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Still the Richest of Them All
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:11 am    Post subject: Still the Richest of Them All Reply with quote

For those of you who haven't read You Can't Take it With You do so here before you read this SG. You might be a little confused might just be confused anyway read on!

Still the Richest of Them All

Chapter One: Just When You Thought it Was Safe

1st of Lugon, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Oh dear it's been so long I've almost forgotten what it's like to write in a journal! You can't realize how hard it is to find a dragon-sized journal! I had to get this one from some nasty wizard's bargin Smee by name. He charges so much! You'd think it was solid gold, not paper and ink! Well I wasn't going to pay those prices let me tell you so I told him if he didn't lower it to a more reasonable price range I was going to sick my dog on him.

He gave it to me with a big pink bow how sweet! I don't see why he was frightened of Puddles, but so many people are. I think our reputation preceeds us! But I bet you're wondering all about our travels in the time between journals...well!

First we traveled south and helped put down some nasty rebellions in Oogaboogaboo, and got paid a pretty penny for it too. Then we flew even further south, into a place I couldn't even find on the map...of course Puddles had had an accident on it by that time so I'm not sure that it was reliable at all.

But anyway, I met other dragons down there. Ugly sons of mothers they were too! No wings, no long legs, no breathing fire! They were just skinny, like snakes, with short stubby legs, and hair! They were so strange! They said they came from the land where the sun made it's bed, Puddles originally thought this was the west but I thought it was the east...and I was right yay me!

Well we followed these dragons back to their home, they'd never heard of the Knights in White Satin afterall, and what happens when we get there? They make fun of me! I'm not respected because I don't look like a dragon! What do I look like then huh! Someone's pet iguana maybe...a gecko in a tin can?

Last time I checked I didn't live in a glass tank on some pimply teens shelf and I didn't sell car insurance for a living so you can imagin I was highly offended! I even told them so before I burnt them out of their funny shaped castles that were mostly made of wood! I don't think they realized that SOME dragons breath more than mist!

After that we weren't welcome there anymore so we had to travel across this wide ocean! I'll tell you I never had so much fun in my life! A seamonster tried to kill me, drug me under the water and did you know it's hard to swim in plate armor? Almost as hard as it is to fly. But back to the seamonster story. It tried to crush me and my armor poked it in all the wrong places. My oh so tight, form fitting, curve hugging, wickedly sharp, beautifully wrought, perfectly enchanted, totally badass armor! I love it!

I also still can't get it off. I didn't think that mattered but when I came back to my old stomping grounds after all that time abroad, I found out that I had a new reputation. Before people remembered me for being the richest dragon out there. Now they call me the Armored One, so cool! I feel like a fledgling again, so much talent and so much to prove!

Also Puddles began teaching me magic! I mean, I've always been able to manipulate the elements and Puddles says that's the hardest form of magic Elementalizim, and if a dog can learn High Magic and Transmorphagation, called Transy for short, so can I. For are not dragons the most scholarly of races...don't answer that, damn elves and their miserable claim to fame...

Ah well my lessons progress and that's not all. While in that eastern land, and I do hope they'll forget that little misunderstanding, I started learning bladework. Did you know dragons used swords as well? I find it fascinating, none of them ever thought of using armor but they're using swords...

Well it's time to lay aside my pen and go back to my studies. Soon I shall be the most feared dragon anywhere. Just yesterday Puddles was saying 'Now Camwyre,' that's not my real name by the if I'd leave my real name laying around. 'Now Camwyre,' call me Cami for short everyone else dose. Back to Puddles. 'Now Camwyre I think that with my brilliant magical tutalage and your natural talant for picking up martail abilities you might just become the most feared dragon anywhere.'

As much pride as I take in that fact Puddles brought me back a wanted poster only yesterday. The Knights in White Satin still want me, so badly they're offering a reward. I can't tell how much it is because Puddles had used the flyer for his morning toilet and only afterward remembered that I might think it was important.

I haven't seen any sign of the Knights yet but I know it's only a matter of time....

