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IFQ Issue #41 - 2 Month Special
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Joined: 10 Oct 2010
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Location: Surrounded by many beautiful naked men

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:42 pm    Post subject: IFQ Issue #41 - 2 Month Special  

Bringing you the News The Old fashioned Way

Life Pumps Back Into The City
Can this be life on the horizon? Or is it just a ruse. . . .

A Faint Heartbeat

Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

Life seems to be flowing back into the city as more and more members show their faces in more and more places around the city. After a long bout of near dormancy, we can see the citizens moving about once again through the streets. The Role Players Den seems to be finally stretching it's legs with a few new RPs. The fantasy forest has regained much of it's sparkle as it's denizens add more and more to their own little niches. There is a glimmer of a chuckle wandering through the Humor House, as well as a bit of blood flowing into Skiffiville. The dark denizens of the Creepy Cave are digging new tunnels, as well as peeking to other parts of the city. Even the Hall of Debate has a few people passing through to drop their opinions. Experiments are once again being conducted on Innovation Island, and the Dark sections of IF are making themselves know, even if it is in small circles. Over all we can see Faries, Dragons, Robots, Zombies, Humans, Sphinxes, and many other citizens showing their love of this wonderful city.

From An Old Hand, To Aspiring Minds
Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

As I sat by my computer, my tea at my side and my mind void of anything useful to write, I could not help but wonder, through my frustration, about just how similar, or different, each author is about writing their great works. I wondered how others dealt with knowing where to go, but having fingers that are unwilling to write. How is it a mind filled with everything needed to create great works of art, but unable to sort it out into words. So in my confusion, I dropped Stein a line and made a request for him to find others like me. To seek out ones with this fatal disease, know to all authors in it's infamy, as the every debilitating Writer's Block.

A Dark Mind's Interview

*Stein glances over and spots a shadow moving independently down the street and smiles* Come Rover.

Rover: Wuff

Stein: Hello there, misterbiz, how are you today?

Mr. Biz: Doing fine, ol' chap. Just out for a stroll and on my way to slaughter a nu...I mean...get groceries. Yes. Groceries. No nuns involved.

Stein: Is that so? Well, I'm glad you agreed to this interview. I have but a few questions, so please bare with me. Rover?

Rover: Wuff *With a click and a whir, Rover looks up at the shadow*

Stein: Good good. Now, the first question I have may seem a little odd, but here we go. Could you describe just how you go about writing a chapter? Set up snacks, music, write a first draft, throw darts at a list of ideas. What is your process for starting a chapter?

Mr. Biz: First, I read the previous chapter. Then I set up with some beverages . I put on my headphones and then click on my iTunes, finding something that fits with what the story is about or what I'm looking for with the chapter and then its off to the races, as you mortals say.

Stein: I see. . . .Do you ever get really stumped in the middle of writing a chapter, and if so, how do you deal with it?

Mr. Biz: Quite often. I usually deal with it by walking away from it. I work on something else. Lyrics, a short story, a chapter of some off-site projects. If that doesn't work, I game or watch movies, just looking at other's works. Other's creativity, trying to get mine kick-started again.

Stein: Mmhmm. Could you tell us a little bit about your current works, and what future you see in them?

Mr. Biz: I have quite a few current works now. Alice, my wonderland re-imagining is the first of of a four part saga that is currently being called in my head The Asylum series. The next two will also be placed inside mental institutions and be a play on OZ and Neverland. The final one, is gonna be a secret. *smiles*

Escaping Eternia, my original masterpiece, is probably going to have a single sequel. My mystery in the dark section is actually the beginning of an 8 part series following private detective Wolfe as he hunts down various serial killers, leading to an epic and tragic conclusion. And Fading Immortality, well, I just don't may and it may not...Its up to my partner.

Stein: This next one may be a bit weirder then the others. There are two major, and several minor, ways I've heard of how people think of stories. The top two are “I am creating a world. This is spawned from my imagination.” And the other is “I was given a glimpse at a wondrous place, and pray I will have the talent to do it justice.” What is your particular way of viewing stories in this regard?

