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Wrath chapter 2 - A Night at the Opera.
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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:25 pm    Post subject: Wrath chapter 2 - A Night at the Opera.  

Warning! This SGame contains unsuitable material! Adult scenes! Perversion! Violence! Torture! Disgusting stuff!
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you are young, unlawful, lack a humorous disposition, or are otherwise unsuitable, then don’t read this SGame!
This is the second time I’ve written in big red letters, so you should have got the idea by now.

Chapter 2 – A Night at the Opera.

Lily tore open the envelope and looked inside. There was a single piece of parchment there, folded neatly with a wax seal holding it closed.

“Ohh, this isn’t good,” she said to herself, pulling the paper out. She examined the seal. Sure enough, it bore the insignia COW, the Council of Witches.

Reluctantly, she broke the wax with her fingernail. The tiny guardian spirit inside was released with a wail, vanishing into the ether before she could react.

Shaking her head, she unfolded the paper and examined the directive inside. It was written in various different scrawling handwritings. The senior witches were renowned for not getting along, and Lily often thought it was a wonder they didn’t kill one another during their meetings.

‘My Talented Lilith,’ read the first line, in the handwriting of her mentor. Under this was an amendment in another pen, crossed out but still visible: ‘You tart.’

Lilith rolled her eyes and read the next line, which was back in the first style.

‘You are directed to meet with your contact in the City on the eve of the 13th…’ Another appendment was added here: ‘and no screwing the locals, this is important you hussy.’ Back to the main writer again: ‘…to receive details of an important assignment I believe only you can deal with…’ Here a purple pen had added: ‘because all the good witches are busy and all you are doing is shagging anything with a..’ The sentence had been interrupted by the original writer once more: ‘Please be careful my daughter of the Way, for I sense great danger.’

The note had been finished with several more sentences, but they were all crossed out, and all Lily could make out were the words: ‘Demon’, ‘whore’ and ‘arse’.

Putting the note to one side Lily scowled and stood up. This was very inconvenient. The local parade was only a few days hence, and men from all over the area would come together to get drunk and generally have a good time. Lily had intended to be a large part of that Good Time.

Still, she looked on the bright side. The City had lots of men and women. Less animals though. ‘Ah well, we can’t have it all’ she thought.


Lord of the Night stood on the sidewalk, standing still as the rain drummed down around him, contemplating his next move. He needed to make some preparations, but the summoning of such a great Evil into the world would not go unnoticed by his enemies for long.

First he would need to…

“Lordy! WooHooo! Over here!”

Mr. Night closed his eyes. Not now, please, not now.

His wishes went unheeded as a rotund figure carrying a pink and yellow umbrella wobbled towards him.

“Yoohoo son! I’ve brought some sandwiches! You ran off without eating this morning.” Dinranwen arrived panting. Her round face was flushed with the effort of walking, and she was waving a brown paper bag about in her spare hand. She was covered in some sort of waterproof gown, which made it look a little like a weather balloon had broken free and decided to take a stroll.

“Mother,” Lord of the Night said in a low voice between clenched teeth, “not now, I’m working.” He could hear the stifled titters of his henchmen behind him.

“Oh, you always say that,” Dinranwen said, trying to shield him with her umbrella, completely oblivious to the fact no rain was hitting the man. “Here, it’s your favorite, herrings and marmalade. I put a bun in it for you too, one of mummy’s own.”

Lord of the Night’s shoulders sagged, and wearily accepted the offering. “Thank-you mother,” he said.

“That’s better,” she replied. “Oh, you have something on your face. Wait a minute, I’ll clean it off.” She dished out a hanky from somewhere and licked it, before proceeding to rub it on Lordy’s face in the fashion of annoying mothers everywhere.

“Stop that!” Lord of the Night cried, shying away. “I’m a grown man, I can clean my own face.” Behind him his goons were snorting with repressed amusement. He was going to have to kill them and start with a new lot again.

“There, that’s better,” said his mother, stepping back. “Mother will always look after you.”

One of his men couldn’t hold it in any more, and collapsed on the floor in hysterics. Mr. Night scowled, turned around and incinerated them both with a well placed fireball.

“What did you do that for? You’ll never have any friends to play with if you go around destroying them all the time,” Dinranwen complained, fussing over his suit.

