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The Other One. Part V.1 - Summoned.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry no update for a while, been working on stuff.

Any more for this? If not I'll poll.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Wh... wh... who..." Mike gave up as She wound herself around him, hands moving over areas of his anatomy like the a supercharged mars rover on a particularly interesting rock outcrop.

"I've been waiting for you Mike," she purred in his ear, licking in first.

"You have?" Mikes voice rose several octaves as the mars rover arrived at the Main Event and sent out probes.

"I knew you would come you see," she went on. "I knew you would save me from... here."

"B... bu... bu... but why are you... oh god," Mike, with a willpower he didn't know he possesed, pushed her back. "Why are you here?"

"They don't want me to have a life, or any fun." She pouted, and Mike groaned. "Will you help me?"

"What do I have to do?" Any remaining resistance crumbled as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Oh baby, you have to get me out of course!"

"But how? Those nuns outside..."

"You don't need to get this body out, as such," she said. "Just, do a few specific tasks, and you can summon me anywhere. At the moment I'm trapped here, but if you do what I want, we can be together. You want that don't you?" She rubbed herself against him again.

"Tell me what to do," he said.


Okay, shortest chapter ever, but need ideas! What is the ritual needed? Help!


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 1:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm.... interesting decision point.

I guess one way to go would be to make the ritual to involve some terrible thing, like killing someone. That might actually give us pause, especially once we were away from her, um, charms.

Or maybe the ritual involves summoning another demon. Maybe it's another creature like her, or maybe it seems like it might be, but it turns out to be her master or a rival for her affections.

It might be good to bring in the "other side". Maybe the ritual involves desecrating a church (a real church, not a Satanic one) or some other holy place, and trying to do that brings us into contact with an angel or exorcist.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All hail Kingkey! Smile Great ideas all your highness! Desperately needed too, my Idearium stocks are really low just now. Sad
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Last edited by Chinaren on Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Looks like the King's ideas are it then! Polling here and on OP.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rituals are always the way of it, isn't that true?
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 12:42 pm    Post subject: The Other One - Ritual. Reply with quote

She pouted, and put a finger to her lips.

“Oh god, please don't do that,” Mike said. “J... Just tell me what I need to do.”

“You're a good boy,” She said, stroking his face. “I knew you were special the first time I saw you mess your pants.” She fondled his lower regions and he whimpered.

“These so called 'nuns',” she went on, “have summoned me forth, but now they have, they keep me imprisoned here. Isn't that so cruel?” A tiny kiss on his cheek. “Mike?”

“Ohhhh, yes. Yes. Yes!” Mike replied, quivering.

“So, I just need a little favour from you, and then we can be together. Will you help me?”

“Of course!” he said.

She smiled, and Mike's world turned golden.


Mike wiped his brow as he typed. He'd searched the local area, but there was nothing. He had to go wider.

Glancing to one side, he took in the pile of, for want of a better word, he'd called ingredients. They'd mostly been easy to get. Black candles featured heavily, as had, surprisingly, chocolate. The untanned cow hide had been a bit harder, but a visit to a local abattoir had sorted that out, and what he'd been assured was goat's blood too. He was a bit concerned about that, as he could only see cow parts in the abattoir. Still, there was nothing to do about it now, and surely blood was blood?

Now he was searching on online, looking for an abandoned church. One seemed harder to find than he would have thought, given the number of churches in the country.

It took another half an hour before he found one that looked like it would suit, and most of the next day hiring a car and travelling there, and scouting the location out.

It really was abandoned, and not within direct line of sight to any dwelling, which was a definite plus.

Eventually Mike wiped his brow and stood back, taking the whole building in from the slight rise in the road where he'd parked the car.

“This will do,” he said.


The church, Saint Andrew's it had been called, was just outside of a small village with the unlikely sounding name of Old Marzipan. There was no clue as to where 'New Marzipan' was. The building itself had been boarded up for about ten years, and was suitably Gothic and old-style spooky. If looks could contribute to demonic worship, this was the place indeed.