Mr. Biz: Weird, damn right its weird. But I will oblige you anyway.The way I view my stories isn't I created this place or I caught a glimpse. I don't know how I'd describe my method. When I get an idea and start writing, my mind tells me where it is, what's happening. I feel like I'm a tourist in my own realm and I'm just watching what happens unfold before me.

Stein: Interesting. . . .Who is your favorite character you've ever “Created” and why?

Mr. Biz: Joshua Wolfe of Kissing the Darkness. I like him because he's flawed. He is the most flawed character I've made. He's the "hero" and yet he does un-heroic things. He drinks, he goes to hookers, he has implied that he shot someone in an act of vengeance. He's not a Dudley Do Right. He is some holier-than-thou type. He's real.

Stein: Ah hah. Well, that's all for this interview. I thank you for your time. Rover?

Rover: Wuff *Follows Stein down the street*

An Offline Interview

*Stein stares out of the computer at the man sitting on an old blue couch. A cry echoes about the room as a black and white cat attacks the man causing him to cry out. Clearing his throat Stein get's the young man's attention*

Stein: Hello there. How are we today?

Shane: Tired.

Stein: I see, perhaps you should get more sleep. That aside, thank you for taking this interview.

Shane: No problem, it's my pleasure.

Stein: Okay, let's get started. Rover?

Rover: Wuff *Flops down in front of Shane, staring intently at him*

Stein: Alrighty, all set. First off could you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Shane: Um, well, I'm a legal midget. I'm 23 years old. Um, when not writing or doing pictures, I'm spending time with my woman, relaxing, or on Second Life stripping or making gestures.

Stein: Interesting, sounds fun. You mentioned writing, what exactly do you like writing about?

Shane: It depends on what mood I'm in. I could write a love poem, I could write short stories, I could write poems about my feelings. It all depends on what mood I'm in.

Stein: Ah hah. Do you have anything in the works? A book perhaps. If so, can you tell us a little bit about it?

Shane: Yes, I do. I have a novel I am in the process of working on. The name of the novel is A Long Way From Home. It's a project I've been working on since high school. It's about a vampire slash fallen angel that falls in love with a fox demon and all the adventures they go through, whether they are good or bad. *Wanders off to get a drink, coming back with a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper*

Stein: How romantic. What to you do to get ready to write? Snacks, drinks, music, yoga?

Shane: Tch, uh, usually I make sure to have my Dr. Pepper, my cigarettes, and my music. All three help me concentrate and keeps me calm so I can focus on whatever chapter I'm working on at the time.

Stein: Sounds smokey. Do you ever have any trouble getting down your chapters? Describe in your own words what gives you blocks in your writing.

Shane: Well I definitely do have problems writing down chapters. I had a streak where I wrote about, I'd have to say about, 7 chapters in a row, and ever since then it's been hard to keep writing too. Just recently I wrote a new chapter, but once again I'm struck with writer's block. I would have to say, the creative part of my brain that lets me think up these things shuts off for some unexplainable reason, hindering me from being able to write more then one chapter at a time.

Stein: How frustrating. How do you deal with these times? What do you do to get your mojo flowing again, or have you yet found a way to do so?

Shane: I haven't found a way to do so, unless I get a random idea in my head to keep going. Other then that, I have not yet found the “Mojo” that helps me to keep going so soon after getting that writer's block.

Stein: Well, I must thank you for your time. I wish you luck in getting over your block. I hope to see you in the city soon. Perhaps the residents can help you out with this block of yours.

Shane: It was great to be here for the interview, and ah, great to be interviewed for the first time by somebody who's interested in my work. Hope to come back soon. It was very nice to meet you also Stein. *Calls to Rover in a baby voice* Good boy Roveeer.

Stein: And you as well. Off we go Rover!

