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The Hunt Vol.2: Blood of the birds

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:30 pm    Post subject: The Hunt Vol.2: Blood of the birds Reply with quote

Warning: This whole Storygame will contain Expilict Language and gore.

Miller looked around. He was on some kind of landing craft, headed towards an island. On the Island was a large concrete building, no, a fortress. The cold sea was choppy, tossing the craft up and down. Miller was dressed in a Combat uniform, Camo fabric and kevlar. In his hands he clutched an assault rifle. He could remember kissing his girlfriend, who, unknown to him, had resisted when informed of his "Recruiment" reisited and was beaten and raped, and after that, nothing. Had he been drugged? Maybe the drug didn't fully leave his system, sure, he'd smoked a little weed last night, no big deal. He remembered a room, he was given his equipment and suited up, men with guns watching. He was then led with other poepl like him, and breifed on something. But what? The harsh wind blew the sea spray onto his face, as he turned away, he noticed a coloured badge on his left arm. It was blue. He noticed some of the other people with him had coloured badges too. They looked as bewildered as he was. The landing craft stopped, several yards away from the island. A speaker could be heard. A disembodied voice crackled into existence.
'Blue Team, this is your stop!'
Miller was puished forward into the freezing cold water...

'We have recieved word that the group behind the recent bombings have a HeadQuarters on an Island off the coast of Scotland, as you might now, our financial center for the show is located there. The damage was irrepairable. Oh, and I think about 500 people died. Your mission, wether you like it or not, is to find those responsible and wipe them out...'

Miller resurfaced, and noticed some other members of his team climbing back up onto the shore. He paddled over, and hauled himself up, shivering.
A woman dressed in combat gear spoke. 'Jesus! This is fucking insane! They expect us to do this?'
'Oh shit...'
'We don't have a choice. If we refuse, we're dead.'
'But these people... I've seen their show. Are they filming us?'
'I expect so. This would be a rare treat for the viewers.' Someone spat.
'Oh shit...'
'Hey, pull yourself together, we're outnumbering them right? This should be a walk in the park.'
'Say that to the guy they executed in front of us...'

Someone stood up.
'What is this bullshit? Fuck you!'
Gunfire replied to his challenge, and he fell back limply. Covered in blood. His eyes seemed to bulge out, and he was shaking. A soldier walked up, stepped on his neck, and fired two mroe rounds into his head. Someone gave a small scream.
'Like I said, you will help wether you want to or not.'

Richard's hands were tremblnig as he advance slowly down the hallway, backed up by the rest of Red Team. He motioned to them silently to stay low, he was trying to act cool, but the perspiration running down his face made it hard to see. He envied the players who were supplied head bands, at least would be able to see. It's a good thing he was supplied gloves, otherwise the sweat on his hands would have caused him to drop his rifle. Voices were up ahead...

'We need to act now! I think the Game knows that we're based here!'
'No, this is the best vantage point we have, we can;t afford to simply abandon it.'
'But we must!'
'Listen, think things through, then come back.'
The last voice was a woman's, european. Richard crept into a two story room, balconies surrounding a clearing below. A burning barrell could be seen illuminating a banner, and the terrorisys were there. They were dressed shabbily, like the refugees Richard had seen on the TV in nameless thirs world countries. Their hair was messy, and their faces grimy. They all had weapons, most had automatic rifles. The woman was sat on a crate, cleaning her AK47. A friend of hers had possessed one of these. He was dead now. The only sound now was the crackling of the fire. Richard crouched down, and tried to figure out what to do.