“Mother. Mother!” Lord of the Night gently pushed her away. “You can’t keep following me around when I’m doing Evil’s work. You might get hurt.”

“Nonsense,” she said, “my little boy will take care of me, won’t you? Won’t you?” She pinched his cheek, standing on tip toes to do it.

Lord of the Night sighed in resignation. “Yes mother.”

“Good. Now, I’m going to the library to meet my group, can I drop you off anywhere?”

Mr. Night scratched his head. “Actually,” he said. “The library may be just where I need to go.”

“Well, we’ll go together then.” Dinranwen slipped her arm through her son’s, and pulled him along. “It’ll be fun!” she said.

“Yes mother.”

They walked off into the dark.

Behind them, the ashes of the two muscle men steamed in the rain.


“Where is he?” Lily rummaged around in her bedside cabinet. “I thought I used him the other day.”

There was a muffled noise from nearby.

“Is that you Mephistopheles?” she asked, looking round.

“Mfff!” came the reply.

Lily knelt down and looked under her bed. She pulled out a frilly gown and untangled it, to reveal an enormous black phallus with a smiley face on the tip.

“Oh Messy! There you are!” she said, kissing the face. “I’m sorry.”

“Mistress!” squeaked the tool. “You left me under the bed!”

“There there,” Lily said, cleaning him off with the gown. “Mistress said she’s sorry. Are you alright? We’re going on a trip.” She set him down on the bed, whereupon the phallus sprouted thin legs and arms and stood up, waving itself around obscenely.

“A trip?” it squeaked, “how exciting!” It ran around in circles on the bed, using a peculiar thrusting gait.

Lily let her toy exercise as she gathered her belongings together and then dressed. On went the crotchless panties, (“I need to breath” she explained needlessly to Mephistopheles), stockings, suspenders and a slinky black dress which nearly reached her thighs.

After a quick spell to arrange her hair, Lily stood admiring her reflection in the mirror. She struck a pose and smiled. “I am one bad ass bitch!” she said.

“Don’t you mean witch?” asked Mephistopheles.

“That too,” Lily replied, pulling her skirt up a little more. “There, perfect.” She went across to another drawer and pulled out a long sheath with a strap attached. “In you go,” she said to Messy, picking him up and thrusting him in.

Wrapping it around her waist, sword style, she picked up her pack and sauntered to the door.

“Right then,” she said. “It’s time to go and get some ass.”

“I believe the term is: ‘Kick some ass’,” came the muffled voice of Mephistopheles.

“I know what I mean.” The witch took a deep breath and stood with hands outstretched. Summoning the Power, she recited a spell, the words booming around the small room.

There was a rushing sound, followed by an implosion of air, and the room was empty.


“I like that witch,” Chinaren said, examining the piece of the board closely. “She’s hot. Maybe I could just pop down there and…”

“You leave her alone. No impregnating mortals with your Godly seed, especially my mortals,” said IM, crossing his arms and leaning against a passing cloud.

“Spoilsport,” Chinaren sulked.

“So, are you going to move or not?” Idea Master said. “You can’t wait thousands of years now, they’re only human, mostly anyway. They’ll all be dead in the blink of an eye.”

“Bah, you know I hate rushing things, you’re doing this on purpose.” Chinaren tapped his chin and looked at the board. “I don’t know. I think I’ll take a ‘Destiny’ card.” He clicked his fingers and picked the top card off a deck that suddenly appeared in the air next to him.

“Mmm, ‘An am-big-u-ous figure enters the game’,” he read slowly. “Wonderful, that’s all I need. Someone who can go on water or land.” He threw the card to one side, where it disappeared with a flash of light.

“That’s amphibious, moron,” the other god said.

“Oh yes. Look, there he is now,” said Chinaren.

They both looked on as a new piece appeared on the playing area…


“Yeah baby! You’re so hot! Oh god that’s good! Yeah! That’s it! The camera loves you baby! Oh, fantastic, you’re so It!”

Kalanna Rai struck another pose and looked at the camera, her long slim face in a sexy sneer. Sparkling amber eyes flashed, as if daring the viewer to make a move. The Dragon outfit she was wearing, if such a flimsy garment could be credited with the term, glittered under the studio lights.

“Just one more, come on baby!” The cameraman cajoled.

Rai flicked long hair back and thrust her chest out, giving the viewers what they wanted.