Rover: Wuff *Plods off after Stein*

A Newbie Interview

*Stein travels down from his lab to a secluded area of Artistic Avenue with Rover and a bouncer in toe. Spotting the one he's suppose to interview with her girlfriend, kkdestiny, attached to her like a leech, he sicks the bouncer on the girlfriend. As she is dragged off to the side, Airwings fixes her clothing*

Stein: Well, now that she's out of the way, a good day to you Air. How are we feeling?

Airwings: Ehhhh, not too shabby. How 'bout you?

Rover: Wuff *Sits down, wars clicking into place*

Stein: I am well, thanks for asking. I know that your time on the site has been spent mostly here in the artist's alley, but I have heard from my sources that you are an aspiring writer. Could you tell me a little bit about that?

Airwings: So, tell you about my writing? Ahh, where to begin *Sniff*. Tch, as far as I can tell, I've been writing for most of my life like most people, and I've always enjoyed it quite a bit. Tch, probably around middle school, I really got into writing and designing my own characters and delving more into my own world of sorts. Since freshman year of high school I have been diligently working on a series of my own. I pretty sure that cast is exceeding 100. Not necessarily a good thing. *Talks to those sitting beside her quietly as the girlfriend tries desperately to get back to her* Tch, I know that the cast is quite large, but I plan on breaking them up into more focused groups in their own books, and I love absolutely every last one of them. They've become very real to me. That's about it. *Girlfriend Ois from the sidelines*

Stein: Wow, sounds like quite a task you've set up for yourself. I can't wait to read it all. That being said, how far have you gotten? How exactly do you plan to work on this series? In parts, linear, or just as it comes to you?

Airwings: Ah geez. You had to ask me a question like that. It's going to be quite a daunting task considering I have about six years worth of material. It's been a really stop and go process, and sadly I've been kinda stuck on character development, and the rest of the story really. I just finally managed to find a NAME for the world my characters live on. It's been drawn out quite a bit. You'll be glad to know that thanks to my creative writing independent study class, I have managed to write out a very rough example of chapters one and two for the first book. I'm not very proud of them, but it's a start. I think I'm just a bit scared of actually writing this book, or series rather. Because I know there is no way all that material will fit in one volume. It's kinda being an ant, looking up at a skyscraper. It's kinda intimidating. But, if your courageous enough, you can climb it. Any more questions? *Girlfriend giggles and whees from the background, still trying to reach Airwings*

Stein: I'm confident you will succeed. What exactly do you do to get ready to write? What physical and metal preparations do you go through?

Airwings: Well, nothing physical, I assure you that. Except maybe a walk, that sometimes clears my mind. *kkdestiny calls from the background “I don't think it means sex”* You stay out of it. Usually I'll try drawing one of my characters for inspiration, or actually role play them out in different situations. Helps me channel them better. Unfortunately, there are SOME side effects. I tend to be stuck acting similar to them in attitude or personality for hours afterward. I break out of it eventually though. Role playing is defiantly most effective, although some of the situations I'd rather not mention. *kk giggles in the background* Caffeine definitely defiantly helps too. A LOT. Is there anything else you'd like to ask me?

Stein: You seem a little impatient, I hope I'm not keeping you from anything. Now, we've all hit it at one time or another. How do you deal with the dreaded Writer's Block?

Airwings: Oh GOD! Writer's Block is my arch nemesis! I honestly think it's been haunting me for the last six months. I've tried role playing and everything and it doesn’t seem to want to go away. Guess you could say I don't really cope with it very well. *Shifty eyes* I wish I could figure out my own methods for making it go away, but nothing seems to be working for me. My artwork has suffered for the same reason. It's like the cosmos is purposely picking on me! I suppose I'll just have to keep pushing through it. Oh, and you're not keeping me, I'm just really really curious about stuff sometimes.

Stein: Okay, I know I'm going to regret this next one but I have to ask. Could you tell me a little bit about the story itself?

