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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:14 pm    Post subject: Heroes Never Panic Reply with quote

WARNING! If the story hasn't yet become violent Mad , gory Surprised , and otherwise extremely distasteful Razz , it will soon enough.

Story Summary:

"Heroes Never Panic"

In dark times of war, a terrible abomination spreads throughout civilization forcing humanity to fight or die. Cities become fortresses and those with the courage to face the undead become heroes. Captain Taggert, formerly of the Imperial Army of Cassia, stripped of rank and purpose, seeks a new role in life as a Slayer in his own quest for heroism. He must face mortal peril and his own fear as he is constantly reminded of the words of his father that insist that heroes can never afford to panic.

Chapter Summaries:

Chapter One: May 1811. Captain John Taggert is discharged from military service for insubordination (refusing to set fire to an enemy city). He has to make a new life for himself, so he decides to use his military knowledge to become a "Slayer".

Chapter Two: Before Taggert can depart for Tiersley to begin slaying, Gregory Manning, a soldier that served the captain, deserts his post and joins him. If Manning is caught, he might even be executed. Taggert must try to smuggle his comrade to Tiersley.

Chapter Three: Close calls with Military Enforcers (M.E.'s) make Taggert and Manning nervous, so when they meet a slayer named "Savage Hal", they are happy to purchase badges from him that seem to be real slayer's badges. It's illegal, but it should make it easier to get past the authorities, and allow them to carry the weapons they also bought from Hal.

Chapter Four: Savage Hal's tone becomes threatening as they near Tiersley. He wants the captain and Manning to join his slayer gang called the "Gravediggers", and it doesn't look like he'll take no for an answer, but he's expecting to take half of everything they make for slaying. Blackmail isn't a game the captain likes to play, but now he must deal with the Gravediggers.

Chapter Five: The captain is finally in Tiersley... a dark and immense city with terrible foreboding. He discovers his savings are inaccessible and his money is very low. Additionally, he doesn't know how to slay, and there's no friendly faces anywhere to ask. Joining a crew looks inviting, but who? The infamous Skulls? The blackmailing Gravediggers? Some random group? Or should they try to remain independent? Very difficult decisions to make without information. They try a tavern in the Tackers District.

Chapter Six: Cyril, an unusually well informed barmaid, offers information for a price and with the last of the money brings the captain up to speed. Gangs control the slaying scene, especially the Skulls. Gang wars between the Skulls and other groups is widespread. The Skulls, with a sanction from the city and a strangle hold on many recruitments, are winning. The Crossbones gang continues to bring in members, but need much more to turn the tide. The Red Sun Clan and Executioners avoid confrontation by trolling the Sullen River, but they’re disappearing left and right and for few rewards. And the Warders are struggling to keep any members at all (but rumored to be sympathetic to military deserters). And the Gravediggers somehow remain neutral, but still expect a lot of its members. The captain leaves the city to see the undead for himself, and discovers they are very stubborn and swarm quickly. A crew of slayers would make fighting a lot easier to survive, but every choice has a drawback.

Chapter Seven: Taggert chooses the Warders, a group comprised mostly of ex-military. They have a hideout at an old tavern called "The Broken Drum". If he can answer a riddle that only someone with military knowledge could answer, he might be accepted.

Chapter Eight: The Captain answers correctly, and impresses the leader of the Warders, James 'The Admiral' Haymen. He is introduced to the others and given a bunk. Some of their names include Steven Billings, Sergeant Elden Callahan, "Bootless" Jerrick Dagmar, Rob Davison, and Stanimir (a large and dangerous former Crossbones member who immediately takes a disliking to the Captain (and vice versa)). Then the Captain is informed that they do all their slaying in the murky night and he must decide how eager he is to join the Warders.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Interesting start. I'm voting for going home and thinking about pursuing a more peaceful ocputation. We could use a break but who knows... We might be carried back to the battle sometime in the future.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Slayer job sounds interesting! Go for that!

Nice start! Very Happy Welcome to IF Lebby!
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great start!

I think 'Slayer' too. Rest will only result in a deepening depression. He needs to do something to restore some of his self-esteem. Go Slay! Cool
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice start.
I voted for the slayer thing. He needs something that mantain his mind out of this bad thoughts.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks everyone! I'm so impressed with how you all keep up with the stories! Makes a guy feel welcome.

