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Charming in Life # 20-Deja Who?---Final Chapter!
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

By using the BlackHeart arrow he's removed love from the world. It killed Barney as a creature sustained purely on love, and the only reason Charming is still alive is because he only recently became Cupid - soon he to will wither a die.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the removal of love is having cataclysmic concequenes - couples breaking up, murder, suicide, robberies, and - finally - World War III

Would that be impressive enough?
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
Scraping the Barrel
A Tale of Four Swords
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice chapter!

Unfortunately, I'm drawing a blank right now. I'll keep thinking about it and post any idea that comest to mind.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

Linear Story Nightrobber Now Complete!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Although killing off love sounds severly tempting....(down with Valentine's Day I say!)....I would have to disagree with Lordy here.

The Black Arrow, does as sound a little evil, but I think destroying Love is a little to drastic. So drawing a little from what I remember of Roman/Greek Mythology about Eros/Cupid, and combining your describition of the black arrow and the plot so far...I got the following suggestion.

If I recall, each arrow Cupid/Eros used had a name, a feeling/passion associated with it, and a particular use. The Black Arrow, therefore, I think should represent Love of the most dangerous sort. I think it should represent so passionate, so true, so deadly that it would die than to see the object of it's passion hurt, rather kill than see the object of it's love look elsewhere. To put it simply, The Black Arrow is used to create a jealous or deeply passionate love.

Now for the Mytholoy recall: If I remember right in most legends, Cupid was immune to his own arrows, except in one where upon pricking himself with his arrow, he fell in love with a mortal. Therefore, I think that since Cupid here has touched so powerful an arrow as the Black Arrow, he should either A.) Fall in love with the person he sees when he wakes up or B.) Fell in love with the last person he saw before he blanked out. Personally I think he should fall in love with the now Death Incarnate. This is practical considering he was probably already half-way in love with her in the first place.

But that's just my personal opinion.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 11:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey it's nice to see a new face in the Charming posts welcome aboard. As for the suggestion you hit the nail on the head with the mythology refs, although Cupid never had an arrow quite like the Blackheart.

I'm leaving this one open to discussion for another day or so so all of you who've read the chappy but havn't said anything, get your ideas in. The more the merrier.

Well I'm off. There's a couple of chappy's to post elsewhere, just look for them.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright I've let this chappy stew so long it's starting to give my socks a run for world domination. Thus the new poll is up and I'd kindly appriciate your votes in the matter.

To coin a phrase I hear way too much every four's your duty to Vote!

Please and thank you.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooh looks like Charming just keeps on getting further into trouble as he goes Very Happy

Great to see another new chapter of Charming's adventure and hear that another one is comming soon.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well you've voted and now I've written eheheheheheh. Enjoy

Chapter Seventeen: She Ain't No Mr. Ed

Cyre's eyes went wide. "WHAT! You've got to be kidding sir." She shot a glance over to where Charming was slumped over his saddle, and made a mental note to get shades while around the horse.

"I wish I was but Cupid has definitely fallen in love with Aphrodite." Cyre shook her head.

"I should have seen this coming. It was bound to happen. Things were getting too easy."


"Yes sir?" She clung to the phone, hopeing, praying for a shred of good news, a life line of any kind. What she got was worse news.

"You have a guest waiting for you at your place. She's going to help you soul sort, has a talent for that sort of thing. Now if you'll hand the phone back to Morri so you don't scream in my ear, thank you." With a numb hand and a puzzled expression Cyre handed the phone back to Morri.

Who could be helping her sort souls? The only souls she would be seeing were those in perfect balance. Balance equaled scales. Scales equaled judgement. Judgement...but that ment...Cyre screamed. Springing onto Mort's back the pale steed went from zero to sixty in two point one seconds. With the air of a freshly scrubbed harpy she kicked in the doors to the Mansion, not caring that Charming's horse followed her inside.

Unsheathing her scyth, the pair she'd brought out of Hell having fuzed together into one monsterously mideval weapon, she stalked through the halls until...she lashed out with her scyth and sparks flew as it was blocked by a slender sword. The two angels faced each other down over opposing sides of edge weaponry.

Cyre was so pissed it was letting out the demon in her. How dare he send HER. On the other side of the conflict the Angel of the End held her sword in a two handed grip, scarlet hair dripping in scarlet eyes like windblown blood, scarlet wings wide for balance. "Hello Cyre, long time no see."

"Azriael, you seem well." For a moment both pressed for the advantage then the weapons vanished and they wrapped each other in bearhugs. "I've missed you. It was no fun being the only bad girl in Heaven."

