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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 11:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

At this point, I think it's dangerous to let Buck call the shots. Obviously, so does Nate.

Lebrenth's idea is good. The car radio could be turned up, imitating last time's idea, hoping that the wights will blindly follow.

Or Nate could try out the handbrake, or fling himself forward and wrestle with Buck for the wheel, because he's only young and he's desperate to help this family.

Or he could simply appeal to Kelsey to say something. As Lebrenth said, Buck would probably listen to her.
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Drive up, don't stop and open fire. If you don't get them all you can at least lead them away and give the people inside some time to do something.

Don't hang around though!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Lebrenthy (an intermediate stage before you become just Lebby Wink )

Ok - as far as I'm aware Kelsey is asleep which is why she hasn't chimed in on Nate's side yet. I get the impression that Nate also doesn't have the time to wake her, explain the situation and get her to countermand the decision before it's too late. So once again it's down to him.

Ramming a couple would be a good idea if it's possible - although if they are just milling about the house it's probably too difficult to hit them with enough speed in the big truck and not actually hit the house.

If it's just a wooded house then driving through it could work - land in the living room, get all the kids in and then back out again. But obviously a lot could go wrong there.

Distracting them, that sounds plausable as well. If they are smarter than Zombies though then they are unlikely to give up on the so far easy targets in the house in favour of those dangerous gun-wielding ones. We need to sound vulnerable. An engine stall, and some screaming might make them think you are in trouble.

All this requires some co-operation from Buck though - and that's not likely unless he gets some of the respect for Nate that he has for Kelsey. Nate is the only one to have tapped into his powers yet, maybe he could try that again, do something that will convince Buck that he is important to.

Great chapter Very Happy

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're right, and keep in mind, that Kelsey is asleep. So the main focus of the decision point here should not be so much about how to deal with the zombies (pardon me, wights), but about how to deal with Buck. He's the one we need to influence here. Not that battle suggestions aren't good, cuz they'll come in handy later, but right now we need to make the battle happen.

Of course an option is to heed Buck and leave the family to defend themselves, but it is undesirable to Nate and therefore us. So be creative - how can we get the hermit to listen to us? Have fun thinking about it, cuz I'm still having some problems...


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was going to write the next chapter tonight, but I realized that it would be rude of me to not let you guys vote on the outcome when there was actually some difference of opinion about it. This poll is only up for three days, so vote if you wish before it ends.

I find myself hoping that the last option wins, as I already know how that would work out, and it would fit in really well. However, the decision is, as always, only yours. Hurry and vote!


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I’m glad to see my first poll in this story was so successful, lol. Here’s the new chapter, hope it fits with what you wanted well enough. Enjoy. Smile

12:00 – Midnight

As the Mullin’s driveway came closer and closer, Nate felt a tide of hot anger rising within him. I won’t let him do this, he told himself. “Buck,” he said through gritted teeth, “you will pull into that driveway, right now.”

Buck stubbornly shook his head, a hint of smugness in his face. Seeing it, Nate felt the last of his control slip away. Yanking out his pistol, he pointed it right at the hermit’s temple. “Now!” he roared. When Buck turned around again, it was to look straight up the muzzle of a loaded gun, held incredibly steady. He coldly fixed his eyes onto Nate’s, who stared back just as determinedly. Then Nate’s eyes flicked to the road ahead, and the boy screamed, “Look out!”

Kelsey had lain in an uneasy sleep, her dreams full of red haze and decomposition. Dimly she heard raised voices, but for a long while couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes. Suddenly she was jerked out of her doze as the truck swerved from side to side and screeched to a halt. Her eyes snapped open, and she was hit with a wave of grogginess. When she looked over, it was to see Buck, his face livid, staring at Nate, who glared back. It took a moment for her to realize that his gun was out, pointing at the hermit.

She bolted upright. “What’s going on?” she cried.

Both of the others started talking at once. Buck was gibbering about stupid brother, no time, blahdy blah, and Nate was hardly better. “The Mullin’s – three kids – gonna leave them!” he spit out, looking furious. A vein in his temple was throbbing.

The girl couldn’t take it anymore. “Shut the hell up and tell me what is going on, Nate!” she yelled. When Buck started to protest, she pointed at him and said, “Be quiet.” He sulkily complied.

