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Chapter 15: What Lay Beneath

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:31 am    Post subject: Chapter 15: What Lay Beneath Reply with quote

Chapter 15: What Lay Beneath

A jangling noise rang through the darkened attic as a bell sounded; a fluttering of wings accompanying the high pitched noise. Footsteps echoed below, followed by the sound of someone carefully climbing a polished wooden ladder. A light emerged to penetrate the darkness, flickering and quivering in the cold air that seeped amongst the large upper room, filled with a large variety of odds and ends. Delicately the figure holding the candle slipped from the ladder to the cold marble floor. As she did so a second jangling noise came from the far left corner of the attic, where filtered sunlight weakly trickled in.

Sighing, Beth scurried amongst the maze of lost relics to the large cage where a black raven and brown waffling (a small brown bird native of the Eastern downs with a dull yellow beak and bright black eyes) hopped about in the large wire cage that they had entered. Carefully she took the note from the foot of the raven, Gail, first and read it:

Have tracked them as far as a forestland occupied by elves, they appear to be heading West along a narrow strip of land between mountains and coast. I have had to slip through the mountains and attempt to intercept them, there is too much danger of discovery from travelling elves in the woodland. Hope the object was of some use,



Shrugging she untied the second message from the waffling, the writing was neater, almost printed;

We have finished examining the object, it appears to be a small missile firing device, we reckon it could be a great improvement on any prototypes we’ve been working on. Request funds to develop a large range of these weapons immediately.


Grantham, Chief Scientist

Her eyes examined this note much more closely, smiling she stood up, taking her candle with her and moved back to the trapdoor, taking the messages to the Mayor.

* * *

A large stone staircase, roughly hewn and smoothed over from ages of wear, descending down and out towards the sea. Then the marsh closed up, swallowing it from view, the blast of air that had uncovered it having long dissipated. Now it was hard to imagine it had been there at all. Elvendor stood glancing at the marsh that blankly stared back at him as if to say, Stairs, what stairs, do you think that such secrets could be contained beneath such a dull surface?

He drew a line in the soft mud with his foot, marking the spot, then walked over to where Alex and Simeon were finding a place to settle for the night.

“I just saw a staircase descending into the marsh!” he exclaimed in English. He’d been able to take the ear-piece back from Alex a few days earlier, pointing out that whilst both Alex and Simeon could speak English he couldn’t, and so Alex had reluctantly handed it back. Elvendor knew it was irrational to be so jealous of such a small object, yet both he and Alex knew the power of that small device, it was perhaps fortunate that so far neither had found an excuse not to return it. Neither Alex or Simeon looked that interested at the latest news though, probably because they were tired; Simeon looked to be almost asleep already.

“Oh,” replied Alex as he lay down upon his rolled up jumper.

“Is there a way we can descend into the marsh Simeon, can you create something that will allow us to travel down into it?” Elvendor pressed for a more meaningful response. Simeon opened his half closed eyes and frowned,

“Yes probably, I’d need to have a good nights rest first though…so it will have to wait until the morning.” Elvendor nodded, he wasn’t feeling as tired now that he’d found a new mystery, a place of intrigue to explore, yet he saw the sense in resting before they set off so he prepared a place to sleep on the soft ground.

* * *

The next day had dawned, or rather crept upon them, given the grey clouds that had stolen in from the South on the back of a gusty breeze. The traveller’s stood huddled by the edge of the marsh where Elvendor had been the night before. He noticed Alex wasn’t looking particularly keen about the prospect of going down at all, he’d been in a fairly poor mood all morning and now stood looking sceptical. Simeon considered the marsh before them then spoke,

“Ok, I can allow us to travel beneath the marshland, but we’ll have to leave the unicorns here. Are we intending to return?” Elvendor pondered this, it really depended where the route led them. Finally he walked over to the unicorns and untied them. Gently he whispered to each of them then returned.

“Ok, they’ll wait, but if we don’t return within a reasonable time they are free to leave and find their way home.”

“Right,” replied Simeon, “now if we all gather together…” All shuffled close together as Simeon closed his eyes and extended his hand. Slowly a shimmering translucent bubble formed about them. From the rear of the bubble a tube formed and attached itself to the ground outside, providing a supply of air into the bubble. The tube continued to grow and lengthen for some time until a vast coil lay upon the ground. Finally Simeon opened his eyes and critically viewed his work,

“That should be enough to take us a fair way he,” he muttered, “Ready to go?” Alex and Elvendor nodded, unsure what to do. Simeon saw their slight puzzlement and smiled,

“It’s simple, just start walking forwards,” he said, and he demonstrated. Slowly the globe, like a giant hamster ball began to roll down and into the marsh. Gently they sunk beneath the thick sludge, that swallowed up the cloudy skies above, drifting past rotting vegetation and scurrying beetle like creatures that jerked along searching for scraps of food. Then with a bump they landed, Elvendor could just make out the grey stone floor amongst the disturbed sludge.