12th of Lugon, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I did it! I cast my first Transy spell today! Transy is the second hardest magic to master and while I'm a long way from mastering it, so Puddles says, that I'm able to cast even one spell is far more than most dragons can do! It gives me hope that soon I'll be able to master High Magic too. If I sound like an optimistic hatchling well...I never knew there were so many possibilites out there!

To think, if I'd never dug that journal out from under a stack of golden chalices I'd never be here now, writing in this, learning these magics, and having seen what I've seen. Back to my studies.

16th of Lugon, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Did it again! I'm mastering spells faster than Puddles can teach them too me! It seems that both High magic and Transy are almost exactly like my usual magic. Once you get the basics and theory down the rest is easy peasy. All you need to do is read the spells and learn them well.

My swordwork is going well too. I've been studying humans, many different kinds, and how they use their swords. While I haven't gone through the trouble of fashioning myself a sword yet, I've been using trees to practice with, just to get the weight right, I'm confidant that when I wrap my talons around one I'll do just fine...or I won't cut myself too badly at I hope.

Speaking of hope I pulled a few trinkets out of my hoard the other day, little baubles I hadn't looked at in a long time and wanted to savor the memories in them and share them with Puddles and now with you. I found this wonderful necklace, how I could have forgotten about it I don't know, that belonged to the first royal sacrifice I was ever given.

You know you're making the big time when the nobility comes and gives one of their own to you. She was a princess no less. Supposedly a prince was supposed to come 'rescue' her but I never saw any prince come anywhere near my lair. An ugly fat bower on a donkey yes but no prince...oh wait. Now that I think about it there was that young man on that white horse...ah my memory fails me.

I can't remember whether that was a prince that came for her or whether it was one of the many that came later. The price I pay for getting old I guess...early onset Partsymerz or something like that. Or it might be CRS, Can't Remember Shit. But I as long as I have my treasures...they don't lie to me. I can remember the circumstances surrounding everyone.

This wand from that wizard that tried to turn me into a komodo dragon, what in Simmons name is that?, this shield from a warrior who thought that my own reflection would turn me to stone, makes a handy mirror of a morning. Poor guy. I gently explained to him that he had his legendary creautures confused. I was a dragon, he was looking for a gorgon. Holding his map upside down didn't help him either but he understood in the end...shortly before I ate him.

But nothing makes me happier to have than these spellbooks. I was going to throw them away, I mean it wasn't like I was using them, but now they serve a purpose in my life. I'm learning from them, a few spells everyday.

But now I have a delimma. Which magic do I persue first? The masters of Transy are elves, a different colony than the ones that helped me with my armor but still elves, and they live all the way over in the Briblewood while the humans at Goougwatch are the ones best suited to teach me High magic.

Oh it's so frustrating haveing to pick between the two but Puddles says I should concentrate on one or the other first and then pick the second up as I go...just like I did languages...sorta. I just don't know which I should pick...
Well she's back so help her out on her quest. Which way should she go?
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say High magic first, it sounds cooler.


Huzzah! Another Dragony Rai story! Very Happy

Oh, small typo... dose you mean does I assume.
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go to the humans. The dragon wants to learn high magic. I think she should follow her dreams Smile
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Kalanna Rai
Assassin for Hire

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cami just want's to master magic...of any and all kinds. She's not satisfied with being the richest dragon as far as material wealth goes, she needs to be the richest in knowledge and experiance as well...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think she should learn Transy - because elves are cool.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll's up, vote.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted, and winning.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay High Magic it is...

Chapter Two: Elves Suck

21st of Homph, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

As I am writing this I am in the most miserable condition you can imagine. I'm cold, wet, hungery, tired, and utterly spirit worn. A few months ago, reading my journal entries I can hardly believe I was that stupid, I was concerned with nothing more than choosing which magical path to follow. I was a happy, warm, well rested, well fed dragoness of high spirits. Then I made my decision.

I decided to follow High Magic, mostly since I know that the elven masters can wait around a few millenia while human mages fade after a few hundred years of existance, if that. So I packed my things and made ready for a journy to Goougwatch, just like any other foolish young hatchling off to their first pillaging lesson. I would have just charged in there full tilt like any stupid idiot if Puddles hadn't politely pointed out that a full grown dragon in plate armor landing in their courtyard and saying 'Hello Humans, Teach me the secrets of your magic or Die!' wouldn't go over well.

