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Heroes Never Panic, Part Two
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Twelve of "Heroes Never Panic"

This is certainly no time to challenge anything. You just hope Stanimir hurries.

The warders navigate the large heavy plank into a room, and break through a window, pushing it over the infested street and breaking into the next building's window.

"Do you think we can find a way to make this thing collapse as soon as we're out of it?" you ask Haymen. The zombies, as though sensing the escape attempt, have renewed their fury and the house shifts.

"I don't think it will need our help, Taggert! Move it! Get out!"

The warders know their places and do not fight to get into line as they quickly cross, until a warder (Stewart, you believe his name is), freezes on the verge.

"Move, Stewart, that's an order!" Haymen yells angrily, but you see he's actually very worried. Stewart stares down and can't move. "Stewart, look at me!" But he won't move! "Stewart! Taggert, pull him back."

You grab his elbow and firmly pull him, he closes his eyes and essentially falls backward onto you, unable to step. The others cross, leaving you, Manning, Haymen and Stewart the last ones in the leaning house.

"Leave me!" Stewart says. "I can't do it!"

"Go ahead," you say to the others, and they're tempted, no doubt about it, but they aren't leaving. "Stewart, what's wrong?"

"He's afraid of heights," Haymen says sadly.

"I can't go across that thing," Stewart says.

"You have to, Stewart, we'll help you. You have to stand up."

"I can't!"

"Just stand up! Manning!" And Manning helps you lift him onto his feet. "Now Manning is going to walk in front of you, and you're going to keep your hands on his sides and stare at his back, all right? We've got plenty of time, so just take it one step at a time, all right? Stewart?"

"... All right."

"Good, now I'll be right behind you," you say.

"I'll take him, he knows me," Haymen says. "Try to keep the plank steady."

"Fine. Just one step at a time, Stewart, we'll help you."

Manning stands ahead of Stewart and takes a deep breath.

"Are you all right Manning?" you ask carefully.

"I'm fine, sir. Don't take too long following us sir."

"Don't worry so much, this house is sturdier than you think," you say with false calmness. You can feel every blow shaking through the house. Stewart stays close and Haymen is close behind him, whispering more assurances as they begin their small steps onto the plank. You can hardly watch! They're going so slow! Stewart nearly buries his face into Manning's back with the groans and bellows of the zombies below them. They jump awkwardly, trying to reach the plank, but they're too low.

You hear a clamor behind you and see a zombie fight his way through the furniture and look at you. You run to the door and slam it, but everything you could use to block it is already on the stairs! The zombie starts beating at the door, and you see Stewart try to turn his head before Haymen's hand stops him.

"Are you all right, Taggert?" Haymen yells back.

"I'm fine, thank you. Keep going."

The zombie is determined. The latch breaks and it's your strength against his, and it's clear who's going to win.

"Save yourself, Manning," you hear Haymen say. You can't hear Manning's response, but you have no time to figure it out. You draw your broken sword as the door throws open. The zombie rushes you. You step back, slashing as you retreat, hacking into the dilapidated meat of his reaching arms, then slashing his knee while he continues to try to get close to you. You move around him as he struggles with his wounds. You make a powerful chop into the back of his neck, severing the spine, and he is done.

You close the door again, and soon hear more movement by the stairs. You look back through the window, as they yank Stewart across the last few feet of the plank. The house lurches! You jump onto the plank as it falls over with the house, warders reach out for you while others hold onto the plank, trying to stop it from being pulled out. You clamber a few feet before they have you, dragging you inside. Shots blast loudly from the nearby window, knocking the zombies off of the plank. You help them pull the plank, the zombies impulsively grab onto and pull back. Everyone without a loaded rifle grabs and pulls, and the others use their shots to push this tug of war in your favor.

Fortunately, you succeed. Unfortunately, you've used almost all of your shots. Yours might be the last loaded rifle left.

"Is everyone all right?" Haymen calls. No one says otherwise. "Next building! Move!"

You find Stewart, they're tying him up.

"What's going on?" you ask.

"It's all right, sir," Stewart says. "This will work."

"We'll carry him across the next one," Randal says with a broad smile. Seager, standing next to you, smiles and gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder before finding his place in line again. If he's ok with it, you leave him to it, as they discuss whether or not they should gag and blindfold him too.

The next transfer goes much smoother. The collapsing house must have smashed a good number, but not enough. Nonetheless, the zombies are having a hard time understanding the movement. The ones that make it upstairs are quickly slain with swords and axes, and then left confused when you change buildings, jumping out of windows, trying to pursue.

