City of IF Free online storygaming
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:58 am Post subject: Question Time! |
The lights dim, the drums roll. Hushed voices twitter in the stalls of the old concert hall. An impatient slow clap starts off somewhere in the circle, drowning out the sounds of snoring up in the gods.
A brief pyrotechnic display and an ear splitting fanfare signal the lifting of the heavy red velvet curtains to reveal....
A pathetic, wizened creature limps on stage. His whispy white hair is so thin it waves gently about his scalp in the updraught of heat given off by the footlights. He is clad in nowt but a threadbare loincloth.
Somebody titters in the audience. Voices can be heard offstage, augmented by the crackling speakers that dangle dangerously over the auditorium.
Cfrog (whispers) - "Is this all the miserley orange git could manage?"
NeNe (whispers) - "After all those fables I promised him... Disgraceful!"
Cfrog (whispers) - "He prised money out of you too? Just wait til I get my hands on..."
NeNe - "Shhh!"
The compere mumbles into a microphone.
"Your Royal Kingness! Your Hairy Mayorness! Citizens and creatures of IF!! The contenders for the next mayorship have been named. They now present themselves to be interro... I mean to answer questions from the inhabitants of this fair City.
Introducing - NeverNeverGirl and Crunchyfrog!!!"
The auditorium errupts into thunderous applause as the two candidates appear from stage left. Nene leads, resplendent in a tight fitting yellow and black body suit, followed by Crunch in a daring green number. Two identical thrones descend behind them and each takes their seat, both waving and smiling.
The spotlight sweeps around the audience.
"Alright, alright, that's enough..." snaps the compere, scratching his butt.
He squints at the sea of faces before him as the noise dies down.
"Who will be the first to pitch a question at our two fair sucker... I mean Mayoral Candidates?"
The spotlight stops, and narrows its diameter on the first IFian to raise their hand.
"...Ah yes, its..." |
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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:36 pm Post subject: |
A lone cat shuffles into the spotlight. He licks his paw and slicks back his enormous mane of raccoon striped hair.
"Ahem, Nene, you've recently been away from the city, not that that's a bad thing. We all have other things that call our attention. But what I am wondering is will you be able to commit to all the tasks that demand your attention as Tyrant.. I mean Mayor?" |
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 7:48 pm Post subject: |
Both NeNe and CF have mentioned they intend on updating the mods, or providing them with means for new initiatives, but neither have specified how they plan to do this.
Also, I would like to see some kind of agenda, so the other voters and me could draw conclusions about the difference in governance. So far, the only determining factors are personality and reliability. Not that these are defficient, but I would like to see expanded the factors of choice.
Here's a quick question you were probably expecting: Is the Fable inflation a problem? If so, what to you plan to do about it?
Btw, I just noticed that IF is rules by a despotic government! They could suspend my habeus corpus! (shiver) ;) |
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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 8:18 pm Post subject: |
~Despatches the ASS to D-Lotus's mansion~ |
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Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:45 pm Post subject: |
Fats_Masterson wrote: A lone cat shuffles into the spotlight. He licks his paw and slicks back his enormous mane of raccoon striped hair.
"Ahem, Nene, you've recently been away from the city, not that that's a bad thing. We all have other things that call our attention. But what I am wondering is will you be able to commit to all the tasks that demand your attention as Tyrant.. I mean Mayor?"
NeNe stands and approaches the dais. Flipping her hair over her shoulder she addresses the cat.
I gave notice of my intention to be away for month with no contact at all due to the follys of my sisters intention to wed a moron. During that time i have been on at least twice a week, it seems IF has me well and truly in her snare.
I would also point out that this is in fact more times than most people who regularly visit IF spend here.
My regular hours (those which i don't spend wasting away in my relatives houses) see me on IF a minimum of two hours a day and sometimes much more. As i work from home i am always a click away from IF and believe this makes me more than capable of commiting to being her Mayor.