Thus it was agreed between us, after much argument and several 'mysterious' puddles on my armor later, that I would attempt a Transy spell so far above me in level as to be inane and wasn't going to work. But Puddles said with my magical brawn and his clever brain, I now think he lacks a brain entirely, we'd be able to manage it...but just.

So we prepared the spell and started it's casting. It all went well for the first few moments...then it gave a sudden lurch and the world smelled like gooey custard and turned all pink and wrong shaped. There was a terrific boom that must have shook the entire world off kilter, it certainly shook me around. For a few moments I thought I was going to die, a horrible pink, custard death. The Gods just weren't being fair!

Then the dust settled and I opened my eyes to find myself happily, blissfully, alive. I was grateful for all of five seconds...then I looked in the nearby lake. The spell should have turned me into a beautiful human, a lovely lady with dazzling looks and perfect teeth. It turned me into a human alright...a human that happens to be all of twelve years old.

I didn't particularly like being twelve the first time around, I actually can't say I remember being twelve the first time around but that was a long time ago, however, I doubt intensly that I'll like it this time around. I'd be absolutely furious if it wasn't for what happened to Puddles...the spell turned him into a cat. Hehehe a cat of all things...I may not be the right age but at least I'm the right species.

Now for a rundown of all the positive and negitive things that have happened since. I was pleased to find that my journal, the magical hoard gem, and my badass armor resized and reshaped themselves to fit my new, worthless form, and that I could still call upon my devistating elemental's a bit discerning to see a scrawny twelve year old brat breathing white hot flames, as some irritating elves found out.

The negatives...where should I start....Well the next morning my 'cat', Shredder, and I set out for Goougwatch, some three weeks travel distant. I realized then that walking sucks. By the time we stopped for the night me, Mrs. Fly around the World in three weeks if I'm trying, was utterly exhausted. I might have come farther than any normal human twelve year old girl could have but I'd still not covered a fraction of the distance I could have flying.

Thus I was forced to change my cheery estimate of three weeks to somewhere around next Blarg. Shredder suggested that I find a caravan and hire on as a guard. Remembering my former sucess as a caravan guard, and realizing that we were on a heavily traveled caravan route, I stopped on the side of the road and stuck out my thumb, a quaint gesture I'd seen humans use before.

It wasn't long before a caravan stopped to pick me up. When the man in front asked me what I wanted I asked if he needed a caravan guard and offered our services to him. When he laughed at me I wanted to throttle him, you just don't laugh at me. When he saw I was serious he asked me for a demonstration. Keeping the fact I was a human painfully in the front of my mind I slowly walked up to his horse, which wasn't fooled by my magical disguise one bit, and with one punch I cleaned it's clock.

Normally I don't wander around punching out horses, they've never done much to me before except providing a quicker meal delivery system, but then I normally don't wander around as a little girl. Needless to say after he got over his shock he hired me at once and put me up on the only horse that would have me, a mangy old swayback that was blind in one eye and one it's way to be made into glue.

It had once been a fine warhorse and I ached to restore him to his former glory, not for his sake but for mine because his spine dug into an area that had become painfully tender without my scales there to protect it. However, I was forced to wait because, as Shredder said, if I was suddenly seen trotting around on a new-broke colt the caravan master was bound to get suspicious.

So I delt with it, I've become very adapt at dealing with things. Shredder also advised me that writing in my journal wasn't a good idea. If somebody saw me they might wonder why an educated young girl like me was wandering around in the woods alone with her cat. So sorry about the gap in my pennings but you'll just have to deal with it.

Back to my story. All was well with the caravan until we reached the edge of an Elfwood. I can't be sure whether it was the Islwood or the Ipswood, there's very little difference between the two unless you're flying over them, but almost immediantly we were called to a halt. The elves came bounding out of the woods, longbows in hand, with that curious way of being both insidious and idiotic.

They demanded toll from the caravan master who made a half-hearted attempt at haggling, he was a merchant you know, but who has time to haggle with an elf save dragons and other elves? Thus he paid an exorbitant price and the elves watched us like hawks as we passed under the boughs that marked the entrance to their domain.