Cyre pulled back and eyed Azriael up and down a small frown crossing her face. "You're three inches taller."

"And all of it's leg. You're wings are wider." Cyre winked. What could she say, she'd always had better wings. "Now what's this I hear about you getting mixed up with a Prince turned Cupid?"

Forgetting Charming completely Cyre led Azriael into the red living room where she'd tried to explain Charming's 'resurrection' options what seemed like years ago. She made some hot cocoa and began to tell the whole, twisted, story. "And now he's draped over his saddle in the entry way." Azriael wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"You've always gotten yourself into the strangest trouble Sis. Now let's see what I can do to get you out." She stood up, stretching and and sending her skimpy white tube top to the bursting point as her clevage nearly spilled out. "But first things first. Lemme slip into something less...white."

A few moments later the pair of them, dressed in early nineties Grunge which ment ripped denim, white wife-beater t-shirts, flannel shirts tied around their waists, and tennis shoes, walked down the hall catching up on old times. They rounded the corner to the entry hall to find Charming sprawled on the floor next to a naked woman who was obviously trying to use her abundence of hair to cover herself.

"I take it that's Aphrodite?" Cyre nodded. "I thought you said she was a horse?"

"She was." They both looked upward and twitched their eyebrows, then they looked at each other and shrugged. "If he wants to help let him. Now I'll bring the...girl you get Prince Charming." Seeing the gleam in Azriael's blood colored eyes, and knowing her older sister like she did, Cyre held up her hand. "On second thought you get the girl I'll get Lover Boy over there."

Charming came awake with the strangest ache in his muscles. It felt like he'd been trampled by a herd of horses...drawing chariots of love. He sat bolt upright, scattering the deck of cards that had been sitting on his chest. "Not you again." The cards unulated across the floor until a happy face was painted against the red carpet.

He looked around, recognizing the room at once. What he didn't recognize was the fox in the arm chair who was staring at him. He thought she was bald at first, and human, until she moved and her hair and wings separted themselves from the red of the room. "Hello Charming."

"Cyre? No, who are you?" The angel looked like Cyre, or looked like Cyre after Lillieth had given her a makeover. She slunk across the carpet, all sexy smiles and curves that he should have been aching to touch...but wasn't.

"I'm Azriael, her sister. I'm the evil twin, or the good twin." She smiled devilishly. "You see, it all depends on how you look at it." Charming swollowed hard, and made room for her to sit on the sofa. She didn't just sit, she took her seat like it had never been made for another. "Now it seems you've got a little problem."

The only problem Charming could think of was that he was sitting next to an absolutly gorgeous angel and entertaining no thoughts of a tryst. Yeah he did have a problem, he was burnt out on hot babes. She wasn't here to help him with that...that would make her something other than an angel...wouldn't it? Still he had to ask. "And are you going to help me with it?"

She took one look at him and stifled a laugh. "Not me, Aphrodite." Something about the name made Charming want to do a lot of things it wouldn't be decent to talk about. However he couldn't put face to name, only a sense of warm whiteness.

"And where is Aphrodite?"

"With Cyre." Charming stood instantly. His beloved was with Cyre! He shook his head, he was being a cornball, racing off to throw himself at a woman he'd never met before. Yet he could no more stop himself than he could stop a freight train. Azriael could though.
As he started to bolt forward a shapely arm wrapped around his neck and dragged him back onto the sofa. "Whoa cowboy. There are a few things you might want to know before you go chargin off."

"Such as?"

"How's the fact the 'woman' you love is a horse suit you? Or the fact that, even though she's in human form, she probably won't care for you since you have none of the things that are attractive to a horse?" Charming sat like someone had hit him with a mallet, his eyes sort of glazed.

"A horse? She's a horse?" Azriael nodded.

"The horse you rode through Hell. She used to be the Goddess of Love until she and the others were demoted by Him."


"God, duh. He hates it when other entities try to take his title. Then he demotes them to some menial task, like being the horse for a very ignorant Prince on a pointless rescue mission through the worst place imaginable." Charming remembered all those moments on the ride through Hell when he'd been mean to his horse, his love.

"Oh damn. She hates me right?" Azriael shrugged. "What should I do?"

"I don't know? Chocolate covered flowers? A new curry comb or hoof pick? I've never bought a romantic gift for a horse before."

"But she was a woman once, a goddess?" Azriael gave him an arch look.

"You think that's going to make her any easier to please?" Charming shook his head and looked at Azriael again. Damn she was fine, and yet he couldn't even muster a hubba hubba for her at the moment. She and Cyre could get in a nude mud wrestling match and he'd probably go to make himself some mac n' cheese. This sucked!

