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Mage's Mountain and the Dragon's Den! Game OVER!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:53 am    Post subject: Mage's Mountain and the Dragon's Den! Game OVER! Reply with quote

As you walk along the sewage-laden streets of Jester Park, a notice catches your eye. After dodging the odd pets of the area (And some of their leavings), you finally manage to catch up to the notice. It's impossible to read on the telephone pole it's sitting on, so you carefully tear it off. Your eyes widen with excitment and fear as you progress down the note...

Are YOU a coward? Then this is not for you!
IM Inc. is proud to announce a brand-new competition, featuring monsters, magic, and treasure galore!
Come one, come all, to the grand Mage Mountain!
The Archmagus of the mountain has tired of this plane of existance, and wishes to pass his treasure on to an heir. To the first adventurer managing to find him in his inner sanctum, he will bestow upon them his ENTIRE fortune!
But to get there, the adventurer will have to make their way up a monster-ridden mountain! Some of these beasts were never meant to exist here, so not only will the adventurer will have to be stout-hearted, but have a plan for getting past dragons, chimeras, and cerberi! *Somebody has scrawled 'oh my' here with a large pencil*
The INCREDIBLY LARGE prize will be bestowed upon ONLY the first adventurer, so hurry and sign up quick!
The party starts in April, so sign up in the Marketplace quickly! To the first five people, entry is FREE, FREE, FREE!
Bets are frowned upon, but Chinaren Inc. has graciously *Once again, sombody has scrawled here, this time with the words 'more like forced to!'* offered to handle them.
Come one, come all, to the grand MAGE MOUNTAIN!!!

You carefully replace the notice while making a vow to check out this odd new mountian. After you get out of Jester Park, of course.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I'm in. But you knew that Wink ...
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As you're watching Orbvision in your house, an announcment comes on all channels. Furious that you can't change it, you sit back and watch. This might be interesting.

"Welcome, ladies, gentlemen, and all you assorted others out there! Welcome to MAGE MOUNTAIN! I'm your host," and here a very large, very round man comes on the orb, with a few extra arms, most of them stuffing his face, "Robble McKevanus! Next to me is Grobble McBarfius," and here the camera switches to a very skinny man, almost a bag of living skin and bones. The thin man waves weakly. "We now go to our man on the field, Sobble McShottius. Sob?"

The orb switches over to an average looking man standing in front of a very large mountian in the distance. "I'm here Rob. As you can see, the mountian behind me is humongus, with all sorts of places for anybody or anything to hide. And I've just recieved word that one of the gaurdian dragons has agreed to do a little demonstration...Ladies and gentlebeasts, please welcome...ANGEL!"

The orb switches over to a close up of one of the mountain's many caves. A humongus, black-and-red dragon leaps out of the cave and does a few interesting ariel manuvers, including a triple backlip with a barrel roll and a thirty degree twist before returning to the cave.

"Yes, very impressive, thank you Angel. I've also recieved word that IM Inc. will finish it's scouting runs of the Corpse-Strewn Plains so that it can provide an accuret description of what lies within them besides corpses. Also, we expect a detailed interview with our first vic- er, participant soon. That's all for now, Rob."

The orb returns to your control, however recultantly. You're really starting to get annoyed at this whole Mage Mountain thing, but at least they make it interesting. Whatever else it may be, it certianly isn't a waste of time.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

Last edited by Idea master on Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Welcome again, ladies and gentlebeasts! I'm Sobble McShottius, and you're viewing the latest update of MAGE MOUNTAIN!"

The orb goes off in the middle of the night, waking you and half your block up. Quickly going over to turn it down, you wonder why this mountain program HAD to broadcast in the EXACT middle of the night.

"Ladies and Gentlebeasts, I have just recieved word from IM Inc. that they are done scouting the Corpse-Strewn plains!"

"Pardon me for interrupting, Sob, but is that their actual name or just a nickname provided by the locals?"

"No, Grob, it IS their name. These plains have been the staging grounds of almost every battle in IF! And they may be getting a few hundred more corpses if this report is correct!"

The average-looking man pulls out a piece of paper and squints to read it.

"Let's see...for dangers in the air we have your traditonal harpies! With the head and bo- upper bodies of a female, legs and wings of birds, and the filthiest mouth and bodies imaginable, these foul avians will be more of a harrasment than an actual danger, would it not be for the fact that they keep their talons wicked sharp and their eggs explode on contact with the ground above ten miles an hour! Better not get on their fouler side, gents!"

The average man squints again, and proceeds to read.

"For dangers on land we have vegatation and beasties. The vegatation seems to be completly mutated, having produced the Venus Humantrap and Death Ivy. Both of these are lethal, because neither is easily spotted. Ah, but to the trained eye, they can see that that tree over there just might be a shade off the normal color, or that those leaves are green and purple striped. It just goes to show that you can't trust anything anymore, even your own garden!"

The man squints again, then calls for his glasses. After donning them, he proceeds to read.

"And for monsters you have cerberi infecting this underbrush down here! These little pups from hell can easily tear out three chunks of you at once, leaving you arm or legless! They are easily distracted by large pieces of raw meat, so if you happen to have one, the suggested advice is to throw it in one direction and run in the other!"

The man takes a glass of liquid and drinks it before tossing it behind him. As the glass touches down on the ground, a small mushroom cloud drifts upward from the shattered shards.

