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The Toymakers' Revenge - Final Chapter Released!
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, missed the discussion. However, liked Leb's suggestion, so voted for that.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Author's Note: This sg is beginning to become mildly bizarre, cantering between mild horror (slightly disturbing imagery warning) to the bizarre as it careers towards its zero hour Smile

Chapter 5: All’s Fair in War

“Perfect,” Alexi said, as he surveyed his latest and final toy, a giant nesting doll. “Now we are ready to begin.” He beckoned for the Doll to follow him and then called Dobbin, DEATH, Edward, John and Frederick to an internal meeting.

“Right we need to leave here as soon as possible for the small private airstrip owned by the Prime Minister, which isn’t too far from here - Frederick, I want you to give immediate orders to your troops to take the grocers large delivery truck should it come. John and Edward, I want you to prepare the children to defend us a rear guard action should we be attacked before we leave.”

John tried to disguise the look of horror and revulsion that he felt sweep over him, the deeper he pursued Alexi’s plans the more horrific they seemed to become - still he had signed up for this new way of life and so nodded glumly, then he and Edward both got up and left the room.

* * *

Within an hour all the toys had been loaded aboard the grocers truck, the owners body now laying out of sight beneath a snowdrift. Already a couple of plastic jeep patrol cars had tried to enter the mansion - only for the bulky plastic torso’s of several McKen dolls to be blown to shreds and the jeeps set on fire.

There hadn’t been enough room for the children aboard the truck, so Alexi had ordered that they be lined up guarding the road from where the jeeps had come - armed only with sticks and garden tools, as all the weapons were needed for the toys. The children co - operated obligingly, having no knowledge of what exactly was going fact to them it was hust another fun game. With a screech the truck shot out of the front gates of the mansion house and slewed onto the road, John fought to keep control of the sliding vehicle - managing it with inches to spare before stepping on the accelerator.

* * *
A little while earlier, at a toy depot a few miles away, the news of the loss of two scout jeeps had filtered in to the bland,white storeroom where Di Marco sat telling the two dolls about the mission he’d been assigned to.

“We just lost two scout cars near the orphanage to heavy crossfire,” said Stacie who had taken over the compact powder case to listen for news.

“Do you know anything about this Mr Di Marco?” questioned Barbie pleasantly - she pointed no weapon at his head, knowing that she had a far more potent one aimed at his heart.

“No - although it could tie in with the missing people I was to search for,” he responded, trying to relax - hoping against hope that he was living a dream. Nothing had ever unnereved himquite somuch as the two dolls standing before him. Barbie paused for a second before taking the compact and muttering some orders into it, then she turned and faced Di Marco,

“Come, let us depart, you will drive Mr Di Marco.” Beckoning him past, she and Stacie followed behind to the battered Ford outside, a Ford that was already being filled with an arsenal of toys - ready to investigate the orphanage.

As they approached the orphanage the sounds of a large vehicle accelerating away could be heard. Facing the car stood a line of young kids blocking the road.

“Drive on Mr Di Marco,” Stacie said curtly as he approached the line,

“No!” he gasped - honking the horn in vain,

“I think so Mr Di Marco,” Barbie added, “or else you know what will happen.” He did, and he wasn’t strong enough to swerve, instead ducking his head as the car ploughed through the line and on up the road, gunfire taking care of many of the children behind. Lifting his head he tried to ignore the blood spattered windshield and concentrate on the truck that was kicking up clouds of dirt ahead. Slowly inch by inch they drew closer to the truck in front - attracting gunfire from a group of tin soldiers at the back of the grocery truck. An assault group of flying CD players and Buzz Lightyear Toys launched themselves in return from the Ford’s skylight and a group of Action Men returned fire from the windows.

Di Marco swerved to avoid a flying music box, that opened up and began to play a demented tune, incapacitating some of the toys near the back of the Ford, who were left writhing on the floor in agony. He watched as metal disks cut into the toys ahead, severing the heads of many tin soldiers. The Buzz Lightyears’ were faring less well, many had had their wings reduced to shreds and fell to the ground with sickening thumps. Di Marco tried to swallow but only ended up choking as his throat was parch dry. The unabating noise of chattering gun-fire rose up about him, through the sprayed snow ahead he saw the back left wheel of the truck deflate, then saw the truck swerve through some fencing to the right. Gunfire peppered the side of the Ford from the rear of the truck as it continued on, bursting the two right side tyres and hitting him on the shoulder. With a cry of pain he jerked the wheel left and the car swerved into a ditch.

