets? She didn’t know.

Over the bridge? Keli was repelled by the thought. She envisioned the darkness and the cries in the night and intertwined it with the disfigured people who had roamed the street with her earlier. Not to mention the earth shuddering and the buzzing in her head. Her eyes raked the darkness beyond the bridge and compared it to the scattering of torch glows on this side. If she ran the bridge, would the guard follow? Was she leaping from one danger to another, greater one if she chose to cross?

Was there anywhere else she could find safety?

She made up her mind…
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Joined: 16 Feb 2005
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:48 am    Post subject:  

She should have just stayed with the sweaty, stinky odd people. Much as she doesn't want to admit it, she doesn't belong with the comfortable, beautiful people here. She's spinning her wheels, getting nowhere fast staying in this city and hiding. Kelli either needs to learn to move within the shadows, or move on to some place safer (although that won't necessarily advance her quest, it might possibly make life more bearable for a while).
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:22 pm    Post subject:  

YES!!!!!!!!!! I agree, she needs to go back to the strange people. I think that a good choice would be to notice the talisman, and recognize that the twins were also mishapen. Remember she said that she thought him to be ummmm lower on the IQ scale than most? Any way, Amazing chapter, I still am in love with the flow of the peice so far. I will post more later, got people coming over for dinner. chow!
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Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:28 pm    Post subject:  

First, head to the shops and stalls and see if you can break in somewhere and hide there.

Then I f5 the above! Back to the twisty people! :?
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Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:07 pm    Post subject:  

twisty people twisty people sis boom bah
twisty people twisty people rah rah rah

Yes, return to the twisty people. I dont know. I just want to read the next chapter at this point. I cant wait to see what lies around the next corner or accross the next bridge.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2004
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Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:12 am    Post subject:  


Great chapter, bringing the city alive.

If I've followed correctly then most citizens are at one of the temple meetings.

I think she should seek out an empty inn and hide in the storage cellar or something like that. The next day she can emerge and try to stay in a more conventional area of the inn, like a room, or at least get a good meal to set her on her way.

I think she will have to go back to the twisty side of the river at some point. She needs to find out what happened when her head hurt, and why everyone just accepted it and carried on.

It could be they have some protection from the temple, (perhaps wards preventing access to the bridges for any temple followers) and the feeling she experienced was one of the temple's mystical attacks against the rebels?

I may have read wrong, but I got the impression the people searching about could possibly be from the twisty side of the river. They could be searching out others who shy away from the temples to take them to a strong-hold somewhere. They don't sound too friendly, but then they are rebels, life won't be great. It's a big risk, but maybe getting caught is an option and could find her the 'friends' she needs to survive?

I look forward to the next chapter,

Happy Writing. :)
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Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:37 am    Post subject:  

dovesland wrote: twisty people twisty people sis boom bah
twisty people twisty people rah rah rah

Yes, return to the twisty people. I dont know. I just want to read the next chapter at this point. I cant wait to see what lies around the next corner or accross the next bridge. :D
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Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:58 pm    Post subject:  

Now I'm a master at miss reading things and if I have I'm sorry. However ... depending on how smart these guards really are ... if there was an area underneath the bridge she could duck into until the guard has past (if she has time) she could possibly buy herself enough time to decide what to do next without making any rash decisions?
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Kalanna Rai

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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:46 am    Post subject:  

Defenetly go back to the less poliet society. They generally have less of a reason to turn you over and a natural dislike of anyone in uniform.
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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:23 am    Post subject:  

Great chapter (like always!) I'd vote for meeting the Twisty people! I mean if they arn't nice then she'll learn how to fight back at them. If they are nice, the she at least has an ally!!
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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:55 am    Post subject:  

Hmm ya know I have a funny feeling that this poor lass doesn't have many (if any allies) and if she finds one they should (for some reason) be having the same problem as she is.

Just a little thought there .. pay no heed if it makes no sense. :)
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:16 am    Post subject:  

Crymzon wrote: Now I'm a master at miss reading things and if I have I'm sorry. However ... depending on how smart these guards really are ... if there was an area underneath the bridge she could duck into until the guard has past (if she has time) she could possibly buy herself enough time to decide what to do next without making any rash decisions?

Well, I'm not sure if you've misread the chapter or not (being great at misreading and misunderstanding things myself), but the facts are these:

Keli was hiding under the bridge during the Itharien service. The people searching came down to the riverside to check along the bank and under the bridges. That's how they spotted her.

She ran up to the top of the bank in order to get away from the pursuer. He is currently climbing the bank on the other side of the bridge.

So, she has a bridge that she can cross to the east, twisty side of the city, or she can run away to hide and dodge in the west side, where the people are pretty ;)

Any clearer?
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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:47 am    Post subject:  

I wonder is a poll is going to be put up and

just thinking!!! Pay no attention!!!
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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:26 pm    Post subject:  

Ah alright then shady twisty it is ... the wierd and the wonderful are more fun anyway lol ;)
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:37 am    Post subject:  

3 day poll again. :)
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Joined: 16 Feb 2005
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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:49 am    Post subject:  

Twisted. :-o

Although I might have voted for a 'shuck this city and go somewhere else' option. :)
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:54 am    Post subject:  

I hear what you're saying Fauna :)

If it comes to a 'thinkie' decision, then I'm all for putting it in. This is a basic 'what is she going to do right now' scenario though. Getting out of the city will require preparation or planning. Getting away from the guards is the first step :D
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Kalanna Rai

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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:19 pm    Post subject:  

Crymzon is right. The weird people are always more fun.
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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:34 am    Post subject:  

Followed the crowd.
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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:35 am    Post subject:  

I also voted for the twisty people. And I would like to see you try to use the phrase, "twisty people" in the next chapter. Just my opinion.

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Kalanna Rai

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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:20 am    Post subject:  

Wouldn't call them 'twisty people' to their face though. You might end up in a worse position than having the guard after you...never know what a weird person might do.
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:51 am    Post subject:  

Twistyville wins it. I'll get back to writing shortly :)
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Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:14 am    Post subject:  

Maybe TwistyStoatsville? :shock:
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:19 am    Post subject:  

Chapter 11 is posted. Locking topic :)
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