“There it is,” he stated with some slight relief, the thought that they might miss the steps had been preying on his mind all the way down. All three once again began to walk forwards, rolling the ball down the stone steps, pushing through the thick swamp filling that covered them. Looking behind them, Elvendor could see the air tube stretching away into the distance glowing a faint pink, snaking away into the haze.

They continued forward for some time, almost completely unaware of their surroundings that were obscured by the thick brown-green mixture that surrounded them, except for the fact that the floor beneath remained that of solid stone. Now and again they would bump into a stone wall, and had to manoeuvre round it, but still they continued heading in the same direction. Or is it, Elvendor thought as they continued ever on, it’s so hard to tell…

Eventually the air-pipe ran out, so they had to wait whilst Simeon created a mass more of the tubing. Then they set off again, the route seemed to last for ever, yet they weren’t particularly tired. Eventually they were rewarded for their persistence, the thick blanket about them suddenly started to dissipate. Now it was becoming more and more like muddy water. Glimpses of towering structures rising high above the cobbled streets, gaping black doorways and wide side streets. Alex stopped at the sight of a grinning skull that clanked against the bubble. The skull was huge, much bigger than a human, with an elongated jaw. A lost race, Elvendor thought with some sorrow, but in a way I’m glad…I don’t think I’d have liked to meet a creature like that. As they continued through the murky streets other huge bones lay scattered, a race seemingly forgotten.

They continued on, and now as the water finally cleared of most of the mud, towering spires emerged. Buildings of breathtaking beauty that stood silent, covered in green algae and many kinds of seaweed, bricks missing and edges smoothed by the constant wash of the tide. Now the travellers’ silence was one of awe. I’ve seen several cities on my travels, Elvendor thought, but none quite like this. He glanced at the others, Alex was glancing about one way, then the other, like a small boy in a toy store. Simeon on the other hand slowly gazed at each building they passed, muttering to himself under his breath. Then a sound could be heard, a distant metallic ringing from within a far off building, a sound that sent shivers through their spines. They paused, futilely peering above one of the smaller buildings that still stood many metres above their globe. From out of a large cathedral like structure to their left a couple of small figures emerged swimming slowly, carrying vulgar two pointed spears. All froze, eyes glued to these strangers of the deep.

They swam in jerky half movements, darting zigzags, kicking first their right foot then their left. At one stage it looked as though they were simply going to pass straight across the wide street that they had been rolling down, but then one spotted them, pointing and jabbing his spear in excitement. The other one rose high above the smaller buildings and withdrew a small object from his black trunk, the only item of clothing they wore. From it a melodious tune sung and danced its way through the water, a tune both beautiful and yet somehow off key and menacing.

“What should we do?” Whispered Alex. Elvendor looked behind them, already figures were staring to emerge from darkened doorways, most carrying crudely pointed weapons. Soon many hundreds had converged about them, high pitched chatter swelling amongst them. Close up the creatures were a fairly pathetic sight. Large pale turquoise saucer like eyes, with grey disks floating upon them, examined and peered at the outsiders. They were a seaweed brown colour, with baggy skin, gills and webbed hands and feet, which had stubby finger and toe like projections spouting from them. Their teeth were sharp and jagged, some still covered with the remains of a last meal. All wielded their weapons clumsily, waving and jabbering at the strange sight before them. Elvendor stared back defiantly, whispering to Simeon,

“Is the bubble strong enough to withstand an attack?” Simeon had a troubled look upon his face, not a great sign.

“No not really, I didn’t have the strength or ‘heavy energy’ available to do that. I can repair any holes they make but if they were all to attack us then we stand little chance. Already one or two more inquisitive ones were testing the bubble, their jabs causing it to bend but not puncture. Finally a slightly larger underwater ‘saucer eyed’ creature with a band of red seaweed tied about his head swum over the pack and raised his hand. When that ceased to have effect he, or perhaps even she, Elvendor noted, produced a blast on his own whistle and spoke out in high tones to the crowd who listened restlessly until the stirring climax; upon which all raised their spears and shouted something that sounded like ‘Phleen’ before erupting into a hypnotic chant. Somewhere behind them a new and more dangerous sounding tune held sway, adding volume and drama to the intimidating chant. The crowd before them parted to form a passageway to move down, behind them the crowd moved in closer, prodding at the bubble more meaningfully. Shrugging Elvendor, Alex and Simeon walked forward, rolling down the street. The crowd followed, continually extending the passageway and closing in behind, forcing them forward.

