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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:16 pm    Post subject: The Sword of Ergos Reply with quote

Although I am aware that not many people like roleplaying, or very few do, this post is for those of us who do.

My propsal is this, a live rpg. The RPG in the game section are all well in good, but from what I noticed it usually takes days if not weeks for a response. Personally, I like live RPG where characters are reacting in real life time making decisions at the blink of an eye, everybody on edge wondering what the next minute, the next post will bring.

Now that's roleplaying. After all, is not roleplay at it's finest an escape for the tedious rutine of life? What better way to escape than to Roleplay in Real Time?

Not only will this proposal effect the rpg that I would just love to host, but other groups and people could do it also. In fact this could open up a whole other dimesion in if. Instead of writing chapters that take us a week to do, we could become the characters and Live The Story.

In my mind, this is a great oppurunity for if.

Please let me know what your think by posting here. If anybody is interested in joining me in this kinda of Rpg, please also post here.

If there is enough interest, I can and will post plot ideas for my live Rpg (please note it will be fantasy rated G, Pg-13 at the highest). Then for those who wish to join me itt's simply a matter of a Date and a Time.

Last edited by dinranwen on Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:29 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Have you seen Storychat Dr?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not really, why?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 2:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's a bit like your idea, but instead it's where the story goes on in real time and it's an sg only in chat, so it goes much faster. Incidentally I have no idea when the next one is, although I would be interested in your idea dins.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i havn't seen the story chat thing either, but your idea sounds good Din. Wink
Thing is, it might be difficult to organise a time where everyone who wants to play can come on. And some people would be away on holiday...would the others carry on without them or wait until they got back ?

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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the idea but someone would have to work out its flaws. Like, if the story doesnt end should there be another date set?

There also the fact that if there is some other thing set on that date then something would have to be done. (Like if story chat and this were both at thae same time on th same day.)

Solus pointed those out but I have a few things too. Well, there more like ideas...

What if someone wrote down what was going on. So that the people who are participating dont get lost and confused. Someone who will go through chat history and write a little down.

On other sites I've been to they've had the same thing. But there was always a limit set on who was allowed to go in. Which (if this were to succeed) should be done. Im just putting in some input and suggestions. They dont HAVE to to be taken into consideration. Thought a fresh opinion was maybe in order.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can see the archive of storychats here.

If you read through some of them, you can see thy very often finish within about 2 hours.

In a couple of cases where they have gone on longer, or fpr technical reasons, they are broken into 2 parts over two weekends.

They are usually on Sunday's at 6pm BST.

The chatroom has a seperate side column for showing the story so far, and even allows the players to vote in a poll. So it keeps it all nice and tidy.

It can only have one author at a time though, so an RP would be tricky. There'd have to be one main author and then the rest of the players would type what they want to say in chat and the author copy it in to the story.

Happy Playing Very Happy
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To tell the truth I hadn't thought much on the details, I'm not very technical person so I tend to think in the abstract rather than logially.

I was simply prosposing the idea since it was something I knew I would enjoy myself. I like live RP's and the only decent site that hosted one's was neopets, something I quit due to lack of interest (I was there for the RP board really).

As for the date, that can be settled between those of you who wish to join me in the RP I'm considering on hosting. My idea is just a setting, a time, and an introduction really; it's not exactly a story. As for continuation's that could also be a group thing. Although, I really wasn't planning for a long one.

Majority rules, if you can't join on that date, you wouldn't be able to be a character but could perhaps have some input in DP's, etc.

Since there is only allowed to be one author at a time, I would consider being the main author, unless someone with more experinence with storychat wanted to do it. As the main author, I could be the narrator, post decision points, and add twist along with being a character.

However since I would have to paste the character repsonse from the chat into the story, I would have to limit the characters/people playing to about five. With one character per person, obviously.

As for the plot idea I have running in my head, here it is:

A figure of a lone woman stands on a top of a great hill. The landscape spreading like a canvas before her. She stands with her arms crossed hugging herself thightly across the chest as she vainly tried to capture the cloak that twirled out behind as from a great wind. She wears a loose white bloose drawn tight at the hollow of her throat with a interlacing leather throng, and a billowing green skirt held up only by the colorful red sash decorated with golden yellow flowers. A pair of soft dearskin boots, a staff, a gray cloak, and a bag thrown across her sholders completes her offit. A silver flute peeks out from her red sash glittering in the sun revealing her source of strength and trade.

Her name is Rain 'de-la'Nari of the Terikaren Gyspy Tribe. Her hair is the darkest shade of black, and her eyes glittered a strange purple that was at once sharp yet soft.

In the valley below, silence ruled. Not even the wind which so teased the hill tops and the trees that dotted them, destribuded (sp?) the quite within that lighted vale. Grass grew in that field, and a small glade of trees that boasted a bubbling spring stood to the left side of the viewer in the vale.

'It is so quite now,' thought Rain, as she was often called, 'who would have guessed that a battle took place here. And that I of all people fought in it, too.'

Indeed a battle had taken place in the vale, a long and desperate battle that had begun on the dusk of Illearin 13 and lasted until the pitchdark of Illearin the 15. Many destinies had been forged in the battle. Many nations, leaders, and people had fallen, and many had arose to take there. Not the least of which, was Rain's and perhaps yours.

'No sign of the strife that had taken place, what was it, five years ago, six?' Rain thought frowning. "No sign but one.'

That sign was a blade stuck towards the middle of the field. It had been driven there by the one who had decided the fate of the battle. By the one who had turned the tide from Evil winning to the victory of the Virtuous nations. By the one, that for the good of all, had lost his life. The last King of the Dragon-people, a kindred of human who possesed the scales, wings, eyes, and wisdom of tongues from the dragon kind.

Rain remember well the last words of the Ergos spoke to her and the commander of the armies through twin crstal balls before they shattered, 'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right.'

It had been a prophecy speaking of six people. It had been a riddle too, a riddle that until today had been unsolved though many sages studied it.

All Rain knew that she was one of the six and that each of the six had been given a gift, a piece of magic from Ergos, that would solve that riddle.

Are you one of them?


Oh yesss...I almost forgot: Rules.

1.) Please no god-like characters or allmods (characters that can do anything).