NeNe looks around the auditorium and smiles brightly. She waves at several audience members as she resumes her seat. |
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:29 am Post subject: |
D-Lotus wrote: Both NeNe and CF have mentioned they intend on updating the mods, or providing them with means for new initiatives, but neither have specified how they plan to do this.
I believe that the city would benefit if the moderators take more responsibility for stimulating activity in their respective forums. I would like to see our moderators a little more passionate about the areas of IF they are responsible for, and really make them shine.
Ways that this could be done might include:
Storygame forum moderators to participate more in the storygames in their forums - Respond to them and critique them, particularly the newly promoted ones in their forum.
Games and Open Forum mods to encourage activity in their respective forums, by contributing to the games/discussions, or starting new ones.
New Storygames moderators to crit the works in their forum - after all this is the first step to ready them for promotion.
These are just suggestions - our forums are very diverse and need different styles of moderation. One thing I would look at if I was mayor would be to see who is best suited to each forum, and what ideas they have for improving those forums.
D-Lotus wrote:
Also, I would like to see some kind of agenda, so the other voters and me could draw conclusions about the difference in governance. So far, the only determining factors are personality and reliability. Not that these are defficient, but I would like to see expanded the factors of choice.
My first priority would be to keep up the good work that Cren has put in.
My natural tendency is to champion newbies. Newbies are the life blood of any online community. They provide fresh ideas, they replace people who have left, and they keep the community dynamic.
At nearly a year on IF I cannot really describe myself as a newb any more, but I haven't forgotten how it feels! My emphasis would still be to make it as easy as possible for a newb to get the most out of IF and all its activities. This includes the New Storygame Review, Active Forums (which I have touched on already) and easy integration into the activities of IF - which kind of leads on to the next question...
D-Lotus wrote:
Here's a quick question you were probably expecting: Is the Fable inflation a problem? If so, what to you plan to do about it?
Fables are for fun. They add a bit of spice to the activities of IF.
I don't see inflation as being the problem. However, I believe there are two very important things that we all need to consider, to ensure that Fables don't become a problem in the future.
The activities we create must be activities that IFians are willing to spend fables on
We must make sure that the pricing does not exclude 'poorer' citizens and newbies
This is not to say that we aren't doing a good job at keeping these problems in check already! The Review Board's fee has been abolished, the Superhuman public character has allowed wider participation in the storygame, Demise NSS allowed character formation at an affordable price, and the Poor Man's bids for Wrath has stimulated a lot of activity.
I believe that we can go further to increase participation in events to get the fables flowing. I would like to replace some of the auctions with 'sales', targetted at IFians with balances below a certain level.
It may be worth considering that:
There are less than 10 active IFians with 5000 or more Fables.
About 40 or so active IFians have less than 5000. More than half of these have significantly less than 1000 fables.
We need to keep statistics like this in mind when starting a new fable generating venture.
Equally, I think the Treasury can be used to bump up prize funds making competitions more attractive for everyone to participate in.
The gradual increase in fables in IF overall as people earn from storygame participation can easily be countered by fables being taken out of circulation as they find their way back to the Treasury - so... Inflation? Nah, not a problem - at least not right now.
:) |
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:43 pm Post subject: |
A fiery-haired fairy stands and fixes the candidates with a mischievious grin.
"You probably heard me poke around this topic quite a bit.. and now I want to know what you capable candidates have planned. How and I mean specifics, do you plan on making IF a more active flowing forum? What ways will you use to get IF's name and purpose out there?" |
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Joined: 21 Oct 2004
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:37 pm Post subject: |
Hmm, those are some good points you adressed about newbies, Crunchy. But what about the elders? Is it part of your agenda to reward them in some way for their loyalty?
And is there anyway to rescue certain people from Warcrack? ;) |
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:13 pm Post subject: |
No D. Shush.
There are no plans to storm Blizzard, and disconnect the servers, regardless of what you may have heard.
