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Joined: 08 Feb 2004
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:15 pm    Post subject: Fables and auctions  

One long-running political issue is the dearth of things to spend fables on.

I have a suggestion. I am willing to fund three auctions every month:

- 1 to determine who gets prominent placement on the home page (currently chinaren's Avarice)
- 1 for the bidder's choice of IFgear.
- 1 for a copy of the Archer's Flight.

However, I don't have the time to publicize and run the auctions and determine a winner. I'd like to ask both candidates: as Mayor, would you run the auctions if I provided the prizes?

And I'd also like to ask the citizens: would you be interested in spending fables on something like the above?

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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:19 pm    Post subject:  

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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:19 pm    Post subject:  

I think three auctions is actually a little much, as I said before. Two a month would be okay though.

Also, whilst I would try and administer it, I think that a dedicated person (or two) would be a better idea.

I do like Zephy's idea of the Front pager being the latest SGotM winner too!
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:25 pm    Post subject:  

I agree. Having a featured SG as the one belonging to the person who bids the most Fables is ludicrous and denies real talent the chance to be noticed in a big way. Even two auctions is a bit over the top, but we do need a use for Fables... Having people poor is a great way to make them want more money. ;)

Incidentally, why is the cap for earnings on a post only 75 Fables? The sort of posts that attract that high a price are generally biographies, SGs and such, and a higher Fable cap would promote better writing by an increased addition of description by those greedy sods out there. :D Let's say, 100 Fables?
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Idea master

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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:18 pm    Post subject:  

Increasing the cap increases the problem, Crossfire!

I'd be perfectly willing to run three auctions a month if Key will put up the prizes. That's not too bad, although, along a similar vein as China's, perhaps two a month would be okay, as long as we 'rotated the stock' so to speak. Don't have the same two auctions every month, swap one out with another.
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Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:50 pm    Post subject:  

I'm fine with two auctions, or even one. I just would like it to be a regular thing. And I don't think the Mayor himself necessarily has to run it, just arrange for someone to.

I like the idea of putting SGotM on the front page. If everyone agrees, we can start that in May.
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:14 pm    Post subject: Re: Fables and auctions  

Key wrote:

- 1 for the bidder's choice of IFgear.


I like the idea of turning the Fables into something tangible, that would probably give a lot more motivation to earn them.
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:20 pm    Post subject:  

Maybe we could hold an auction for authors to get their storygames PUBLISHED!!!

I mean, sure the sg's would have to be in the hall of legends, but still...
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:58 pm    Post subject:  

Masterweaver wrote: Maybe we could hold an auction for authors to get their storygames PUBLISHED!!!

I mean, sure the sg's would have to be in the hall of legends, but still...

And how exactly would that work MW?
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:04 pm    Post subject:  

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:53 pm    Post subject:  

Zephyr, why don't you run for mayor? :D

I'd vote for you... honestly. You have a lot of great ideas.
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:57 pm    Post subject:  

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:08 pm    Post subject:  

*smiles* Lack of seniority should not be a bar to running for Mayor, only popularity and self-evident quality of service if successful. In regards to Idea Master, what problem does an increased Fable cap exacerbate, exactly? Bar people like Masterweaver, newbies are only suffering as a result. I understand the point of a Fable flood, and to clarify, I meant once appropriate safeguards(as the ones that are being discussed) are in place should this increase come into effect.
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:55 pm    Post subject:  

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:06 pm    Post subject:  

That's the point, it doesn't... There's too many Fables, and not enough to spend them on.
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:26 pm    Post subject:  

Zephyr wrote: I do wonder how it's a problem if we have 'too many' fables... that just makes things more expensive, but so what?

Actually, yes, I agree with you there Zeph.

Mind you, I have been thinking that perhaps what we should do is actually dispense with the Treasury in one sense.

To keep inflation down what we do is take the rent Fables, and other things that are currenly paid into the treasury, OUT of circulation. That way we don't just store them in the treasury and add them to the pile, and the Fables pile lowers a little. I know it won't offset the amount earned, but it may, very slightly I know, ease the pressure.

We still keep the treasury to make rent payments easier, and we keep a 'float' in it too, for prizes perhaps, but otherwise they go back to the ether, where thay came from.

What do you think?


Before anyone points it out, yes I am aware that I was the one who suggested the treasury in the first place.

However, my idea then was that we create a 'closed' system, where all fables paid for posts come out of the Treasury, which would mean no (or at least less) Fables come into existance. Basically it would create a more realistic economy.

Actually, I believe this is still the way forward, but currently I don't think there is any way to actually make this work in an automated fashion (Key?) and it would be too much work to do manually.

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:52 pm    Post subject:  

chinaren wrote: Before anyone points it out, yes I am aware that I was the one who suggested the treasury in the first place.

However, my idea then was that we create a 'closed' system, where all fables paid for posts come out of the Treasury, which would mean no (or at least less) Fables come into existance. Basically it would create a more realistic economy.

Actually, I believe this is still the way forward, but currently I don't think there is any way to actually make this work in an automated fashion (Key?) and it would be too much work to do manually.

Might be possible to do. But the main problem is that the treasury would go negative pretty quickly. There's far more fables being created than there is raised in taxation.
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Idea master

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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:01 pm    Post subject:  

'How does increasing the cap increase the problem?'