It takes hours to get close to the wall. The warders work themselves up for the charge onto the ground, making a rush for the wall. You've been watching, and you still haven't seen a lit lantern, but now that you're closer, you can see a large group gathered on it, soldiers and others.... Is that Bradshaw?

"They probably forgot to light it," Haymen says looking through the same window. We can't wait for the zombies to surround us. We have to go."

"I understand," you say. The zombies won't stay confused and the men are tired. Plus, this building isn't much better than your first. The plank drops onto the ground, and the warders rush out. There are relatively few zombies and the men handle themselves well. One warder even scalps the zombie he slew and stuffs the scalp in his belt without feeling rushed to help the others.

But the large group approaches, and your easy kills won't last much longer. The group runs to the base of the wall below the group.

"Admiral!" you hear Bradshaw call.

"That's right Bradshaw!" Haymen calls. "Throw us some ropes!"

"You're early! They won't let us throw down the ropes!"

"We really don't care, Bradshaw! Throw what you've got!"

Bradshaw and the other warders drop three ropes.

"Marching order, Two at a time! Keep that rope taut!"

And this is where being assigned to the rear of the group is a bad thing. You prepare your last shot as the wave approaches.

The soldiers above fire in volleys at large group of undead as it approaches. Then another volley, and they're still coming.

On the third volley, the zombies stop.... The soldiers get another volley as they retreat without urgency.

They let out cheers all around you, and the last warders (Stewart still tied up), are brought over the wall. The soldiers laugh with you as they see your relief. Hands are shaken, and warders lift each other off their feet with hugs. You find Bradshaw.

"What did you mean early? What were we supposed to wait for?" you say to him

Bradshaw laughs and says, "Sorry, but the soldiers were ordered not to help until another officer arrived. Stanimir went to get one and he just barely got here."

You look down the stairs and see another large group of soldiers, lined up on both sides of the stairs and even a mounted officer. You don't see Stanimir anywhere.

The warders descend together between the soldiers as if you were getting a heroes welcome for being bailed out of trouble. The mounted officer... as you approach... you recognize him.

"Hold," the officer says brusquely. You know his voice. You went to the academy with this man. ... Kevin Tamanee... looks like he only made it lieutenant after all these years. But you shouldn't be too surprised, he was a very unagreeable fellow who never got along with anyone. Then he says, "Captain, how nice to meet you again." But he isn't talking to you.

Haymen stares back at him grimly.

"In the name of his highness, Rescaprio II, and by the authority of the City Defense of Tiersley under General Realta, I place this group of slayers under arrest for Endangerment."

"Let's get this over with, lieutenant," Haymen says with heavy emphasis on the title.

"Arrest that man," Lieutenant Tamanee says harshly. "James Haymen, you will be held responsible as leader of The Warders. The rest of you will not be charged if you cooperate. Your names will be taken and kept on record for future considerations should you come under suspicion, but otherwise you will carry no burden. Haymen will be tried at the courts earliest convenience and under martial law, he will be incarcerated until a date is set.... Form a line immediately and we'll take care of this quickly."

There is no choice but to let them take Haymen. Before he leaves, he looks at you.

"Follow the captain," he says loudly. Then he's gone. The warders walk by a corporal who writes the names they give.... And you haven't recognized a single one yet! You whisper to Manning:

"Your name is Kevin Marlow, remember?"

And you are Albert Winthrop, you say to the corporal. In passing, you can't help addressing Tamanee.

"They sent a mere lieutenant to lead these men?"

"Hold your tongue! ... You..." he says looking at you, you do not shy away. "I know you."

"And I know you. You haven't changed."

"Would you like to join your beloved 'Admiral'? Move on before I find a cell for you too."

You return to the Broken Drum, the men looking very downtrodden. You have been putting together what you'll say to them once you're all safe inside... but perhaps it can wait till after they've eaten and rested. Coming back with missing men, including their leader, and save for a single scalp, empty handed and with most of your ammunition spent... you can't celebrate mere survival.

"Sir?" Bradshaw says, approaching you. "I just figured out what took Stanimir so long. He was looking for Tamanee. He must have known about him."

"What happened?"

"Tamanee was a captain with the marines aboard the Perseverance. Haymen got him demoted for being reckless with his men's lives."

"Where is Stanimir?"

"I saw him coming in, but he must have slipped off."