'How do you think they're filming us?' Asked Miller.
Someone tapped a badge on their kevlar jacket. It wasn't the finest stuff on the maerket, that would have simply been a waste. They'd be lucky if this stuff stopped anything. It was probably there to assure the audience that the game actually cared about their recruits. Bullshit. This stuff had the same bullett-stopping power as cardboard.
'You see this badge?'
'It has the blue emblem on it.'
'If you look closely, there's a camera in the middle. It probably isn't the only one. there's also a spyplane circling the island.'
'How do you know?'
'My friend told me. He's a technician for the game.'
Miller looked at the man. 'You mean you signed up for this?'
'Because I knew people in that building they blew sky-high. Also, if we survive, we get a life of luxury.'
'Oh yes. They did for the winners of all the others.'
'But what if-'
'We WILL get something out of this.'
'Right, before we go anywhere, let's have an agreement. If you vow to get through this alive, say I do.'
the other three replied 'I do.'
'If you swear to help each other through this, say I do.'
'I do.' They all said again.
'If you swear to get everyone out of this alive. Say I do.'
A moments hesitation.
'I do.' They all said.
The man had a tag on his arm. It said ANDREWS. Miller noticed he had one too, which of course, read MILLER. Miller then noticed they had radios on their shoulders, like a cop or soldier from the movies. Andrews looked at them all.
'None of you have probably ever handled a gun, you're all green. Don't worry, while I'm still breathing, I'm gonna help all of you out of this. Understood?'
'A chorus of agreements could be heard.
'Right, I'm gonna check on the other teams.'
Andrews activated his radio, and craned his neck to one side to speak into it.
'Red, Green, Gold, what is your current status?'
Voices could be heard. Miller could hear that the first one was terrified.
'W...We're okay. But we're one man down. He was the one they.... executed. We're making our way into the main building. Green out.'
The next voice was scared, but still in control.
'This is gold. We're still on the shore. We're currently assessing which way we we're going to take. Gold out.'
No answer from red.

Richard practically jumped out fo his skin, when the voice crackled onto his radio. Richard tried to muffle it. he then slowly turned on the switch, and tried to whisper into it, he'd taken his hand off it...
'Red....Do you copy?'
It echedo everywhere, clearly audible, the room seemed to amplify the sound. One of the Terrorists got up, and saw Richard crouched up on the balcony.
Richard looked down straight into the Terrorist's eyes. He watched as they raised their Uzi. The others were raising rifles and pistols.
'Oh shit.'
The bullets tore mercilessly into Richard's body, he gurgled as his neck practically exploded, spraying the foul substance everywhere, he shook as the bullets exited through his back, blood spraying onto his teammates behind him, who watched in horror. Richard's body did an insane jig, arms flying out t the sides and shaking, until he fell backwards. Bullet holes covered his upper body, blood pouring out his mouth. One had taken part of his neck, so the dark, shiny red pool spread out along the concrete. He looked at his team, his dead eyes vacant.
'Fuck! Run for it!'
The three remaining members of red team sprinted down the hall.

The Terrorist with the AK put down her smoking weapon. So the Game had tracked them down? Mariah felt a tear run down her cheek. These people weren't soldiers, if they were, she'd be dead by now. They were people. People kidnapped like she was two years ago. The worst twenty four hours of her life, Maria got up. She couldn't think such things.
'Come on, we have to warn the others.' she said, and led the other terrorists with her off down a passage.

'Fuck! Run for it!'

Andrews was silent. Miller stood up.
'We have to help them! They're in trouble!'
'We don't even know where they are, or if they're already dead Miller! There's nothing we can do!'
'There must be! Come on! We have to help them!'
'We can't! Face it!'
'Then what are we going to do?'

Last edited by Cowofdoom666 on Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:19 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Team list: Dead Recruits will be marked.

Blue Team:
Miller, Garry *DEAD* (Died from wounds)
Williamkinson, Theresa (Died in firefight)
King, Helen *DEAD* (Killed after being wounded in firefight)
Andrews, Thomas *DEAD* (Died from Wounds)

Red Team
Smith, Richard *DEAD* (Gunned down on Balcony)
LaQuit, Amielle *DEAD* (Died from Grenade blast)
Branson, Kerry *DEAD* (Killed by Stray Bullets during Firefight)
Forge, William *DEAD* (Killed by Miller)

Green Team
Naoki, Yamada *DEAD* (Grenade Blast)
Durnst, Nigel *DEAD* (Friendly Fire)
Stein, Frederika *DEAD* (Friendly fire)
Potter, Frederick *DEAD* (Executed in Breifing)

Gold Team
Kazuma, Hara *DEAD* (Friendly Fire)
King, Jack *DEAD* (Friendly Fire)
Hitomi, Aki *DEAD* (Grenade blast)
Hamilton, Janet *DEAD* (Grenade Blast)

Known Terrorists:
Boris *DEAD* (Firefight)
Alice *DEAD* (Grenade Blast)
Hunt, Al *DEAD* (Wounded by Andrews, Killed by Forge)
Thompson *DEAD* (Wounded and Killed By Andrews)
Unknown, Female *DEAD* (Killed by Miller)


Last edited by Cowofdoom666 on Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:23 pm; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seeing as NO-ONE replied, I've extended the chapter, and brough in a new feature:

Coloured text is the noise coming from a certain team on the radio. For instance, if someone in Green team tripped over a box with their radio activated, the other teams would hear:

A bump
'Ow! My foot!'

