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Virtual Chapter 13: Reinforcements

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:24 am    Post subject: Virtual Chapter 13: Reinforcements Reply with quote

Virtual Chapter 13: Reinforcements

Jack had ordered his squadron to help out the bombers in their attempts to disable The Destroyers gun turrets and the pilots were doing rather well maneuvering through the enemy defenses but the clusters of enemy fighters were proving to be good shooters
"Baron You're leaking engine coolant, head back to the cruiser!" Jack informed a bomber pilot who's ship was leaking the coolant liquid that froze the instant it came out of space. It would be only a matter of seconds before the entire internal structure of the ship would freeze up but the pilot wasn't turning around
"Baron I say again you are leakin-" just then a flak round collided with the cockpit of the bomber. The canopy opened up with a small ball of fire and the pilot inside was sent flying out into space while the ship was sent hurdling in a spiral of terror while it was consumed by fire until it was extinguished by its final implosion. Jack cursed at the dead pilot but quicky got back to the fight and out of pure rage pulled the trigger on the flight stick sending a never-ending burst into space at anything that moved. Just at that moment while Jack was letting loose all of his ammo Vowels flew across the cockpit of his fighter with a Boragnian coming up on his six but Jack hadn't ceased firing when he saw Vowels.
"Jesus Im hit! I've lost control of my rudder, somebody get the bastard behind me!" Vowels shouted as his cockpit shook from friendly fire
"Copy that Baron Im on him just keep going!" Jack said frantically thinking how lucky he was that no one had noticed the friendly fire. Jack immediately headed for the enemy fighter, he copied it's every move and stayed within firing range but the only problem was getting a clear shot becuase if he didn't then he might hit Vowels. Quickly Jack fired a round that hit the wing of the enemy fighter but the shield was still up and now the pilot knew that Jack was right on his ass but he didn't have enough time to react because the next thing that alien knew Jack had fired a long burst into his tail.

"Our fighters and bombers have taken out some of the enemy Destroyers Gun Turrets sir!" Ensign Mathers shouted from his terminal over to the captain who stood in the middle of the cruiser confident about their situation even though he was at the disadvantage and then the captain noticed several small blips that suddenly emerged from the Destroyer. The radar picked up their class and when the 30-year-old captain realised what they were he went bug-eyed from shock... They were boarding ships. Small ships that break through the shields and breaches the hull of ships which then releases a platoon of Boragnian soldiers ready to slaughter everything they see.
"Get all cannons and fighters to open fire on the boarding ships! Get all Marines and security guards ready now!" Captain Fergerson ordered as he watched the blips soar quickly through space and towards their cruiser.
The turrets quickly changed targets over to the boarding ships within seconds and started firing precise rounds into the ships which sent hundreds of alien corpses into space among the dead human pilots. The amount of Boarding Ships that were flying would make the fighter pilots look in awe and fright. There must have been well over 2000 boarding ships flying at them which would be half the crew on board the Freedom itself. The turrets were doing what they could, they were doing it extremely well but the boarding ships were three quarters of the way to the cruiser which mean't at this stage the boarding ships were out of fuel and travelling at the one speed which for most was well enough to break into the cruiser's hull. Suddenly one of the Beam Turrets changed target from a Boragnian cruiser and let go one long beam that continously turned to the left so many boarding ships were suddenly turned into debris slowing down as it went for the cruiser. Now there were only a few dozen of these boarding ships left but there would still be an entire company of these aliens rushing the halls and slaughtering the crew. Then finally the boarding ships crashed through the shield, broke through the hull and latched on board so there was no vacuum into outer space so now the aliens were going to rush on board.

The marines along with the security team had eliminated the enemy Boragnians with only one casualty but no they had to secure the room around the corner of the hall where the emergency signal originated so the marines were going to go in first but they wanted to get this out of the way quick so they sprinted down the hall but the entire file stopped in their tracks when they heard loud thuds up in the vents. Something was crawling up there
"Fire at the ventilation shaft." the squad leader ordered and immediately the squad aimed fired endlessly at the ventilation shaft above their own heads. The marines only stopped firing to change magazines but just then something enormous in size, with grey skin and it was rittled with bullet holes. It's armed reached out at one of the marines, grabbing it's head by it's two muscly hands, picked him up, pulling him into the ventilation shaft, crushing his skull into nothing but a bloody mush of wet bone fragments, blood and brains.
"Jesus Christ!" PFC Sanchez screamed as he saw the marine's body drop to the floor in a bloody heap thus making the marine frantically fire at the vents in anger and so the rest of the marines sent another volley of fire into the ventilation shaft hoping to kill the beast. After a few seconds of shooting the marines stopped to wait and see if this monster was going to pop down again but this time there was absolutely nothing heard from the vents. It was a triumphant silence
"I think we got him." Lance Corporal Fermia said with a grin on her face which was quickly taken off when something fell to the ground at the other end of the hall in a bloody mess but this abomination was still going at them, limping at a surprisingly fast speed and the marines started reloading frantically at it got closer and, closer to the Lance Corporal when a hole appeared in it's forehead and a blood spray came out of of it's skull. At the other end of a room was a man with a smoking pistol in his hand and he was dressed in a Security Guards uniform
"Thank God for the marines eh?" Staff Sgt. Parkes said with a smile of relief on his face.