Mike nodded to himself as he pushed his way through the hedge carrying his supplies. Apparently the ritual had to be done at midnight. As a dedicated coward, Mike was not looking forward to that part.

Still, he scuttled through the graveyard (graveyard!!) and made his way to the side door that he'd forced open earlier with the crowbar he'd, with impressive foresight, brought along.

The main hall - there was probably a name for it, but as a dedicated Atheist Mike didn't know what that was - was gloomy even whilst there was still daylight, and he shivered.

“Better get on with it,” he muttered to himself.

This was his last trip ferrying in supplies, and he dropped the bag next to the rest of the stuff. He'd already drawn the pentagram, most carefully, in the chalk mixed with the (hopefully) goat's blood, and placed the black candles at the points required.

He pulled the cow skin out of his bag and unrolled it on the floor, smoothing it out, and then sat back.

Now it was just a case of waiting.


He woke with a jerk at eleven forty five as his alarm went off. The portable lamps he'd brought and turned on earlier lit the church around him, somehow making the darkness beyond even more terrifying.

“Concentrate on the task at hand,” he chided himself, thinking of Her.

Taking out the lighter he'd bought at the local shop, he carefully made his way around the pentagram, lighting the candles. Their flickering glow just added to the spooky atmosphere.

Task done, Mike kneeled on the cow skin and took a deep breath. “This will be worth it!' he told himself.

He opened the notebook with the words that She'd given him, that day in the school. It seemed so long ago now, and the whole thing had a dream-like quality to it, but it had only been a few days ago. Still, it had propelled him forward, driven by a force that he didn't entirely understand, and yet...

Shaking his head, he looked at his watch.


Mike took a deep breath, and spoke the seven words. Nothing. This was, apparently, to be expected.

He paused and then repeated them.

Was that a breeze?

He repeated them once more, and this time there was certainly a response.

The candles flared. A dull, red, some would say demonic glow appeared in the centre of his pentagram.

He stood up, stepped back and watched. The glow became stronger, brighter, until he had to shield his eyes and look away.

There was a low hum, building up to a crescendo until, at what was probably exactly midnight he worked out later, a large, dull explosion, and a flash of red light.

Mike lowered his hand from his eyes and looked at his work.

There was a man in the centre of the pentagram. He was tall, muscular and dressed in the coolest long black cloak.

The man looked at him with eyes that seemed to glow. He was clean shaven and totally bald, though he was wearing what appeared to be dark red makeup around his eyes, it was difficult to see in the low light.

“So, you're Mike I take it?” the stranger said.

“Who the fuck are you?” Mike replied.

“I'm Azerus.” The newcomer smiled. “You're cute.”

“Oh fuck,” Mike said.

>>>Edited slightly 02/02/2020<<<

So, how the hell is this 'person' going to help Mike get 'Her'? Any ideas? 'cos I'm all out.

But WTF, at least I wrote something right? And I'm only a bit drunk.


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Last edited by Chinaren on Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems like this guy might be able to take charge of the nuns, either with his otherworldly charm or by revealing his true (demonic) nature.

But maybe he has other ideas. Maybe he wants to keep her imprisoned so he can take things over. Or maybe he felt pent up in Hell and really wants to cut loose.

Whatever happens, I think this guy and Mike should get to be at cross-purposes soon.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent your Maj! And...

Whatever happens, I think this guy and Mike should get to be at cross-purposes soon.

Have you been reading ahead? Shocked

Also, I've edited this last chapter very slightly, from a more sober POV, and also a few tweaks that will, hopefully, fit the story ahead better.
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Last edited by Chinaren on Sat May 02, 2020 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:37 pm    Post subject: The Other One - Summoned. Reply with quote


“Azerus,” the new fellow said, looking around at his surroundings with interest. “Why, who were you expecting?”

“I... it... it wasn't actually...” Mike faltered. This wasn't part of the plan.