“We’re at the Mullin’s place,” Nate said, angry tears in his eyes. He pointed out the window and said, “They are being attacked, and they can’t possibly make it! I wanted to help them, but this jackass wouldn’t stop, so I pulled a gun. Then he nearly ran us off the road.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she said, holding up her hands. “You pulled a gun on the driver?!”

“That’s not the point!” her brother yelled. “Look out the window!”

Kelsey turned her head. Peering through the darkness, she looked and saw… “Oh my God!” she exclaimed, as she saw the wights hammering on the doors and windows of the house, and it finally hit her what Nate had said. “We have to help them!” she cried.


“Now, Buck!” cried Kelsey, unconsciously echoing what her brother had yelled before.

Muttering under his breath the hermit slammed the truck in reverse, as they had passed the turn by a few yards. Then he turned it into the Mullin’s driveway and roared ahead. As they approached the wights, Kelsey pulled out her pistol as well, and said to Nate, “Remember, aim for their heads.”

“I know,” he muttered, his hand on the door handle. Abruptly the truck slammed to a stop, and the three passengers leapt out. Buck put his shotgun to his shoulder and fired. Nate stood up on the running board and pulled the trigger repeatedly with his right hand while his left clutched the top of the truck. Kelsey, for her part, used the open door for a shield and steadied the pistol on the top edge of the door. Before firing, she yelled at the top of her lungs, “Get down!” to the family inside the house. Surprisingly her voice came out incredibly loud, at a volume she didn’t know was possible for a human to achieve. It left her throat incredibly sore, but could be heard above the screams of the wights and the battle cries of her companions. Then, she opened fire.

For less than three minutes the battle raged. The wights, seeing the threat, shambled towards the truck, but Buck had stopped it far enough away that the creatures were only gunned down as they approached. Kelsey fired until the magazine was empty, not always hitting them in the head, but a few. Nate, his eyes narrowed in concentration, pulled shot after shot, and several wights went down because of him. Buck, with his shotgun, had the easiest aiming – he simply pointed and pulled the trigger, and the wights disintegrated from the waist up. By the time Kelsey and Nate were out of bullets, there were none of the monsters left standing.

Kelsey stood in a haze of fog and gun smoke, the sudden silence almost as deafening as the tremendous noise of a few moments ago. Before her lay the oozing corpse of the wights, some lying face down, some having been spun around as the bullets hit them in a gruesome parody of ballet. Hesitantly she walked forward, looking around in a daze. Suddenly the quiet was broken by a single gunshot. Kelsey jumped and looked over, to see Nate standing over the body of a wight, his pistol pointing at the thing’s head and a frightening expression on his face. It was the face of an executioner. When he noticed her watching him, he said coldly, “It was moving.”

“I thought you were out of bullets,” she replied shakily. He shook his head.

“All right,” said Buck grumpily. “They’re dead now, all dead again, can we go?”

She shook her head. “We have to check on the family.” Slowly she walked over to the door. Feeling kind of silly, she knocked. “Mr. Mullin?” she called. Pushing on the door, she saw it was open. Shivering, she realized they’d gotten there just in time. The door knob had been ripped out. Looking inside, she saw dust and particles of sheetrock falling from the ceiling from where a few bullets had flown too high and gone through the walls. A few feet away from her, Mr. Mullin laid on the ground, covering his wife with his own body, both of them with their hands over their ears. In the far corner the three children were huddled together. The oldest, a girl in sixth grade, had her arms around the two younger ones. Her face was streaked with tears.

“Mr. Mullin?” Kelsey asked hesitantly. “Are you all right?”

Finally he looked up. Seeing her, he lay his head back down with a sigh. “Thank God someone came.” Tenderly he helped his wife up from the floor, and immediately their kids surged forward and covered the two parents with hugs. Kelsey averted her eyes for a few moments, allowing the family their relieved embraces. Eventually Mr. Mullin looked up at her. “I’m more grateful than you will ever know,” he told her. “I thought…you know what I thought.”

She nodded. “Can you get your family out of here? We’re trying to get people gathered, in – ”

“The town hall?” the wife asked. She held the youngest child, a boy in kindergarten, on her hip. “We got a call some time ago, gathering everyone to the city hall, before the phones went out, but we couldn’t get to the van.”