There was an inrush of water as one of the following crowd took a dislike to the strange snake like protrusion that writhed amongst them and hacked at it with his pronged weapon. Simeon quickly closed off the hole, but now they were on limited air…not that that seems to be the most imminent of our problems, Elvendor noted as he observed the crowd in front start to slow.

The crowd in front formed a barrier, a semicircle around a metal trapdoor in the ground, the rest forced them on from behind. Elvendor suddenly felt sweat start to form on his brow. It wasn’t just the chanting, nor the trapdoor, but for some reason that expulsion of air from the staircase. At the time he had thought the air was merely stale, but now he began to wonder if it hadn’t stunk of something else. Many of the strange creature were now bowing as they chanted, all the time the tune playing its death march tune through their minds. Elvendor could see Simeon’s mind working hard for a solution, and in truth only he could really help them now.

Not such a great dp, but I couldn't think where else to cut it short without going on for another few thousand words. The solution will need to be realtively simple given that it would take too long, not too mention too much energy, for Simeon to conjure up anything subsatntially real (e.g a monster, or an underwater harpoon).

Last edited by JezSharp on Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:22 am; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hooo. Tough one!

First though, one thing...

I’ve seen many things on my travels, Elvendor thought, but none quite like this.

He hasn't seen that much yet! Perhaps dropping the 'many' might make this sound a little better.

Anyway. What to do. Perhaps Simeon could cause the bubble to rise? To surface or even 'fly' for a short distance? Like he did with the platform in the trees? Assuming there is a surface they can reach.

I will think on it...
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would recommend floating the bubble up to the surface and trying to find somewhere solid to stand on.
It is all very well to go exploring, but my mother always said, if gibbering fish people with spears ever start cutting your magic air hose and chanting, don't wait around to see what happens next.
Duke Reg

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 Duke Reg, but curiosity stays this. How about try to commuciating to them first? It may work, and if doesn't run like the dickens!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How come Elvendor couldn't understand the fish-people chant? I thought he had the translator?

Well, Elvendor has very little choice. Once again, we must rely on Simeon. If these fish-people get so excited about newcomers, have Simeon create an illusion of another more dangerous newcomer to divert their attention. I wouldn't give up to these primitive fighters without a struggle.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 3:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How come Elvendor couldn't understand the fish-people chant?

Good point, and he couldn't understand the Krantle's talk either... but there is a very good explanation as to why.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One you are witholding until the next chapter, or one you don't plan to share with us?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well...I was planning to let you work it out Wink , I was hoping that mentioning the fact that he couldn't understand the Krantle was a reasonable clue. Why should he be unable to understand those two races compared to the leprechauns or humans?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, i assumed those species were native to the planet, wheras the others were the ones on the ship.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Duh, the ship. I was always wondering why the hell you added that prologue. Now I understand. Maybe more of that mystery will be revealed. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes that is due to play a not insignificant role in the sg at some point. Ok options are currently:

Try to communicate with the saucer eyed folk

Try to lighten the bubble and float to the surface

Go down through the trapdoor, what's the worst that could happen?

Attempt to scare off the saucer eyed people.

I'll leave the discussion open to suggestion until tomorrow then post the poll.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If these fish-people get so excited about newcomers, have Simeon create an illusion of another more dangerous newcomer to divert their attention.

Is this included in attempt to scare off the saucer people?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, but I'm not promising it will work Wink .
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a guest post - how?
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, poll is up, will run until this weekend.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm lazy: Do nothing.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a guest post - how?

Yes, it is a guestpost, one of the last and few of a dying race. I'm not sure how I did it, but I can retrace my steps. I clicked on New Posts, where this thread was included. Then I disconnected the internet for a long time, leaving the page minimized and then reconnected again. I came to this thread and clicked Post without logging in, and then the guestpost came up.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah. Not a freak. A trick.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok I'll leave the poll open until this Friday, then begin work on the next Chapter.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok next Chapter should be up in a day or so, so am locking down this thread.
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