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Chapter Eleven: Icon of Dominus

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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter Eleven: Icon of Dominus

“Well,” began the half-elf, “there is only one available option here. We must walk, and save the steed’s energy in case we are attacked.” Kagemusho nodded his agreement, secure in the knowledge that she had chosen wisely. The blood covering his hands obscured the symbol emblazoned across his left palm, and he swiftly wiped the ichor onto his robes. The movement caught Ulliana’s cat-like eyes. “What is that – that mark? The one you showed to Prince Anvei?” Kagemusho followed her gaze, and held his palm up to her.

“This…it is a symbol of the Hoeder. A sign of the Guardians if you will. It is known as the Icon of Dominus. Certain members are gifted with it, in order to identify them.” He shook his head, and moved to the mount’s side. Placing his right palm on the creatures head, he whispered softly to the horse, calming it after the violence of the skirmish. “Try not to worry about it. It will do you no good.”

Within moments, the pair was on there way once more, still walking alongside The Crack, keeping the crevice of their left-hand side. After less than an hour, as they drew closer to Danzig, the road began to widen, and, as darkness began to fall, the simply dirt path faded out, to be replaced by a cobbled road leading directly to the city.

The night was silent, a cold breeze blowing gently towards them from the East. No owls hooted in the dark sky, no animals rustled in the undergrowth. The trees loomed ominously over the pair, skeletal branches weaved together like the bony fingers of a dead man, stretching outwards to seize any travellers and crush them in their relentless grasp. Ulliana kept a careful eye on the tree line, half expecting bandits or a Tansdor* to burst from the trees without warning. Kagemusho, on the other hand, strode forwards in silence, his bandaged head staring directly ahead, walking as if he had not a care in the world.

The quiet of the night was split by a ghostly scream. Kagemusho’s head snapped round, blank eyes staring blindly into the forest, scanning from side to side. Ulliana ripped her sword from its sheath, the black blade nigh on invisible, bar the white runes emblazoned down its length. She could see nothing, the forest was deserted.

“What is it?” she whispered, the sound dulled by the screaming still resounding through her ears. Kagemusho was silent for a moment, his head still rotating back and forth as if attempting to pierce though the veil of darkness that obscured vision to less than two-score meters.

“Wraiths.” The simple one word answer sent chills through her bones nonetheless. “I cannot tell how many. Get on the horse, and wait for my signal.” With a final glance at both steed and companion, he withdrew a single piece of cloth from around his waist, and wrapped it around his left palm, even as he carefully advanced to the edge of the path.

Ulliana needed no second warning, having already come far closer to these creatures than she ever wished, and had no desire to experience their chill touch for a second time. With a spring, she leapt into the saddle and gathered the reins in her hand. Sitting astride the horse, her sword still held loosely in her free arm, she peered into the distance, just about making out the lone figure of Kagemusho through the gathering fog.

She saw the silhouetted figure roll to one side, springing to his feet. In the mist his assailants were impossible to detect, the only indication that he was engaged at all was the flashing arms and swiftly moving body. His voice carried to her through the fog, something almost like panic sounding in his usually calm and sincere voice.

“Ride! Get away!” Dodging yet another blow from the still unseen opponents, he swept out at floor level with one leg, before turning and sprinting towards her. As the horse whinnied, he leapt into the air, landing astride the rearing steed. Digging her claws into the beast’s flanks, it raced forwards. Ulliana turned her head, glancing at the ghostly figures she could now see emerging from the mist. Ethereal shapes, pale creatures barely visible. Wraiths.

Even as the pair rode away, more of the creatures emerged, another three of the pale shapes wafting through the ghostly smoke surrounding them, their haunting cries echoing after the galloping couple. Ulliana turned to look back at the now distant figures, then up at Kagemusho’s damaged face.

“What…How many of them?” she uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. She then caught sight of his body, robes now torn and bloody. The sharp talons of ghosts make short work of mere fabric.