Captain Fergerson was still confident in winning the battle against the Destroyer Class Boragnian along with it's comrade cruisers for one of the enemy cruisers was just about to blow but if the captain wasn't careful enough his own ship would be gone within a few minutes. The captain walked over to an empty terminal and looked at the status of the Cruiser:
Class: Cruiser
Name: Freedom
Hull Integrity: 93%
Shields: 46%
Engine 1: 31%
Engine 2: 79%
Engine 3: 97%
Fuel line 1: Intact
Fuel Line 2: Small Leak
Fuel Line 3: Shut down
Fuel Line 4: Large leak (Repairing)
Fuel Line 5: Shut down
Fuel Line 6: Intact
Hyperspace Engine: 85%
Thrusters (all): 43%
Flak Turrets: 25/50 Flak Turrets Remaining
Beam Turrets: 38/50 Beam Turrets Remaining
Laser Turrets: 42/50 Laser Turrets Remaining

"What's the status on our defense against the boarding parties?" the captain asked
"All positions seem to be holding sir. All turrets in vents and corridors seem to be keeping them back as well!"
"Good. All we need is the damn fleet to show up!" the captain said to himself aloud.

"Qru-Em! Our comrades on the Bloodlust are trying to retreat!" the Qru-Ren shouted with hatred in his voice
"Yes Sir! All Turrets are to divert from The Freedom and to the Bloodlust!" the Qru-Ren shouted out to the aliens onboard the bridge.
The turrets on the destroyer which were hammering The Freedom suddenly stopped firing which came as a surprise to the humans. Some of the pilots took this as a window of opportunity to swoop in and take out their defense but what came as more of a surprise to the humans was when the turrets open fired on one of their cruisers. The lights that came from the enemy destroyers blinded some pilots temporarily as they were all shooting in perfect unison at the one spot so after a few seconds the Boragnian cruiser was nothing but debris.

"Oh my god! They just blew up one of their own god damn ships!" Technical Sergeant Vowels shouted over the radio in fright as his cockpit shook uncontrollably from the shockwave
"This is Captain Art to all pilots. Fall back! I say again: Fall back! The Chimera and her fleet is inbound on our position in 30 seconds. Form a perimeter around the Freedom over!" Jack yelled over his radio as he regained control over his phoenix fighter after the shockwave rattled his fighter and as he fell back to the Freedom he noticed that no one was following him.
"I say again: All pilots fall back to the Freedom and form a tight perimeter over!" but no one was listening to the captain which mean't that no one could hear him however just then the Captain noticed that the radio that had been filled with panic-stricken voices a few moments ago had now just gone silent. He steered the fighter towards The Freedom while using a small terminal to the right of him to start repairs on his communications sub-sytem but it would be difficult. To concentrate on the battle around him, all the flak, lasers and missiles surrounding him while also having to repair his sub-systems manually with one hand. It was a short process to get the sub-sytem back online but it was never easy to perform this while in battle. Jack had to get the radio up, he needed to get the radio up or else some of his comrades might die when the rest of the fleet jump into their sector from hyperspace and if they didn't get away from the area in time then they would collide with friendly naval-ships that would be jumping in. Jack felt and heard loud thuds from lasers hitting the sides of his fighter
"God damn it!" he screamed as he the cockpit shook. He entered the last few words into the small panel and the screen turned green
"All pilots in this vicinity! Fall back to the Freedom now! We have the fleet jumping in, in less than a few minutes! I need everyone to fallback and form a tight perimter around the freedom now! All bomber pilots are to return to base for the time being but all fighters must form a perimeter around the Freedom and stop any incoming nukes!" the captain shouted over the radio when he heard another thud hit his wing. He looked over to his right to see a hole in his wing so immediately opened the canopy to a switch next to the radar in front of him and flicked the switch that stabilized the fighter. It would be less manueverable but at least Jack had more control over the spacecraft. Jack checked his six and found four Boragnians were trying to take him down but just as he counted the fighters the friendly fleet which they had been waiting for just came out of Hyperspace. The four Boragnian fighters that had been tailing the Captain had been destroyed by the ships that jumped in and Jack was luck to be alive for he was only a few inches in front of the famous Destroyer named the Chimera.