"So how do I fix it?"

"What you don't want to be in love with Aphrodite?" Of course he did, she was the light of his life! He slapped himself. No, no! He didn't want to spend the rest of his immortality making calf eyes at some fickle filly that would run off with the next stud that shook his tail her way. Yet he hadn't even seen her, maybe he should give her a chance...and maybe that was the magic arrow talking.

"I don't know. I can't sort my feelings from the magic." Azriael looked thoughful, eyeing him up and down. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Five o' clock shadow but not much else."

"Wait! Where's Psyche? She knows all about the Love thing! She might have some answers!" Azriael shrugged.

"No clue. She and Aphrodite havn't cared for each other since Eros, the first Cupid, introduced them. Now Eros is a statue somewhere, Aphrodite is a white charger, and Psyche is the enchanted bow of the Office of Cupid. It was a tragicomic moment." Charming sighed. "I however have an idea as to how we can fix this if you'd rather not go on a wild bow chase."

Charming put his head in his hands. He could go look for Psyche and try and sort this out that way. He could hear the hot angel babe out. Or he could try living with a Horse Goddess of Love for a significant other...unless he could come up with a better option.
What would he do?

There you go, the latest and greatest Charming installment.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here the girl out, I mean unless we suddenly developed a very weird appitetite for horseflesh, which appearantly Charming has, what better option does he have.

One thing good thing about this whole "I'm in love with my horse" thing though, at least now charming is such as pig. I hate pigs. I have pigs for dinner, and to think of it for breakfast and lunch too. But I really hate is guys who are pigs, so needless to say, I'm grinning ear to ear right now.

Finally Prince Charming has gotten something he deserves!

Now if excuse me, I have some hunting to do...

*Graps a bow and arrow, and heads out the door.*
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree time to hear her out.
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Revered IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, of course he's going to hear her out, but it's afterwards he should make the decision.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
Scraping the Barrel
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice new chapter.

I also am in agreement. Hear her out first, and I'm sure we'll have a few more options after we do.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing ~ Edmund Burke

Sans Dieu Rien Without God, Nothing

Visions of Shadow - 2nd part of Uncertain Quests! Chapter Two

Dreamwalker - Relocated to Linear Lane Sixth Chapter

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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right-o folks the new poll is up and waiting for you to add your all important votes to it so I can add the all important next chapter...
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it's time for that new chappy, since there are several dragon hunters knocking on my door demanding it. Enjoy.

Chapter Eighteen: Well THAT was Brilliant.

For a moment Charming debated what to do but taking advice from hot babes had always paid off in the past, why change tactics. He looked over at Azriael, who was a hot babe if ever one existed. "Why don't you just tell me how to humiliate myself and I'll do it. I can't spend the rest of eternity making love to a horse." Although in the back of his mind he was wondering if that would be such a bad thing.

Yes it would. He shuddered and felt the urge to scrub himself. Then he saw Azriael's grin curve her lips and felt the sudden urge to run like mad. "Well my suggestion is that to cure the ill, drink more of the poison." Before he could react Azriael slapped something into his hand with lightning speed. He had only an instant to recognize the Blackheart before his vision began to dim.

Staring into those blood red eyes he uttered one word..."Crap." His body slid bonelessly to the floor, arrow rolling from his hand. Azriael grabbing a handy tissue, picked it up again grinning nastily.

"Choke on this Aphro."

Cyre was sick to death, hehe, of listening to Aphrodite. Since she'd regained her ability to speak she'd done nothing but make demands of Cyre. Cyre, finally getting fed up with the stuck up obnoxious wench, grabbed a portable CD player, jammed the ear buds as far down her ears as they would go, and turned the tunes up so high she couldn't hear herself think.

But being deaf didn't make her blind. She knew something was up the moment Aphrodite went from being lovely maid in apricot silk to being lovely filly in the middle of Cyre's bath tub. With a screech that made Cyre's teeth ache over the music the horse bolted from the water. Charging at full speed it galloped down the hallway, headed for the living room where Azriael was talking to Charming or what was left of him.

In order to prevent actual blood from getting on her blood colored carpet she left the CD player, took up her scyth, and advanced on what was likely to become the scene of a murder...or something close to one.

She arrived just in time. Aphrodite reared up over Azriael and Azriael, grinning fangs, lashed out with her left hand. Cyre's scyth swept in just in time to keep the Chains of Judgement from slicing Aphrodite's belly open, dragging Azriael out of the way when the flailing hooves came down. "Both of you stop it! Horse to the stables your relapse is over! Angel of Final Judgment you have some explaining to do!"