2.) Humaniod characters, or humaniod like characters please. Please consider that I will being trying to make this as close to a realistic fantasy as possible.

3.) No grabbing the sword without my go ahead. That is a major DP which I will incorprate into the story much later.

4.) First five people to post here indicating that they wish to join will get in. No more, I'm sorry. Once you post here, P.M me with your character in a P.M entitled LiveRPGC. Please post first, then P.M.

Once I get five characters, we will decide on a date and a time.

5.) Please try to tailor your character to the story as close as possible. Preferably fitting one of the aspects of the Prophecy.

This includes: (Edited) A riddle solver, Light, Strength, Wisdom, and Magic. (I reserve music for myself).

Please post which part you would like here, so everyone will know what is still available. Be nice and don't fight over parts to much.

The Right which the prophecy spoke will be one of the six, and will be decided in the Live RPG.

**I hope I have solved all the problems and difficulties envolved with this idea, and posted a pretty good plotline. If you have any more questions, suggestions, or comments, please Post.


P.S. If this Live RPG thing doesn't work out, I'm still will be considering posting this in the game sections as a actual RPG. But that will depend on the interest level created here.

Oh, yesssss.....If you want to be the Bad Guy, well actually Bad Girl, please let me know. However, please consider that this character will come into the story much later, if at all. But still some people enjoy being evil, something that I can't do very well, so I thought I put it out there.

P.S. S. Sorry for some many P.S., it seems that I have contracted CRS.

P.S.S. S.: CRS, Can't remember Stuff.

P.S.S. S. S.: This won't be able to take place this weekend, since I will be gone until very, very late Saturday.

Toddles and Smores,


Last edited by dinranwen on Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:42 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok! i'm still interested. Since i'm one of the first five...can i be light?
i'll PM you my char when i've thought up about her properly.
nice plot line btw. Wink
is the time going to be set each week, or just set once, and kept for all the weeks?

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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, if there's an Evil girl going free, you know I'm going to have to claim her. She does sounds like she's actually part of your plan, so tell me more about her, before I go and can it by mistake.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright Im in, one question. Are all the heros of the story female?

Ill PM my character within a day or two. I choose strength if its alright. Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

At the minute they are all girls...but I don't think they have to be. Its just that the evil person was set as a girl in the story and din and me are girls Wink.
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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:29 am    Post subject: reply Reply with quote

Very Happy , I luv the idea!!!!plz let me hav a goblin (Magic i choose) mage, i just have a fascination of a goblin hero
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not the one to decide, you should PM din with your char.
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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

O.K then thanks. Still going to join though.

*walks off and begins to ponder possible character ideas.*
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In response to your questions,

Characters do not have to be all girls. I just chose my character as girl, and the evil as a girl. There are some many Dark Lords out there, and besides to me the blackness of night is undeniably female, and that is basically what the bad girl is The Darkness of All Nights.

I was planning to host this only once, so continuantions will be scheduled as they happen.

Anybody can claim any characteristic they want. But first come, first serve, etc, etc. I posted those characteristics only as guidlines to make the fullfilling of the prophecy a little easier. There not actually neccessary, they just make things easier.

Please P.M. me your character, or the introduction for your character, so I can incorprate this into the beggining of the story. This will make things easier to start off.

If you don't P.M your character/introduction, come prepared on the date with an introduction that I can paste into the SC.

The story will be schedule either as soon as their are five characters, or when we agree to a time. Whichever comes first.

How does tommorow or Tuesday at 7:30 p.m City of If Standard time, sound to everyone? If that isn't okay, or to soon, suggestions are welcome for a time are welcome. However, as your host I won't be able to get on until 7:30 p.m on any given night?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is City of IF standard time? And what is it in GMT?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I believe that City of If standard time is WSB, or Western Sea Board. But don't quote me. Put it this way, 7:30 p.m City of If time, is 11:30 p.m EST, or Eastern Standard Time.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 4:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not entirely sure - but working out the time by comparing the time it is here now with the time it is now on IF...
...In England the time on IF at 7:30pm is roughly 4:30am here.
If I'm right I won't be able to get on. Confused

Ogden the Octopus has hijacked my avatar image

chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anytime today, tommorow, Thursday, or Saturday this week are good for me too. They are my days 'off'.

However, if time differences continue to be a problem, as I think they might, I will make this an actual RPG. Time differences are a big hurdle and while I would like to have a live RPG, a RPG in the game section with this plot is bound to be interesting anyway. So if we cannot decide on a date and time that is good for everyone, I will go ahead and move this RPG to the game section.

Unless you want me to go ahead and move there right away, so we can skip the difficulties and go straight to the fun. But that's up to y'all, post what you think here.

*Sighs* Well a live RPG seemed a good idea at the time....
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's in the Game section anyway - I moved it some time ago.

From storychatting - as I mentioned - the best time for most people (although of course this didn't work for everyone) is about 7pm BST (British summer time) which is 6pm GMT and either 11am or 12pm City time.

Morning for the merkin's and early evening for the British.

We've had upwards of 10 people turn up for Storychats at that time.
The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own Satanic Herd!
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Sword of Ergos: Being the Second Part of The War of the Kindreds, as found recorded on 3 scrolls in the achieves of Andoria

Chapter 1: The Eastern Wind

The Wind stirs in the East, sweeping across desert, sea, mountain, and vale. Carring with it all the midriad promises of spring into the Vale of War, a new name given to an old place because of a war that took place five years before. It seemed a short time to the earth, it meant nothing to the skies, and the four winds were carless as the life mortals effected them not a wit. Nevertheless, Newsbearer as it was, Prophet amoung the Winds, the East Wind brought the smell of something other than Spring with it. It brought the smell of change.

All this was carried to the vale where we meet the first figure of our history, but the wind did not stay for it went ever on as winds often do. Nevertheless, with the scent of change and the smell of spring, this wind was what many would call: A Beginning

A figure of a lone woman stands on a top of a great hill. The landscape spreading like a canvas before her. She stands with her arms crossed hugging herself thightly across the chest as she vainly tried to capture the cloak that twirled out behind as from a great wind. She wears a loose white bloose drawn tight at the hollow of her throat with a interlacing leather throng, and a billowing green skirt held up only by the colorful red sash decorated with golden yellow flowers. A pair of soft dearskin boots, a staff, a gray cloak, and a bag thrown across her sholders completes her offit. A silver flute peeks out from her red sash glittering in the sun revealing her source of strength and trade.