"This is Fleet Admiral Prime of the 7th Fleet. We are now engaging the enemy destroyer, Shipyard Roosevelt and, Freedom stay back and watch the fireworks out." This was the last transmission sent in the battle and it was on an open channel so everyone in the sector got this message. Within 10 seconds the entire fleet was firing all cannons at the Destroyer and its last cruiser. From a cockpit all the beam turrets and explosions were blinding the pilots. The cruiser imploded within seconds and then the entire fleet ceased firing. The Chimera focused all of it's beam cannons on the middle of the cruiser, fired sending countless beams of green light into destroyer while moving across the destroyer and slicing it in half as it went across. The cannons were leaving a large gaping hole through the destroyer while also cutting through the ship like a hot knife through butter. The destroyer exploded, sending a shockwave across the sector and then imploded.
May have accidentally come up with a new Sci-Fi Storygame.

Last edited by sparta12 on Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Woot! New chapter. :biggrin: I'll be back after my coffee has kicked in to comment in some detail hopefully.
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah. Recently I've been writing long chapters because I don't have Microsoft Word but rather Word Pad so I don't know how many pages I've written until I send it to one of my friends to check it lol.
But for some reason I can't help but think that I made too many errors in this chapter but I also realised that the ending for this chapter is also a good point to end the story but I already promised to end the story at a certain chapter.
May have accidentally come up with a new Sci-Fi Storygame.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 3:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Completely up to you when to end the story. Although a few more chapters would be nice. Smile
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This was a hard-fought victory. Although just as you had reinforcements coming, the enemy might have as well. Time to regroup and hobble out of there before anything else shows up to engage you.

I'm not clear on what all was lost.

The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

True but they probably didn't expect enemy reinforcements and at the time they were also winning the battle.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I missed the disposition of the space station...I thought that's what we originally were defending, an outpost of some sorts. Was that blown in the last chapter? Argh, call me blonde if you will, but I've jumped off track. What all did we lose?
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We didn't lose anything. The Boragnians wanted to destroy the Space Station/OS/Shipyard along with the Freedom. The only negative side of the situation for The Freedom is the loss of pilots and crew members.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay...wanted to make sure I didn't miss the spectacular explosion of the space station in there somewhere. Hails back to our decision to stay, continue fighting and wait for reinforcements. :biggrin:

In light of that, we can hardly just leave...the station isn't mobile. We need to execute necessary repairs immediately. Might not be 100% functional for awhile, but if more enemy shows we certainly want to be in some kind of fighting form. Contact that station you just tugged out of hot water and get on the repairs. I doubt that the enemy is going to blithely accept this loss.

The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Busy chapter, lots of action.

I still think there is scope to continue it, but if you want to end then that's fair enough, you've done a good amount. It doesn't feel like an ending though, more like the big battle at the end of LotR 2 - important but not the end.

I would have liked to see more on the boarding craft. It went from this sudden huge threat, to the marines just dealt with it in a few lines.

Fauna offers good suggestions; concentrate on repairs and get ready for possible Boragnian reinforcements.

Happy Writing Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah I know but I just didn't know how to write the boarding parties entries inside the cruiser. To me it would've seemed to be more of a longer repeat of the Boragnians in the engine room and all.
Also this isn't going to be an end cause I've already scheduled a chapter for the story to end in.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay another chapter is up but it's pretty dull because there aren't many things to do.
Also when I go through the editing process of the entire story I might fix the boarding party scene and make their entry more interesting.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where are the rest of the usual voters?
The maker of a sentence launches out into the infinite and builds a road into Chaos and old Night, and is followed by those who hear him with something of wild, creative delight. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 4:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ingro and Saxon are two regulars - but they are fairly absent at the moment. Confused
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um, joined in, though a bit late! Wink

Some more seperation of the paragraphs would be welcome Sparty!

*Goes off to read the last chapter*
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Screw you Chinaren! lol, just kidding. Thanks for the votes.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice. It has some run-on sentences but its fast paced and exciting.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah I know I can sometimes do that but from my point of view they fit in.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright I will start working on this chapter on the weekend as it is the last week of the term at my school. Seeing that we have a two week break coming up it'll be a perfect opportunity to focus on the story and the story only. =)
May have accidentally come up with a new Sci-Fi Storygame.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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What will happen next?
Will we focus on what is happening to Admiral Magnus?
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Will we focus on the fleet making repairs and fortifying their positions for another wave of Boragnians?
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