"And for your final beast in the beastiary down here, we have Frog-Men! Six feet tall and able to stand on two legs or go down on all fours for that extra height in jumping, these frogs are not to be underestimated! Their spit is poisonus and can travel up to one hundred feet, and can kill a man in five seconds, making them one of the more feared people in the Corpse-Strewn Plains! They have mastered the spear and can also throw that up to two hundred feet, and more often than not, they poison their spears as well! All in all, the advice suggested here is to stay away from marshlands, a bit of advice that the local animals have learned well indeed! Back to you, Rob. WOAH, orb guy! Did you know you have two warts on your face? The one on the left looks like Key, but the other looks like a pe-"

The rest of the word is cut off as Robble hurridly takes back control of the screen. "Yes, thank you Sob. Well, ladies and gentlebeasts, we seem to have a large order for our warriors! I just know that there will be one winner, the question is...WILL IT BE YOU? Tune in later for our interview with our first willing vic- er, warrior!"

The orb turns itself off, and you have no doubt you will be tuning in later.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wooooooooo... Shocked Shocked Shocked

I can't wait...

*Eyes glued to screen, afraid to turn away.*

This'll be better than when Oswald got shot live on national television! Don't wanna miss any of that! Laughing
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Magus Extraordinaire

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's the middle of the workday, and your orb goes off again. "IM Inc is proud to announce another update of MAGE MOUNTAIN!!"

Quickly turning it down, you watch the orb while making sure your boss doesn't see you watching your orb. Not an easy task.

"We have our first five contestants! May I introduce...Vr'ckel the dark!"

The orb zooms out to show a massive man, clothed mostly in black except for his chest. He's easily ten feet high and has a tatoo on his cheek of a spider. As the orb flys around for a 360 degree view, you can see on his back a huge tatoo of a dragon as well.

Suddenly, the man ripples and grows even larger, to become a huge demonic entity. He lets out an impressive roar that shakes loose that old cream-cake from months ago that you thought you'd lost from behind the filing cabinet.

Satisfied that he's put some fear into the competition, Vr'ckel changes back, picks up his spear, shield, and greatsword, and walks out of view.

"After that impressive display, I don't think we need to question him about his strategy. Now, put your hands together for...Edda!"

The orb shows nothing at first. Then it shifts it's angle to show a rather short, but definatly not plump, warrior woman. Wearing much leather and holding a crossbow, she doesn't seem so much a warrior, but rather somthing from one of your wilder dreams.

Suddenly, she stoops, picks up a rock, and tosses it high in the air. Without seeming to aim, she lets fly with a bolt from the bow, and in three seconds, the rock drops, impaled by the bolt. The fiery redhead greets the cheers and stunned silence by taking the bolt out of the rock and walking off.

"She's certainly a markswoman. Now, let's see our next participant hit his target...may I welcome...John Little!"

A seemingly old man walks into the arena, holding onto his walking stick. The crowd jeers and throws fruit at first. Then everything changes.

Holding his stick like a wizard's staff, John points it at the five pieces of thrown fruit, and five seperate bolts of lightning shoot out and fry the fruit to ash. As an encore, he summons up a small fire elemental and orders it to dance about, summoning a water and wind elemental to put out the damage done. Resuming his steady walk, he leaves the arena.

"That man still has a few tricks up his sleeve, and he's going to need them as well! Now, for another trickster...Marius!"

The orb shows a man covered in tatoos with a battle axe slung over his back. The crowd, having learned better than to mess with seemingly harmless people, waits for his speciality. They don't have long to wait.

Marius touches a small tatoo of a flaming skull on his left hand. Instantlly, the tatoo grows, lifts itself off the skin, and inflates itself to become a flying flaming skull. It flys around for a bit before returning to hover in front of Marius. He grabs a hold of it and places it back where it was, where it resumes being a tatoo.

"Quite the palor games we have going on here! And now, for a final magus, please welcome...Thunder!"

A lady steps out into the arena, clad in a mixture of mage robes and long flowing dresses. The crowd still knows better than to mess with anybody that's seemingly innocent. And once again, they don't have long to wait.

A large tree at the edge of sight on the orb suddenly uproots itself and hovers about three feet above the ground. Thunder gestures, and the tree is now standing on it's own little hill, and is sprouting fruit like never before. It seems to be bananas, but there is something different about them. Turning to a large boulder, she jabs at it and it does a combonation of exploding and imploding, leaving only dust behind. She turns and walks out ever so gracefully.

"And these brave warriors will now have to come up with a strategy for getting past the Corpse-Strewn plains! I have been informed by IM himself that there are four keys within the plains, all of which will fit a door that leads to the Bloody Foothills and one step closer to the prize! I have also been informed that the location of these keys are completly random but it is by no coincidence that there is one less key than there are people! Players are being given one week to come up with a strategy that will get them into the Bloody Foothills, and you are being given one week to wait! Until then, this has been MAGE MOUNTIAN!!"
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

Last edited by Idea master on Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Waiting. Biding even.
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Thracia Alba

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OooooOOOOOooo! Me likey! :biggrin:

Now to think up a suitable strategy... *ponders*
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You got the whole can't change the channel thing from Ultimate Fantasy Deathmatch didn't you IM...all and all though I think it's a good start* and I'm looking forward to meeting a few of you on the Mountain...

*mostly my dazzling midair acrobatics.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Juast one thing - it's Vr'ckel the Dark, not Vr'ckle.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I look forward to fighting you...if you make it that far hehehe...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"IM Inc is proud to interrupt whatever it is you're doing for another update of MAGE MOUNTIAN!!"