With a flick of her tail Aphrodite turned and pranced out with a 'You can Have him' air. Cyre turned to her sister who shrugged. "This is the kind of thing we should discuss over lunch. Should I order pizza?" Cyre couldn't even reply, how could she think of food at a time like this?

Azriael had just put down the phone when the bell rang. Her eyebrows twitched up in surprise. "Damn when they say 'In a Minute Pizza' they arn't kidding are they?" Cyre just rolled Charming over to the other side of the room and grabbed drinks while Azriael went to get the food.

A moment later Azriael returned, sans pizza, with a slightly chubby quivering angel in tow. "Uh it wasn't anything good to eat but you should probably give her a moment of your time anyway." The quivering angel put forth a shakey-slime covered hand. "Don't mind the drool. I say not good to eat because Cerberus was giving her the quick once over when I opened the door."

Cyre grasped the slime covered hand, gave it a breif shake, then wiped her hand on her pants. "Don't mind Cerbe...?"

"Milenia." The angel supplied.

"Milenia. He mawls everyone the first time round. It's his way of saying hi." With a critical eye Cyre took in the young angel and the impression wasn't favorable. "You've come at a bit of a bad time. You see my sister just did something incredibly stupid to Cupid and now I've got to fix it." The doorbell rang again.

"Oh good now they're here. I'll grab lunch." Before Cyre could stop her Azriael darted for the door. Shaking her head she returned her attention to Milenia who was staring longingly at the drinks on the table and trying not to impose herself while sneaking glimpses of the unconcious Cupid.

"Now as I was saying I've got a bit of a problem I was going to fix so you're going to have to wait a bit while I sort..." Milenia jumped as Azriael's shout interrupted Cyre, then blushed furiously while she fidgited with a rip in her white robes.

"Cyre you've got another visitor and the pizza boy still isn't here." Azriael flopped into a chair near Charming, nudging him with her toe to check and see if he was waking up yet. He snored softly as she shifted him a bit, asking for 'five more minutes' and shaking his head.

"Will you quit playing with that! Do something useful Azriael, for once instead of making more trouble. I hate cleaning up after you, getting us out of your messes." Milenia ducked, clearly expecting trouble of some kind when Cyre shouted and stayed that way for a few moments. Azriael twitched an eyebrow and stood in one fluid motion.

"Fine then I'll go grab something for lunch. Last time I tried cooking something from your kitchen I unleashed the Black Plague on Europe." They both shuddered at the memory, remembering how Cyre had made Azrieal clean up her mess. It was not happening again.

"Fine just go." Father Time bowed aside, allowing her to pass unhindered. For a few moments no one spoke, then Milenia stood up slowly, inching away from Cyre, hands clutching her flimsey scyth like there was no tomorrow. "Chronos I believe you're here about my negligent duties?"

The old man nodded sagely. "Well technically they're not your cases anymore Cyre, they're your successor's." He glanced at Milenia then leaned in toward Cyre, whispering behind his hand. "She's a bit of a powder-puff for this job isn't she. I would have thought that Azriael would be picking it up."

They looked at each other for a moment before shuddering. "On second thought let's not make Azriael the Angel of Death again. We remember what she was like the first time around."

"She's still looking forward to Armeggedon."

"No doubt. Still the cases are piling up and I'm here to offer my services to the new Angel to help them navigate through time and guide all those souls home." At that moment Azriael swept back in, two cartons of Chinese in hand.

"Humm, if you two are staying for lunch I might have to get more." Chronos shook his head.

"No, the pizza is here." The door bell rang a moment after that.

"Here catch!" Azriael tossed the carry out to Milenia, who had to juggle steaming hot food and scyth at the same time in her drool slick hands while having a nervous really wasn't her day. "Right I'll be back and if he doesn't stop pushing that bell..."

"So sorry Chronos. I didn't think it was going to be this complicated. I thought this was going to be a simple job but Charming seems to complicated things." The three of them turned to look at Charming who was at that moment drooling on her carpet face down. "Nothing is simple with him but him."

Lunch went well, the four of them making plesant conversation, although Milenia remained jumpy, especially after she showered Azriael with Lo Mein. "You are really going to have to toughen up if you want to do this job right."

"Well normally I'm not like this it's two. You're intimidating, living legends, the only angels of questionable parentage in Heaven's Halls. You two give me the creeps." Cyre forced herself to take another bite of pizza to keep from strangling the angel.

