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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very good! I am intrigued as to who has awakened, maybe this awakening was triggered by Valara's death...

Looking forward to the next instalment!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zephyr wrote:
a bit of an overreaction there, wouldn't you say? But then, if he's completely nutso...

EXACTLY! Now, you understand why I am insane? It's in my genetics!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Guess what everyone? The long-awaited PART 2!

Chapter 11: The Truth Revealed (Part 2)

“Wake-up, wench ” A harsh voice and a hard slap brought me back to the land of the conscious.

“Ugh... mm.. Huh?” I shook my head a little to try and clear the fog in my brain and was rewarded with a pounding headache.

“So, you are alive. Well, then. This will make things interesting.” The voice laughed... it was so familiar.

I managed to open one eye and discovered that I was covered in my own blood still and my companion was none other than the Jaden prince, Veltan. I groaned and made to move my arm over my face but found both of my upper extremities were restrained. I was chained with shackles to a wall made of grey stone; my wrists throbbed and ached, not to mention the searing pain in my back that increased with any movement.

“Well, then, Lilith. What shall I do with you? You come into my kingdom and I welcome you with open arms, even offer you a place of power by my side. Yet you step on my pride and disrespect me in front of my own people. Then I am forced to have the royal stable burnt down, yet the bones I find are not yours; they were an animal’s bones.” He paused as I gasped sharply.


Veltan stepped close and grasped my chin in his hands, forcing me to look at him. “I might have let you live, had Eclipse not discovered that I was drugging my father for the past 4 years to bend him to my will. Now, I have been shunned by my own people -“ I cut his speech short.

“People whom you never had respect for nor whom you even cared about! You just wanted to rule over them, that is all! And conquer Turstin, as well as the Alt Lands!” I spat.

Veltan raised a hand to strike me but thought better of it and smiled. “Indeed. You caught onto my plan quickly and told Eclipse about it, didn’t you?”

“Not I..” I chuckled harshly. “But I have an idea who did. The bones you found, they were a wolf’s bones, weren’t they? Shoren’s bones, the wolfshifter. He could see into other’s secret thoughts, and send messages from his mind to others. He saw right through you.”

Veltan was livid. He withdrew a dagger from his belt and held it against my throat, right below my jawbone, near my ear. “So he did. And where does that leave you? I come across you injured in the Stone Circle, a place that has been held sacred for centuries by my people, and you are alone. There is no one coming to save you, no one coming to pull your ass out of the fire this time. I still have some loyal followers amongst my people. They rounded up all of the cattle from the Alt Lands -“ I struggled as he threw out the insult “cattle” at people from my homeland. “ - and they will watch their leader burn at dawn.” I turned pale but gave no sign of weakness.

“Cut the head off and the body will fail.” Veltan whispered, sheathing the dagger once again. He made to walk away.

“Alright. What is it you want?” I called out .

He froze midstep and turned to look at me, a sinister smile creeping across his features. “Everyone has their price for what they hope to keep the most. Yours is your life for your city and influence in the Alt Lands.” I inhaled quickly but made no other signals that he had struck the mark.

“The people will not accept you as their leader, Veltan. They respect the blood of the land, the heritage passed down from generation to generation....” I clenched my teeth to brace myself for what I knew was coming next. What are you talking about? You have no blood relation to the land either! You have no right! The last true heir to the Alt Lands is Tobias. Quit fooling yourself!

“Of course they do. That’s why you will take me at your side back with your people and my faithful subjects and give me the power of ruler in your land through the sacrament of marriage. And in turn, I will not tell him where you are nor what your doing and you can fight your personal battle with him while I wage war on my little brother and take back what is rightfully mine ” A crazed sort of look glimmered in Veltan’s eyes as he said this.

Him? Who do you mean by that?” I snapped.

“The delightful horseman who told me where you would be and bade me to kill you so his master would have free rein to return. The horseman said he’d kill you himself but he had something he needed to take care of. But I have not killed you as he instructed. As you can tell, I am a very reasonable man.” Veltan’s smooth, rich voice returned to normal.

Reasonable, my ass.

I laughed again, wincing as pain lanced through me once more. “You have no idea what you are getting yourself in the middle of.”

“Oh? Is that so? Maybe you are the one who doesn’t know what they have gotten themselves into?” Veltan responded, pointing across the room towards the another wall that was completely darkened for no torchlight was near there. He snapped his fingers and fire flared from the previously unlit torches, casting light over the wall. “Or do you need further convincing?”

Another set of shackles with another set of arms. I stopped breathing for a moment, seeing the unconscious body of my friend. Veltan noticed this all too well and proceeded to put his face centimeters from mine, blocking my view momentarily. “So, convinced yet?” He breathed.

No! I knew this would happen! Father, Selene, Shoren... they were all killed because of me! And now ... Tobias. Not this time! I will not lose all my friends to this.. Not while there is still breath in my body! Maybe I could bluff my way out? If I do it quickly, he’ll leave Tobias out of this, thinking that Tobias has no value.
I glared at him for a moment and then turned my head away. “I have no idea what you think this is going to get you. He means nothing to me. Kill him if you like.” I said in a voice that wasn’t my own.