... Could someone recommend a length of time I should wait before posting new chapters? ... Nevermind, I'll figure it out. There's a nice majority right now anyway. Time to get used to these polls!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heroes Never Panic (Chapter One)

May 13, 1811. Thurman Station in Brennig, Carthia.

Your belly grumbles as you wait for the train to arrive, but you don't pay attention to it. You have too many things on your mind and you'd rather board the train as soon as possible so you can start forgetting about them. Nothing could be worse than just standing here under the dim lamppost as little pieces of ash collect on your torn uniform. There is nothing to distract you and everything to remind you of your shame. And though you try to tell yourself it was all just cruel fate and there was nothing you could have done, 'The General' won't let you go. You can hear his words as though he stood two feet from you, drilling you like a recruit,

"Good men live and die, but heroes never panic!"

You've heard it all your life, you don't know why he needed to remind you so often. Even when he bounced you on his knee and 'The General' was just a captain, he pounded his motto into you. You touch the torn shoulder loop with your hand where your own captain's insignia used to be. There's no doubt that The General forced you into military in the beginning, but you grew to love it somehow. It was your comrades... the men who served with you, and under you. You pray to God they'll get a competent commander in your place. You could recite the name of every man you've ever served with, but especially your soldiers, your crew of fearless warriors. They were more than family to you. And you've let them down.

You brush off the ash and pull yourself together. You ignore the yelling in your ear and tell yourself there was nothing you could do.... The ash falls like snow at times when the wind is right. That's other people's lives falling on you now. The ash coating your hand me well be the remains of an entire family. And that's your fault too. You had your cards, whether they looked bad or not, you didn't have to fold in the middle of the game. Their lives are literally on your hands; you can't just brush them off. And with or without you, the war will go on. One confused captain won't stop the fires from burning, the fires he helped start. You're lucky your insubordination didn't get you in worse trouble than this.... Maybe The General had his hand in the trial too.

The train, like a lurking dragon, huffs into the station and hisses in front of you. The porters open the doors and the time has come to commit to a decision.

If you stay, maybe The General can shake a few hands and have you reinstated... maybe. The whole world is open to you, but where do you go? You could go to your old home... you've earned a rest at least. Or you could use your skills for something more noble... something that doesn't require burning people out of their homes. You could become a freelance slayer in Tiersley and fight to help people instead. You've heard terrible things about slayers, but what could be wrong with destroying such unholy abominations?

The porter looks at you impatiently and you can hear The General yelling his motto even louder. ... It is time....
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Two, Heroes Never Panic.

You grab your bag and step forward, but just as the porter reaches out his hand:

"SIR! Captain Taggert!"

A figure runs across the platform. You recognized his voice. You meet up with him quickly and talk lowly.

"Manning? What are you doing here?!"

"Sir, I'm coming with you."

He's out of breath, and it isn't just a little jog that's cramping his side. He's been running a long time.

"Manning, this is desertion. They won't even bother with a trial!"

"I know sir."

You've always watched out for Private Gregory Manning. His narrow face, wild brown hair and his green eyes make him look so much like your younger brother Warren, you couldn't help feeling protective. There's no doubt they already know he's gone.

"I'm going to Tiersley, Manning."

"Very good sir."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir, very sure. Thank you Captain."

"I'm not a captain anymore. Now try not to make a spectacle of yourself. You're a wanted man now."

You can't believe this boy. Why has he done this? It's good to have someone with you, but this will make things a lot more difficult. You buy the first tickets out of Brennig. It doesn't matter where you go as long as you get out before the military enforcers find Manning. Fortunately the train is heading north, well on the way to Tiersley.

"Miss your train?" the ticketmaster asks. He recognizes you. You nod and ask for two to Haulsted. "Two tickets this time?" he asks. You nod again and walk away with the tickets. The station starts feeling a lot warmer. Two officers with the gilded helmets of the M.E. enter the front doors. You hide behind a pillar and watch them go to the ticketmaster.... They talk... you left your pistol and your saber outside with Manning, but you ask yourself if you're prepared to fight them. Perhaps there's still a way to get Manning to go back without trouble.... Too much of a gamble. The ticketmaster shakes his head and they turn back.

