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Joined: 05 May 2012
Posts: 367

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:06 pm    Post subject: IF Site Updates!  

Greetings all IFians,

Key and I have been working hard on upgrading IF, and we're proud to announce that we have completed the first rounds of updates!


I) New BBCodes added:
* bgcolor: Background colour
* maxwidth=X: Set the maxwidth to X pixels and centres the enter post
* s: text strikethrough
* ol: overline of text (i.e. opposite of underline)
* sup: superscript
* sub: subscript
* smcaps: small caps
* reverse: reverses the text
* area: puts a border around the block of text
* area=title: live above, only with a title
* spoiler: censors the text such that you have to highlight it to see it
* note: text that doesn't appear in the post, but visible when you edit the post
* align: aligns the text left, right, centre or justified
* hr: adds a horizontal line
* h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6: designate text to be a header
* rainbow: colourise the text with rainbow colours
* md5: turns the text into a hash (really quite useless)
* md: converts text written in Markdown (e.g. *this text is italicised*, and **this text is bold**)
* font=fontname: change the font to fontname.

II) List of supported fonts...
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Arial Narrow
- Century Gothic
- Comic Sans MS
- Courier New
- Georgia
- Lucida Console
- Lucida Handwriting
- Microsoft Sans Serif
- Symbol
- Tahoma
- Trebuchet MS
- Times New Roman
- Verdana
- Best Serif = Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, URW Palladio L, serif
- Best Sans = Helvetica, Arial, Bitstream Vera Sans, sans-serif
- Best Code = Courier New, Lucida Console, Courier, Monaco, monospace
- Best Handwritten = Noteworthy, Comic Sans MS, cursive
- Best Cursive = Zapfino, Apple Chancery, Monotype Corsiva, URW Chancery L, Georgia, serif

II) Added 2 new colours in the select box of color and bgcolor: darkorange and darkgreen.

III) Allows user to define up to 3 custom bbcode sets from the user profile page. For example:
1. From profile edit page, set custom1_start = "[size=18][b][color=darkblue]", and custom1_end = "[/color][/b][/size]"
2. From the posts, wrap the text in [custom1]My Text[/custom1]
3. The custom1 tags are automatically conversion to the size+b+color ones


Most bbcodes can now be nested. For example, before, if we use the [size] tag inside another [size] tag, the forum gets confused and show some nonsensical stuff. Now, we should be able to nest as many bbcodes as much as we want.

For examples how how chapters can look like now, please see "Hidden Crime" or "New Sparta".

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Joined: 02 Nov 2004
Posts: 473
Location: San Diego, CA

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 1:55 pm    Post subject:  

Excellent!!! nice work. cant wait to try to figure them out
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