“Oh really? Alright then.” Swiftly, Veltan crossed the room and drew a dagger across Tobias’s throat. He made the cut quick, clean, and painless. I shut my eyes as I heard the slice of the knife and the sound of the blood dripping made bile rise in my throat. “Yep, he’s nothing now.” Veltan’s quick denouncement of Tobias’s death made me want to rip his throat out. “Well, I suppose I could start killing the “cattle” one by one until dawn.... or you could just accept and give up.”

I awoke with a shuddering gasp from this second, vivid vision. Before I opened my eyes, I knew I was no longer indoors. My back screamed in pain still and I could smell a hint of metal in the air; I was still covered in my own blood. My body felt lethargic and weak; for the first time in my life, I thought that this was the end of the line. Surely, I would die from blood-loss soon or from pure exhaustion. In less than a week, I had lost the person I called father, my home, my people, and two of my closest friends. I had been on the run from a hoity-toity demoness queen who’s bark was the only deadly thing around; she hadn’t much bite to her. Led by dreams of my dead birth-mother, I had followed an ancient prophecy to get rid of the demoness. And yet, here was another dream, telling me it wasn’t over. I was beginning to get rather irritated with the whole damned thing. I wondered if I lived through whatever was next, if I just ignored this one, if my life might go back to almost normal? It seemed every bit of trouble I was in was because I had gone out looking for it.

I opened my eyes and forced my body to move towards the place I had hidden Tobias. He was still unconscious from where I had struck him, but he was breathing normally. Thank heavens He’s still alive.. that vision,... it was so real But wait, I am having visions? I need to know what the hell is going on with me. What other strange abilities do I have? What is the extent of my half-Eldahar bloodline? And my wings.. Can I get them back? I was pulled out of my whirring thoughts as Tobias coughed and opened his eyes. “Tobias,” I breathed, “you’re alright?”

He gave me a slight glare. “Yeah, considering you’re the one who knocked me out.”

I gave him my best apologetic look. “It was for your own safety.”

“And what about your safety?” He snapped, turning my chin so he could look me in the eye steadily.

“I can handle myself.” I replied, meeting his look with ferocity.

“Oh really? So that blood all over you isn’t your own?” He looked at my back now, his fingers carefully and knowledgeably tracing the wounds. “Lift up your clothing on your back, I’ve got some bandages here in the saddlebag that you hid behind me.”

I blushed slightly but knowing that Tobias had a healer’s touch, I obliged. Quickly and professionally, Tobias cleaned the wounds well and bandaged them up with a poultice that would allow me to move without much pain, taking the bandages around my ribs as they had been in my first vision. Realizing this, I gasped sharply and flinched.

“Sorry, did I hurt you?” Tobias asked, concern heavy in his voice as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

“No, you didn’t. I’m fine.” I replied quickly, fiddling with the saddlebag now and finding a pair of pants and a clean shirt. “Turn around, and don’t look!” I said, clutching them to my chest.

Tobias rolled his eyes but he obliged. “Honestly, it’s not something I haven’t seen before...” he drawled, his voice hinting at a joke as I threw on the shirt and pants quickly.

If it isn’t awkward enough dressing outside in the middle of nowhere and then he’s got to make cracks about it But that was his way, always something to joke or smile about. He keeps the dark thoughts at bay. I smiled a little as I approached him and gave him a weak punch on the arm.

We both froze at the sound of hoof-beats, the familar commanding voice. “Veltan! Damn him!” I hissed.

“But it’s over, isn’t it? We can go home now, right?” Tobias replied.

I sighed. “Tobias, I am getting the feeling this is far from over.” What to do? I have to get Tobias away from here! I will not let that second vision come true!

Hehehehe.... What? You guys made the tie! Anyhoot, um, so do they split up? And they need destinations as well! You have many, many, possiblites here!

And there's a cookie for whoever can read my mind and figure out what I think one of the destinations should be!


© 2007-2019 Lilith

Last edited by Lilith on Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the punctuation tip Zeph!

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lilith wrote:
And there's a cookie for whoever can read my mind and figure out what I think one of the destinations should be![/col

Why do I have a weird feeling that was directed at me? You know I can't resist cookies. Damn you Lilith! I have to think on this one.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They should stick together and escape!
the sooner they do the sooner they can answer al the questions i have!... i am just tuning in so i still have a huge amount of reading to do - i did the quick and insufficeint skim of chappies and will have to get a warm drink andread them more properer!

YAY lillith! Very Happy
~ Very Happy ~
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Honorable IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, definitely stick together. They can't afford to split up.

I don't know where they should go either, except perhaps to the scene of where the vision took place. Lilith may do well not to tell Tobias the details of her dream, though!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright people, now this is a little ridiculous! Almost two weeks after a chapter that took nearly two months to complete and I still have 3 suggestions? And they all say the same thing more or less? Come now. Do you really want me to write this next chappy without reader involvement?

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have no bright ideas...sorry Lily. I have to agree with them.