* * *

“Quickly,” yelled Alexi hoarsely as John powered the limping truck across the barren tarmac, towards the hanger of the plane. As they did so a couple of security guards ran after them from the gateway further up the runway. The van screeched to a stop by the open hanger, all the toys pouring from it and streaming towards the plane, using all their much needed burglary skills to unlock and hotwire it. Alexi rolled off via the ramp at the back of the truck astride Dobbin, sadly looking at the many tin soldiers and the occasional bear who had been lost or lay wounded upon the truck floor.

“Such is the cost of war,” he muttered sadly as he stroked Dobbin’s mane. Dobbin tried to stifle a tear as they rolled towards the plane, both at his master's anguish and at the loss of several comrades.

As Alexi gazed out over the tarmac he saw the two approaching guards double up in pain and surprise as gunfire pierced their armour. Then in the distance he saw the still substantial remnant of the McRolland toy army approach. By now the plane had been readied and he was ushered aboard by John, who removed the steps and shut the door.

The plane taxied out, drunkenly staggering out across the tarmac, gunfire opening up upon it’s shiny silver hull. Thankfully for those inside the plane had been built with an autopilot and idiot proof controls that were easy to understand. The plane managed to ease off into the bright blue sky needing a new paint job but with no serious damage sustained.

“Dang!” Muttered Barbie under her breath, as she watched the plane sparkle in the sunlight and depart. “Ok, Ken 7, I want backup sent to the Hungarian Prime Minister’s airstrip in the form of a passenger plane - make it quick!” With that she strode back to the car to help with the injured and wounded.

* * *

Deep within the bowels of Rolland McDollands toy army complex lay the deletion rooms, rooms full of prototype toys that had 'malfunctioned'. It was well known that certain types of toy were more likely to malfunction than others, McChess pieces for instance had an annoying habit of ignoring orders in favour of contemplating mathematical problems - so had been scrapped and dumped within the dungeons of the complex to await deletion. Within these dungeons lay a McLego batch (The Mclego malfunction was that they were too independent, often refusing to take orders from Rolland McDolland).

Upon being thrown into the deletion chambers they had elected some special figures to lead them to freedom, due to their special powers. For many weeks now the chosen leaders had divided into two groups, both racing to cut their way out of the dungeons and to freedom.

“Never out we will get,” muttered the small green plastic figure as his green glowing stick continued to cut through the metal.

“You’re way too pessimistic Yoda,” said Qua Gong as he slashed at the metal, “Concentrate, use the Force, we’re nearly out now.”

“Said that two hours ago you did,” muttered Yoda rebelliously as he took an extra vicious slash at the metal in front of him and tumbled through the hole in the wall.

Parallel to the first group within the prison wall, just a bit further along, a similar conversation could be observed:

“Hurry up,” lisped a black cloaked figure who was seated upon the tunnel floor watching his three ‘apprentices‘ and several storm troopers hack and blast the metal wall. The three black figures ahead of him stepped up their efforts with much complaining from one who appeared to have a head of metal,

“(rasping breath)…too much metal…(rasping breath)…need a break…(rasping breath).”

“Tah! A bweak! Nonthance, you don’t need a bweak! Look your through!” Sure enough light broke through and pieced the dark tunnel like a sharpened diamond dagger cuts through melted air causing Vador, Dooku, Maul and The Emperor to reel backwards and cover their eyes.