You go outside. Manning is where you left him, only now he's huddled in the dark corner, asleep with the pistol in his lap.

"Wake up, Manning," you say gently so you don't startle him with his pistol. "You have to get out of that uniform."

Both of you need to get out of uniform. You don't have much civilian clothes, but enough for now. They're wrinkled and too baggy on Manning. He looks under dressed... no jacket or hat... and you both still have soldier's boots. It will have to do.

In an hour the train comes, but this time two more passengers get on after you; officers, though they're not M.E.'s. You sit in different cars, keeping Manning farthest from the aisle. The train rolls out and Manning falls asleep again with his face pressed against the window. The porter passes by without suspicion and you relax.

The journey is calm, but you still can't sleep. You just don't feel tired enough. A half hour later, the train stops in Felma, one last stop to go. Manning sleeps through it, but you see you've taken on extra passengers, and you're very glad you didn't sleep.

"Sirs, can I please see your papers?" the two M.E.'s ask. Naturally, the passengers at the head of the car willingly show their identification, and the M.E.'s move down.

... If you move now, they'll notice you, but if you hold still, they'll ask for your papers. You'd be fine, but what can you do about Manning? They probably receive a list through telegraph every day of desertions.

'never panic, never panic, never panic' repeats in your head. You have to act now.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It might be more interesting if you opened it up for discussion before putting up the poll to get the reads opinions and possibly more options Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can agree with that. I did get in a hurry, but I did leave a lot of options (maybe too many for a clear majority). I'm certainly willing to hear interpretations of the options... for instance, what kind of story to come up with for the M.E.'s, or how to go about hijacking the train.

I'm all about giving people more time to consider the options and provide a more interactive experience. I need stop being in such a hurry (I already want to post a new chapter). Thanks for your advice, Ingrothechundyer!

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Discussion first is a good idea, though I have no ideas, except run to the WC!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think they should come up with a story. One of you has credentials, it might be possible to bluff your way through by saying that you're escorting the other one to receive replacement papers after his were destroyed/lost in error/stolen from him.

It's a risk, but this foolish lad has risked everything to go with you. I think you owe him an attempt, if nothing else.

Great chapter. This game is developing well Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted. As shady said, make a story.

Lebrenth, I know you have to be in a hurry because your story is great. But if you take it easy you will notice that the readers not only could help to your story but also will like it (and who knows maybe we will wanted to have that chapters as fast as you want to post it :biggrin: )
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted to take over the train...just joking. Smile Actually, I agree with the rest - it would be far more sensible to bluff your way out. Happy writing!

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your nomination has attracted a new reader. Very Happy

Welcome Lebrenth Smile

Another story slips my net, but I catch up with them eventually.

So far I'm enjoying this one, and agree that taking it a little slower can encourage some discussions. Rarely so far in my limited time as a storygame author has the vote gone for something I'd thought of myself. Quite often something completely unexpected comes up and you find yourself writing a whole new chapter (and throwing away some plans).

I've voted with the majority (although I didn't know that when I voted) - A story can be made up.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Smee! A pleasure to have you. Your posts are all over the place, so I almost feel like I know you. I'm having a hard time being patient, but I'll go ahead and keep trying. The nomination got me all excited so I think I'm going to start making a more clear schedule, but I'm still not sure how long between posts I should wait.... What do you think? Is five days enough?

Anyway, here's the next chapter.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:51 pm    Post subject: Chapter Three, Heroes Never Panic Reply with quote

Chapter Three of "Heroes Never Panic"

You slow down your breath as much as you can. You have to appear calm if you expect to be convincing when the M.E.'s get to you. Besides, you can't think like this. You let Manning sleep as time runs out for concocting a lie.

Your papers may have "Discharged" stamped in rude red letters all over them, but they are still legitimate, assuming they aren't looking for you. You can easily say that Manning lost his papers.... He needs a name... and a reason to be traveling with you.

The stouter of the two M.E.'s meets your eyes. You let him turn away first, as if you had nothing to hide, but this isn't helping your concentration. You're still bullying yourself for being too stupid when they skip the seat ahead of you and the stout M.E. with the cruel eyes asks you,

"May we see your papers, sir?"