“Oh that’s it! Yeah! Okay, that’ll do for now. See you all tomorrow in Berlin people. Rai, you were marvelous love.”

Kalanna nodded, wrapped a gown around herself, and walked off to her private dressing room. Once there she removed her wig, lit a smoke and sat down on the sofa, long legs splayed apart in a vulgar fashion.

“Ms. Rai I presume?”

The voice that came from the corner of the room provoked an immediate and startling response. Diving out of her chair, the model rolled on the floor, arm snaking under the dressing table as she went by and drawing back with a large handgun, which she whipped around and up as she moved into a kneeling position behind an armchair.

“Make one move and I’ll blow your head all over the wall motherfucker,” she snarled, cigarette still in her mouth. The muzzle of the gun pointed unwaveringly at the figure that stepped forward slowly.

“Such language from such a pretty mouth. Tut tut,” came the reply. “Don’t worry, I have no intention of harming you.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Rai said. “And I said hold still. I’m good with this you know.” She jerked the weapon slightly.

“Oh, I’m well aware of that,” said the newcomer. “That’s why I’m here.”

He, judging from the voice it was a he anyway, stood still. Rai frowned and examined him. The figure was average height, slim, with a gray hooded robe that masked his features. The robe billowed about him, as if he was standing in a storm that only he knew about.

“You want to hire me?” asked Rai, not relaxing. “Are you sure you can afford me?”

“Funding should not be an issue.”

The model stood up and lowered the gun slowly. “Who are you?”

“You may call me Crossfire.”

“Well, Mr. Crossfire,” Rai took a drag of her cigarette and tapped the ash on the floor with a long nailed finger, “I don’t work for just anyone you know. What makes you think I’m interested?”

“Oh, you’ll be interested in this target, it’s quite a challenge,” Crossfire said. He threw a plain envelope onto the coffee table. “Details are in there. If you accept, call the number. Nice outfit by the way.”

Rai glanced down. “You…” she stopped. The figure was gone.

Frowning, she stepped forward and looked around, checking that she really was alone. Satisfied, she sat down again and tore the envelope open.


Lily giggled and rubbed herself up against the young man dressed in a black tux. He pushed back, hand moving up her thigh.

She kissed his cheek gently, simultaneously copping a feel of his firm ass. “Listen lover,” she whispered in his ear. “I’m meeting someone here, but give me your card, I’ll call you and we’ll hook up later. How about it?”

The man nodded and passed her his card, just as someone announced that the show was starting. She smiled at him, and gave a little wave as they both moved out of the discreet alcove. She headed for the private stalls and he went back to his wife who was waiting at the bar.

“You’ve been here two hours and lined up seven dates already,” came the muffled voice of Messy from his sheath, as she strode down the luxuriously carpeted hallway of the Opera house. “You’ll not be needing me much if this keeps up.”

“Oh hush,” whispered Lily, smiling at an assistant who gave her a puzzled look. “I’ll always need you my dear.” She found the door she was after and pushed it open.

Peering through the gloom inside, she entered and sat down next to the waiting figure.

“About time you got here,” the shadowy form said. “No doubt you were flirting your way through the lobby.”

Lily smiled at the admonishment. “Oh, you’re only jealous darling. Come here, give your lover a kiss.”

The other leaned over and smiled. “Bitch,” she said.


Okay, I had to get another chapter out, what with all the bidding and all.

DP: Who is Lily’s contact? The only requirements are that she must be a SHE, and she must be passably human. Identity, job description and background are up to you, though she must be affiliated with the COW of course.

Bids now due (and closed in the bidding thread):

Lily - 100 Fables for Dinny to be Lordy's mother.

Random bid 100 Fables by Crossfire for a 'neutral' pompous character with a billowing gray robe.

Random bid NeNe - 200 Fables - Make Meph as a talking sex toy who Lily carries around in a sword sheath.

Random bid: Rai, 100F - to add myself to the tale as a full time killer who works under the cover of the worlds premier draconic supermodel.

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Joined: 24 May 2007
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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:06 pm    Post subject:  

Bravo, ren! that was great. As to fem who could be the contact, well, how about......Harley? It would sorta make sense, and i don't want to pick any women who are up for grabs in the auction, so, yeah, that is my suggestion. And she can take on her fairy form whenever she needs to do a little sneaking around (cause, ya know, fairies are kinda small).So yeah, great read! Can't wait to see where the all the humor leads to!
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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:21 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Her round face was flushed with the effort of walking ...