Now go take our mundane suggestions and turn them into something amazing! I know you can do hop to it! *smiles evily*
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

who hoo I finally read the thingy...
Thank heavens He’s still alive.. that vision,... it was so real But wait, I am having visions? I need to know what the hell is going on with me. What other strange abilities do I have? What is the extent of my half-Eldahar bloodline? And my wings.. Can I get them back?

I think they should find some way out or somewhat steal the horse from the guy... hehe. take it and run with tobais at the back. You should go to safety. what would happen if you should hide tobias in a safe place and you go directly toward the stone circle. I think there should be a passage somewhere leading to a safe haven for tobais.

You can't hide, but he can. If they try and rangle the information out of you staqy quite. Or pretend to jion the evil side in order to take what rightfully belong to you. Take a few lives if you will. Sorry It would take ages for your wings to grow back. maybe if you sacrifce your self you come alive again with bigger wings and ready to face justice. hehe ok so that was just an idea which is very far fetched.

so they are still after you and tobais your father and S. S passed away. I think it should still be in the line of the prophecy woudln't it. I love helping out. come bounce ideas off sometime I need some information on the seriounding objects and places where they are currntly at. love helping you on your story. nightshade at your service. and take what ever weapons you have a bow and sword even broken perhaps. or steal from the horse rider.

there you go you can reason with that one guy or unless there is more following him. you must hurry and keep your eyes pealed. lose the others by stealing the horse and zigzag around even if you bleed. watch out you can faint and be captured if tobais knows how to ride a horse then let him take you. run over streems and rivers to get to safty I'm sure there is some place te be.

Edit then again they can't afford splitting up.... So the vision can be a fake to only to warn you of dangers, but if it is true there is no way you two can hide. the only way is to sneak into the place you had a vision about. Watch out your blood can leave a trail on the floor easy to track by deamon hounds.

I weep for lilith and tobias. I think it would be better to tell tobias about the vision you will crack if you don't tell him. he might know how to change it along with the help of you, by not plitting up. he might have another idea in his head about splitting up, but tell him and hell think deeper on what you two will do.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmm, well, i am giving this morbid consideration, and i believe that our heroine has been a bit hesitant to ACT first, then question later. Seeing as how she has seen visions with enough clarity to give off a de ja vu sort of vibe, she knows that tobias will die at the hands of veltan, so, what must be done? does she know how to use a sword? simple really. kill the rider, take the horse. it matters not that he is royalty, because she knows that he is disgraced, and why would anyone suspect lilith and tobias when he is sure to have many more enemies now? This is my take on the situation:There is dust from disintegrated demons all over the place, there are eldahar wings lying on the ground, and risk of imprisonment or death. Kill, then flee. it will seem that lilith and tobias are dead, her wings testament to that fact, and veltan won't plague them any longer. where they go from there, however, is up to the weaver of this tale, as i have no clue. i would try for home, personally, because there is no place like home.
Actually, I think that i would return to the land of the eldahar, and see if there is any other information that can be gained, because lilith knows that a more powerful, (hopefully WAY more powerful) demon is about to arise. knowledge is power. go gain power.
Hope that this was helpful for you!
Hmm, another thought: does hoof beats imply more than one horse? if so, killing may become more difficult, but i believe that veltan came on his own, so as to avoid notice and keep people out of his business. they would merely believe he is fleeing if he is alone, but curious of his plottings were he with many. okay, enough response. see what you can work out of this, before i start sounding stupid.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have an idea. have them stay together and try to flee. After all both are very weak, I don't know anyone that can walk after a good blow to the back of the head. With the blood lost from her wings being ripped off Liliths body should be almost dead weight. Now for a nice twist, make it the demon queens son. (Thanks for killing mom, by the way with the royal Demon family the power they hold when killed goes to the living heir.)
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, you guys, you win. They won't split up, but due to lack of suggestions on locations, there will not be a Part B of voting..

Keep your eyes peeled for a new chappy...

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:42 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 12 - The True Face of Evil Reply with quote

Well, here we are everyone! A brand-spanking new chappy!

Chapter 12: The True Face of Evil

Void it! We’re sitting ducks! We have to hide, somehow until he gets past. But he’ll see the blood... can he trace it? I would rather run and let Tobias go and get the survivors home, but I.... A loud, jeering voice jerked me from my whirling thoughts; Veltan was singing a raucous pub song, walking along with a drunken swagger.

“He’s ... drunk!” Tobias whispered, barely suppressing his laughter.

What luck! I thought. Now to get past him... VOID IT! Veltan had stumbled into the circle and sat down solidly on the center stone, right in mine and Valara’s combined blood. Tobias and I were hidden by the trees but no matter what way we left, he’d see us from that stone. I turned away and cursed silently, looking for an alternative escape route; there was none.

I winced slightly as I reached behind me to draw my sword from the scabbard that was on my back, usually hidden by my wings. Tobias reached out and grabbed my arm firmly. “What in the hell do you think you are doing?” He asked, looking at me like I had lost my mind.