This time, it's the radio in your car. However they manage to find you, they do it well. Making sure that you don't blast the other drivers into oblivion with the sheer volume, you sit back and listen.

"I have recieved word from IM himself that there is a new item of intrest within this arena!"

"And what would that be, Sob?"

"Orbs, Rob! But these are not just any orbs, no. These orbs will give power-boosts to the person who finds them! Some of them are worthless, such as the ability to create sparkles. Others can actually do something worth their while, such as the ability to project flames!"

"How long will these powers last, Sob?"

"Ah, it all depends on the orb! And the luck of the person who finds it! Oh, wait...wait...I have just recieved word again that the great Mayor, Key, is in his mayoral box right now! Let's go for an interview!"

You hear silence for a few minutes. Then there is the sound of somebody banging on wood, with a shout of 'Mr. Mayor, we're coming in now!' Several shreeks and giggles are heard, under which, barely discernable, is the voice of the mayor, telling somebody to hide. Quickly, you pull out your orb and turn it on, hoping to catch a view of the mayor's box.

You manage to turn it on just in time. The door opens, and the first thing to strike your eyes is how lavishly pillowed the room is. Large, plump cushions are everywhere, in all assorted colors, along with silk curtians. From the walls come large gouts of wine, which flow into fountains. Sitting near the back, in a very large throne, clothed in the remains of a blimp, is Key himself. The sounds of giggling can be heard from behind the throne, and you can almost see an arm and a leg.

"Mr. Mayor, so glad you could make time in your busy schedule to be interviewed."

"No problem at all, Sob. No problem at all. Fire away with your questions."

"Alright. Are the rumors true that IM has obtained a large amount of souls in his mine?"

"I'm glad you asked that question, because I want to personally assure the citizens of IF that there is nothing unusual happening in the Idearium mines. And even if there was something unusual going on, it wouldn't be nefarious magical experiments involving cloning and soul-stealing. And even if it was, it would pose absolutely no danger to any well-protected citizen who lives in a gated mansion with lots of bodyguards."

"Er...that's...very..reassuring, Mr. Mayor. Okay...question number two...Can you give us any insight into what the prize will be?"

"I will bestow an honor, and donate 250 fables from the City Treasury. This is a historic moment, as it will be the first time the City Treasury has actually paid out money. But since our City is so prosperous, I firmly believe that we should spend some our hard-earned surplus on encouraging our citizens to kill each other in entertaining ways."

"Very interesting, Mr. Mayor. Number three...What words of courage can you give to these warriors for their battle up the mountain?"

"Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you."

"Very inspring. And number four..." And here Sob points to behind the throne. "What are you doing with all those women?"

"Well, there's nothing improper about that. As you know, many young women have a passion for politics, and so my office has an internship program where we take the, uh, most qualified, and give them intensive, ah, instruction in politics. That's all."

"Yes. I'm sure that's what you do here. Well, that'll be all for today. This has been Mage Mountian!"

Before the orb goes off, you can hear the voice of Key going, "Is that all? I swear if you come back again, I'll stick several orbs right up your a-"
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You missed the other vr'ckle...
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Ave Dominus Nox

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Magus Extraordinaire

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keep it up, lordy, and i'll put your name through a blender and leave the remains to the verbally challenged announcers.
Deal. You could have picked a less difficult-to-remember-and-spell name.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice IM. Though...vaguely familiar somehow. Wink
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry - I'll find a better one next time
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Magus Extraordinaire

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

...It's almost April, and I have zero, I repeat, ZERO strategems from our sac- er, contestants. I would like them PM'ed to me by...hum...I'll give your four days from today. After that, you all get a traditional hack-and-slash stratagem given to you by me. Some people would not be effected as much, such as Vr'ckel of the impossible name. Others, such as the magi, would have a tough time. So hurry up!
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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Thracia Alba

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Forgive me, O Stodgy One! I'll get on it right away. Very Happy
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My nefarious mechinations are already in your inbox IM!

Happy Plotting! :biggrin:
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mine is in. This is gonna be cool...
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

...Still missing John Little, Thunder, and I think Vr'ckel. (I haven't checked my inbox recently) You know who you are. Yes, you! Get them to me ASAP. When you do, then the slaughter may commence.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been away for the last few days, and Araex isn't back until tomorrow.

But seeing how my strategy is a simple hack and slash - taking out the strongest ones first - consider yourself PM'ed with invisible messages.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've sent mine. Yesterday. I've been rushing around lately. But I should be O.K now....
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

...Somebody poke Arex. Preferably with a machine gun.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right. Here. We. GO!

"Welcome, everybody, one and all! I'm Robble McKevanius, and this is the first actual fight of MAGE MOUNTIAN!!"

The orb goes off in the middle of dinner. Plunking it down on the table, you keep one eye on the orb and the other eye on your fork.

"We now go live to Mayor Key who is going to open the games up for us. Sobble?"

The average looking man comes on again, and in the background you can see Key holding a large pair of scissors. A red ribbon is streached between two pillars.

"Yes, Rob, I'm here. Now, Mayor, when you cut that ribbon, the teleportation spell will activate and send our vic- er, contestants to the field. Any words?"

Key is being held in place by several scantily clad (And some not clad at all) women. He puts scissors to ribbon and says "May you all die in entertaing, gruesome ways!"

The ribbon snaps in two, and from the frayed edges, a large spark drifts up to the top of the mountain and detonates in a huge firework. Five large sparks drift down equidistance from each other, and these in turn become the contestants.

"Alright, the first to materalize is Vr'ckel the Dark! Ooh, look at that, at his feet is an orb! What will it do for him I wonder?"