Everything you have been told is a lie. |
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Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:06 pm Post subject: |
okay firstly i would like to say that i wholeheartedly agree with everything crunchy has said, as she knows as we have discussed this between ourselves on past occassions. And (though i know this wil be considered a cop out or untruth - and btw i do NOT lie...) i typed up something almost identical to her opinion son the fable issue. Yet due to the stupid crappiness of the net cafe were i was working the whole thing was lost with the wrong click of a button... *ponders to self... though it did smell of amphibian afterwards...hmmm*
It has become fairly obvious to me that certian 'elder and fable rich' citizens aren't as evil and despotic as they would have you believe - i personally have been bequeathed fables by benefactors who shall remain nameless due to thier desire to appear not nice*, and honestly believe that if someone wanted to participate in a fable needing SG/Game etc that most IFians would allow their contribution on the basis of future payment (at their own discretion of course). My point? Fables dont necessarily constrict your actions and are accrued by activity - those who are the richest are also the most active and thus deserve their fables - if you want more then get to it... Write and Response... simple really.
*though i would like to point out here that this is not in anyway related to being clientele or any such thing.... (...Ren- please contact my receptionist Vera for the wallet you left behind in Chelsea's room...)
Lilith wrote: A fiery-haired fairy stands and fixes the candidates with a mischievious grin.
"You probably heard me poke around this topic quite a bit.. and now I want to know what you capable candidates have planned. How and I mean specifics, do you plan on making IF a more active flowing forum? What ways will you use to get IF's name and purpose out there?"
I think that it has been mentioned that there is a 'summer slump' - my reply to this? Its not summer everywhere at the same time. Lets target the southern hemisphere - i myself am already a strong advocate for IF on other forum sites frequented by my fellow aussies. If we research more of these forums (as i am constantly doing - along with several others) and follow up by requesting links between our sites then this will generate more traffic. It shouldnt be up to just a few to asure the lifespan of IF - it the responsibility of anyone who loves her.
Also active response and welcoming of newb's by all members will see them return more often than not. As most of us know once the people and places of IF are in the blood they are hard to deny (hence my tropical holiday spent in a net cafe!!!).
Its also important for everyone to be actively participating in SGs - not just the ones of those that respond to yours. if we want IF to flourish we need to put in the hard yards - she, herself, is still young and hasn't yet reached her full potential.
my actions will be those that i indicated in the IFquirer. Motivate, Inspire and Encourage. |
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Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:19 pm Post subject: |
D-Lotus wrote: Hmm, those are some good points you adressed about newbies, Crunchy. But what about the elders? Is it part of your agenda to reward them in some way for their loyalty?
And is there anyway to rescue certain people from Warcrack? ;)
hmm what would you consider adequate thank you D? do you want to have another title? City Elderman or something?
i think that it is resonable to expect recognition if you have been an active member over your entire lifespan on IF.
let me think on what i would deem suitable... |
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:04 am Post subject: |
Lilith wrote: A fiery-haired fairy stands and fixes the candidates with a mischievious grin.
"You probably heard me poke around this topic quite a bit.. and now I want to know what you capable candidates have planned. How and I mean specifics, do you plan on making IF a more active flowing forum? What ways will you use to get IF's name and purpose out there?"
This area is not my forte I have to admit, but I would fully encourage any ideas to increase interest in this site. What would really be cool is if any book published from this site carried the web site address and logo. Of course all Key's probably do!
D-Lotus wrote: Hmm, those are some good points you adressed about newbies, Crunchy. But what about the elders? Is it part of your agenda to reward them in some way for their loyalty?
And is there anyway to rescue certain people from Warcrack?
How long does the appeal of a game like Warcrack last for? :D I'm just sorry I missed some of the characters that left before I came.
Now, about the elders - I don't know about anyone else, but when I see somebody on a forum who's been there for donkey's years, I already have an intrinsic level of respect for them just because they have stayed with it through thick and thin. But a reward for longevity? In theory an IFian could just stick around and be a pain in the arse for a year and qualify for that.
But certainly incentives and awards for providing services to IF above and beyond the call of duty should be recognised. :) |
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