“Ending this so we can go home.” I snapped, shaking him off wearily and making my feet move towards the circle. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, not quickly by any means but the movement was enough to make my head pound and the world seem to pitch and roll before my eyes. “Would you mind LETTING ME GO?” I snarled, wrenching myself out of his grip. “If I take him out now, while I have the chance, we can get the survivors and go home.”

“This isn’t like you, killing in cold blood is not who you are.” Tobias kept light hands on my shoulders and held my gaze with his own.

What can I say? Sorry Tobias I am having visions now about the future and I know for a fact that if I don’t kill Veltan now, he’ll kill you?

“Tobias, I don’t want to hurt you but if you do not unhand me, I will not hesitate to knock you out again.” I stated coldly. He looked startled and backed off. I made another step forward and put my face close to his. “Stay out of my way from now on, Tobias. It’s for your own good.” I then turned around and made my slow progress back to the circle, drawn sword in hand.

Each step and each breath burned like fire in my thoracic cavity, but I walked on to the circle and approached Veltan. When I was about 50 meters away from him, Tobias suddenly appeared in front of me; he must have had to sprint I thought, watching the beads of sweat on his forehead and his chest rising and falling.

“Now, what do you wa-“

”You stop and listen for a minute, Lilith Aracia Warren.” He cut me off; his amiable amber eyes had become solid and hard with a glare that chilled me to the bone. I had never before seen him pissed off at someone else before, much less pissed him off myself. What was further, he had used my full name for the first time in his life. “Just what the hell is going on here? You get in my face and threaten me because I am trying to stop you from doing something stupid? No, that’s not like you, and neither is murder. There is something going on with you, I can smell it.” He got in my face now and held on to my shoulders tightly. “What is going on? What is it you’re not telling me?” His voice was ice and his grip was iron now.

“He’s the reason Shoren’s dead! Isn’t that enough for you? ” At least this was true.

“And we’ll make him pay for that by publicly disgracing him at the summit in Turstin in the spring.” Tobias countered.

I was shocked into speechlessness now and couldn’t give him an answer now if I had wanted to. Of course, he’s going to be the diplomat’s only natural to control his anger with reasoning... he was well-trained.

Fortunately, I was spared having to answer when a strangled yelp of pain and fear sounded from behind me.

Tobias and I both turned to see Veltan’s body convulsing on the center stone as the still liquid blood upon it took on a life of it’s own and twined about in a sinewy, rope-like fashion, binding him to the stone as the runes that had faded before reappeared in black and penetrated Veltan’s body.

“WHAT THE HELL?!!!” Tobias and I both shouted as we rushed to the circle. We were too late; the runes had already finished the job and the rope-like blood-bindings were already infiltrating Veltan through his mouth, nose, and ears.

Veltan gave a final convolution and lay on the stone, the only movement in his chest, his breathing. “I think we should go, now.” Tobias said quietly.

“I agree.” I replied as we turned to go but we met with some kind of resistance at the circumference of the outermost stones. “What the hell?” I said, using my palm to try and push through without avail. I looked to Tobias and saw that he had continued without stopping. “Tobias!”

He turned around and gave me a weird look. “Come on! What’s wrong?” He called jogging back towards me.

“The circle won’t let me leave! Look!” I smacked at him; he flinched thinking I was going to hit him but my palm met with a solid, invisible force. He looked perplexed and stepped over the invisible barrier with ease.

“What the hell? It’s not doing anything to me...” He thought out loud.

Another sound came from the center stone where Veltan’s body lay, this one a sickening crunch. We turned around slowly to see Veltan rising slowly, steam just barely leaving the surface of his skin, which was darkened slightly.

“I am is most pleased with you, Eldahar.” It rasped, stretching out Veltan’s extremities and appendages as if trying on something new. The voice that came from Veltan’s form sounded like the dying screeches of the damned before they passed on to the next plane of existence. He now moved with a deadly grace that I both feared and yet envied. His eyes were cloudy, wisps flitting across them, no pupils nor whites to speak of, just pure cloudy grey.

“And why is that?” I snapped, speaking before my nerves gave me away. I was afraid, no, I was repulsed by this thing, this foreign entity. Tobias drew his sword swiftly and stood close to my side.

It laughed, if one can call the sound of the death squalls of a dried-up bullfrog laughter. “You, little one. You played right into my hands, believing the visions I sent you were real.”

My blood ran cold, what little bit I had left. “What do you mean?” I said softly, slightly lowering my sword. Then I shook myself and raised it again, pointed directly at the still-changing form of Veltan. “WHAT ARE YOU?!”

At my shout, the change that was overcoming Veltan’s body went into full-speed. Bones wrenched around with sickening crunches and spikes erupted from the shoulders, knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles; the skin turned black then leathery in texture, and then finally rock hard and bumpy with armor plates. Three horns sprouted on the top of the skull and the eyes became blood-red and filled with rage and bloodlust.

It turns toward me, transformation now complete, fixing me with solid red eyes. “I am your worst nightmare. I am the anathema for all with Eldahar blood, as they were to me...until now. I have the blood of both who bound me in purgatory all those years ago. Your mother’s blood.... and my daughter’s as well..” It laughed again.