Need I say more? :lol:
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Idea master

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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:42 pm    Post subject:  


I love the extra element that the gods add.

In which case...I'd like to move my Witch to the Ancient Temple of Light, please, old chap. Most likely you'll pursue with your Demon, but let us leave the game for another time.

And as for the DP...

It's a were-wolf that's also a were-male. Just for the heck of it, and cause I want to see Lily's reaction as to what happens when her female contact becomes a big, shaggy, well-endowed doggy!
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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:39 pm    Post subject:  

Numerous violent profanities! Hash! Dollar Sign! Percentage mark! Upwards Pointing Arrow! Well... maybe not Upwards Pointing Arrow, that's a little harsh. ;o

How could you possibly shorten my entire, lengthy, eloquently florid post into one sentence? And one so... inelegant, also! Why do you mock my efforts so... You would not believe how hard I try to please the ever-hopeful citizens of IF...*

*sighs, sagging into a crumpled heap morosely and mercurially*

I suggest that you make her (the contact) a succubus, just to see Lilith's reaction. No doubt favorable, but considering the way you're portraying her, it would probably be her long-lost sister. Still, probably favorable. ;)

However, as a nasty (or nice, depending on how you look at it) twist, make the succubus hideously and incomprehensibly ugly, as a result of an arcane exchange created with great difficulty by Lilith, wherein her beauty was completely drained while she was... busy, so as to supplement our sweet Lady of the Light's. *takes a breath*

This is the reason why Lilith is so ludicrously nymphomanic- she was cursed by the succubus when the demon's last victim (of sorts) actually died of horror upon the consummation of the... union, where he or she opened his or her or its eyes.

Lastly, I would point out that my character am not of average height, nor slim, but completely and utterly ambigous physically in every way, bar my lovely, wonderful and highly eloquent epitomy of a multitude of voices. Well, neither positive nor negative adjectives can technically describe it, but still, I must try. ;) *takes another breath* I love what you've done otherwise with it or her or him, however. I thank you...

*holds it* :o

*Not very.
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Joined: 23 Oct 2005
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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:06 pm    Post subject:  

Heh. A right twisty tale Mr. Chinaren.

Ah don't rightly know who the contact is, though ahl give it some thinkin' and get back ter yer.
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:51 am    Post subject:  

Dinranwen Reads:

Quote: Dinranwen arrived panting. Her round face was flushed with the effort of walking, and she was waving a brown paper bag about in her spare hand. She was covered in some sort of waterproof gown, which made it look a little like a weather balloon had broken free and decided to take a stroll.


!@!!#!!!!!! :-x :x :-o :mad:

*mutters before exploding from anger*

I'm so going to kill someone!

It's not enough you just HAD to make me Lordy's Mother! But you give me a face! And make me ugly to boot! *starts to steam from her ears*

*violently thrases and chokes a radomn passer by tourist*

This means WAR Lilith!

As for you Chinaren....


I'd do something deadly drastic, unwise, violent, terrible, and irrerisible if.....

I wasn't trying so hard to keep myself from laughing so hard!!!!!

:lol: :P :lol:

As for the Dp...I'll get back to you.
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:01 am    Post subject:  

Mephistopheles, do you wish to die?
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:45 pm    Post subject:  

You know, biker chick Harley could be interesting.

I support Meth's idea, with the slight upgrade of wearing leather, and having a bike.
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:31 pm    Post subject:  

Oooh, fairy biker chick. I'm liking this idea.

CF has a bid in at the moment Z, but it could be her...
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:41 pm    Post subject:  

NO!!!!!!! And I do not wear leather Lordy!
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Kalanna Rai

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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:46 pm    Post subject:  

*laughs* Maybe it's a good thing I didn't go with my first bid idea for myself. China would have had way too much fun with that.

I'm really liking the 'biker-fairy'. Harley riding a Harley...*snickers* Maybe she carries a whip for 'protection'?
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:52 pm    Post subject:  

For the dp, I say it's the Borg Queen, or at least a cyborg. Spruce things up with high-tech. Yes I know that's not gonna go through, but I have an opinion and I'd like to voice it.