Her name is Rain 'de-la'Nari of the Terikaren Gyspy Tribe. Her hair is the darkest shade of black, and her eyes glittered a strange purple that was at once sharp yet soft.

In the valley below, silence ruled. Not even the wind which so teased the hill tops and the trees that dotted them, destribuded (sp?) the quite within that lighted vale. Grass grew in that field, and a small glade of trees that boasted a bubbling spring stood to the left side of the viewer in the vale.

'It is so quite now,' thought Rain, as she was often called, 'who would have guessed that a battle took place here. And that I of all people fought in it, too.'

Indeed a battle had taken place in the vale, a long and desperate battle that had begun on the dusk of Illearin 13 and lasted until the pitchdark of Illearin the 15. Many destinies had been forged in the battle. Many nations, leaders, and people had fallen, and many had arose to take their place. Destinies had been sealed there, not the least of which was Rain's and perhaps yours.

'No sign of the strife that had taken place, what was it, five years ago, six?' Rain thought frowning. "No sign but one.'

That sign was a blade stuck towards the middle of the field. It had been driven there by the one who had decided the fate of the battle. By the one who had turned the tide from Evil winning to the victory of the Virtuous nations. By the one, that for the good of all, had lost his life. Erogos, the last King of the Dragon-people, a kindred of human who possesed the scales, wings, eyes, and wisdom of tongues from the dragon kind.

Rain remember well the last words of the Ergos spoke to her and the commander of the armies through twin crstal balls before they shattered, 'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right.'

It had been a prophecy speaking of six people. It had been a riddle too, a riddle that until today had been unsolved though many sages studied it.

All Rain knew that she was one of the six and that each of the six had been given a gift, a piece of magic from Ergos, that would solve that riddle.

The soft rustle of grass, and the crunching of a rocks betrayed the approach of another. Half afraid, half hopeful, Rain (her using name) turned around to see....

A beginning....A Change...A Person...An Arrival, but of what, but how, and but Who? The answer, my friends is within your hands.

Please post a response in context if you wished to join. Happy Dreaming, my friends. Come and join me if you wish, and ours shall be a pleasant dream.

By the way, I still am mainting the amount of players that I posted earlier. Parts have been reserved by Morzan who chose Strength, Solus.Serpen who chose light, and Lordofthenight who if he so choose will be playing our villan. This leaves 3 spots remaining.

Characteristics left are: A riddle solver who will wield Ergos Sword, Wisdom, and Magic. Choose wisely. And remember parts are given on a first come, first serve basis, so post away if you want to join. No p.m needed now since this is now a 'proper' rpg, simply post an introduction and wait for everyone else. (This Rpg will not be able to get properly started until all five spots and characteristics are filled).

Just wanted to thank everyone for their support even though this little 'idea' of mine fell throw. Hope you will do the honor of Roleplaying with me even if I have departed from the idea of a Live Storychat RPG. I realized upon looking at the SC, that this project simply wasn't for me, perhaps someone else could figure out how to carry this project. But for now, my idea remains simply as it was an idea.

Thank you hearitly and looking forward to an RPG anyway,


Last edited by dinranwen on Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:32 am; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was early morning when Ariana woke. Picking up the sound of the wind as it whistled past the mouth of the cave she was in, she sighed. She pushed herself up into a sitting position on the moss and flicked a stray blonde hair out of her eyes. Morning again She thought, but it was different today. There was a freshness on the air that was new, and being an elf, Ariana didn't miss it. She frowned, then got up and walked out of the mouth of the cave and on to the ledge that ran along the edge of the cliff. The ledge was thin, a foot and a half at its widest point, but this wasn't generally a problem to her. She had been lucky to find the cave, near on five years ago, but she didn't always look at it like that.
Ariana was a wood elf, and had wanted to go back to the wood after the war, but when she had tried, she had been driven out. She hadn't been in deep enough to find an elvish settlement, and hadn't tried after her first attempt. Now the few times she went in, she went only on the boarders, and did not linger. She knew that there was no hope of going further on her own. For although she was an elf, she knew bare minimum magic wise and couldn't take on too greater force. Suddenly she straightened. Carried on the wind she felt the slight presence of another. Stiffening, her hand reached for the dagger concealed in her green felt, 'fairly distinguishable as elven' cloak. Causiously, she approached the being, making sure she didn't lose her footing on the narrow path.
Rounding the corner in the rock face, she reached the crack in the rocks that would lead to the abandoned tunnels. She hesitated. Going through the tunnels was one way of getting down, but she wasn't sure she wanted to ge there right now. The tunnels, she assumed, had been old abandoned dwarven mines. Abandoned after the war. Everything seemed to revolve around the war, she thought. She had sheltered in the tunnels before finding the cave, and she had got to know them well. It was a dark and generally gloomy place, full of tunnels crisscrossing each other, and she had got lost plenty of times during her time down there. Sometimes days on end would be spent down there, aimlessly wandering, trying to find the way out. Now she prided herself on her knowledge of the tunnels. She had once wondered if she should make a map, but lacking the equiptment, she had kept it in her head instead. Occasionally venturing deep into the heart of the mountain to refreash her memory and dissipitate bordom.
The alternative to the tunnels was to climb down the steep cliff face. Again, no problem to her, but taking the wind into account it seemed almost preferable to travel through the tunnels. She hesitated for only a moment before turning and dissapearing through the crack, into the mountain.
The tunnel here was relatively dry but she knew that If you went too far down, it would start to get damp, then wet. She wasn't sure what caused this, but she knew that the cave system went not just through the mountain, but under it as well. The lower regions of the mountain she had yet to explore fully, but this was not something that she enjoyed. The darkness and relative silence (except for the dripping) of the lower levels frightened her. She was used to bright sunshine and laughter, and these memories would sometimes bring her great sadness, as she longed for company.
She hurried through the tunnels. Where the light was poor (most of the time) she would use her hand as a light. One of the few spells she knew. It had served her well during her times here, times that she hoped would soon be brought to an end.
She appeared back into the sunlight through another barely noticably crack near the bottom of the cliff. Jumping the last five/six metres, she landed lightly on her feet and lifted her head, eyes closed, trying to find the unfamiliar scent on the wind again. After a while it came to her and she headed towards a hill that stood not to far away. Running low so she would not be seen, she approached the hill and jumped up the rocks, getting slower and more careful when she neared the top.
When she reached the summit, she unsheathed her dagger and held it up protectively, only to find herself beholding an unarmed female. The female's black, raven like hair framed her face and she intrigued Airana. she appears harmless enough. thought Ariana warily, lowering her weapon, but not abondoning it entirely. But one can never be too sure.
She waited for the other to speak, but when no response came, out of sheer desperation, and the need for company, she dropped her dagger and raised her hands in a sign of peace. Well aware of the dangers implicated by giving up on her weapon. She had grown to not trust anyone.
"...Greet..ings..." She said hesitantly. Not having spoken to anyone for five years had made her human speak a little rusty, but still elegible. For now she waited...