I gritted my teeth and whispered out of the corner of my mouth to Tobias. “Get out of here, now. Get to Jaden, get the survivors and rebuild home. No aruging.”

He opened his mouth to argue and I dealt him a blow, yet again, to the back of his head. As he went down, I leapt towards the entity, my sword angled to slice it’s head from it’s neck. The blade never connected with my enemy. He leapt out of the way, surprisingly agile for his large, bulky form and dealt me and excruciating blow to my back wounds, the force of which slammed me into a stone nearby. As the wind was knocked out of my chest, I fell to one knee, clutching my ribs and struggling to regain my breath.

“I see my daughter managed to do something right for once! No pretty wings for you, eh?”

I grunted in pain and pushed myself to my feet with my sword. “What is it you want?”

He smiled, revealing razor sharp teeth, and replied, “This world brought to it’s knees. I want this world to suffer in purgatory as I did. So I shall bring purgatory forth by using an ancient ritual the Eldahars have hidden away in their ever-so precious scrolls of history.” He watching me carefully, as I straightened and clutched at my back.

I saw a blur of movement and suddenly, he had Tobias tossed over his shoulder. “Bring me the scrolls, Eldahar, and you can have him back. Refuse, and” He made a slicing motion over his own throat. He made a small gesture and faded from my sight, along with Tobias.


Night was falling once again, and I was still sitting in the blood-soaked stone circle, my knees pulled to my chest.

I have no idea where to even begin looking for these stupid scrolls.. And then there’s the surviors of the Alt Land’s massacre that are expecting someone to return them home, where they belong. BUT I CAN'T EVEN GET OUT OF THIS DAMNED CIRCLE! What do I do?

Guess what? Your DP: HOW IN THE HELL DO I GET OUT OF HERE?!!! Or do I? And if I do, what do I do?

© 2007-2019 Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very well done, Lilith! Clapping

If he wants her to get the scrolls, it would be reasonable to think that he's dropped the shield preventing her from leaving the circle.

Or perhaps it is a challenge he has set, for some greater scheme.

Assuming it is a challenge, then perhaps the way out would be to wait for some alignment, it being a stone circle and all. If that is the case, then he has planned and timed this challenge very well, or it might be a long wait.

So I would say she should use her brain to solve a celestial puzzle, involving the stones themselves. Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clapping Yay!!!! Clapping

f5 Crunchy on the challenge idea
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 1:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally, another chapter, and yet, i can come up with no ideas! Have to think a bit for this one.

Going with Crunchy's idea, how about within that circle, at a certain time very near, she will have the ability to converse with dead Eldahar that have an interest in her survival? They may be able to lead her to a secret place where the scrolls are hidden? And perhaps they can explain a bit of what her father wants or is trying to accomplish? Think that it has to happen at dusk, and in the meantime, she can focus on her desires to know more, aiding the enchantments upon the holy ground. Best i can do right now, Lilith. Oh, she is kinda invisible due to the enchantment her father left.
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, well very nice. I would figure any power that held her in would stop him to. So in order for him to leave he would have had to brake what ever spell it was that stoped her. As for where to find the spells, only one place I could think of back to the home of her mothers race. But then again a thing of pure evil would enjoy toying with someone so he could have replaced the spell to make her sit and worrie. Nothing worse then being alone with your own head sometimes. I don't see him wanting to callenger her in any way, best way to handle an enemy is to keep them off balance and weak.
Btw nice chp.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, two part poll everyone! Just give it a poke and away we go! Laughing

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*walks head-first into poll*

I voted!!!!
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*peeks timidly in the door* I'm back...... I f5 crunchy. She has to find her own way out of this one.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A unamious decision to run headfirst into the poll and figure out a puzzle, eh?

(And people call me clumsy.)

Alright then,.... keep your optical ganglion peeled for the next chappy,...soon,... maybe.. sometime.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Off Topic nice siggy saati. New chappy please!!!!!!! Wall Bash <--------- (reminded me of your post)
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wall Bash <----- That happened to me at work!

Chappy please
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 4:15 pm    Post subject: Bloodline: Chapter 13 - Hope Renewed Reply with quote

Sorry about the wait guys. RL and other things kicking my ass currently and draining my attention and Idearium. But I've got it, nonetheless!

Chapter 13:Hope Renewed

As the sun set, I looked around at the bloodstains all over the circle, hoping beyond hope that somehow, this was all just a nightmare and that I’d wake up soon. Unfortunately, this time it was the real thing. I kicked one of the standing stones and was rewarded with a sharp pain all the way up my leg; I swore and nursed my foot.

There is no question. I must get out of this void-damned circle!

I went to the edge once more and tried to push through the barrier. It was still solid and firm. I rested my head against the cool stone that I had kicked and shut my eyes for a moment.

How am I supposed to get out of here?

As I opened my eyes, I spotted a polished symbol on the stone that I hadn’t noticed before; I squatted down to inspect it and found that it was a completely different kind of stone than the one it was embedded into. It was very smooth and had a mirror-like quality to it; when I brushed my fingertips over it, it seemed to hum with power.