Then you enter the tavern. It is well lit and warm aromas welcome everyone. Stanimir is standing beside a keg of ale he must have just put there.

"You knew it was going to happen," Stanimir says to them. "Haymen has been leading us the wrong way every time. We wandered off in the darkness like blind rats when we should have sent scrappers. You stood your ground like scarecrows when you should have followed me back to the city! If you followed me, you wouldn't be the slayers who got pulled in like fish. The Warders are going to be the laughing stock of Tiersley and maybe everywhere. Come in, and I'll show you how to slay! I'll show you the way real slayers fight, and they won't be laughing anymore! It's time to do things right!"

Everyone is desperately hungry and ready to agree with anything anyone says if it will get them a meal, but they remember what Haymen said, and they're hunger isn't enough to ignore it. He said 'Follow the captain,' and everyone knows who that is.

So what next, captain?
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Last edited by Lebrenth on Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try to work with S*. We already know he's a dangerous man, and you don't want to make an enemy of him. He also has more experience than you, and could well be a capable leader.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with lordofthenight...
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think we should cave so easily. Stanimir has obviously set himself up to be the next leader of the Warders. What does that mean for you?

Well, you could take the leadership off him right now and, even if you won, you would have to watch your back ALL the time because you know he'll be out to get you.

Or, you can accept his leadership and step down voluntarily. The men won't be happy, but they'll probably accept it. But then what happens to you? Stanimir knows that you'll be there as a replacement, the moment the men become disenchanted with him. You're a natural leader, he can see that. He'll find a way to dispose of you. A rock in the back of the head, on a dark and foggy night, perhaps?

Or, you can challenge him here and now and, if you win, throw him out of the Warders. Maybe kill him, although I doubt it'll be that easy. If he survives, though, he'll always be one to watch out for, I would think. Wherever he goes next, he will not forget the ones who 'wronged him'.

Even so, I think the last option is the best. It more thoroughly gets rid of the threat than the other two.

Good writing, Lebby. It's getting harder and harder to make good decisions here Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the stoat has defined the sort of character Stanimir is very well and agree that option 3 is the best way to go.

If you back down you are lost to the men as much as if you lose to him. Beating him will cement you as leader and allow progress to be made that much faster.

It's a gamble, but has to be done.

Great writing Lebby Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fight him and if you can kill him... he desrve it.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Difficult decision. Now might not be the best time to make your stand. Certainly you will have to face this at some point. It's an eventuality, but perhaps consider the needs of the group before you conduct your personal battle.

You can step down voluntarily at this moment, and recruit the others to help watch your back. Stanimir will try to dispose of you, and when that time comes you'll have your opportunity to make your stand. It will give you that much longer to solidify your role as a leader and determine who to trust most within the group.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:44 pm    Post subject: Heroes Never Panic Poll Up Reply with quote

Shady Stoat wrote:
It's getting harder and harder to make good decisions here Smile

And this next poll will be no exception. I can't bring myself to just decide what will happen if the Captain challenges Stanimir to duel, so I'm leaving it up to fate.

The poll has three options that will be combined to determine whether or not the Captain challenges Stanimir. If those votes outnumber the other two options (the options to accept Stanimir or to leave), then I will choose the category with the most votes of the three challenges.

I have predetermined what each outcome is, so now it is up to the votes to decide. In the event of a tie, I'll P.M. another voter to make a final decision. The poll will last for 7 days.

I'm counting on you!

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 3:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice idea... I think Shocked
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a very cool idea.Very Happy

I might have to do something similar if/when Trengin and Norral ever meet.

I've voted for Outcome 3 - fingers crossed it works in our favour.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

went to let him take control for now - it's all very well saying fight him, but you have no guarentee of victory, and you already know he's capible of fighting dirty
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally I've caught up again. Very nice thus far, and I like the way you're doing your poll! Let fate decide...

Stanimir is bad news, and letting him get any grasp of power, no matter how temporarily, is a bad thing. Is there any way to can find out what he's proposing, or try to run him out with the help of the men, before challenging him? I suppose not. In that case, challenging is our option here.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I went with challenge him, outcome #2. Lets see what it is...
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Solomon Birch
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I caught up, and I have to say, wow. An amazing story Lebreneth. The description, the characters, the plot, but more than anything the world. I'm really getting a feel for this desolate Victorian-esque nightmare; little things like blackpoweder weapons, the very 19th Century city (could be so many places; London, Prague, Bucharest), the militaristic way of life (obviously not helped by the undead... Wink ). Superb. Very Happy

Shame I missed the poll, but I shall wait for the next one with, *ahem* bated breath... :biggrin:

*holds breath* Shocked
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:34 pm    Post subject: Heroes Never Panic, Chapter 13 Reply with quote

Chapter Thirteen of "Heroes Never Panic"

"Stanimir," you say bluntly as you step forward. The men look nervous and uncertain, but you can't back off. If Stanimir isn't dealt with now, there's no knowing who he'll kill next.