"I don't know, Robble. Wait, he's picking it up...and it's melted into his hands! He's shaking the glass off and WOW! That's a good orb there!"

"Indeed it is, Grobble! The ability to throw lightning around will certainly come in handy!"

"Now Thunder has materilized and look at that! That harpy has a key around her neck! Thunder is attempting to draw the key down...Oh! That wasn't pretty..."

"Indeed not, Sobble. Thunder's going to have a rough time of it now, what with searching through the jungle for the right harpy bits!

"Marius has formed out of the ether and he's in the middle of a clearing, the lucky bastard! And there's a key right in front of him, hanging off a vine!"

"Wait, Grobble...Isn't that a Venus Humantrap tentacle?"

"Oooh! It appears you were right, Robble! He's attempting to burn his way out while keeping a firm hand on that key! He's half caught, but he should be able to get out of this mess rather easily..."

"Now Edda has formed and she's in the thick of things. She's in the middle of the non-lethal jungle and it appears she's heard something! Yes, she's sticking her spear into the nearest underbrush...Oooh! Interesting! She's found a cerberi, and it has a key around it's middle neck!"

"What's John Little up to, Sobble?"

"Well, Grobble, he formed in the middle of a marshland. A frog-man has found him and he's in the middle of a battle with him for his life and for that key around his neck! He's pushed the frog-man back and now there's a quandrary! The frog-man stumbled into some Death Ivy, and the key has fallen in the thick of the thicket! He's going to have some trouble getting that out of there..."

"Wait, Sobble, is that Vr'ckel coming up on John there?"

"It is indeed! It appears that Vr'ckel has thrown some lightning at John! And he's completly fried the friar! Along with half the surrounding jungle! The key is exposed and Vr'ckel grabs it!"

"It appears that Thunder has found her key as well, but has attracted nearby cerberi to her location! She's picking up some raw meat and throwing it as far away from her as possible, and they are buying it! They're leaving her alone and she's stumbling along!"

"Marius has burned his way out of the Venus Humantrap and he is continuing to burn a clear path through the jungle so as to not fall for this kind of thing ever again!"

"Edda has spiked her own particular cerberi and has retrived the key off the middle of it's neck! She's keeping her crossbow ready if anything should happen to poke it's head out!"

"Cutting to the center, we see that the frog-men have siezed the area between the jungle and the doors for each contestant! This is about to get very bloody, very fast!"

"Vr'ckle has thundered out of the jungle and there seems to be a small horde of frog-men for him! He's calling upon his lightning and ten of them drop dead, leaving five frog-men in his path! These five are quickly running away from this demon, and he inserts his key into the door, turns it, and stumbles through! VR'CKEL HAS MADE IT!"

"Edda has a pair all to herself! She throws her spear at one and looses a crossbow bolt at the other! She retrives both of these newly poisoned weapons, inserts her key, and walks boldly through! EDDA HAS MADE IT!"

"Thunder has stumbled out of the jungle and seems to have only one frog-man, who is quickly launched into the sky! Wait...There are five others showing up! Oooh, these must be Vr'ckel's leftovers! She quickly opens a fissure at their feet, and they are buried in shallow graves! She flings her key at the door and thrusts it open, stumbling on through! THUNDER HAS MADE IT!"

"Marius has ten frog-men all to himself, and he's still going strong with that flame! Only two remain now, the rest are well-done! These two are pure cowards, and they are running away, but Marius is having none of that! He launches a fireball at the duo and they are roasted, along with most of the grass and jungle! He inserts his key and walks on through the door! MARIUS HAS MADE IT!"

"Well, Sobble, do we know where they are now?"

"Yes indeed, Robble! Within the Bloody Foothills, they will still find harpies galore, along with ogres and imps! The vegatation remains, and now we have a new item of intrest, carnivorus trees! These trees can pick themselves up at any time and look exactly like any other tree in these forests! We are giving our contestants one week in Limbo to plan out their stratagems, so that we here will see no difference in time!

"Until next time, I'm Sobble McShottius, and this has been MAGE MOUNTIAN and the Corpse-Strewn Plains!"

The orb goes off, and you're dissapointed to find that your dinner is cold and hard.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm...Well, Vr'ckel can't expect to be so lucky next time, with a thunder orb* right next to his feet. Unless he keeps it.

Which might explain why he was the only person to get an orb this time...or were the other people just unlucky? You certainly did roll those dice a lot.**

In any case, I think Edda can expect to stay alive if she keeps her head down...Striding boldly through the jungle isn't a good idea, usually.

And if no time passes in Limbo, then wouldn't they theoretically come out two seconds after you look down at you dinner? What is this, a movie? Ach, never mind.

*You final fantasy ripoffer.
**Keep it down next time.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I went and poked Araex*, but too late it would seem.

And great going, that Vr ckel sure is a great player**, and I'd hope to see more of him in the future.

*Couldn't find a machine-gun, so I used a pump action shotgun instead. Hop you don't mind.
**My compliements to the designer***
***And the dice-roller.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keep in mind, our remaining people, that the sooner you get your new nefarious devices into my inbox, the sooner we can get on to the next bit of slaughter!
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing Great stuff, IM. Though I didn't know Edda had a spear... But ah, well! The more weapons, the merrier! Right?

I have to leave for class in another twenty minutes, but I'll PM you that strategy when I get home.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That was cool. Marius is the man!