* * *

As the Mclego people finally reached freedom from their prison, a silver plane, bearing the Hungarian Flag upon it, safely crash landed amongst the barren Texas plains, near a mineshaft that led deep below ground, a secret way into McRollands base. Alexi had known of such a base as he'd spent much of the past two years fantasising about how he would take control of several of his most competetive rivals...never dreaming that he'd need the knowledge to prevent them from trying to copy his own plans. Soon all of Alexi’s army was assembled and ready to go. They approached the crest of a hill that overlooked the mineshaft, to observe that it was heavily guarded by a battalion of a thousand machine gun armed Ken’s, that stood in a circle around the mineshaft. A small hut lay near the shaft that may well house some other toys as well…

Alexi had about two hundred ground troops, some music boxes, The DEATH squad and their China Doll division, a giant nesting doll, and about fifty bears. I need a simple way to get into the base, he thought, McKen dolls probably aren’t too smart - can I use that too my advantage? I certainly can’t afford to lose too many of my troops at this stage…

Author's Note 2: I have given no thought to how he should get past them, so any ideas however bizarre (actually the more bizarre the better) are going to be much appreciated Smile . I may well begin polling as early as Saturday and certainly no later than Monday as the story heads towards it's zero hour climax Smile .

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd go with drawing them away with a distraction. Something fast and annoying will do. Maybe just a musicbox carried by something if they can't move on their own.

Or, since they're standing in a circle, lob one of the toys into the mineshaft in the middle and have it play "pop goes the weasel". The resulting crossfire should kill a fair number of McKen's. Clean up whatever remains with your troops and scoop up the remains to feed the nesting doll.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is going up with the three options chosen by Lebrenth
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dammit!!! I saw this but didn't have time to comment, now it is too late.

I was going to suggest that some of the DEATH squad go up and 'appeal' to those strong enemy soldiers, before getting in range and sowing death.

Ah well, never mind.

Great chapter Jez!!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks China Smile ,

Sorry about the speed of the polls/Chapters, thats purely down to me rushing to finish the sg this month (as it is on schedule to do with 2 more Chapters to go). Normally I'd leave more time between polls and dp's etc but am in a rush Sad .
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Three? I only suggested two.... Oh well.

I want them to kill each other so I voted for crossfire idea. I didn't mean for it to be a suicide mission, though (that's what I meant by the "pop goes the weasel thing". It should take cover when the shooting starts if it's smarter than the McKen's). Sorry Chinaren didn't get his "appeal" option though.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Author's Note: This is the penultimate Chapter as all the losse threads are drawn together to a point - Zero Hour. I merged the two tied options and China's together in the end for the Chpt. The dp will only run for a couple of days to allow for a longer Celebratory 100F giveaway Final Poll where all who vote will receive a 100F Smile .

Chapter 6: Zero Hour

Alexi sighed, he hated dilemmas like this, yet he knew that action was needed. Slowly his mind ran over a plan…a very cunning plan.

In the mid - day heat the McKen Dolls observed five figures approaching them, the ones in the outer circle were the first to make out that they were five well armed China dolls dragging behind them a teddy bear.

“Halt,” yelled out one of the guards as he shielded his eyes from the Sun, “who goes there?”

“We’re new from the doll division,” said Esmerelda sweetly stepping forward, “we captured this rebel bear who had joined the human cause. Can we get some help?” The McKen dolls were awestruck by the China dolls, much muttering could be heard among the ones nearest to them, words such as ’attractive’ and ’much more fetching than those stick dolls that preside over us,” drifted slowly across the desert. As they talked DEATH drew nearer until they were only a couple of metres from the group. Then suddenly with a shrill cry that would have frightened the solid stone statue of Medusa they chucked the bear into the air towards the centre of the mineshaft and drew their guns. The McKens were distracted and watched the bear sail over their heads before withdrawing their own rifles and shooting at him. Some bullets hit the bear before he plummeted down the shaft, many more bullets smashed into the inner ring of the McKens, causing panic in the ranks.

Along with the DEATH gunfire a group of spinning tops joined the fray, battering the McKen army and leading many of them away from the mineshaft and into a group of musical boxes where they were rendered useless except as studies for mental health care students by the wailing tones of the ‘Chicken Song’ and ‘Old Mother Hubbard’. Finally the giant nesting doll entered the battle, cleaning up the scattered remenents of the McKen army by scooping them into her mouth and digesting them, moving about the plain with giant thudding hops. It was a complete slaughter and a total success, but Alexi knew they didn’t have time for celebrations. Quickly he ordered that Dobbin should command the nesting doll and her offspring, the music boxes and the other toys that couldn’t climb to guard the mineshaft whilst the were to go below.