I had been entertaining the foolish hope that I'd pass by them unspied, but alas, it was not to be. The moment I entered the wood the elves stopped the whole caravan and demanded that I be subject to their questions since I was a magical creature, they never did figure out what, encased in magical armor, who's make befuddled them, with a magical jewel, who's properties they couldn't discern, and a magical cat, whom they didn't press for answers once they learned his name was Shredder.

The caravan master ditched me and Shredder, leaving the horse in lieu of the payment I was never going to get. The elves were quite kind, at first, hoping to discover that I was one of their kin from a distant wood...I wasn't sorry to disappoint them. After they learned I wasn't an elf, they began to pepper me with questions as to what I was. They hoped to wear me down since they had all the time in the world. But, as they found out, if there's anything worse than a stubborn elf it's a stubborn dragon.

It wasn't until they started threatening to keep me prisoner in the woods forever that I started getting angery. I had a good idea of how long I'd been in the Elfwood, too long for my liking, and I began to drop little hints that my paitence was at an end, the most spectacular of which was my incinerating a young yew tree. They were only too happy to get rid of me once they realized that I posed a threat to their forest. They entreated me to come back once I felt more like answering questions and immidantly opened a portal for me and my companions.

The moment I stepped through it there was a rushing sensation. I doubted that they would drop me at the gates of Goougwatch, that was too much to ask for, however I hoped that they'd have at least helped me recover the time I'd lost in their forest! Instead they dropped me at the outer edge, several months later than I would have arrived had I been walking on foot! That, dear readers, is why elves suck!

Now here I am, caught in this horrid down pour, with nothing to eat and only a long road ahead of me. Perhaps things will be better tomorrow.

22nd of Homph, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Foolish optimist that I am. Things havn't gotten any better at all! I rode all day long, hoping that over the next horizon might be some sort of town from which I might get a meal. Instead I forgot one key fact. The Islwood and the Ipswood are sister forests, two halves of the same whole that was once known as the Ipsilwood. Long ago, when I was just beginning to grow greedy, some humans cut a wide path out of the Ipsilwood and split it in two. It was never able to regrow even though the humans soon moved out of the region.

It was this cut area through which I had been riding all day and now, as night begins to fall around me, I find myself wondering if I should enter the wood or not. I might have mastered a translocation spell out of one of the dusty tombs, however, after my experiances with the shape-shifting spell I wonder...

Should I use it? Or should I take my chances?
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Enter the wood, I think. There's at least going to be huntables in there, so you may not need to get to a town.

At least that way you won't be hungry any more.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes indeed. f5 the Stoaty one here.

Nice chapter Rai, I like this story.
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You'd think you would have thought about changing into a human after the journey wouldn't you?

Well, F5 Chinaren and Stoatly.
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Definately the forest. She can travel through it and she might meet some more friendly elves who just happen to know how to turn her back into a dragon. then she can carry on with her journey, after burning the evidence of her asking for help. Smile
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah but Whitey, she dosen't want to become a dragon again...not yet anyway...she just wants to look like a human female of suitable age to be undertaking a journey of this nature...

And as for asking for help from the elves...she'd rather gag herself with a feildmouse....

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote!
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted for the woods, and winning.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
Scraping the Barrel
A Tale of Four Swords
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The White Blacksmith

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

woods woods goooo woods! Very Happy
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right...more elves...

Chapter Three: Redneck Elves!

23rd of Homph, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

After much smoking and nail biting, which is much easier to do as a human let me tell you, I finally managed to dampen my fury enough to enter the woods. I still had smoke pouring out of my ears at this point and Shredder cracked an egg on my armor and proceeded to make us breakfast. Unfortunately for us that egg happened to be from a rare species of griffon that lived in this forest.

I can't stand griffons, except as quick snacks on marathon flights, although I've heard that the smaller species are kept as pets by some wizards. Back to the problem at hand. This particular species of griffon is one of those afore mentioned smaller species, being only half the size of a large dog, and is noted for it's amazing capacity to suffocate it's victims.