Airwings: Uuuummmmm, I d'know. . . . . Tch, not sure if I wanna be releasing any information just yet. If you'd like, I could post some desi-, some art for them, or some backgrounds I did for class. It's a destined heroes have to save two separate realms kinda deal. Sounds cliche, but hey, I'm a sap for those kinds of tales. Well, my lead character is a rather naive 17 year old prince, who doesn't know what it is like to be outside of his castle much. His best friend is a rather large fellow, well he's six foot nine and has to keep an eye on the prince, at almost all times. After a horrible mishap at the castle, the two friends are forced to attend an academy incognito, taking on fake names. And THAT'S just an abridged introduction to their problems. I assure you it gets much, much worse as time goes on, so you won't get bored. . . .HOPEfully. *kk laughs her ars off in the background*

Stein: Alrighty, I think I've taken up enough of your time. Good luck in your endeavors and I hope to see more of your works popping up around the city. See you Later! Come Rover.

Rover: Wuff *Wags tail slowly and wanders along after Stein*

If Only Wordfind
The first three IFians to find all the words, mail PopeAlessandrosXVIII and you shall be rewarded from the IF Treasury!

Word Find Words:

Blood Moon
Written Word

Wordfind Winners from last month:
1st: Cremuex Levier
2nd: N/A
3rd: N/A

Linear Lane Looky Loo
Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

No activity this month, but you should still check out these fabulos Storygames and lend a helping word to the authors!

The Chronicles of Lanthos – Lilth

Blood Moon – UndeadCowboy

Dark Linear

Getting Lucky - misterbiz

Come support the muse in Linear Lane today!

Eden's Call – Lilith – 4
The Children of Leyond – Kalanna Rai – 4
Alice – misterbiz – 3
Fading Immortality – misterbiz/Andolyn – 3
Sector 17 – Reiso – 3

Hopping up two places is Eden's Call by Lilith into first place. The Children of Leyond by Kalanna Rai continues to travel around the top five, resting this month in second place. Moving on up to third place is Alice by misterbiz. Dazzling it's way into the top five is Fading Immortality joint work of both misterbiz and Andolyn in fourth place. And, after a long time standing still, Sector 17 by Reiso finds it's way into fifth place.

Top 5 Peek

Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

The masterfully written Eden's Call done by Lilith has taken several hard turns as of late down this frightening path of ancient orders and mysterious happenings set in the modern world. Everything seems to be happening at once as the battle gets underway in the medieval wonder that is The Children of Leyond by Kalanna Rai. Blood is beginning to be shed in spades in Alice by misterbiz as the trip down this modern day rabbit hole starts getting bumpy. After a near miss with our heroin, misterbiz and Andolyn's creation Fading Immortality move swiftly through is olden days mystery and soft companionship. Life goes on in Sector 17 by Reiso with it's underwater colonies and Dive Operations, while the world above the surface continues to rage on.

All of these Storygames are dually recommended by this editor.


Story By Mr. Biz

The IFQuirer Debate this month covered the never-ending battle of Story vs Character.

Ok. So Mass Effect 3 officially dropped on March 6. In honor of the release of this final chapter of one of the grandest space epics of all time, I present to you this little quandary: What is more important, the characters or the story? There are plentiful examples of stories that have wonderful story or idea but wretched characters. The same can be said of seeing awesome, deep characters in a plot that is less than satisfying.

So which matters more? Is it more important to have a well constructed plot? Or is it the deep and unique characters that matter most? If a story is lacking in one, which is it better to be lacking?

Here are some people's thoughts on the matter:

"If you want a percentage breakdown for everything though I'd say that you need 70% good characters and 30% good plot. You need enough of a plot for the characters to justify having really decent and believable characters. And you need those characters to draw the reader in. The Lord of the Rings would not be nearly as interesting if you couldn't emotionally connect with the characters. Would you really care if middle earth was plunged into total darkness if you couldn't understand the real fears and confusion of the Hobbits? If you don't care about them, you certainly won't care about their homes." -- Kalanna Rai

