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EF: Chapter Four
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Joined: 04 Mar 2008
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Location: Escaping the Hair Lair

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:13 am    Post subject: EF: Chapter Four  

Chapter Four:

Davis and I stared at the envelope in total concentration, only starting from our separate thoughts when we ran out of nachos. Left with few options, and fewer snack foods, my brother and I headed out the door and into the now-late evening.

“So? I say we track down the Tavern, Dave. It seems like the start of this whole mess. But...” I trailed off.

“But how do we find a tavern that’s probably been closed for a bazillion years?” Davis laughed and ruffled my hair, reminding me in his simple way that despite appearances, I’m still the youngster. “Ever hear of the internet, dude? But my connection here is dead, so we’ll have to see what’s open.”

I groaned. It had been a long day, and a longer night. Now the stars were out, and I pictured us hunkering down in an internet café somewhere, trying to piece together our family history alongside perverted late-night internet crawlers. “What about Bernice’s place? At least she’s got a futon.”

That settled Davis. Never one to turn down a comfy place to crash, our hippie bro is pretty easy going once bribed with comfort and a possible Mountain Dew. We reached the Triplets’ as the streetlights flickered on, and could easily see that all the lights were off. Luckily, Bernice retains her childhood fear of the dark, so her outside porch light is kept on all through the night, as well as a variety of inside lights up in her granny flat. I let us in with my key. Not wanting to fight off a bogey-man obsessed quasi-Immortal nine year old, I gently shook my littlest sister awake and brought her out to join us.

“What’s this all about? Davis? .. Something to do with your ‘theory’, I assume.” She yawned, feet flexing inside her hot pink Hello Kitty slippers, and smacked her retainer back and forth. “And Euro? How did things go with the psychic fellow? Pass me the chips.” This last statement announced with the commanding tone that only a newly wakened child can muster.

We filled Bernice in on the details of the afternoon, as well as with chips and dip snatched from her pantry, and ended with Davis’ theory and our quest to find the tavern. When Dave mentioned the letter, Bernice twitched in discomfort.

“I received the same letter. It arrived last night. I had assumed it was a joke, or one of those ridiculous chain-letter things that Eloise is always so afraid of getting.. But now that you’ve mentioned what’s been going on, I think not.” She snatched the laptop out of my lap, and quickly started typing away. Within moments, the screen was filled with a pale blue image and annoyingly small white type.

“Ahh, the historic building registry.” Bernice smiled proudly, and flicked her retainer with her tongue. “You’d be amazed what’s considered historic these days ”

Stabbing away at the keys with relish, our sister ransacked the annals of time to gather what little information on the tavern we could find. The site gradually gave up its secrets to Bernice’s inquisition tactics, and soon enough we had a list of 7 possible sites. All were within a two day journey of Dolmen Groves, but several of the buildings had acquired interesting makeovers during the intervening years. One was now a drive through burger joint, presided over by a freakishly bewigged clown. Another had become the local fire hall of its county, and while the third site remained a bar, it now served upscale martinis and braised lamb quarters- whatever that meant. The fourth location was a bulldozed lot. The fifth old tavern had been converted into a bed and breakfast, and the sixth was now a funeral parlor with attached mortuary. The seventh and final possible location of Ye Old Taverne of Cursular Goodness was currently incarnated as a private residence.

I clenched my teeth in frustration, causing Bernice to roll her eyes and smack her retainer at me once again. “You young kids have no idea how valuable proper dental care really is. In my day you’d be lucky to have teeth to grind at your ripe age!” She preened under our combined glares. Pre-teens can be irritating under the best of circumstances, all drama and talk.. But stick a century under her belt, and sometimes Bernice is a little hard to take.
“Okay, Yoda. Whatever you say, Grand Master of Dental Hygiene, Can we get back to the matter at hand, please? Which site should we check out?”
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Head of the Guard

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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:33 pm    Post subject:  

kinda short, this one... is that 1000? idk. just being picky. :-o

i say go check out the one that is still a bar, then the one that is a private residence. go w/ the bar first.

pretty good chapter, not as good as the other ones.

1st chap 4 post!!! :-)
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Joined: 04 Mar 2008
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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:37 pm    Post subject:  

((Arg, HotG, I know. I couldn't seem to get the brains flowing for this installment. I had trouble thinking of HOW to track down the tavern.))
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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:54 pm    Post subject:  

I'm going to be difficult and say the bullldozed lot...I don't know why but that is the one that peaked my interest...but having said that, it isn't the obvious logical choice...I guess I'm saying I want the lot to be where they need to go but I would like to see some of the other locations tried first...Maybe your poll question should be where do they need to go, not where do they go first...if you catch my drift.
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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:04 am    Post subject:  

In a, probably vain, hope for a stroke of luck, I would be heading to the one site that is still a bar.

It might be yuppy-fied, but it's still likely to have dark cellars possibly filled with clues.

Happy Writing :)
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Head of the Guard

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Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:03 am    Post subject:  

Traveller wrote: I'm going to be difficult and say the bullldozed lot...I don't know why but that is the one that peaked my interest...

Jerk. :x

jk. :lol:
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Joined: 04 Mar 2008
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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:43 am    Post subject:  

Alright.. I'm bumping this up a little 'cause I need some input on the Poll, or else this chapter is going to be realllllly.. uh.. unwritten.

(I'll refund my Fables unto Zogby.))
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Joined: 04 Mar 2008
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Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:40 am    Post subject:  

okay, guys! Looks like our ultimate reward will be at the Yuppy bar and grill.. although I do say there will be stops along the way for our troup of little Scoobies!

Sorry for the long delay, as well. In Real Life (gasp!) I'm getting married to Cat Man the Werewolf in mid July, so my brains are starting to leak from my ears, thereby shorting out my keyboard.

(and needing much soothing with wine by necessity! hee hee)

stick with me! I'll get right on this next Chapter.
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Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:32 pm    Post subject:  

Quote: Cat Man the Werewolf

That's a strange mix!
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