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Virtual Chapter 16: The Calm Before The Storm
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:22 pm    Post subject: Virtual Chapter 16: The Calm Before The Storm  


Chapter 16: The Calm Before The Storm

'AAC this is the Fleet Admiral Prime. My fleet is now engaging the hyperspace drive and we are enroute to the Rendezvous point now over,' Angus Prime informed AAC as Admiral Reller got on the Fleet Channel and gave the order to engage Hyperspace Drives to make the jump.
'Roger that sir, the battle plan will be given to everyone as soon as you and your fleet arrives. Allied Advance Command out.' the response came and the ships engaged their engines in perfect unison. Angus watched as the engines accelerated, space around them started to become a blur of lights but as the hyperspace engine initiated everything around them disappeared, all the stars around them, the Fire Base disappeared and everything around them turned sky blue as the hyperspace engines became fully operational. From the Admirals' view on the bridge looking through the screen on the bridge it looked like they were falling from the sky on Earth but the sky blue surroundings disappeared in a flash. And the fleet was suddenly in a red and yellow coloured nebula surrounded by fleets of naval ships. Frigates, Cruisers, Corvettes, Flagships and Battleships were all that could be seen for miles in the nebula.
'This the Chimera, Flagship of the Seventh Federated Earth Navy Fleet reporting in over,' Admiral Prime spoke into the radio shortly after tuning it to the local frequency the Navy was using in this sector
'Roger that Chimera, tune to channel Fifty-Three Alpha-Tango over,' a voice replied to the officer who relayed the message to those in the communications area of the bridge.
'Reller, on me!' Angus yelled out to Nathan Reller who followed his superior to one of the crew members who was listening in on the radio channel, Prime tapped him on the shoulder and the Petty Officer gave the two admirals behind him a pair of headphones for them to listen in to.
'Ask for further instructions.' he ordered the petty officer who did so immediately
'That's a negative on instructions, we will be sending them to your OIC's computer on a secure network over.'

The Fleet Admiral read the orders on his computer in his quarters and then sent them to the ships in his fleet via a secure network like the people who sent him the orders. Once the other admirals or captains in the fleet received the orders they passed it on the wing commanders. Who passed it onto squadron commanders who passed it on to the pilots in the squadron and so all they had to do now was go over the orders/battleplan which for the pilots were short. Now that they had the orders for the ships crew, marines, security guards and pilots all they had to do was focus on these orders. They needed to think about their actions, what it would be like in the final fight and the situation such: was the flak going to be heavy or light, were their going to be heavy, medium or light enemy fighter resistance, were their going to be a large amount of enemy ships? Though tension was high for all these men and women this was the calm before the storm.
'This operation will be coordinated so all the squadrons will be broken up into small teams of four. These teams will be called wings. I will lead Alpha wing, which will consist of Flight Sergeant Bill Alans, Lance-Corporal Timothy Geoffrey and 2nd Lieutenant Manuel Seal who will be my Two-I-C for my wing. Bravo Wing will lead by Lieutenant Johnson,' Jack continued to brief the squadron on who will be leading this wing and who it will consist of. After that was done he moved onto the assignment each wing had been given, for some it was to act as security for this ship to defend against bombers or projectiles that managed to get past this wing or that wing. Or for another wing it would be engaging any small ship that moved in this area. Or perhaps this wing might escort these bombers who would be attacking this Boragnian ship and what to do incase this or that happened. Now the only thing left to do was deploy Alpha wing which was going to stay in front of the fleet along with a few other wings from different squadrons in the 7th fleet but some of these pilots who were going to be on the patrol were on edge. As nebulas' are known to have Ion in them which plays hell with electronics but this nebula actually had a short Ionised field right next to the nebula so once they entered the Ionised field the only thing they could do was keep an extremely tight formation and stick together until they came through the other side.