“Those last three make it seven in total. Seven behind us that is – how many more lurk the woods ahead I cannot tell.” He cursed, the profanity mouthed in a language she couldn’t even recognise, let alone translate. “Damnable acid. It burns even to touch the dread creatures,” he continued, clenching his fists to quench the pain. “If there are more ahead, they will find use. I’d advise you use that sword – your arrows will have no effect against the Gaast-Zecult.” She nodded, understanding the foreign word to mean the Wraiths. “Fire or bright light has a similar effect on their substances.”

“I have seen – once, long ago,” she began, referring to the time ten years past when the Mage had saved her from certain death. He cut her off harshly, warning her to stay quiet.

“When we reach Myst, it would be wise to issue a warning to the Council Member there. The Zecult are growing in number once more, soon it will be unsafe for travellers to approach Danzig even by day.” As he began to explain further, the horse suddenly reared into the air, whinnying pitifully. Refusing to take another step, regardless of the increased pressure of Ulliana’s paws, it began to choke without warning, collapsing onto its knees. The Ulliana rolled clear of the falling beast, even as it fell prone.

Kneeling beside the horse, Kagemusho winced momentarily. The elven feline looked towards the mount’s head, still whinnying ferociously, and winced also. An unknown tingling sensation reached her ears, as if trapped deep underwater. The steed gave one final squeal as its life expired, blood now leaking from the corpse’s ears. Even as she watched, the horse’s eye sockets began to seep crimson as well, swiftly followed by gore dripping from the orifices of the deceased creature’s snout.

“Zecult’adu,” hissed Kagemusho, reaching into a pouch on the horse’s saddle. Withdrawing a small brown lump, he tore four pieces from it and tossed two of them to Ulliana. She plucked them from the air, looking into her palm to see two small strips of wax. “Plug your ears – you’re going to need to,” he ordered, inserting two lumps into his own ears. “They are coming.”

Ulliana looked around her, green eyes taking in the fog that had swept in on them as if from nowhere. The city of Danzig could be faintly seen through the swirling mists, the spires of the City Walls stretching high into the sky.

“Danzig – we can make it,” she cried out joyously, before tapping him on the shoulder as she realised the wax prevented him from hearing her. He shook his head wistfully, and motioned ahead to the smoke before the City. What his blind and bandaged eyes had somehow picked out was the figures in the fog before them - three Wraiths. His arm moved to either side, revealing the Wraiths surrounding them.

Eight of the ethereal beings hovered in a loose circle between the castle and the forests, encircling the pair within its deadly grasp. They stood, almost as if waiting for an unseen signal. A piercing cry split the night sky once more, audible even through the tightly packed wax. Looking behind her, Ulliana saw yet another creature glide towards them, its mouth wide open in a piercing wail.

As one, the ethereal creatures swept towards them, swooping down on broken wings. Skeletal forms swept towards Ulliana, who dived to one side, rolling underneath the swipe of a long fingered Wraith, and ripping upwards with the black blade. The dark blade tore through the creature, causing it to scream in agony – withdrawing clutching its chest. She had no time to savour her minor victory, a second beast lashing towards her, near invisible talons raking themselves down her back.

Kagemusho was suddenly there, leaping through the air to bring his right arm hurtling into contact with her aggressor, ignoring the pain caused as he brought his open palm downwards and through the Wraith who hissed in anger at this new intrusion. He leant backwards to avoid its counter strike, the ghostly arm passing over his head.

Seeing Ulliana helpless on the floor, he sprang towards her and seized the blade from her unresisting grip. The memories flooded back, of crouching helpless under a rock as the Wraiths moved closer and closer, of being encircled by the terrible creatures. Ignoring her for now, the creature’s focussed on the sole standing target, though not without cost. Rolling to one side in order to avoid a blow that would have decapitated him, Kagemusho’s return swipe ripped through the Wraith’s arm, the Black sword passing easily through the ghostly flesh. As the ethereal arm came into contact with the ground, it blackened and shrivelled, its appearance shifting to that of no more than an arm which had been cooked or thrown into a bonfire.

Still panicked, Ulliana began to crawl towards the city, leaving the fight behind her. The thought that Kagemusho could handle the creatures rushed through her brain, and even as she looked back he reversed a stroke from the blade to penetrate into the chest of one adversary, before swinging the sword in a figure-of eight, warding the Wraiths backwards. One was not quick enough, the ebony blade taking off the creatures head to send yet another blackened corpse to hit the ground, joining the arm and body already there.