"If you cannot get your readers to connect or relate to your characters in some way, they will not care what happens to them, no matter how good your plot is. They will never appreciate it, because they will not stick around to see what happens. But well developed characters have a much more immediate payoff that happens not only right away, but consistently enough to keep the reader turning the pages, AND have the potential of helping the plot along. Good characters practically write themselves. Properly explored, they can lead their writers to epiphanies and story developments that in the end can strengthen your plot if you take advantage of them. Whereas broken characters cannot be fixed by the greatest plot in the world, because no one will have the patience for it." -- Reiso

"Honestly, great character create their own plots, in my opinion. I think Stephen King once wrote that the best stories come not as preplanned plots, but simply character put into interesting situations. I think this is especially true of the science fiction/fantasy genres, which offers a much larger range of interesting than most other types of fiction." -- DeadManWalking

"Personally, I'd prefer a book with amazing characters, also because characters can make a plot look better/worse. Bad characters kan kill an amazing plot and good characters can breathe life into a dead story. I've never come across a story where an amazing plot made stupid characters look bearable. And I probably never will." -- Vikas Muralidharan

Come join the Debate today!

Mr. Biz's Mindset

Story by Mister Biz.

Sit back, boils and ghouls, it's time for a peek into Mister Biz's Mind. I'm gonna rant and rave a bit for this article. You see, I've noticed something about my chosen genre that I don't really like. Respect. Horror never gets any. In fact, its usually written off as a joke and frankly, I don't quite get/like it.

I get that, sure, its not everyone's cup of tea but the fact is that horror is one of the most neglected, overlooked and, in some cases, mocked genres. For instance, when was the last time a horror flick won an Oscar? The correct answer is 1992. Bram Stoker's Dracula won for Costume design. That's it. Two decades ago. The horror community had to make their own awards show just to get recognition. Seriously! And when it comes to making a horror flick amateur style as I plan to do, you are forever tainted with the term "low budget horror director." Luckily for Mr. Raimi, Evil Dead is so cheesy now that it's funny same for part 2 and Army of Darkness wasn't even a serious attempt. Then, he did Spider-Man. That's luck. Guys like me aren't that lucky. I'm going to have to claw and scratch and bleed just for the slightest possibility of seeing success once I get that first indy made. (and truthfully, my dream is to direct a superhero movie...not something yeah...even harder.)

I've also noticed people tending to shy away from the genre in terms of writing it too. Mainly because they don't want to truly be associated with it. It's like a freaking stigma. There is only one horror author who is truly, truly amazing and truly recognized by everybody and that is Mr. King. If you take a peek at the horror section on this site, you will see one name keeping the blood flowing there. Me. Which while I do like to be the center of attention, its still sad. And because of that, I know some people would like to just lump it in with Sci-Fi. Which is an act I find rather insulting, partially because I'm sure that all my mod powers would disappear for whoever runs sci-fi and also because the two genres aren't truly freaking related.

Yes, sometimes they work really well with each other. Aliens, Dead Space and etc. They blend well, but that doesn't mean they should be lumped together like they are truly interchangeable. They're not. Sci-fi is about science, space, exploration, the future and other things that pertain to SCIENCE. Horror isn't. Horror is about darkness and not just monsters. Its about the darkness that permeates men's souls. Bad things happening to good people. The way evil can truly triumph.

OK, I could go on forever about this but I'm sure you're tired of me going on and on so I'll cut it off right there. Next month in the Mindset I talk about those who inspire me the most.

Until next time, my loyal minions. I am Mister Biz and this is my Mindset.