“Oh!” Azerus, as he'd styled himself raised his eyebrows. “You were expecting someone... hotter? Yes? More curves? Blonde?”

“Well...” Mike looked down.

“Did you use goat's blood?” Azerus asked.

“Well,” repeated Mike.

“Ahh.” His new friend smiled. “Don't worry, it's an easy mistake to make, happens all the time. I wouldn't be summoned at all, hardly, otherwise. I mean, blood looks like blood right?”

“So, who... what are you?” Mike ventured.

“Me?” The man(?) smiled and raised an eyebrow, in an innocent looking expression. “Oh, you know, just your average demon. Nothing to be concerned about, generally speaking.”


“Unless you've summoned me for no purpose of course.” He cocked his head. “You do have a reason for summoning me, don't you?” he asked.

“Oh... of course,” Mike said.

“And you're willing to pay the price?”

In for a penny... Mike thought. “Who, where is she?” he asked. “How can I make her mine?”

Azerus smiled again. A calm, relaxed smile, like a fisherman who, after a hard battle, finally realises that the fish is hooked, and it's just a matter of reeling it in.

“She,” he said, stepping slowly and deliberately out of the pentagram, “is one of a kind. She's not quite a succubus, not quite a demon, not quite a... well, she's just her.”


“I don't really have a good answer for you, to be honest,” Azerus said.

“This is not what I wanted!” Mike lost his temper. He stamped his foot. “My life has been destroyed! I've done... things! Tell me what I want to know, or it will go badly for you!”

Azerus smiled at him, an infuriatingly white, toothpaste advertisement smile. “Well, maybe you have some spirit after all,” he said.

Mike pulled out a piece of carefully shaped wood. It had actually been the hardest thing to make in the whole list he'd been given.

Striding forward, he pushed it against surprised Azerus's face. The summoned being screamed and writhed in agony as Mike stepped forward.

“You will do what I command,” he snarled, pulling aggression he didn't know he had to the fore.

“Y... Yes master!” Azerus wailed, falling to his knees. “You are in charge! I swear!”

Mike held the wood where it was a moment longer, before taking a deep breath and stepping back. “Very well,” he said. “Remember that.”

“Yes master,” Azerus repeated, gasping and standing back up.

“Good.” Mike looked around. “So, slave. Where do we begin?”

The demon looked about, as if seeing his surroundings for the first time. “Well,” he said eventually. “Do you wish to take her in her current form or summon her afresh?” he asked.

“I...” Mike hesitated. “What's the difference?”

“Well, if you want to get her current body, then all you need to do is rescue her,” Azerus took a seat on a wooden pew, which began to smoke. “But if you wish to summon her, there are certain... rituals that will need to be performed.” He smiled again, and Mike scowled.

“You're a demon,” he said, “If I order you to break in and rescue her, can't you do that?”

“Oh, I have power of course, “Azerus said, waving a hand in royal fashion. “But it's never
that easy is it? Do you know where she is now?”

“Er, yes.” Mike made a face as he considered the medieval dungeon he'd visited.

“I can't just teleport there you know,” the demon said. “We'd have to fight our way in. There would be...” he licked his lips. “Casualties. I believe there would be young girls involved.” To Mike's horror, the demon appeared to have a large erection.

“I... I...” he said, in manly fashion. “Wait, we could summon her!”

“Of course. I assume you have access to a virgin?”

“A...” Mike slumped back. “This isn't going to be easy is it?”

Azerus gave him a wide grin. “Nothing is,” he said.

The pew he was sitting on burst into flames.


So amigos. What's it to be? Rescue or summoning? And any ideas about either would be welcome!


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rescue is the safer bet. Because we don't know anything about rituals and we definitely can't trust this guy. He could tell us to perform some ritual to summon her that would actually drag us to Hell, or free him from our power, or whatever.

