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Chapter 3: The Tower
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:35 am    Post subject: Chapter 3: The Tower  

The next chapter of the featured storygame "The Twin Prince" has been posted:

Chapter 3: The Tower

Voting has begun on Chapter 3! Voting will run through Thursday. You must log in or register to vote.

For more about the storygame, see the New Players Start Here topic in this forum.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2006
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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:50 am    Post subject:  

Wow, great new chapter Key! :shock:
I think he should try and talk his way around the snake and learn from the riddles. If the snake tries to eat him, then he should attack/try to dodge past and climb up the staircase. :D

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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:40 am    Post subject:  

Well, I would say 'Would you let me past?'

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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:40 pm    Post subject:  

Julius has already wasted six questions, who knows how many more the oracle will answer?

I would begin by making statements, not questions. The oracle may not respond to statements, but by not asking questions, Julius might be able to learn more before asking his final question.

Oracles of old, were willy creatures sometimes speaking truth, sometimes lies, but the ones I always read of whatever they spoke wheither truth or lie then eventually became true. One must be wise when asking an oracle a questions, for their answers are always clothed in mystery and danger.

So far Julius has learned that he stands in part of the citadel filled with another history, one which is father is a part. He has learned that the earth quakes, indicated danger to the oracle for it said after one, "We live in Dangerous Times". We have learned that his father, though part of the beginning of the wheel, wished to hide to it from him. We know that like Julius, the oracle has been improisoned, and therefore may be inclined to be friendly to Julius if it knows. But then agian, it might not.

We also know that there is much to be learned in the bottom part of the tower, and much to be understood. Yet we also know that if the bottom part is great, the upper part which is guarded by an oracle.

The oracle said "Do you think you understand enough here to arise the last stair?" (or something like that, I forget how exactly it is phrased). Therefore, I do not think that the oracle will let Julius past if he simply asked to be let through. There is more than just asking "Can I go up?" to this DP. Perhaps Julius will first have to prove himself worthy of ascending the last stair to find out the mysteries above.

Personally, I find out as much as possible (by using statements not questions) about the history through which Julius just passed. Something tells me it may be useful in solving the mysteries of the Upper Tower and the history found there.

For example, why is Julius' father shown as a statue with Aenas, a famous man? Did Julius' overthrow Aenas? Why did Julius' father hide this history?

Be clever, be willy, speak in riddles where there are many ways to answer, learn as much as you can; but be QUICK.

We do not know how long the oracle will stand talking to Julius, or how long it's patience will last, or even how many questions it will answer.

As for the final question, Julius last question: I do not know what he should ask, perhaps the others have some ideas.
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:44 am    Post subject:  

Clearly attacking the oracle would be a foolish thing to do here, not even worth contemplating...that leaves outsmarting the oracle or gaining more information...or giving up.

i) Outsmarting the oracle: Not sure how, perhaps if he was to set the oracle a challenge of riddles, or pose a riddle in such a way that the oracle has to let him pass - but I have no idea at this stage what that would or could be.

ii) He could bat information from the oracle however I think he would benefit more from spending time (that he doesn't really have) exploring the levels below then talking again with the oracle.

iii) He could just retreat out and hope that no-one draws any conclusions. The oracle is unlikely to give him away, and the butcher is unlikely to work out where he went. As long as he can safely find a way past the guards then this looks a good option. Particularaly if his next move is to approach (and if necessary threaten) his teacher to reveal the secrets of the tower he has been in although this path of action also has a lot of problems associated with it.

Bascically he is in a problematic situation, the only way to come out of it positively is to outsmart the oracle - and I'm not sure if he can, or to gain enough knowledge from the other floors to give the gaurdian the assurance that he has enough knowledge to go on - which could take too long, it will surely be only a matter of several hours before a search is made. The other options of killing or fleeing are not looking great - unless perhaps he flees now with a book or some other object that he can study later and hope that no-one notices at all in which case his trip hasn't been completely in vain.
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Shady Stoat

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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:23 am    Post subject:  

Interesting chapter. The serpent is obviously toying with him, but perhaps handing out clues as it goes.

It says he hasn't got enough understanding to go to the top of the tower? Then ask the oracle to explain what it is he needs to understand before ascending.