Poetry Corner

Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

Once again, we take a stroll through the Poetry Palace, and what do we have here?

misterbiz - Kombat

I learned how to live through fatalities
Filling my up with a Kombat mentality
Must fight to live, live to fight
Krush the opposition with Shokan might
You cannot win, I'm sorry to tell
After this fight, I'll see you in hell

I'm back from the darkness
Like a Netherrealm Spectre
To stare right in your soul
Immortal lie detector
I see how my presence
Chills you right down to the bone
You try to run away
But your whereabouts are unknown
My centaur kick takes you down
I'll stand over you just to gloat
Down a jug of sake
Put my drunken fist down your throat

I learned how to live through fatalities
Became filled with a Kombat mentality
Must fight to live, live to fight
Krush the opposition with Shokan might
You will not win, I'm sorry to tell
After this fight, I'll see you in hell

I'll set you up to suffer
With a grin, I'll sit back and watch
Lock you away in a cage
And then I'll pulverize your crotch
Like a shock to your system
I'm a thunder god in the flesh
I'll throw acid in your face
Dine upon your soul while its fresh
Necromancer supreme
I revel with the damned and their pleas
Give you a Tarkatan grin
Violate you while you're on your knees

I learned how to live through fatalities
Completely filled with a Kombat mentality
Must fight to live, live to fight
Krush the opposition with Shokan might
You'll never win, I'm sorry to tell
After this fight, I'll see you in hell

With undead might, I'll end you
Like my fists were crafted from steel
I'll force you to kiss my blade
Run you through to prove my fury's real
You will look into my eye
Start to cower when you see it glow
I'll bring you forth with a spear
Then I'll slaughter you just for show
You tried to give it your all
But this champ had the better technique
And as I tear out your spine
Your queen will let out a vicious shriek

I learned how to live through fatalities
Completely filled with a Kombat mentality
Must fight to live, live to fight
Krush the opposition with Shokan might
I will always win, I'm sorry to tell
After this fight, I'll see you in hell

Angeal Puerheart – No Title

You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,

You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds his rest,

You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,

You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.

PopeAlessandrosXVIII – No Title

Grate and grind, sounds of my heart
growing louder with each day
Feel not felt the one of love
pained in every way

Without so much as a wayward glance
I stand here near by his side
lost without him within
until the day he died

Grant me this peace I seek at last
just give it up to me my friend
or I myself will do it here
bring about my end

Living beyonde him is not a thing I can do
so here give me my last wish
grant me my final eternity
come, and give me this

Weap not for I will not truly die my dear
I will go along to see him in the dark
and when the time comes for you
you too will lose your spark

If you would like to add your own poems to the Poetry Corner, please contact PopeAlessandrosXVIII at any time.

Interfable: A History

Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

Welcome once again to Interfable: A History where we will once again delve into the depths of how IF came about as told by our illustrious king, Key. As you may recall, in our last installment we spoke of The Seven Treasures of Role Playing. From there, we will move on to learn about the darker side of Role Playing, the Five Dragons.

After looking over his list of The Seven Treasures, Mark was in wonder that there weren't many more people Role Playing then there were. If RPing was such a wonderful thing with such amazing qualities, why didn't more people partake? After some thought, he made yet another list, this one of all the drawbacks to Role Playing. This list he dubbed, The Five Dragons.

These “Dragons” are simple enough to understand, and ring true for many other activities separately, but the only place they all come together is in Role Playing. The first dragon is Location. Easy enough to get a group of friends together, but there are many life issues that move people apart from one another making this coming together difficult, if not impossible. The next dragon is Price of Entry. Unlike many other activities, Role Playing has a long set-up period with character making, reading of the rules, Diving out points and so on. A lot of people never get past this step. After that comes the dragon Game Length. Not only is each session several hours long, but most games span weeks, months, years, or never really end at all. This is an intimidating prospect to newbies, as well as the lack of a full story arc makes RPing less appealing to those who like complete works. The next dragon is a big one, Dependency on Players. In most other group activities, the number of people coming doesn't really effect the fun of what you're doing, but with RPing a consistent set of players is near essential. If something is late, or goes on vacation, their character gets left behind, or the game has to be put on hold until they return. Both of these things put a great strain on the game. The final dragon is Limited Number of Players. Our king sees this as the most fearsome dragon of them all. The true are of Role Playing is the storytelling element, and with more then 8-10 players, it's near impossible to not only handle the characters, but to give each player an important part in the story. With such a limited number, the communal sharing of the greater works simple doesn't happen.