With rescue at least we know what we're dealing with. And who's to say that there would really be casualties? Maybe the demon has some powers that will help us sneak in, or scare the nuns off.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Oh One so High.

I suspect this will be the winning suggestion! Shocked Sad
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2020 12:25 pm    Post subject: The Other One - Jail Break Reply with quote

“Tell me this is going to work,” Mike said.

Azerus took a deep breath, or what appeared to be a deep breath, Mike wasn't sure that the demon really needed to breathe.

“Yes, no, maybe, I don't know!” he said. “Listen, there's still time to call this off, we could go somewhere, have a few drinks and then, well, who knows where the night could lead?” He licked his lips with a ridiculously long, pointed, tongue.

“I told you before, that's just not me.” Mike shook his head and peered out through the bushes again.

“She's really done a job on you hasn't she?” Azerus shook his head sadly.

The pair were currently stationed... stationed seemed the right sort of word... stationed about thirty metres away from the main gates of The Holy Mother Synthia’s Puritanical Boarding School for Young Girls, (aged eight to sixteen).

Mike was half buried in a large and very scratchy bush, whilst Azerus appeared to be sitting on a block of nothing, swilling a glass of something that he'd conjured from nowhere. He may as well have been in a lounge at some gentlemen's club.

“You're making this too complicated,” the demon complained, taking a sip of whatever was in his glass. “I told you, I'm allowed to get us a few kick-ass weapons. We storm the place, mow down anyone who gets in the way, take the target, and we're gone. Easy peasy.”

“I'm not comfortable with machine-gunning ten year old girls,” Mike scowled back. “And I want to do this quietly.”

“Oh my demon!” Azerus threw his arms wide, somehow without spilling any of his drink. “Ten year old girls are the easiest to mow down, trust me. Why go looking for trouble?”

Mike shook his head and didn't deign to reply. He'd quickly discovered, as if it was a surprise, that demons had pretty much zero in the way of morality and compassion. Some of Azerus' ideas had horrified him. He'd had to threaten the underworld being with the Rune again before he'd managed to get a sensible plan out of him. It. Whatever.

“Where is this bloody pizza delivery anyway,” he complained. He pushed himself back out of the bush, deciding it was a fairly pointless hiding place anyway. There was no-one around at this time of the evening, in the dusk, in a non-residential area.

“It will be along in about a minute,” Azerus replied. “So I suppose I'd better get ready then.” He stood up.

Mike watched the demon stride confidently into the road, and stop in the middle. And suddenly there wasn't a tall, handsome demon, but a slightly chubby, bewildered looking Indian lad in a red shirt.

Even as this change occurred, a light appeared travelling towards him on the road, followed in short order by the buzz of a two-stroke engine.

The light morphed into a rather battered moped with a large box attached to the rear.

As the bike approached the new-look Azerus it slowed, and then came to a rather abrupt stop.

Mike soon saw why. The rider was the spitting image of the form the demon now occupied.

“Hello Rajesh,” he heard Azerus say, as he walked up to the puzzled pizza delivery person. “How you doing?”

“What the fu...”

Rajesh's profanity was cut short as Azerus skewered him with a long black blade that hadn't been there a second before.

“Sorry, need your pizza. And bike. Nothing personal. You understand.” The demon calmly pulled the sword from the body of the unfortunate Rajesh, and then stood back as the other slid off his ride and landed with a dull thump on the road. Azerus caught hold of the moped handle to stop it falling over.

“Got it,” he called back, over his shoulder.

Mike was still stunned at this sudden act of first degree murder. He'd become hardened a little bit of late, but this was something else.

Recovering himself, he strode up angrily to the being, who was standing by the bike with a faint smile on his face, and waved a finger angrily.

“I told you no murdering people!” he hissed, looking around to make sure that no one had witnessed the homicide.

“I don't think you did actually,” Azerus replied, taking another sip from his glass, which had re-appeared. “There was a general aversion stated for killing little girls as I remember.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Of course, I can understand that, there are plenty of other uses you can put little girls to.”