Kelsey felt an inexplicable relief that the people were beginning to gather together. All the same, a chill ran down her spine when she considered how closely the evening’s events were following those of the 1800’s.

“Yes, go there,” she told them. “If others are gathering there too you’ll be safer. Get some weapons before you go. If you run into any other wights, bash them on the head or torch them.” The family nodded back.

As Kelsey turned to leave, she heard the sixth grader ask her, “Is this like what happened before?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,” said the girl, “Our great-grandpa used to tell us a story, that his great-grandpa had told him, about how when he was a boy the zombies attacked our town. Is this like that?”

Buck’s voice floated in from outside. “They’re wights, not zombies!” he corrected.

“Shut up,” Kelsey heard Nate snap.

Ignoring them both, Kelsey told the girl, “Yes, this is like that. Everyone in this town is in danger.” Looking now at the parents, she continued, “That’s why you have to be very careful, and group with other people as soon as you can. Arm yourselves,” returning her eyes to those of the girl, she whispered, “Be brave.” Then she turned around and left.

Gesturing to Nate and Buck, she climbed into the truck and shut the door. Then she considered her next step. If the townsfolk were gathering at the city hall it would make sense to seek aid there. She might even be able to access some old records. But they still needed information, and they had the best chance of that at the library. But the city hall would be better protected and provisioned…

They are finally going to town. But whence from there? To the library and information? To the city hall, protection and aid? What options can you imagine, and which will keep them – and everyone else – alive?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter.

The town hall is the obvious choice. Get the people informed and then delegate other tasks in the library and so forth.

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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Excellent chapter, as always Smile

I F5 Chinaren. Get the townsfolk to help you with the job. You can take a whole party of them to the library and send others off to get weapons, round up survivors, whatever.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 cren and shady
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter.

I reckon that the library seems like the best plan. Our enemy is already quite a head of us. If I was him I'd secure the library to prevent us getting access or maybe just destroy it. Therefore I think we should get to the library with all haste.

I was tempted to go via the townhall to get reinforcements, but that'll be a big delay especially if they don't belive us (which is likely).

To the library.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know what F5 means, but I agree with Smee... The library is the best choice, Kelsey and Nate need to be ready to handle the Warlock when the time comes, and they can't defeat him without knowing how to... She can use the phone there to call the people at the town hall and see what their plans are... And then after getting enough information they can head to the city hall where Nate can try to heal the wounded... Smile...

I'm not usually one for Horror, but this is good...

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

F5 is local-speak for "I agree with".

*puts best 'snitch' voice on and points accusingly*

Blame Chinaren, he started it! Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shady Stoat wrote:
F5 is local-speak for "I agree with".

*puts best 'snitch' voice on and points accusingly*

Blame Chinaren, he started it! Wink

Thanks, at least I don't feel so ignorant anymore... Very Happy...
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it was more Stoat's fault that mine! One time everywhere I went to comment Stoat had got there first, and said what I was going to say, so after the thousandth time of saying 'I agree with Stoat' I said I was going to assign the phrase to the 'f5' key.

So it's Stoat's fault. But you can blame me anyway, everyone else does.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Pats Chinaren and blames him too. Smile *
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 5:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lmao... Okay, that makes more sense now Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a poll for the chapter, it'll be up until I have time to finish the next chapter Sad busy busy busy.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

went with the hall
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I finally get a proper explanation of "f5" huh? I knew it would happen sooner or later, I just thought I'd have to go deep into archives.

As it is, I'm totally agreeing with Smee. The library first, city hall afterwards.

BUT, I think this is a good time to mention a potential plan. So this is starting to play out a lot like the old story, right? Well I'm sure the Warlock can see it coming (especially if he's slept through the inbetween time, in which case it will seem as if it was only a few hours ago that this plan was used). So let's use his knowledge against him. He knows we're going to make a resistance, so let's get ready to use the resistance as a diversion. He'll see them coming and assume that's the entire force, meanwhile we three (maybe one or two more) make a quick flanking move and catch him relatively unaware. We probably only need to take out the head to win, so this might work really well....

But let's find out more at the library first!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*sits back and waits for the next chapter*
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

12:10 – Sensations

Kelsey knew that their needs had not changed – they still needed to find what information they could. The city hall would not help them do that. At best it would have rosters of the townsfolk and population, maybe a few old records, but how could that help them? It wouldn’t, really. The library was where they needed to go.