Also, please downgrade on the sexual innuendo. It not only disgusts me, it confuses me, as I am a black leather robe...
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:19 pm    Post subject:  

Masterweaver wrote: For the dp, I say it's the Borg Queen, or at least a cyborg. Spruce things up with high-tech. Yes I know that's not gonna go through, but I have an opinion and I'd like to voice it.

Also, please downgrade on the sexual innuendo. It not only disgusts me, it confuses me, as I am a black leather robe...

MW, you're welcome not to read this, and I have big red signs plastered all over the top of it.

And I'm warning you now, if I see one more stupid suggestion from you, I'm banning you for two weeks. (Just in case you don't get it: Darth Vader is a stupid suggestion. The Borg Queen is a stupid suggestion.)

Last chance.
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:27 pm    Post subject:  

Ah, So now we have harley, riding atop a harley, for the moment, and carrying a rather stylish leather whip? Cool! can we make her ride a custom, the gas tank and fairing look like a chick lying on her stomach, or rather, a chick bent over the top of the bike in front of the rider, and there is a 'special' spot to store the whip so as to keep it accessible? Think that would be way cool!
Not that i think i could possibly make it any cooler than china, but i want to help. :)
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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:32 pm    Post subject:  

mephistopheles wrote: Ah, So now we have harley, riding atop a harley, for the moment, and carrying a rather stylish leather whip? Cool! can we make her ride a custom, the gas tank and fairing look like a chick lying on her stomach, or rather, a chick bent over the top of the bike in front of the rider, and there is a 'special' spot to store the whip so as to keep it accessible? Think that would be way cool!
Not that i think i could possibly make it any cooler than china, but i want to help. :)


I like the cut of your jib mister!
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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:38 am    Post subject:  

mephistopheles wrote: Ah, So now we have harley, riding atop a harley, for the moment, and carrying a rather stylish leather whip? Cool! can we make her ride a custom, the gas tank and fairing look like a chick lying on her stomach, or rather, a chick bent over the top of the bike in front of the rider, and there is a 'special' spot to store the whip so as to keep it accessible? Think that would be way cool!
Not that i think i could possibly make it any cooler than china, but i want to help. :)

MEPH! You better go and hide. *grabs poisonous arrows*

chinaren wrote: Oooh, fairy biker chick. I'm liking this idea.

Is this torture for stealing your fables??
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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:24 pm    Post subject:  

Female, and passably human, eh? Can this be an IFian or someone completely ficticious? Reading through it I noticed that the amphibious character appearing on the deities' playing board was male, so it might not be Crunchyfrog....

Anyway, maybe someone who has been ejected from COW. According to the tone of the letter, there are some who don't think highly of Lily, so perhaps her contact is someone who has been disgraced so badly, that they've been fired. However, this person still practices her witchcraft covertly, and is damn good at it. So COW still employ her from time to time, but their members would never admit it to each other....

When this pereson is not having her strings pulled by COW she keeps body and soul together by being a plumber. She's a bloody good plumber, too.

No job to big, too small, or too dirty, yes, that means as well as fixing dripping taps/fawcets her job has her taking dips into the sewers from time to time, too...

I'm no good at thinking up names though. Maybe it could be an IFian person.

Anyway, will that do? Or does it have to go in the bidding thread too?

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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:18 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Anyway, will that do? Or does it have to go in the bidding thread too?

Nope, here will do. This thread plays the same as any SGame, with suggestions and voting.
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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 6:10 pm    Post subject:  

Well, this isn't a very serious story, but it's a light read and provides a smile. Keep it up (although I'm sure you will, as long as there's Fables involved).
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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:30 am    Post subject:  

Okay, poll willl go up soon, so any more suggestions, get 'em in quick!
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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:15 am    Post subject:  

I'm sure I mentioned somewhere in a pompous and long-winded fashion that I have a multitude of constantly shifting voices which, when I display my true abilities, combine in perfect and consummated union. There you go.

Therefore, it is highly likely that, unless I wished otherwise, my voice would change at least once during that speech- oh. Never mind, then.

In answer to the Decision Point, I say that it is... me! I can shapeshift, y'know! *smiles hopefully, concentrates and turns into a hawk, with an average speed of twenty to thirty miles per hour*

*flaps about for a little while, then transforms back into its preferred form*

Ah well... Looks like I haven't got any amazing and astonishing powers beyond the ken of mortal kind after all...