Stanimir doesn't look surprised, but rather amused. He wastes no words, but draws his twin swords, throwing one with deftness and speed into the floor in front of you. His evil smile grows as you grip the handle. Manning gravely accepts your rifle and officer's saber as you hand them to him. You jerk Stanimir's sword from the floor, for it stuck in deeply and requires effort, and hold the blade a moment to get used to its weight. Stanimir waits patiently with his sword at his side with the group widening away from you as you prepare our duel.

Stanimir's sword, though not one you are particularly accustomed to, is well-balanced and not overly heavy. The length is a little more than you're used to as well, but you can adjust quickly. You know you must use all of your knowledge and experience to beat Stanimir. He is taller and stronger, but overconfident and hopefully heavy-handed. You must use his confidence against him, let him believe in a quick victory and strike a fatal blow. If it comes down to endurance or power, there is no competition. You will die.

"Warders... I want you to realize why this must be done," you say, taking advantage of the moment to reinforce the men in case you lose and to make Stanimir impatient, "It was no accident--"

"Get on with it, 'Captain'," Stanimir blurts out.

"I say it was no accident that Tamanee came to arrest Haymen! Stanimir made sure James Haymen would be arrested for this very purpose, to take over the Warders, and make them his own!"

"Are you going to fight or talk? Haymen was killing us all! It's our chance to-"

"To What!? Become your henchmen? Do you care about any of these men? What if they were arrested as well?"

And Stanimir lifts his sword, advancing on you like a mad bull. You retreat from him, causing the circle to run to get out of the way, but you have to use the environment to your advantage. You throw a chair to block his first swing, and you swipe at his knee. He dodges easily and slashes for your wrist.

You pull away in time to save your hand, but nearly lose the sword with the power behind his blade catching yours. You keep moving, but he's careful with his swings, not leaving any large openings as you dodge or block. You dodge around a support beam, the blade sinking briefly, just enough of an opening for a quick lunge. But again he dodges and catches your arm with his free hand. He smiles with gloating eyes as he prepares for the final blow. But the evil glint is not all you see. There is something wrong... his left eye isn't looking at you... it's wandering uselessly... you didn't notice before. He has a blind side!

You twist as you dodge his deadly thrust and free your arm, slicing a thin cut through his abdomen as you do. You hear a click, but you can't tell from where, nor do you have time to consider it as an enraged retaliatory attack narrowly misses your neck. You are too off balance to make another attempt at the opening but you get away, rolling over the table and standing on the opposite side waiting for him.

He's leaving more openings but he's not only strong, but fast, and as soon as you try to take advantage he avoids it. You continue watching his left eye, deviating slightly from center, but clearly not following your movement. You have to take advantage of his blind side.

Stanimir flips the table, nearly onto you, and he steps across and you move back toward the beam.

"Face me like a man, you worm!" he yells, but you ignore his taunts and wait for the next opening. He scrambles around the beam and you go opposite, keeping him guessing. He makes another impetuous swing and you swing back, high and on his left side!

The blade sinks deep, but into the wood beam. He dodges again, and now he forces you away from the beam, into the open. His left eye fastens its gaze upon you startlingly, as Stanimir makes another overpowered thrust. You are ready to deflect it, but it refuses your defense, forcing through with the tip burying deep into your belly.

The unnatural feeling is obscured as you fixate on the eye... the dead eye, which now appears black with a grey pupil, widening with intense interest in you. A black trail weeps from it like inverted smoke as you drop onto ground propped up by the sword impaling you.

Everything slows and becomes grey and blurry, but you can see the eye with absolute clarity. Its attention jumps away from you, narrowing as it looks at something behind you. You hear something very faint and distant. Stanimir dives but midway another sound, like a rifle igniting from across a field, tremors across the grey air. Somehow you can see it, the bullet itself fired from your own gun in the unerring hands of Gregory Manning. Stanimir can not escape his aim, and you watch as the bullet itself enters Stanimir's chest and into the side of his heart.