'Alans decelerate just a bit,' Jack commanded the air force pilot as the patrolling Alpha wing kept a steady speed as to stay in a long extended line with the other wings on the patrol. Jack marvelled at the nebula that surrounded them and how the gasses formed such artistic clusters of coloured cloud. From a birds eye view the patrol looked like one long line of fighters a few miles a head by fleets of ships that stayed out of view of the fighters. After a few minutes on the patrol the fighters came to a break in between the nebula and the Ionised field. This was a checkpoint for the fighters so they reported their location, heading and status before entering the Ionised field
'I guess this is what they call the calm before the storm?' Jack heard Lance-Corporal Geoffrey say over the radio just before they entered the blue Ionised Field, he could see bright blue lightning bolts shoot across as he drove his fighter and he looked back down at his equipment in his cockpit to find it was going nuts. The radar in front of him was going static, the green line of friendlies left and right of him were again going static but multiplying before merging back into the one ship. The heading indicator was also increasing and spontaneously decreasing in numbers. The reticles that surrounded the fighters were shivering and changing colours from friendly to neutral to hostile. Though like scouts these pilots had prepared a system of communication. They would use a light on the outside of the fighter to use morse code in order to relay information and if the pilots needed to use Morse code then they would press a button on a little remote that hung on a chord next to the pilots right leg.
Relax. The odds of running into the enemy in an Ionised field are near impossible. Jack thought to himself as he maintained his speed and did his best to keep his nerves from getting to him. But his hopes for a clean flight to the enemy's home planet was nothing more than a pipe dream for when Jack looked at the roof of his cockpit he spotted two Boragnian fighters hovering a few clicks above them and looking directly at them. Jack reached for the remote
Jack Art: I am going to engage two hostiles. I will link up with you at target over.
Manuel Seal: Roger that, Seal out.
With that done Jack broke off from formation, heading directly at the two twin-engine scout fighters that had just realised he was coming to engage them. Jack tightened his grip on the trigger as his fighter roared towards them and the two enemy scouts twisted their fighters around using their rudders with their engines on full throttle.
'Oh no you don't!' Jack said to himself as he got within firing range of the fleeing enemy fighters and pulled the trigger. A long and accurate burst was sent into the scout fighter that was leading their race back to their homeworld, Jack put on an evil grin as he turned left just a bit using the rudder and fired some laser rounds at scout ship but he missed the enemy fighter. Jack yanked the flight stick back, pulling it into a climb, he then lowered the throttle so the fighter turned into a dive faster then it would on full throttle and within a few seconds Captain Art entered the dive with his guns ablaze, firing ten rounds into the enemy and blowing off it's left wing. A short explosion came from the left wing as its engine blew and Jack could see the debris break through the cockpit and kill alien pilot inside. Jack continued to watch the small twin-engine scout fighter entire a fatal spin until it finally imploded. This was only a few seconds. Now Jack just needed to find his way to the target and then link up with his wing though getting through the enemy fire to them might be a problem if there are enemies in that sector which would be most likely.

No more fighters had been encountered and that meant that either the fighters hadn't spotted the enemy scouts. Or the Boragnians had been recalled so the enemy defence would be stronger but the chances were more likely that they had not spotted the enemy but rather they had spotted their inbound fleets. And so there they were. 10 fleets belonging to the Federated Earth Navy making up a massive Armada who were combating the remaining forces of enemy Boragnians which was a mere 3 Fleet resistance force but even fighting that amount of enemy fleets was a bit unnerving. Fleet Admiral Prime however was remembering a certain battle from the 19th Century something called The Battle of Waterloo. A man named Napoleon was fighting 2 battalions of British soldiers with 20 battalions of his soldiers including his famed Imperial Guards but still lost even with his superior numbers. Though he quickly shook that thought for they had fought too long against these aliens to lose such a fight and by the end of this the entire navy hoped that not one Boragnian survived this attack.

The fleets re-emerged from the Ionised Field and the first thing the navy saw was a red planet with green oceans covering up small areas of its surface and in front of the planet were several sentry guns set up by the Boragnians to slow the enemy advance. The Boragnians also had two corvettes already targeting the inbound ships while their reinforcements were exiting the atmosphere of the hostile planet. However these two corvettes were no more than two large flies to the advancing ships that were now charging up their weapons as they locked onto the enemy ships. As each ship entered the enemy sector they changed altitude so they would not collide and turn the attack into a catastrophe. The Corvettes opened fire on the advancing ships giving their reinforcements more time to get their weapons online and to target the defiant FEN ships. The two Corvettes opened fire with everything they had on a frigate
'This is the Wellington! Our shields are down, we are losing navigational control, engine two is down and we are running on our auxiliary life support system!' Chief Warrant Officer Ederson reported as the two corvettes opened fire on the humans’ naval ships disabling whatever they could until the FEN used their turrets to take down the corvettes. The 1st Fleet of the FEN took down one Corvette while the 2nd Royal Fleet took down the other and the two ships were blown apart. The nose of one Corvette that had survived the blast however was sent into an enormous fireball as it fell into the Red Planets homeworld and entered its atmosphere. With those Corvettes down the fighters were also coordinating, getting into formations and destroying any fighters or bombers that had been deployed by the

'Frigate Wellington, Cruiser Puma and Frigate Beret fall back to the rally position for repairs!' The Commander of the Navy commanded the ships damaged by the firepower of the Corvettes.
'I want Bravo Wing of the Fifty-Eighth Squadron to take out those sentry guns and tell the frigates to target freely! He stood on the deck of his legendary Flagship: Pride giving constant orders as the battle took place when he received information from one of the ensigns who was monitoring the Battle Radar at his terminal
'Sir we have several Boragnian Transport and Boarding ships heading for Sector Three. There appears to be a wormhole in that sector sir!'
'Do they have any armed ships?' Commander Alterar enquired
'Yes sir they have five Battleships and three Frigate class ships escorting them! What are your orders sir?'