The following quote is from the king himself. I simply couldn't word it any better myself.

“One way to understand the effect of these five dragons is to imagine if some other art form was hobbled by the same constraints. Suppose that the novel was just being introduced to the world, and that most people's experience of reading novels was like this:

You can only read a novel at a particular place and time. Most run about 2000 pages and the first 200 are instructions on how to read. Often the novels don't end. If you miss a session you can't read the chapter later, you have to depend on what your friends tell you about it. There are no professional novelists; you can only read novels that are written by your friends or by other people in your neighborhood.

This is the state of tabletop roleplaying games today.”

Now, these five dragons are not why the king quit RPing. All over the world, people deal with them, and enjoy their pastime without caring what the world around them thinks of the activity. No, the dragons didn't stop him. What stopped him was a need, a need to share all the wonders of Role Playing with a wider collection of people. He wanted to share this amazing activity with as many people as possible.

“I didn't want to get past the five dragons; I wanted to slay them, and bring the treasures that I knew to the wider world.”

And this is what brought an epic streak of Role Playing, a streak of twenty-three years, to a close, and began our king on the road to find a better way.

Be sure to join us next time where our king travels through the wilderness, on his quest to create a better way to play.

General News Report
Story by PopeAlessandrosXVIII

Not much in the way of news this month but we have had a few reportable events!

-SchoolMarm! has shown her face in the city for the first time in many years only to dress down the IF Quirer's Chief Editor in his continuing attempts to make an ad for the site.

-The RP section has been speeding along well with several on going Rps such as; Not to be Believed, The Kingdom of Isteraal, and The Color of Sound.

-Last but not least, a few new Storygames have begun! Virtual Paradigm by Shillelagh in the Dark Sci-Fi section. An as of yet un named SG by Tikanni Corazon in the Dark Fantasy section. The Assassination of Albert Treskis by DeadManWalking on Innovation Island as well as The Mandate of Heaven in the Fantasy Forest. And finally Drag Cave Chronicles by PopeAlessandrosXVIII in the Speed Game section.

-There are whispers of a possible sighting of a certain someone trying to sneak their way back into the city. While sources inside the Council are reliable we here at the IF Quirer are reluctant to post any speculative conclusions as of yet.

And that's all for general news this last month! If you feel you have a bit of news you'd like to see in the next edition of the IF Quirer, feel free to contact the Chief Editor PopeAlessandrosXVIII at any time during the month.

Happy IF Day!

Here's a Happy IF Day to all those who joined in March

A Very Special Happy IF Day to those who have been with us a total of 8 years:

Smoke Dragon
kenshin himura

Another very special Happy IF day to thos who joined 7 Years ago:


A Special Happy IF Day to those how have been with us 5 Years:

Chemai Sterini

Happy IF Day to those who have been with us 4 Years:

sir wax

Happy IF Day to those who have been with us for 3 Years:

Lady of the Shadows

A happy IF day to those who joined only 2 Years ago:

Samara Raine

And finally, a Happy IF Day to those who joined us last year:


Here's a Happy IF Day to all those who joined in April

A Very Sppecial Happy IF Day to those who have been with us a total of 7 years:

tramp in a storm

Another very special Happy IF Day for those who joined 6 years ago:

The White Blacksmith

A Special Happy IF Day to those who have been with us 5 Years:


Happy IF Day to those who have been with us for 4 years:

Head of the Guard

Happy IF Day for those who have been with us for 3 years:

lovely tunic
Bathos Q. Hauteur
The pawn

Happy IF Day for those who joined 2 years:


And now, a Happy IF Day to those who jined us last year:

Corina Rain Marie
dakota the the last drago

Congrats to all and Happy IF Day

Words O' Wisdom

" Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not." -- Dr. Seuss

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Joined: 18 Apr 2011
Posts: 852
Location: sitting barefoot in a tree in the beautiful land of Ardara, writing my tales...

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:33 pm    Post subject:  

i missed my own does THAT happen?? ah well...great issue as usual guys!!
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