“Oh for...” Mike shook his head, and then took the moped handle. “Get rid of the body at least.”

“Ndeo bwanna,” said Azerus, mockingly. He made a gesture, and the body of poor Rajesh dragged itself off the road, onto the pavement, and into the bushes, leaving a gruesome bloody streak behind it. Azerus shrugged when he saw Mike looking. “Don't worry, this street is cleaned daily.”

“Wasn't my main concern,” Mike muttered, but gestured at the bike.

Scowling slightly, Azerus climbed on board the vehicle. “Meet you at the gates,” he said.

Before Mike could respond, he revved the engine, which sounded a lot more meaty than it had moments before, and screeched off.

Gritting his teeth, Mike jogged after it, wondering if he should be a little more stealthy.

It turned out, not. Before he was near, there were shouts from the main gate, followed very quickly by screams, followed by nothing, which was somehow even more worrying.

“No problem at all boss,” Azerus said cheerfully, as Mike staggered up to the now open gates, panting hard. Azerus took a bite out of a slice of pizza, presumably taken from the unfortunate Rajesh's delivery.

“Oh, no,” Mike breathed, taking in the bloody bodies of two men dressed in security guard uniforms.

“It's okay boss, they didn't suffer. Stealth remember.” He winked, and slid through the gate.

“Why did we even need the pizza guy?” Mike asked himself, as he followed him, walking by the moped, now on its side, and stepping over the corpses, being careful not to get blood on his shoes.

“Wonderful,” Azerus said, rubbing his hands, “Now all we need is... Oh shit.”

“What?” Mike asked, looking wildly about.

“Er, I think I may have triggered some wards,” the demon replied.

“What? Wards? What are you talking about?”

“Well, they're kind of magical alarms that can be tuned to certain things, like, say, demonic presence.”

“Oh,” said Mike.

“Yes,” replied Azerus, “and now...”

“They know we're here,” Mike finished.

“Even worse, there's no doubt some kind of defence system that's been activated. One designed to work against demons.”

“Why didn't you think of this?” Mike snarled at him.

The demon shrugged. “Probably distracted by the thought of all those young girls,” he said.


Right then. Any ideas what form this defence will take? All ideas welcome!

As usual, I'm a bit drunkn now, so I'll go over this later and fix spelling etc,


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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 6:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe something to trap the demon, like a mystical cage. Or maybe a guardian demon of their own, like a hell hound. Whatever it is, I figure it's going to be designed to work against demons, so that might be our saving grace (so to speak) - we might be able to do something to defeat the threat because we're not a demon.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Key wrote:
Maybe something to trap the demon, like a mystical cage. Or maybe a guardian demon of their own, like a hell hound. Whatever it is, I figure it's going to be designed to work against demons, so that might be our saving grace (so to speak) - we might be able to do something to defeat the threat because we're not a demon.

This is why you are so revered, and the statues of you in the city are emblazoned with loving* graffiti oh High one. Always such good ideas!

Thank you for your input. Very Happy

*I'm assuming the words are loving, having never read them, but I thought I glanced the word 'funk' amongst them, which is obviously some sort of worshipful reference to a musical talent that I didn't know you had.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:50 pm    Post subject: Schoolyard Shenanigans Reply with quote

Mike looked around nervously. They were in a large open, paved area. In front of them the school squatted ominously, the main entrance a dark mouth that suddenly seemed a long way away.

“Come on,” he said. “Let's stay on mission.”

“Aye aye sir,” Azerus replied, suddenly back to his old form, although he was now clad in a black para-military outfit, complete with sidearm and machine gun, which he cradled in his arms.

“Er,” Mike said, looking left and right. “Any chance of getting me a gun?”

“Thought you'd never ask,” Azerus said. Suddenly Mike was holding a large weapon, much like he'd seen on TV.