I'd never encountered one of these things before in my life, having as a rule avoided most elven woods except when I was in a capricious looting mood or when I needed help on my badass platemail, cha-ching and all those good themesongs. So naturally I was 'surprised' to say the least when the rather miffed parents dropped out of the sky in front of my horse who gave a startled 'I'm too old for this shit' snort and backed up three feet.

I then realized why it's victims suffocated to death....they couldn't stop laughing to breath. These griffons were only about three feet from beak to tail, and their feathers were a brilliant neon purple with flaming salmon, or pinkish orange, tips. Their beaks were lime green with a darker shade of lime around the edge and they reflected light like becons. Their talons were the most hideous shade of vomit pink and their tails were shaped less like lion's and more like beavers.

Their bills were closer to a duck's than an eagle's and they had a horrible mane of what might have been feathers but looked more like fur around their beady little pear green eyes. All and all they looked more like psychidelic duck-billed platipie than like any griffon I've ever seen. And, just for the record, DAMN were they ugly! My theory for their rarity goes something like this...two of them meet and are so ugly that it never goes beyond the first date. Thus no chicks and nature prooves that, once again, she hates ugly people.

Ravings about ugly griffons aside, they were still dangerous and very mad at the cat. The cat, for all his concern, merely changed his idea of breakfast from sunny side up to scrambled and asked the giffons if they were going to join us. The griffons hissed and informed us in a voice that sounded like they'd spent way too much time around helium balloons, that we had just eaten their nest egg and wanted us to repay them.

Well some dragons might lay eggs but in my family...we don't let's just leave it at that. Besides, even if I could lay eggs I wasn't going to give them to any pair of rejects from the cast of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' Our only option was to fight. Thus as Shredder revealed his claws and I psyched myself up for a battle without any of my usual weaponry, the griffons hissed and honked.

Then, just as the first blow was to be struck, an arrow whizzed out of the darkness and hit the tree next to me. "Wait! I didn't mean it!" There was the sounds of a scuffle and a few more shouts of 'No!' then a voice muttered.

"That's the eleventh one this week. When will those greenhorns learn that if you shoot an arrow you better not hit a tree!" The brush rustled.

"But we're in a forest can't shoot an arrow without hitting a tree." More rustling.

"Have you hit a tree." The rustling stopped.

"I've never even fired an could I hit a tree!"

"I've never fired an arrow either and I've never hit a tree either! You see my point! You just don't hit the trees!" By this time the griffons had realized that they could always go have another egg, it was just cruel fate to loose one, so they'd gone off all gooey eyed and purring.

Shredder and I took one look at each other and then I dropped off my horse and advanced on the rustling bushes. Once off my horse I could clearly see the two elves, both richly dressed, that were arguing with each other. I walked up, squatted eye level, and said in a cheery voice..."What the Hell are you doing!"

Both elves yelped and one, a fair haired elf, whispered to the other..."I think she's noticed us."

"Yes," replied the other, a brunette. "Maybe if we sit really still she'll think we're somewhere that clump of bushes maybe." I sat there staring at them, all of an inch away from their faces, for twenty minutes or so before the fair haired elf said.

"So much for that brilliant plan." They both stood up, knocking arrow to bowstring as they did so. "Halt!."

"You idiot! I'm the Commander! I call the commands! HALT!" The fair haired elf gave him a dirty look and muttered something about being 'mother's favorite' but quickly was silence as his 'commander' bumped his shoulder, juggling that arrow dangerously. He paled for a moment, in fear that the bow might go off accidentally, and concentrated on holding it steady.

"Well...I'm assuming that you had a reason for disturbing me...and shooting that tree." The fair haired elf looked guilty.

"She knows." He whispered as if I couldn't here.

"I know." Commander replied, as if I weren't there. "But she still dosen't know it was Jarvis who shot it."

"Helloo! I'm standing right here!" Both elves jumped and looked guilty.

"Damn, she's good."

"That she is."

"We better take her with us to keep her mouth shut."

"I like your thinking."

"Naturally...That's why I'm Commander." With that he swung his bow and pointed it at me and said. "You'll come with us or else...I'll summon those griffon's back!" Naturally I went with him.

Normally I wouldn't have recorded their every word but I just wanted to give you some idea of the intelligence of the elves I happen to be dealing with...It's not an easy thing being surrounded by morons.