Shocked oops, sorry its so long - I guess I must have got carried away! Oh well, I hope it gets the character across ok Wink.
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chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its good that its long solus, helps get into the character Wink .

You say I didn't! How dare you, I'm your superior officer", screamed Morzan at the cowering recruit.

"I-it's just you dont look young enough to have fought in the war. With all respect sir."

Who does he think he is? Ive seen more combat in more than one battle than he ever will in an entire war! Throwing a sparring blade to the young recruit and a few others. Morzan took two for himself, one each hand. He walked a few paces away and turned,

"Attack me, hit to kill"

At first the recruits looked at him dumbstruck. Awed by the old man and his sudden outburst. Three of the recruits, who had been there for a little longer than the rest, charged. One swung at Morzan's head. The attacke was fast and hard but dodged and the recruit was off balance. Bringing his knee into the attackers stomach, Morzan met his next opponent.

The recruit gave out a mighty shout and raised the sword behind his head. Morzan struck him in the ribs, hard, then spun and took the man's legs out with the other. The second man buckled and fell to the dirt holding his ribs. The last man leaped forward attempting to tackle Morzan. Backing up and bringing both swords up. Morzan slammed both hilts into the back of the man's head.

"That all you got?! You fight like those worms from the Ergo's war."

The last man, the recruit who had said he was too 'old', attacked. His blade was drawn back ready to stab. Morzan moved at the last second and brought the opponents blade to the ground and pinned it there with his foot. He kicked the man in the chin and sent him onto his back. As the recruit came up he crossed the blades across the man's throat.

"Still think I'm too 'old'?"

Those were the days. When Morzan was a force to be reconed with . He still was, but age was about to catch up with him and he knew it. But he didnt dwell on troubles if the future, he was only focused on the now. He was almost at the site. The place where the fate of the world was decided

Fixing his red cloak, adjusting his shirt and dusting off his black trousers he continued on his way. Holding the hilts of his old swords he walked with his head high and a smile on his face. But as he rounded the next bend he stopped and crouched, watching the raven haired elf sawy in the breeze. She was beautiful but Morzan knew not to fall for elves or their magic.

So he watched and waited. Waiting for something to happen, but what? What drew him to this place again? Knowing not to ponder on fate and destiny Morzan shuffled silently forward, drawing a dagger from his boot, maybe he could take the elf by suprise he could find out why its there. People didnt come to this place unless they were drawn to it. He knew that, he knew that better than anyone else.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

((*Cough* Ummm...Rain is certainly not an elf if your refering to her, Morzan, and I'm not sure if Ariana has raven hair. *Cough, Cough*))

There was someone behind her, Rain could sense that, two people in fact. Too many years in danger had taught her senses to be aware of everything, even the breeze. When the sound of a rough voice crying greetings, and the sound of footsteps halting confirmed her insticts, Rain prepared herself for anything.

Rain 'de-la'Nari sifted her foot a little to the side, taking a postition that very few know, and very few indeed wish to see. It was the position of one who was preparing themselves to fight and at the same time it was the easy position of a musician preparing himself to play before a great audience. Thus prepared, Rain turned to face the figures behind her all the while keeping her stance while one pale hand rested gracefully on hip covering her flute as it did so.

Two figures where indeed behind her, an female elf and an old rough man who had been or was a solider by his looks. They were both armed, the solider with his sword and the elf with her dagger. Obviously neither of them expected her in this place, but nevertheless like her they had been drawn here.

'I wonder if they remember my face,' Rain thought as her purple eyes turned bright. 'Though even I will admit, my eyes are hard to forget. I wonder too, if they remember or even if they know about the prophecy. I wonder if they remember the prophecy.'

Looking closely at the figures behind her, she gazed first at their eyes and for a moment she gazed at nothing else. It is said that the eyes are the window of the soul but true or not, Rain found what she sought in each of their eyes. For beyond the sights, emotions, and thoughts of their eyes; within each of the strangers eyes glimmered a sparkle of something else.

Rain knew a simmlar sparkle lurked in her eyes, and knew well what it meant. 'Willing or no, Knowing or not,' Rain thought, 'these two are enrapped in the prophecy, their eyes cannot lie. But are they my friends in it, or my enemies. We will see.'

Deciding to address them she turned first to the elf who had offered the voice of Greetings, Rain 'de-la'Nari respond as one unused to exchanging such curesties, "Greetings, you have nothing to fear from me. I am unarmed as you can plainly see."

Within the woodland elf's eyes were veiled with regret, memories of tunnels, and dark but beneath it all there was light, Rain decided, Light and Laughter. 'Elf or not,' Rain thought, 'I would hope to find such in the eyes of my friend.

This though spoken to the elf whose outdrawn knife and wary eyes told a tale of their own, included the solider who stood as one waiting for something.

Turning her eyes to the solider, her eyes kindled for a moment with the lavender sparkle of recongization.

"It seems to me that I know your face," Rain said speaking to the solider alone this time. The old solider was indeed old, but it seemed to Rain that within his eyes the strength of his youth still remained recalling earlier days. Strength, resignation, anger, and perhaps stubborness, Rain concluded.

Frowning with a momentary thought, Rain smiled agian briefly, "Come, I am unarmed woman alone pray comfort me a little by letting me you mean me know harm by telling me your names and whether you be friend or foe."