Manning doesn't stir. You still consider saying that you don't know him and going to the toilet. But you get out your papers, the bright red ink standing out like flames. He looks them over, repeats your name to the other M.E. who holds a list. He shakes his head, but the first isn't satisfied yet.


"Thrown out.... I guess I couldn't handle the pressure anymore."

"Who's this?"

"My nephew."

"Show me his papers?"

"I'm afraid I can't.... He lost them... along with everything else. Stolen."

The details match each other, why he's in odd clothes, why you seem nervous, but the M.E. is still suspicious. The door to the car opens, catching their attention. You turn in time to see two young men opening the door into the next car and running.

"HALT! Stop those men!" the M.E. yells.

"Sir!" you yell at him! He tosses your papers back and the M.E.'s chase after the men.

You tuck the papers away and mind your own business as the door closes and the car settles down. The less you have to do with them, the better. You assure Manning there's nothing to worry about, and he goes right back to sleep.... If only you could do the same.

The last stop is Garamond. Through the window, you see five M.E.'s lined up with their rifles. The two from before leave the train with two young men and meet the five. The look of dismay on the young men's faces is hard to watch, as they wait for train to take them back to the war. You buy new tickets for Tiersley and wait three hours on a cold bench for the train.

Just before 4 o'clock, a man walks onto the platform. He looks like a Verdian, wearing blood-stained wolf coats that still resemble the wolves, long ratted hair, and a beard, red-brown and turning white near the chin. He has a long rifle, a carbine, and a long handled ax, and an old broad sword, and a short sword on his belt and one on his left leg AND a long knife on his right, and who knows what he's hiding. A porter struggles behind him, carrying another half a dozen more firearms and dragging a chest that requires all of his strength to budge.

... Manning is unarmed, and you only have a sword (snapped in half at the ceremonial discharge), a single shot pistol, a few odd clothes, and an unopened letter from The General. However, you have a fair amount of money, and more in savings, when you can get to it. This man might even have some connections in Tiersley to help you get started.

Until you have a slayer's license, you aren't technically allowed to even have the pistol anymore. Maybe it would be best to wait till after you get to Tiersley before you start getting armed. But blood stains or not, you should get to know this man.

You help the porter move the chest, the man looks at you suspiciously, then laughs. He hands the weary porter a few pennies before he leaves and holds out a few more for you.

"No thank you."

"Then what did you help him for?"

"Just being helpful."


"Look, are you a slayer?"

"Are you?"

"Not yet--"

"That's right. You need weapons. That's what you want, isn't it? You want a look?"

"I don't have a slayer's license--"

"No problem. You're an outlaw, aren't you? I have what you need."

He opens the chest with a key from his necklace, which also has some sort of symbolic pendant. He takes out a copper badge with the Cassian Emblem (a gauntlet holding a flaming scepter) and hands it to you. It has dried blood on it.

"Do you have another?"

"I have."

'Savage Hal' has an assortment of maces, blades, and pistols in his chest, half of them with stories about how the fellow who used it last lost it; Tallis who was 'accidentally' shot by another slayer, Baelric who was still carrying it on his belt when he was killed the second time. With the funds you've got, assuming you save nothing, you could both have the rather expensive badges and one large weapon or two small. One rifle, especially in Manning's hands, can be very valuable, but another pistol and a short sword will give you the basics (naturally not forgetting ammunition). And there should be a creditable bank to transfer your savings in Tiersley.

"Prices go up when we get to Tiersley," Savage Hal warns....
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter Lebrenth Very Happy

But... is it finished? I'm just wondering if there's a decision point or not? Occasionally you'll get a chapter that isn't, but some people post their chapters in two halves, so I thought I'd ask Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, that is the chapter. I would love to take it farther; I thought we'd be in Tiersley by now, but I get caught up. I also get caught up in decisions. I'm a huge fan of the old verbal storygames, and I want the players to make every decision.

In this case, the options would be a choice of weapons, and whether or not to buy illegal badges, or even to associate with "Savage Hal" at all.

I have too much insight and a strong plan. I'm worried that I'll control the story too much and it won't be an interactive experience. It seemed that getting a general consensus would give me a better guide than a poll that channels the story in a very specific direction. And then we could put it to a vote with a poll.