I stood up and went to the next pillar in the circle, out of curiosity. Aha! Same place, same symbol, same material. I wonder if they all have it?

I made my way around the circle and found the symbol on every third pillar.

Thirty-nine pillars total and thirteen of them have the symbol on it.... and I know I’ve seen that symbol somewhere before...

I racked my brain to remember where I had seen it. Where have I seen this before? WHERE? Something cold thumped against my chest as I straightened from squatting down to examine the polished symbol on the pillar. My mother’s pendant,.. What? IT’S THE SAME VOID-DAMNED SYMBOL!

I placed the pendant on the altar stone, right in the congealing blood of which half was mine. Then, for the first time in my life, I knelt and prayed, silently but fervently to whatever deity that had watched over my mother. This was it, the final straw. If I had to seek divine assistance from something I wasn’t exactly too sure about myself, then there was no turning back point.

I don’t know if you’re even listening or really there, but if you are then please, show me what I am supposed to do. You watched over my mother, whom followed you with unyielding faith and devotion, now please, help me too.

I felt a breeze pick up, not chill and harsh as it should have been for this time of year, but warm and inviting, caressing my cheek and making me open my eyes to the gape at the full moon, which had risen suddenly while my eyes had been shut for a short period of time. As I watched, the light from the moon shone on the pendant and reflected off the smooth surface and hit a pillar that had the same symbol; the polished surface of the symbol on that pillar reflected the beam across the circle towards another symbol engraved pillar; unfortunately, it did not hit the second pillar in the correct place to reflect it onto a third one. I had examined the angle at which the pillar was, the moon’s angle and figured out how much I would have to shift the second pillar when it dawned on me.

There’s a lunar eclipse happening tonight, and the way this looks, the moon will only hit the pendant properly for so long before it’s too late! I have to finish this quickly, whatever it may lead to! Hopefully it will help!

I hurriedly shifted the pillar and the light bounced off properly and onto the third; however, this one was improperly positioned as well.

VOID IT! Why are all of these shifted wrong?

I looked at the pattern the light beams would make if they could make it all the way from pillar to pillar.

A thirteen pointed star. Moon, star, thirteen. Thirteen zodiacs. My zodiac, the current zodiac. THAT’S IT!

I quickly shifted the third through the twelfth pillars into the star constellation of my zodiac. The light beams soon bounced back and forth across the circle, making the pattern I had predicted they would. Once it hit the thirteenth pillar, however, nothing happened.

What the? All that for a light show? Come on, there’s got to be something else you are missing, think, think!

I looked around, watching the first pillar and the final pillar, wondering if they had something to be shifted elsewhere, and my eyes followed the pattern to it’s end... to the direct left of the altar stone... and I saw the pendant once more.

The patterns begining isn’t on the first pillar, it’s on the pendant!

With excitement building in my chest, I shifted the final pillar and it refelected the light back onto the pendant.

The pendant glowed brillantly for a moment and then pulsed and grew brighter, illuminating the entire area like the middle of the day on Midsummer’s Day. I shielded my eyes with my arm just in time and then the light disappated; the lunar eclipse had begun. I turned my attention from the darkening moon to the ethereal figure standing on the altar stone, now wearing the pendant around her neck, blue wings twitching once or twice as she looks at me with pride.

“Mother?” I said in a hushed tone.

She nodded and stepped down from the altar stone and embraced me in a warm hug. She was as corporeal as I was. “Oh my dear, how you’ve grown!” She said softly, kissing my cheek and holding my head between her two soft hands gently. “Those visions of your father and I, they were not real. Your father asked me to bind his soul to that tree when he was struck with a fatal wound defending me from my own people.”

I breathed a small sigh of relief. So they didn’t hate each other after all. “Mother, the entity that came from the runes...” She shushed me and put a finger to my lips.

“We haven’t got much time my dear. I know of your predicament. If you want your friend back, you must do as Ashenith said. Bring him the scrolls because if you don’t do it soon, your friend’s body will be the next container until he gains enough power to create a body that can house his evil essence. That’s what he wants the scrolls for, that and to regain the power that I stripped from him by using his living heir’s blood and my own to seal it within this pendant. ” She took the pendant off and placed it around my neck, where it settled cooly on my chest once more. “No my dear, Valara and I never worked together. I had to hunt her down and take what I needed by force from her, hence why she became extremely fixated on you... for revenge on me.”

She smiled and tucked a strand of stray hair behind my cheek and stroked it with her thumb. “Now, the scrolls are in the same room you found the prophecy gem, back at Regent. He’ll want the three with the gold ribbon tied around them.... take those and burn them. Grab the ones with the silver ribbon instead.” She looked away for a moment and got a hard look on her face. “They will end him, forever.”

The lunar eclipse was beginning to end and she took notice. “One final thing, my daughter.” She pressed her lips to my forehead, humming while she did so. I shut my eyes as I felt a warm sensation flow from there and flood my entire body.