"NO! Captain!" Gregory Manning yells. His words are the only sound that still seems right. Your entire body has already given up. You can not move anything. Even the burden of breathing seems to have been taken. There is an inner peace, but all around, the grey air is trying to consume you. It feels afraid, anxious, urgent... and very angry. It tries to enter your mouth and nose... it digs into your eyes and scrapes at your ears, and seeps into your impaled abdomen.

Stanimir fights against the burning lead in his chest, but the Warders will not allow him to stand. Many blades draw and finish what the single bullet could not do, and the greyness attacks him with greater hunger. Like wasps defending their hive, it surrounds him, stings him with its fury. But the eye, through Stanimir's flesh and the blackening air, looks at you. You can not tell what it wants, or what it sees, but it does not seem to be afraid of the blackening swarm.

You feel startling warmth surrounding you, driving away the grey. It is Manning... there is a light about him that repels the grey. Some of the others have it too, but not like Manning. You can see him drenched in his emotions, as though they had substance. They evaporate from him into the darkness... an aura that distorts the air and burns it. The inner peace is returning and your body is nearly entirely dead. Your arms and legs are yours no longer, and you feel in a few moments there will be nothing left of you.

"Please Captain," you hear Manning say, his words seemingly the last real thing to you. "What do I do?"

Stanimir's eye looks at you, but somehow you don't think it is truly Stanimir at all. His body is nothing more than a black blot on your vision now, save the grey pupil of the eye, looking at you. It tries to distract you and confuse you, but its attempt is feeble. You speak your last words to Manning clearly and with a full presence of mind,

"You'll know. I'm dying, Manning, almost dead already. You must take the next step for me. The time has come for you to lead yourself." The peace fills your entire soul, there is no resisting it for it is part of you. It will take you soon. "Manning, did I ever tell you how much you look like my brother?"

"No sir," he can barely say, fighting his tears as his face twists with pain.

"You do. I suppose that means I haven't told you how much my brother looks like me," you say. Nothing remains but light. You can not see Manning or the grey any longer. You feel very light, almost to the point of lifting from the ground. "You're name isn't safe anymore, Private Gregory Manning, you're a deserter. You need mine. I'm not using it anymore, anyway. You're the captain now."

"You're the captain sir. You'll always be the captain," he says, but he will accept the torch in time. He has to... Tiersley is becoming too dark... far too dark.... Where is the eye? You're leaving too soon.

"Manning! The eye!"

But it is too late. Turning back does no good, for you are separated from your body and you can not return.

"Sir!" Bradshaw yells to Manning, pointing where Stanimir's body was.

"Where is he? Didn't anyone see?" Manning yells vengefully.

But no one knows. Somehow, Stanimir's body is gone.
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Last edited by Lebrenth on Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:46 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 13. Unlucky for some eh?

Is this the end? Shocked

A shocker and no mistake.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chinaren has it right.

Great chapter Shocked - So do we follow Manning now?

This needs some thought Very Happy

Quick Typo:

"Manning, did I ever tell you how much look like my brother?"

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No, I don't think it has to end. The perspective is going to change though. No more "2nd person" narrative. It's good old 3rd person from here on, but Manning will be the new protagonist.

Thanks for your comments, Solomon! It got me motivated to write today instead of waiting a few days. The votes came through, and to my dismay, that's the way it turned up. Anyway, glad to have you in the story.

I also noticed the "13" coincidence when I started writing. Perhaps I shouldn't have tempted fate on such a fateful number, huh?

The decision point isn't very clear right now, sorry. I kind of got involved with the event. Anyway, every moment is an opportunity, right? ... If nothing else, I can move to the next chapter. I'm doing pretty good for ideas right now.

We'll figure it out.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's sad. Proper storygaming... but still sad.

I guess it's your job to make us take to Manning now. Let's hope he's up to the job before him...

*sigh* Great chapter Lebs
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*sits down mournfully next to Stoat* And I just got to know he too.... Sad

Great chapter Leb. Really got me feeling for the captain; his attempts at dodging seemed bleakly futile from the beggining... I kept thinking back to when the Captain was told Stanimar was the strongest slayer in the city, and it made it painful to read...

But al least we now get a chance to see good old Manning shine. He seems like he's going to make a good leader, and we know he's going to remember the Captain. Smile

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just want to see him become corrupted by his new power.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very nice chapter. Sadly but good.