Nate and Buck climbed into the truck and Buck started the engine. “We’re going to the library,” she announced.

Immediately (she perhaps should have expected this) they raised objections. “What’s the point of going to the library?” asked Nate, wrinkling his nose. “If we go to the town hall with the rest of the people we’ll be better protected, and we can check on everyone.”

“We must get to the graveyard!” exclaimed Buck. “D’Homme is getting more powerful with every moment, we must stop him, now now now!”

“Would you two shut up!?” Kelsey exclaimed. Her head spun, and she clutched her arm. It was throbbing strangely. Desperately she pushed back the dizziness and concentrated on what they had asked her. Through gritted teeth, she said, “We’re going to the library, because we need more information about how we can defeat Mort D’Homme. After that, we’ll go to the town hall, and after that, we will confront the warlock in the cemetery. If you have a problem with that, get out of the truck and make your own way.” She didn’t mention that she was still uncertain if confronting the warlock was really a good idea, but she hoped that whatever they found in the library would answer that question.

Nate sighed and sat back in the seat. Buck muttered, put the truck in gear, and pulled out onto the road. As they neared the town, the fog thickened, and soon you could barely see anything outside of twenty yards. Although they were forced to slow down, Kelsey had to wonder if the fog was a good thing – it prevented them from seeing whatever horror might be surrounding them.

Besides the rumble of the truck there was no noise, and with the lack of senses it was almost a surprise when they entered the town. Buildings loomed out of the mist – the school, a church, post office and grocery store. Buck slowed even further, but nothing moved except the fog, swirling and eddying in invisible currents. They passed the street that led to the city hall, and Nate gazed off in that direction wistfully. Soon they’d arrive at the library.

They were only a few blocks from their destination when the feeling came. Kelsey, who was sitting in a silent misery of nausea as the truck seemed to sway like a ship on turbulent water, almost didn’t acknowledge it. But instead of fading away, it only grew. Grimacing, the girl focused on it, pulling the strange sensation of knowing into the forefront of her mind. As soon as she did, Kelsey realized what the feeling was telling her – it would be a bad idea to continue this way.

So close to their goal, what can Kelsey do? Which is more foolish – to disregard a possible premonition or to forfeit what might be their best chance at gathering more information?

Hmm, it’s like a mini chapter. I should try to work in some consistency here…

Anyway, these are the choices as I see them – turn around and go back to the town hall, ignore the feeling and continue on…or, find another way in. Be creative, and share your own ideas as well.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A great little mini-chapter, DF!

I have a few reasons for saying 'ignore the premonition'.

1) It could be somebody invading Kelsey's head and controlling her thoughts, just as much as it could be a true premonition.

2) Unless she goes to check it out and finds out whether or not it's a real vision of the future, she'll never know whether it was real or not. If she carries in blindly obeying every 'premonition' from then on, she could end up being nothing more than a will-less puppet.

3) I don't think Kelsey defeated the warlock with the powers of Premonition. Although it might be a re-manifestation of her powers, are they the sort of powers that she would have imagined her ancestor having? She should doubt until she's proved it, one way or another.

Of course, it could be true and they could be driving into terrible danger... but I'm sure it's a lesser risk now that we're not walking into it blind. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good mini-chapter. It's nice to cut it short when a decision points appears like this. Makes us readers feel important.

I can't argue with Stoat's points though. It's the first manifestation of these powers if it is a premonition, so it needs confirming as genuine. Of course, even if thee is some danger thatoesn't mean it's magic powers. She's going through a day of hell - anyone would be getting 'funny feelings' of danger. Danger is all around her anyway.

Unless the preminition expands into a vision detailing the danger, it could just be entirely understandable nerves.

Ignore it and continue to the Library.

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

that's all true, but people get 'premonitions' all the time, mostly without realising it.

your instinst, a gut-feeling, and womans intution is all based on your feelings without actual fact. i know i've known something thats happened without being told or even before its happened, and thats without any mystical ancestrial power manifesting (or is it?)

mainly i feel people should always go with their instinsts, because all of life is a gamble and what else is there to go on
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Feelings are given to unpredictability to the effect of unreliability. If Kelsey can become more attuned to her premonitions, we can begin to trust them. As it is, either the author is really trying to steer us away from the library Wink, or an interesting event is about to take place.