Azriael laughed. "Join the club, we've got jackets." Milenia, not thinking she was a matter to be laughed at, got a good grip on her scyth.

"Well I'm sorry but being around you two makes me think that some hideious creature is going to grab me from behind and." Nobody ever found out what Milenia thought because at that moment things went horribly wrong.

Charming, just waking up from arrow induced sleep, tapped Milenia on the shoulder to ask her the time. Milenia, still gripping the scyth, lashed out in a sweeping arc. Azriael, used to living with Cyre or around Cyre, ducked. Cyre was sitting on Milenia's other side and didn't have to worry about it, other than diving onto Azriael's lap and knocking them both into Charming.

Chronos, who had at that moment been getting a flash of the future, was caught off Guard and took the scyth squarely in the chest. There was a moment when nothing was quite right, then a sensation of falling which ended with them hitting solid ground quite suddenly.

Infront of them on the barren stone, the scyth of Time and Psyche clattered into existance. For a moment none of them moved. "Okay who all is here?"

"Well obviously you are Cyre, and so am I." Azriael replied.

"I'm here my love." Charming rushed to grab Aziael's hand and she was forced to hold him off at sword point. She shot Cyre a glance of sheer 'oh shit' before taking to the air, hovering just out of reach.

"You brought it on yourself." Cyre looked around at the barren landscape. "But what did Milenia bring on us?" Charming, stopping his pursuit of Azriael long enough to take up Psyche, who was sound asleep, shrugged.

"No I think the question is 'when' did she bring us." Charming said in a rare moment of insight. "And who's Milenia?" Cyre looked up at Azriael who had her eyes closed and seemed to be 'feeling' the universe around her. Her eyes snapped open.

"Oh joy...we're at the end of time. Armeggedon's been fought and..." she swollowed heavily. "We lost." Suddenly it all made sense. Some how they'd been thrown forward in time and space...into a time when God had lost the battle of good and evil and Satan ruled the Earth.

Staring at the desolate world around her Cyre was at a loss for words. Luckily Charming wasn't. "What the hell are we supposed to do now?"

Well? Answer the man.

I realize this chappy wasn't as funny as some but don't worry. The humor will return next chappy.

"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OOoh, only skimmed through this chapter (no time) but I liked what I read. I'll be back later to comment.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So our 'heros' are stuck in an alternate time and space...hmmm, what to do?

Really I have no clue, my only suggestion is to head off to whoever controls time in this warbed dimision and see if he's willing to transport you back.

The only other thing to do is to go asking for favors, which could be sparse here.

Hopefully, *grins sighly* the others here will have a better idea of what to do than I do.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems to me that it's not an alternative time, just they've travelled into the future. Maybe she should go seek out help from the new rulers - Mummy especially. She'd be glad to gloat, and may well let some information slip.

Of course, there's always the chance that complete victory over good has now left Satan and co. bored - whittling away eternity with no one left to challenge them. Maybe they'll be glad to help, merely as a distraction.
Punishment leads to Fear. Fear leads to Obedience. Obedience leads to Freedom. Therefore, Punishment leads to Freedom.
Ave Dominus Nox

A Fronte Praecipitium a Tergo Lupi
Blood Bowl
Scraping the Barrel
A Tale of Four Swords
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Hallowed IFian

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OOh, tricky one. I think I f5 Lordy here. Go find the winners. There probably isn't anyone else to seek out anyway! Unless you go and find god skulking about behind the bins.
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright a new poll's up. Just thought I'd let you know.
"It's not just about living forever...the trick is living with yourself forever..."

"Music makes you braver."
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Kalanna Rai
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finding Time....Enjoy

Chapter Nineteen: Time in a Bottle

Azriael landed and, with a swift swipe of her sword, brought an end to Cupid's obsession with her. He was still slightly infatuated but that was his own doing, not something the Blackheart had left him with. Looking around, sword over shoulders, she snapped her fingers and brought Cyre and Charming back to focus. "Well my suggestion is that we find the owner of that scyth."

"Earth to Azriael...Chronos is dead."

"Come on Azzi, we need something a little more realistic." Azriael tapped her foot.

"That is realistic. If the old Chronos is dead then it stands to reason that the scyth should pick a new one. Wake Psyche up and ask her how it works, I'm not sure how magical weapons of office choose their new master." Charming looked at Azzi with something akin to horror. Wake the bow up? She had to be kidding.

Still without any other option Charming gently prodded the snoring Psyche once, then twice. Cyre glanced at her sister. "He's real romantic isn't he?" Azzi shrugged.