Anyway, we have to see what Manning have...

And of course, take care of Staminir...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Definitely need to find out what happened to Stanimir's body. Perhaps it wasn't as corpse-like as they'd intended. Good passing of the torch though, to Manning.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, creepy eye...tell-tale heart! Ok, just kidding.

By the description of the eye, it sounds as though stanimir was merely a vessel, containing some kind of dark presense inside him. Perhaps it has something to do with all the undead - they all surrounded you after Stanimir had split, after all. He's done nothing but work for our downfall from the beginning. Back to the eye - if Stanimir was possessed by such an evil force inside him, then it seems obvious that that power will live on despite its host's death. Perhaps it will reclaim Stanimir's body, since it was robbed of the captain when Manning came over. In any case, we still have an enemy on the loose - and now noone is alive to know about it.

I think Manning ought to start asking around, find information. He'll remember the captain's last warning about the eye, even if it doesn't make sense. Ask about it, and search for Stanimir's body. That's my (long-winded) advice.

Great chapter by the way, albeit undeniably sad.


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How smart is the average zombie? We know they're fast, powerful, and hardy, but how smart are they? Because I'm suspecting that Stanimir was a zombie, perhaps weaker or very intelligent.

Perhaps Stanimir wasn't human or zombie. Maybe he was a wraith or something more powerful? A vampire perhaps?

And how high are the walls around Tiersley? Could a zombie throw a rope up there? If so, I bet Tiersley is gonna be sieged soon...
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorrow_A wrote:
How smart is the average zombie? We know they're fast, powerful, and hardy, but how smart are they? Because I'm suspecting that Stanimir was a zombie, perhaps weaker or very intelligent.

Perhaps Stanimir wasn't human or zombie. Maybe he was a wraith or something more powerful? A vampire perhaps?

And how high are the walls around Tiersley? Could a zombie throw a rope up there? If so, I bet Tiersley is gonna be sieged soon...

The "average" zombie is dumb. It is generally only interested in destruction and will do anything to achieve it, but may not have the cleverness to even turn a doorknob. However, zombies are known to evolve over time and especially when there is a lot of power in and around them. It is even possible to achieve human intelligence, under the right circumstances. It is common knowledge in Cassia that you can tell when they're getting smarter by certain signs. Pathfinding is one, where it is clear that they understand there is more than one way to get where they want to go. "Pathfinders" are more inclined to try turning doorknobs, finding alternate routes, such as a back door, or even burroughing or climbing. Then they evolve to "wielders", who use weapons such as clubs, rocks, swords, or anything of that nature. By then, they're just a notch above animal intelligence. Then you have "thinkers" who can load guns, work together to use battering rams, and call upon old memories and such. "Talkers" are the most evolved, who can, as the name suggests, talk. They probably know they're dead and they're as alert and coherent as any human. They still have unnatural strength as well.

The range and variety of undead defies total categorization, however. New tricks are often encountered when dealing with them.

The walls of Tiersley are about as good as you could hope for. At their high points, they're 30 feet high from within, and 35 feet from the dry moat on the outside. Certain parts of the wall are lower, even to a mere eight feet at one point, but those locations have concentrated military presence because of it, and they've gone to a lot of trouble to sandbag and barricade it with whatever they could pull together.

As it stands, Tiersley is officially considered beseiged already. Fortunately there has not been a large scale breech of security, but it is usually very sudden when it does happen and from there it gets worse by the second.

I should be writing another chapter tomorrow with more direction. I look forward to your responses!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:49 pm    Post subject: Heroes Never Panic, Chapter 14 Reply with quote

Chapter Fourteen of "Heroes Never Panic"

The eve of Hightidings is one of Gregory Manning's early memories. It was a day of sweets and presents, visiting neighbors with Mother, Father, and his little brother Thomas; eating all day and chasing around with the other kids. His favorite present was a little pop gun, but he gave it to Thomas. He always looked after his little brother. He remembers the way his father looked most of all because it was the last time he would see him alive.

His father was always laughing and playing tricks. He could juggle anything you gave him and make things disappear in his hands and pull them out behind your ear and so many other little tricks that over the years Gregory has struggled to remember. And he'd always have presents for him and his brother. And Mother was always happy too.

But not long after that, his father stopped coming home. They were used to him being gone for a week or two at a time, but after a month Gregory got scared. Then mother stopped smiling. He remembers waking up and seeing her crying in the kitchen, but she wouldn't tell him why. Soon he found out anyway.