“It's the latest model,” Azerus informed him casually, as they strode forward. “Although you won't have to reload. Demonic ammo,” he winked. “Oh, be careful though, there's no safety. Oh, and you'll need a knife too, for backup.” A wicked looking dagger was suddenly strapped to a sheath on his thigh.

“What the hell am I doing here?” Mike moaned to himself. He didn't stop walking though, as he adjusted the weapon to a more comfortable position.

“Oh, here we go,” Azerus said, suddenly stopping. “Oh no, it can't be.”

“Can't be what?” Mike asked.

Azerus ignored him, looking in a direction Mike couldn't even fathom. It didn't matter. Several seconds later there was a dull explosion and a cloud of smoke, which quickly cleared to reveal a new player in the game.

“Hello Jelly,” Azerus said.

“Azerus,” the new form replied, in an apparently cheerful fashion. “It's been eons! How's tricks old demon?”

“I was doing alright until now.”

Mike just gawped. The new demon looked like something out of a particularly twisted Batman movie.

It was in human shape, albeit a very tall and muscular one, wearing ludicrously baggy pantaloons, striped black and white vertically. In complete and utter contrast, as if challenging fashion to find the item of clothing that clashed the most with these, he was wearing a lilac shirt which had more lace and frills than a nine year old girl's bedroom. Over this he wore a chequer-board patterned waistcoat of the most putrid pink and green that one could possibly imagine. One foot was clad in a boot that was black and came to his knee, the other was orange, and came up his calf.

To top this off, he was wearing a mask. Or at least Mike assumed it was a mask. He was demon after all, it could have been his face. In any case, it was pure white, and looked like it had been taken from the emblem for the Thespian guild, except it had glowing red eyes and a nose that was like a fly's proboscis. If it was taken from the Thespian guild, the demon had chosen the 'crazed grin' side of it.

“Nice outfit,” Azerus commented.

“Thanks,” Jelly replied. “Shall we?” He pulled out an enormous two handed, black sword from nowhere at all.

“Why not?” Azerus said, drawing his own weapon from the same nowhere.

There was a moment of silence, and then the two ran together and started hammering away at each other with their blades.

Mike wasted several moments watching, as both demons attacked each other with a ferocity that he'd never seen before. Whoever this Jelly was, it was no friend of Azerus's.

Still, taking advantage of the distraction, he ran hunched over, past the two underworld beings, and towards the main doors.

Only to be brought up short as a group of, what he assumed were students, filed out and took up position in front of them.

He suddenly found himself facing several dozen pre-teen and teenage girls, dressed in school uniforms that came complete with inappropriately short leather skirts and fishnet stockings.

“Now ladies,” he said. “You should stand aside. I don't want to hurt anyone here.”

“That's a shame,” one of the older girls stepped forward. She was wearing a white blouse that was bursting at the seams around her extremely well endowed chestal area. “Because we like it rough, don't we girls?”

There was a general murmur of acceptance from her classmates.

“Oh bloody hell,” Mike said, as the group pulled out an array of knives.

“So you should just fuck off,” the ringleader. Never taking her eyes off Mike, she slowly licked the blade of her shiny silver dagger.

Mike wasn't sure if he should be crapping his pants or creaming them. Probably both, he concluded. He shook his head, took a deep breath and Grew a Pair.

“You bitches better stand aside,” he said, bringing his newly aquired demonic gun to bear.

“Oooh, we're so scared of the big man's gun,” his adversary said, in a mocking tone. “Compensating much” Her tone changed to a more hostile one. “Come on then motherfucker! Try us!”

With that, the group attacked.

Later on, Mike told himself that it must have been the malign influence of the demonic gun that made him do it. He couldn't possible imagine that he would have fired otherwise.

Whatever the reason, he did though. “Come on then bitches!” he cried, and opened up with his big, black, long weapon.

There were shrieks as the lead girls went down in a hail of bullets, blood splattering everywhere.

Still, like the native Australians in that Zulu film, they kept coming.