They all quickly descended into the depths of the shafts, eventually emerging and overpowering the guards at the bottom, then moving swiftly on. As they rounded a corner into a corridor however, they were spotted by a large group of McKen guards who quickly called in squadrons of plastic tanks and planes to follow Alexi’s army.

“Go on“, yelled the tin soldier leader Frederick to Alexi, John, Edward and the DEATH squad, the rest of the army staying back to hold off the modern army that besieged them with a hail of bullets. Explosions shook the tunnel as Alexi stumbled on, leaning on John as they approached the final descent.

“This should take us down into the main room of the building,” Alexi said as he began to descend the ladder, “be prepared.”

* * *

Both armies of McLego people had tumbled from their respective tunnels into the main corridor. None were hurt as two passing McKen dolls had been manipulated into thinking they were bouncy castles thanks to the Jedi and Sith's mind affecting powers. Both Jedi and Sith had taken off at a sprint in opposite directions to try and find the centre of the base first…and remarkably both ended up in a corridor near the McDolland control room at the same time. Now the Jedi and Sith converged into a group to try and thrash out some sort of deal.

“Vell ve could verk together,” suggested the Emperor, “I’m tired oth all zis bickering anyways, we’re all thighting ze zame enemy thright?”

“Jedi could never work Sith together with,” Yoda retorted angrily, “Sith respect for plants and life, they have not. Enemy they be always.”

“Plants and trees, yeuch!” Exclaimed Anakin, “who‘d want a world filled with them!”

“Now now, Anakin, let’s not tease Yoda…although personally I do think he does tend go a bit overboard on the environmental issues," said Obi Wan sagely.

“Overboard I go not, knock down all buildings for swamps we should!” Yoda insisted aggravatingly.

“Anger is the way to the dark side Yoda,” quipped Count Dooku with a grin.

“Oh leaf him alone,” laughed Qui Gong rather inappropriately. Yoda took one glaring look at them all then stormed off from the group towards the back of the cupboard they were hiding in.

“Now look what you’ve done,” moaned Luke,

“(rasping breath)…well I think it was quite a benefit really…(rasping breath)” came Darth Vador’s unmistakably heavy and breathless tones.

“People, People I think planths of action thould be considered,” came the Emperors pleading cry.

“He’s right, we can settle old scores and sort out Yoda later,” Obi Wan said, “I suggest that just us lot slip around the edge of the control room and get the main operator to read out an alarm of some kind.”

The plan was readily agreed upon and so after telling the mass of lego people who were hiding in a storage cupboard to stay put, the leaders nimbly slipped round the edge of the McBeanie Baby control room and into the control booth at the far side. The main announcer was a Woody doll, a rather languid and thankfully relatively susceptible toy, only placed there due to McRollands love of cowboys.

“What should I tell him to say?” whispered Qui Gong…receiving no response as the others all tried to think of one, he made one up of the top of his head. In the room thousands of Beanies answered calls from across the globe at superhuman speed, their voices working in overdrive. Pelicans, bears, tigers, ghosts - all working as one, flimsy looking headphones and mikes attached to their heads. Suddenly above the high pitched chatter, Woody’s voice could be heard ringing out loud and true.

“Friends, Comrades Howdy! This is another announcement from Woody the woodpecker, your favourite announcer. I’m pleased to report that there is a bomb in the building, so would you please evacuate pronto pronto to the surface, where they are serving free food and having an evening show entertainment parade for exalted toys such as yourselves. That‘s right food‘s freeeee…”

The announcement thankfully went dead at this point as Qui Gong was dragged from the control room. Luckily none of the Beanies had stayed around after the ’there is a bomb’ part of the announcement and the room was completely empty save thousands of scattered headsets. All returned to the cupboard to find that Yoda and the lego army had vanished.

“Tah, vere did zey all go?” muttered the Emperor, “never mind zvee vill just have to tackle him on our own.”