"Two are still missing,' mused Rain half to herself, as she awaited the strangers anwsers, "and that we are only three, but perhaps the others will come later...for now it is time to be friendly, my dear, and high time too."

Last edited by dinranwen on Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(*cough*In your first chapter you said you had turned around when you heard the footsteps, din. When I wrote my intro, I was given the impression I was facing you. Plus I had dropped my dagger before saying greetings...*cough*Morzan, my hair is blonde.*cough*)
Aware that there were footsteps behind her, Ariana half turned, careful to keep the raven haried lady in her sight. There was an old man, clearly once, if not still, a soldier. Warily, she bent and picked up her dagger. Why was there suddenly so many people? She felt out of her depth. Just as she was considering asking the old man who he was, the raven haired lady turned her eyes on her and she met her gaze cooly. The lady's gaze was piercing and Ariana realised that she was looking deep into her soul. Uncomfortable with this contact, Ariana broke the gaze, but not before she had seen something in the other's eyes. Destiny, a strong pull that seemed to link them, and a glint. A glint so similar to the one in her own eyes, that she felt unnerved. Just as she was about to speak, Raven (as Ariana had nicknamed the lady) spoke:
"Greetings, you have nothing to fear from me. I am unarmed as you can plainly see."
Ariana noticed that she too seemed unused to such pleasantries.
Raven then studied the soldier, and said:
"It seems to me that I know your face."
Ariana, taking time to study the soldier herself, felt no such recognition.
"Come, I am unarmed woman alone pray comfort me a little by letting me you mean me know harm by telling me your names and whether you be friend or foe."
This startled Ariana out of her reverie, and she looked back to raven, careful to keep her body still half turned so that she could keep both in her vision.
"Ariana." she said quietly, touching her lips and bowing slightly. Being an elf, she had many customs. "I .. am ... .. friend." She managed, annoyed at her lack of knowledge in this tongue. But only if you are. She added to herself as an afterthought.
Deciding that she should do something to show this, in case they did not understand her words, she sheathed her weapon. Then, taking a step closer to raven, she turned and faced the soldier. With a dagger in his hand, he still held the most threat, and Ariana was fairly sure that raven meant no harm. She saw no reason to assume this for the soldier though, and kept her hand close to her dagger, poised for action...

Ogden the Octopus has hijacked my avatar image

chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll Join and take Wisdom please.

By the way, where you said humanoids does that include half-humans, like fauns or nymphs? The word 'humanoid' is always a little vague.

Tea Cures All.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Sorry I got my thoughts crossed. I knew Solus was an elf, but I also kew that Din had black hair. So I thought that Din was an elf and, ya, I got my thoughts became crossed. Sorry about that, I was looking at Din though.)

Morzan watched the raven haired woman and continued to move forward. Suddenly the woman stirred and turned. Taken back for a moment Morzan stopped. The womans eyes were purple! Something in the back of his mind pinged as if a piece of a puzzle came together. But what was it?

Morzan took a step back then stood up. He didn't deposit his sword, he kept it drawn and held at his side. He wasn't realy sure about this woman. She may have looked familiar but he wasn't sure if it was a good memory or a bad one. He took a few steps forward then froze. Out of the corner of his eye he say movement. A small person with pointed ears walked out of the mountain.

The raven haired woman began to speak,

"Come, I am unarmed woman alone pray comfort me a little by letting me you mean me know harm by telling me your names and whether you be friend or foe."

Putting his hand on the other hilt of his blade. Morzan began to move towards the woman. They elf said somthing but he ignored it. He wasn't worried about the elf, it wouldn't cause him any trouble. Tree people never were very violent unless provoked. His focus was on the woman. With an authoritive bark he asked,

"Your name first!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(I am a fairly violent elf actually. Five years of solidarity has seen to that. And morzan...please read the story! When Din and you locked eyes I was already on the hill. In fact, I was already on the hill by the time you got there! And I may not be so dangerous until provoked, but by ignoring me, I think you just provoked me pretty well. Especially as you just refered to me as
He wasn't worried about the elf, it wouldn't

an it. Shocked Mad Surprised :twisted: Wink.)

Ogden the Octopus has hijacked my avatar image

chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Please join White Blacksmith. It would be our pleasure to have you.)

"Ariania." The elf had said pointing to herself. "" Obviously unfamilar with Common Tongue, Rain thought to herself. She seems friendly enough, just a bit distrustful that's all.

The solider however, remained firm and proud. Taking a step
forward, he said "Your Name first."

Despite herself, Rain laughed softly, and then sweeping her skirts backwards, she gave a bow that was so perfect it would have made a curtier blush.

"Rain 'de-la'Nari of Terikaren Gyspy Tribe, sometime musician favoring of all instutments the flute, sometime bard and storyteller. Who having no nation claims only the Sky, living nowhere except that which Nature and Good furtune preside. In the twenty-fifth summer of my life, daughter of Narian and Illiar who beeing under the headship of Kalmar bequeth the title of the Terikaren Tribe to me and to any children I am graced with, possesing the title of Journier by skill and by grace," here she took a deep breath, "At your service."

Laughing agian, Rain pulled out a purple ribbon out of bag and began to pull up her hair into a loose bun. "So sorry about that...but you asked me my name, and unforuantly all that was part of my name. Still you are lucky in that you did ask my full name, that is quite lengthy, or even who I was for that is a even longer introduction. YOU should have asked me what I was called, for though I might lie with the question put that way, it would have at least been shorter."

"But since you ammuse me, solider. I will tell what I will have you call me. You may call me, Rain."

Realizing suddenly that the elf, who seemed to no so little of Common tongue, Rain turned to face Ariana.

"Rain," she said pointing herself and then adding in somewhat rough Silvan. "Some of your kind used to call me Celebrin
((yes, I borrowed from Tolkien)) because a gift they once gave me. You may call me that if," here she switched to common to say her name for a momnent but then continued in Silvan, "Rain 'de-la'Nari, is hard for you to say."

Rain hoped that Silvan is what this elf spoke, for it was only elvish she knew. She had learned it from the Silvan Wood Elves who had lived next to her tribes winter home. Many of the elves had been her friends, and though years of neglect had roughened her accent to that of a stranger speaking silvan, her memory was still perfect. Smiling softly at the memories, the hand resting on her flute began to stroke it absently.