"Well how romantic can you be to an enchanted hunk of wood? I'm not sure I could be romantically involved with my weapon." Cyre shrugged, Azriael had a point. Yet they both snickered when Psyche awoke with something akin to a small nuclear explosion of anger.

"I was in the middle of a most wonderful dream and here you go poking and prodding me and shaking me awake! How would you like it if I dumped could water on you while you were happily dreaming."

"Due to your lack of thumbs I doubt you could manage such a task Psyche now quite cowing the Prince. We need your advice." If the bow could have glared at Azzi she would have but since she lack eyes, and eyebrows, she had to settle for shaking threateningly. With a resigned sigh the bow seemed to slump in Charming's hands.

"Well what do you need?" Charming cleared his throat.

"Um, Psyche? Do you notice anything strange around here?"

"You mean besides a studly cupid with no brains and two extremely powerful angels that havn't gotten along well for centuries all staring at me with that 'we love you' expression no." The bow twisted in his hands a bit before going still. "Wait, now that you mention it this place seems a what did you do now!"

Charming held up his hands in a 'it wasn't me' gesture, dropping Psyche on the ground in the process, while Cyre and Azzi snickered. "It wasn't him was my replacement. She accidentally killed Chronos."

"Yes now we're stuck at the end of time, a time Satan rules, with no way back. So unless you want to be stuck with Charming, Cyre, the scyth of Time, and myself in hell for all eternity you might want to tell us everything you know about how the Time's scyth chooses a new Chronos." Psyche twitched a little bit. You could almost imagine the horrified expression on her face and the little tic next to her left eye as she contemplated the scenario Azriael had just laied out for her.

"Well why don't you ask him? Time's scyth knows more about time than I do...besides he's not real fond of me. Everlasting love you know." Cyre shrugged.

"I'm not real fond of you either. Love conquering Death remember? But I'll talk to him. Time and Death have always gotten along well." She reached out and picked up the scyth, which felt light and flimsy in her hands. "Um, excuse me scyth of Time? We need your help."

For a few moments nothing happened. Then a grumbling filled the air. "Time? M'name's not time! I'm Chronos!" The three of them exchanged a 'but I thought the man's name was Chronos' look before turning back to the scyth. "And what's this about help?"

"Well when your master died we were catapulted forward in time and now we need to find the new Time to help us back." Chronos thought for a moment, muttering to himself about 'lazy no good people who don't want to invest the time in being Time'.

"Well that's simple enough. I'll pick him out if you can just bring a bunch of people to me...or bring me to a bunch of people. Either way."

"Huh?" Trust Charming to have a blond moment right in the middle of a crisis. He'd spaced off back when they started talking to Chronos and only Psyche's nudge had brought his attention back to the task at hand. Namely getting back to their rightful place in history. Chronos turned his blade toward the young cupid.

"I said you need to be in the right place at the right time and you'll find my new owner. Hang on I'll see what I can tell you about him or her and where you'll find them." Chronos started muttering to himself, and weaving a little bit in Cyre's hands. Finally he muttered an incohearent scentance that sounded like 'Gee me in a battle', the time 3:33, and the picture of 'Melvins Discount Antiques' flashed before their eyes before the scyth started snoring once again.

For a moment they just looked at each other. "Any of you happen to know where Melvin's Discount Antiques is?" Nobody did naturally and thus they were forced to ask for directions...or Azriael was.

Dressed like a total sleeze she walked into the town they spotted from a nearby cliff and started asking questions. She came back a couple of hours later with a pocket full of phone numbers, a nice watch, a pair of earrings, and new shoes. "The place we're looking for is in a little town called Silent Springs. It's about an hour that way by air I guess since they said it was about a week on foot.

"Well Psyche and I will be waiting here for you. Good luck." Charming sat down on a rock and stared at the tiny town below them.

"What do you mean you're going to wait here for us? Get up and get moving Prince Lazybones." He looked at Cyre like she'd gone crazy.

"Birds fly, airplanes fly, angels fly. Prince Charming doesn't fly." Psyche poked him sharply.

"But Cupid does." Charming realized right then that his excuse of 'I have wings but I can't use them' wasn't going to fly. He was about to get a literal 'crash course' in flying for dummies. His instructors were probably the worst pair for the job too. They didn't give a damn if he hurt himself they'd just make him keep going. He groaned, stood and spread his wings ackwardly.

"Let's get this over with."

They walked into Melvin Perkins little antique shop at 3:00. Well Cyre and Azzi walked, Charming limped and swore a little. He was tender in way too many places to name, some of which couldn't be named in polite company. That cactus he'd landed on hadn't been to kind to a couple of tender areas.