'Manny and Alpha Wing follow my lead we're gonna engage these bastards!' Jack said as he surprised 2nd Lieutenant Seal by intercepting him and flying in front of his 2IC.
'Roger that Iron-Man we're right with you over,' Manuel responded lowering the throttle just a bit to loosen their formation so they wouldn't collide. Jack went full power heading straight for one of the Boragnian Cruisers that had just deployed their fighters
'If you guys want to see some tricks then watch closely!' the captain responded as his wing got within firing range of the Boragnians. Alans, Geoffrey and Seal were firing away at the inbound fighters that grew bigger as they got closer to the enemy but Jack waited until the last moment to fire. He pressed the trigger, firing several rounds into the nose of the gray fighter which exploded after a few rounds slammed into it and Jack put his speed down to zero as his foot hit the rudder pedal. With the engines off, the speed decreased but Jack used the remaining speed to get the rudder on the ship to turn him around so he was now heading back towards the fleet. Jack pulled back the throttle lever giving the fighter full speed and Jack fired another burst into a fighter that had just weaved its way through his comrades fire. The engine was the first part of the enemy ship to explode
'Nice moves slick!' Manny commented as he pulled his fighter back around. Just then however Jack saw a massive Beam of light narrowly miss his cockpit and go right through a Frigate several miles away. Jack recognised the Yellow glow of the beam and he twisted his head to back of the right hand side of the cockpit to find a Serabus Battleship had just left the atmosphere.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:29 pm    Post subject:  

It's not a very long chapter but I want most of the action to be in the next two or three chapters.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:33 am    Post subject:  

Hunt them down and eliminate them. Don't ignore the main battle, but don't let a small group get away and later become your undoing.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 5:26 am    Post subject:  

Thanks for commenting Fauna!
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Joined: 16 Oct 2004
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Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:04 am    Post subject:  

Good stuff Sparta,

We definately need to stop them getting through the wormhole. It could be that it is a well thought-out emergency plan, the last thing we want is them restablishing themselves on some base the otherside of the worm-hole only for the war to start all over again in 20 years.

Wipe them out, and let none escape.

Happy Writing. :)
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:01 pm    Post subject:  

Alright thanks for voting and commenting Smee.
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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:58 pm    Post subject:  

personally i;d concentrate zeta rail fire on the biggest of the ships protecting the esacpoing transports while i let the fighers and bombers mop up the transposrts and whatever is left of their defences, also set up some way to guard the wormhole because they will probabluy try escaping later, these things are like crabs, if you let a few live they will come back later so use that really strong shampoo stuff and kill em all out for good straight away, not that i'd know anything about having crabs
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject:  

Okay we have a tie so Im going to vote.
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:31 am    Post subject:  

lol, bin there done that mate, i hate having to wait for people to vote it slows down your writting momentum
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:26 am    Post subject:  

Good to see you back around city of if sax by the way. Have been wondering where you went for a while.
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:28 am    Post subject:  

school and real lif tear me away from the things i love, writting being one of them, and although i may have stopped writting i will not stop reading what others have wrote
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:09 am    Post subject:  

F5 Fauna *like no one saw that coming* :D
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:25 am    Post subject:  

who be this omega tera charcter?
hast thou bin away from thyne site for such a time that one such as oneself can become a part of this site without thou knowing of it
i wonder if that made any sense at all
i wonder how i managed to be the only person who could read and make sense of julius ceaser in year 9
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Joined: 16 Feb 2005
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:23 am    Post subject:  

Omega is aka Faubby aka Fauna Hubby...

as in, OT is my man, my husband, that other half. :D
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:25 am    Post subject:  

*Bows graciously*
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:05 pm    Post subject:  

ha, ha, ha. How are you enjoying the site so far OT?

And now we're in a tie once more.
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:12 pm    Post subject:  

Good so far, still learning my way around.
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Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:13 am    Post subject:  

remembers that re-ties are why he rarely votes in his own stories to break a tie
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:44 am    Post subject:  

Tied again.
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:39 am    Post subject:  

*wonders exactly how long this tie will last*
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:54 pm    Post subject:  

Somebody better find someone to vote.
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:06 pm    Post subject:  

Okay, I performed the tiebreaker vote. Thought some fighting action might be in order. :D
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Joined: 24 Jan 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:10 pm    Post subject:  

And with Rave's tiebreaker in place the next chapter shall be up soon.
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