Goes off to ponder strategy...
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You know, IM, you could probably make a pretty penny if you let IFfians bid on what happens to the adventurers. Just a suggestion, of course...
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thracia Alba wrote:
You know, IM, you could probably make a pretty penny if you let IFfians bid on what happens to the adventurers. Just a suggestion, of course...

Certainly worked for me in Greed* which, by the way Alba, you will be in soon, probably next chapter. Ooer.

*The other name for Good vs Evil vs Money.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Points at his marketplace thread*
See? Nobody uses it for anything!
Go and make your bids there!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oooh! great chapter IM! you've been busy lately haven't you? I find it hard to keep up with writing three stories!

I'll PM you my strategy now. Very Happy

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Thracia Alba

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

chinaren wrote:

Certainly worked for me in Greed* which, by the way Alba, you will be in soon, probably next chapter. Ooer.

*The other name for Good vs Evil vs Money.

Aww dang. And I haven't even been following along. I've got some catching up to do, I see.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, IM, any idea on when the next ones comin?

This has been great so far.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meh. When I return from the land of sleep. Mayhap in a couple of hours.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The orb goes off after a little while. "Greetings once again! Ladies and gentlebeasts, I'm Robble, and this is the second battle of MAGE MOUNTIAN!"

Plunking it down in the middle of the table, you resolve to eat your ice cream while watching the orb this time and not get too caught up in the battle. The enormusly fat man comes on the orb again.

"I have recieved word that the contestants are almost ready to come out of Limbo and continue the slaughter! In a few seconds, we will begin the second fight! Now in order to continue on to the next round of the Screaming Slope, our sac- er, contestants, will have to find an orb each! Not just any power-orb, but a glowing yellow orb that has a key within it! Let's cut over to Sobble. Sob?"

The average man comes on the orb. In the background you can see the mountian. "I'm here Rob. The ogres, imps, and vegatation have one orb each, and getting it won't be easy! They'd rather fight than give up their orbs, and they will! Wait...The contestants are coming out of Limbo! Match two has BEGUN!"

"And first one out is Vr'ckel! He seems to have shifted partway into his demonic mode and is starting to bowl over anything that gets in his path! Not a bad stratagem!"

"Over there, we see Marius in the middle of a clearing again, the lucky son of a *Bleep*! And he's pulling out that flame again, and OOH! He's been pulled off by harpies! He'll have a tough time getting out of that one!"

"Thunder has materalized in the middle of an ogre encampment! They're too dumb to realize she's there for the moment, and she's hiding in the middle of the town in broad daylight!"

"Edda has shown up near an imp hive, and she's pulling out her spear! Wait, near her is a power-orb! She's poking it carefully, and it melts and twists around her spear tip! She's trying to shake off the glass, and...nothing is happening! It seems to have been a dud!"

"Cutting back to Vr'ckel, we see that he seems to have met Marius in the middle of his flight! He's thrusting his hands, hoping to throw lightning again, and he fries the harpies out of the sky! Marius falls and lands on Vr'ckel's back, and the two seem to have teamed up! They stride boldly into the jungle, looking for a key orb!"

"Thunder has located the key orb she requires! It's in the ogre shaman's pot! She's reciting some sort of spell, and lightning comes down from above to obliterate the hut, leaving the (fortunatly unbreakable) key orb intact! But that spell has attracted the attention of the ogres! She's going to have to think quickly to get out of this one!"

"Edda has poked her spear into the imp hive, and WOAH! I guess that orb wasn't a dud after all! A massive explosion has just detonated where she poked her spear into the hive, and the orb has gone flying! It comes down and lands in the sack that she keeps her crossbow in! She's running quickly towards the center now, hoping not to be ambushed!"

"Vr'ckel and Marius have found their orb as well, hiding in the middle of the lethal jungle! They both fry the forest, Vr'ckel with lightning and Marius with flames! They're running to the orb, and Vr'ckel trips! He stumbles! He rolls over the orb, and it's gone! He's not holding it, so one can only assume some other dire fate has happened to it! He's arguing with Marius, and it seems as though...Yes! I don't believe it! Vr'ckel has EATEN the orb! Marius isn't taking it well, and YIKES! Vr'ckel is GONE! On Marius' right arm is a new tatoo, that of Vr'ckel in demon form! Marius is now running towards the center!"

"Thunder has her orb as well, and the ogre village is naught but a smoky remain! She's running to the center with her orb in hand!"

"Edda gets to the center first, and something seems to have alerted her! She thrusts her spear at a tree, and the tree deftly dodges it! Yes indeed, these are some of the carnivorus trees! She's bobbing and weaving through them, thrusting her spear at any one bold enough to attempt a snatch! Walking under an archway, the orb glows, and Edda vanishes! EDDA HAS MADE IT!"

"Marius is keeping up with that flame! He's not trusting any vegatation as it is, and he burns a clear path to the archway! The tatoo on his right arm glows, and he vanishes! MARIUS HAS MADE IT!"

"Thunder has used lighting on a tree, and the rest are leaving her be, not wanting to get zapped and charred as well! She runs through the archway, the orb glows, and she vanishes! THUNDER HAS MADE IT!"

"All in all, a very interesting second round, eh Robble?"

"Indeed Sobble. Well Grobble, what's the report from IM?"