* * *
A few miles North of the mine-shaft a small private plane landed on the official McDolland airstrip. Out into the bright light stepped a nervous looking Di Marco, Barbie and Stacie. Barbie moved over to one of the many McKen guards, talking briefly with him.

“A plane was seen coming in low and heading towards the mineshaft entrance,” she replied grimly, “we must head to the depths of HQ immediately to try and counter-act their threat, although I fear it is too late, the control centre is down.” Stacie quickly tapped on a remote control panel that stuck out of the Texan soil. Barbie meantime took the chance to equip them all with rifles.

“This is a special lift that leads straight to HQ,” she said curtly, “let us proceed there now.” Slowly the ground a few feet away opened up and what can only be described as a cage emerged amongst the dry sandy desert. Di Marco looked hesitantly at the cage, perhaps if their control centres down I can get free? No I won’t take that risk, besides I’d like to meet the man behind this. All three entered the cage that silently slunk down beneath the ground and away from the terrific heat.

* * *

Rolland McDolland sat watching the television screens showing his glorious domination across the World. Every President and Government had fallen except for the besieged North Korean Government, but it would only be a matter of time now. Suddenly his smile vanished as he noticed red lights flashing across the security panel in the corner. Spinning across to it his eyebrows shot up and he tried to contact the control room…but it was down. Spinning round he was faced by four floating figures who had emerged from the corridor that joined the main room to the vacant control room, The Emperor, Qui Gong, Obi Wan, and Count Dooku all hovered (supported by the other Jedi ) a few feet away with red and green light sabres drawn. The small McBeanie ghost woke up, took one look at the spectacle before him and gave a small shiver,

“Hellow Tholland McDolland, veeth come back from zat place you’th had sent uth too extract our revenge’. McDolland shot back from them on his wheelie chair, his face a picture of shock. “I’m also here to proclaim ze Dark Side thrulers of ze Earth!”

“And we’re here to proclaim Jedi’s as guardians of the Earth,” stated Qui Gong rather obviously, as all four advanced towards the surprised American.

“You’re crazy,” he finally stated as he started to laugh, “you think you can defeat me with those punitive little sticks and your ‘mind games’.” He picked up a gun and drawled, “one more pace forward and I’ll blast your little plastic heads to shrapnel. I‘m not going to have my Kingdom taken from me by a group of plastic toys.”

Just then, above his head a hole opened up and hundreds of ordinary lego civilians fell upon the American. Before they did, the small ghost dashed for a safe piece of roof space with a tiny sigh of terror, where it remained shivering and watching the action below. The Lego figures started pulling Rolland from his seat and pinning him to the floor. From the hole emerged Yoda who dropped down a cut wire rope and into the American’s seat.

“Rule I do now, no more buildings ever will there be,” the crazed green figure of Yoda said smugly. Behind him a door opened and Alexi, Edward, John and DEATH entered armed with guns.

“Freeze,” declared Alexi in his nasal Eastern European voice, looking decidedly puzzled, “what’s going on here?” There was a further clank and a cage dropped into a slot on one of the walls.

“Freeze traitor,” declared Barbie, pointing a rifle at Alexi’s head, then looking about rather suspiciously at the lego figures, posing the same question as Alexi. A long period of silence hung over the room, only interrupted by the low gargling of the crazed American on the floor. Five factions fighting for control of the Earth and only one could win…

So there it is, a slightly long and rushed penultimate Chapter with a DP that will decide the outcome of the book (not to mention the World J). Who shall win the end scenario: The obvious candidates are Barbie/Stacie, the Jedi , The Sith, Yoda’s green peace and Alexi’s army…however a combination of any of the above or even individuals breaking from their groups or anyone I might have missed from the list are all open to be suggested for the final poll.

Last edited by JezSharp on Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:19 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, the Sith of course. Anakin will turn to the darkside - obviously - and the Jedi won't stand a chance. Of course the Sith will then able to use mind tricks on everyone else, and make them slaves.

However - Qui-Gon surely, not Qua Gong?
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah so thats how you spell it Embarrassed , ok corrected

The mind tricks only work on the weak minded btw...which isn't too many of the people left in the room (actually probably only the hordes of lego people and Sheets (the ghost)).