When I opened them, the lunar eclipse was over and my mother was nowhere in sight. I went to the edge of the circle, and was relieved when the barrier that had stopped me before was no longer there.

I noticed that I was no longer weak nor tired, and the sharp pains in my back were gone and my clothing was no longer blood-stained and ragged; in fact, I didn’t even recognize the long dark pants and warm shirt that I was wearing, but I was grateful either way to be alive. The big shock was the fact that I had my wings back.

Except they weren’t green and leaf-like anymore; they had become the graceful pale blue gossamer wings that my mother had. I lifted off the ground with much more ease and smoothness than before and placed my hand over the pendant once before I left. “Thank-you, Mother.” I whispered, hurling myself into the winds towards the direction of Regent.

I made good time and as the sun rose the tree that guarded the entrance came into view. This time I went over the lake and swung myself around the tree quickly, using leftover momentum from my nearly breathless flight. The transportation did not knock me on my ass this time; I was slightly confused by this and the fact that I had gone all night without stopping and I still felt no fatigue, hunger, or thirst. But I simply accepted it and brushed it off as I went into the cave, my feet remembering every step I took the last time. Finally, I made it back to the large room and scoured the shelves for the six scrolls, three tied with a silver ribbon and three tied with a gold ribbon.

After what seemed like an eternity of searching, I spotted them together on the same shelf across the room. As I pulled them down, an old book caught my eye. The cover was leather as was the bindings but the parchment had a soft luminescence to it.

I suppose it couldn’t hurt to take a look... I mean, I made great time getting here and finding these.... and it seems to be some sort of recordkeeper’s journal.. Maybe I’ll find some answers in here about this bloodline I carry.

DP: Does she look through it or not? What may she find? The decision lies in your hands.....

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh she definitly looks! and she finds a whole lot more than she bargained for.. like she is realted to the bad guy ol whatsisface...
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

well done lilith! worth the wait! i say don't look. take care of her firend, now, so that nothing more bad happens, but definetly come back and read more later.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's it then? Two readers? No more takers?

Fine.. I shall create a poll

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Lil, this one seemed to have fallen off my radar for some reason! Anyway, caught up and voted!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm..... a book.... what's in here I wonder??
I must look! Who knows what I could find out?
66% [ 4 ]
No! I have to go now! I'm running out of time! I can read this later.. if there is a later..
16% [ 1 ]
DO NOT TOUCH! (Author only option)
16% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 6
Who Voted: Chinaren, Lilith, Mastermind, Mephistopheles, NeverNeverGirl, Syranore

There's your poll results!

SO ... curiosity wins out this time eh? Okay then, we read the book...


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

An early Christmas present dear ones! Next chappy!

Chapter 14: A History Lesson

I ran my fingertips over the leather covering, the sensation of touch almost electrifying to my hand, and flicked open the book. The handwriting on the page was neat and tidy, easy to read even though the pages were obviously old and faded. Only problem was, I didn’t know the language it was written in. At first. As I frowned at the foreign words, the letters began to change on the page, the lines and words becoming suddenly coherent and understanding dawned on me.
This is the history of their existence.. My existence... the blood that flows in my veins is the very same as that wrote this.... I read the first few pages and came to understand my purpose.

Demons had overrun all of the world; every piece of land that a human deemed worth fighting for was a target. Warrior-mages united and made a final stand at the center point of an empire called the Alt Lands, the empire landlocked between the other four.

The first Eldahars were made many millennia ago when a warrior-mage of tremendous power made a bargain with the Earth itself. The warrior-mage had fallen in the battle between demons and humans; this legendary battle was often referred to as “The Failed Apocalypse”. The warrior-mage had been born into the head family of Avalon, the city built over the convergence of lay lines in the Earth where power lay in all its pure potency. She begged the Earth to give her the strength to live on and in exchange she would protect the Earth with her very life force. The deal was made with her blood and in time, she found others who were willing to make the same bargain as she. So the race of the Eldahar was created.

To born into this bloodline was to live with the tides of the moon, the patterns of the sun, and the seasons of nature. Every Eldahar was gifted with wings; the gossamer, delicate appearance deceived those who were bitter enemies of the Eldahar yet those same wings were strong enough for the Eldahar to fly at breakneck velocities. Some were able to see things that had not yet occurred while others could hear the voices of those who had passed on to the next plane of existence. As the Eldahars’ numbers grew, so did the variations of power and the intensities.

The ability to channel a magnitude of pure energy capable of destroying anything in its path was the rarest ability and the best kept secret. As the years passed, the more powerful Eldahars were able to concentrate this ability into a crystal piece of jewelry alone. They entrusted this crystal pendant to one of their race; the Eldahar who guarded this pendant would be able to use this ability to defend him or herself and the rest of the Eldahars as well. But such a power comes with a price. Since the ability had been removed and extracted from several different Eldahars to fuse into the pendant, it had a mind of its own and it would take the life of the Eldahar who wielded it. A double-edged sword to say the least.