To the library!

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not sure what she should do... I do think she needs to go to the library, but she really shouldn't ignore the premonition.... :hm: She should go with her gut... :nod:
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say to the library and be damned! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, lovely conflict. <rubs hands together in anticipation>

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woo yeah! First vote. Go me! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

voted to turn back, and winning
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1-4 is winning? Shocked
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey it's Ingro! He hasn't been eaten by the swamp creature!
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


yes it is
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 7:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

12:30 – All for Knowledge
Kelsey forced herself to think logically. You are tired. You are sick to your stomach, partially deaf from gun blasts and paranoid because of all that’s been happening. Just because you were supposed to inherit some old woman’s powers doesn’t mean you can tell the future. Stop being silly and do what you need to do. So, she didn’t say anything.

Ahead of them loomed the stately brick edifice, its windows dark and the parking lot empty. Nothing seemed to be amiss. Kelsey, realizing she was tense in her seat, sat back with a sigh. As they pulled up in front of the library, her face broke into a tremulous grin. There was nothing.

Despite the apparent tranquility of the area, Buck would not let her leave the truck until he had gotten out and investigated. Soon enough he pronounced it clear and motioned for them to enter. Gathering their things, the siblings hopped (or in Kelsey’s case, hobbled) out of the truck and joined him at the front doors. Unfortunately, they were locked.

The girl leaned against the doorframe, her tired brain thinking, Duh. Dumb-ass, of course it’s locked. Buck, seeing her despair, seemed ready to break the glass and enter forcefully, but Nate restrained him. “Let me do it,” he said with exasperation. “The alarm will go off.”

Then Kelsey watched bemused as he dug into his pack and produced something the girl couldn’t see. Kneeling in front of the door, Nate concentrated for a few minutes while the hermit looked around edgily. Finally he sat back triumphantly and said, “Ah ha!” With that, he pulled open the door.

After they were safely inside, Kelsey turned to him and asked, “You can pick locks?”

He nodded nonchalantly. “I thought it’d be nifty to know how, so I taught myself.”

Buck interrupted. “Let’s start looking, quick. Hurry, hurry on.”

When the hermit wasn’t looking, Nate rolled his eyes expressively to Kelsey, who stifled a giggle. Then they began their search. Buck took it upon himself to be the guard, patrolling between all the doors, checking the windows, his weapons at the ready. He muttered to himself and glanced their way occasionally with consternation. Once he’d turned on a computer Nate began to look for promising titles in the library’s books listings. Kelsey searched in a more old-fashioned way, and went straight to a small room in the back that was devoted to the town’s history. For a while she combed the shelves, occasionally pulling down an old volume, but finding very little of interest. Finally, exasperated, she sat down at a table and tried to think. Where would it be? Then her gaze dropped on a glass display cabinet.

Oh my God, she thought. Retard! Crossing to the cabinet, she peered into the large book that lay inside. It reminded her of something, but at first she couldn’t think what it was. Then she realized; it was almost exactly like Buck’s book. There was no title, its cover only stamped and polished leather. Behind the book was a sign, which read: This book is the collected journals of the town’s founding fathers and their descendents. It tells not only the intimate details of the events that shaped our town, but also local folk-lore and myths. Thanks to Gina Albaine for compiling these records in a way that will never die.
This has got to be it, Kelsey thought. “Nate!” she called, but when she looked around he was already there.

“What did you find?” he asked.

“Here,” she said. “I think this is what we’re looking for.”

Her brother peered through the glass. “ ‘The collected journals of the town’s founding fathers and their descendants’ ” he read. Nodding, he said, “That should do it. I didn’t really see any others.” Once again he pulled out what Kelsey presumed were homemade lock picks and quickly gained access to the book. He pulled it out reverently and handed it to Kelsey. When he passed it to her, she staggered.

“Kelsey!” He helped her to a chair.

“Thanks,” she said faintly.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked sternly. “You’ve been acting funny since…well, since we left Buck’s house.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I – ”

“Kelsey!” It was Buck. “Kelsey, come here, hurry, Kelseykelseykelsey!”

“What now?” asked Nate crossly.

Immediately the girl lurched to her feet, stuffing the library book into her bag beside Buck’s. “Hush, it sounds urgent.”