Out of range of the creatures influence, she climbed to her feet, staring at the dark city. No guards looked down at her from the steep walls, no light burnt in any of the many tower windows. She looked at Kagemusho once more, now bleeding profoundly from multiple gashes and rends in both his skin and clothing. Her breath caught in her throat, and she knew what she had to do.

*Tansdor - a wild and aggressive creature, similar to a bull in both size and appearance, bar the fact that it is dark blue in colour.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not the best place in the world to end it, but it has to happen some time, and it's getting late.

*checks watch*

Ok, I lied - it already is late.

Either way - it is a new and exciting chapter, and the best one ever written it all of IF*.

If anyone else wants to throw a few nominations my way, I won't be refusing, just to let you know.

Well, decision point - in case you can't guess - is what to do next? And how to do it as well?

*Well, ok. We (I) can but dream.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

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PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go back and help him of course!

Nice pictures and nice chapter!

Hurray for photobucket.
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good chapter lordy. I liked the wraiths, especially the second picture Shocked Very Happy

Anyway, I think it's time for her to see if this sword is magical. Try for a light summoning. Make the blade glow.

If that doesn't work, stagger back and help Kagemusho. He's of more use to you alive than dead, and he might not make it through the fight without you.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally got around to reading this. Some nice images conjured up as well. You repeated a couple of words in relatively quick succession at one point, but still good.

Anyway, my first thought is to run back and distract the wraiths a bit, though of course that would be dangerous.

Could we attract attention from the guards in the city at all? They may help.
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spooky. Wink

I think that she should try and help. She can then at least retrieve the sword, which she will undoubtedly need later, and can make an attempt to save him, but it doesn't look promising. Why are the blind ones always the first to go? Wink

*holds breath* Shocked
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Remember Shady - Kagemusho took the sword off her, how could she make it glow?
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Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is too bad the sword doesn't have any instructions. Or even better a known spirit within that could tell Ulliana what to do, so it could help them.

Can't really think of what she can do to actually reach the sword right now. Too late, very tired.

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The options appear to be go back or try to get some help.

Anyone else want to throw something in?
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try and call for the guards on the wall.
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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thats a suggestion.

Or you want to a totally wild topic, just bring in another character.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What - just bring in another completely random character? (although I did actually have plans for a new entry, but I'll save that for later). How could Ulliana choose to make that happen?
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right then, the poll is now up. You have until I write the next chapter. So there.
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Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My vote to charge into the fray is dependant on this... he seems to be weakening, so it would benefit them both if she took the sword back and continued to fight them off, they must take turns with the sword until all are dispatched. It seems he can see them better, so its possible that he can help her to know where to strike if she is having difficulty with this.

She can't abandon him as he's helped her so much so far and she still needs him for his wisdom and knowledge and she still doesn't really know why he's helped her thus far, something she needs to eventually find out.

Yes... it was a very good chapter. The writing style improved greatly here and the pictures really added to the whole thing!
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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lordofthenight wrote:
What - just bring in another completely random character? (although I did actually have plans for a new entry, but I'll save that for later). How could Ulliana choose to make that happen?

Other than the guards, there must be others in the area that could hear her cry for help...
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, don't worry Rave - depending on what I role, a new person could well be introduced soon.
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Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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Scraping the Barrel
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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Voted-the calling of the guards idea. Seems reasonable.

Then I shant worry Lordy. Welcome to whomever.

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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, does someone want to break this poll - cause I really feel like writing it now. And only six votes - that must be the lowest ever...

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Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And in fact, one of those votes was mine.

*Goes to PM Soily*
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 8:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You could always just knock on his door...LOL.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

But that involves going to his house, and it's raining.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
Scraping the Barrel
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you (OM i think) for breaking it, the winning option was to try and attract the attention of the guards.

*Runs off to start writing*
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

And I thought Brits were used to rain. LOL.
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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That doesn't mean we like it.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 6:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I figured you were going to say that. Very Happy
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