As the Eldahars grew in number so did the humans and eventually, the Eldahar created a city of their own, Regent. It became a place of rest, healing and comfort to weary travelers as the Eldahar offered their aid to those who had need of it. Until the night the first of a half breed of demons came, disguised as a tired troope of performers. They slaughtered many that night, dwindling the population down to less than half of what it was. The current bearer of the pendant forced them back, obliterating all of them except one who ran to tell the tale. His power spent, the bearer gave the pendant to his apprentice with his dying breath.

The Eldahar expelled all those who were not of their descent and created a barrier to hide their precious city after this, removing themselves and their influence from the world where man and demon raged in battle at one another.

And so the years passed and the pendant changed hands several times, each time taking a piece of the soul of the one who bore it and growing ever more powerful. The demons were kept at bay and it came into the hands of the daughter of Avorel, who ruled the Eldahar firmly and justly with an iron hand. He was proud to have a daughter who would step up to the challenge of High Priestess, as none other had done for centuries.

Elian herself accepted her sacred duty and at once rode out and succeeded in forcing the leader of the demons to purgatory. She returned however, alive. This was unexpected to all of the citizens of Regent, as it was legend that all who bore that pendant were destined to die channeling it’s power to fight off the demonic forces. Rumors flew through the city and many came to look on their once-beloved priestess with distaste, especially when they found she carried a child not fathered by another Eldahar. But little by little, other rumors of an ancient prophecy made long ago began to surface. “One of Eldahar blood, but not Eldahar will finish the fighting of our enemies. She will carry great power within her blood; her purpose however, is to end the fighting... nothing more. A warrior to end the battle of all battles and keep the worlds from tearing themselves apart once more.”

The people were torn in half; one half still supporting Elian (the loyalists) and the other demanding her to be put to death, her and the unborn child (the radicals). One night the radicals, led by her own father, came after Elian. The loyalists snuck her out of Regent safely and fought as she came to the mystical entrance of Regent, where her man was supposed to be waiting to take her far away. As they nearly made it away, the radicals followed her through the entrance and attacked them. Cormack roared with fury as he pulled his weapon and began to fight off the radicals effortlessly. He came to Avorel, himself and was struck with a fatal blow. Elian, struck with fear, used the power of the pendant, and so killed her own father.

She then used an ancient spell to bind Cormack’s soul to the tree that stood at the entrance of Regent and gave it the duty of guardianship of the now bloodstained city.

This is the account of the True Keeper of the Lore of the Eldahar.

I dropped the book to the ground at my feet. “My purpose is merely to end the fighting... nothing more. Well, a cause worth fighting for, isn’t it?” I spoke to no one, merely saying the words so they would sink in. I knew now, in my heart, that whatever power my mother had given me had changed me forever. Should I survive this upcoming battle from her blessing, I knew that I would return here and here I would remain.

Pulling the golden ribbons off the three scrolls I unrolled them and read the archaic spells, my eyes growing wide with understanding as I comprehended just how much power and destruction was held in those words. I rolled them back up and put them in the hollowing of the wall that seemed to be used as a fireplace for the Keeper. There was some tinder left and I made to bring out flint and a piece of metal when a spark flickered from my fingertip to the scrolls.

I fell back on my ass in surprise, staring from my hand to the fireplace and back.”Guess Mom was as powerful as the legends say.” I muttered, picking myself up and with shaking hands unrolling the parchment with silver ribbon tied around them. The first two were blank. I frowned at these and opened the third, which bore only one sentence.

Exsisto absentis ex universitas abominor!

I knew that I had to be the one to say this when he had unrolled the first to scrolls and found them to be empty. I also had a feeling that this would be where I myself would use the pendants power, whether it killed me or not, I had to.
“Alright then, I’ve got to find Ashenith?” I said aloud.

Well DP time dear ones. Where the hell am I supposed to find him? And HOW!?

Oh, and I hope you enjoyed.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

good chappy lily. very enjoyable read. and a nice history lesson also. Fills in some blanks nicely and prepares us for what is to yet come.

i say, with her powers that she is awakening to, she should be able to track a demon with a simple spell of some sort. or maybe there is an ancient map that will allow her to pinpoint where the demons used to live?
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it was the best of the past I've read yet in this story. The last words are probably worth the read and you better keep it memorized. It can be anything.
I think there should be a way through a mirror or some passage way through to a new place. sorry that was random, but for more information I think you should find it in a book. It doesn't matter how long you take as long as your safe.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you feeling bored, with way too much time on your hands?

Would you like to be excited and thrilled?

Feel like reading a tale packed with heroics and and action?

Then check out by Zephyr

and let the boredom beast roam elsewhere!

posted by kind permission of Lilith
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well is this it? No more takers?

1.) Tracking spell?
2.) Ancient map?
3.) Flip through the book for more info?
4.) Mirror passage?

If I forgot something, please let me know. I'm sick right now, but there's no reason the poll can't be created. I will wait until after work today to put it up so as to allow any last minute suggestions to be posted.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've just caught up on the last two chapters.

The spark that comes from her fingertips is obviously magical. Perhaps she should should hold her hand over the two blank scrolls and see what happens.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright! It is now voting time! Pick YOUR favorite poll option please!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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