That's like the government printing money to pay off its bills!

Plus, there ARE those of us who write big long chapters once every so often. If EVERYONE did it*, then there would be MORE fables out there that we aren't using, and thus the problem would continue, people would continue to see the Fable as worthless, etc. Once we give the people an outlet to use them ON, THEN we can increase the cap. We need a flow before we increase the amount in it, aye?

*Or just wrote spam, like a certain CLOAK I could mention...
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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:11 pm    Post subject:  

Idea master wrote: Once we give the people an outlet to use them ON, THEN we can increase the cap. We need a flow before we increase the amount in it, aye?

I agree with that, the thing is that you have to have something worthwhile to spend the Fables on right? That's why being able to get some IfGear with them would be a good idea.
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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:40 am    Post subject:  

Argon18 wrote: Idea master wrote: Once we give the people an outlet to use them ON, THEN we can increase the cap. We need a flow before we increase the amount in it, aye?

I agree with that, the thing is that you have to have something worthwhile to spend the Fables on right? That's why being able to get some IfGear with them would be a good idea.

The trouble is that Key may run out of money fairly quickly if that was the case.

Maybe he could offer a discount with Fables? It depends on his overheads.

Of course, if this site was like, then you would actually buy Fables with real money. However, it isn't (currently), thank goodness*.

*'Cos I'm poor in RL. :(
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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:17 am    Post subject:  

ok here is a possible idea that i have seen work on a few other sites. could let IF fans use their fables to bid to get their SG as SG of the week on each of the repective pages

2. Redeeming Fables for IF gear is good but in all honesty there aren't enough fables in circulation to do that and two there are only about 125 or 130 IF fans that HAVE Fables! for the Fables themselves Spaming can generate fables fot the treasury because if you Spam you could get docked fables ( depending on the degree and frequency of the offense ) (spaming would include ad's, God moding in a SG or in a RP Chat forum i.e Chat wars )

4. Granted the treasury isn't very high but there some SG's that are in the new story games area that could be worthy of some fables that is why i suggest that Fables be Granted in the New storygames area so that if a story is good enough to go to another page that person would then be able to cover their rent in that room

these are a few idea that just sound good
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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:09 pm    Post subject:  

Hey Kang, thanks for your comments. I will address some of them if I may...

Kang wrote: could let IF fans use their fables to bid to get their SG as SG of the week on each of the repective pages

We have been having something like that for the front page already. However, there may be in inkling of an idea there...

Kang wrote: for the Fables themselves Spaming can generate fables fot the treasury because if you Spam you could get docked fables ( depending on the degree and frequency of the offense ) (spaming would include ad's, God moding in a SG or in a RP Chat forum i.e Chat wars )

Well, we already fine people who spam too much. I'm not sure about introducing fines for everything though. Seems a bit draconian.

Kang wrote:
4. Granted the treasury isn't very high but there some SG's that are in the new story games area that could be worthy of some fables that is why i suggest that Fables be Granted in the New storygames area so that if a story is good enough to go to another page that person would then be able to cover their rent in that room

Firstly, Fables in the NSGame area would mean the problem is made worse, with more currency in circulation.

Secondly, one reason you don't get Fables in there, is to encourage good stroygame writing, so you can be promoted to the main forums, where you do get fables!

Key wrote: chinaren wrote: Before anyone points it out, yes I am aware that I was the one who suggested the treasury in the first place.

However, my idea then was that we create a 'closed' system, where all fables paid for posts come out of the Treasury, which would mean no (or at least less) Fables come into existance. Basically it would create a more realistic economy.

Actually, I believe this is still the way forward, but currently I don't think there is any way to actually make this work in an automated fashion (Key?) and it would be too much work to do manually.

Might be possible to do. But the main problem is that the treasury would go negative pretty quickly. There's far more fables being created than there is raised in taxation.

Really? If it's not too hard I think that might be worth trying. We can always add more Fables to the treasury. That way it will be easy to determine how much of a deficit we have, and keep track of inflation etc.
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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:29 pm    Post subject:  

chinaren wrote: Key wrote: Might be possible to do. But the main problem is that the treasury would go negative pretty quickly. There's far more fables being created than there is raised in taxation.

Really? If it's not too hard I think that might be worth trying. We can always add more Fables to the treasury. That way it will be easy to determine how much of a deficit we have, and keep track of inflation etc.
I didn't say it wasn't too hard. I said it might be possible. ;)

When I get a chance I'll dig in a bit and see whether I think I could do it.

But I'm not sure this would really solve the problem. To stimulate the economy, there have to be more things to exchange.
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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:30 pm    Post subject:  

Key wrote: chinaren wrote: Key wrote: Might be possible to do. But the main problem is that the treasury would go negative pretty quickly. There's far more fables being created than there is raised in taxation.

Really? If it's not too hard I think that might be worth trying. We can always add more Fables to the treasury. That way it will be easy to determine how much of a deficit we have, and keep track of inflation etc.
I didn't say it wasn't too hard. I said it might be possible. ;)

When I get a chance I'll dig in a bit and see whether I think I could do it.

But I'm not sure this would really solve the problem. To stimulate the economy, there have to be more things to exchange.

Oh yes, i agree with that. I just thought it would be ineresting to try. :D
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