It wouldn't hurt to try to befriend the oracle as well. You never know when you might need more answers. Probably isn't possible, but at least it's worth a try.
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Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:26 am    Post subject:  

I suspect if the oracle was planning on eating him, he would have already made moves to do so, or at least ensure he wouldn't manage to escape. As such, I'd advise talking to him for as loing as possible.
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Mother Goose

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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:41 am    Post subject:  

I think oracles usually do not lie, but they give easily misinterpreted (not to say deceptive) answers.

Maybe trying to establish some rapport, along the lines of "We are both prisoners here; what can I do to achieve our freedom and destiny?" Of course, the oracle's destiny might be to kill him or something, so that could be a bad choice!

Another idea: "What is the secret my father is keeping from me?"l
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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 4:26 pm    Post subject:  

The Oracle is much to big for Julius to attempt to slay. I feel he needs to learn much more about what the tower is and what it represents. There is much to learn on the lower floors. I know he does not have much time but he needs to learn as much as he can in a short time before trying to convince the Oracle to let him pass. He may even get the Oracle on his side if he is smart/crafty enough. His other option would be to leave the tower safely and try to get information from his teachers on what the tower is and what it all means without them knowing he was there.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:20 pm    Post subject:  

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone...

Poll's up! :D
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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:43 pm    Post subject:  

Right, working through the options systematically:

1) Ask if the oracle would let you past...almost certainly not going to work so not really worth trying.

2) Engage in conversation with statements. Better, I doubt the oracle will eat him although he may start to refuse to answer or give the Prince away if he asks too many.

3) Explore the levels below: Hasn't really got enough time probably, if he can understand what they mean in time it is a good option.

4) Try and learn from teacher(s): To do so would require Renos/Renal to be completely loyal to the Prince, or forcing R/R at sword point to reveal the truth. Not highly recommended.

5) Challenge the oracle to riddle contest: I have a feeling the oracle might just beat a Prince who has never left the castle in his life.

6) Try to befriend the oracle: Interesting, but I'm not sure if it will be successful, it doesn't seem too promising so far.

7) Ask what you need to understand: Might work if you ask it as one last final question then promise to ask no more. It would cut down the time needed to search the building.

8) Ask what secret is kept from you: Actually there are almost certainly several, the question is too vague.

2,3,6 and7 are the ones I'm considering then - although all the options aren't heading in a satisfying direction. I'm ruling out 6 as he won't really know how to and 3 as he needs a clearer picture of what lies below. He could get this from 2 or 7...I'll go for 7...
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Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject:  

Upon futher consideration, I think that asking what Julius needs to understand before precedding seems the most reasonable.

I agree with JezSharps reason for this, and as I have nothing more to add, I will gracefully leave the scence, for now.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:42 pm    Post subject:  

Voting is closed. The winning vote was "Ask what you need to understand to ascend the staircase".

Thanks, everybody :D

New chapter up on Saturday.
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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:36 pm    Post subject:  

Gah - missed it. :shock:

Going to have to watch this fast-one more carefully.
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The White Blacksmith

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Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject:  

*copies Smee*

I saw this earlier but I couldn't find the topic. For some reason the link in the story leads to the last discussion.
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Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 9:20 pm    Post subject:  

Doh! :oops:

Sorry about that. Fixed now.
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The Powers That Be

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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:24 am    Post subject:  

Bummer, too late on this one. My question would have been, "Why did my father lock you in the tower?"

Ah well, I'll just have to wait for the next one...
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Joined: 18 May 2004
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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:41 pm    Post subject:  

Well compared to you guys I am real late. *laughs* An interesting tale you have written so far. Its definitely making me think hard. I was surprised at the first chapter's compromise, but the story is written by the readers.
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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 9:34 pm    Post subject:  

I like this story more than the previous wheel stories. I think that the elements of mystery add to it. For the moment it seems to differ from the somewhat stereotypical adventures of our previous heroes. I also noticed that the dialogue is wittier. Anyway, the story is piqued my interest. Nice job. Whose writing the story, key or some other writer?
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The Powers That Be

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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject:  

Clicking on 'Credits' tells us that Tom VanElgin is the author, though I assume Mark determines the storyline.
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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:28 pm    Post subject:  

New chapter posted. Locking this topic.
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