Also it isn't necessarily who should win but who you want to win (althougth that would still be the Sith in Lordy's case I'm guessing Smile ). For instance solus wants the Beanie ghost to win.

Just to clarify, the possibilities are between no - one, everyone or any group(s) including any (likely or unlikely) combintions of groups winning Smile - so it doesn't have to be just the Sith for example but say The Sith and Yoda or Alexi and the two dolls.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, Alexi is a relic of the past, Roland is a worldwide commercial oppressor, yoda's insane, the emperor has a nasty speech impediment, I can't deliver the world to a Beanie Baby.... I say they all kill each other and leave the homeless guy, John, the sole victor (with Di Marco a close second).

Follow up with a satisfactory epilogue and we have ourselves a finished storygame!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

to the vacant control room, The Emperor, Qua Gong, Obi Wan, and Count Dooku all hovered

You missed one.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, either they all kill each other, or the toys team up and turn on their respective creators, eliminate all human life on the planet and become the dominant species. Shocked

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

or the toys team up and turn on their respective creators, eliminate all human life on the planet and become the dominant species
...not so sure they would seek to eliminate human least not at first...merely enslave it in most cases (but not all...e.g The Jedi may well find that unethical)...again it all depends on what group(s) win...unlikely alliances may produce some fairly bizarre results/comprimises.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

JezSharp wrote:
or the toys team up and turn on their respective creators, eliminate all human life on the planet and become the dominant species
...not so sure they would seek to eliminate human least not at first...merely enslave it in most cases (but not all...e.g The Jedi may well find that unethical)...again it all depends on what group(s) win...unlikely alliances may produce some fairly bizarre results/comprimises.

Well, the Jedi could say that humans are causing the damage on earth, and need to be removed.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok the 100F celebratory poll is now up and running. Just to be clear, all voters in the poll will receive 100F guaranteed Smile .

Happy Voting Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I win I win! Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Clearly Yoda. Save the swamps! Save the trees!

By the way, nice story, man. I like it.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've voted for Sheets on behalf of solus, this poll could end up as quite a large tie...if so I'll have to cast lots (in some form) for the ending Smile .
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll will close in around 24 hours time, last chance to get 100F if you haven't already voted Smile .
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Author's Note: Thanks to all the people who have participated and followed this sg Smile . In addition to the 100F poll I am awarding China and Lebrenth an extra 300F for their continued partcipation throughout the sg.

The Poll was a four way tie between Sheets, John, Yoda and everybody winning, so a first to 50 dice marathon decided the eventual outcome Laughing. Prepare to witness the closing Chapter where this Earth and Universe shall never be the same.

The Future Of The World

Tension mounted within the room, rising slowly as mercury in a tube does when the sun gently warms it in its gentle caress…everyone watched everyone else…waiting for the first move.

“Rebel Scum,” cried out Stacie, breaking the tension, as she and Barbie swung their guns upon Alexi and his crew. Alexi fell first, his body crumpling to a heap upon the floor, Edward seconds later fell as his brain was riddled with bullets. Outraged the China doll DEATH squad opened full fire upon Barbie, Stacie and Di Marco, the latter would never see his family again, as he pitched forward out of the lift. Soon only Esmerelda, Tulip and Hermonie were left of the China dolls, Stacie and Barbie however were no more than plastic corpses upon the ground.

Whilst this round of fighting opened up Yoda shrilly screamed “get the Jedi!” His loyal minions poured forth and soon had captured both the Sith and Jedi at the expense of letting the American go free. Slowly Rolland McDolland rose to his feet, only to be struck by gunfire from John and the remaining China Dolls. The fat and flabby American crashed to the ground, the thump he made silencing the chamber.

John looked decidedly shaken as he surveyed the scene around him, trying not to look at the fallen bodies of Alexi and Edward or the shattered faces of the two China Dolls. Yoda hopped upon the chair arm to face him and the remaining three dolls,

“Well human, join my side will you…or die at the hands of my minions.” John’s answer was about to decide the outcome of the World...the words he spoke rested as finely as the throw of a dice.