A rather lighthearted example, but there you go.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Leave, it's not worth being killed over. You should care more about your own hide then the others. RUN!!!

Nicer story Cow, didn't know you were planin' a sequel!

I'm ripped across the ditch, and settled in the dirt and I'm
Wiggled like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt
Pay attention to your twisted little indiscretions
I've got no right to way, I'm just caught up all the battles

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I read, just no time to comment yesterday. I think go and help.
Neil Hartley Books.
My Amazon page.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heh heh, there might be a third one.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm F5-ing Chinaren here. Go help. Cool

Glad you're sequelling, Cow. I liked the first Hunt Smile
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice story and glad to see a sequel Very Happy. I would say run away. You’re trying to survive and attacking the terrorists doesn't sound like a good way to do that
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrews sighed.
'Fine. We'll go check it out. Just give me a second.'

Amielle was shaking, a tear washing away some of the red dots covering her face and chest. She was from the country, a farmhouse in Normandy. She missed her family already. She'd been on a chooping trip into Bayeax, next thing she knew, she was here.
'Hello? Is anyone still there?'
Amielle activated her radio, allowing her to speak.
'We're still here.'
'Really? How many of you are left?'
'Three. Smith was killed.'
'Shit. Where are you?'
'We were dropped off shortly after blue team. We entered through a window, and followed the corridor.'
'We're coming down for you Red Team, stay put. Over and out.'

Andrews got up, and motioned the others to follow him. He'd seen the Boat head right after dropping them off, it would be safe to say that is the way they should go.
'Keep your guns ready and watch for anything suspicious.'

Yamada cocked his gun. He'd heard gunshots on the radio, and the discussion between Red and Blue team. He turned to his teammates. He signalled them forward. The corridor was wet, the sound of dripping water echeoing. He needed a cigarette. His hand reached for his breast pocket, a reflex. He didn't feel the box of cigarettes, but he did find something else. A headset, folded into the pocket. Bastards, they hadn't told them about these! He plugged it into his radio, a head phone in his right ear, and a small microphone reaching down to his mouth. Those sick bastards must have thought it would be a good idea to keep these secret, but be sporting and include them anyway. He whispered into his mic.
'Check your breast pockets, Green out.'
His signalled for his teamamtes to do so as well. Hey, for once cigarettes might be helping him live longer!

Andrews peered into the dark, dingy interior.
'This is the place. Keep close.'
He re-adjusted his mic, and climbed in. He then thought to himself: I wonder how much other stuff was included that we don't know about? He crept into the corridor, which lead into a small room. He looked at the supplied MP5. He was the only member of his team who was supplied an SMG. King, who looked the most timid of the group, had a shotgun. Great.
'Hey King, give me that thing.'
He swapped their weapons, and activated a torch at the end of the shotgun. He then continued. A wooden door ahead. He crept to the side.
'Get into cover.'
The other team members did so. Miller could feel his sweat dripping to the floor.
Andrews's shotgun practically exploded, a flash illumianting the entire room. He then kicked the door open. He swept in, and shone the torch into the room. A scream could be heard. Andrews shone the torch into a scared face. He relaxed. It was Red Team.
The woman was openly crying now.
'Get up. We're out of here.'
Then, the room lit up. A bright light illuminated everything, blinding the teams. Then, there were gunshots.
Andrews ran backwards the way he came, a scream could be heard. He pointed his shotgun in the vague direction of the noise and fired, the boom drowning out all other noise. Another scream.
'Everyone out!'
The two teams ran for the window. Scrambling out frantically, Andrews was the last to exit, using his shotgun to keep the unseen agressors at bay. Otuside, he looked at the two teams. Several of them were crying.
'Is anyone hurt?'
A woman with the name BRANSON stitche don her arm nodded. Andrews could see she was clutching a wound. It was bleeding openly.
'Damn. Hang in there Branson. Wait. We're missing someone, aren't we? Shit!'