*wanders off around the corner idly*

*turns into a powerful Tarrasque and grabs a bite to eat...
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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:49 am    Post subject:  

Possibly CFire, possibly not. Though I have no record of payment yet from you, which kinda puts you first in line first in line for the chop... ;)

Actually, ~checks PMs~ I don't seem to have any payments for the second chapter yet.

~Starts scheming mass murder~
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Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 3:04 am    Post subject:  

Cross me off your death list, Mr. Chinaren... 100 Fables are safely in your coffers.
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Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:36 pm    Post subject:  

okay Ren - i paid you for the mepj character who has come along very nicely i must say.... LOL

i love Crossfires idea of the whole Lily is a nympho cause she made the succubus ugly and now must perform the sex act for her and somehow - possibly sexually knowing you dear Mayor - transfer the power back to her....

Lovign the Din/Lordy interaction - that was just perfect and those descriptive phrases?? what can i say - the idea of a weather balloon with legs ? Hil-ar-ious.....

Once again i just want to say that i consider you a true master of your genre and i might have more criticisms if i could see the screen past the tears of laughter running down my face...

i have a quick Lordy quote for you...

"Oedipus- schemdipus i WANT my Mommy..."
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Kalanna Rai

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Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:59 pm    Post subject:  

*raises eyeridge* Until last night you didn't know what a Terrasque was Cross. I should never have let you meet Fluffy.

Anywhoo, sorry China coulda sworn I paid. 100F is about to find it's way to you...
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Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:39 pm    Post subject:  

Just want to give chinaren a thumbs up on a great little story so far. :) It's gotten more than a few laughs from me already and I'm certainly glad I've jumped in here in time to catch it early on.

Since I've gotten to this DP a little late in the process of things I'll save my insanity for the end of the next chapter. Just wanted to say well done.
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Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:47 pm    Post subject:  

Thanks Scrapper, and welcome to Wrath! :D
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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:58 pm    Post subject:  

Forgot to put a poll up before! Gah!

Okay then, you have until Monday evening! (China time).

Poll is up, insert your finger into the orifice of voting.
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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:08 pm    Post subject:  

had to vote for biker chick fairy harley just causei know it will pee her off royally! (im evil..)
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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:16 pm    Post subject:  

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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:20 pm    Post subject:  

hehe, lovely poison eh? I could use some of that! Voted for biker harley also, because well, i HAD to!
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Kalanna Rai

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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 11:54 pm    Post subject:  

Poor Harls...too bad I couldn't resist voting for biker-fairy either...
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The Meaning Of Fear

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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:05 am    Post subject:  

Well, you should be grateful, harley... I voted for Crunchy, but alas, I only made the option crawl to half of the 1st one...
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 6:01 am    Post subject:  

Thank you Meanie I appreciate that.
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The White Blacksmith

Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:11 am    Post subject:  

chinaren wrote: Poll is up, insert your finger into the orifice of voting.

Now why would I want to do that? Can't I just vote and be done with it?
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:10 pm    Post subject:  

Gosh, that's a lot of votes very quickly!

It seems option one is winning, lucky Harley. However, voting will remain open until Monday. (China time: GMT +7)
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:16 pm    Post subject:  

Whyever is it that my suggestion for the DP hasn't been added into the poll? Personally, I vote for that until further notice. *sighs despondently and sags to the ground in a crumpled heap* Feel free to vote for the other three options while I wait, people... Don't mind me.

Crossfire is promptly subject to an endless barrage of physical and mental abuse due to the seemingly defenceless nature of its huddled, but apparently sentient, form. The denizens of the City that were expecting to have a lovely feast of fear, hatred, terror and rage were sadly disappointed. Leaving them as lifeless husks, the creature flows upwards and whispers grimly with its perfect voice, "I'm beginning to dislike this city, but at least it's interesting..."

Swirling grey mist gathering around its corporeal form, its shadowed silver robes billow softly as it...fades.
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:52 pm    Post subject:  

Sorry Cross, I guess I lost your suggestion in the midst of your post. Ah well, next time.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:06 pm    Post subject:  

Hmm... Perhaps I was being rather silly in that post. My apologies. However, I don't really think it'll matter if you add the extra poll option now... There's nearly twenty votes on the poll...
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