Gladstonin didn't fear the dead back then. When they executed criminals, they left them out on display as a warning to others. Gregory found his father hanging from a noose behind the town hall. He found out where all the presents came from... he was a highwayman stealing from travelers. They say he'd killed some of them too. When the reeves found him crying at his father's feet, they found out who he was and soon they were knocking at the door of his house, coming to reclaim the stolen things.

They took everything but the house itself.

His mother worked hard to feed the kids, but sometimes the sadness was too much for her, and she could not bring herself to do anything at all. After a year, Thomas died of influenza, and Gregory almost died himself. In many ways, he felt like he should have.

Then one day Mother came home and she was smiling again. She gave Gregory a warm loaf of bread and fresh milk, and for the first time in a long time they had a meal like the old days. There was only one thing that overshadowed it.

Gregory never accepted the death of his father or brother, and when Mother made a meal, he immediately set plates out for four. At first she laughed. Then Gregory explained they were seats for Father and Thomas, and she became upset.

"It's not right, calling up the dead, Gregory. You should be ashamed," she said. She took the chairs and left them outside... and from that day forward, never brought them in again. Any time Gregory said anything about them, she would chastise him bitterly, sometimes putting him in the corner for hours. Once she even beat him for it.

After a few months, Gregory kept it to himself. Especially when he found out where the food came from this time.

Lord Pemberly didn't live in a castle, but he was the most powerful man in Gladstonin. His title had passed generation to generation for centuries, with a heritage in the great wars before the nations formed. He was married and thirty years older than Mother, but that didn't stop him from calling on her and giving her things. Eventually he convinced her to move in to work as a maid, but her real duties were entirely in the lord's bedroom.

Gregory had no friends while he lived in Pemberly Manor, and the only ones who talked to him at all were Lord Pemberly's sons, both nearly men, who delighted in tormenting him.

This life, such as it might be called, was safe and generally comfortable, but Gregory found himself dreaming about the past everyday.

On a day like any other, at a time no one would expect, the Cassian Army came to Gladstonin. There was no resistance at all. A little militia wouldn't stop this army anymore than a stone would stop a hurricane. Lord Pemberly himself was shot in the leg just to make a point.

Soon after they left the weary city, so did Gregory.

The mere fact he wasn't shot when he approached their camp told him that it was his destiny. He became a favorite amongst the soldiers, calling him good luck. They had him cleaning, and carrying and eventually hunting for them, and when they went back to Cassia, he went with them. And he was proud to wear the Cassian uniform and fight for Rescaprio and the Empire....

Captain John Taggert looked somewhat like his father, but it was more the way he cared about his men that made Gregory Manning follow him into Tiersley. And once again, death has taken from him. But this time he is not a mere boy. He's deadly with a sword and a dead shot with a rifle, and he will not be a victim.

"Find him! He can't be far away!" Manning yells at the exhausted men, scaring the fatigue from their muscles.

"Sir, the door is open!" a warder calls from the back.

"Everyone assemble outside now!" Like assembly in a war camp, everyone's military instinct returns to them and they find themselves forming up in military fashion outside. "Everyone stays in three man teams but spread out, we'll follow the blood trail till we find him. If you see Stanimir, do not engage! We'll close in on him together, understood?"

"Yes sir," the group calls out, feeling strangely reinforced by the drive and rigidity of his command.


And they spread out quickly, adrenaline fueling their urgent manhunt. Gregory follows in a command position, but only to keep the hunt organized and prevent the hunters from becoming the hunted. Stanimir took a bullet to the heart and more than a few sword blows and he's still moving, and must not be under estimated. Still, he'd rather be the first to find him.

The blood trail is not hard to follow, but though they move quickly, they do not see him. Even Manning's determination is not enough to keep them all at that pace, so they begin to follow much more slowly.

In time, and many blocks later, following the abandon region of the city near the wall, the blood ceases. Perhaps it simply ran out, but Stanimir's body is not to be seen.

"Sir," Bradshaw says to Manning aside and seriously. "If we go any farther we'll reach Carson Road.... It's the main road to Father's Gate and it will be swarming with Skulls. We can't go on, especially how we are."

As Bradshaw's bloodshot eyes look into Manning's he suddenly becomes extremely aware of himself and the situation. He looks for leadership, the way they looked at Taggert. They way he himself looked at Taggert. They're all haggard and yet they went with him without a single bullet or grain of black powder amongst them.