Helen was lying on the floor. She felt pain in numerous parts of her body, she couldn't move. She'd been hit in the confusion by both sides. A few bullets had hit her from the aggressors, but more ironically, the shotgun she'd given to Andrews had hit her in the leg as she fell. she was the closest to the attackers when it occured. She looked at her leg. The bone was visible, a chunk of flesh missing. It was bleeding like crazy. She groaned, the pain unbearable. She tried to use the meditation method that her instructor showed her. She wanted to go to her happy place, safe from this hell. She closed her eyes and let her head hang back. She then re-opened her eyes. A rough man with a cigarette dangling from his legs was looking down at her with a smoking gun barrell pointed straight at her face. She closed her eyes again, and went to her happy place, a wonderful garden where she would relax. Her head hit the floor as it was thrown back by the final bullet. A red hole of gore appeared between her eyes. It was that moment that Helen King left this world to her Garden, her happy place, never to return again.

Thompson lowered his Beretta. He trod on his cigarette to extinguish it.
'Fucking waste.'
He motioned for the two other terrorists to advanc eforward, after the others that had fleed. He didn't want to do this, but it was us or them, they would understand. At least, he hoped so. He sighed, then slowly followed his companions.

Andrews crouched above the window. He'd heard the gunshot alright, Williamkinson had said a silent prayer for King. Poor woman.
Then, Andrews saw it. A gun barell poking out gingerly, as if to check the surrounding area. Then, a man cautiously stepped out. His name was Al Hunt, he looked left and right, and then motioned for his teammates to follow. He was only 19, both his parents had been killed in a game of the Hunt when he was fifteen. He'd been training for years, soon he'd get his venegance.
Hushed whispers. 'There! Kill em!'
'Why me?'
'Prove to me you can kill!'
'It's a fucking kid!'
'Do it! Smoke the motherfucker!'
Miller lowered his gun in protest.
'He' d gladly kill you! Do it!'
'No! I'm not killing him!'
Miller stepped back, a small crucnh could be heard as he stepped on some loose gravel. Hunt spun around, and out of sheer panic, opened fire. A bang, and he was thrown backwards. His two companions came running out. Miller panicked also, and opened fire. He was unexpected for the amount of recoil, as a result his aim was thrown upwards, the bullets thudded into a Woman's body, she spasmed and fell backwards. A trail of bullets ran from her hips to her neck. Andrews reloaded and fired again, a wet splat could be heard. Thompson screamed and loooked at his bloody stump of an arm. His forearm and elbow were lying a few inches behind him, still clutching the Berreta.
Andrews stood up from his kneeling position.
'Don't move!'
Thompson sprang for his severed arm.
He was thrown forward, the back of his head demolished. He didn't move.
A tinkle of a shotgun shell landing to the ground could be heard. Andrews lowered his smoking weapon.
'I warned you.'
Hunt was squirming on the ground. His chest had been pummeled, a dark red patch on his torso. He looked up at fear at the people on the roof of the building. He was starting to cry too.
'Please! Don't kill me! I hate this game as much as you do!'
He coughed, blood spraying into the air. It stained his teeth red.
'Please...' He sobbed.
A loud pop, and he stopped moving. A cloud of blood billowed from his head, and he was still. Andrews and Miller turned, to see a man from Red team hold a smoking Desert Eagle.
'What did you do that for?' Shouted Miller.
'He was the enemy. He killed Branson.'
'When he fired. He killed her.'
Miller looked at where Branson had been. Her eyes were closed, and a thin red trickle ran from her mouth. She'd been hit during the fighting. The man's face was grim. FORGE was on his arm.
'But he was defenceless!'
'He's the fucking enemy Miller! Get used to the fact that people are gonna fucking die!'
Miller looked at Forge, he was starting to cry too. LaQuit was holding Branson in her arms, crying. She wasn't cut out for this. No-one was, except for Forge and Andrews. A silence followed, filled the sqwauks of seagulls circling above.

Nigel Durnst listened ahead: Voices. The Terrorists?
Stein came up behind him. 'Leave them, it's too risky! Wait for back-up to come!'
'We may not have another chance like this Stein! We have the advantage!'
'Stein turned to the Japanese man, Naoki.'
'What should we do?'
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd say wait for backup. you're only going to get through this by being smart - and even then, let's face it, you're probably not going to get through this Cool

Good chapter Cow
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with stoat Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's official: There's going to be Three Volumes of the Hunt, making it a trilogy. Stay tuned after this for the final Volume!
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Let's wait. I have a bad feeling about this. It feels like a set-up.'
'Thank you! Let's get out of here.'
Green Team turned to leave.