Melvin perked up when they walked in, then became immidiantly suspicious since he hadn't seen them before. He couldn't get it out of his head that they were 'Government Agents' sent by 'Himself' to look at his stock. While they did browse his stock it wasn't because they were looking for contraban crosses of hidden holy water.

They were killing time until they found the new Time. But when 3:30 rolled around they started getting nervous. Mel, with a little excuse about needing something from the back, vanished. "Well this is a bust. Nobody's here. That stupid Chronos lied to us." Charming was peeved, peeved enough to want to strangle the scyth.

Azriael was messing with an antique whiskey bottle with a stopper when Cyre banged her hands down on the counter in frustration. Azzi juggled the bottle a little, frowning. "Does Mel ever dust?" She brushed the bottle a little to read the labe and was rather surprised when the top unscrewed and a white mist poured out.

Slowly the figure of a hansome young man appeared sprawled on the floor and smelling strongly of, what else, whisky. "Name's Hamish." He said slurrily. "And I'ms a (hic) Geinie (hic)." He burped loudly and smiled. "Tree whissshes lady." Azzi, Charming, and Cyre stared at each other over the drunken Genie.

"He didn't say Gee me in a battle did he? He said Genie in a bottle." The three of them looked down at the inebriated magical man with something akin to horror. This was the new Incarnation of Time? Hamish managed to stand, blinking several times, before turning to Azriael and saying, once again.

"Tree Whissshsses lady." Realizing that he would not stop asking her until she made some wishes Azzi thought a bit. What could she wish for?

Humm whishes three...what wishes will she make?

Hope you enjoyed.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, revesing the effects of the time jump for one.

Then if that doesn't make him go away as a side effect, then how about wealth, beauty, and slaves?
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Or Charming's death or something.

But of course, this alters reality...
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good God...could it be? Yes! It is! A poll at last!

Vote if you dare.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry, missed the discussion, but caught up at last!

Dressed like a total sleeze she walked into the town they spotted from a nearby cliff and started asking questions. She came back a couple of hours later with a pocket full of phone numbers, a nice watch, a pair of earrings, and new shoes. "The place we're looking for is in a little town called Silent Springs. It's about an hour that way by air I guess since they said it was about a week on foot.

hehe! Loved this paragraph! (But sleaze is with an EA not EE).

Voted for the time jump, though it was close between this and the last option.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright here it is...the long awaited Final chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter Twenty: Deja Who?

Azzi tapped her fingers against her chin, thinking hard for a moment. Alright I wish you would accept the office of Time." There was a little poof and suddenly the Genie was sporting a long white beard, massive quantites of wrinkles, and the nice silver robe that all came with the office of Time. "For my second wish...I wish...Charming was an actually intelligent, mature young man." Suddenly Charming seemed to stand straighter and looke around with keener eyes, as if a fog had lifted in his head.

"Thanks Azzi." She flipped a hand at him.

"I didn't do it for your sake. I did it because you've been driving us all nuts."

"Hear hear!" Cheered Psyche. Charming sighed a little.

"I didn't realize I was so much trouble." The bow went slack and the two angels staired at him like he had lost his mind. "Alright, alright so I was that much trouble. Will you ever forgive me?" Azzi whistled and looked away while Cyre glowered.

"Not this side of eternity buster." Charming had the sense to look ashamed, well now that he had sense. He leaned against the counter and engaged Psyche in some apologetic conversation. Azzi turned back to the drunken genie.

"And lastly I want you to reverse the effects of the time jump." The genie hiccuped one last time and, with brows intensly knotted in concentration began to wave the scyth. The entire world seemed to go slurry and fuzzy and twisty in all the wrong ways. "Whoa hey! This didn't happen the last time we did this. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Shut (hic) up and (hic) hold on!" With a quick look around and then a 'what the hell' shrug both Azzi and Cyre wrapped their arms around each other. Charming looked around for something to hold on to but found nothing other than Psyche. Wanting to go where the angels went he tried to walk over to them but was unable since the fabric of time was like pudding and he squashed through reality like a man wading through jell-o.

"Hey grab Psyche!" He managed to extend the bow and the two angels managed to grab it. But as they tried to pull him in his grip slipped and he suddenly found himself spiraling, alone through time. As his whole existance jiggled around him, and he realized he was at the mercy of a very inexperianced, very unbalanced, very drunk genie with the powers of Time, Charming began to pray.

"God hear me now. I realize I've been just about the worst person I could have. I was no help, I caused all the problems, and I insulted the people who were trying to help me at every turn. I'm sorry." The world went black.