Shaking her head, Rain recalled herself to the task at hand. There was still the solider to deal with. Finishing her bun, Rain's purple eyes returned to their normal coolness as the warmth of her memories slowly left them.

"Now, for your name, Solider. You WILL put up your sword, I trust. Now that you know both my name and the elf's, or if you missed hers it is Ariana; You should at least put away your sword to prove yourself friendly. Besides, I trust that a solider would be able to defend himself from two women," Rain's eyes flashed suggestively, "or are you afraid of us?"
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Sorry Solus. Its juat that I didnt notice you character at the time is all. Either way Im sure living on your own has hardened you, but we'll see how much in the coming story Wink )

The elf off to the side pointed to herself and said


Great, thought Morzan, she cant even speak basic. That will complicate things. Suddenly the woman moved. Curtsing like a queen and said,

"Rain 'de-la'Nari of Terikaren Gyspy Tribe, sometime musician favoring of all instutments the flute, sometime bard and storyteller. Who having no nation claims only the Sky, living nowhere except that which Nature and Good furtune preside. In the twenty-fifth summer of my life, daughter of Narian and Illiar who beeing under the headship of Kalmar bequeth the title of the Terikaren Tribe to me and to any children I am graced with, possesing the title of Journier by skill and by grace," here she took a deep breath, "At your service."

A lengthly description and very formal. The woman spoke again and, this time fishing a purple ribbon out of her pack.

Laughing again, The woman started to pull up her hair into a loose bun. "So sorry about that...but you asked me my name, and unforuantly all that was part of my name. Still you are lucky in that you did ask my full name, that is quite lengthy, or even who I was for that is a even longer introduction. YOU should have asked me what I was called, for though I might lie with the question put that way, it would have at least been shorter."

After that she spoke again,

"But since you ammuse me, solider. I will tell what I will have you call me. You may call me, Rain."

Rain suddenly had an expression of realization then turned to the elf. She started speaking a language that sounded like gibberish to Morzan. That Rain certainly is talkative. But people who often talk are just hiding something. Morzan let a small smile pass over his lips, and she finds me amusing.

After an exchange of more gibberish between the elf Ariana and Rain. Rain turned back to Morzan and said,

"Now, for your name, Solider. You WILL put up your sword, I trust. Now that you know both my name and the elf's, or if you missed hers it is Ariana; You should at least put away your sword to prove yourself friendly. Besides, I trust that a solider would be able to defend himself from two women," Rain's eyes flashed suggestively, "or are you afraid of us?"

Morzan felt his heart flutter with anger. He tightened the grip on his sword then let it loosen. These two meant no harm but he would not be pushed around by some woman he had never met before. He deposited his sword and against his own judgement he bowed and said,

"I am Morzan," he paused for a moment,

"Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."

He looked up with a smile,

"At your service."
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(dinny, I assume from your post that halflings are allowed so if I'm wrong I can change my post.)

I had been watching the three for some time now. I couldn't hear much but I soon would. The wind was about to change. Aaaand... now!

Words drifted down to my hiding place at the bottom of the cliff,

"...soldier would be able to defend himself from two women"- Here there was a pause: The speaker had probably made a challenging gesture- "or are you afraid of us?"

There was another pause and if I stood on tip-hooves I could see that one of them, presumably male, had bowed to the other two. He spoke:

"I am Morzan"- Ah, here was someone I had heard a lot about. He must have what, 10, 12 books on him? I wanted to hear more, hear his ego, if he had one- "Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."

I had a decision to make, now. I knew this was indeed the place I had been searching for, because he had been at the battle of Ergos and would have been more likely to have heard the dying speech of Ergos. I too had been at the battle, for I was the tactitician for the Centaur Lord, and I had heard every word said. Indeed, when I had started to feel the urge to come take me out of my beloved libraries I had thought I must be dreaming, for surely he had given me nothing! Still, come I had, and the prophecy must be fullfilled.

I had learnt all I needed to, and so I started out from my hiding place, making sure my staff was strapped to my underbelly, my Joining-Plate was shined and tight round my Join
((Where Human and Horse parts meet)) and my pack was firmly on my back. I set off at a trot, started to canter and made it up to almost the place where people were easily. I checked that my gown wasn't mussed, my hooves weren't dusty and I looked every inch the centaur I would've been in the Lord's Court.

Then I took a deep breath and set off up the hill.

(In case you haven't noticed I'm a bit vain, because if you don't look perfect in the Lord's Court you get beheaded.)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

(Hm. Thats ok Morzan. I was tired and a little irratable when I wrote my last post.)
Although raven had heard what she said, and seemed to take notice, the soldier ignored her and instead said, rather agressively:
"Your Name first."
Ariana bristled slightly at being ignored, and at the arogant nature of the armed man, but quelled her anger as she saw no point in fighting people she did not know. Then raven spoke. She spoke in human tongue, and quite fast, but Ariana still managed to understand the basics of the first half.
"Rain 'de-la'Nari of Terikaren Gyspy Tribe, sometime musician favoring of all instutments the flute, sometime bard and storyteller. Who having no nation claims only the Sky, living nowhere except that which Nature and Good furtune preside..."
After that, Ariana lost track. But from what she had gathered, she decided that Rain 'de-la'Nari was someone who she might get along well with. While thinking this, Ariana missed what Rain 'de-la'Nari said to the armed man, but was cruelly startled out of her thoughts when she heard someone speaking in Silvan. Although Silvan was not her native language, she had travelled in earlier days, and had picked it up from there.
"Rain,"Here Rain 'de-la'Nari pointed at herself. "Some of your kind used to call me Celebrin because a gift they once gave me. You may call me that if," here she switched to common to say her name for a momnent but then continued in Silvan, "Rain 'de-la'Nari, is hard for you to say."
Ariana noticed that after she said this, her eyes seemed to become warmer and more friendly. She has happy memories. thought Ariana, remembering some of her own.
Then Rain's eyes became cold again and she spoke, this time her words were directed to the soldier.
"Now, for your name, Solider. You WILL put up your sword, I trust. Now that you know both my name and the elf's, or if you missed hers it is Ariana; You should at least put away your sword to prove yourself friendly. Besides, I trust that a solider would be able to defend himself from two women," Rain's eyes flashed suggestively, "or are you afraid of us?"
Ariana expected some sort of outburst from the soldier at this, but instead he bowed and said;
"I am Morzan," (Pause) "Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."
He looked up with a smile;
"At your service."
Ariana was too surprised at this change of behaviour, (and trying to interpret the second part of his speach), to speak. Just then, she heard the sound of hoofs behind her and turned. It was a centaur! She quickly skipped out of the way and eyed the newcomer (again) warily. Her hand, which had left her side, now resumed to hovering next to her dagger. As she waited for the centaur to speak.
This day keeps on getting stranger and stranger she thought. No company in five years...and now three come along at once!