The poll will likely be:

1. Buy the badges and the weapons
2. Save your money for now
3. Stay away from Hal and figure things out on your own

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is there any chance of running into another M.E? About how good? We got lucky once and I'm not sure I feel like pushing out luck again quite yet.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Buy the badges and the weapons.

I know if we find a M.E. could be problem but maybe we are going to need them anyway.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

remember - its only illegal if you get caught

go for it
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ingrothechundyer wrote:
Is there any chance of running into another M.E? About how good? We got lucky once and I'm not sure I feel like pushing out luck again quite yet.

The captain wouldn't know exactly how many M.E.'s to expect. What he does know, is that they are a lot more common around hot spots and war fronts. Right now, you're in safe territory, but you're headed to very unsafe territory. ... The chances are much worse than 50-50... the captain would venture a guess at 75-25, in favor of seeing more M.E.'s on the way, and 100% of seeing them in Tiersley (unless it's fallen to the undead which could technically happen at any time).

A word about the badges, there isn't much of a way to catch someone using them illegally, however, if you are caught impersonating a slayer they have the "Justified Sentencing" law, which gives them an absolutely free hand in punishing you. Typical sentences include the worst chapters of medieval torture and/or lifetime enslavement.

But relax, that takes a fair amount of investigation. An M.E. on a train won't know the difference.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

then definatly buy them
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Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:53 pm    Post subject: Polls Reply with quote

I couldn't stop thinking about all the votes that weren't being made. So I posted the poll. If you have additional suggestions please voice them. There's no reason to avoid coloring outside of the lines.

For additional peace of mind, I've decided to go with a five day interval, so the next chapter will be Jan. 10th, and the one after that the 15th.

Look, it's Medusa's head -----> Mad
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

voted, and winning
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

With that in mind...

Voted Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

voted, and winning

Me too! I am enjoying this! Very Happy

Nice one Lebrenth. I wouldn't be suprised to see you appearing in Good vs Evil vs money soon too.

Anyway, voted for the obvious choice. I also suffer from "madly fast writing syndrome*" once I get an idea. That's why I have so many storygames going! Maybe you should start another one! Wink

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, what the heck! Buy some weapons off the guy Very Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Lebrenth,

A good chapter, and only the day after I found the first two. Smile

I've gone for buying the weapons, and the badges. The badges I presume give us a look of legit slayers at a glance, but won't hold up to scrutiny? Should get us past the M.E's on the train.

5 days seems fine if you can keep up with it.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I voted.

I also think that five days is good.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Smee wrote:
The badges I presume give us a look of legit slayers at a glance, but won't hold up to scrutiny?

The badges seem to be legitimate in every way except who they belong to. On the back they have serial numbers and the name of the city they were issued (both in Lithany). They do not have the badge carriers' names, however, so the authorities would have to search the records of Lithany to find out you aren't officially slayers (which is made practical through the use of the telegraph).

Sorry there's more details in the story than I am telling. For the sake of the game, you need to know as much as possible, but for the sake of the story, it's best to control the details that do not contribute to character, mood, and action. As it is, I'm still trying to sneak in as many pertinent facts as I can while telling the story; like "One rifle, especially in Manning's hands, can be very valuable" where I sneak in a reference to Manning's excellent marksmanship.

This story is taking place in a world already created in my book "One Less Reclaimer" so there are a lot of little details that are waiting to be addressed. If you have any questions, pose them. I really enjoy answering them and I will work on getting them into the story itself.

And so far I'm not feeling any pressure keeping up the pace, but I know how it goes after a while. Keep on my case if I slack off! But in the mean time, I feel like I'm stuck behind the old RV going uphill on a one-lane road. Maybe I should write another story....

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Recent prolific arrivals have found a linear story a handy way to fill up time between chapters.

Keep up the good work.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Four of "Heroes Never Panic"

"We'll take them. And the sword and pistol, if you throw in some powder and bullets."

"You think you can haggle in the situation you're in?"

"You have plenty and your prices are absurd. You can afford to be generous."

"... Fine. Just fine. I wasn't arguing, I was asking. You shouldn't jump to conclusions. Have it."

With the weapons and a kind portion of his ammunition, things look much better. The blood on the badge scrapes right off, with a little work, and it sits in your pocket very nicely. Manning is still admiring his badge, polishing it (or trying to) with spit and the sleeve of your shirt. Now you wear your weapons on your belts. Your snapped sword doesn't look snapped in its sheath, so hopefully it will be impressive enough. Savage Hal pats your back heartily, and soon enough the train arrives.