The living bag of skin and bones comes on, holding a report. "Well, Robble, it seems that the Screaming Slope is too barren for vegatation, which Marius will greatly enjoy. However, to take the place of the vegatation, we have the steepest slope ever seen, completly monster infested. Gargoyles will hassle our contestants from above, while chimeras will keep them occupied below. The gargoyles are completly made of stone, so good luck frying them. Meanwhile, the chimeras have lightning, acid, and fire breath, so they are able to entertain you for a while. And we have unconfirmed rumors of earth elementals roaming the slope, so they should be on guard. They are being given the traditional one week in Limbo to plot and plan. Until then, this has been MAGE MOUNTIAN and the Bloody Foothills!"
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, that was certainly cool. That team-up turned out a bit different than I thought it would, that's for sure...

Sorry, Lordy, but... hey, it's just business, right?

I shall contemplate my next strategem...
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, all I have to say did Vr'ckel trip?

I guess it's all in the luck of the (curiously absent) dice.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 2:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you note the time of my posting this, you'll see I wrote it in school, specifically Study hall. Poor Lordy. He kept getting 1's.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And it was all going so well.

So much for that alliance then Jackie Boy...

I'll be back...
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, look on the bright side, you're still with me in spirit, so to say.

After all, I did absorb your soul. Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't have a soul - how does that work then?

Maybe I'll be reborn out of you?

*nudge nudge, wink wink IM*
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or maybe you've been incorporated into my own mind, giving my guy some sort of weird personality...

Who knows?

That could be cool, though...
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice going all! But did Lordy swallow the orb on purpose?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes celebrate while you can fools. At the rate you're going I seriously doubt any single one of you will be in any condition to face me once you get there...

*rubbs talons* And my stratagy is still in effect right IM?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"IM Inc is proud to announce another episode of MAGE MOUNTIAN!"

The orb goes off as you climb into bed. Not wanting to miss any bit of this or your sleep, you bring the orb with you into bed.

"The contestants have had pleanty long enough time to plot and scheme! And now, we release to you MAGE MOUNTIAN and the Screaming Slope!"

The Orb cuts to most of a large mountian with three portals around it. The slope is dotted with several moving colored dots, and there seems to be no clear pathway to the next area.

"Yes indeed folks, this is one of the most monster infested areas in the mountian! Our contestants will have to hack, slash, and destroy anything that gets in their way to get to the last area! And here they ARE!"

"Marius of the much tatoos jumps out of his portal with that great axe in hand, landing neatly on a Chimera, instantly killing it!"

"Thunder walks serenly out of her portal, and begins walking on air, hoping to avoid most of the monsters!"

"Edda walks out of her portal with that explosive spear in hand! A gargoyle trys to give her trouble but is instantly exploded into gravel!"

"Marius is waving that great axe around like there's no tomorrow, and with one hand as well! The other is blasting anything he sees!"

"Thunder has gotten in a spot of trouble with a gargoyle, and she's running on air while preparing for a spell!"

"Edda seems to have discovered one of the rumored earth elementals, and the explosive powers of her spear aren't helping much!"

"Marius is surrounded by Chimeras! They're staying out of range of that axe and his blasting powers, and they're starting in on him! Wait, what's going on? That tatoo on his right arm is glowing, and Marius is shifting into a demon! It seems that Vr'ckle of the impossible name yet lives! Marius in his new form is bowling over everything!"

"Thunder has exploded the gargoyle, and she's doing well, except for that last one in front of her! Oooh, she goes down! I didn't know she had that much blood in her!"

"Edda has come up with an inventive solution to her problem, and she is on top of things and that elemental! She jumps and lands on the back of a gargoyle! The poor thing is flying around erratically while Edda has a boot on it's head! It crashes into the mountian, and Edda performs a stunning backflip to avoid any damage! She dusts herself off and heads for an archway!"

"Cutting back to Marius, we see that he hasn't transformed back yet! Wait, here we that is interesting! That demon has turned back into Vr'ckel's human form! It seems that Marius is out of it! Vr'ckel runs to another archway! Both Vr'ckel and Edda go through an archway at the same time and they vanish! The Screaming Slope is over! And now we cut to Grobble for the report on the last level!"

The thin man comes on again. "Yes, we have a report on the last level! It is the Dragon's Den, with our special guest Angel! We tried sending somebody to interview with Angel...he didn't come back. Our newly revieved Vr'ckel and warrior woman Edda will have to contend with Angel to get to the mansion! And if they should both get past her, then they will have to contend with each other for the coveted title of winner of MAGE MOUNTIAN! They are being given one week to plot and plan their stratagems! Until then, this has been MAGE MOUNTIAN and the Screaming Slope!"
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So... one thing I gotta know...

Is Marius really gone or are they some sort of screwed up splint personality thing? Are they two guys trapped in one body that changes form as needed, kind of like a fusion or has Marius really had it?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 11:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All will be revealed in due time. Yes, indeed.
*Rubs hands with greedy glee*
And the sooner nefarious mechanisms get in my inbox, the sooner I can plot and plan! Kallana, you might want to tailor them to fit, just FYI.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, now that's the sort of team-work I much prefer Jack D. The type where I'm in control.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd say less you're in control and it's more like some primal survivalist instinct, where our common host form chooses the better combatant for each situation while still retaining bits of the other on some level for future reference.

So, yeah... teamwork, but it looks like we're in this one for the long haul, homie. No way this fusion's coming apart anytime soon.

But, hey, if we're lucky, M.M. may just have two winners... who just so happen to share one body...

How crazy would that be? Confused

Anyways, who does the strat? You, me, or do we should we talk it out amongst ourselves via P.M.?
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 11:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whee! You write me a thousand times cooler than I could ever be in real life, IM. And with strategy! Actual strategy! Great stuff! Clapping
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I supoose as I'm in charge at the moment, I should probably write the strategy, but then if you take control you think of what you'd do as well.