Mike, overwhelmed by emotion, screamed as he mowed down thirteen-year old girls with his machine gun. Spent cartridges pinged on the ground like a Rambo movie, and the body count mounted.

Still they came though in an apparently never-ending stream, and eventually their numbers began to tell. One girl, probably no more than eleven, sliced his arm with her knife. He kicked her backwards, knocking her over, and put her down with a blast to her face.

But there was another, and another, and he was forced back, fending off knife attacks as best he could, using his gun as a club as much as firing it.

Young girls fell in as he retreated, mercilessly gunned down.

Mike heard Azerus shout out, just as his assault started to peter out.

He finally stopped firing as the girls suddenly lost heart. At some unseen signal they started to fall back, dragging their wounded with them.

Panting hard, he leaned against a tree, the machine gun smoking in his hands. Ahead of him, the entrance hall was littered with dead in leather-skirted school uniforms. It could have been somewhere in the United States it was so bad. Blood was spreading out under the bodies in a horrific dark pool.

“It's a trick!” Azerus' voice managed to penetrate his horror. “They're an illusio...” he was cut off.

Mike frowned, and look over at his demonic accomplice. He was still fighting, but the once proud clothes were now tattered and torn, and he was bleeding from several places. Meanwhile his opponent appeared to be barely scratched.

“Don't just bloody stand there,” Azerus shouted, noticing him watching as he desperately fended off another sword swing. “Do something!”


So then, I can still, just about, see straight, yay. Drunk? me? Well ,yeah. Anyway, what's Mike's next move FFS? Please tell me, 'cos... well, too much whisky here. LoL.


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Last edited by Chinaren on Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm... we could try to go ahead into the school, maybe try to rescue what's-her-name that we're here to save. But if the girls were an illusion, then we haven't killed any of them yet and they're probably waiting for us with an ambush.

I think we have to try to defeat Jelly somehow. Because if he beats Azerus, we're pretty screwed no matter what. We could try opening fire on him but I about that will work, otherwise Azerus would have done that himself.

Since Azerus seems to be able to create things out of thin air, maybe he could give us some kind of weapon that could hurt Jelly. Maybe he could even create a holy item or symbol that would inflict special harm on demons (I don't imagine he'd want to do that, but if the alternative is getting chopped up...)
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once again, excellent suggestions simply ooze out of your most highness!

Thank you for reading Key! Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:59 am    Post subject: School infiltration Reply with quote

Mike nodded and brought his gun to bear. He loosed of a stream of shots at Azerus's enemy, standing there with shells pinging around him.

“That's not going to work you bloody moron,” Azerus shouted, ducking under a swing that would have decapitated him. “It's a demonic weapon, and he's a...” he grunted, dodging another attack. “... fucking demon. Get the one that summoned him, go inside!”

“Right.” Mike stopped firing and ran back towards the main entrance to the school. As he did so, the bodies of the schoolgirls he'd gunned down shimmered and vanished. “Oh! Illusions! That's what he meant. Well, thank fuck for that,” he muttered.

As he approached the main doors, which were peppered with very real bullet holes, he slowed down again, bringing his gun back up he swept the area in the style of cops on TV everywhere.

“Clear,” he whispered to himself, moving into the lobby.

The room was dark and empty. He took another step forward, the sound echoing off the walls. Nothing.

Swivelling left and right he tried to remember which was he'd gone when he'd visited last time. Left maybe. No, right, he remembered the large double doors that way.

Sliding along the wall, he moved as quietly as he could up the dark corridor, clutching his gun tightly. Mike had always been a self proclaimed coward. He never watched horror movies because of scenes just like the one he now found himself in. Still, he thought, at least he had a bloody great big gun to defend himself.

He moved on, meeting no opposition, seeing no one, hearing nothing.

It was bloody unnerving.

Eventually he reached a junction he thought he recognised. This was where his initial guide had stopped and mentioned something about the works going on in the main classroom area. She had waved up ahead whilst saying this, and then they'd turned left.