Ogden the Octopus has hijacked my avatar image

chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!

Last edited by solus.serpen on Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

((Humaniod: possesing characteristics that are recongizable human, either in automny, personality, or length of life. This usually excludes any species that would unable to survive in enviorments, ie. sunlight, air, etc, that normal humans dwell in. This normally excludes vampires [who can't stand normal sunlight], demons [not recongizably human in any sense], or gods [who are immortal].

However Centaurs are fine since they are recongized race that is known to be friendly. Plus they are normally mortal, and live no longer or shorter than the average lifespan for their species.

What I probably should have said was pure breeds only, or any recongizable realistic/mytholigical race. This would enclude centaurs, halflings, elves, dragon-people, etc. Really the only reason I made this qualification is because I difficulties with other 'races', 'half-breeds', 'non-humans', in the past.

For example in one RP I hosted but then quite because of the characters that appeared I had: A half-dragon, half-human, half-elf, vampire [clearly impossible]; a god; a cat-human demon who was half-angel; and a 'Ratroci' or a rat-like human creature that I'm convinced the person made up from a nightmare.

Sorry for the confusion. Now, where was I?))

The solider was obviously proud, Rain could see that. Instead of laughing of her words as Rain intended, the solider eye's grew angry and he tightened his grip on his sword.

For a moment, Rain let the shield around her icy exterior drop and fear glimmered briefly in her eyes. As she eyed the solider cautiously watching his face and hands closely, the hand on her flute tightened and she slowly loosened it a tad out of her sash.

After hestitaing for a but a moment, the solider sheathed his sword. Rain heaved a visible sigh of relief, and tucked her flute back into her sash.

With a bow the solider said, "I am Morzan," here he paused for a moment,

"Officer of human forces from the battle of Ergo's and recent. Superior Officer at Legional Fort Danika. Adept swordsman and tactican. My age is of no matter. Let my courage and strength define me."

He looked up with a smile,

"At your service."

Morzan....the name clicked with his face and Rain suddenly knew why his face seemed fimlar. He had been a solider in the armies...memories came with this thought. Memories of horror beyond imagining. Of a King sacrificing himself for his people, for other's lives, for a girl he didn't even know.

Rain's face and figure betrayed her thoughts as her mind took her back to the field where she had stood those years before. Fear reflected in her eyes, sorrow, and regret; and the shield she had so carefully contstucted for herself fell for a but a moment, and in the moment, Rain showed who she really was.

She looked like a woman who upon facing her worst fear was given a chance to destroy it had failed, and upon failing had watched as others died as a consequence.

With visible effort, Rain straighten herself up and with deep breaths her face regain its tranquility, and her eyes only were left to betray her previous thoughts; for within them behind the deceptive glass of icyness Rain tried to erict still lingered the fear, sorrow, and regret she had experienced but moments before.

Deciding it was best to leave the past alone with its memories, Rain dismissed the thought that this Morzan, as the solider claimed to be named, was familar to her.

Opening her mouth to speak, Rain was interuppted by the sound of hooves.

Expecting to see a man on horseback, Rain turned around to see a centaur.

Quickly shutting her mouth which had opened in temporary surprise at this unexpected arrival, Rain smiled and said one word, "FOUR."

**Credit is given to Nicole Credit, who did the orginal of this picture, only color enhancing was done by me. Hope you enjoy this picture of Rain 'de-la'Nari.

Last edited by dinranwen on Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After his little introduction Morzan stood up and regained his composure. These people were not enemies and didn't seem a threat. They seem to make good company too. But Morzan did not drop his guard completely. His training held him rigged and aware.

Morzan saw something in Rain's eyes. It looked like she had jsut seen something out of an old childhood nightmare. The emotion quickly vanished and she returned to her normal state. But the silence between the three of them didn't last long. Somewhere near, the sound of hooves echoed.

A horse, someone else is here. Morzan went into a ready stance and put his hands on the hilts of his blades. He relaxed as he saw a head come bobing up the side of the cliff. But what suprised him the most was that the body was attached to the horse.

A centaur came padding up the rock face. Morzan stared for a moment at the creature then relaxed. The centaur only had a staff from the looks of things. But the creatures eyes, they were so intelligent and seemed familiar. Rain spoke as the centaur came up and approached the party,

"FOUR", she said.

Morzan stood there, waiting for something to happen.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When Rain said, "FOUR", something sparked in Ariana's mind, and she vaguely remembered something she had been told as a small child. Something which had been explored in more depth when she had grown. A prophersy. As a young elf she had witnessed the fevor of a dying elf, a great seer in her community. Just before she died, the elf had grasped Ariana's hands and rasped, "Find Ergos. Ask him..prophesy..Chosen one..."

She had died then, leaving Ariana to think on those words. It had troubled her to start with, but living with the elves had soon taken her troubles away - at least for a while. A few years later, and the words had returned in a dream. This time, the old elf sounded angry, and Ariana knew that it was time for her to leave. Her family had been full of sorrow when she announced she was leaving, and one of her brothers had gone with her, for a while.

Then had followed a long period of travelling, searching for Ergos. Ariana had enjoyed this, she loved travelling, and soon realised that she didn't want to find Ergos, because if she did, she felt that this would stop. That her life would change, and she just wanted it to stay as it was. She found that, subconsiously, she started to fear coming to next town/village in case she should find him there. And upon reaching the villages, and not finding him, she would try to stay as long as she could, for fear that this would be the last place she would stay before she found him. She told nothing of this to her brother.