I guess it really depends on whether we can communicate like that.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Had a good strat. It involved some teamwork too. Hopefully, we get to use it.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote you really want that corrispondant back IM? I bet for my new battle plans...they're on the way...
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Due to my unforseen inability to write something this big and exciting all on my lonesome, this may take a few days to complete. I am calling in all avalible backup, but currently it's behind is sitting firmly planted in the couch while watching a show on TV with a bowl of popcorn in hand. Let me break out the taser here, maybe that'll convice Sorrow to get up...
Until then, keep watching! You can never be sure when I'll finally post the next chapter of MAGE MOUNTIAN!
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's early next morning when the orb goes off again. "Ladies, gentlebeasts, and all you assorted others out there! We are proud to wake you up this morning with the last episode of MAGE MOUNTAIN!"
The orb continues to blare at you throughout your morning routine. It seems that the required strategems are all in already, a stunning feat of speed.

"I am proud to announce that both of our remaining sac- er, contestants, are ready for battle! It also seems, by the ruckus that was going on last night, that our guardian dragon, Angel, has prepared her defenses as well! Let's take a cursory look at what she has in store, eh?"

The orb switches over to a mostly zoomed-in view of the Dragon's Den. "And up first in the line of defenses is a score of drakes! Yes, indeed, it seems that Angel has been 'busy,' eh? There's evidence of multiple types of drakes here, with no two getting along for more than five seconds! Our contestants may need to use that to good effect! Oh, wait, King Key is preparing to finalize the games! We simply must get a good look at this!"

The orb switches views again, this time to the enormously fat previous mayor, Key. He is supporting his own weight this time, though the scantily clad (and some not clad at all) women are still close by. For some reason, there appear to be more of them than before. Maybe the reporter will ask him about that this time? "I now prounsch the gamesh to be finished!"

The two archways from before glow a golden yellow, and Vr'ckel the Dark and Edda, warrior woman, step out from beneath them. Both just happen to lead out near a large pathway that is completely drake-infested. The drakes let out a large guttural war cry and begin swooping and diving to attack the two. Edda and Vr'ckel glance at the incoming drakes, then at each other, and let loose their own war cries. Edda takes out her crossbow and starts shooting anything that she knows her spear can't reach, and Vr'ckel takes out his two-handed sword and lays waste to anything in the area left alive.

The drakes soon overwhelm them, however, and Edda is forced to take out her spear and start swiping it around in large circular motions while being careful not to hit Vr'ckel. Anything she brushes explodes violently, and soon the two are smothered in drake remains. The battle appears to be over for the moment, and Vr'ckel and Edda are looking at each other with a newfound respect for each other's abilities. They turn and continue up the path to the Dragon's Den.

"Yes, indeed, ladies and gentlebeasts, the duo are now proceeding into the Dragon's Den! Wait, we're getting some com-orb interference...there appears to be a large amount of spy-orbs in the area, all linking back to the Den! It appears that Angel already knows of this, and she's probably mounting her next defenses right now!"

On the main screen, Vr'ckel is suddenly thrown back in a massive fireball. He turns and accuses Edda of causing it. From what you can make of her violent arm gestures, she is responding in kind, apparently denying his insinuations. After an inital bout of yelling, they decide to forge on. After not a few paces, large amounts of spikes stick out of the floor of the path. The two apparently come to another plan, that of climbing up the wall of the path and avoiding most of the other traps. A few unexciting minutes later, the two are right outside the entrance to the Den, and you are in your car getting ready to go to work.

"Yes indeed, ladies and gentlebeasts, there appears to be no light whatsoever in the Dragon's Den, a cunning move by Angel! Fortunatly, we have equipped the two with three light orbs each, so that they can tell what exactly will be going on in there! They ought to work together and save them, but we'll see what they do!"

The floating cam-orbs show Vr'ckel pulling out a small orb and uttering a few short words, and the orb comes to life in brilliant white light. He lets it go and it hovers in mid-air, preceding his head by a few paces. The two go in, taking much caution with each and every step. A small hissing sound can be heard from somewhere. Vr'ckel is wrinkling his nose up in disgust, and then some form of fear takes over his features. He is attempting to run away from the chamber, dragging Edda along behind him, when the entire room erupts in a massive explosion of flaming death.

"Oooh! A wonderful move by Angel! She turned a whole room into a trap! I wonder, are there any more like that?"

Vr'ckel and Edda seem to have been seperated. Half the orb, the side that represents Edda, has gone dark. Light flares on, and Edda shows up, a bit worse for wear, but not too bad. Vr'ckel, however, seems to have discovered another problem. In front of him, a smoking hole in the floor is growing steadily wider. Something is dripping from the ceiling. He looks up to find that the entire roof is green and dripping, clearly acidic. He tries to run, but the floor is slippery, possibly ice. He has a solution for this, though. He takes his sword and starts pulling himself to the edge of the chamber, so as to be safe from the acid.

Edda seems to have devloped a huge problem in the meanwhile. Namely, Angel. A huge red-and-black tail has swooped in, almost cutting her in two, were it not for the fact that she reflexivly hit the floor backwards at the last second. "Dragon! I have come to deal with you!"

"And what manner of 'dealing' would this entail? I have had numerous people attempt to 'deal' with me in the past century, many with swords and violence. If you wish to 'deal' with me, you should start talking of money."