Blue Team and Red Team had been fractured, broken up. The remanents had teamed up, determined to survive this. Miller was talking to the french girl, LaQuit. Then, one thought crossed someone's mind.
'What's happened to Gold Team?'

Hara stalked with trembling hands down the corridor. He was scared, as anyone naturally would be in this situation. What was more scary was the fact that several peoepl were approaching him. He stopped, as did the rest of his team. He raised his gun, waiting for the unknown visitors to emerge.
Someone stpped out, as they did, they stepped on the broken glass, giving a crunch. Hara jumped, and fired. A barrage of bullets filled the tunnel from both sides.

'Shit! What's happening?'
'Both teams must have been attacked!'
'Shit! Let's go check it out!'

Janet was looking around the tunnel. Their team had shot at a group of people, who had fired back. She felt a seraring pain in her abdomen. She looked at the others. They were lying on the floor with her, Hitomi groaned. She rolled onto her side to reveal horrific gunshot wounds.
'D....Did we win?'
A groan form the darkness where the "attackers" had been.
Janet looked at the tunnel in fear.
'Wh....Who's there?'
'Yamada Naoki, Green team.'

Maria was sat in the main chamber as a bird fluttered in, it landed, and looked at her inquisitively, and made its way around the floor, pecking at the concrete, preening its feathers.
She turned to her fellow Ravens. It was her that had thought of the idea, The Ravens.
'Where's Thompson, Hunt, and Katrina?'
'I sent Skinner out to find out.'
A wiry youth with spectales ran in.
'They're dead!'
'They're all fucking dead! The Contestants dropped on the Island killed them!'
A huge man with a thick beard stood up. 'Bastards! I'll kill them all!'
Maria walked over to him. 'Boris, we must help these people. They are here against their will. You know that. We must help them, even if that means forcing them to submit.'
Boris sat down. Skinner panted for breath.
'You'll never guess what else I found.'

Yamada sat on his back, his eyes closed. The pain was unbearable. He just wanted it all to end, but it wouldn't. He was still alive. Footsteps.
'This one's dead.'
'So's this one.'
Yamada could hear someone crouch over him.
'I got a live one here!'
'Got two here!'
'Is that it?'
'Looks like it.'
'Take them back to the chamber, patch them up.'

Maria looked at the contestants. Their camo clothes, grey for Urban operations, were stained red. Skinner was attending to a Japanese man, dressing the weeping wound in his chest. Maria sat down. Those bastards, the organisers, were going to pay.
A woman ran in. She was in her forties, a tired look permanently on her face.
'What is it Alice?'
'I just saw some more Contestants come! They're armed! I think they're the ones that killed Thompson, Hunt, and Katrina! What do we do Boss?'
Maria swore. What were they going to do?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Quiet. Confused
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry I didn't reply to this one. I read it late at night and didn't want to put a tired comment up Very Happy

I think Maria should try to set up a dialogue with the enemy soldiers. Sooner or later, she (or another survivor) will have to talk instead of fight (with whichever of the enemy combatants is left).

I'm not saying spare no expense in this. If they won't listen, you can retreat or fight. But the fairer you are with these poor suckers, the easier it's going to be to find common ground with them later.

Nice chapter Cow Cool
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Andrews crouched near the doorway, he looked at the others, who were hidden, waiting to strike. He breathed slowly, keeping as calm as possible. There were... three of them in there. Andrews peeked round the corner. Armed with... Machines guns and sub-machine guns. There were three recruits, all wounded. It was night by now, and Andrew's breath condensed in the air.
Maria, looked up from a wounded recruit.
She saw a peeking face.

She raised her machine gun, now was no time for diplomacy. Suddenly, the deafening sound of multiple guns firing at once filled the room. Maria felt something hit her in the stomach, and doubled over. She saw people from both sides fall, the survivors running for cover.

'How many did we lose?'
Andrews did a head count, crouched in the doorframe. he then looked out inot the room, he withdrew his head quickly as a bullet ricocheted nearby.
'Willimakinson, they got her.'

Maria dragged herself back to her partners, She dragged herself past Boris's motionless body. A dark red pool seeping from beneath him.
She dragged herself behind a crate.
'Stop! We don't want to hurt you!'

'Did you hear that? They want peace!'
'Stay down Miller' Growled Andrews. 'It might be a trap.'
Andrews looked back.
'Prove it! drop your weapons!'