They marched me back to their city in the forest, which reminded me so much of Munchkinland that I expected the Lollipop guild boys to come swaggering out and beat each other with massive, brightly colored, candy confections. They didn't, however, and I was rather disappointed. Seeing something like that would have given me a mental image to hold in my mind to keep the extreme stupidity of these particular elves from overrunning me.

I was finally shut up in a massive...I think it might once have been a tree but now was so painted, guilded, magicked, and wrapped in cellophane that it could have been anything. They opened a door in the hideous thing and stuffed Shredder, the horse, and myself inside without so much as a 'We're sorry for the inconveniance'.

For the first five seconds I wanted to burn the forest down but after that I was just too hungery...even the nag I'd been riding looked like a fillet mingnon. I pounded on the door, the wood or whatever splintering under my blows, until a wizened old codger ran up and demanded to know what was wrong.

"I haven't had a bite to eat in...I don't remember how long." Can you guess what he did? Yup, he bit me. I loved the look on his face as his teeth crumbled to powder after sampling my armor. He ran away screaming so loud you'd have thought I did more than set his beard on fire.

I gave the door one last pound...then I did the sensible thing...I tried the knob. The door swung open easily with a noisy creak and the elves on guard waved cheerily to me. I spent the day exploring, I still didn't eat any thing but I did find a few things I wanted to look at tomorrow.

24th of Homph, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

Today, after telling my guards good morning, I wandered back into the mages quarter. There was a visting human mage from where of all places but Goougwatch, and he was going home today. I was fully prepared to hijack his portal and go to Goougwatch myself but it turns out I didn't need to do anything quite so desperate.

I rode in on my boney nag and asked him if he was looking for an apprentice. He was a very old man, Master Renfeild, with a pair of white eyebrows that twitched when he talked, reminding me of the wings on a Mistwraith Bird, and a nose shaped like a beak. His small eyes lit up at the chance at an apprentice because "At my age you'll do anything to see a lovely young lady."

I told him I had some magical talent and proceeded to do something I'd been preparing to do since the caravan master first saddled me with this disgraceful nag...I wound the clock back until the horse was in it's prime. Okay so I messed that up and turned it into a barely grown yearling but it was close enough. His eyes lit up and he cackled something about 'unintelligent elves' and 'right under their noses' before opening the portal that took us all to the Goougwatch courtyard.

After watching him do the spell I have to tell you, it didn't look that hard. The other mages at the Goo, as it's lovingly called, were rather amazed that 'Old Renfeild' managed to snare himself an apprentice. "He should be thinking about his last rights at his age."

"Maybe he's still looking for that Eternal Youth spell." The old man shook a boney fist at them and yelled.

"Hecklers! Savages and uncouth guttersnipes! You'll be laughing out your arses when I find that damn thing! And I won't tell you a thing! You'll beg my apprentice and she'll just laugh and smile and keep my secrets won't you?" I nodded even though if the old man ever discovered such a thing I'd sell it on Smeebay in a heartbeat. He patted my head and winked. "Now just carry my stuff up to our rooms. Tallest room, tallest tower. That's a good girl, I'll meet you there."

I looked around. I handn't seen him bring anything with us but, to my horror and dismay, there were nine large trunks behind me. I could have just chucked them through the window in my natural form but to all appearences I was a twelve year old girl. How the hell was I going to get any one of those trunks up those stairs, all sixteen hundred and ninty eight of them, if I stuck to my disguise.

"Can I be of some help." A young man with merry blue eyes and a blue robe pulled a wand out of his sleeve. Now I've never accepted favors from anyone, you have to repay them at some time and I hate paying people. Yet if I tried it myself I could blow the trunks to kingdom come...unless I tried using wind magic.