Somehow it looks tired as it rolls in. It hisses especially loud in a number of places and it is unclean with the bloody remains. It hit something... or many somethings. Most of it has fallen away, but pieces are caught here and there. Soldiers are already jumping out before it fully stops and stand by the doors with their rifles ready, but they don't appear to be watching you. A young soldier, about Manning's age, you think, approaches. Savage Hal gives him a very cold stare, and he looks away.

Then the stretchers come out, carrying more soldiers with numerous wounds, and red bandages. The unloading is quickly executed, and the passengers start to board. You tap the young soldier's shoulder,

"Private, what's the situation in Tiersley?" you ask in your accustomed way. He is about to say as he turns, but he stops himself.

"Are you an officer, sir?"

"... No. Just a slayer looking for information."

"Then you'll see yourself."

"Good soldiering, boy."

They clean the train out and the engineers switch to the engine on the back of the train. You board the dark cars, with the iron shutters locked tightly over the windows; not safe to have windows where you're going.

Savage Hal sits with you and starts talking about slaying immediately. You listen but none of it really pertains to your destination. It's mostly how many zombies he'd killed, or how many slayers died with him, or the difficulty of getting weapons these days. Many bad jokes and useless anecdotes later, you feel the engine slow. Tiersley wasn't very far away, but it seems too soon.

"You want to be proper slayers right?" Savage Hal says. He stops talking long enough for you to realize he's asking a question.

"Yes, why else would we be going to Tiersley?"

"Oh, it's a good place to hide, but you might as well make some money while you're there, don't you think?"

"It's not a good place to hide and we're going to Tiersley specifically to become slayers."

From behind, two M.E.'s stroll past you. If they heard, they make no sign of it.... Hal is completely unconcerned and continues talking.

"Whatever. You want to get started, you'll need a crew to fight with. You heard of the Gravediggers?" Hal asks.

"... No. Are they slayers?"

"And damn good ones too. The only gang the Skulls respect enough to leave alone."

"And you could get us in if we wanted?" you ask tentatively.

"Why wouldn't you want to? Unless you'd rather be a Skull."

"I'm very certain we don't want that. I didn't know they were in Tiersley."

"There's a lot you don't know about Tiersley. You need to join my crew."

"Are they Verdians?"

"Yes, some of them," he says emphatically.

"What would we need to do?"

"You make it sound like you have a choice. Once I get you in, you'll be expected to pay dues. You'll be paying those to me."

"How much?"

"Half of what you'd get with us is twice what you'd get by yourself, and you won't get yourselves killed."

"... Let me talk to Man--... my man here," you say almost slipping. You've managed to not tell him your names so far, and the tone he's taking doesn't make you want to change that.

"Don't talk too long. The M.E.'s could get suspicious and bad things could happen," he says threateningly.

Manning trusts you implicitly. If you asked him to, he'd jump off the train head first, so it's up to you. The Gravediggers aren't as infamous as the Skulls at least and one way or another you'll have to deal with them. But you don't like being threatened. Half of everything you make sounds like a lot and there's no telling how far Hal will push this blackmail. You could just take your chances alone and find a way to get away from Savage Hal.

One way or another, you can't hesitate any longer. The train's nearly arrived.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good piece of writing Smile

I'd say now's the time to strike it independent. As you say, they'll need to deal with the Gravediggers to some extent, but you don't need the likes of Savage Hal taking half your earnings before you've even scouted the situation for yourself.

Do whatever's necessary to get some distance between yourselves and Hal for now. Then see what presents itself Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could you try to make a deal, paying less.... It could be better to start with someone with you and not against you. We don't know how it's the situation on Tiersley. And it appear to be very hard...
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All right, the new poll is up. If anyone has other ideas or suggestions, just post them or agree with others who have posted, as if it was a poll option. (And thanks for joining the story!)
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

voted to join the diggers of many graves
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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Up to the end of Part One, how do you feel the pacing of the story has gone?
Too fast
 0%  [ 0 ]
Too slow
 0%  [ 0 ]
Just right
 100%  [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 3
Who Voted: Lebrenth, Solomon Birch

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