Alice looked at Maria, who nodded.
One by one, the remaining Ravens threw their guns into the center of the room. Andrews emerged with his shotgun trained at them.
'Up. Keep your hands where I can see them.'
They did so, except for Maria who held up one hand, slumped up against the crate, her other hand was clutching her waist. She was bleeding. Andrews looked at them all as the others gathered the weapons. He did a body search on them as the others watched. Then, he noticed something.
'Where's Forge?'

Miller sat with the leader, he'd bandaged her wound as best he could, and they talked.
'You're an ex-contestant?'
'Yes, I am. I've seen terrible things.'
'God, and you really want to help us?'
'What do you think we're against? Those bastards who sent you here!'
'Oh go.... your friends.. we...'
'It was bound to happen, they died fighting against the Game. It was the way they wanted to go.'
Maria looked at Alice, who was helping to tend to the wounded players.
There was a rattle, and the sound of something small hitting the concrete. Miller looked at what it was, and was dragged down by Maria.
Milelr sprung up, and almost vomited. The grenade had landed amongst the wounded, and killed them all, including Alice.
'Fuck! Who's that?'
Maria shuddered as another hole opened up in her chest. Blodd splurted out onto Miller. Forge burst in, his Desert Eagle ready.
'Drop your weapons! Both of you!'
Andrews and Miller did so.
Forge kicked Amielles body out the way. She had a look of surprise on her face, well, the part that hadn't been torn by shrapnel did anyway.
'What are you doing Forge?'
'I'm winning the fucking game! Guess what? I don't think any of you knew, but only one of us gets to leave here alive!'
'They told me, one of us gets to leave for a life of luxury. A paradise, I've risked too much to come this far.'
Andrews twitched, Forge pointed his gun at him, a vein throbbing on his forhead.
'Don't fucking move!' He screamed, spittle spraying from his mouth.
'Miller, I said I'd protect you...'
Andrews sprang forward, and tackled Forge, the gun fired again. It fired again, and Andrews was thrown backwards.
Prove to me you can kill...
Miller grabbed a fallen pistol, raised it, and fired. Forge raised his psitol and fired...
Both fell backwards. Forge had a gaping hole in his left eye socket. He was very dead. Miller got up. He winced with pain. He limped over to Andrews. Andrews got up.
'You ok Miller?'
'...The bastard got me. I'm bleeding pretty bad.'
Andrews looked at Maria a trail of bloof trickling from her mouth. She looked at them. Andrews blinked slowly.
'I have an idea.'
He removed his shirt and kevlar, and threw them over.
'Put them on.'
Miller could see a huge bullet wound in Andrew's stomach. A second on his left lung. He fell back onto a wall.
'Hey, Miller, take care of yourself will ya?'
'Well, that's gonna be hard Andrews.'
'Well, I think I'm gonna die...'
Miller fell, and tried to get up again, he couldn't, and stayed in a kneeling position.
Maria put on the shirt, splattered with blood, as well as the cheap Kevlar.
'Remember lady, your name is Andrews, you were a contestant.'
The sound of a chopper could be heard outside.
Maria listened.
'Odd, they don't have a chopper...'
'I knew they'd come. Take care of yourself Maria, you'd best go in and signal to them from the beach. Me and Miller, we'll stay here.'
Maria blinked, and coughed up a little blood.
'Thank you...'
'Don't mention it toots.'
Maria left.

Maria limped onto the beack, and waved to the chopper, it landed on the beach, and a soldier helped her on, he motioned a medic over. He then motioned two other soldiers to search the interior of the fortress.

'Thanks for everything.'
'Don't mention it. Don't go crying on me kid.'
'Nah, I might laugh. We'd probably become friends after this is all over, huh?'
No reply.
Miller rolled onto his back, still slightly smiling. He then sighed, one last time.

The soldiers ran out again.
'Any survivors?'
'No sir.'
Maria felt a twinge. The words were like lead.
The soldiers boarded, and the chopper took off.
'So lass, you're the only one left?'
The soldier was scottish.
Maria nodded.
the chopper flew away into the night, leaving the island, the tomb of the fallen.

The Hunt, Vol. 2: The blood of the Birds

'Well, I guess you'd like to hear the news lass.'
'The Hunt, It's been made illeagal. The company'd been liquidised a month ago.'

Last edited by Cowofdoom666 on Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shady Stoat

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow! A sudden end. I like it though.

going for the Hunt 3 next? Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And so ends the, quite frankly short, second installment of the Hunt. Stay tuned for the final Volume!
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