The more she travelled, the more this fear grew, and she soon found that she was ignoring the beauty of her surroundings.Her eyes became full of mistrust. She began to suspect people of hiding things from her, and started to check behind her while travelling, incase someone was following her. She could not sleep easy at night, and soon stopped trying. This was the 'low' part of Ariana's life. Due to lack of sleep, she became somewhat irritable and disliked by the people she came to in towns. Her brother noticed, but every time he tried to talk, she would not listen. It was about then that she found out about the war. Her brother told her to go to the nearest elven city and stay there until the war was over, but she would have none of it.

There is no point in me continuing. she had said bitterly, It is a stupid quest, and I wish she had never told me about this man Erogos. She was having a laugh, it can't have been true! And if it is, then how am I supposed to find one being in a world this big? How do I know Ergos is even alive, maybe he is an object?
If it is true, her brother had replied, Then you will find Ergos, whatever that is. It is fated.

She had ignored him and gone to war anyway. Many people from her elfven tribe had gone too, but they had all (to her knowledge) died in the fighting that ensued. It had crushed her, but during the war, she had found Erogos, and he had told her his prophersy.
' 'Four years will pass in quiet but not in peace, for our enemy will flee this day. She will not yet be killed. Four years, and then on the fifth you will meet. For one that day, one of the people whom I have chosen will draw my sword from the ground where it now stands. The Sword will answer where words will fail, over Darkness the Light will prevail, where strength is gone, forget not the wisdom, when wisdom ceases to answer look to magic, where magic fails doubt not the music of the Soul, As music shatters look to the Right.'

She looked up, and remembered that the centaur was there. Giving a little start, she bowed slightly and touched her lips.
"Welcome...we are..friends. You are...?"

(Shocked Ok - I didn't mean to go that in-depth with the character's history! I just got a little carried away. Smile . And btw, I know all of Ariana's life history sounds positively depressing, she has managed to sleep quite well, and lived a fairly decent, if lonely life for the last five years, and so she has improved a lot. She just looks too much at her past and not enough at her future - hopefully, she will find this out before long Wink.)
Ogden the Octopus has hijacked my avatar image

chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

((Just thought I take advantage of the brief break we seem to have going here as we await our introduction to our Centaur friend.

Here's some annocements for this game:

On text colors in my post---To help with confusion that might accure later in the game, I have three different text colors for three different things.

As you noticed Teal will appear anytime the character of Rain is being played.

Green will be used anytime there is a title change. This will probably happen much later in the game when things take a rather drastic turn.

Our narrations will be purple. . Anytime you see purple please pay attention for it is in the purple that plot twist, changes of scenery, hints, and turns will be posted. This means that purple , our narrator will keep us abreast of any major changes in the game.

Black in my post will always be off topic remarks and will be encassed in ((parenthicals (sp?))) like such.

Second in Aunnocements, if all goes well we should have another person joining this rp soon. Smudger has sent me a p.m saying that he/she would to join. Hopefully we will see his character around soon.

This will put our number up to Five, which brings me up to the question part of my annocements.

Technically the prophecy should include six people, yet I could probably make due with only five characters. Although it is fesible to bretray as the Sword bearer as a character already present, it would be a little easier for me if we had one more person.

So here's where the question comes in: Do y'all want to go ahead with the rpg after the Centaur and Smudger's character are introduced? Or do you want to wait for the sixth and final person?

After y'all decide and introductions are made for all of the characters that are going to join, this rpg will be ready to get really started.

The Drawing of the Sword, the re-uttering of the prophecy, and A Decision shall follow almost immediatly after the Introductions have been made.

After that is finished, Part 2 of the Sword of Ergos: The Path of Six/Five, or The Fulliment of Times: Being the continuation of the Sword of Ergos as found on the Second Roll of that chronical. Will start, or soon afterwards. All characters that take part in this first part intitled The Sword of Ergos: Being the second part of the Kindred Wars, are welcome to join in the second act, which will also be posted on this board.

In fact, it won't so much be a different rpg, but rather the same rpg in a different setting with a slight change of titles.

Waiting impatiently for these cheese ball to start rolling,

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:46 pm    Post subject: reply Reply with quote

(Sorry for the delay din, school started back today, its not very good, but didnt want to delay the others........)

Graeme limped forward, leaning heavily on his staff. He didn't cut a striking figure. With his shoulders in a permanent slump, a badly injured leg from a bad fall of a horse, and a squinty eye, he was pitied by everyone. Who cares that he's a hunchback, he regularly thought angrily.Add his rather shabby appearance, a dust stained robe held up by hemp rope, that was his worldly possesions. He was a cleric for Fenor, god of the wanderers and travelors all over. Though he moved like a sixty year old he was actually just turned twenty-two. He had been wandering around the world searching for his ancient old grandfather's prophecy, the one involving Ergos, he was tired and had went searching years ago, but to no avail. Now his luck had changed....

He slowly moved down the road but, glanced up as he heard someone speak. It was a rather striking looking woman with purple eyes.


He chuckled as he glanced at the rest of the group. This is it, finally he thought. I'll fit right in. He shambled up the road until someone noticed him.

"My my my, a gypsy, a furtive looking elf, a grizled old veteran, one of those horsefolk who's name I can never pronounce and now me, a weary, dust stained hunchback. World beaters one and all," He laughed harshly.

He stared from one to the other. "This shall be an interesting journey indeed...."
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

(I'll get back on that later, but first, a question...of what race are you Smudger?)
Ogden the Octopus has hijacked my avatar image

chapter 6 of DESTINY - a super old SG which won't continue...but there are a full 6 chapters if you feel like reading something with no ending!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

((Hope your still planning on being a goblin Smudger. That would make a very unique party wouldn't it? Two humans, a centaur, an elf, a goblin and a possible sixth party. Very intersting. Still waiting for Whitey to post their introduction.

The introductions alone in this story have been great. Cant wait till the story realy gets started (which I hope is soon before I get back into school Wink ). Looking forward to the adventure anyway.)
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To break the tie...the Events of the Storygame will follow..
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The events of this rpg tweaked with Din's orginal ideas
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The events of this rpg, but leave out the boring parts, and rewritten for interest sake
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