He looked at all the death around him, realised too that they had few bullets left, then looked up at Yoda,

“What would you do should you rule?” He asked, “would I have a place to live and food to eat, would the remainder of Alexi’s army be able to work for me and fight for you?” Yoda chuckled as he replied,

“For you make exception I will yes, home you will have and army you can keep as long as serve me you do.” John sought the remaining China dolls confirmation and got it.

“Then I accept your offer Yoda,” he replied, “may the world benefit from your rule…” for I’m not a hero after all, I merely want to live my life in peace, John thought…

Epilogue: The Closing of a Universe

Many millennia later a ship from The Intergalactic Council passed by Earth and noted in it’s log book that Earth was ’a haven of great natural beauty and wildlife, unique within the wider galaxy’ and recommended further investigations be made into it. A party was sent and found the world to be ruled by a small, green, plastic figure who spoke in funny tones and voice. It soon became clear that the planet was not only very healthy but had advanced weapon technology by which to defend itself.

A wide variety of wildlife flourishes upon the terrain, commented the guidebook, 'including, rhinos’, giraffes’ and humans. Rebellious creatures are dealt with by wildlife guardians who come in a range of strange shapes and sizes and are organised by more small plastic figures, who also appear, like Yoda, to have a range of strange speech patterns. Our tour guide for the week was a strangely exciteable white ghost who apparently helps out Yoda with his chores and carrying mesages. This we ascertained from his nodding or shaking of his head, as he only said 'Nee' in a high pitched tone most of the time we were there.

Occasionally some of the human species do form basic plots to overcome the small industrious owner, but they are easily quashed, besides - the leader also has his own personal group of body guards known as THE Death squad.

Overall we are greatly impressed by this planet and whilst we would not recommend it as yet for membership to the council we would certainly push for the motion that it should be made a protected planet due to its status as one of the finest nature reserves in the known Solar System.'

Within a year this had happened and a Galactic base set up upon Mars to stop opportune goblin raiders or other devious species taking advantage of the planet. The planet continued on in this vein, growing more beautiful every year, the ozone layer healed and the climate stabilised completely. Ways of producing more toys, without harming the environment, were discovered and soon they spread across the planet and later into space itself. After much debate on the matter they were finally allowed in to the Galactic Council and recognised as a unique race, Yoda or one of his Force representatives often attending meetings and causing some confusion with their lisps, bad jokes or miss worded sentences.

As the toys could conceivably live for ever they became permanent figures within the council and their power rose, soon they spread across the planets, building up Forces and bringing life to barren planets where once before there was none. Ultimately they became too powerful for the other races, just as they had become too powerful for humans. Once seen by the Galactic Council as novel wards of a nature reserve they took control of the Council and of the planets that supported it. Their spread was inevitable and unstoppable across this particular Universe which bore witness, as so many others had, to the complete domination of unstoppable force.

Perhaps the one difference here is that the other beings were not slaughtered but merely reduced into the wildlife around them…and in many cases were happier for it - enjoying the beauty that Yoda’s army brought to each and every planet, proving perhaps that a dictatorship can work for good as well as bad, although it all depends on what perspective you were to take.

For now though, we must leave this bizarre Universe behind as the door closes upon the worlds and galaxies where toys rule and nature sings to tunes of joy - returning back instead to the Universe we live in and the choices we must make.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the words he spoke rested as finely as the throw of a dice.


Excellent, though slightly frightening ending Jez! Bigg Tempt Clapping drunk

Great story!

Your 100F ending prize is on it's way!
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:37 am    Post subject: The geek will inherit the world Reply with quote

Very nice, you really took advantage of the opportunity to have fun with the ending. I didn't want Yoda to win, but at least John lived out his life....

You know, I think you found a nice length for a storygame. It doesn't get so far ahead that no one can keep up. I'll have to keep it in mind. Smile

And thanks for the Fables! I might need them.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks China, Lebrenth for your responses, I'm really glad you enjoyed it Smile .

I'm thinking perhaps in the very distant future I may return to this Universe to write a sequel, but it will be the very distant future if it were to happen.
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