In the mystery section of the library the found the hermit. He was peering through the window, holding his weapon tightly. “Look,” he instructed, pointing. It was one of the only sentences she’d heard him utter that had only one, unrepeated word in it.

Nevertheless, Kelsey did look. Peering outside, she blanched.

“What is it?” Nate looked too. After the fog had swirled away he was able to see what the others saw, and he moaned. Together the three checked all the windows, looked outside from every direction, and it was the same everywhere.

The sound of hungry moans echoing eerily in the fog drifted to them, pierced occasionally by a shriek of hatred. It was the sound of the wights that stood outside, completely surrounding the library. None of them moved forward though. All around the building they stood, three or four deep in unmoving ranks.

“They’re waiting for something,” Kelsey said. Her voice shook.

“What?” squeaked Nate, in a barely audible whisper.

Once again the feeling of knowing came upon Kelsey. She concentrated, and unlike before, the fuzziness in her brain was pieced by fear, and she was able to bring up an image, and a name, to accompany it. “I should have tried harder,” she whimpered to herself. “It’s my fault.”

Her companions looked at her oddly. “What do you mean?”

Opening her eyes, Kelsey said in an empty voice, “Mort d’Homme.” Glancing outside, she whispered, “He’s coming.”

They gained information, but at what price? Will it all end here? There may still be time…for what, is up to you.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kelsey should read, in case there are any extra hints as to how she (and Nate) should use the power agains Mort d'Homme. There's no point in having power if they can't weild it (although that may come naturally at the time, I don't see any guarantees).

Nate needs to phone through to the Town Hall (if the library/mobile phones are working) and see if they can get a rescue party together, in exchange for the valuable information about what's happening and how to defeat it. And lots of ammo and weaponry from Buck's van, too Smile

Buck could maybe test the wights out. If they're acting on orders, they might not be trickable, but they might also have orders that don't allow for certain situations that arise. For example if all they're doing is waiting for Mort D'Homme to come along, and not attacking until he does, they could possibly be taken out where they stand, clearing an escape path. I doubt it would be so easy, but Buck can definitely check their defensive patterns and 'thoughts' (such as they have).

That's all I can think of, for the moment. Very good chapter, though Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool chapter. I have quite happy with did the right thing. Wherever they go the wights would be along eventually. Might as well have here than anywhere else.

The important thing is to get reading. Some guidence, clue or detail about what to do.

The rest of Stoat's ideas are good ones too. Lob a granade in somewhere and see what happens - do they fill the hole, try to avoid it, or just stand there?

Happy Writing. Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i agree, will post more later
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Smee wrote:
I have quite happy with did the right thing.

Smee, for the sake of my sanity, please explain to me what happened here. And the words are spelled "grenade" and "guidance"... unless they're more of those British variations.... In any case, I hope whatever hit your head doesn't leave a permanent mark, and that you'll feel better soon. Very Happy

Testing them sounds like a good idea, but I doubt we have time to read the book while being surrounded. We should be focused on getting out of there, or at least keeping an eye open for break-ins or sneak attacks, till we can find a place at least a little more safe to stop and read. If we can't get out, we should try to get on the roof for defense, but I really consider that a last resort.

Calling the town hall shouldn't be hard, considering how well the electricity has been working, suggesting there is no damage to the basic utilities. I am not too optimistic about getting help though, so personally, I'd skip that too and try to fight our way out. We're armed and they're not. It really depends on how much ammunition we have and how close we are to the vehicle.

Even just two grenades will kill a large number if they're close together. From what I understand a standard grenade has a kill radius of 5 meters, which says nothing of the substantial damage done to those just outside of the kill radius.... So a properly lobbed grenade could do a lot, but if it's anywhere near the tires of the truck we run a risk of shrapnel piercing them.... So we should try to throw the grenades in such a way that the line of wights are inbetween, letting them catch most of the shrapnel and make it less likely to pop the tires.

So I would definitely vote for fighting our way out, and doing it immediately before we have a premature encounter with Mort d'Homme. I really dislike the idea of fighting him on his terms. Even Buck doesn't seem to like the idea of facing him there, and we already know how crazy he's been to go on the attack.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

no, i think Smee just mispelled them
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*rubs head*

Must have walked through a tornado or something Wink
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