But if Stanimir gets away, what then? How long can he run? Perhaps others have seen him near Father's Gate....

The captain is gone... now Manning has to fend for even more than himself....
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter! Very nice! *awards Bronze medal for Nice chapter Wink *

I like the history there, brings up nicely up to speed with the character.

Now, as much as they shouldn't let Stanny get away, they should all get slaughtered by the skulls as well. I would suggest trying to alert the skulls to Stans' presence maybe. Perhaps try and convince them to allow them through to hunt him, but don't put the gang in danger.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Very good chapter Cool Glad to see you back, Lebs.

I don't know that we need to pursue Stanimir any more. The men will never trust him again after this, you (although the 'you' has changed) no longer have a knife at your throat as leader. I think it's time to get some rest, some food and drink (assuming that what Stanimir was offering is still around) and try and think through your options after your men are a little less ragged.

I've lost track of the supply situation a little in the past few chapters. Is there any weaponry or ammunition left at the Warders Headquarters? Is there money to buy more? Do we have any resources at all?
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter once more, but I have to agree with Chinaren. S may not be a big interference at the moment, but he is still out there.

And M will propbably be angry at S, too angry to think straight about what he should or should not do.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! More zombie action now that Leb's back! :biggrin:

Good chapter once again Lebreneth, I feel that I know Manning much better now, and because he is the new main protag. that's important.

I think that they should avoid chasing Stanimar any further. Even if they do catch up with him, and there's no apparent gurantee of that, then they will be deep within Skull territory without sufficiant ammunition, and basically, screwed. Surprised

So they should return to base, regroup, rest and get re-armed (if they can, otherwise they should go get some more). Though they may not like it, they are going to have to go out hunting again soon, so that they can start earning some money, but I think they are going to have to change thier tactics somewhat, seeing as though their last foray cost them lives and much ammunition for little or no reward. But more on that later.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shady Stoat wrote:
I've lost track of the supply situation a little in the past few chapters. Is there any weaponry or ammunition left at the Warders Headquarters? Is there money to buy more? Do we have any resources at all?

The supply situation is this, like the chapter said, there is no ammunition on hand. BUT the tavern has an excellent supply of gunpowder and a good number of bullets (and bullets are easy to get/make). I may as well mention now that the main concern will be food. You won't starve right away, but it's getting scarcer and more expensive, and there's barely any non-perishable food storage at the tavern left (excluding alcohol!).

Haymen is the only one who knows the money situation for the warders. Some of them have chosen to keep their money themselves, but many warders have left most of their earnings in Haymen's care, and the warder treasury (you might call it) was also entirely in his care. How much is left and where he keeps it is also known only by him.

I should be going into better detail in a future chapter, as it seems most fit.

Happy to hear I was missed! Thanks everyone!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could they contact him in any way?
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Visiting prisoners, as far as any of the warders know, is allowed. But under martial law (you better believe they're under martial law under these circumstances) it is dictated by military discretion. If they want to restrict visitors, they can.

Either way it shouldn't be difficult to find out where Haymen is being held.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, then - find out where he is, and try going to see him.

If you're prevented, try sneaking in at some time during the night - it's not as if you need to talk to him for long.

Maybe break him out, if he's being mistreated.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can try to find Staminir. Don't go where the skulls can see you but maybe they will be some helpfull now. With the warders from one side and the skulls from the other... let's hope someone can kill him.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent chapter - highly useful back history.

Even if they find Stamnir what are they going to do to someone that can move after a bullet to the heart with no ammo between them?

Manning clearly has the support of his men to have gone this far, his position is secure. Get back, get rested and learn more of his new role. Locating the money, and other aspects of being the leader are of vital concern.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like it's high time to re-group and re-arm. Talking to Hayman if possible should be up there on the priority list.

Chasing shadows seems like the best way to get killed here Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As bad as it is to leave unfinished business, I agree that regrouping and rest is better than pursuing Stanimir. Contact Haymen and get abreast of the resources.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's review. You have most of your men, besides most of the main characters i.e. the Captain, the leader of the Warders, and Stanimir. You have empty guns and broken swords.

You are going after something not much is known about. We do know it's not human and it can take a bullet to the chest. We think it's a zombie, or something more powerful than a zombie.

If you chase it down and survive and kill it, you will be beset upon by hordes of a rival gang.

Gee, after reviewing all that information, I think it's best to stay inside, let the Skulls go outside, and head down to the pub for some drinks and ammo.
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