Charming was whistling a happy tune as he trotted down the stairs, swinging the keys to his new white Dodge Charger around his finger. Cutting around the corner he had to dodge past Valiant who swerved out into his way. "Whoa bro. What's the rush?" Charming smiled.

"Eh not much, I just can't wait to go for a drive. Beautiful day and all that." Valiant smiled at him, that evil little smile he smiled when he was always up to something. He couldn't have made it more obvious that something was wrong had he rubbed his hands evilly and shouted 'I'm up to no good' at the top of his lungs. Normally Charming wouldn't have noticed but the whole world seemed to be coming in a lot clearer all of the sudden. "Hey, what did you do to my car."

Valiant looked up at him with startled wide eyes that he tried to bend into a look of innocence. "What me? Do something? You've got to be jokeing." Charming narrowed his eyes at his younger brother. Humm...Valiant had always been jealous of him, always a little unhappy about being the first son of the second wife. Charming's mother had died in a tragic accident a year after he was born. At the insistance of his people he'd married again a year after that and...well Valiant was an anniversary gift.

Still it irked Valiant that he'd never inherit anything other than the title of Prince as long as Charming lived. Charming wondered if his little brother was trying to get rid of him. Looking back over the years there were numerous little 'accidents' that could have been fatal. For some reason he'd never noticed before but now..."Why are you staring at me like that Charming?" Charming grinned.

"Why don't you come with me? I know you've been drooling over the car since I got it." Valiant had been drooling over it, literally, and more than once. He should have jumped at the chance for Charming to take him for a ride. But instead he stood there shaking his head. "Come on...I'll even let you drive for a while." That really should have done it, indeed there was a fevered light in his eyes. But he didn't budge.

"No Charming. I've got stuff to do today. Not everyone can go driving off on a beautiful day looking like a GQ cutout." Charming looked over his outfit. Sung blue jeans, black leather boots, white tee shirt, and a black leather jacket. A pair of blue tinted sunglasses were lifted up on top of his head and sat in his spikey blond hair. He laughed at Valiant.

"Thanks for the compliment." Valiant was wearing some stiff pressed slacks, a freshly ironed dress shirt, tucked in, and a tie. His hair was slicked flat and neatly combed. He looked like a knock-off of a corporate exc...which was just how their father wanted them to dress.

"You know you should let me go and get back to work. Otherwise who knows what would happen if someone mentioned to Father how you were dressed and acting." Valiant went to brush past Charming, bumping his brother in the left arm. Charming winced as pain shot through the entire arm...pain like a thousand needles. "Hey what's up, you hurt?" Before Charming could stop him Valiant pulled down the jacket of the coat to reveal...a tattoo covered in vasaline and plastic wrap.

It said 'Cupid' in bright red cursive letters and had a golden arrow with a heart shaped head and white fletching running through it. "Holy crap where'd you get that? When did you get that? How the hell are you going to hide that from Dad?" Charming stared at the tattoo...he didn't remember getting that...or getting drunk enough not to remember getting that. "What's wrong? Getting forgetful in your old age?"

Charming shook his head, shook off his brother, shrugged back into his coat and walked down the hallway and through a door into the garage. Sitting there in the soft interior lights was his new muscle car. He plopped himself behind the wheel, lowered his shades over his eyes, turned the key, and drove into the sunlight.

He was just coming around the corner when he had a strange sense he'd done this before. He slowed down and pulled the car over to the side of the road, trying to figure it out. It was then that he noticed the black robed figure standing on the corner looking at him. A massive scyth was in his skeletal hand. Suddenly Charming got the idea that maybe, just maybe, today wasn't the day to go driving. Turning around he cruised back to the house at a sedate pace...around five miles per hour.

In the air above him, unnoticed, a red winged angel slugged her silver winged sister in the shoulder. "Pay up. I told you he wouldn't be stupid a second time." Grumbling Cyre pulled out the fortune cookie and handed it to Azzi.

Azzi broke it open with an expression of good cheer until she read the fortune. "What!" Cyre snatched it from her and read it with a growing expression of horror. Letting the paper drop to the ground the two angels zinged out of sight like their wings were on fire. The tiny little scrap of paper blew along the road bearing the words...

History sometimes repeats itself...

Hope you enjoyed.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*Giggles* Yeah! It's finally finished. I'm glad to say I enjoyed it to the end, or did I? *giggles*

Confetti party!
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I say that it isn't finished.

Or that there's a sequel.

But it is good!

*Adds threads to the confetti*
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Congrats Rai! A good ending! (Or beginning?)

Cheers Clapping drunk
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