The voice of the dragon starts putting shivers down your spine and chilling your blood. Truly, this is a powerful creature.

"What amount of gold would satisfy you, oh mighty dragon?"

"I wish for some of the money from that wizard's horde. I have been here too long slaving my hide out to protect it, I wish some of it for myself and to be done with this place. Seventy-five percent is a worthy sum, yes?"

"Seventy-five percent? Are you sure that you won't take anything less?"

"Quite sure. After all, I am leaving you alive to go and claim it, now aren't I?"

"True. We have a deal, dragon."

"Good. Now, the quickest way there is through that exit tunnel. Begone, and return with the gold!"

Edda quickly scampers down the side tunnel that was indicated in this passage. Throughout all this, Vr'ckel has snuck up on the dragon and is preparing to destroy her once and for all. Suddenly, he convulses and lets out a very soul-wrenching moan, right in the middle of your morning meeting. Quickly turning down the volume, you try and make up for it while keeping an eye on the orb.

It seems that Vr'ckel is undergoing a spasm, a change of some sort. With a sickly plop, a small form draws itself free of him. Quickly, Vr'ckel regenerates while the other thing gains cohesion and definition. It seems that Vr'ckel and Marius have seperated. Instantly, the two turn to destroy each other, but their conversation is cut short when Marius becomes eaten. Vr'ckel turns and shifts into demon form, preparing to destroy Angel for taking away his only chance at vengance. Angel, however, merely nods her head, and a horde of skeleton warriors spring up from the floor. Deciding that descrection is the better part of valor, Vr'ckel turns and flees out the same tunnel that Edda went by.

The orb behind Vr'ckel and the orb behind Edda are showing less and less difference in tunnel walls. Soon the two will meet, probably in much violence. Finally, Edda emerges in sunlight, only to see the glorious mansion of the mage in front of her. Obviously hearing something behind her, she jumps back and sits near the tunnel, spear at the ready. Vr'ckel emerges, and is immediatly ambushed by the spear-wielding Edda. He convulses in pain, and only has enough time to try for one desperate reach at Edda before he explodes in a wonderful display of demonic body parts.

Edda, now assured of victory, walks up to the mansion and throws the doors open. "Mage! I have won your little game and claim my prize now!"

The only thing to meet her eyes is a scroll. Quickly unfurling it, she runs her eyes over it.

To the lucky winner of my contest:
Congratulations! You have done well in the face of all odds, and can now claim your prize! Just by touching this scroll, you will automatically summon King Key to your position, along with Idea Master himself, to bestow your prize upon you! After that, you will become the next mage of the mountain, and it will be up to you as to whether or not you will run this sort of contest again! Well done, I say! Your reward is well-earned!

In a swirling vortex of energy, Key and IM come from seemingly empty air and hand Edda three slips of paper. Two seem to be checks for a large amount of fatbacks, and one is rather a large diploma, bearing the title of 'Mage Mountain winner, 2006.'

"What an upset! What a victory! Who could have seen this coming?! Yes, down at the betting houses, fortunes are won and lost today, but here, somebody has fulfilled their dream! Until next time, this has been MAGE MOUNTAIN, with your hosts Robble, Grobble, and Sobble!"

This finale of Mage Mountain has been approved by the local grammar Nazi, Sorrow.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.

Last edited by Idea master on Mon Apr 24, 2006 7:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bah, it was fixed.

I claim a foul.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nicely written Smile
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes I'll take my fables now...
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Thracia Alba

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clapping indeed. Awesome show, Stodgy One! Truly masterful, that! (And Lordy, don't be a spoil-sport Wink ).

Now, Kalanna, about that deal...
The Greatest Fantasy Story Ever (Humor/Experimental) -- Chapter seven now up!
Mage Mountain II (Fantasy) -- Chapter 4: Zombies and Mages and Jerks, Oh My!
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do not renig on the deal or I just might convince IM to write a revenge of the Dragon scene. If I don't get my fables soon...
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Thracia Alba

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haha, don't worry, I was only joking. Ha? Ahem. Never go back on a deal with a dragon, that's my motto. Well, not really. But it's still darn good advice.

But about Fables... I didn't even know the winner would actually be getting any actual fables. I thought it was just in the story and stuff. I don't even know if I got any Fables at all from this thing. Not that it matters all that much to me, but I want to make sure you have your fair cut and all, per our agreement.

IM, could you help, please? Smile
The Greatest Fantasy Story Ever (Humor/Experimental) -- Chapter seven now up!
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote long as I'm around for the sequal...there will be a sequal...right?
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The (Hopefully) awaited sequel is up to Edda. Er, Thracia.
And yes, Alba, you did indeed get fables! 500 out of my pocket, and 250 from the treasury. So not bad for you, eh?
I was going to include a title like Rai's 'assassin for hire' but Key declined to put it in, saying it was too valuable. The honor was the most he'd do.
...So I've been summoned back from beyond the veil.

...No plans yet.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Titles are worth 2,500 afterall.
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Thracia Alba

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, cool! Thanks, IM! So it's up to me to pay Kalanna her share, eh? Very well, then. *does math* I believe that comes to 562.5 fables, then. *goes off to pay*
The Greatest Fantasy Story Ever (Humor/Experimental) -- Chapter seven now up!
Mage Mountain II (Fantasy) -- Chapter 4: Zombies and Mages and Jerks, Oh My!
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*puts stack of fatbacks in hoard* Pleasure doing buisness with you Mrs. Edda! Consider me hired on for the sequal....which means tough nuggets for the rest of you!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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