But using elemental magic in a keep full of High Magic wizards...all the tough choices in my life...
What should Cami do...
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think she's going to have to accept his help, not much else she can do without exposing her cover.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Lordy. You might as well accept his help. It should be easy enough for a dragon to repay a favour to a humanoid at some point in the future. And he may be worth knowing- no telling until you try Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter old Rai. I f5 the two above. May as well accept his help and pump him for information.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh... I dunno. I would try a bit of wind magic. If she gets it right she can always just brush it off with a ' Old whatsit taught me a bit in the elves settlement' and if it goes wrong- well, to them it'll just look like an overambitius apprentice.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would like your votes please...or well Cami would.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted to accept his help, and winning.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted for the wind magic. Then I realized the acception was winning. Darn. *hem-hem*

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Asking for help won so she'll ask for help...and I'll try to fit everyone's suggestions in...

Chapter Four: DIY

24th of Homph, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

continued from last page...

Well I eventually had to accept his help ya know. I mean all the other options just didn't make sense at all. I mean blowing up the Keep just wouldn't have gone over well on my first have to be there a week or so before you get to do that! So I just nodded my head and gave him a 'I'm only taking you help because I have to' look. He just smiled, pulled out a wand an honest to goodness, carved from wood wand, and waved it around a bit before tapping it on each of the chests.

Well the chests rose, and rose, and kept on rising! Past the tower window, past the roof, they rose so far they were almost out of sight! And that young wizard just stood there laughing and laughing until he had to stop and wipe the tears out of his eyes before he started laughing again. I could hear many more mages all around pointing and giggling insepidly about the 'foolish apprentice' that had just been pranked.

And he just stood there laughing! For a few moments, as the rage built inside me, I couldn't understand why he wasn't running. Then it hit me. In his eyes he hadn't pulled a joke on a several thousand year old draconic warrior mage...he'd pulled a prank on a twelve year old human apprentice. Which made it even worse! What ever happened to helping the less fortunate! If I offered my aid to someone I actually aided them!

Thus I was given my first two lessons about life amoung humans. Lesson one...practice the art of deception for it shall be weapon, sheild, and entertainment useful for gaining status amoung one's peers. Lesson two...if you want something done right you'd better learn to do it yourself...DIY.

I cracked my knuckles several times, squinting to see the chests, which had finally stopped rising. I glared over at the blue robed mage, who'd finally managed to calm down a bit. He took one look at my face and the, what I'd hoped was a murderous expression, and grinned. "What's the little apprentice going to do...kill me?" I leered at him.

"Nope. I prefer humiliation." Quicker than the eye could follow I pulled one of those dusty volumes of spells out of my jewel, no sense in keeping that a secret just in guarding it well, and flipped through the pages with a calm air, keeping an eye on the still floating trunks. "Ah here we are!" I scanned the spell several times and, once I was sure I'd gotten the words right, I pointed my finger at the skyward trunks.

"Varvendiuos anoniea siae!" Warning: Do not try this at home!

Just to make sure the spell obeyed me, I put a tiny zip of wind magic, not enough to show through the spell but enough to make it manageable, into my casting. As the tiny silver spark floated upward I grimly smiled as the laughter of others died. The trunks docily floated into the one open window in the tower and I cut off the flow of the spell, hoping that they'd landed on something soft.

Then, just to really put that damned whelp in his place, I pulled another spell, this one for levitation, out of the book and, scooping Shredder into my arms, floated upward on a disk of swirling winds leaving the would be bully with a wide open mouth and a poleaxed expression on his face.

Stepping off the air disk in the tower chamber I was greeted by the sight of my new master pulling doggedly at the hem of his robe, which was trapped under one of the heavy trunks. "Blast it all and confound it!" With a terse word he pointed a gnarled wand at the trunk wich trundled back a few feet and then turned to look at me with a disapproving gaze. And thus I learned my third lesson of the day...never drop heavy trunks on the man who's going to teach you magic.

2nd of Neita, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

All is well in my life friends, well maybe not all but I'm content at the moment. My master is pleased with me, Renfeild is constantly saying he's never had a more apt pupil or that he's never seen anyone master spells like I do...and it's true! At the rate I'm going I'm going to be the only twelve year old girl on the High Council. Humm, I wonder what a bunch of stody old wizards are going to say when they realize that they've got a dragon sitting on their highest governing body...