Mike turned left, down a long passageway. A single light flickered ahead of him, creating a sole spot of illumination.

There was a noise. He stopped and swung his gun around wildly, trying to locate the source.

“Welcome back to The Holy Mother Synthia’s Puritanical Boarding School for Young Girls, (aged eight to sixteen) Mr. Strobowsky, if that is your name.”

Emerging from the dark beyond the illumination like some kind of land shark, was the head nun. Mike couldn't remember what she was called.

“Hi,” he said, weakly. “I'm here for the girl. Cooperate and no one needs get hurt.”

“Oh Mr. Strobowsky, we here at The Holy Mother Synthia’s Puritanical Boarding School for Young Girls, (aged eight to sixteen) like hurt. Pain and suffering is part of our religion, which, if your story was true, you would know.”

She took another step forward, and Mike saw she was carrying her whip.

“So, if you just drop that ludicrous gun, I promise to keep you alive for a relatively short time, as a favour.”

“How is that a favour?” Mike said, sweating and retreating a step.

“Because otherwise, I shall keep you alive for a long time. Oh, did I mention that you will be in excruciating pain? How forgetful of me. If it's any consolation, your – eventual – death will be of great educational value to the students. I plan on showing them some of the more radical, methods. Methods that are extreme, even for us. You should be honoured really.”

“That's far enough!” Mike shouted, as she glided forward another step. “I mean it! I'll take you down with this easy!” He waved his gun.

“Well then. Shall we even the odds?”

The shadows on either side of the Mother Superior seemed to expand, and suddenly Mike was facing half a dozen battle nuns, all wielding sharp implements.

There was a short moment as the two sides eyed each other, and then the nuns charged.

Mike opened fire, concentrating on the lead nun, who was a giantess of a thing, truly more horrific than anything he'd seen on Lord of the Rings.

The bullets hit home, stitching holes of red up her front. She screamed in anger and kept going, only stopping when Mike aimed higher and blew her head off like a ripe tomato.

She was only the first though, and he had to back-pedal, firing madly all the while, as the others kept coming. One went down, then another, as he switched to firing at their legs, which meant they had to crawl, slowing their progress. Even so, it was a close thing, and he was back at the junction before the last of them fell to the floor. Panting hard, Mike made sure she was down for good before he stopped firing.

Through the smoke from his weapon he could see the bodies scattered on the floor, some groaning and twitching slightly.

But where was...

There was a snap, and something wrapped itself around the barrel of his gun and pulled sharply, yanking it from his grasp.

Spinning around, he found himself face to face with Mother Superior, who had obviously done a flanking manoeuvre whilst he was distracted.

With a flip of the whip his weapon was sent clattering off into the dark.

“Now, that's more like it,” she said. There was another crack, and a sharp pain across his face as she flipped the whip again.

“Ahh!” Mike screamed.

“Do you think that hurt?” Mother Superior asked. Another twitch and another crack, another streak of blood along Mike's chest. “This is nothing. Nothing at all. When you're strapped up in front of my girls, being slowly castrated, you'll look back at this pain and long for it. You'll think how delightful it was, compared to what you'll be enduring then.”

Mike, trying to judge when the next attack would come, tried leaping to one side, but the bitch was simply too good. The whip lashed out again, wrapping itself painfully around his ankle and bringing him down to the floor with a thud.

“Now, whatever your name is. You're mine.”


Right, now what? Cos buggered if I know.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uh oh. We're screwed.

I mean, there's lots of cheesy tricks we could try - the old reverse psychology ("yes, please hurt me, I want it..."), distraction, bluffing. But I doubt if any of that will work.

I think we have to dive into the abyss. Charge at her. Fight it out so close she can't use the whip. Become an animal. Bite her face off. We'll probably lose, and we won't be the same person afterward if we win, but it's our only hope.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh ho! I like it! Very Happy

Charge the mother (Superior). Let's go all animal on that biatch.

Thanks Key Smile
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