But that can wait. Besides, I've no real ambitions to rule these petty humans, merely to steal their secrets and move onto fleecing the elven Transy masters for everything they're worth. Hey I'm not always cruel and's just what I'm best at. You can't teach an old dragon new personality traits...I was going to say tricks until I remembered that I'm a rather old dragon sitting in a tower learning the secrets of High Magic from an elderly human.

In the past month I've learned much about levitation, scrying, and all other sorts of things my master calls 'Wind Magic'. Pah, if these humans could do real wind magic we'd all be in grave danger from being killed in a fit of insanity. Humans are such unstable creatures after all. However, these particular magics do meld well with plain, old fashion wind magic so I'm willing to make allowences for names. Who knows, they might actually be dirived from wind magic...there's an interesting thought. I should apply it in my studies tomorrow...

4th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

It is true about certain areas of High Magic corresponding to certain areas of Elemental Magic. I'm certain that had I been limited in my powers of elemental manipulation I wouldn't be able to learn High Magic...I suspect this might be why most dragons cannot do High Magic in the first place despite us being the foremost magical race anywhere to be found. I will look into that...

5th of Netia, 14th Year of Zalgum the Green,

I havn't gotten any further with the theory I put forth yesterday. Considering there's a sever lack of dragons around for me to use as test subjects I don't veiw this as a surprise. What did come as a shock was my master inspecting my armor. At first he accepted my need for security as an explanation for my eating, learning, and sleeping in the armor.

However, when he realized I'd been bathing in it...he decided he needed to know more about it. I've been stalling him off since yesterday, trying to come up with some excuse for me being unable to take it off, but I know I can't stall him much longer.

I can't come out and tell him that I can't removed it because it has badass magic on it because then he might start prodding around with the spells and if he does that...I shudder to think what might be discovered because of it. I don't need an iorn clad excuse...just one that will buy me a few months of time...about six should do it. I'll have a working High Magic mastery by then and I'll be able just to saunter out without so much as a kiss goodbye...

I think I hear him coming now. I should be able to stall him off for tonight but what shall I tell him tomorrow?

Got any answers?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Tell him the armour is cursed. If you ever take it off, your arms and legs will drop off as well. It's an old family curse, handed down from generation to generation, and a lot of the reason you want to learn magic is that you want to track down the git who did this to your family and make him and his children and his children's children miserable for the rest of their existence.
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mmm... I agree with Stoat in that she should say its a curse on the secondborns in her family but first she should give him a bout of flames to put him in his place. just mild scorching though. Say the curse gives them astounding magical ability that they can't quite control but the armour can't be taken off- they're born with it, and have been so for a century in her family. She hadn't meant to scald him but she had been frightened and her guard was down. The guy who placed the curse is dead with no relatives, but she was the only one in her big family who did anything about it.

Problem solved! Very Happy

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Couldn't she make it invisible or something?
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While I like the curse suggestion Cami did say she didn't want to tell him magic was the reason because then Renfield would feel duty bound to try and tamper with the spells...and he's a good enough wizard to put two and two together if he starts doing that!

Although I'm sure I could work the idea somehow... Wink

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

New poll! Do some voting!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Horrible curse! Terrible curse! Baaad cuuurse!

Do we get to say what the curse contains?

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 9:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm open to suggestions...
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Well, I got nothing at the moment but if you're really stuck there are some suggestions above...

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

voted for being born with it on. nice story btw, definitely...different Wink.
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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well done on writing a genuinely funny story game Kalanna Clapping. Having the dragon changed to a human child was a clever twist too as I was wondering where the story would go.

I'd say she should say that she was born with the armour, that it is a type of disease that every fourth person in her family suffers from and definately has nothing to do with magic. She should drop hints about the pain that she suffers and how the disease is potentially contagious to people who happen to come into contact with the armour too long or who try to mess about with it. If she really wants she could start telling gruesome tales of family history to illustrate the point.

Anyway no prizes for guessing what I voted for Very Happy .
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks dear readers for rejoining this tale! Also did any of you follow the link to the first SG or should I put it in bigger print?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

solus and me followed Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I followed

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! I was worried because I've had some people tell me that they can't find the original tale and I'm not referencing it much. Just wanted to know the link was working thanks for letting me know.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is my favorite tale of yours Rai, so waiting (in)patiently for the next chapter... Very Happy
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